        //creates a new wallet entry
        public string Wallet_CreateAddress()
            //Use the Crypto provider to generate a new public + private key pair
            //export encoded string representations (usually base 64) of the public and private keys
            string privateKey = _cryptoProvider.ExportPrivateKey();
            string publicKey  = _cryptoProvider.ExportPublicKey();

            //use the Address Encode mentods of the Cryto provider to create a BitCoin like address from the public key
            string address = CryptoProvider.AddressEncoder.CreateAddress(publicKey);

            //create the wallet entry object and add it to the wallet
            WalletLib.WalletEntry we = new WalletLib.WalletEntry(address, publicKey, privateKey, 0);

            //return the new entry
        //selects the specified address from the wallet
        //Initializes the crypto provider with the public and private keys from the wallet
        public bool Wallet_SelectAddress(int index)
            bool result = false;

            if (_wallet.WalletEntries.Count() > index)
                //if the wallet entry was found at the specified index,
                //initialize the crypto provider instance with the public and private keys from the wallet
                WalletLib.WalletEntry we = _wallet.WalletEntries[index];
                result = false;

        //sends a Balance request to the BlockChain server
        //A list of adresses fromt he client wallet is sent
        public void Wallet_Balance()
            var json_serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            //serialize the list of addresses from the client wallet
            List <string> addressList = _wallet.WalletEntries.Select(x => x.address).ToList();
            string        addresses   = json_serializer.Serialize(addressList);

            RestClientLib.RestClient client = new RestClientLib.RestClient();

            //send request to the BlockChain Server
            string url        = rootUrl + "/balance";
            string jsonResult = client.Post(url, addresses);

            //deserialize the list of balances returned
            List <Output> balances = json_serializer.Deserialize <List <Output> >(jsonResult);

            //update the wallet entry balance for each address returned
            foreach (Output o in balances)
                WalletLib.WalletEntry we = _wallet.WalletEntries.Where(x => x.address == o.address).FirstOrDefault();
                if (we != null)
                    if (o.amount < 0)
                        we.amount = 0;
                        we.amount = o.amount;

            //save the wallet