        public static Vote Convert(VoteInput input)
            var optionRepo = new OptionRepository();
            var surveyRepo = new SurveyRepository();

            return(new Vote(input.Date, surveyRepo.GetById(input.SurveyId), optionRepo.GetById(input.OptionId)));
        public async Task VoteContract_VoteSuccess()
            await GenerateNewVoteEvent("topic1", 2, 100, 4, false);

            var voteAmount    = 10_000L;
            var voteUser      = SampleECKeyPairs.KeyPairs[1];
            var beforeBalance = await GetUserBalance(voteUser.PublicKey);

            var input = new VoteInput
                Topic   = "topic1",
                Sponsor = DefaultSender,
                Option  = _options[1],
                Amount  = voteAmount
            var voteUserStub = GetVoteContractTester(voteUser);

            var transactionResult = (await voteUserStub.Vote.SendAsync(input)).TransactionResult;


            var afterBalance = await GetUserBalance(voteUser.PublicKey);

            beforeBalance.ShouldBe(afterBalance + voteAmount);
        public async Task HandleAsync(VoteInput input, IVoteOutputPort output)
                Poll poll = await this.pollGateway.GetAsync(input.Id);

                if (poll is null)
                    output.NotFound("Poll not found!");
                    this.loggerService.LogInformation("Cannot retrieve a poll with {@id}", input.Id);

                poll.Vote(input.ParticipantEmailAddress, input.Options, this.dateTime.UtcNow);

                await this.pollGateway.UpdateAsync(poll);

            catch (DomainException ex)
                this.loggerService.LogInformation("{@excepton} occured when trying to vote with {@input}", ex, input);
        private VotingItem AssertValidVoteInput(VoteInput input)
            var votingItem = AssertVotingItem(input.VotingItemId);

            Assert(input.Option.Length <= VoteContractConstants.OptionLengthLimit, "Invalid input.");
            Assert(votingItem.Options.Contains(input.Option), $"Option {input.Option} not found.");
            Assert(votingItem.CurrentSnapshotNumber <= votingItem.TotalSnapshotNumber,
                   "Current voting item already ended.");
            if (!votingItem.IsLockToken)
                Assert(votingItem.Sponsor == Context.Sender, "Sender of delegated voting event must be the Sponsor.");
                Assert(input.Voter != null, "Voter cannot be null if voting event is delegated.");
                Assert(input.VoteId != null, "Vote Id cannot be null if voting event is delegated.");
                var votingResultHash = GetVotingResultHash(votingItem.VotingItemId, votingItem.CurrentSnapshotNumber);
                var votingResult     = State.VotingResults[votingResultHash];
                // Voter = Transaction Sender
                input.Voter = Context.Sender;
                // VoteId = Transaction Id;
                input.VoteId = Context.GenerateId(Context.Self, votingResult.VotesAmount.ToBytes(false));

        public async Task <IActionResult> Vote(int id, VoteRequest request)
            var createVoteInput = new VoteInput(id, request.ParticipantEmailAddress, request.Options);

            await this.voteInputPort.HandleAsync(createVoteInput, this.votePresenter);

        public async Task VoteContract_VoteFailed()
            //did not find related vote event
                var input = new VoteInput
                    Topic   = "Not existed vote",
                    Sponsor = Address.Generate(),

                var transactionResult = (await VoteContractStub.Vote.SendAsync(input)).TransactionResult;

                transactionResult.Error.Contains("Voting event not found").ShouldBeTrue();

            //without such option
                await GenerateNewVoteEvent("topic0", 2, 100, 4, true);

                var input = new VoteInput
                    Topic   = "topic0",
                    Sponsor = DefaultSender,
                    Option  = "Somebody"
                var otherKeyPair  = SampleECKeyPairs.KeyPairs[1];
                var otherVoteStub = GetVoteContractTester(otherKeyPair);

                var transactionResult = (await otherVoteStub.Vote.SendAsync(input)).TransactionResult;

                transactionResult.Error.Contains($"Option {input.Option} not found").ShouldBeTrue();

