private void DumpPoseState(WVR_PoseState_t tPoseState)
//	   if(tPoseState == null || !tPoseState.IsValidPose ) return;

        bool                tIsValidPose       = tPoseState.IsValidPose;
        WVR_Matrix4f_t      tPoseMatrix        = tPoseState.PoseMatrix;
        WVR_Vector3f_t      tVelocity          = tPoseState.Velocity;
        WVR_Vector3f_t      tAngV              = tPoseState.AngularVelocity;
        bool                tIs6DoFPose        = tPoseState.Is6DoFPose;
        long                tStamp_ns          = tPoseState.PoseTimestamp_ns;
        WVR_Vector3f_t      tAcceleration      = tPoseState.Acceleration;
        WVR_Vector3f_t      tAngAcc            = tPoseState.AngularAcceleration;
        float               tPredictedMilliSec = tPoseState.PredictedMilliSec;
        WVR_PoseOriginModel tOriginModel       = tPoseState.OriginModel;
        WVR_Pose_t          tRawPose           = tPoseState.RawPose;
        WVR_Vector3f_t      tPosition          = tRawPose.position;
        WVR_Quatf_t         tRotation          = tRawPose.rotation;

        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "PoseState:: IsValidPose=" + tIsValidPose +
              ",Stamp_ns=" + tStamp_ns +
              ",RawPose.Postion(x,y,z)=" + tPosition.v0 + "," + tPosition.v1 + "," + tPosition.v2 +
              ",RawPose.Rotation(w,x,y,z)=" + tRotation.w + "," + tRotation.x + "," + tRotation.y + "," + tRotation.z +
              ",Velocity(x,y,z)=" + tVelocity.v0 + "," + tVelocity.v1 + "," + tVelocity.v2 +
              ",AngularVelocity(x,y,z)=" + tAngV.v0 + "," + tAngV.v1 + "," + tAngV.v2 +
              ",Acc(x,y,z)=" + tAcceleration.v0 + "," + tAcceleration.v1 + "," + tAcceleration.v2 +
              ",AngAcc(x,y,z)=" + tAngAcc.v0 + "," + tAngAcc.v1 + "," + tAngAcc.v2 +
              ",OriginModel=" + tOriginModel +
              ",PredictedMilliSec=" + tPredictedMilliSec +
              ",PoseMatrix(4X1)=" + tPoseMatrix.m0 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m1 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m2 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m3 +
              ",PoseMatrix(4X2)=" + tPoseMatrix.m4 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m5 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m6 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m7 +
              ",PoseMatrix(4X3)=" + tPoseMatrix.m8 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m9 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m10 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m11 +
              ",PoseMatrix(4X4)=" + tPoseMatrix.m12 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m13 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m14 + "," + tPoseMatrix.m15 +
 public bool getFramePose(ref WVR_PoseState_t pose)
     if (!syncPose)
     pose = mPoseState;
    public void startCamera(bool enable)
        if (mStarted)
        syncPose = enable;
        WaveVR_Utils.Event.Listen("DrawCameraCompleted", OnUpdateCameraCompleted);

        if (syncPose)
            mPoseState = new WVR_PoseState_t();
            mStarted   = Interop.WVR_StartCamera(ref camerainfo);

            Log.i(LOG_TAG, "startCamera, result = " + mStarted + " format: " + camerainfo.imgFormat + " size: " + camerainfo.size
                  + " width: " + camerainfo.width + " height: " + camerainfo.height);
            PrintDebugLog("allocate frame buffer");
            mframeBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)camerainfo.size);

            //zero out buffer
            for (int i = 0; i < camerainfo.size; i++)
                Marshal.WriteByte(mframeBuffer, i, 0);
            if (StartCameraCompletedDelegate != null)
            mthread = new Thread(() => CameraThread());
            if (mthread.IsBackground == false)
                mthread.IsBackground = true;
            toThreadStop = false;
 public override void GetPoseState(WVR_DeviceType type, WVR_PoseOriginModel originModel, uint predictedMilliSec, ref WVR_PoseState_t poseState)
     WVR_GetPoseState_Android(type, originModel, predictedMilliSec, ref poseState);
 public static extern void WVR_GetPoseState_Android(WVR_DeviceType type, WVR_PoseOriginModel originModel, uint predictedMilliSec, ref WVR_PoseState_t poseState);
    private void DetectPoseLoop()
        float fDegreesDiff = 0.0f;
//		WVR_PoseState_t LastPose;
//		WVR_PoseState_t NowPose;
        long tNsNowGet       = 0;
        long tNsGenPose      = 0;
        long tNsFromGenToGet = 0;
        long tMsFromGenToGet = 0;

