public void UpdatePointWidthHeight() { if (pointWidthHeightChanged) { // Series line point dimensions if (theGraph.graphType == WMG_Axis_Graph.graphTypes.line) { for (int i = 0; i < pointValues.Count; i++) { WMG_Node thePoint = points[i].GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); theGraph.changeSpriteHeight(thePoint.objectToColor, Mathf.RoundToInt(pointWidthHeight)); theGraph.changeSpriteWidth(thePoint.objectToColor, Mathf.RoundToInt(pointWidthHeight)); } } // Legend point / bar dimensions WMG_Node legendPoint = legendEntryNode.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); theGraph.changeSpriteHeight(legendPoint.objectToColor, Mathf.RoundToInt(pointWidthHeight)); theGraph.changeSpriteWidth(legendPoint.objectToColor, Mathf.RoundToInt(pointWidthHeight)); // Legend empty objects to get line to center correctly if (theGraph.isDaikon()) { theGraph.changeSpriteHeight(legendEntryNodeLeft, Mathf.RoundToInt(pointWidthHeight)); theGraph.changeSpriteWidth(legendEntryNodeLeft, Mathf.RoundToInt(pointWidthHeight)); theGraph.changeSpriteHeight(legendEntryNodeRight, Mathf.RoundToInt(pointWidthHeight)); theGraph.changeSpriteWidth(legendEntryNodeRight, Mathf.RoundToInt(pointWidthHeight)); } } }
private void TooltipNodeMouseEnter(WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Node aNode, bool state) { if (isTooltipObjectNull()) { return; } if (state) { Vector3 newVec = new Vector3(2, 2, 1); if (!aSeries.seriesIsLine) { if (theGraph.orientationType == WMG_Axis_Graph.orientationTypes.vertical) { newVec = new Vector3(1, 1.1f, 1); } else { newVec = new Vector3(1.1f, 1, 1); } } MouseEnterCommon(tooltipLabeler(aSeries, aNode), aNode.gameObject, newVec); } else { MouseExitCommon(aNode.gameObject); } }
private void TooltipLegendNodeMouseEnter(WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Node aNode, bool state) { if (isTooltipObjectNull()) { return; } if (state) { // Set the text changeLabelText(theGraph.toolTipLabel, aSeries.seriesName); // Resize this control to match the size of the contents changeSpriteWidth(theGraph.toolTipPanel, Mathf.RoundToInt(getSpriteWidth(theGraph.toolTipLabel)) + 24); // Ensure tooltip is in position before showing it so it doesn't appear to jump repositionTooltip(); // Display the base panel showControl(theGraph.toolTipPanel); bringSpriteToFront(theGraph.toolTipPanel); performTooltipAnimation(aNode.transform, new Vector3(2, 2, 1)); } else { hideControl(theGraph.toolTipPanel); sendSpriteToBack(theGraph.toolTipPanel); performTooltipAnimation(aNode.transform, new Vector3(1, 1, 1)); } }
// Only Used in Editor - public void RepositionRelativeToNode (WMG_Node fromNode, bool fixAngle, int degreeStep, float lengthStep) { // This is used to reposition the node and associated links based on a fixed angle or fixed length step relative to another node float posXdif = (this.transform.localPosition.x - fromNode.transform.localPosition.x); float posYdif = (this.transform.localPosition.y - fromNode.transform.localPosition.y); float angle = Mathf.Atan2(posYdif,posXdif)*Mathf.Rad2Deg; if (angle < 0) angle += 360; float length = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(posYdif,2) + Mathf.Pow(posXdif,2)); if (length < 0) length = 0; float newAngle = angle; if (fixAngle) { newAngle = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 360 / degreeStep; i++) { if (angle >= i*degreeStep - 0.5f*degreeStep && angle < (i+1)*degreeStep - 0.5f*degreeStep) { newAngle = i*degreeStep; } } } else { float mod = length % lengthStep; length -= mod; if (lengthStep - mod < lengthStep / 2) length += lengthStep; } this.transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (fromNode.transform.localPosition.x + length * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad*(newAngle)), fromNode.transform.localPosition.y + length * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad*(newAngle)), this.transform.localPosition.z); for (int i = 0; i < numLinks; i++) { WMG_Link theLink = links[i].GetComponent<WMG_Link>(); theLink.Reposition(); } }
public List <GameObject> GenerateGraph() { GameObject fromN = theGraph.CreateNode(nodePrefab, null); WMG_Node fromNode = fromN.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); return(GenerateGraphFromNode(fromNode)); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // Convert to 3d this.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 300, 900); shieldTree.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 15, 0); weaponTree.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(345, 0, 0); engineTree.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 345, 0); UIEventListener.Get(shieldTreeBackground).onHover += OnShieldTreeHover; UIEventListener.Get(engineTreeBackground).onHover += OnEngineTreeHover; UIEventListener.Get(weaponTreeBackground).onHover += OnWeaponTreeHover; UIEventListener.Get(shieldTreeBackground).onClick += OnShieldTreeClick; UIEventListener.Get(engineTreeBackground).onClick += OnEngineTreeClick; UIEventListener.Get(weaponTreeBackground).onClick += OnWeaponTreeClick; toolTipText1Label = toolTipText1.GetComponent <UILabel>(); toolTipText2Label = toolTipText2.GetComponent <UILabel>(); toolTipText3Label = toolTipText3.GetComponent <UILabel>(); toolTipText4Label = toolTipText4.GetComponent <UILabel>(); foreach (Transform child in shieldTree.transform) { WMG_Node aNode = child.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); if (aNode != null) { UIEventListener.Get(child.gameObject).onHover += OnSkillNodeHover; BoxCollider aCol = child.GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); if (aCol != null) { aCol.enabled = false; } } } foreach (Transform child in engineTree.transform) { WMG_Node aNode = child.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); if (aNode != null) { UIEventListener.Get(child.gameObject).onHover += OnSkillNodeHover; BoxCollider aCol = child.GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); if (aCol != null) { aCol.enabled = false; } } } foreach (Transform child in weaponTree.transform) { WMG_Node aNode = child.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); if (aNode != null) { UIEventListener.Get(child.gameObject).onHover += OnSkillNodeHover; BoxCollider aCol = child.GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); if (aCol != null) { aCol.enabled = false; } } } }
