protected void fvProperty_ItemDeleting(object sender, FormViewDeleteEventArgs e) { if (WACGlobal_Methods.Security_UserCanPerformAction(Session["userID"], "D", "GlobalData", "GlobalData", "msgDelete")) { string sDeleteCheck = WACGlobal_Methods.DatabaseFunction_Global_CheckForeignKeyAssignment(Convert.ToInt32(fvProperty.DataKey.Value), "PROPERTY"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sDeleteCheck)) { int iCode = 0; using (WACDataClassesDataContext wDataContext = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { try { iCode = wDataContext.property_delete(Convert.ToInt32(fvProperty.DataKey.Value), Session["userName"].ToString()); if (iCode == 0) { lbProperty_Close_Click(null, null); } else { WACAlert.Show("Error Returned from Database.", iCode); } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show(ex.Message, 0); } } } else { WACAlert.Show(sDeleteCheck, 0); } } }
protected void fvAg_WFP3_Technician_ItemUpdating(object sender, FormViewUpdateEventArgs e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DropDownList ddlAg_WFP3_Technician_Type = fvAg_WFP3_Technician.FindControl("ddlAg_WFP3_Technician_Type") as DropDownList; DropDownList ddlTechnician = fvAg_WFP3_Technician.FindControl("ddlTechnician") as DropDownList; using (WACDataClassesDataContext wDataContext = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { var a = wDataContext.form_wfp3_teches.Where(w => w.pk_form_wfp3_tech == PK_Wfp3Tech).Select(s => s).Single(); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlAg_WFP3_Technician_Type.SelectedValue) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlTechnician.SelectedValue)) { a.fk_designerEngineerType_code = ddlAg_WFP3_Technician_Type.SelectedValue; a.fk_list_designerEngineer = Convert.ToInt32(ddlTechnician.SelectedValue); } else { sb.Append("Type and Technician were not updated. Type and Technician are required. "); } a.modified = DateTime.Now; a.modified_by = Session["userName"].ToString(); wDataContext.SubmitChanges(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sb.ToString())) { WACAlert.Show(sb.ToString(), 0); } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show(ex.Message, 0); } } }
protected void lbDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LinkButton lb = (LinkButton)sender; if (WACGlobal_Methods.Security_UserCanPerformAction(Session["userID"], "D", "GlobalData", "GlobalData", "msgDelete")) { int iCode = 0; using (WACDataClassesDataContext wDataContext = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { try { iCode = wDataContext.participantType_delete(Convert.ToInt32(lb.CommandArgument), Session["userName"].ToString()); if (iCode == 0) { object[] oArgs = new object[] { Convert.ToInt32(hfPK_Participant.Value) }; Page.GetType().InvokeMember("InvokedMethod_ControlGroup_RebindRecord", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, this.Page, oArgs); } else { WACAlert.Show("Error Returned from Database.", iCode); } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show(ex.Message, 0); } } } }
protected void fvSA_Note_ItemDeleting(object sender, FormViewDeleteEventArgs e) { FormView fv = fvSA.FindControl("fvSA_Note") as FormView; if (WACGlobal_Methods.Security_UserCanPerformAction(Session["userID"], "D", "A", "supplementalAgreementNote", "msgDelete")) { int iCode = 0; using (WACDataClassesDataContext wDataContext = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { try { iCode = wDataContext.supplementalAgreementNote_delete(Convert.ToInt32(fv.DataKey.Value), Session["userName"].ToString()); if (iCode == 0) { lbSA_Note_Close_Click(null, null); } else { WACAlert.Show("Error Returned from Database.", iCode); } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show(ex.Message, 0); } } } }
