        public CoordDir Max(CoordDir pos, Voxeland.EditMode mode = Voxeland.EditMode.none)        //note taht Max is never reached
            switch (form)
            //case Form.single: if (mode==Voxeland.EditMode.add) pos = pos.opposite; break; //shifting pos to opposite if single add mode
            case Form.blob: pos.x += extent + 1; pos.y += extent + 1; pos.z += extent + 1; break;               //getting 1-block boundary on opposite

            case Form.volume: pos.x += extent; pos.y += extent; pos.z += extent; break;

            case Form.stamp:
                if (stamp == null)
                    return(pos + 1);
                if (getStamp)
                    pos += getStampMax;
                    pos += stamp.cube.offset + stamp.cube.size;

            pos.x++; pos.y++; pos.z++;
 public void Process(CoordDir[] poses, Matrix3 <byte> matrix, Voxeland.EditMode mode, byte type)
     for (int i = 0; i < poses.Length; i++)
         Process(poses[i], matrix, mode, type);
        //public enum EditMode {none, standard, dig, add, replace, smooth}; //standard mode is similar to add one, except the preliminary switch to opposite in add

        public CoordDir Min(CoordDir pos, Voxeland.EditMode mode = Voxeland.EditMode.none)
            switch (form)
            //case Form.single: if (mode==Voxeland.EditMode.add) pos = pos.opposite; break; //shifting pos to opposite if single add mode //in Alter
            case Form.blob: pos.x -= extent + 1; pos.y -= extent + 1; pos.z -= extent + 1; break;               //getting 1-block boundary for opposites

            case Form.volume: pos.x -= extent; pos.y -= extent; pos.z -= extent; break;

            case Form.stamp:
                if (stamp == null)
                if (getStamp)
                    pos += getStampMin;
                    pos += stamp.cube.offset;

		public void OnSceneGUI ()
			//updating Inspector GUI if thread is working (it lags less if done from OnSceneGUI... somehow)
			if (ThreadWorker.IsWorking("Voxeland") || gaugeDisplayed) Repaint();

			Voxeland voxeland = (Voxeland)target;
			if (voxeland.data == null) return;

			//disabling selection
			if (voxeland.guiLockSelection) 
				HandleUtility.AddDefaultControl( GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive) ); 
				Tools.current = Tool.None;

			//hiding wireframe

			//switching highlight intensity mode
			if (voxeland.highlight != null && voxeland.highlight.material != null && voxeland.highlight.meshRenderer.sharedMaterial != null && voxeland.highlight.meshRenderer.sharedMaterial.HasProperty("_Linear"))
				voxeland.highlight.meshRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetInt("_Linear", PlayerSettings.colorSpace==ColorSpace.Linear? 1 : 0);

			//getting mouse button
			if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) mouseButton = Event.current.button;
			if (Event.current.rawType == EventType.MouseUp) mouseButton = -1;

			//getting mouse pos
			SceneView sceneview = UnityEditor.SceneView.lastActiveSceneView;
			if (sceneview==null || sceneview.camera==null) return;
			Vector2 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition;
			mousePos = new Vector2(mousePos.x/sceneview.camera.pixelWidth, mousePos.y/sceneview.camera.pixelHeight);
			#if UNITY_5_4_OR_NEWER 	
			mousePos *= EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint;
			mousePos.y = 1 - mousePos.y;

			Ray aimRay = sceneview.camera.ViewportPointToRay(mousePos);
			CoordDir aimCoord = voxeland.PointOut(aimRay);

			//focusing on brush
			if(Event.current.commandName == "FrameSelected")
				if (aimCoord.exists) UnityEditor.SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.LookAt(
					voxeland.transform.TransformPoint( aimCoord.vector3 ), 
					Mathf.Max(voxeland.brush.extent*6, 20), 
					Coord rectCenter = voxeland.chunks.deployedRects[0].Center * voxeland.chunkSize;
					int rectExtend = voxeland.chunks.deployedRects[0].size.x * voxeland.chunkSize;
					int height; byte temp;
					voxeland.data.GetTopTypePoint(rectCenter.x, rectCenter.z, out height, out temp);
						voxeland.transform.TransformPoint( new Vector3(rectCenter.x, height, rectCenter.z) ), 

