    void HandleCharacterMovement()
        // horizontal character rotation
            // rotate the transform with the input speed around its local Y axis
            transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0f, (m_InputHandler.GetLookInputsHorizontal() * rotationSpeed * RotationMultiplier), 0f), Space.Self);

        // vertical camera rotation
            // add vertical inputs to the camera's vertical angle
            m_CameraVerticalAngle += m_InputHandler.GetLookInputsVertical() * rotationSpeed * RotationMultiplier;

            // limit the camera's vertical angle to min/max
            m_CameraVerticalAngle = Mathf.Clamp(m_CameraVerticalAngle, -89f, 89f);

            // apply the vertical angle as a local rotation to the camera transform along its right axis (makes it pivot up and down)
            if (wallRunComponent != null)
                playerCamera.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(m_CameraVerticalAngle, 0, wallRunComponent.GetCameraRoll());
                playerCamera.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(m_CameraVerticalAngle, 0, 0);

        // character movement handling
        bool isSprinting = m_InputHandler.GetSprintInputHeld();
            if (isSprinting)
                isSprinting = SetCrouchingState(false, false);

            float speedModifier = isSprinting ? sprintSpeedModifier : 1f;

            // converts move input to a worldspace vector based on our character's transform orientation
            Vector3 worldspaceMoveInput = transform.TransformVector(m_InputHandler.GetMoveInput());

            // handle grounded movement
            if (isGrounded || (wallRunComponent != null && wallRunComponent.IsWallRunning()))
                if (isGrounded)
                    // calculate the desired velocity from inputs, max speed, and current slope
                    Vector3 targetVelocity = worldspaceMoveInput * maxSpeedOnGround * speedModifier;
                    // reduce speed if crouching by crouch speed ratio
                    if (isCrouching)
                        targetVelocity *= maxSpeedCrouchedRatio;
                    targetVelocity = GetDirectionReorientedOnSlope(targetVelocity.normalized, m_GroundNormal) * targetVelocity.magnitude;

                    // smoothly interpolate between our current velocity and the target velocity based on acceleration speed
                    characterVelocity = Vector3.Lerp(characterVelocity, targetVelocity, movementSharpnessOnGround * Time.deltaTime);
                // jumping
                if ((isGrounded || (wallRunComponent != null && wallRunComponent.IsWallRunning())) && m_InputHandler.GetJumpInputDown())
                    // force the crouch state to false
                    if (SetCrouchingState(false, false))
                        if (isGrounded)
                            // start by canceling out the vertical component of our velocity
                            characterVelocity = new Vector3(characterVelocity.x, 0f, characterVelocity.z);
                            // then, add the jumpSpeed value upwards
                            characterVelocity += Vector3.up * jumpForce;
                            characterVelocity = new Vector3(characterVelocity.x, 0f, characterVelocity.z);
                            // then, add the jumpSpeed value upwards
                            characterVelocity += wallRunComponent.GetWallJumpDirection() * jumpForce;

                        // play sound

                        // remember last time we jumped because we need to prevent snapping to ground for a short time
                        m_LastTimeJumped   = Time.time;
                        hasJumpedThisFrame = true;

                        // Force grounding to false
                        isGrounded     = false;
                        m_GroundNormal = Vector3.up;

                // footsteps sound
                float chosenFootstepSFXFrequency = (isSprinting ? footstepSFXFrequencyWhileSprinting : footstepSFXFrequency);
                if (m_footstepDistanceCounter >= 1f / chosenFootstepSFXFrequency)
                    m_footstepDistanceCounter = 0f;

                // keep track of distance traveled for footsteps sound
                m_footstepDistanceCounter += characterVelocity.magnitude * Time.deltaTime;
            // handle air movement
                if (wallRunComponent == null || (wallRunComponent != null && !wallRunComponent.IsWallRunning()))
                    // add air acceleration
                    characterVelocity += worldspaceMoveInput * accelerationSpeedInAir * Time.deltaTime;

                    // limit air speed to a maximum, but only horizontally
                    float   verticalVelocity   = characterVelocity.y;
                    Vector3 horizontalVelocity = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(characterVelocity, Vector3.up);
                    horizontalVelocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(horizontalVelocity, maxSpeedInAir * speedModifier);
                    characterVelocity  = horizontalVelocity + (Vector3.up * verticalVelocity);

                    // apply the gravity to the velocity
                    characterVelocity += Vector3.down * gravityDownForce * Time.deltaTime;

        // apply the final calculated velocity value as a character movement
        Vector3 capsuleBottomBeforeMove = GetCapsuleBottomHemisphere();
        Vector3 capsuleTopBeforeMove    = GetCapsuleTopHemisphere(m_Controller.height);

        m_Controller.Move(characterVelocity * Time.deltaTime);

        // detect obstructions to adjust velocity accordingly
        m_LatestImpactSpeed = Vector3.zero;
        if (Physics.CapsuleCast(capsuleBottomBeforeMove, capsuleTopBeforeMove, m_Controller.radius, characterVelocity.normalized, out RaycastHit hit, characterVelocity.magnitude * Time.deltaTime, -1, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
            // We remember the last impact speed because the fall damage logic might need it
            m_LatestImpactSpeed = characterVelocity;

            characterVelocity = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(characterVelocity, hit.normal);
    // Updates the weapon bob animation based on character speed
    void UpdateWeaponBob()
        if (Time.deltaTime > 0f)
            Vector3 playerCharacterVelocity = (m_PlayerCharacterController.transform.position - m_LastCharacterPosition) / Time.deltaTime;

            // calculate a smoothed weapon bob amount based on how close to our max grounded movement velocity we are
            float characterMovementFactor = 0f;

            if (m_PlayerCharacterController.isGrounded || (wallRunComponent != null && wallRunComponent.IsWallRunning()))
                characterMovementFactor = Mathf.Clamp01(playerCharacterVelocity.magnitude / (m_PlayerCharacterController.maxSpeedOnGround * m_PlayerCharacterController.sprintSpeedModifier));
            m_WeaponBobFactor = Mathf.Lerp(m_WeaponBobFactor, characterMovementFactor, bobSharpness * Time.deltaTime);

            // Calculate vertical and horizontal weapon bob values based on a sine function
            float bobAmount = isAiming ? aimingBobAmount : defaultBobAmount;
            float frequency = bobFrequency;
            float hBobValue = Mathf.Sin(Time.time * frequency) * bobAmount * m_WeaponBobFactor;
            float vBobValue = ((Mathf.Sin(Time.time * frequency * 2f) * 0.5f) + 0.5f) * bobAmount * m_WeaponBobFactor;

            // Apply weapon bob
            m_WeaponBobLocalPosition.x = hBobValue;
            m_WeaponBobLocalPosition.y = Mathf.Abs(vBobValue);

            m_LastCharacterPosition = m_PlayerCharacterController.transform.position;