public static List<VolumeInfo> findBootmgr() { uint serialNum, serialNumLength, flags; StringBuilder volumename = new StringBuilder(256); StringBuilder fstype = new StringBuilder(256); List<string> volumes = GetVolumes(); List<string> mountpoints; List<VolumeInfo> LstDI = new List<VolumeInfo>(); foreach (String volume in volumes) { VolumeInfo di = new VolumeInfo(); DriveType type = (DriveType)Imports.GetDriveType(volume); if (type == DriveType.DRIVE_FIXED) { bool ok = Imports.GetVolumeInformation(volume, volumename, (uint)volumename.Capacity - 1, out serialNum, out serialNumLength, out flags, fstype, (uint)fstype.Capacity - 1); mountpoints = GetMountPointsForVolume(volume); di.VolumeGUID = volume; di.VolumePath = volume.Replace("\\\\?\\", "\\\\.\\"); di.VolumeName = volumename.ToString(); di.FSType = fstype.ToString(); di.MountPoints = mountpoints; di.Type = type; if (File.Exists(di.VolumePath + "bootmgr")) { di.bootmgr = true; LstDI.Add(di); } } } return LstDI; }
/// <summary> /// Detects if a volume contains any known file systems. /// </summary> /// <param name="volume">The volume to inspect.</param> /// <returns>A list of file systems (may be empty).</returns> public DiscUtils.FileSystemInfo[] Detect(VolumeInfo volume) { using (Stream stream = volume.Open()) { return Detect(stream, volume); } }
public static VolumeInfo FromPath(string path) { if (path == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } if (OS.IsWin2k) { WeakReference reference; StringBuilder lpszVolumePathName = new StringBuilder(0x400); if (!Windows.GetVolumePathName(path, lpszVolumePathName, lpszVolumePathName.Capacity)) { return null; } string key = lpszVolumePathName.ToString(); if (VolumeMap.TryGetValue(key, out reference) && reference.IsAlive) { return (VolumeInfo) reference.Target; } VolumeInfo target = new VolumeInfo(key); reference = new WeakReference(target); VolumeMap[key] = reference; if (key.Length == 3) { VolumeMap[target.Name] = reference; } return target; } return Get(Path.GetPathRoot(path)); }
/// <summary> /// Detects if a volume contains any known file systems. /// </summary> /// <param name="volume">The volume to inspect</param> /// <returns>A list of file systems (may be empty)</returns> public ThinkAway.FileSystemInfo[] Detect(VolumeInfo volume) { using (Stream stream = volume.Open()) { return Detect(stream, volume); } }
public override RC.Framework.FileSystem.FileSystemInfo[] Detect(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volume) { if (HfsPlusFileSystem.Detect(stream)) { return new RC.Framework.FileSystem.FileSystemInfo[] { new VfsFileSystemInfo("HFS+", "Apple HFS+", Open) }; } return new RC.Framework.FileSystem.FileSystemInfo[0]; }
public override DiscUtils.FileSystemInfo[] Detect(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volume) { if (ExtFileSystem.Detect(stream)) { return new DiscUtils.FileSystemInfo[] { new VfsFileSystemInfo("ext", "Linux ext family filesystem", Open) }; } return new DiscUtils.FileSystemInfo[0]; }
public override ThinkAway.FileSystemInfo[] Detect(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volume) { if (FatFileSystem.Detect(stream)) { return new ThinkAway.FileSystemInfo[] { new VfsFileSystemInfo("FAT", "Microsoft FAT", Open) }; } return new ThinkAway.FileSystemInfo[0]; }
public override DiscUtils.FileSystemInfo[] Detect(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volume) { if (SquashFileSystemReader.Detect(stream)) { return new DiscUtils.FileSystemInfo[] { new VfsFileSystemInfo("SquashFS", "Squash Filesystem", Open) }; } return new DiscUtils.FileSystemInfo[0]; }