			//if any change
			if (prevAimCoord != aimCoord || mouseButton==0)
				//getting edit mode
				Voxeland.EditMode editMode = Voxeland.EditMode.none;
				bool buttonDown = false;
				if (!voxeland.continuousPainting) buttonDown = Event.current.type==EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button==0;
				else buttonDown = mouseButton==0;
				if (buttonDown && !Event.current.alt)
					if (Event.current.control && Event.current.shift) editMode = voxeland.controlShiftEditMode;
					else if (Event.current.shift) editMode = voxeland.shiftEditMode;
					else if (Event.current.control) editMode = voxeland.controlEditMode;
					else editMode = voxeland.standardEditMode;

				if (voxeland.highlight!=null) // && Event.current.type!=EventType.KeyDown && Event.current.type!=EventType.mouseDrag) //do not redraw highlight on alt pressed
					if (aimCoord.exists) voxeland.Highlight(aimCoord, voxeland.brush, isEditing:editMode!=Voxeland.EditMode.none);
					else voxeland.highlight.Clear(); //clearing highlight if nothing aimed or voxeland not selected

				if (editMode!=Voxeland.EditMode.none && aimCoord.exists) 
					voxeland.Alter(aimCoord, voxeland.brush, editMode, landType:voxeland.landTypes.selected, objectType:voxeland.objectsTypes.selected, grassType:voxeland.grassTypes.selected);
				prevAimCoord = aimCoord;
			} //if coord or button change

        public void Process(CoordDir pos, Matrix3 <byte> matrix, Voxeland.EditMode mode, Form formOverride, byte type)         //overriding brush form to place objects and grass
            //blurring matrix in case of blur mode
            Matrix3 <float> blurredExist = null;

            if (mode == Voxeland.EditMode.smooth)
                blurredExist = new Matrix3 <float>(matrix.cube);
                for (int i = 0; i < blurredExist.array.Length; i++)
                    if (matrix.array[i] != Data.emptyByte)
                        blurredExist.array[i] = 1;
                        blurredExist.array[i] = 0;

            //single brush
            if (formOverride == Form.single)
                switch (mode)
                case Voxeland.EditMode.add:
                case Voxeland.EditMode.replace: matrix[pos.x, pos.y, pos.z] = type; break;                                                     //already switched add to opposite, so add==replace

                case Voxeland.EditMode.dig: matrix[pos.x, pos.y, pos.z] = Data.emptyByte; break;

            //blob brush
            if (formOverride == Form.blob)
                CoordDir[] neigCoords = ChunkMesh.NeighbourCoordinates(pos, matrix, extent, round: round);

                for (int i = 0; i < neigCoords.Length; i++)
                    int      x = neigCoords[i].x; int y = neigCoords[i].y; int z = neigCoords[i].z;
                    CoordDir neigOpposite = neigCoords[i].opposite;
                    int      ox = neigOpposite.x; int oy = neigOpposite.y; int oz = neigOpposite.z;

                    switch (mode)
                    case Voxeland.EditMode.add: matrix[ox, oy, oz] = type; break;

                    case Voxeland.EditMode.replace: matrix[x, y, z] = type; break;

                    case Voxeland.EditMode.dig: matrix[x, y, z] = Data.emptyByte; break;

                    case Voxeland.EditMode.smooth:
                        if (blurredExist[ox, oy, oz] > 0.5f && matrix[ox, oy, oz] == Data.emptyByte)
                            matrix[ox, oy, oz] = ClosestExistingType(matrix, ox, oy, oz);                                                                                               //TODO: exist check
                        if (blurredExist[x, y, z] < 0.5f && matrix[x, y, z] != Data.emptyByte)
                            matrix[x, y, z] = Data.emptyByte;