protected void fvHR_WACEmployee_ActivityCost_ItemDeleting(object sender, FormViewDeleteEventArgs e) { int iCode = 0; using (WACDataClassesDataContext wac = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { try { FormView fvHR_WACEmployee_ActivityCost = fvHR_WACEmployee_Activity.FindControl("fvHR_WACEmployee_ActivityCost") as FormView; iCode = wac.participantWAC_activityCost_delete(Convert.ToInt32(fvHR_WACEmployee_ActivityCost.DataKey.Value), Session["userName"].ToString()); if (iCode == 0) { fvHR_WACEmployee_ActivityCost.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.ReadOnly); fvHR_WACEmployee_Activity.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.ReadOnly); BindHR_WACEmployee_Activity(); //lbHR_WACEmployees_ActivityCost_Close_Click(null, null); } else { WACAlert.Show("Error Returned from Database.", iCode); } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, 0); } } }
protected void lbBMPPlanning_ImplementationYears_Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool b = WACGlobal_Methods.Security_UserObjectCustom(Session["userID"], WACGlobal_Methods.Enum_Security_UserObjectCustom.A_PLAN); if (b) { LinkButton lb = (LinkButton)sender; int iCode = 0; using (WACDataClassesDataContext wDataContext = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { try { iCode = wDataContext.bmp_ag_implementation_delete(Convert.ToInt32(lb.CommandArgument), Session["userName"].ToString()); if (iCode == 0) { BindData_BMPPlanning_FormView(Convert.ToInt32(fvBMPPlanning.DataKey.Value)); } else { WACAlert.Show("Error Returned from Database.", iCode); } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show(ex.Message, 0); } } } else { WACAlert.Show("You do not have permission to insert into the BMP Planning Implementation Year table.", 0); } }
protected void lbVenue_EventVenueType_Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WACGlobal_Methods.Security_UserCanPerformAction(Session["userID"], "D", "GlobalData", "GlobalData", "msgDelete")) { LinkButton lb = (LinkButton)sender; int i = Convert.ToInt32(lb.CommandArgument); int iCode = 0; using (WACDataClassesDataContext wDataContext = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { try { iCode = wDataContext.eventVenueType_delete(i); if (iCode == 0) { BindVenue(Convert.ToInt32(fvVenue.DataKey.Value)); } else { WACAlert.Show("Error Returned from Database.", iCode); } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show(ex.Message, 0); } } } }
private void checkDependencies(FormView fv, List <WACParameter> parms, WACDataProvider dp, MasterDetailDataObject ds) { ListSource = ds; DataProvider = dp; try { if (fv == null) { throw new Exception("Null FormView in FormViewModel"); } if (ListSource == null) { throw new Exception("Null ListSource in FormViewModel: " + fv.ID); } if (parms == null) { throw new Exception("Null Key list in FormViewModel: " + fv.ID); } if (DataProvider == null) { throw new Exception("Null DataProvider in FormViewModel: " + fv.ID); } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show(ex.Message, 0); } }
public bool Update <T>(List <WACParameter> parms, WACValidator.UpdateValidateDelegate <T> vDel) { bool result = false; T item = default(T); parms.Add(new WACParameter("modified_by", UserName)); parms.Add(new WACParameter("modified", DateTime.Now)); try { item = vDel(parms, (T)ListSource.GetCurrentItem()); ListSource.RemoveItemFromViewlist <T>(item); ((IWACDataProvider <T>)DataProvider).Update(item); ListSource.SetCurrentItem <T>(item, ((IWACDataProvider <T>)DataProvider).GetPrimaryKey); result = true; } catch (WACEX_ValidationException wex) { WACAlert.Show("Update failed, validation error: " + wex.ErrorText + " In " + this.ToString() + ".Update", 0); } catch (WACEX_GeneralDatabaseException gex) { WACAlert.Show("Update failed: " + gex.ErrorText + " In " + this.ToString() + ".Update", gex.ErrorCode); } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show("Update failed: " + ex.Message + " In " + this.ToString() + ".Update", 0); } return(result); }
