        public static void DeleteByLdsStateCode(string ldsStateCode, int commandTimeout)
            const string cmdText = "DELETE FROM USZDNew WHERE ST=@LdsStateCode";
            var          cmd     = VoteZipNewLocalDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);

            VoteZipNewLocalDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "LdsStateCode", ldsStateCode);
        private void ProcessDataFile()
            var path = DataPathTextBox.Text.Trim();

            AppendStatusText("Processing file {0}", path);
            // problem with @varaibles & @parameters
            var cmdText =
                $"LOAD DATA INFILE '{path.Replace(@"\", @"\\")}' into table `votezipnew`.`uszdnew` " +
                "LINES STARTING BY '' TERMINATED BY '\\r\\n' " +

            var cmd = VoteZipNewLocalDb.GetCommand(cmdText, 0);

            VoteZipNewLocalDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "dummy", string.Empty);
        //public static ZipStreetsTable GetDataByZipCode(
        //  string zipCode, string houseNumber, string directionalPrefix,
        //  string streetNamePattern, string streetSuffix, string directionalSuffix)
        //  return GetDataByZipCode(
        //    zipCode, houseNumber, directionalPrefix, streetNamePattern, streetSuffix,
        //    directionalSuffix, -1);

        //public static ZipStreetsTable GetDataByZipCode(
        //  string zipCode, string houseNumber, string directionalPrefix,
        //  string streetNamePattern, string streetSuffix, string directionalSuffix,
        //  int commandTimeout)
        //  var houseNumberCondition = string.Empty;
        //  var evenOddCondition = string.Empty;
        //  if (houseNumber != null)
        //  {
        //    // We include wildcards (both numbers empty)
        //    // We also match the length to prevent false matches. Only need to
        //    // check one length since they should be the same.
        //    houseNumberCondition = " AND (@HouseNumber >= AddressPrimaryLowNumber " +
        //      "  AND @HouseNumber <= AddressPrimaryHighNumber " +
        //      "  AND Length(@HouseNumber) = Length(AddressPrimaryHighNumber) " +
        //      "  OR AddressPrimaryLowNumber = '' AND AddressPrimaryHighNumber = '') ";

        //    // the evenOddCondition is based on the last numeric digit, and excludes
        //    // the non-matching condition (ie "even" becomes <> 'O') to allow 'B' through
        //    for (var n = houseNumber.Length - 1; n >= 0; n--)
        //    {
        //      var lastDigit = houseNumber[n];
        //      if (char.IsDigit(lastDigit))
        //      {
        //        evenOddCondition = lastDigit % 2 == 0
        //          ? " AND AddressPrimaryEvenOdd <> 'O' "
        //          : " AND AddressPrimaryEvenOdd <> 'E' ";
        //        break;
        //      }
        //    }
        //  }

        //  var directionalPrefixCondition = string.Empty;
        //  if (directionalPrefix != null)
        //    directionalPrefixCondition = " AND @DirectionalPrefix = StPreDirAbbr ";

        //  var streetSuffixCondition = string.Empty;
        //  if (streetSuffix != null)
        //    streetSuffixCondition = " AND @StreetSuffix = StSuffixAbbr ";

        //  var directionalSuffixCondition = string.Empty;
        //  if (directionalSuffix != null)
        //    directionalSuffixCondition = " AND @DirectionalSuffix = StPostDirAbbr ";

        //  var cmdText =
        //    string.Format(
        //      SelectAllCommandText +
        //      " WHERE ZipCode=@ZipCode  AND StName LIKE @StreetNamePattern" +
        //      "  {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}", houseNumberCondition, directionalPrefixCondition,
        //      streetSuffixCondition, directionalSuffixCondition, evenOddCondition);
        //  var cmd = VoteZipNewLocalDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);

        //  VoteZipNewLocalDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "ZipCode", zipCode);
        //  VoteZipNewLocalDb.AddCommandParameter(
        //    cmd, "StreetNamePattern", streetNamePattern);
        //  if (houseNumber != null)
        //    VoteZipNewLocalDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "HouseNumber", houseNumber);
        //  if (directionalPrefix != null)
        //    VoteZipNewLocalDb.AddCommandParameter(
        //      cmd, "DirectionalPrefix", directionalPrefix);
        //  if (streetSuffix != null)
        //    VoteZipNewLocalDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "StreetSuffix", streetSuffix);
        //  if (directionalSuffix != null)
        //    VoteZipNewLocalDb.AddCommandParameter(
        //      cmd, "DirectionalSuffix", directionalSuffix);