            //volume brush
            else if (formOverride == Form.volume)
                CoordDir min = matrix.cube.Min; CoordDir max = matrix.cube.Max;

                for (int x = min.x; x < max.x; x++)
                    for (int y = min.y; y < max.y; y++)
                        for (int z = min.z; z < max.z; z++)
                            //ignoring out-of-sphere
                            if (round)
                                int dx = x - pos.x; int dy = y - pos.y; int dz = z - pos.z;
                                if (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz > (extent + 0.5f) * (extent + 0.5f))

                            //setting block
                            int i = matrix.cube.GetPos(x, y, z);
                            switch (mode)
                            case Voxeland.EditMode.add: matrix.array[i] = type; break;

                            case Voxeland.EditMode.dig: matrix.array[i] = Data.emptyByte; break;

                            case Voxeland.EditMode.replace: if (matrix.array[i] != Data.emptyByte)
                                    matrix.array[i] = type;
                                break;                                                                                                                //TODO: exists check

                            case Voxeland.EditMode.smooth:
                                if (blurredExist.array[i] > 0.5f && (matrix.array[i] == Data.emptyByte || matrix.array[i] >= Data.constructorByte))
                                    matrix.array[i] = ClosestExistingType(matrix, x, y, z);                                                                                                                                 //if blured exists but matrix empty adding closest //TODO: exist check
                                if (blurredExist.array[i] < 0.5f && (matrix.array[i] != Data.emptyByte && matrix.array[i] < Data.constructorByte))
                                    matrix.array[i] = Data.emptyByte;                                                                                                                                   //if blured empty but matrix exists

            else if (formOverride == Form.stamp)
                if (getStamp)
                    stamp = new Matrix3 <bool>(getStampMin, matrix.cube.size);

                    for (int x = 0; x < matrix.cube.size.x; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < matrix.cube.size.y; y++)
                            for (int z = 0; z < matrix.cube.size.z; z++)
                                if (matrix[x + matrix.cube.offset.x, y + matrix.cube.offset.y, z + matrix.cube.offset.z] != Data.emptyByte)
                                    stamp[x + stamp.cube.offset.x, y + stamp.cube.offset.y, z + stamp.cube.offset.z] = true;                                                                                                             //TODO: exists check
                else if (stamp != null)
                    for (int x = 0; x < stamp.cube.size.x; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < stamp.cube.size.y; y++)
                            for (int z = 0; z < stamp.cube.size.z; z++)
                                CoordDir s = new CoordDir(x, y, z) + stamp.cube.offset;
                                CoordDir m = new CoordDir(x, y, z) + matrix.cube.offset;

                                switch (mode)
                                case Voxeland.EditMode.add: if (stamp[s])
                                        matrix[m] = type;

                                case Voxeland.EditMode.dig: if (stamp[s])
                                        matrix[m] = Data.emptyByte;

                                case Voxeland.EditMode.replace:  if (matrix[m] != 0 && stamp[s])
                                        matrix[m] = type;
                                    break;                                                                                                      //TODO: exists check

                                case Voxeland.EditMode.smooth:
                                    if (stamp[s])
                                        if (blurredExist[m] > 0.5f && (matrix[m] == Data.emptyByte || matrix[m] >= Data.constructorByte))
                                            matrix[m] = ClosestExistingType(matrix, x, y, z);                                                                                                                       //if blured exists but matrix empty adding closest //TODO: exist check
                                        if (blurredExist[m] < 0.5f && (matrix[m] != Data.emptyByte && matrix[m] < Data.constructorByte))
                                            matrix[m] = Data.emptyByte;                                                                                                                         //if blured empty but matrix exists
 public void Process(CoordDir pos, Matrix3 <byte> matrix, Voxeland.EditMode mode, byte type)
     Process(pos, matrix, mode, form, type);
        void Update()
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))

            //showing help panel
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F1))

