    //Activates pulling effect of grenade
    void ActivateGrenade()
        colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, radius);
        foreach (Collider hit in colliders)
            //Gets Gameobject of collider and its components
            GameObject go = hit.transform.gameObject;

            WallBlockScript cubeScript = go.GetComponent <WallBlockScript> ();

            //Calculates position of the object that is affected
            Vector3 posOfHitObj = hit.gameObject.transform.position;

            //Calculates the direction in which object will be pulled
            Vector3 directionOfPull = transform.position - posOfHitObj;

            //Unfreezes the rigibody of the cube + unfreezes it
            Rigidbody rb = hit.GetComponent <Rigidbody> ();
            if (rb != null && cubeScript != null)
                rb.AddForce(attractionStrenght * directionOfPull);
                rb.useGravity = false;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        for (int x = 0; x < wallSizeX; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < wallSizeY; y++)
                //Creates the cube and puts in postion + attaches it to the parent object (this)(Wall)
                GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
                cube.transform.parent   = transform;
                cube.transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, 0);

                //Adds a WallBlockScript and Rigidbody to the cube
                cube.AddComponent <Rigidbody> ();
                WallBlockScript cubeScript = cube.AddComponent <WallBlockScript> ();


                //Sets the default material to cube
                cube.GetComponent <Renderer> ().material = materialRef;
    void GravityActive()
        if (!gotObjects)
            gotObjects = true;
            Debug.Log("Got Objects to pull");

        if (gravPullObjects != null)
            foreach (Collider col in gravPullObjects)
                GameObject go = col.transform.gameObject;

                WallBlockScript cubeScript = go.GetComponent <WallBlockScript> ();

                //Calculates position of the object that is affected
                Vector3 posOfHitObj = col.gameObject.transform.position;

                //Calculates the direction in which object will be pulled
                Vector3 directionOfPull = objectHoverPos - posOfHitObj;

                //Unfreezes the rigibody of the cube + unfreezes it
                Rigidbody rb = col.GetComponent <Rigidbody> ();

                if (rb != null && cubeScript != null && rb.tag != "gravPullArea")
                    Debug.Log("Pulling Objects");
                    rb.AddForce(attractionStrenght * directionOfPull);
                    rb.useGravity = false;