        private WFAutomaticWorkItem[] GetAutomaticWorkItems(WorkflowService api, string aiID)
            // manual work items
            WFAny any = new WFAny();

            any.Type  = WFTypeCode._STRING;
            any.Value = aiID;

            WFQueryExpr expr = new WFQueryExpr();

            expr.ColumnName = "ACTIVITY_INST_ID";
            expr.Operator   = SQLExpr.EQ;
            expr.Any        = any;
            expr.IsValue    = true;

            WFAutomaticWorkItem[] wks = api.QueryProcedureList(expr);
            if (wks == null || wks.Length == 0)

            SortedList sl        = new SortedList();
            string     procedure = null;
            string     prefix    = WFConstants.BUILT_IN_PROCEDURE;

            foreach (WFAutomaticWorkItem wk in wks)
                procedure = wk.ProcedureInfo;
                if (!procedure.StartsWith(prefix))
                procedure = procedure.Remove(0, prefix.Length + 1);
                if (!procedure.StartsWith("SubProcess"))

                sl.Add((int.MaxValue - wk.Session) + UUID.GetID(), wk);
            wks = new WFAutomaticWorkItem[sl.Count];
            if (sl.Count > 0)
                sl.Values.CopyTo(wks, 0);
        public static WFManualWorkItem[] QueryWorkList(WFQueryExpr expr)
            IWFWorkflowService svc = Common.GetWorkFlowAPI();

            //WFAny any = WFAny.Create(WFManualWorkItem.ASSIGNED);
            //WFQueryExpr expr = new WFQueryExpr("WF_MANUAL_WORKITEM.STATUS",
            //SQLExpr.EQ, any, true);
            WFManualWorkItem[] workItems = null;
                workItems = svc.QueryWorkList(expr);
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static WFAutomaticWorkItem[] QueryProcedureList(WFQueryExpr expr)
            IWFWorkflowService svc = Common.GetWorkFlowAPI();

            WFAutomaticWorkItem[] result = null;
                ////WebMethod with sql query expression as argument.
                //WFAny any = WFAny.Create(WFAutomaticWorkItem.WAITING);
                //WFQueryExpr expr = new WFQueryExpr("STATUS", SQLExpr.EQ, any, true);   construct the parameter in this manner
                result = svc.QueryProcedureList(expr);
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static WFBaseActivityInstance[] QueryActivityInsts(WFQueryExpr expr)
            IWFWorkflowService svc = Common.GetWorkFlowAPI();

            //string processInstanceID = "";
            //WFAny any = WFAny.Create(processInstanceID);
            //WFQueryExpr expr = new WFQueryExpr("PROC_INST_ID", SQLExpr.IN, any, true);
            WFBaseActivityInstance[] ais = null;
                ais = svc.QueryActivityInsts(expr);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed! " + ShUtil.GetSoapMessage(ex));
        public static WFBaseProcessInstance[] QueryProcInsts(WFQueryExpr expr)
            // query all running process instance
            //string status = WFProcessInstance.RUNNING;
            //WFAny any = WFAny.Create(status);
            //WFQueryExpr exprr = new WFQueryExpr("STATUS", SQLExpr.EQ, any, true);

            IWFWorkflowService svc = Common.GetWorkFlowAPI();

            WFBaseProcessInstance[] result = null;
                result = svc.QueryProcInsts(expr);
            catch (Exception ex)
        private WFManualWorkItem[] GetManualWorkItems(WorkflowService api, string aiID)
            // manual work items
            WFAny       any  = WFAny.Create(aiID);
            WFQueryExpr expr = new WFQueryExpr("ACTIVITY_INST_ID", SQLExpr.EQ, any, true);

            WFManualWorkItem[] wks = api.QueryWorkList(expr);
            if (wks == null || wks.Length == 0)

            SortedList sl = new SortedList();

            foreach (WFManualWorkItem wk in wks)
                string key = (DateTime.MaxValue - wk.AssignedDate).ToString();
                sl.Add(key + UUID.GetID(), wk);
            sl.Values.CopyTo(wks, 0);
        private Hashtable GetSubProcInstName(WorkflowService api, WFAutomaticWorkItem[] wks)
            Hashtable h = new Hashtable();

            if (wks == null || wks.Length == 0)