            //not enough token
                await GenerateNewVoteEvent("topic1", 2, 100, 4, false);

                var input = new VoteInput
                    Topic   = "topic1",
                    Sponsor = DefaultSender,
                    Option  = _options[1],
                    Amount  = 2000_000L
                var otherKeyPair  = SampleECKeyPairs.KeyPairs[1];
                var otherVoteStub = GetVoteContractTester(otherKeyPair);

                var transactionResult = (await otherVoteStub.Vote.SendAsync(input)).TransactionResult;

                transactionResult.Error.Contains("Insufficient balance").ShouldBeTrue();
        public async Task VoteContract_Vote_NotSuccess_Test()
            //did not find related vote event
                var input = new VoteInput
                    VotingItemId = Hash.FromString("hash")

                var transactionResult = (await VoteContractStub.Vote.SendAsync(input)).TransactionResult;

                transactionResult.Error.Contains("Voting item not found").ShouldBeTrue();

            //without such option
                var votingItem = await RegisterVotingItemAsync(100, 4, true, DefaultSender, 2);

                var input = new VoteInput
                    VotingItemId = votingItem.VotingItemId,
                    Option       = "Somebody"
                var otherKeyPair  = SampleECKeyPairs.KeyPairs[1];
                var otherVoteStub = GetVoteContractTester(otherKeyPair);

                var transactionResult = (await otherVoteStub.Vote.SendAsync(input)).TransactionResult;

                transactionResult.Error.ShouldContain($"Option {input.Option} not found");

            //not enough token
                var votingItemId = await RegisterVotingItemAsync(100, 4, true, DefaultSender, 2);

                var input = new VoteInput
                    VotingItemId = votingItemId.VotingItemId,
                    Option       = votingItemId.Options.First(),
                    Amount       = 2000_000_000_00000000L
                var otherKeyPair  = SampleECKeyPairs.KeyPairs[1];
                var otherVoteStub = GetVoteContractTester(otherKeyPair);

                var transactionResult = (await otherVoteStub.Vote.SendAsync(input)).TransactionResult;

                transactionResult.Error.ShouldContain("Insufficient balance");
        private async Task <TransactionResult> UserVote(ECKeyPair voteUser, string topic, Address sponsor, string option, long amount)
            var input = new VoteInput
                Topic   = topic,
                Sponsor = sponsor,
                Option  = option,
                Amount  = amount

            var voteUserStub      = GetVoteContractTester(voteUser);
            var transactionResult = (await voteUserStub.Vote.SendAsync(input)).TransactionResult;

        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the Vote action,save the VoteRecords and update the VotingResults and the VotedItems
        /// Before Voting,the VotingItem's token must be locked,except the votes delegated to a contract.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">VoteInput</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Empty Vote(VoteInput input)
            var votingItem = AssertValidVoteInput(input);

            var votingRecord = new VotingRecord
                VotingItemId   = input.VotingItemId,
                Amount         = input.Amount,
                SnapshotNumber = votingItem.CurrentSnapshotNumber,
                Option         = input.Option,
                IsWithdrawn    = false,
                VoteTimestamp  = Context.CurrentBlockTime,
                Voter          = input.Voter,
                IsChangeTarget = input.IsChangeTarget

            //save the VotingRecords into the state.
            State.VotingRecords[input.VoteId] = votingRecord;

            UpdateVotingResult(votingItem, input.Option, input.Amount);
            UpdateVotedItems(input.VoteId, votingRecord.Voter, votingItem);

            if (votingItem.IsLockToken)
                // Lock voted token.
                State.TokenContract.Lock.Send(new LockInput
                    Address = votingRecord.Voter,
                    Symbol  = votingItem.AcceptedCurrency,
                    LockId  = input.VoteId,
                    Amount  = input.Amount,
                    Usage   = $"Voting for {input.VotingItemId}"