public void CreateNodes() { // Create nodes based on numNodes for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { if (treeNodes.Count <= i) { Object nodePrefab = defaultNodePrefab; if (nodePrefabs.Count > i) { nodePrefab = nodePrefabs[i]; } WMG_Node curNode = CreateNode(nodePrefab, nodeParent).GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); treeNodes.Add(curNode.gameObject); } } // Create invisible nodes for (int i = 0; i < numInvisibleNodes; i++) { if (treeInvisibleNodes.Count <= i) { WMG_Node curNode = CreateNode(invisibleNodePrefab, nodeParent).GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); treeInvisibleNodes.Add(curNode.gameObject); } } }
private string defaultTooltipLabeler(WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Node aNode) { // Find out the point value data for this node Vector2 nodeData = aSeries.getNodeValue(aNode); float numberToMult = Mathf.Pow(10f, aSeries.theGraph.tooltipNumberDecimals); string nodeX = (Mathf.Round(nodeData.x * numberToMult) / numberToMult).ToString(); string nodeY = (Mathf.Round(nodeData.y * numberToMult) / numberToMult).ToString(); // Determine the tooltip text to display string textToSet; if (aSeries.seriesIsLine) { textToSet = "(" + nodeX + ", " + nodeY + ")"; } else { textToSet = nodeY; } if (aSeries.theGraph.tooltipDisplaySeriesName) { textToSet = aSeries.seriesName + ": " + textToSet; } return(textToSet); }
public GameObject CreateLinkNoRepos(WMG_Node fromNode, GameObject toNode, Object prefabLink, GameObject parent) { GameObject createdLink = fromNode.CreateLink(toNode, prefabLink, linksParent.Count, parent, false); linksParent.Add(createdLink); return(createdLink); }
void ActivateNeighbors(WMG_Node fromNode) { for (int i = 0; i < fromNode.numLinks; i++) { WMG_Link aLink = fromNode.links[i].GetComponent <WMG_Link>(); if (!theMap.activeInHierarchy(aLink.gameObject)) { // Activate and animate links expanding from source node to end node activatingNodesStart = fromNode; theMap.SetActive(aLink.gameObject, true); UIWidget aLinkW = aLink.objectToScale.GetComponent <UIWidget>(); int origScale = Mathf.RoundToInt(aLinkW.height); float p1y = fromNode.transform.localPosition.y + (fromNode.radius) * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * fromNode.linkAngles[i]); float p1x = fromNode.transform.localPosition.x + (fromNode.radius) * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * fromNode.linkAngles[i]); Vector3 origPos = aLink.transform.localPosition; Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(p1x, p1y, origPos.z); aLink.transform.localPosition = newPos; TweenPosition.Begin(aLink.gameObject, 1, origPos); aLinkW.height = 0; TweenHeight tSca = TweenHeight.Begin(aLinkW, 1, origScale); tSca.callWhenFinished = "endActivatingNeighbors"; tSca.eventReceiver = this.gameObject; } } }
public GameObject ReplaceNodeWithNewPrefab(WMG_Node theNode, Object prefabNode) { // Used to swap prefabs of a node GameObject newNode = CreateNode(prefabNode, theNode.transform.parent.gameObject); WMG_Node newNode2 = newNode.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); newNode2.numLinks = theNode.numLinks; newNode2.links = theNode.links; newNode2.linkAngles = theNode.linkAngles; newNode2.SetID(; =; newNode.transform.position = theNode.transform.position; // Update link from / to node references for (int i = 0; i < theNode.numLinks; i++) { WMG_Link aLink = theNode.links[i].GetComponent <WMG_Link>(); WMG_Node fromN = aLink.fromNode.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); if ( == { aLink.fromNode = newNode; } else { aLink.toNode = newNode; } } nodesParent.Remove(theNode.gameObject); Destroy(theNode.gameObject); return(newNode); }
IEnumerator AnimateSpriteFill(int sliceNum, float animateDuration, float afterFill, float newAngle, int lastSliceNum, Color newSliceColor) { if (sliceNum == 0) { isAnimating = true; } WMG_Node pieSlice = slices[sliceNum].GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); UISprite sliceSprite = pieSlice.objectToColor.GetComponent <UISprite>(); float t = 0f; float beforeFill = slicePercents[sliceNum]; float beforeRot = sliceSprite.transform.localEulerAngles.z; float fill = beforeFill; float rot = beforeRot; float beforeExplodeAngle = beforeRot * -1 + 0.5f * beforeFill * 360; float afterExplodeAngle = newAngle * -1 + 0.5f * afterFill * 360; float explodeFromAngle = beforeExplodeAngle; sliceSprite.color = newSliceColor; while (t < animateDuration) { float animationPercent = t / animateDuration; fill = Mathf.Lerp(beforeFill, afterFill, animationPercent); rot = Mathf.Lerp(beforeRot, newAngle, animationPercent); explodeFromAngle = Mathf.Lerp(beforeExplodeAngle, afterExplodeAngle, animationPercent); t += Time.deltaTime; sliceSprite.fillAmount = fill; sliceSprite.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, rot); slices[sliceNum].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(explodeLength * Mathf.Sin(explodeFromAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad), explodeLength * Mathf.Cos(explodeFromAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad), slices[sliceNum].transform.localPosition.z); pieSlice.objectToLabel.transform.localPosition = new Vector3((explodeLength + sliceLabelExplodeLength + getSpriteWidth(pieSlice.objectToColor) / 4) * Mathf.Sin(explodeFromAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad), (explodeLength + sliceLabelExplodeLength + getSpriteHeight(pieSlice.objectToColor) / 4) * Mathf.Cos(explodeFromAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad), pieSlice.objectToLabel.transform.localPosition.z); yield return(null); } sliceExplodeAngles[sliceNum] = afterExplodeAngle; slicePercents[sliceNum] = afterFill; slices[sliceNum].name = sliceLabels[sliceNum]; sliceLegendEntries[sliceNum].name = sliceLabels[sliceNum]; sliceSprite.fillAmount = afterFill; sliceSprite.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, newAngle); slices[sliceNum].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(explodeLength * Mathf.Sin(afterExplodeAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad), explodeLength * Mathf.Cos(afterExplodeAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad), slices[sliceNum].transform.localPosition.z); pieSlice.objectToLabel.transform.localPosition = new Vector3((explodeLength + sliceLabelExplodeLength + getSpriteWidth(pieSlice.objectToColor) / 4) * Mathf.Sin(afterExplodeAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad), (explodeLength + sliceLabelExplodeLength + getSpriteHeight(pieSlice.objectToColor) / 4) * Mathf.Cos(afterExplodeAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad), pieSlice.objectToLabel.transform.localPosition.z); if (sliceNum == lastSliceNum) { isAnimating = false; bool wasASwap = false; if (sortBy != sortMethod.None) { wasASwap = sortData(); } if (wasASwap) { isSortAnimating = true; shrinkSlices(); } } }