protected void fvSA_Note_ItemUpdating(object sender, FormViewUpdateEventArgs e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); FormView fv = fvSA.FindControl("fvSA_Note") as FormView; TextBox tbNote = fv.FindControl("tbNote") as TextBox; using (WACDataClassesDataContext wDataContext = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { var a = wDataContext.supplementalAgreementNotes.Where(w => w.pk_supplementalAgreementNote == Convert.ToInt32(fv.DataKey.Value)).Select(s => s).Single(); try { a.note = WACGlobal_Methods.Format_Global_StringLengthRestriction(tbNote.Text, 255); a.modified = DateTime.Now; a.modified_by = Session["userName"].ToString(); wDataContext.SubmitChanges(); fv.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.ReadOnly); Populate_SA_Note_FormView(fv, Convert.ToInt32(fv.DataKey.Value)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sb.ToString())) { WACAlert.Show(sb.ToString(), 0); } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show(ex.Message, 0); } } }
public void fvHR_WACEmployee_Note_ItemUpdating(object sender, EventArgs e) { PK_ParticipantNote = Convert.ToInt32(fvHR_WACEmployee_Note.DataKey.Value); DropDownList ddlPosition = fvHR_WACEmployee_Note.FindControl("ddlPosition") as DropDownList; TextBox tbNote = fvHR_WACEmployee_Note.FindControl("tbNote") as TextBox; using (WACDataClassesDataContext wac = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { try { var x = wac.participantWAC_notes.Where(w => w.pk_participantWAC_note == PK_ParticipantNote).Select(s => s).Single(); // Position - not required if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlPosition.SelectedValue)) { x.fk_positionWAC_code = ddlPosition.SelectedValue; } // Note - required if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbNote.Text)) { x.note = tbNote.Text; } x.modified = DateTime.Now; x.modified_by = Session["userName"].ToString(); wac.SubmitChanges(); fvHR_WACEmployee_Note.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.ReadOnly); BindHR_WACEmployee_Note(); OnFormActionCompleted(this, new FormViewEventArgs(FK_ParticipantWAC, "note")); } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, 0); } } }
public void fvHR_WACEmployee_Position_ItemDeleting(object sender, EventArgs e) { int iCode = 0; PK_ParticipantPosition = Convert.ToInt32(fvHR_WACEmployee_Position.DataKey.Value); using (WACDataClassesDataContext wac = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { try { iCode = wac.participantWAC_position_delete(PK_ParticipantPosition, Session["userName"].ToString()); if (iCode == 0) { fvHR_WACEmployee_Position.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.ReadOnly); BindHR_WACEmployee_Position(); } else { WACAlert.Show("Error Returned from Database.", iCode); } OnFormActionCompleted(this, new FormViewEventArgs(FK_ParticipantWAC, "position")); } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, 0); } } }
private void ExpressInsert(string sType) { object[] oArgs = new object[] { -1 }; try { switch (sType) { case "ORGANIZATION": Page.GetType().InvokeMember("Organization_ViewEditInsertWindow", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, this.Page, oArgs); break; case "PARTICIPANT": Page.GetType().InvokeMember("Participant_ViewEditInsertWindow", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, this.Page, oArgs); break; case "PROPERTY": Page.GetType().InvokeMember("Property_ViewEditInsertWindow", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, this.Page, oArgs); break; case "GLOBAL": Page.GetType().InvokeMember("InvokedMethod_Insert_Global", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, this.Page, null); break; } } catch { WACAlert.Show(sType + " not implemented on this page.", 0); } }