            //selecting tool
            if (Input.GetKey("`"))
                vertGrassInstrument.isOn = true;
            if (Input.GetKey("1"))
                brightCliffInstrument.isOn = true;
            if (Input.GetKey("2"))
                darkCliffInstrument.isOn = true;
            if (Input.GetKey("3"))
                grassInstrument.isOn = true;
            if (Input.GetKey("4"))
                yellowGrassInstrument.isOn = true;
            if (Input.GetKey("5"))
                pineInstrument.isOn = true;
            if (Input.GetKey("6"))
                torchInstrument.isOn = true;

            if (vertGrassInstrument.isOn)
                voxeland.grassTypes.selected = 0;         voxeland.landTypes.selected = -1;         voxeland.objectsTypes.selected = -1;
            if (darkCliffInstrument.isOn)
                voxeland.grassTypes.selected = -1;        voxeland.landTypes.selected = 0;          voxeland.objectsTypes.selected = -1;
            if (brightCliffInstrument.isOn)
                voxeland.grassTypes.selected = -1;      voxeland.landTypes.selected = 1;          voxeland.objectsTypes.selected = -1;
            if (grassInstrument.isOn)
                voxeland.grassTypes.selected = -1;    voxeland.landTypes.selected = 2;          voxeland.objectsTypes.selected = -1;
            if (yellowGrassInstrument.isOn)
                voxeland.grassTypes.selected = -1;      voxeland.landTypes.selected = 3;          voxeland.objectsTypes.selected = -1;
            if (pineInstrument.isOn)
                voxeland.grassTypes.selected = -1;     voxeland.landTypes.selected = -1;         voxeland.objectsTypes.selected = 0;
            if (torchInstrument.isOn)
                voxeland.grassTypes.selected = -1;    voxeland.landTypes.selected = -1;         voxeland.objectsTypes.selected = 1;

            if (voxeland.landTypes.selected == -1)

            //mouselook and gravity
            if (Input.GetKeyDown("g"))
                useGravity.isOn = !useGravity.isOn;
            if (Input.GetKeyDown("m"))
                useMouselook.isOn = !useMouselook.isOn;
            if (Input.GetKeyDown("f"))
            //if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { useMouselook.isOn = false; useFullscreen.isOn = false; }

            charController.gravity      = useGravity.isOn;
            cameraController.lockCursor = useMouselook.isOn;

            //fullscreen - reverse order, setting toggle from current fullscreen state
            //useFullscreen.isOn = Screen.fullScreen;

            //displaing build progress
            float calculatedSum; float completeSum; float totalSum;

            ThreadWorker.GetProgresByTag("VoxelandChunk", out totalSum, out calculatedSum, out completeSum);
            buildProgress.maxValue = totalSum;
            buildProgress.value    = completeSum;

            if (cameraController.lockCursor || !UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject())             //IsPointerOverGameObject returns true if mouse hidden
                //reading controls
                bool leftMouse = Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0);
                //bool middleMouse = Input.GetMouseButtonDown(2);
                bool shift = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift);
                //bool alt = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightAlt);  //not used
                bool control = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl);

                //getting edit mode
                Voxeland.EditMode editMode = Voxeland.EditMode.none;
                if (leftMouse && !shift && !control)
                    editMode = Voxeland.EditMode.dig;
                else if (leftMouse && control)
                    editMode = Voxeland.EditMode.add;
                else if (leftMouse && shift)
                    editMode = Voxeland.EditMode.replace;

                //getting aiming ray
                Ray aimRay;
                if (cameraController.lockCursor)
                    aimRay = Camera.main.ViewportPointToRay(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
                    aimRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

                //aiming terrain block
                CoordDir aimCoord = voxeland.PointOut(aimRay);

                //if any change
                if (prevAimCoord != aimCoord || editMode != Voxeland.EditMode.none)
                    if (voxeland.highlight != null)
                        if (aimCoord.exists)
                            voxeland.Highlight(aimCoord, voxeland.brush, isEditing: editMode != Voxeland.EditMode.none);
                            voxeland.highlight.Clear();                          //clearing highlight if nothing aimed or voxeland not selected

                    if (editMode != Voxeland.EditMode.none && aimCoord.exists)
                        voxeland.Alter(aimCoord, voxeland.brush, editMode,
                                       landType: voxeland.landTypes.selected,
                                       objectType: voxeland.objectsTypes.selected,
                                       grassType: voxeland.grassTypes.selected);

                    prevAimCoord = aimCoord;
                }                 //if coord or button change