        public OpenGLWindow(INativeWindow parent, int x, int y, int width, int height) : base(new WindowCreateStruct {
            WindowTitle  = GameConfig.GameWindowTitle,                    //"IGE OpenGLWindow",
            X            = x,
            Y            = y,
            Width        = width,
            Height       = height,
            Style        = GameConfig.FullScreen ? WindowStyleFlags.Popup : Win32NativeWindow.DefaultStyle,
            ExStyle      = ExtendedWindowStyleFlags.ApplicationWindow,
            ParentWindow = (Win32NativeWindow)parent,
            Menu         = IntPtr.Zero,
            Param        = IntPtr.Zero,

            ClassName   = "IGEOpenGLWindow",
            ClassStyle  = WindowClassStyle.HREDRAW | WindowClassStyle.VREDRAW | WindowClassStyle.OWNDC,
            Background  = (IntPtr)0,                                                                                                                                                                                                                      // no background brush is needed since opengl has its own renderer
            Icon        = (GameConfig.IconResourceId != 0) ? IGE.Platform.Win32.API.Externals.LoadIcon(Win32Application.GetInstanceHandle(), (IntPtr)GameConfig.IconResourceId) : IGE.Platform.Win32.API.Externals.LoadIcon(IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr) 32512), // 32512 = IDI_APPLICATION
            Cursor      = IGE.Platform.Win32.API.Externals.LoadCursor(IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr) 32512),                                                                                                                                                       // 32512 = IDC_ARROW
            ClassMenu   = IntPtr.Zero,
            ClassExtra  = 0,
            WindowExtra = 0
            m_DeviceContext = null;
            if (!Exists)

            m_DeviceContext = new DeviceContext(this);
            if (m_DeviceContext.Disposed)
                GameDebugger.EngineLog(LogLevel.Error, "Failed to properly create a device context");
                throw new UserFriendlyException("Failed to properly create a device context", "Graphics initialization error");

             * // This enumerates all pixel formats, supported by the device context to the log file
             * for( int i = PixelFormat.GetCount(m_DeviceContext); i > 0; i-- ) {
             *      PixelFormat dpf = new PixelFormat(m_DeviceContext, i);
             *      GameDebugger.Log(dpf);
             * }

            // change pixelformat for the window's device context
            //  | PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.SWAP_EXCHANGE
            PixelFormatDescriptor pfd = new PixelFormatDescriptor {
                Flags       = PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.DOUBLEBUFFER | PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.SUPPORT_OPENGL | PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.DRAW_TO_WINDOW,
                PixelType   = ApiPixelType.RGBA,
                ColorBits   = (byte)GameConfig.ColorBits,
                RedBits     = 8, GreenBits = 8, BlueBits = 8, AlphaBits = 8,
                RedShift    = 0, GreenShift = 0, BlueShift = 0, AlphaShift = 0,
                DepthBits   = (byte)GameConfig.DepthBufferBits,
                StencilBits = (byte)GameConfig.StencilBufferBits,
                AccumBits   = (byte)GameConfig.AccumBufferBits, AccumRedBits = 0, AccumGreenBits = 0, AccumBlueBits = 0, AccumAlphaBits = 0,
                AuxBuffers  = 0, LayerType = 0, LayerMask = 0, VisibleMask = 0, DamageMask = 0

            PixelFormat pf = new PixelFormat(m_DeviceContext, ref pfd);

            GameDebugger.EngineLog(LogLevel.Debug, "{0}", pf);

            if (!pf.Exists)
                throw new Exception("Could not find a suitable pixel format for an OpenGL window.");

            bool res = pf.Apply();

            //GameDebugger.Log("Chosen: {0} {1}", pf.Exists, pf.ToString());
            //GameDebugger.Log("Apply result: {0}", res);
            if (!res)
                GameDebugger.EngineLog(LogLevel.Debug, "Failed applying requested pixel format, trying to apply by a found index");

                PixelFormat pf2 = new PixelFormat(m_DeviceContext, pf.Index);

                GameDebugger.EngineLog(LogLevel.Debug, "{0}", pf2);

                res = pf2.Apply();
                //GameDebugger.Log("Real: {0} {1}", pf2.Exists, pf2.ToString());
                //GameDebugger.Log("Apply result: {0}", res);
                if (!res)
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Error trying to set {0}", pf2.ToString()));

            m_ResourceContext = new ResourceContext(m_DeviceContext);
            if (m_ResourceContext.Disposed)
                int pixelFormats = PixelFormat.GetCount(m_DeviceContext);
                GameDebugger.EngineLog(LogLevel.Debug, "Supported pixel formats:");
                for (int i = 0; i < pixelFormats; i++)
                    pf = new PixelFormat(m_DeviceContext, i);
                    GameDebugger.EngineLog(LogLevel.Debug, "{0}", pf);
                throw new Exception("Could not create a resource context for the OpenGLWindow");

            // "reload" because we want context specific extension functions to be loaded as well

            Application.IdleEvent += OnIdle;