protected void fvList_Ag_BMPPractice_ItemDeleting(object sender, FormViewDeleteEventArgs e) { bool b = WACGlobal_Methods.Security_UserObjectCustom(Session["userID"], WACGlobal_Methods.Enum_Security_UserObjectCustom.A_ABC); if (b) { int iCode = 0; using (WACDataClassesDataContext wDataContext = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { try { iCode = wDataContext.list_bmpPractice_delete(Convert.ToDecimal(fvList_Ag_BMPPractice.DataKey.Value), Session["userName"].ToString()); if (iCode == 0) { lbList_Ag_BMPPracticePopUp_Close_Click(null, null); } else { WACAlert.Show("Error Returned from Database.", iCode); } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, 0); } } } else { WACAlert.Show("You do not have permission to delete BMP Practice data.", 0); } //if (WACGlobal_Methods.Security_UserCanPerformAction(Session["userID"], "D", "GlobalData", "GlobalData", "msgDelete")) //{ //} }
protected void ddlInsert_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WACGlobal_Methods.Security_UserCanPerformAction(Session["userID"], "I", "GlobalData", "GlobalData", "msgInsert")) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlInsert.SelectedValue)) { int?i = null; int iCode = 0; try { using (WACDataClassesDataContext wac = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { iCode = wac.participantType_add(Convert.ToInt32(hfPK_Participant.Value), ddlInsert.SelectedValue, Session["userName"].ToString(), ref i); if (iCode == 0) { object[] oArgs = new object[] { Convert.ToInt32(hfPK_Participant.Value) }; Page.GetType().InvokeMember("InvokedMethod_ControlGroup_RebindRecord", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, this.Page, oArgs); } else { WACAlert.Show("Error Returned from Database.", iCode); } } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, 0); } } } }
protected void fvHR_WACEmployee_Activity_ItemInserting(object sender, FormViewInsertEventArgs e) { int? i = null; int iCode = 0; TextBox tbDate = fvHR_WACEmployee_Activity.FindControl("AjaxCalendar_Date").FindControl("tb") as TextBox; TextBox tbNote = fvHR_WACEmployee_Activity.FindControl("tbNote") as TextBox; using (WACDataClassesDataContext wac = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { try { DateTime?dtDate = null; try { dtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(tbDate.Text); } catch { throw new Exception("Date is required / Invalid date format. "); } string sNote = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbNote.Text)) { sNote = tbNote.Text; } iCode = wac.participantWAC_activity_add(FK_ParticipantWAC, dtDate, sNote, Session["userName"].ToString(), ref i); if (iCode == 0) { PK_ParticipantActivity = (Int32)i; fvHR_WACEmployee_Activity.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.ReadOnly); BindHR_WACEmployee_Activity(); } else { WACAlert.Show("Error Returned from Database.", iCode); } OnFormActionCompleted(this, new FormViewEventArgs(FK_ParticipantWAC, "activity")); } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, 0); } } }
protected void fvHR_WACEmployee_Activity_ItemUpdating(object sender, FormViewUpdateEventArgs e) { PK_ParticipantActivity = Convert.ToInt32(fvHR_WACEmployee_Activity.DataKey.Value); TextBox tbDate = fvHR_WACEmployee_Activity.FindControl("AjaxCalendar_Date").FindControl("tb") as TextBox; TextBox tbNote = fvHR_WACEmployee_Activity.FindControl("tbNote") as TextBox; using (WACDataClassesDataContext wac = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { try { var x = wac.participantWAC_activities.Where(w => w.pk_participantWAC_activity == PK_ParticipantActivity).Select(s => s).Single(); try { = Convert.ToDateTime(tbDate.Text); } catch { throw new Exception("Date was not updated. Invalid date. "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbNote.Text)) { x.note = tbNote.Text; } else { x.note = null; } x.modified = DateTime.Now; x.modified_by = Session["userName"].ToString(); wac.SubmitChanges(); fvHR_WACEmployee_Activity.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.ReadOnly); BindHR_WACEmployee_Activity(); OnFormActionCompleted(this, new FormViewEventArgs(FK_ParticipantWAC, "activity")); } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, 0); } } }