            Hashtable hPIIDs = new Hashtable(); // ensure unique
            String    piIDs  = "";

            foreach (WFAutomaticWorkItem w in wks)
                if (hPIIDs[w.WorkItemID] == null)
                    if (piIDs.Length > 0)
                        piIDs += ",";
                    piIDs += String.Format("'{0}'", w.WorkItemID);
                    hPIIDs[w.WorkItemID] = w.WorkItemID;

            WFQueryExpr expr = new WFQueryExpr("PROC_INST_ID", SQLExpr.IN, WFAny.Create(piIDs), true);

            WFBaseProcessInstance[] pis = api.QueryProcInsts(expr);
            if (pis == null)

            foreach (WFBaseProcessInstance pi in pis)
                h[pi.ProcInstID] = pi.ProcInstName;
        private int CountParticipantOnActivity(IWFWorkflowService api, string piID, WFBaseActivityInstance ai)
            ArrayList participantList = new ArrayList();

            //Retreive Activity definition to know the type of activity
            WFBaseProcessInstance pi       = api.GetProcInst(piID);
            string xmlString               = api.GetProcDefXml(pi.DefID);
            WFProcessDefinition processDef = new WFProcessDefinition();
            ProcDefXmlParser    xmlParser  = new ProcDefXmlParser(processDef);

            IWFActivityDefinition      ad          = processDef.FindActivityByName(ai.Name);
            WFManualActivityDefinition activityDef = null;

            //Get the type of activity
            if (ad != null && ad.GetType() == typeof(WFManualActivityDefinition))
                activityDef = (WFManualActivityDefinition)ad;

            // Get manual work items for the given Activity
            WFAny       any  = WFAny.Create(ai.ID);
            WFQueryExpr expr = new WFQueryExpr("ACTIVITY_INST_ID", SQLExpr.EQ, any, true);

            WFManualWorkItem[] wks = api.QueryWorkList(expr);

            if (wks != null)
                foreach (WFManualWorkItem wk in wks)
                    if (wk.Status == WFManualWorkItem.ASSIGNED || wk.Status == WFManualWorkItem.OVERDUE || wk.Status == WFManualWorkItem.COMPLETED)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(wk.UserID) && !participantList.Contains(wk.UserID.ToLower()))

            // if activity is Agilework of type ProcessAdaptation
            if (activityDef != null && activityDef.CustomProperties.Contains("Ascentn.AgileWork.Premier.ProcessAdaptation"))
                //Get type of the AgileWork
                string activityType = api.GetCustomAttr(pi.WorkObjectID, ai.ID + "_ApprovalType") as string;

                //Count number of participant in case of sequential type
                if (activityType == "Sequential")
                    string activityProperties = api.GetCustomAttr(pi.WorkObjectID, ai.ID + "_ActivityProperties") as string;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(activityProperties))
                        string[] approverInfoList = activityProperties.Split(';');
                        foreach (string approverInfo in approverInfoList)
                            string[] userInfoList = approverInfo.Split('|');
                            string   user         = userInfoList[0];
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user) && !participantList.Contains(user.ToLower()))
        private int CountParticipantOnActivity(IWFWorkflowService api, string piID, WFBaseActivityInstance ai)
            ArrayList participantList = new ArrayList();

            //Retreive Activity definition to know the type of activity
            WFBaseProcessInstance pi = api.GetProcInst(piID);
            string xmlString = api.GetProcDefXml(pi.DefID);
            WFProcessDefinition processDef = new WFProcessDefinition();
            ProcDefXmlParser xmlParser = new ProcDefXmlParser(processDef);
            IWFActivityDefinition ad = processDef.FindActivityByName(ai.Name);
            WFManualActivityDefinition activityDef = null;
            //Get the type of activity
            if (ad != null && ad.GetType() == typeof(WFManualActivityDefinition))
                activityDef = (WFManualActivityDefinition)ad;

            // Get manual work items for the given Activity
            WFAny any = WFAny.Create(ai.ID);
            WFQueryExpr expr = new WFQueryExpr("ACTIVITY_INST_ID", SQLExpr.EQ, any, true);