public WMG_Series seriesRef; // Used for series legend event delegates public GameObject CreateLink(GameObject target, Object prefabLink, int linkId, GameObject parent, bool repos) { // Creating a link between two nodes populates all needed references and automatically repositions and scales the link based on the nodes GameObject objLink = Instantiate(prefabLink) as GameObject; Vector3 linkLocalPos = objLink.transform.localPosition; GameObject theParent = parent; if (parent == null) { theParent = target.transform.parent.gameObject; } changeSpriteParent(objLink, theParent); // objLink.transform.parent = target.transform.parent; objLink.transform.localScale =; objLink.transform.localPosition = linkLocalPos; WMG_Link theLink = objLink.GetComponent <WMG_Link>(); links.Add(objLink); linkAngles.Add(0); WMG_Node theTarget = target.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); theTarget.links.Add(objLink); theTarget.linkAngles.Add(0); theTarget.numLinks++; numLinks++; theLink.Setup(this.gameObject, target, linkId, repos); // automatically repositions and scales the link based on the nodes return(objLink); }
private void WMG_MouseEnter_2(GameObject go, bool state) { if (WMG_MouseEnter != null) { WMG_Node node = go.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); WMG_MouseEnter(node.seriesRef, node, state); } }
private void WMG_Click_2(GameObject go, PointerEventData pointerEventData) { if (WMG_Click != null) { WMG_Node node = go.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); WMG_Click(node.seriesRef, node, pointerEventData); } }
public void CreateLink(WMG_Node fromNode, WMG_Node toNode) { WMG_Link aLink = GetLink(fromNode, toNode); if (aLink == null) { CreateLink(fromNode, toNode.gameObject, this.LinkPrefab, this.gameObject); } }
// Given two nodes return one or more shortest paths between the nodes based on the link weights (weighted), and also node radii if include radii is true public List<WMG_Link> FindShortestPathBetweenNodesWeighted(WMG_Node fromNode, WMG_Node toNode, bool includeRadii) { List<WMG_Link> linksBetweenToAndFrom = new List<WMG_Link>(); List<WMG_Node> Dijkstra_nodes = new List<WMG_Node>(); // Reset data needed for this algorithm foreach (GameObject node in nodesParent) { WMG_Node aNode = node.GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); if (aNode != null) { if ( == aNode.Dijkstra_depth = 0; else aNode.Dijkstra_depth = Mathf.Infinity; Dijkstra_nodes.Add(aNode); } } Dijkstra_nodes.Sort (delegate(WMG_Node x, WMG_Node y) { return x.Dijkstra_depth.CompareTo(y.Dijkstra_depth); }); // This is exactly Dijkstra's algorithm while (Dijkstra_nodes.Count > 0) { WMG_Node temp = Dijkstra_nodes[0]; Dijkstra_nodes.RemoveAt(0); if ( == break; // Reached the target node so we are done if (temp.Dijkstra_depth == Mathf.Infinity) break; for (int i = 0; i < temp.numLinks; i++) { WMG_Link aLink = temp.links[i].GetComponent<WMG_Link>(); WMG_Node temp2 = aLink.toNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); if ( == temp2 = aLink.fromNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); float alt = temp.Dijkstra_depth + aLink.weight; if (includeRadii) alt += temp.radius + temp2.radius; if (alt < temp2.Dijkstra_depth) { temp2.Dijkstra_depth = alt; Dijkstra_nodes.Sort (delegate(WMG_Node x, WMG_Node y) { return x.Dijkstra_depth.CompareTo(y.Dijkstra_depth); }); } } } // If all we cared about was the shortest distance between the two nodes we could end here, but we might also want the links themselves // This finds the shortest path of links between the starting and ending nodes using the previously calculated depths Queue<WMG_Node> mapSysQ = new Queue<WMG_Node>(); mapSysQ.Enqueue(toNode); while (mapSysQ.Count > 0) { WMG_Node temp = mapSysQ.Dequeue(); if ( == break; for (int i = 0; i < temp.numLinks; i++) { WMG_Link aLink = temp.links[i].GetComponent<WMG_Link>(); WMG_Node temp2 = aLink.toNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); if ( == temp2 = aLink.fromNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); float alt = temp2.Dijkstra_depth + aLink.weight; if (includeRadii) alt += temp.radius + temp2.radius; if (Mathf.Approximately(temp.Dijkstra_depth, alt)) { linksBetweenToAndFrom.Add(aLink); if (!mapSysQ.Contains(temp2)) mapSysQ.Enqueue(temp2); } } } return linksBetweenToAndFrom; }
// Given two nodes return one or more shortest paths between the nodes based on the number of links (unweighted) public List<WMG_Link> FindShortestPathBetweenNodes(WMG_Node fromNode, WMG_Node toNode) { List<WMG_Link> linksBetweenToAndFrom = new List<WMG_Link>(); // Reset BFS data needed for this algorithm foreach (GameObject node in nodesParent) { WMG_Node aNode = node.GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); if (aNode != null) { aNode.BFS_mark = false; aNode.BFS_depth = 0; } } Queue<WMG_Node> mapSysQ = new Queue<WMG_Node>(); // This calculates and stores the depth of every node between the starting and ending nodes // This is exactly the BFS (Breadth-first search) algorithm mapSysQ.Enqueue(fromNode); fromNode.BFS_mark = true; while (mapSysQ.Count > 0) { WMG_Node temp = mapSysQ.Dequeue(); if ( == break; // Reached the target node so we are done // Add the current node neighbors to the queue if they haven't been added in the past and calculate the depth for (int i = 0; i < temp.numLinks; i++) { WMG_Link aLink = temp.links[i].GetComponent<WMG_Link>(); WMG_Node temp2 = aLink.toNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); if ( == temp2 = aLink.fromNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); if (!temp2.BFS_mark) { temp2.BFS_mark = true; temp2.BFS_depth = temp.BFS_depth + 1; mapSysQ.Enqueue(temp2); } } } // If all we cared about was the shortest distance between the two nodes we could end here, but we might also want the links themselves // This finds the shortest path of links between the starting and ending nodes using the previously calculated depths mapSysQ.Clear(); mapSysQ.Enqueue(toNode); while (mapSysQ.Count > 0) { WMG_Node temp = mapSysQ.Dequeue(); if ( == break; for (int i = 0; i < temp.numLinks; i++) { WMG_Link aLink = temp.links[i].GetComponent<WMG_Link>(); WMG_Node temp2 = aLink.toNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); if ( == temp2 = aLink.fromNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); if (temp.BFS_depth == temp2.BFS_depth + 1) { if (temp2.BFS_depth == 0 && != continue; linksBetweenToAndFrom.Add(aLink); if (!mapSysQ.Contains(temp2)) mapSysQ.Enqueue(temp2); } } } return linksBetweenToAndFrom; }
public void Reposition() { float posXdif = getSpritePositionX(toNode) - getSpritePositionX(fromNode); float posYdif = getSpritePositionY(toNode) - getSpritePositionY(fromNode); float angle = Mathf.Atan2(posYdif, posXdif) * Mathf.Rad2Deg + 90; WMG_Node fromN = fromNode.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); WMG_Node toN = toNode.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); SetNodeAngles(angle, fromN, toN); // Set angles in node references, so they don't need to be calculated in various places float radiuses = fromN.radius + toN.radius; float length = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(posYdif, 2) + Mathf.Pow(posXdif, 2)) - radiuses; if (length < 0) { length = 0; } if (weightIsLength) { weight = length; } if (updateLabelWithLength) { if (objectToLabel != null) { changeLabelText(objectToLabel, Mathf.Round(length).ToString()); objectToLabel.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 360 - angle); } } // NGUI this.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(getSpriteFactorY2(this.gameObject) * posXdif + fromNode.transform.localPosition.x, getSpriteFactorY2(this.gameObject) * posYdif + fromNode.transform.localPosition.y, this.transform.localPosition.z); // Daikon // changeSpritePositionRelativeToObjBy(this.gameObject, fromNode, // new Vector3(getSpriteFactorY(this.gameObject) * posXdif + // -getSpriteOffsetX(this.gameObject) + // Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle) * 0.5f * getSpriteWidth(this.gameObject) + // Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle) * (getSpriteFactorX(this.gameObject) - 1) * getSpriteWidth(this.gameObject) + // getSpriteOffsetX(fromNode), // getSpriteFactorY(this.gameObject) * posYdif + // getSpriteOffsetY(this.gameObject) + // -Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle) * 0.5f * getSpriteWidth(this.gameObject) + // Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle) * getSpriteFactorX(this.gameObject) * getSpriteWidth(this.gameObject) + // -getSpriteOffsetY(fromNode), 1)); changeSpriteHeight(objectToScale, Mathf.RoundToInt(length)); this.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, angle); }
/// <summary> /// 点击计量条的方法,该方法内通过面板控制器打开对应弹出的面板 /// </summary> /// <param name="aSeries">计量条所在的series</param> /// <param name="aNode">被点击的计量条</param> private void BarGraph_WMG_Click(WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Node aNode) { if (nodesDic.ContainsKey(aNode)) { //当字典中包含被点击的计量条时,将计量条所对应的产品id取出 int t = nodesDic[aNode]; MessageArg arg = new MessageArg(t); //调用面板控制器,传入产品产量明细, 和条目id SendMsg((int)MessageUIConst.OpenPassRateDetailPanel, ManagerID.SecondLevelPanel, arg); } }
// Get Vector2 associated with a node in this series public Vector2 getNodeValue(WMG_Node aNode) { for (int i = 0; i < pointValues.Count; i++) // TODO improve performance by mapping IDs to Vector2 { if (points[i].GetComponent <WMG_Node>() == aNode) { return(pointValues[i]); } } return(; }
public void UpdateSeriesName() { if (seriesNameChanged) { // Series name WMG_Node cObj = legendEntryParent.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); theGraph.changeLabelText(cObj.objectToLabel, seriesName); // Legend font size cObj.objectToLabel.transform.localScale = new Vector3(legendEntryFontSize, legendEntryFontSize, 1); } }
// Only Used in Editor - public void RepositionRelativeToNode(WMG_Node fromNode, bool fixAngle, int degreeStep, float lengthStep) { // This is used to reposition the node and associated links based on a fixed angle or fixed length step relative to another node float posXdif = (this.transform.localPosition.x - fromNode.transform.localPosition.x); float posYdif = (this.transform.localPosition.y - fromNode.transform.localPosition.y); float angle = Mathf.Atan2(posYdif, posXdif) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; if (angle < 0) { angle += 360; } float length = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(posYdif, 2) + Mathf.Pow(posXdif, 2)); if (length < 0) { length = 0; } float newAngle = angle; if (fixAngle) { newAngle = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 360 / degreeStep; i++) { if (angle >= i * degreeStep - 0.5f * degreeStep && angle < (i + 1) * degreeStep - 0.5f * degreeStep) { newAngle = i * degreeStep; } } } else { float mod = length % lengthStep; length -= mod; if (lengthStep - mod < lengthStep / 2) { length += lengthStep; } } this.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(fromNode.transform.localPosition.x + length * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (newAngle)), fromNode.transform.localPosition.y + length * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (newAngle)), this.transform.localPosition.z); for (int i = 0; i < numLinks; i++) { WMG_Link theLink = links[i].GetComponent <WMG_Link>(); theLink.Reposition(); } }
