private void Save_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Save.IsEnabled = false;
                if (Model.Text.Contains("Virtual"))
                    throw new Exception("Virtual machine is not a valid device model.");

                long wsAsset = 0;

                foreach (var asset in Asset.Text.Split(','))
                    if (!string.Equals(asset, "0") &&
                        (asset.Length != 8 || !long.TryParse(asset, out wsAsset)))
                        throw new Exception("Invalid old WS Asset tag, expect 8-digit number or 0.");

                foreach (var asset in AssetTag.Text.Split(','))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(asset) &&
                        (asset.Length != 12 || !long.TryParse(asset, out wsAsset)))
                        throw new Exception("Invalid new WS Asset tag, expect 12-digit number or null.");

                string msAlias = User.Text.Trim().ToLower();
                string wsAlias = string.Empty;
                wsAlias = msAlias;

                string sn = SN.Text.Trim();
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sn) || string.Equals(sn.ToLower(), "serial number"))
                    throw new Exception("SN is invalid. Use WS Asset tag if you have no idea.");

                var client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://*****:*****@localhost:7474/db/data"));

                Device newDevice = new Device
                    WSAsset       = Asset.Text.Trim(),
                    AssetTag      = AssetTag.Text.Trim(),
                    Manufacturer  = Manufacturer.Text.Trim(),
                    SN            = SN.Text.Trim().ToUpper(),
                    CPU           = CPU.Text.Trim(),
                    RAM           = RAM.Text.Trim(),
                    Disk          = Disk.Text.Trim(),
                    SystemDate    = SystemDate.Text.Trim(),
                    OS            = OS.Text.Trim(),
                    OSInstallDate = OSInstallDate.Text.Trim(),
                    Model         = Model.Text.Trim()

                // Don't create duplicate relationship!
                var result = client.Cypher
                             .Where("device.SN = {sn}")
                             .WithParam("sn", newDevice.SN)
                             .Return(device => device.As <Node <Device> >());

                if (result.Results.Count() != 0)
                    throw new Exception("SN must be unique. Use WS Asset tag if you have no idea.");

                if (!string.Equals(newDevice.WSAsset, "0"))
                    result = client.Cypher
                             .Where("device.WSAsset = {asset}")
                             .WithParam("asset", newDevice.WSAsset)
                             .Return(device => device.As <Node <Device> >());

                    if (result.Results.Count() != 0)
                        throw new Exception("Old WS asset must be unique.");

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDevice.AssetTag))
                    result = client.Cypher
                             .Where("device.AssetTag = {asset}")
                             .WithParam("asset", newDevice.AssetTag)
                             .Return(device => device.As <Node <Device> >());

                    if (result.Results.Count() != 0)
                        throw new Exception("New WS asset must be unique.");

                // Create device if not exist
                .Merge("(device:Device { SN: {sn} })")
                .Set("device = {newDevice}")
                    sn = newDevice.SN,

                Owner newOwner = new WPFAssets.Owner
                    MSAlias = msAlias,
                    WSAlias = wsAlias,
                    Email   = msAlias + "@ms;" + wsAlias + "@ws"

                // Create owner if not exist.
                .Merge("(owner:Owner { MSAlias: {msalias} })")
                .Set("owner = {newOwner}")
                    msalias = newOwner.MSAlias,

                // Relate owner and device.
                .Match("(device:Device)", "(owner:Owner)")
                .Where((Device device) => device.SN == newDevice.SN)
                .AndWhere((Owner owner) => owner.MSAlias == newOwner.MSAlias)

                Message.Text = newDevice.SN + " is owned by " + newOwner.MSAlias;
                SN.Text      = newDevice.SN;
                User.Text    = newOwner.MSAlias;
            catch (Exception exception)
                Message.Text = exception.Message;
            Save.IsEnabled = true;
        private void Save_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Save.IsEnabled = false;
                if (Model.Text.Contains("Virtual"))
                    throw new Exception("Virtual machine is not a valid device model.");

                long wsAsset = 0;

                foreach (var asset in Asset.Text.Split(','))
                    if (!string.Equals(asset, "0") &&
                        (asset.Length != 8 || !long.TryParse(asset, out wsAsset)))
                        throw new Exception("Invalid old WS Asset tag, expect 8-digit number or 0.");

                foreach (var asset in AssetTag.Text.Split(','))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(asset) &&
                    (asset.Length != 12 || !long.TryParse(asset, out wsAsset)))
                        throw new Exception("Invalid new WS Asset tag, expect 12-digit number or null.");

                string msAlias = User.Text.Trim().ToLower();
                string wsAlias = string.Empty;
                wsAlias = msAlias;

                string sn = SN.Text.Trim();
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sn) || string.Equals(sn.ToLower(), "serial number"))
                    throw new Exception("SN is invalid. Use WS Asset tag if you have no idea.");

                var client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://*****:*****@localhost:7474/db/data"));

                Device newDevice = new Device
                    WSAsset = Asset.Text.Trim(),
                    AssetTag = AssetTag.Text.Trim(),
                    Manufacturer = Manufacturer.Text.Trim(),
                    SN = SN.Text.Trim().ToUpper(),
                    CPU = CPU.Text.Trim(),
                    RAM = RAM.Text.Trim(),
                    Disk = Disk.Text.Trim(),
                    SystemDate = SystemDate.Text.Trim(),
                    OS = OS.Text.Trim(),
                    OSInstallDate = OSInstallDate.Text.Trim(),
                    Model = Model.Text.Trim()

                // Don't create duplicate relationship!
                var result = client.Cypher
                    .Where("device.SN = {sn}")
                    .WithParam("sn", newDevice.SN)
                    .Return(device => device.As<Node<Device>>());

                if (result.Results.Count() != 0)
                    throw new Exception("SN must be unique. Use WS Asset tag if you have no idea.");

                if (!string.Equals(newDevice.WSAsset, "0"))
                    result = client.Cypher
                        .Where("device.WSAsset = {asset}")
                        .WithParam("asset", newDevice.WSAsset)
                        .Return(device => device.As<Node<Device>>());

                    if (result.Results.Count() != 0)
                        throw new Exception("Old WS asset must be unique.");

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDevice.AssetTag))
                    result = client.Cypher
                        .Where("device.AssetTag = {asset}")
                        .WithParam("asset", newDevice.AssetTag)
                        .Return(device => device.As<Node<Device>>());

                    if (result.Results.Count() != 0)
                        throw new Exception("New WS asset must be unique.");

                // Create device if not exist
                    .Merge("(device:Device { SN: {sn} })")
                    .Set("device = {newDevice}")
                        sn = newDevice.SN,

                Owner newOwner = new WPFAssets.Owner
                    MSAlias = msAlias,
                    WSAlias = wsAlias,
                    Email = msAlias + "@ms;" + wsAlias + "@ws"

                // Create owner if not exist.
                    .Merge("(owner:Owner { MSAlias: {msalias} })")
                    .Set("owner = {newOwner}")
                        msalias = newOwner.MSAlias,

                // Relate owner and device.
                    .Match("(device:Device)", "(owner:Owner)")
                    .Where((Device device) => device.SN == newDevice.SN)
                    .AndWhere((Owner owner) => owner.MSAlias == newOwner.MSAlias)

                Message.Text = newDevice.SN + " is owned by " + newOwner.MSAlias;
                SN.Text = newDevice.SN;
                User.Text = newOwner.MSAlias;
            catch (Exception exception)
                Message.Text = exception.Message;
            Save.IsEnabled = true;