public override RC.Framework.FileSystem.FileSystemInfo[] Detect(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volume) { if (NtfsFileSystem.Detect(stream)) { return new RC.Framework.FileSystem.FileSystemInfo[] { new VfsFileSystemInfo("NTFS", "Microsoft NTFS", Open) }; } return new RC.Framework.FileSystem.FileSystemInfo[0]; }
private DiscFileSystem OpenUdf(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volumeInfo, FileSystemParameters parameters) { if (volumeInfo != null) { return new UdfReader(stream, volumeInfo.PhysicalGeometry.BytesPerSector); } else { return new UdfReader(stream); } }
internal DiscFileSystem GetFileSystem(VolumeInfo volInfo) { DiscFileSystem result; if (!_fsCache.TryGetValue(volInfo.Identity, out result)) { FileSystemManager fsmgr = new FileSystemManager(); FileSystemInfo[] fsInfo = fsmgr.DetectFileSystems(volInfo); if (fsInfo != null && fsInfo.Length > 0) { result = fsInfo[0].Open(volInfo); _fsCache.Add(volInfo.Identity, result); } } return result; }
public override ThinkAway.FileSystemInfo[] Detect(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volume) { List<ThinkAway.FileSystemInfo> detected = new List<ThinkAway.FileSystemInfo>(); if (UdfReader.Detect(stream)) { detected.Add(new VfsFileSystemInfo("UDF", "OSTA Universal Disk Format (UDF)", OpenUdf)); } if (CDReader.Detect(stream)) { detected.Add(new VfsFileSystemInfo("ISO9660", "ISO 9660 (CD-ROM)", OpenIso)); } return detected.ToArray(); }
public static VolumeInfo Get(string driveName) { WeakReference reference; if (driveName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } if (VolumeMap.TryGetValue(driveName, out reference) && reference.IsAlive) { return (VolumeInfo) reference.Target; } VolumeInfo target = new VolumeInfo(driveName); reference = new WeakReference(target); VolumeMap[driveName] = reference; if (OS.IsWin2k && (driveName.Length == 3)) { VolumeMap[target.Name] = reference; } return target; }
private DiscFileSystem Open(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volumeInfo) { return new FatFileSystem(stream); }
private DiscFileSystem Open(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volumeInfo, FileSystemParameters parameters) { return new FatFileSystem(stream, Ownership.None, parameters); }
/// <summary> /// 结束前的校验 /// </summary> /// <param name="strError">返回错误信息</param> /// <returns>-1: 出错; 0: 没有错误</returns> internal override int FinishVerify(out string strError) { strError = ""; int nRet = 0; // TODO: 将来这里要允许使用整个 location 字符串,而不仅仅是馆代码,来发起条码号校验 string strLocation = this.entityEditControl_editing.LocationString; string strLibraryCode = Global.GetLibraryCode(StringUtil.GetPureLocation(strLocation)); string strBarcode = this.entityEditControl_editing.Barcode; // 检查册条码号形式是否合法 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strBarcode) == false && // 2009/2/23 this.EntityControl != null && this.EntityControl.NeedVerifyItemBarcode == true) { // 形式校验条码号 // return: // -2 服务器没有配置校验方法,无法校验 // -1 error // 0 不是合法的条码号 // 1 是合法的读者证条码号 // 2 是合法的册条码号 nRet = this.EntityControl.DoVerifyBarcode( string.IsNullOrEmpty(Program.MainForm.BarcodeValidation) ? strLibraryCode : strLocation, // 2019/7/12 strBarcode, out strError); if (nRet == -1) { goto ERROR1; } // 输入的条码格式不合法 if (nRet == 0) { strError = "您输入的条码 " + strBarcode + " 格式不正确(" + strError + ")。请重新输入。"; goto ERROR1; } // 实际输入的是读者证条码号 if (nRet == 1) { strError = "您输入的条码号 " + strBarcode + " 是读者证条码号。请输入册条码号。"; goto ERROR1; } // 对于服务器没有配置校验功能,但是前端发出了校验要求的情况,警告一下 if (nRet == -2) { MessageBox.Show(this, "警告:前端册管理窗开启了校验条码功能,但是服务器端缺乏相应的脚本函数,无法校验条码。\r\n\r\n若要避免出现此警告对话框,请关闭前端册管理窗校验功能"); } } // 馆藏地点字符串里面不能有星号 // string strLocation = this.entityEditControl_editing.LocationString; if (strLocation.IndexOf("*") != -1) { strError = "馆藏地点字符串中不允许出现字符 '*'"; goto ERROR1; } // 价格字符串中不允许出现 @ string strPrice = this.entityEditControl_editing.Price; if (strPrice.IndexOf("@") != -1) { strError = "价格字符串中不允许出现字符 '@'"; goto ERROR1; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPrice) == false) { CurrencyItem item = null; // 解析单个金额字符串。