            WFManualWorkItem[] wks = api.QueryWorkList(expr);

            if (wks != null)
                foreach (WFManualWorkItem wk in wks)
                    if (wk.Status == WFManualWorkItem.ASSIGNED || wk.Status == WFManualWorkItem.OVERDUE || wk.Status == WFManualWorkItem.COMPLETED)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(wk.UserID) && !participantList.Contains(wk.UserID.ToLower()))

            // if activity is Agilework of type ProcessAdaptation
            if (activityDef != null && activityDef.CustomProperties.Contains("Ascentn.AgileWork.Premier.ProcessAdaptation"))
                //Get type of the AgileWork
                string activityType = api.GetCustomAttr(pi.WorkObjectID, ai.ID + "_ApprovalType") as string;

                //Count number of participant in case of sequential type
                if (activityType == "Sequential")
                    string activityProperties = api.GetCustomAttr(pi.WorkObjectID, ai.ID + "_ActivityProperties") as string;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(activityProperties))
                        string[] approverInfoList = activityProperties.Split(';');
                        foreach (string approverInfo in approverInfoList)
                            string[] userInfoList = approverInfo.Split('|');
                            string user = userInfoList[0];
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user) && !participantList.Contains(user.ToLower()))
            return participantList.Count;
        private Hashtable GetSubProcInstName(WorkflowService api, WFAutomaticWorkItem[] wks)
            Hashtable h = new Hashtable();
            if (wks == null || wks.Length == 0) return h;

            Hashtable hPIIDs = new Hashtable(); // ensure unique
            String piIDs = "";
            foreach (WFAutomaticWorkItem w in wks)
                if (hPIIDs[w.WorkItemID] == null)
                    if (piIDs.Length > 0) piIDs += ",";
                    piIDs += String.Format("'{0}'", w.WorkItemID);
                    hPIIDs[w.WorkItemID] = w.WorkItemID;

            WFQueryExpr expr = new WFQueryExpr("PROC_INST_ID", SQLExpr.IN, WFAny.Create(piIDs), true);
            WFBaseProcessInstance[] pis = api.QueryProcInsts(expr);
            if (pis == null) return h;

            foreach (WFBaseProcessInstance pi in pis)
                h[pi.ProcInstID] = pi.ProcInstName;
            return h;
        private WFManualWorkItem[] GetManualWorkItems(WorkflowService api, string aiID)
            // manual work items
            WFAny any = WFAny.Create(aiID);
            WFQueryExpr expr = new WFQueryExpr("ACTIVITY_INST_ID", SQLExpr.EQ, any, true);

            WFManualWorkItem[] wks = api.QueryWorkList(expr);
            if (wks == null || wks.Length == 0) return null;

            SortedList sl = new SortedList();
            foreach (WFManualWorkItem wk in wks)
                string key = (DateTime.MaxValue - wk.AssignedDate).ToString();
                sl.Add(key + UUID.GetID(), wk);
            sl.Values.CopyTo(wks, 0);
            return wks;
        private WFAutomaticWorkItem[] GetAutomaticWorkItems(WorkflowService api, string aiID)
            // manual work items
            WFAny any = new WFAny();
            any.Type = WFTypeCode._STRING;
            any.Value = aiID;

            WFQueryExpr expr = new WFQueryExpr();
            expr.ColumnName = "ACTIVITY_INST_ID";
            expr.Operator = SQLExpr.EQ;
            expr.Any = any;
            expr.IsValue = true;

            WFAutomaticWorkItem[] wks = api.QueryProcedureList(expr);
            if (wks == null || wks.Length == 0) return null;

            SortedList sl = new SortedList();
            string procedure = null;
            string prefix = WFConstants.BUILT_IN_PROCEDURE;
            foreach (WFAutomaticWorkItem wk in wks)
                procedure = wk.ProcedureInfo;
                if (!procedure.StartsWith(prefix)) continue;
                procedure = procedure.Remove(0, prefix.Length + 1);
                if (!procedure.StartsWith("SubProcess")) continue;

                sl.Add((int.MaxValue - wk.Session) + UUID.GetID(), wk);
            wks = new WFAutomaticWorkItem[sl.Count];
            if (sl.Count > 0) sl.Values.CopyTo(wks, 0);
            return wks;