public float weight; // A link's weight, used in find shortest path weighted algorithms public void Setup(GameObject fromNode, GameObject toNode, int linkId) { // Setup references and give a default name of the link based on node IDs this.fromNode = fromNode; this.toNode = toNode; SetId(linkId); WMG_Node fromN = fromNode.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); WMG_Node toN = toNode.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); = "WMG_Link_" + + "_" +; Reposition(); // Update position and scale based on connected nodes }
/// <summary> /// Reposition this link based on the positions of its from and to nodes. /// </summary> public virtual void Reposition() { float posXdif = getSpritePositionX(toNode) - getSpritePositionX(fromNode); float posYdif = getSpritePositionY(toNode) - getSpritePositionY(fromNode); float angle = Mathf.Atan2(posYdif, posXdif) * Mathf.Rad2Deg + 90; WMG_Node fromN = fromNode.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); WMG_Node toN = toNode.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); SetNodeAngles(angle, fromN, toN); // Set angles in node references, so they don't need to be calculated in various places float radii = fromN.radius + toN.radius; float length = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(posYdif, 2) + Mathf.Pow(posXdif, 2)) - radii; if (length < 0) { length = 0; } // When the radii are different, need to offset the link position based on the difference of the radii float radiusDifPosX = (fromN.radius - toN.radius) / 2 * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (angle - 90)); float radiusDifPosY = (fromN.radius - toN.radius) / 2 * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (angle - 90)); // Handling cases when one or more of the from / to nodes are square instead of circle float squareLengthOffsetFrom = getSquareCircleOffsetLength(fromN, angle, true); float squareLengthOffsetTo = getSquareCircleOffsetLength(toN, angle, false); length = length - squareLengthOffsetFrom - squareLengthOffsetTo; float squareDifPosX = (squareLengthOffsetFrom - squareLengthOffsetTo) / 2 * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (angle - 90)); float squareDifPosY = (squareLengthOffsetFrom - squareLengthOffsetTo) / 2 * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (angle - 90)); if (weightIsLength) { weight = length; } if (updateLabelWithLength) { if (objectToLabel != null) { changeLabelText(objectToLabel, Mathf.Round(length).ToString()); objectToLabel.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 360 - angle); } } changeSpritePositionTo(this.gameObject, new Vector3(getSpritePivotTopToBot(this.objectToScale) * posXdif + fromNode.transform.localPosition.x + radiusDifPosX + squareDifPosX, getSpritePivotTopToBot(this.objectToScale) * posYdif + fromNode.transform.localPosition.y + radiusDifPosY + squareDifPosY, this.transform.localPosition.z)); changeSpriteHeightFloat(objectToScale, length); this.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, angle); }
private void animateLinkCallback(WMG_Series aSeries, GameObject aGO) { WMG_Node aNode = aGO.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); WMG_Link theLine = aNode.links[aNode.links.Count - 1].GetComponent <WMG_Link>(); theLine.Reposition(); if (aSeries.connectFirstToLast) // One extra link to animate for circles / close loop series { aNode = aSeries.getPoints()[0].GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); theLine = aNode.links[0].GetComponent <WMG_Link>(); theLine.Reposition(); } }
void ActivateNeighborNodes(WMG_Node fromNode) { for (int i = 0; i < fromNode.numLinks; i++) { WMG_Link aLink = fromNode.links[i].GetComponent <WMG_Link>(); WMG_Node aLinkTo = aLink.toNode.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); if ( == { aLinkTo = aLink.fromNode.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); } theMap.SetActive(aLinkTo.gameObject, true); } }
string customTooltipLabeler(WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Node aNode) { Vector2 nodeData = aSeries.getNodeValue(aNode); tooltipNumberFormatInfo.CurrencyDecimalDigits = aSeries.theGraph.tooltipNumberDecimals; string textToSet = nodeData.y.ToString("C", tooltipNumberFormatInfo); if (aSeries.theGraph.tooltipDisplaySeriesName) { textToSet = aSeries.seriesName + ": " + textToSet; } return(textToSet); }
float getSquareCircleOffsetLength(WMG_Node theNode, float angle, bool isFrom) { if (theNode.isSquare) { int angleOffset = getSquareCircleOffsetAngle(angle, isFrom); float squareOffsetFromX = theNode.radius - theNode.radius * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angleOffset); float squareOffsetFromY = squareOffsetFromX * Mathf.Tan(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angleOffset); return(Mathf.Sqrt(squareOffsetFromX * squareOffsetFromX + squareOffsetFromY * squareOffsetFromY)); } else { return(0); } }
void OnWeaponTreeClick(GameObject go) { if (!treeAnimating && !weaponClicked) { weaponClicked = !weaponClicked; treeAnimating = true; Quaternion newRot = weaponTree.transform.localRotation; newRot.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); TweenRotation.Begin(weaponTree, treeClickAnimDuration, newRot); TweenPosition tpos = TweenPosition.Begin(weaponTree, treeClickAnimDuration, new Vector3(0, 100, -350)); tpos.method = UITweener.Method.EaseIn; TweenAlpha.Begin(go, treeClickAnimDuration, 70 / 255f); TweenAlpha.Begin(shieldTree, treeClickAnimDuration, 0); TweenAlpha.Begin(engineTree, treeClickAnimDuration, 0); tpos.callWhenFinished = "endWeaponTreeClicked"; tpos.eventReceiver = this.gameObject; } if (!treeAnimating && weaponClicked) { weaponClicked = !weaponClicked; treeAnimating = true; Quaternion newRot = weaponTree.transform.localRotation; newRot.eulerAngles = new Vector3(345, 0, 0); TweenRotation.Begin(weaponTree, treeClickAnimDuration, newRot); TweenPosition tpos = TweenPosition.Begin(weaponTree, treeClickAnimDuration, new Vector3(0, -150, 0)); TweenAlpha.Begin(go, treeClickAnimDuration, 100 / 255f); TweenAlpha.Begin(shieldTree, treeClickAnimDuration, 1); TweenAlpha.Begin(engineTree, treeClickAnimDuration, 1); tpos.callWhenFinished = "endTreeClickAnim"; tpos.eventReceiver = this.gameObject; foreach (Transform child in weaponTree.transform) { WMG_Node aNode = child.GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); if (aNode != null) { BoxCollider aCol = child.GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); if (aCol != null) { aCol.enabled = false; } } } } }