protected void fvOrganization_Note_ItemDeleting(object sender, FormViewDeleteEventArgs e) { //if (WACGlobal_Methods.Security_UserCanPerformAction(Session["userID"], "D", "GlobalData", "GlobalData", "msgDelete")) //{ int iCode = 0; using (WACDataClassesDataContext wDataContext = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { try { if (WACGlobal_Methods.Security_UserCanModifyDeleteNote(Session["userName"], "organizationNote", Convert.ToInt32(fvOrganization_Note.DataKey.Value))) { iCode = wDataContext.organizationNote_delete(Convert.ToInt32(fvOrganization_Note.DataKey.Value), Session["userName"].ToString()); if (iCode == 0) { lbOrganization_Note_Close_Click(null, null); } else { WACAlert.Show("Error Returned from Database.", iCode); } } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show(ex.Message, 0); } } //} }
public override IList GetFilteredList(List <WACParameter> parms) { try { IList <TaxParcel> x = GetList() as IList <TaxParcel>; PrimaryKeyVerify(ref parms); string _partialPrintKey = WACParameter.GetParameterValue(parms, "partialPrintKey") as string; string _participant = WACParameter.GetParameterValue(parms, "participant") as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_partialPrintKey)) { var a = x.Where(w => w.taxParcelID.StartsWith(_partialPrintKey)).OrderBy(o => o.taxParcelID).Select(s => s); return(a.ToList <WAC_DataObjects.TaxParcel>()); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_participant)) { var a = x.Where(w => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(w.ownerStr_dnd) && w.ownerStr_dnd.Contains(_participant)).OrderBy(o => o.taxParcelID).Select(s => s); return(a.ToList <WAC_DataObjects.TaxParcel>()); } else { return(x.Where <TaxParcel>(FuncWhere <TaxParcel>(parms)).ToList()); } } catch (Exception e) { WACAlert.Show(e.Message, 0); } return(null); }
public bool Insert <T>(List <WACParameter> parms, WACValidator.InsertValidateDelegate <T> vDel) { bool result = false; T item = default(T); parms.Add(new WACParameter("created_by", UserName, WACParameter.ParameterType.Property)); try { item = vDel(parms); item = ((IWACDataProvider <T>)DataProvider).Insert(item); ListSource.SetCurrentItem <T>(item, ((IWACDataProvider <T>)DataProvider).GetPrimaryKey); ListSource.VList.Clear(); result = true; } catch (WACEX_ValidationException wex) { WACAlert.Show("Insert failed, validation error: " + wex.ErrorText + " In " + this.ToString() + ".Insert", 0); } catch (WACEX_GeneralDatabaseException gex) { WACAlert.Show("Insert failed: " + gex.ErrorText + " In " + this.ToString() + ".Insert", gex.ErrorCode); } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show("Insert failed: " + ex.Message + " In " + this.ToString() + ".Insert", 0); } return(result); }
protected void ddlVenue_EventVenueType_Add_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WACGlobal_Methods.Security_UserCanPerformAction(Session["userID"], "I", "GlobalData", "GlobalData", "msgInsert")) { DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)sender; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddl.SelectedValue)) { int?i = null; int iCode = 0; using (WACDataClassesDataContext wDataContext = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { try { iCode = wDataContext.eventVenueType_add(Convert.ToInt32(fvVenue.DataKey.Value), ddl.SelectedValue, ref i); if (iCode == 0) { BindVenue(Convert.ToInt32(fvVenue.DataKey.Value)); } else { WACAlert.Show("Error Returned from Database.", iCode); } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show(ex.Message, 0); } } } } }