例如 CNY10.00 或 -CNY100.00/7 nRet = PriceUtil.ParseSinglePrice(strPrice, out item, out strError); if (nRet == -1) { strError = "价格字符串格式不合法: " + strError; goto ERROR1; } } string strIssueDbName = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BiblioDbName) == false) { strIssueDbName = Program.MainForm.GetIssueDbName(this.BiblioDbName); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIssueDbName) == false) { // 2014/10/23 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.entityEditControl_editing.PublishTime) == false) { // 检查出版时间范围字符串是否合法 // 如果使用单个出版时间来调用本函数,也是可以的 // return: // -1 出错 // 0 正确 nRet = LibraryServerUtil.CheckPublishTimeRange(this.entityEditControl_editing.PublishTime, out strError); if (nRet == -1) { goto ERROR1; } } // 2014/10/23 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.entityEditControl_editing.Volume) == false) { List <VolumeInfo> infos = null; nRet = VolumeInfo.BuildVolumeInfos(this.entityEditControl_editing.Volume, out infos, out strError); if (nRet == -1) { strError = "卷期字符串 '" + this.entityEditControl_editing.Volume + "' 格式错误: " + strError; goto ERROR1; } } } return(0); ERROR1: return(-1); }
/// <summary> /// The logic for detecting file systems. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">The stream to inspect.</param> /// <param name="volumeInfo">Optionally, information about the volume</param> /// <returns>A list of file systems detected (may be empty)</returns> public abstract ThinkAway.FileSystemInfo[] Detect(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volumeInfo);
public byte[] decode(byte[] adpcmIn, out VolumeInfo vi, bool midside, bool enableInloopVolumeStats, bool enableDither, float volume = 1f) { int ta, tb; uint i, pO; byte[] Output = new byte[(adpcmIn.Length - 6) * 4]; int sign; // Current adpcm sign bit int delta; // Current adpcm output value Mid int step_a; // Stepsize Mid int step_b; // Stepsize Side double valprev_a; // virtual previous output value Mid double valprev_b; // virtual previous output value Side double vpdiff; // Current change to valprev Side int index_a; // Current step change index Mid int index_b; // Current step change index Side int bitbuffer; // place to keep next 4-bit value uint pa = 0, pb = 0; //peak volume uint aa = 0, ab = 0; //average volume vi = new VolumeInfo(); vi.dbPeakL = double.NegativeInfinity; vi.dbPeakR = double.NegativeInfinity; vi.dbAvgL = double.NegativeInfinity; vi.dbAvgR = double.NegativeInfinity; if (enableDither) { r = new Random(); } try { valprev_a = BitConverter.ToInt16(adpcmIn, 0); valprev_b = BitConverter.ToInt16(adpcmIn, 2); index_a = adpcmIn[4]; index_b = adpcmIn[5]; step_a = stepsizeTable[index_a]; step_b = stepsizeTable[index_b]; for (i = 6; i <= adpcmIn.Length - 1; i++) { //.--------------------------------. //| Ch0 | //'--------------------------------' //**** Step 1 - get the delta value bitbuffer = adpcmIn[i]; delta = bitbuffer >> 4; //**** Step 2 - Find new index value (for later) index_a += indexTable[delta]; if (index_a < 0) { index_a = 0; } else if (index_a > 88) { index_a = 88; } //**** Step 3 - Separate sign and magnitude sign = delta & 8; delta = delta & 7; //**** Step 4 - update output value //vpdiff = (delta * step_a) >> 2; vpdiff = (delta * step_a) / 4d; if (sign == 8) { valprev_a -= vpdiff; } else { valprev_a += vpdiff; } //**** Step 5 - Update step value step_a = stepsizeTable[index_a]; //.