void updateIndicator() { if (series1.getPoints().Count == 0) { return; } WMG_Node lastPoint = series1.getLastPoint().GetComponent <WMG_Node>(); graph.changeSpritePositionToY(indicatorGO, lastPoint.transform.localPosition.y); Vector2 nodeData = series1.getNodeValue(lastPoint); //indicatorLabelNumberFormatInfo.CurrencyDecimalDigits = indicatorNumDecimals; string textToSet = nodeData.y.ToString(); graph.changeLabelText(indicatorGO.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject, textToSet); }
private void animateLinkCallback(WMG_Series aSeries, GameObject aGO, bool isLast) { WMG_Node aNode = aGO.GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); if (aNode.links.Count != 0) { WMG_Link theLine = aNode.links[aNode.links.Count-1].GetComponent<WMG_Link>(); theLine.Reposition(); } if (isLast) { aSeries.updateAreaShading(null); } if (aSeries.connectFirstToLast) { // One extra link to animate for circles / close loop series aNode = aSeries.getPoints()[0].GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); WMG_Link theLine = aNode.links[0].GetComponent<WMG_Link>(); theLine.Reposition(); } }
private void TooltipLegendNodeMouseEnter(WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Node aNode, bool state) { if (isTooltipObjectNull()) { return; } if (state) { MouseEnterCommon(aSeries.seriesName, aNode.gameObject, new Vector3(2, 2, 1)); } else { MouseExitCommon(aNode.gameObject); } }
private string defaultTooltipLabeler(WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Node aNode) { // Find out the point value data for this node Vector2 nodeData = aSeries.getNodeValue(aNode); float numberToMult = Mathf.Pow(10f, aSeries.theGraph.tooltipNumberDecimals); string nodeX = (Mathf.Round(nodeData.x*numberToMult)/numberToMult).ToString(); string nodeY = (Mathf.Round(nodeData.y*numberToMult)/numberToMult).ToString(); // Determine the tooltip text to display string textToSet; if (aSeries.seriesIsLine) { textToSet = "(" + nodeX + ", " + nodeY + ")"; } else { textToSet = nodeY; } if (aSeries.theGraph.tooltipDisplaySeriesName) { textToSet = aSeries.seriesName + ": " + textToSet; } return textToSet; }
private void TooltipNodeMouseEnter(WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Node aNode, bool state) { if (isTooltipObjectNull()) return; if (state) { // Find out what point value data is for this node Vector2 nodeData = aSeries.getNodeValue(aNode); float numberToMult = Mathf.Pow(10f, theGraph.tooltipNumberDecimals); string nodeX = (Mathf.Round(nodeData.x*numberToMult)/numberToMult).ToString(); string nodeY = (Mathf.Round(nodeData.y*numberToMult)/numberToMult).ToString(); // Determine the tooltip to display and set the text string textToSet; if (theGraph.graphType != WMG_Axis_Graph.graphTypes.line) { textToSet = nodeY; } else { textToSet = "(" + nodeX + ", " + nodeY + ")"; } if (theGraph.tooltipDisplaySeriesName) { textToSet = aSeries.seriesName + ": " + textToSet; } changeLabelText(theGraph.toolTipLabel, textToSet); // Resize this control to match the size of the contents changeSpriteWidth(theGraph.toolTipPanel, Mathf.RoundToInt(getSpriteWidth(theGraph.toolTipLabel)) + 24); // Ensure tooltip is in position before showing it so it doesn't appear to jump repositionTooltip(); // Display the base panel showControl(theGraph.toolTipPanel); bringSpriteToFront(theGraph.toolTipPanel); Vector3 newVec = new Vector3(2,2,1); if (theGraph.graphType != WMG_Axis_Graph.graphTypes.line) { if (theGraph.orientationType == WMG_Axis_Graph.orientationTypes.vertical) { newVec = new Vector3(1,1.1f,1); } else { newVec = new Vector3(1.1f,1,1); } } performTooltipAnimation(aNode.transform, newVec); } else { hideControl(theGraph.toolTipPanel); sendSpriteToBack(theGraph.toolTipPanel); performTooltipAnimation(aNode.transform, new Vector3(1,1,1)); } }
string customTooltipLabeler(WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Node aNode) { Vector2 nodeData = aSeries.getNodeValue(aNode); tooltipNumberFormatInfo.CurrencyDecimalDigits = aSeries.theGraph.tooltipNumberDecimals; string textToSet = nodeData.y.ToString("C", tooltipNumberFormatInfo); if (aSeries.theGraph.tooltipDisplaySeriesName) { textToSet = aSeries.seriesName + ": " + textToSet; } return textToSet; }
public List<GameObject> GenerateGraphFromNode(WMG_Node fromNode) { // Given a starting node, generate a graph of nodes around the starting node // Returns the list of nodes and links composing the resulting graph List<GameObject> returnResults = new List<GameObject>(); returnResults.Add(fromNode.gameObject); // Initialize various variables used in the algorithm GameObject[] nodes = new GameObject[numNodes]; bool[] nodesProcessed = new bool[numNodes]; GameObject curObj = fromNode.gameObject; int procNodeNum = 0; int numNodesProcessed = 0; int numNodesStarting = theGraph.NodesParent.Count - 1; nodes[procNodeNum] = curObj; // Each while loop processes a node by attempting to create neighbors and links to neighbors from the node. // The loop ends when all nodes have been processed or when the number of nodes specified have been created. // A node is processed if all of its neighbors were successfully created or if not all neighbors were created, but maxNeighborAttempts was reached. // maxNeighborAttempts (a failed neighbor creation attempt) can get incremented for the following reasons: // 1. When a randomly generated angle falls between existing neighbors that is less than minAngle. // 2. If noLinkIntersection is true, a randomly generated angle and length would create a link that would cross an existing link in this manager's links parent. // 3. If noNodeIntersection is true, a randomly generated angle and length would create a node that that would circle interesect an existing node in this manager's nodes parent. // 3 cont. The same as above but noNodeIntersectionRadiusPadding > 0, performs the circle intersections check with the nodes' radii increased by the specified padding. // 4. If noLinkNodeIntersection is true, a randomly generated node