        long tNsLastTimeGet             = 0;
        long tNsLastTimeGen             = 0;
        long tNsFromLastGenToNowGet     = 0;
        long tMsFromLastGenToNowGet     = 0;
        long tNsJudgePose               = 0;
        long tMsJudgePose               = 0;
        bool bConvertMatrixToQuaternion = false;

        bool needPrintTimeLog = false;

        offsetTimeDSPToSystem = 0;        //gQTimeToAndroidBoot
        bIsRunningThread      = true;
        while (!bExitDetectPoseLoop)
            Interop.WVR_GetPoseState(g_typeDevice, WVR_PoseOriginModel.WVR_PoseOriginModel_OriginOnTrackingObserver, 0, ref NowPose);
//			Interop.WVR_GetPoseState (g_typeDevice,WVR_PoseOriginModel.WVR_PoseOriginModel_OriginOnHead_3DoF,0,ref NowPose);
            if (NowPose.IsValidPose)
                if (tNsGenPose == NowPose.PoseTimestamp_ns)                   //得到上次有效的同样的数据
                    Thread.Sleep(1000 / ReadPoseFrequence);
                //tNsJudgePose = il2cpp.icalls.mscorlib.System.DateTime.GetTimeMonotonic();
                //tNsJudgePose = GetTimeMonotonic();
                //tNsJudgePose = System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond * 1000000l;
                tNsJudgePose = GetNanoTime();
                //tNsJudgePose *= 10^6;
                if (FLAG_DEBUG)
//				if(!m_isHmd  && 0 == NowPose.RawPose.rotation.w &&
                if (0 == NowPose.RawPose.rotation.w &&
                    0 == NowPose.RawPose.rotation.x &&
                    0 == NowPose.RawPose.rotation.y &&
                    0 == NowPose.RawPose.rotation.z)                //use RawPose// Controller not get RawPose;
                    bConvertMatrixToQuaternion = true;
                    Interop.WVR_ConvertMatrixQuaternion(ref NowPose.PoseMatrix, ref NowPose.RawPose.rotation, true);                      //WVR_Quatf_t
                    if (FLAG_DEBUG)
                        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Convert Matrix To Quaternion!!!");
                    if (FLAG_DEBUG)
                currentQuaternion.Set(NowPose.RawPose.rotation.x, NowPose.RawPose.rotation.y, NowPose.RawPose.rotation.z, NowPose.RawPose.rotation.w);
//				currentQuaternion.w = NowPose.RawPose.rotation.w;
//				currentQuaternion.x = NowPose.RawPose.rotation.x;
//				currentQuaternion.y = NowPose.RawPose.rotation.y;
//				currentQuaternion.z = NowPose.RawPose.rotation.z;

                fDegreesDiff = Quaternion.Angle(preQuaternion, currentQuaternion);
                if (NowPose.Is6DoFPose)
                    currentPosition.x = NowPose.RawPose.position.v0;
                    currentPosition.y = NowPose.RawPose.position.v1;
                    currentPosition.z = NowPose.RawPose.position.v2;
                    detaPosition      = currentPosition - prePosition;

                if ((Mathf.Abs(fDegreesDiff) > gMinDegreeMoving) || (
                        detaPosition.x > gPositionThresholdMotionToPhoton ||
                        detaPosition.y > gPositionThresholdMotionToPhoton ||
                        detaPosition.z > gPositionThresholdMotionToPhoton
//					openLightLED(true);
                    needPrintTimeLog          = true;
                    IsMovingByPoseData        = true;
                    nLastHightLightFrameCount = Time.frameCount;
                    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "High Light LED and LCD BackLight!!fDegreesDiff=" + fDegreesDiff + ",bConvertMatrixToQuaternion=" + bConvertMatrixToQuaternion + ".");