protected void fvSA_ItemUpdating(object sender, FormViewUpdateEventArgs e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //Calendar calAgreementDate = fvSA.FindControl("UC_EditCalendar_SA_AgreementDate").FindControl("cal") as Calendar; //Calendar calInactiveDate = fvSA.FindControl("UC_EditCalendar_SA_InactiveDate").FindControl("cal") as Calendar; CustomControls_AjaxCalendar tbCalAgreementDate = (CustomControls_AjaxCalendar)fvSA.FindControl("tbCalAgreementDate"); CustomControls_AjaxCalendar tbCalInactiveDate = (CustomControls_AjaxCalendar)fvSA.FindControl("tbCalInactiveDate"); using (WACDataClassesDataContext wDataContext = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { var a = wDataContext.supplementalAgreements.Where(w => w.pk_supplementalAgreement == Convert.ToInt32(fvSA.DataKey.Value)).Select(s => s).Single(); try { a.agreement_date = tbCalAgreementDate.CalDateNotNullable; //if (calInactiveDate.SelectedDate.Year > 1900) a.inactive_date = calInactiveDate.SelectedDate; //else a.inactive_date = null; a.inactive_date = tbCalInactiveDate.CalDateNullable; a.modified = DateTime.Now; a.modified_by = Session["userName"].ToString(); wDataContext.SubmitChanges(); fvSA.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.ReadOnly); Populate_SA_FormView(Convert.ToInt32(fvSA.DataKey.Value)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sb.ToString())) { WACAlert.Show(sb.ToString(), 0); } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show(ex.Message, 0); } } }
protected void fvOrganization_ItemInserting(object sender, FormViewInsertEventArgs e) { int?i = null; int iCode = 0; using (WACDataClassesDataContext wDataContext = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { TextBox tbOrg = fvOrganization.FindControl("tbOrg") as TextBox; try { string sOrg = WACGlobal_Methods.Format_Global_StringLengthRestriction(tbOrg.Text, 96).Trim(); iCode = wDataContext.organization_add(sOrg, Session["userName"].ToString(), ref i); if (iCode == 0) { fvOrganization.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.ReadOnly); BindOrganization(Convert.ToInt32(i)); } else { WACAlert.Show("Error Returned from Database.", iCode); } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, 0); } } }
protected void fvAg_WFP3_Invoice_ItemInserting(object sender, FormViewInsertEventArgs e) { int? i = null; int iCode = 0; FormView fv = fvAg_WFP3_Invoice; CustomControls_AjaxCalendar invoiceDate = fv.FindControl("tbCalInvoiceDate") as CustomControls_AjaxCalendar; TextBox tbInvoiceNumber = fv.FindControl("tbInvoiceNumber") as TextBox; TextBox tbAmount = fv.FindControl("tbAmount") as TextBox; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); using (WACDataClassesDataContext wDataContext = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { try { DateTime?dtDate = invoiceDate.CalDateNullable; string sInvoiceNumber = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbInvoiceNumber.Text)) { sInvoiceNumber = WACGlobal_Methods.Format_Global_StringLengthRestriction(tbInvoiceNumber.Text, 48); } else { sb.Append("Invoice Number is required. "); } decimal?dAmount = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbAmount.Text)) { try { dAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(tbAmount.Text); } catch { sb.Append("Amount must be a number (Decimal). "); } } else { sb.Append("Amount is required. "); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sb.ToString())) { iCode = wDataContext.form_wfp3_invoice_add(FK_Wfp3, dtDate, sInvoiceNumber, dAmount, Session["userName"].ToString(), ref i); if (iCode != 0) { WACAlert.Show("Error Returned from Database.", iCode); } else { PK_Wfp3Invoice = Convert.ToInt32(i); } } else { WACAlert.Show(sb.ToString(), iCode); } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show(ex.Message, 0); } } }
public void Organization_ViewEditInsertWindow(object oPK_Organization) { try { UC_Express_Organization1.LoadFormView_Organization(Convert.ToInt32(oPK_Organization)); } catch { WACAlert.Show("Could not open Organization Window.", 0); } }
public void Participant_ViewEditInsertWindow(object oPK_Participant) { try { UC_Express_Participant1.LoadFormView_Participant(Convert.ToInt32(oPK_Participant)); } catch { WACAlert.Show("Could not open Participant Window.", 0); } }
public void Property_ViewEditInsertWindow(object oPK_Property) { try { //UC_Express_Property1.LoadFormView_Property(Convert.ToInt32(oPK_Property)); } catch { WACAlert.Show("Could not open Property Window.", 0); } }