would intersect with an existing link or a randomly generated link would intersect with an existing node. // 4 cont. The same as above but noLinkNodeIntersectionRadiusPadding > 0, performas the circle - line intersections with the node radius increased by the specified padding. while (theGraph.NodesParent.Count - numNodesStarting < numNodes) { WMG_Node procNode = nodes[procNodeNum].GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); int numNeighbors = Random.Range(minRandomNumberNeighbors,maxRandomNumberNeighbors); if (debugRandomGraph) Debug.Log("Processesing Node: " + + " with " + numNeighbors + " neighbors."); // Attempt to create a neighbor for the specified random number of neighbors for (int i = 0; i < numNeighbors; i++) { int curNeighborAttempt = 0; // For each neighbor, attempt to create the neighbor based on the maxNeighborAttempts while (curNeighborAttempt < maxNeighborAttempts) { // For this attempt, randomly generate an angle and length based on the specified parameters float neighborAngle = Random.Range(minAngleRange,maxAngleRange); float neighborLength = Random.Range(minRandomLinkLength,maxRandomLinkLength); bool failedAttempt = false; if (debugRandomGraph) Debug.Log("Neighbor: " + i + " Attempt: " + curNeighborAttempt + " angle: " + Mathf.Round(neighborAngle)); // Check to see that the randomly generated neighbor would not be too close to an existing neighbor (failure possibility #1) if (minAngle > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < procNode.numLinks; j++) { float angleDif = Mathf.Abs(procNode.linkAngles[j] - neighborAngle); if (angleDif > 180) angleDif = Mathf.Abs(angleDif - 360); if (angleDif < minAngle) { failedAttempt = true; break; } } } if (failedAttempt) { // Failed because random angle was smaller than the minAngle on either side of an existing neighbor if (debugRandomGraph) Debug.Log("Failed: Angle within minAngle of existing neighbor"); curNeighborAttempt++; continue; } // Check if the randomly generated link intersects an existing link (failure possibility #2) if (noLinkIntersection) { float p1y = procNode.transform.localPosition.y + (neighborLength + procNode.radius) * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad*neighborAngle); float p1x = procNode.transform.localPosition.x + (neighborLength + procNode.radius) * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad*neighborAngle); float p2y = procNode.transform.localPosition.y + procNode.radius * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad*neighborAngle); float p2x = procNode.transform.localPosition.x + procNode.radius * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad*neighborAngle); foreach (GameObject child in theGraph.LinksParent) { WMG_Link childLink = child.GetComponent<WMG_Link>(); if ( == -1) continue; // Dummy editor link WMG_Node childLinkFrom = childLink.fromNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); WMG_Node childLinkTo = childLink.toNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); float p3y = childLinkFrom.transform.localPosition.y; float p3x = childLinkFrom.transform.localPosition.x; float p4y = childLinkTo.transform.localPosition.y; float p4x = childLinkTo.transform.localPosition.x; if (PointInterArea(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y) * PointInterArea(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p4x, p4y) < 0 && PointInterArea(p3x, p3y, p4x, p4y, p1x, p1y) * PointInterArea(p3x, p3y, p4x, p4y, p2x, p2y) < 0) { // Links intersect if (debugRandomGraph) Debug.Log("Failed: Link intersected with existing link: " +; failedAttempt = true; break; } } } if (failedAttempt) { // Failed because random link intersected an existing link curNeighborAttempt++; continue; } // Check if the randomly generated node intersects an existing node (failure possibility #3) if (noNodeIntersection) { float p1y = procNode.transform.localPosition.y + (neighborLength) * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad*neighborAngle); float p1x = procNode.transform.localPosition.x + (neighborLength) * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad*neighborAngle); foreach (GameObject child in theGraph.NodesParent) { WMG_Node aNode = child.GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); if ( == -1) continue; // Dummy editor node // Circles intersect if (R0-R1)^2 <= (x0-x1)^2+(y0-y1)^2 <= (R0+R1)^2 if (Mathf.Pow((p1x - child.transform.localPosition.x),2) + Mathf.Pow((p1y - child.transform.localPosition.y),2) <= Mathf.Pow(2*(procNode.radius + noNodeIntersectionRadiusPadding),2)) { if (debugRandomGraph) Debug.Log("Failed: Node intersected with existing node: " +; failedAttempt = true; break; } } } if (failedAttempt) { // Failed because random node intersected an existing node curNeighborAttempt++; continue; } // Check if the randomly generated link intersects an existing node if (noLinkNodeIntersection) { float p1y = procNode.transform.localPosition.y + (neighborLength + procNode.radius) * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad*neighborAngle); float p1x = procNode.transform.localPosition.x + (neighborLength + procNode.radius) * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad*neighborAngle); float p2y = procNode.transform.localPosition.y + procNode.radius * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad*neighborAngle); float p2x = procNode.transform.localPosition.x + procNode.radius * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad*neighborAngle); foreach (GameObject child in theGraph.NodesParent) { WMG_Node aNode = child.GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); if ( == continue; // Ignore the processesing node if (LineInterCircle(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, child.transform.localPosition.x, child.transform.localPosition.y, aNode.radius + noLinkNodeIntersectionRadiusPadding)) { if (debugRandomGraph) Debug.Log("Failed: Link intersected with existing node: " +; failedAttempt = true; break; } } } if (failedAttempt) { // Failed because random link intersected an existing node curNeighborAttempt++; continue; } // Check if the randomly generated node intersects an existing link if (noLinkNodeIntersection) { float