            Context.Fire(new Voted
                VoteId         = input.VoteId,
                VotingItemId   = votingRecord.VotingItemId,
                Voter          = votingRecord.Voter,
                Amount         = votingRecord.Amount,
                Option         = votingRecord.Option,
                SnapshotNumber = votingRecord.SnapshotNumber,
                VoteTimestamp  = votingRecord.VoteTimestamp

            return(new Empty());
        public async Task <IActionResult> Submit(VoteInput input)
            var token = HttpContext.Request.Headers["Authorization"].Last().Split(" ").Last();
            var roles = new List <string>()

            var handler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
            var sub     = handler.ReadJwtToken(token).Payload.Sub;

            if (RoleService.CheckRoles(token, roles, _userManager))
                var vote = VoteInputConverter.Convert(input);

                var detailsRepo     = new UserDetailsRepository();
                var voteRecordsRepo = new VoteRecordRepository();

                var detailsId = detailsRepo.GetByUserId(sub).Id;
                var surveyId  = vote.SurveyId;

                if (voteRecordsRepo.GetAll().Count(x => x.UserDetailsId == detailsId && x.SurveyId == surveyId) == 0)

                    var record = new VoteRecord(surveyId, detailsId);

                    return(CreatedAtAction("Submit", vote));

                return(BadRequest("You already voted"));
                return(BadRequest("Only Users can vote."));
        private VotingItem AssertValidVoteInput(VoteInput input)
            var votingItem = AssertVotingItem(input.VotingItemId);

            Assert(input.Option.Length <= VoteContractConstants.OptionLengthLimit, "Invalid input.");
            Assert(votingItem.Options.Contains(input.Option), $"Option {input.Option} not found.");
            Assert(votingItem.CurrentSnapshotNumber <= votingItem.TotalSnapshotNumber,
                   "Current voting item already ended.");
            if (!votingItem.IsLockToken)
                Assert(votingItem.Sponsor == Context.Sender, "Sender of delegated voting event must be the Sponsor.");
                Assert(input.Voter != null, "Voter cannot be null if voting event is delegated.");
                Assert(input.VoteId != null, "Vote Id cannot be null if voting event is delegated.");
                //Voter just is the transaction sponsor
                input.Voter = Context.Sender;
                //VoteId just is the transaction ID;
                input.VoteId = Context.TransactionId;

        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the Vote action,save the VoteRecords and update the VotingResults and the VotedItems
        /// Before Voting,the VotingItem's token must be locked,except the votes delegated to a contract.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">VoteInput</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Empty Vote(VoteInput input)
            //the VotingItem is exist in state.
            var votingItem = AssertVotingItem(input.VotingItemId);

            Assert(votingItem.Options.Contains(input.Option), $"Option {input.Option} not found.");
            Assert(votingItem.CurrentSnapshotNumber <= votingItem.TotalSnapshotNumber,
                   "Current voting item already ended.");
            if (!votingItem.IsLockToken)
                Assert(votingItem.Sponsor == Context.Sender, "Sender of delegated voting event must be the Sponsor.");
                Assert(input.Voter != null, "Voter cannot be null if voting event is delegated.");
                Assert(input.VoteId != null, "Vote Id cannot be null if voting event is delegated.");
                //Voter just is the transaction sponsor
                input.Voter = Context.Sender;
                //VoteId just is the transaction ID;
                input.VoteId = Context.TransactionId;

            var votingRecord = new VotingRecord
                VotingItemId   = input.VotingItemId,
                Amount         = input.Amount,
                SnapshotNumber = votingItem.CurrentSnapshotNumber,
                Option         = input.Option,
                IsWithdrawn    = false,
                VoteTimestamp  = Context.CurrentBlockTime,
                Voter          = input.Voter

            //save the VotingRecords into the state.
            State.VotingRecords[input.VoteId] = votingRecord;

            UpdateVotingResult(votingItem, input.Option, input.Amount);
            UpdateVotedItems(input.VoteId, votingRecord.Voter, votingItem);

            if (votingItem.IsLockToken)
                // Lock voted token.
                State.TokenContract.Lock.Send(new LockInput
                    Address = votingRecord.Voter,
                    Symbol  = votingItem.AcceptedCurrency,
                    LockId  = input.VoteId,
                    Amount  = input.Amount,
                    Usage   = $"Voting for {input.VotingItemId}"