                    /*Log.d (LOG_TAG, "Delay Time:: offsetTimeDSPToSystem="+offsetTimeDSPToSystem+
                     *              ",tNsNowGet="+tNsNowGet+",tNsGenPose="+tNsGenPose+
                     *               ",tNsFromGenToGet="+tNsFromGenToGet+",tNsJudgePose="+tNsJudgePose+
                     *               ",tNsFromLastGenToNowGet="+tNsFromLastGenToNowGet+
                     *               ",tMsFromGenToGet="+tMsFromGenToGet+
                     *               ",tMsFromLastGenToNowGet="+tMsFromLastGenToNowGet+".");*/
                    if (Mathf.Abs(fDegreesDiff) <= gMinDegreeMoving)
                        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "detaPosition is ={" + detaPosition.x + "," + detaPosition.y + "," + detaPosition.z + "}.");
                    if (Time.frameCount > nLastHightLightFrameCount + 2)                       //确保至少亮一帧以上时间以便捕捉 再延长1帧
//						openLightLED(false);
                    IsMovingByPoseData = false;
                if (FLAG_DEBUG)
                    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "fDegreesDiff=" + fDegreesDiff + ",preQuaternion+currentQuaternion is ");

                preQuaternion = currentQuaternion;
                prePosition   = currentPosition;
                LastPose      = NowPose;

                if (m_isHmd && isFixSvrHmdposeTimeStamp)
                    if (0 == tNsLastTimeGen)
                        if (tNsGenPose > tNsNowGet)
                            offsetTimeDSPToSystem = tNsNowGet - tNsGenPose - (SET_MS_FromGetToGen * 1000000);                             //tNsFromGenToGet = tNsNowGet - tNsGenPose;

                //tNsNowGet = GetTimeMonotonic();
                //tNsNowGet = System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond * 1000000l;
                tNsNowGet    = GetNanoTime();
                tNsJudgePose = tNsNowGet - tNsJudgePose;
                tMsJudgePose = tNsJudgePose / 1000000;
                if (m_isHmd && isFixSvrHmdposeTimeStamp)
                    tNsFromLastGenToNowGet = tNsNowGet - (tNsLastTimeGen + offsetTimeDSPToSystem);                    //nTime from LastPoseGenTimeNs to NowGetDataTimeNs
                    tNsFromLastGenToNowGet = tNsNowGet - tNsLastTimeGen;                  //nTime from LastPoseGenTimeNs to NowGetDataTimeNs
                tMsFromLastGenToNowGet = tNsFromLastGenToNowGet / 1000000;                //nTime from LastPoseGenTimeNs to NowGetDataTimeNs

                tNsGenPose = NowPose.PoseTimestamp_ns;
                if (m_isHmd && isFixSvrHmdposeTimeStamp)
                    tNsFromGenToGet = tNsNowGet - (tNsGenPose + offsetTimeDSPToSystem);
                    tNsFromGenToGet = tNsNowGet - tNsGenPose;

                tMsFromGenToGet = tNsFromGenToGet / 1000000;
                tNsLastTimeGen  = tNsGenPose;
                tNsLastTimeGet  = tNsNowGet;

                if (needPrintTimeLog)
                    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Delay Time:: offsetTimeDSPToSystem=" + offsetTimeDSPToSystem +
                          ",tNsNowGet=" + tNsNowGet + ",tNsGenPose=" + tNsGenPose +
                          ",tNsFromGenToGet=" + tNsFromGenToGet + ",tNsJudgePose=" + tNsJudgePose +
                          ",tNsFromLastGenToNowGet=" + tNsFromLastGenToNowGet +
                          ",tMsFromGenToGet=" + tMsFromGenToGet +
                          ",tMsFromLastGenToNowGet=" + tMsFromLastGenToNowGet + ".");

                preRawQuaternion = currentRawQuaternion;
                if (tMsFromGenToGet - tMsJudgePose > 10)
                    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Get Time is long!!tMsFromGenToGet=" + tMsFromGenToGet + ",tMsJudgePose=" + tMsJudgePose + ";");
                if (tMsJudgePose > 10)
                    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Judge Pose Time is long!!tNsJudgePose=" + tMsJudgePose + ";");

                needPrintTimeLog = false;
                Thread.Sleep(1000 / ReadPoseFrequence);