protected void fvHR_WACEmployee_ActivityCost_ItemInserting(object sender, FormViewInsertEventArgs e) { int?i = null; int iCode = 0; FormView fvHR_WACEmployee_ActivityCost = fvHR_WACEmployee_Activity.FindControl("fvHR_WACEmployee_ActivityCost") as FormView; TextBox tbDate = fvHR_WACEmployee_ActivityCost.FindControl("AjaxCalendar_Date").FindControl("tb") as TextBox; DropDownList ddlItem = fvHR_WACEmployee_ActivityCost.FindControl("ddlItem") as DropDownList; TextBox tbCost = fvHR_WACEmployee_ActivityCost.FindControl("tbCost") as TextBox; TextBox tbNote = fvHR_WACEmployee_ActivityCost.FindControl("tbNote") as TextBox; using (WACDataClassesDataContext wac = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { try { int iFK_participantWAC_activity = Convert.ToInt32(fvHR_WACEmployee_Activity.DataKey.Value); DateTime?dtDate = null; try { dtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(tbDate.Text); } catch { throw new Exception("Date is required. / Invalid date format. "); } string sFK_trainingCost = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlItem.SelectedValue)) { sFK_trainingCost = ddlItem.SelectedValue; } else { throw new Exception("Item is required. "); } decimal?dCost = null; try { dCost = Convert.ToDecimal(tbCost.Text); } catch { throw new Exception("Cost is required. / Invalid decimal format. "); } string sNote = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbNote.Text)) { sNote = tbNote.Text; } iCode = wac.participantWAC_activityCost_add(iFK_participantWAC_activity, sFK_trainingCost, dtDate, dCost, sNote, Session["userName"].ToString(), ref i); if (iCode == 0) { fvHR_WACEmployee_ActivityCost.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.ReadOnly); fvHR_WACEmployee_Activity.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.ReadOnly); BindHR_WACEmployee_Activity(); //fvHR_WACEmployee_ActivityCost.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.ReadOnly); //BindHR_WACEmployee_ActivityCost(iFK_participantWAC_activity); } else { WACAlert.Show("Error Returned from Database.", iCode); } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, 0); } } }
protected void fv_ItemUpdating(object sender, FormViewUpdateEventArgs e) { DropDownList ddlYear = fv.FindControl("ddlYear") as DropDownList; DropDownList ddlSource = fv.FindControl("ddlSource") as DropDownList; TextBox tbAmt = fv.FindControl("tbAmt") as TextBox; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { using (WACDataClassesDataContext wac = new WACDataClassesDataContext()) { var x = wac.agWorkloadFundings.Where(w => w.pk_agWorkloadFunding == Convert.ToInt32(fv.DataKey.Value)).Select(s => s).Single(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlYear.SelectedValue)) { x.year = Convert.ToInt16(ddlYear.SelectedValue); } else { sb.Append("Year is required. "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlSource.SelectedValue)) { x.fk_agWorkloadFunding_code = ddlSource.SelectedValue; } else { sb.Append("Source is required. "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbAmt.Text)) { try { x.amt = Convert.ToDecimal(tbAmt.Text); } catch { sb.Append("Amount was not updated. Amount must be a number (Decimal). "); } } else { sb.Append("Amount was not updated. Amount is required. "); } x.modified = DateTime.Now; x.modified_by = Session["userName"].ToString(); wac.SubmitChanges(); fv.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.ReadOnly); BindWorkloadFunding(Convert.ToInt32(fv.DataKey.Value)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sb.ToString())) { WACAlert.Show(sb.ToString(), 0); } } } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show(ex.Message, 0); } }
public void BindFormView(FormView fv, List <WACParameter> parms, MasterDetailDataObject.ItemGetterDelegate _getItem) { try { fv.DataKeyNames = ListSource.DataKeyNames; fv.DataSource = ListSource.GetSingleItemList(parms, _getItem); fv.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { WACAlert.Show(ex.Message + " In " + this.ToString() + ".BindFormView", 0); } }