--------------------------------. //| Ch1 | //'--------------------------------' //**** Step 1 - get the delta value delta = bitbuffer & 0xF; //**** Step 2 - Find new index value (for later) index_b += indexTable[delta]; if (index_b < 0) { index_b = 0; } else if (index_b > 88) { index_b = 88; } //**** Step 3 - Separate sign and magnitude sign = delta & 8; delta = delta & 7; //**** Step 4 - update output value //vpdiff = (delta * step_b) >> 2; vpdiff = (delta * step_b) / 4d; if (sign == 8) { valprev_b -= vpdiff; } else { valprev_b += vpdiff; } //**** Step 5 - Update step value step_b = stepsizeTable[index_b]; //Output the samples with random dither pattern if requested if (enableDither) { bool up = r.Next(0, 2) == 1; if (up) { if (midside) { ta = (int)Math.Ceiling(valprev_a + valprev_b); tb = (int)Math.Ceiling(valprev_a - valprev_b); } else { ta = (int)Math.Ceiling(valprev_a); tb = (int)Math.Ceiling(valprev_b); } } else { if (midside) { ta = (int)Math.Floor(valprev_a + valprev_b); tb = (int)Math.Floor(valprev_a - valprev_b); } else { ta = (int)Math.Floor(valprev_a); tb = (int)Math.Floor(valprev_b); } } } else { if (midside) { ta = (int)Math.Round(valprev_a + valprev_b, 0); tb = (int)Math.Round(valprev_a - valprev_b, 0); } else { ta = (int)Math.Round(valprev_a, 0); tb = (int)Math.Round(valprev_b, 0); } } //Clamp samples if (ta < Int16.MinValue) { ta = Int16.MinValue; } if (ta > Int16.MaxValue) { ta = Int16.MaxValue; } if (tb < Int16.MinValue) { tb = Int16.MinValue; } if (tb > Int16.MaxValue) { tb = Int16.MaxValue; } //If desired, do the audio analyisis //Inloop volume analysis! if (enableInloopVolumeStats) { //Converting to absolute value //Abs and conversion may be slow, so we do this once and write it into variables uint tta = (uint)Math.Abs(ta) , ttb = (uint)Math.Abs(tb); //determine peak value if (pa < tta) { pa = tta; } if (pb < ttb) { pb = ttb; } //calculating average volume aa = (uint)Math.Round((aa + tta * 2) / 3d); ab = (uint)Math.Round((ab + ttb * 2) / 3d); } //Volume processing (crude but it works!!) if (volume != 1) { ta = (int)Math.Round(ta * volume, 0); tb = (int)Math.Round(tb * volume, 0); } //More clamping if (ta < Int16.MinValue) { ta = Int16.MinValue; } if (ta > Int16.MaxValue) { ta = Int16.MaxValue; } if (tb < Int16.MinValue) { tb = Int16.MinValue; } if (tb > Int16.MaxValue) { tb = Int16.MaxValue; } pO = (i - 6) * 4; BitConverter.GetBytes((short)ta).CopyTo(Output, pO); BitConverter.GetBytes((short)tb).CopyTo(Output, pO + 2); } //If the volume analysis was done, fill the object provided with the data if (enableInloopVolumeStats) { vi.dbPeakL = 20 * Math.Log10((double)pa / short.MaxValue); vi.dbPeakR = 20 * Math.Log10((double)pb / short.MaxValue); vi.dbAvgL = 20 * Math.Log10((double)aa / short.MaxValue); vi.dbAvgR = 20 * Math.Log10((double)ab / short.MaxValue); } } catch { } r = null; return(Output); }
public override void EraseDirectoryStructures(VolumeInfo info, FileSystemEntriesEraseProgress callback) { //Create a directory to hold all the temporary files DirectoryInfo tempDir = new DirectoryInfo(GenerateRandomFileName( info.MountPoints[0], 32)); tempDir.Create(); try { //Get the size of the MFT long mftSize = NtfsApi.GetMftValidSize(info); long mftRecordSegmentSize = NtfsApi.GetMftRecordSegmentSize(info); int pollingInterval = (int)Math.Min(Math.Max(1, mftSize / info.ClusterSize / 20), 128); int totalFiles = (int)Math.Max(1L, mftSize / mftRecordSegmentSize); int filesCreated = 0; while (true) { ++filesCreated; string fileName = GenerateRandomFileName(tempDir, 220); File.Create(fileName).Close(); ResetFileTimes(new FileInfo(fileName)); if (filesCreated % pollingInterval == 0) { //Call back to our progress function: this is the first half of the //procedure so divide the effective progress by 2. if (callback != null) { int halfFilesCreated = filesCreated / 2; callback(halfFilesCreated, Math.Max(halfFilesCreated, totalFiles)); } //Check if the MFT has grown. if (mftSize < NtfsApi.GetMftValidSize(info)) { break; } } } } catch (IOException) { } finally { //Clear up all the temporary files FileInfo[] files = tempDir.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; ++i) { if (callback != null && i % 50 == 0) { callback(files.Length + i, files.Length * 2); } files[i].Delete(); } DeleteFolder(tempDir, true); } }