        //  return FillTable(cmd);

        //// These versions uses a zipCode array
        //public static ZipStreetsTable GetDataByZipCodes(string[] zipCodes)
        //  return GetDataByZipCodes(zipCodes, -1);

        //public static ZipStreetsTable GetDataByZipCodes(
        //  string[] zipCodes, int commandTimeout)
        //  // We violate the "only-parameters" rule because they can't be used with IN
        //  string zipCodeCondition;
        //  if (zipCodes.Length == 1)
        //    zipCodeCondition = " ZipCode='" + zipCodes[0] + "' ";
        //  else
        //    zipCodeCondition = " ZipCode IN ('" + string.Join("','", zipCodes) + "') ";

        //  var cmdText = string.Format(SelectAllCommandText + " WHERE" + zipCodeCondition);
        //  var cmd = VoteZipNewLocalDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);
        //  return FillTable(cmd);

        //public static ZipStreetsTable GetDataByZipCodes(
        //  string[] zipCodes, string houseNumber, string directionalPrefix,
        //  string streetNamePattern, string streetSuffix, string directionalSuffix,
        //  bool useMetaphone)
        //  return GetDataByZipCodes(
        //    zipCodes, houseNumber, directionalPrefix, streetNamePattern, streetSuffix,
        //    directionalSuffix, useMetaphone, -1);

        public static ZipStreetsTable GetDataByZipCodes(
            string[] zipCodes, string houseNumber, string directionalPrefix,
            string streetNamePattern, string streetSuffix, string directionalSuffix,
            bool useMetaphone, int commandTimeout)
            // We violate the "only-parameters" rule because they can't be used with IN
            string zipCodeCondition;

            if (zipCodes.Length == 1)
                zipCodeCondition = " AND ZipCode='" + zipCodes[0] + "' ";
                zipCodeCondition = " AND ZipCode IN ('" + string.Join("','", zipCodes) +
                                   "') ";

            var houseNumberCondition = string.Empty;
            var evenOddCondition     = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(houseNumber))
                // We include wildcards (both numbers empty)
                // We also match the length to prevent false matches. Only need to
                // check one length since they should be the same.
                houseNumberCondition = " AND (@HouseNumber >= AddressPrimaryLowNumber " +
                                       "  AND @HouseNumber <= AddressPrimaryHighNumber " +
                                       "  AND Length(@HouseNumber) = Length(AddressPrimaryHighNumber) " +
                                       "  OR AddressPrimaryLowNumber = '' AND AddressPrimaryHighNumber = '') ";

                // the evenOddCondition is based on the last numeric digit, and excludes
                // the non-matching condition (ie "even" becomes <> 'O') to allow 'B' to match
                for (var n = houseNumber.Length - 1; n >= 0; n--)
                    var lastDigit = houseNumber[n];
                    if (!char.IsDigit(lastDigit))
                    evenOddCondition = lastDigit % 2 == 0
            ? " AND AddressPrimaryEvenOdd <> 'O' "
            : " AND AddressPrimaryEvenOdd <> 'E' ";

            string streetCondition;

            if (useMetaphone)
                streetNamePattern = streetNamePattern.Replace('%', ' ')
                streetCondition = " Metaphone = @StreetNamePattern ";
                streetCondition = " StName LIKE @StreetNamePattern ";

            var directionalPrefixCondition = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(directionalPrefix))
                directionalPrefixCondition = " AND @DirectionalPrefix = StPreDirAbbr ";

            var streetSuffixCondition = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(streetSuffix))
                streetSuffixCondition = " AND @StreetSuffix = StSuffixAbbr ";

            var directionalSuffixCondition = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(directionalSuffix))
                directionalSuffixCondition = " AND @DirectionalSuffix = StPostDirAbbr ";

            var cmdText =
                    SelectAllCommandText + " WHERE  {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}",
                    streetCondition, zipCodeCondition, houseNumberCondition,
                    directionalPrefixCondition, streetSuffixCondition,
                    directionalSuffixCondition, evenOddCondition);
            var cmd = VoteZipNewLocalDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);

                cmd, "StreetNamePattern", streetNamePattern);
            if (houseNumber != null)
                VoteZipNewLocalDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "HouseNumber", houseNumber);
            if (directionalPrefix != null)
                    cmd, "DirectionalPrefix", directionalPrefix);
            if (streetSuffix != null)
                VoteZipNewLocalDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "StreetSuffix", streetSuffix);
            if (directionalSuffix != null)
                    cmd, "DirectionalSuffix", directionalSuffix);
