//this method saves the logged hours to the volunteerhour table
 public IActionResult LogMyHours(VolunteerHour @volunteerhour)
     //checks that the values are properly populated
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         //calls repository method to save event to the database
         TimeSpan numHours   = @volunteerhour.EndTime - @volunteerhour.StartTime;
         double   totalHours = numHours.TotalHours;
         @volunteerhour.NumberOfHours = Math.Round(totalHours, 2);
         //returns to the myLogged hours page to validate the hours were submitted
         EventRegistration dbEventReg = context.EventRegistrations
                                        .FirstOrDefault(p => p.EventID == volunteerhour.EventID && p.UserId == volunteerhour.UserId);
         if (dbEventReg != null)
             dbEventReg.isLogged = true;
         // there is something wrong with the data values
         //this is where you could add validate error messages, or in your model.
        //this method creates a new log my hours object request
        public ViewResult LogMyHoursCreate(int Id)
            //creates new volunteer hour object
            var logHours = new VolunteerHour();
            //creating the viewmodel
            var viewModel = new LogMyHoursViewModel()
                //assignment our volunteerhour instance to a new volunteerhour object
                VolunteerHour = logHours,
                //gets an event instance from the constructor
                Event = eventRepository.Events
                        .FirstOrDefault(a => a.EventID == Id),
                //provides a list of events for the user to select from
                Events            = context.Events.ToList(),
                EventRegistration = registrationRepository.EventRegistrations
                                    .FirstOrDefault(a => a.EventID == Id),
                EventRegistrations = registrationRepository.EventRegistrations.ToList()

            //returns the new/blank viewmodel object to the view with data to populate the form with
            return(View("~/Views/VolunteerDonorDashboard/LogMyHours.cshtml", viewModel));
        //this method is similar to above but also instantiates the user. You may be able to cut it to one
        //method, I think I did two just following some of our other code, this works fine though.
        public async Task <ViewResult> LogMyHours(string userId, int Id)
            //retrieves user from the usermanager class
            var user = await userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId);

            //creates new volunteerHour object
            VolunteerHour logHours = new VolunteerHour();

            //creates a viewmodel to give us data to populate our form
            var viewModel = new LogMyHoursViewModel()
                VolunteerHour = logHours,
                Events        = eventRepository.Events.ToList(),
                Event         = eventRepository.Events
                                .FirstOrDefault(a => a.EventID == Id),
                User = user,
                EventRegistration = registrationRepository.EventRegistrations
                                    .FirstOrDefault(a => a.EventID == Id),
                EventRegistrations = registrationRepository.EventRegistrations.ToList()

            //returns the viewmodel with the user-populated data