cy = procNode.transform.localPosition.y + (neighborLength + 2 * procNode.radius) * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad*neighborAngle); float cx = procNode.transform.localPosition.x + (neighborLength + 2 * procNode.radius) * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad*neighborAngle); foreach (GameObject child in theGraph.LinksParent) { WMG_Link childLink = child.GetComponent<WMG_Link>(); if ( == -1) continue; // Dummy editor link WMG_Node childLinkFrom = childLink.fromNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); WMG_Node childLinkTo = childLink.toNode.GetComponent<WMG_Node>(); float p1y = childLinkFrom.transform.localPosition.y; float p1x = childLinkFrom.transform.localPosition.x; float p2y = childLinkTo.transform.localPosition.y; float p2x = childLinkTo.transform.localPosition.x; if (LineInterCircle(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, cx, cy, procNode.radius + noLinkNodeIntersectionRadiusPadding)) { if (debugRandomGraph) Debug.Log("Failed: Node intersected with existing link: " +; failedAttempt = true; break; } } } if (failedAttempt) { // Failed because random node intersected an existing link curNeighborAttempt++; continue; } // The attempt did not fail, so create the node and the link and break out of the while attempt < maxAttempts loop curObj = theGraph.CreateNode(nodePrefab, fromNode.transform.parent.gameObject); returnResults.Add(curObj); nodes[theGraph.NodesParent.Count - numNodesStarting - 1] = curObj; // curObj.transform.parent = fromNode.transform.parent; float dx = Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad*neighborAngle)*neighborLength; float dy = Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad*neighborAngle)*neighborLength; curObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(procNode.transform.localPosition.x + dx, procNode.transform.localPosition.y + dy, 0); returnResults.Add(theGraph.CreateLink(procNode, curObj, linkPrefab, null)); break; } if (theGraph.NodesParent.Count - numNodesStarting == numNodes) break; // Max number nodes specified was reached, we are done generating the graph } // Set the node as processed and increment the processed node counter nodesProcessed[procNodeNum] = true; numNodesProcessed++; // Process the oldest node added as the next node to process if (centerPropogate) { procNodeNum++; } // Pick a random node as the next node to process from the nodes that have been created from this algorithm else { int numPossibleProcNodes = theGraph.NodesParent.Count - numNodesStarting - numNodesProcessed; if (numPossibleProcNodes > 0) { int[] possibleProcNodes = new int[numPossibleProcNodes]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { if (!nodesProcessed[i] && i < theGraph.NodesParent.Count - numNodesStarting) { possibleProcNodes[j] = i; j++; } } procNodeNum = possibleProcNodes[Random.Range(0,j-1)]; } } // This happens (algorithm ends prematurely) when maxNeighborAttempts was reached for the starting node or all the nodes created if (theGraph.NodesParent.Count - numNodesStarting == numNodesProcessed) { // Case where all nodes have been processed, but number nodes specfied were not created Debug.Log("WMG - Warning: Only generated " + (theGraph.NodesParent.Count - numNodesStarting - 1) + " nodes with the given parameters."); break; } } return returnResults; }
private void TooltipNodeMouseEnter(WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Node aNode, bool state) { if (isTooltipObjectNull()) return; if (state) { // Set tooltip text changeLabelText(theGraph.toolTipLabel, tooltipLabeler(aSeries, aNode)); // Resize this control to match the size of the contents changeSpriteWidth(theGraph.toolTipPanel, Mathf.RoundToInt(getSpriteWidth(theGraph.toolTipLabel)) + 24); // Ensure tooltip is in position before showing it so it doesn't appear to jump repositionTooltip(); // Display the base panel showControl(theGraph.toolTipPanel); bringSpriteToFront(theGraph.toolTipPanel); Vector3 newVec = new Vector3(2,2,1); if (!aSeries.seriesIsLine) { if (theGraph.orientationType == WMG_Axis_Graph.orientationTypes.vertical) { newVec = new Vector3(1,1.1f,1); } else { newVec = new Vector3(1.1f,1,1); } } performTooltipAnimation(aNode.transform, newVec); } else { hideControl(theGraph.toolTipPanel); sendSpriteToBack(theGraph.toolTipPanel); performTooltipAnimation(aNode.transform, new Vector3(1,1,1)); } }
void CreateOrDeleteLink(WMG_Node fromNode, WMG_Node toNode, bool noVertHoriz) { WMG_Link aLink = GetLink(fromNode, toNode); if (aLink == null) { if (createLinks && !noVertHoriz) { gridLinks.Add(CreateLink(fromNode, toNode.gameObject, linkPrefab, this.gameObject)); } } else { if (!createLinks || noVertHoriz) { gridLinks.Remove(aLink.gameObject); DeleteLink(aLink); } } }
private float getSquareCircleOffsetLength(WMG_Node theNode, float angle, bool isFrom) { if (theNode.isSquare) { int angleOffset = getSquareCircleOffsetAngle(angle, isFrom); float squareOffsetFromX = theNode.radius - theNode.radius * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angleOffset); float squareOffsetFromY = squareOffsetFromX * Mathf.Tan(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angleOffset); return Mathf.Sqrt(squareOffsetFromX * squareOffsetFromX + squareOffsetFromY * squareOffsetFromY); } else return 0; }
void SetNodeAngles(float angle, WMG_Node fromN, WMG_Node toN) { for (int i = 0; i < fromN.numLinks; i++) { WMG_Link fromNlink = fromN.links[i].GetComponent<WMG_Link>(); if ( == { fromN.linkAngles[i] = angle - 90; } } for (int i = 0; i < toN.numLinks; i++) { WMG_Link toNlink = toN.links[i].GetComponent<WMG_Link>(); if ( == { toN.linkAngles[i] = angle + 90; } } }
// Get Vector2 associated with a node in this series public Vector2 getNodeValue(WMG_Node aNode) { for (int i = 0; i < pointValues.Count; i++) { if (points[i].GetComponent<WMG_Node>() == aNode) return pointValues[i]; } return; }
// Get Vector2 associated with a node in this series public Vector2 getNodeValue(WMG_Node aNode) { for (int i = 0; i < pointValues.Count; i++) { // TODO improve performance by mapping IDs to Vector2 if (points[i].GetComponent<WMG_Node>() == aNode) return pointValues[i]; } return; }