            Context.Fire(new Voted
                VoteId         = input.VoteId,
                VotingItemId   = votingRecord.VotingItemId,
                Voter          = votingRecord.Voter,
                Amount         = votingRecord.Amount,
                Option         = votingRecord.Option,
                SnapshotNumber = votingRecord.SnapshotNumber,
                VoteTimestamp  = votingRecord.VoteTimestamp

            return(new Empty());
 private void AddVoteToPicture(VoteInput model, Picture picture)
     var oldVote = picture.Votes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == this.CurrentUser.Id);
     if (oldVote != null)
         oldVote.Rating = model.Rating;
         picture.Votes.Add(new Vote()
             Rating = model.Rating,
             UserId = this.CurrentUser.Id
        public JsonResult Vote(VoteInput model)
            if (this.ModelState.IsValid && model != null)
                var picture = this.Data.Pictures.Find(model.PictureId);

                if (picture != null)
                    this.AddVoteToPicture(model, picture);

                this.AddToastMessage(String.Empty, GlobalConstants.VoteSuccessMessage, ToastType.Success);
                var newRating = picture.Votes.Select(x => x.Rating).Average();

                return this.Json(new { stars = newRating });

            this.AddToastMessage(String.Empty, GlobalConstants.SomethingIsWrongMessage, ToastType.Error);

            return this.Json("");
        public ActionResult Vote(int id)
            var model = new VoteInput()
                PictureId = id

            return this.PartialView("_Vote", model);
 public async Task <IActionResult> Vote([FromBody] VoteInput input) =>
 (await Mediator.Send(new VoteForTeam(input.TeamId, CurrentUserId))
  .MapAsync(_ => ToEmptyResourceAsync <VoteForTeamResource>()))
 .Match(unit => CreatedAtAction(nameof(Vote), unit), Error);
        //TODO: User cannot vote when Event CurrentEpoch >= EpochNumber + 1
        public override Empty Vote(VoteInput input)
            input.Topic = input.Topic.Trim();

            var votingEvent = AssertVotingEvent(input.Topic, input.Sponsor);

            Assert(votingEvent.Options.Contains(input.Option), $"Option {input.Option} not found.");
            if (votingEvent.Delegated)
                Assert(input.Sponsor == Context.Sender, "Sender of delegated voting event must be the Sponsor.");
                Assert(input.Voter != null, "Voter cannot be null if voting event is delegated.");
                Assert(input.VoteId != null, "Vote Id cannot be null if voting event is delegated.");
                input.Voter  = Context.Sender;
                input.VoteId = Context.TransactionId;

            var votingRecord = new VotingRecord
                Topic         = input.Topic,
                Sponsor       = input.Sponsor,
                Amount        = input.Amount,
                EpochNumber   = votingEvent.CurrentEpoch,
                Option        = input.Option,
                IsWithdrawn   = false,
                VoteTimestamp = Context.CurrentBlockTime.ToTimestamp(),
                Voter         = input.Voter,
                Currency      = votingEvent.AcceptedCurrency

            // Update VotingResult based on this voting behaviour.
            var votingResultHash = Hash.FromMessage(new GetVotingResultInput
                Sponsor     = input.Sponsor,
                Topic       = input.Topic,
                EpochNumber = votingEvent.CurrentEpoch
            var votingResult = State.VotingResults[votingResultHash];

            if (!votingResult.Results.ContainsKey(input.Option))
                votingResult.Results.Add(input.Option, 0);
            var currentVotes = votingResult.Results[input.Option];

            votingResult.Results[input.Option] = currentVotes + input.Amount;

            // Update voting history
            var votingHistories = State.VotingHistoriesMap[votingRecord.Voter] ?? new VotingHistories
                Voter = votingRecord.Voter
            var votingEventHash = votingEvent.GetHash().ToHex();

            if (!votingHistories.Votes.ContainsKey(votingEventHash))
                votingHistories.Votes[votingEventHash] = new VotingHistory
                    ActiveVotes = { input.VoteId }
                votingResult.VotersCount += 1;

            State.VotingRecords[input.VoteId] = votingRecord;

            State.VotingResults[votingResultHash] = votingResult;

