public void CreateInlineTextWithLinks() { string search = @"A bit of text here and more. oh wow here's another one here's some more"; Inline[] lines = WPFHelper.CreateInlineTextWithLinks(search, (o, e) => { }); Assert.IsTrue(lines[0] is Run); Assert.IsFalse(lines[1] is Run); Assert.IsTrue(lines[2] is Run); Assert.IsFalse(lines[3] is Run); Assert.IsTrue(lines[4] is Run); Assert.IsFalse(lines[5] is Run); Assert.IsTrue(lines[6] is Run); Assert.AreEqual(7, lines.Length); }
/// <summary> Display list of tweets inside the Grid control </summary> private void AddResultsToGrid(List <TwitterStatus> StatusList) { grdTweets.RowDefinitions.Clear(); grdTweets.Children.Clear(); foreach (TwitterStatus Status in StatusList) { grdTweets.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition() { Height = GridLength.Auto }); // Create the text for grid TextBlock TextBlock = new TextBlock(); TextBlock.Margin = new Thickness(4); TextBlock.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; if (Status.RetweetedStatus != null) { TextBlock.Inlines.Add(new Italic(new Run(Environment.NewLine + "Retweeted by " + Status.User.ScreenName + Environment.NewLine))); } TextBlock.Inlines.AddRange(WPFHelper.CreateInlineTextWithLinks(Status.Text, Hyperlink_RequestNavigate)); string displayDate = Twitter.ConvertTwitterDateDisplay(Status.CreatedDate); TextBlock.Inlines.Add(new Italic(new Run(Environment.NewLine + displayDate))); Grid.SetColumn(TextBlock, 1); Grid.SetRow(TextBlock, grdTweets.RowDefinitions.Count - 1); grdTweets.Children.Add(TextBlock); Image ProfileImage = new Image(); ProfileImage.Source = WPFHelper.CreateImage(Status.User.ProfileImageUrl); ProfileImage.ToolTip = Status.User.Name; TwitterUser user = Status.User; ProfileImage.MouseDown += (o, e) => { Profile ProfileWindow = new Profile(user); ProfileWindow.ShowDialog(); }; Grid.SetColumn(ProfileImage, 0); Grid.SetRow(ProfileImage, grdTweets.RowDefinitions.Count - 1); grdTweets.Children.Add(ProfileImage); } }