            State.VotingHistoriesMap[votingRecord.Voter] = votingHistories;

            if (!votingEvent.Delegated)
                // Lock voted token.
                State.TokenContract.Lock.Send(new LockInput
                    From   = votingRecord.Voter,
                    Symbol = votingEvent.AcceptedCurrency,
                    LockId = input.VoteId,
                    Amount = input.Amount,
                    To     = Context.Self,
                    Usage  = $"Voting for {input.Topic}"

            return(new Empty());
        public override Hash Vote(VoteInput input)
            var candidatePublicKey = input.CandidatePublicKey;
            var amount             = input.Amount;
            var lockTime           = input.LockTime;

            Assert(lockTime.InRange(90, 1095),
                   ContractErrorCode.GetErrorMessage(ContractErrorCode.InvalidOperation, "Lock days is illegal."));

            // Cannot vote to non-candidate.
            var candidates = State.CandidatesField.Value;

            Assert(candidates != null, ContractErrorCode.GetErrorMessage(ContractErrorCode.NotFound, "No candidate."));
            Assert(candidates != null && candidates.PublicKeys.Contains(candidatePublicKey),
                                                     "Target didn't announce election."));

            var voterPublicKey = Context.RecoverPublicKey().ToHex();

            // A candidate cannot vote to anybody.
            Assert(candidates != null && !candidates.PublicKeys.Contains(voterPublicKey),
                   ContractErrorCode.GetErrorMessage(ContractErrorCode.InvalidOperation, "Candidate can't vote."));

            // Transfer the tokens to Consensus Contract address.
            State.TokenContract.Lock.Send(new LockInput
                From   = Context.Sender,
                To     = Context.Self,
                Symbol = Context.Variables.NativeSymbol,
                Amount = amount,
                LockId = Context.TransactionId,
                Usage  = "Lock for getting tickets."

            var currentTermNumber  = State.CurrentTermNumberField.Value;
            var currentRoundNumber = State.CurrentRoundNumberField.Value;

            // To make up a VotingRecord instance.
            TryToGetBlockchainStartTimestamp(out var blockchainStartTimestamp);

            var votingRecord = new VotingRecord
                Count           = amount,
                From            = voterPublicKey,
                To              = candidatePublicKey,
                RoundNumber     = currentRoundNumber,
                TransactionId   = Context.TransactionId,
                VoteAge         = CurrentAge,
                UnlockAge       = CurrentAge + (long)lockTime,
                TermNumber      = currentTermNumber,
                VoteTimestamp   = blockchainStartTimestamp.ToDateTime().AddMinutes(CurrentAge).ToTimestamp(),
                UnlockTimestamp = blockchainStartTimestamp.ToDateTime().AddMinutes(CurrentAge + (long)lockTime)


            // Add the transaction id of this voting record to the tickets information of the voter.
            var tickets = State.TicketsMap[voterPublicKey.ToStringValue()];

            if (tickets != null)
                tickets = new Tickets {
                    PublicKey = voterPublicKey

            tickets.VotedTickets        += votingRecord.Count;
            tickets.HistoryVotedTickets += votingRecord.Count;
            State.TicketsMap[voterPublicKey.ToStringValue()] = tickets;

            // Add the transaction id of this voting record to the tickets information of the candidate.
            var candidateTickets = State.TicketsMap[candidatePublicKey.ToStringValue()];

            if (candidateTickets != null)
                candidateTickets = new Tickets {
                    PublicKey = candidatePublicKey

            candidateTickets.ObtainedTickets        += votingRecord.Count;
            candidateTickets.HistoryObtainedTickets += votingRecord.Count;
            State.TicketsMap[candidatePublicKey.ToStringValue()] = candidateTickets;

            // Update the amount of votes (voting records of whole system).
            State.VotesCountField.Value += 1;

            // Update the amount of tickets.
            State.TicketsCountField.Value += votingRecord.Count;

            // Add this voting record to voting records map.
            State.VotingRecordsMap[votingRecord.TransactionId] = votingRecord;

            // Tell Dividends Contract to add weights for this voting record.
            State.DividendContract.AddWeights.Send(new Dividend.WeightsInfo()
                TermNumber = currentTermNumber + 1, Weights = votingRecord.Weight

            Context.LogDebug(() => $"Weights of vote {votingRecord.TransactionId.ToHex()}: {votingRecord.Weight}");