/** @param delay_return [out] (0 < delay_return) w1 is delayed by delay samples * (delay_return < 0) w2 is delayed by delay samples * @param w1w2VolumeRatio_return [out] >1: w1 volume is larger than w2, <1: w1 volume is smaller than w2 */ private bool SampleDelay(WavData w1, WavData w2, out int delay_return, out double w1w2VolumeRatio_return) { float ACCUMULATE_SECONDS_MAX = (float)numericAccumulateSeconds.Value; float DELAY_SECONDS_MAX = (float)numericStartDelayTorelance.Value; delay_return = 0; SortedDictionary <long, VolumeInfo> delayValueAndPos = new SortedDictionary <long, VolumeInfo>(); int samplesPerSecond = w1.SampleRate; /* assume w1 is delayed (0 < delay) */ for (int delay = 0; delay < samplesPerSecond * DELAY_SECONDS_MAX; ++delay) { VolumeInfo vi = new VolumeInfo(); vi.delay = delay; for (int pos = 0; pos < samplesPerSecond * ACCUMULATE_SECONDS_MAX; ++pos) { int w1Value = Math.Abs(w1.Sample16Get(0, pos)); int w2Value = Math.Abs(w2.Sample16Get(0, pos + delay)); vi.w1Volume += w1Value; vi.w2Volume += w2Value; vi.accumulatedDiff += Math.Abs(w1Value - w2Value); } // Console.Write("[{0} {1}]", delay, acc); if (!delayValueAndPos.ContainsKey(vi.accumulatedDiff)) { delayValueAndPos[vi.accumulatedDiff] = vi; } backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(delay * 50 / (int)(samplesPerSecond * DELAY_SECONDS_MAX)); } /* assume w2 is delayed (delay < 0) */ for (int delay = 1; delay < samplesPerSecond * DELAY_SECONDS_MAX; ++delay) { VolumeInfo vi = new VolumeInfo(); vi.delay = -delay; for (int pos = 0; pos < samplesPerSecond * ACCUMULATE_SECONDS_MAX; ++pos) { int w1Value = Math.Abs(w1.Sample16Get(0, pos + delay)); int w2Value = Math.Abs(w2.Sample16Get(0, pos)); vi.w1Volume += w1Value; vi.w2Volume += w2Value; vi.accumulatedDiff += Math.Abs(w1Value - w2Value); } // Console.Write("[{0} {1}]", -delay, acc); if (!delayValueAndPos.ContainsKey(vi.accumulatedDiff)) { delayValueAndPos[vi.accumulatedDiff] = vi; } backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(50 + delay * 50 / (int)(samplesPerSecond * DELAY_SECONDS_MAX)); } SortedDictionary <long, VolumeInfo> .Enumerator e = delayValueAndPos.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext(); w1w2VolumeRatio_return = (double)e.Current.Value.w1Volume / e.Current.Value.w2Volume; delay_return = e.Current.Value.delay; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(rm.GetString("SampleDelaySummary"), delay_return, (double)delay_return / samplesPerSecond, (double)e.Current.Key / (samplesPerSecond * DELAY_SECONDS_MAX), w1w2VolumeRatio_return); if (w1w2VolumeRatio_return < 0.5 || 2.0 < w1w2VolumeRatio_return) { return(false); } return(true); }
public override void Execute() { //Check for sufficient privileges to run the unused space erasure. if (!Security.IsAdministrator()) { if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT && Environment.OSVersion.Version >= new Version(6, 0)) { Logger.Log(S._("The program does not have the required permissions to erase " + "the unused space on disk. Run the program as an administrator and retry " + "the operation."), LogLevel.Error); } else { Logger.Log(S._("The program does not have the required permissions to erase " + "the unused space on disk."), LogLevel.Error); } return; } //Check whether System Restore has any available checkpoints. if (SystemRestore.GetInstances().Count != 0) { Logger.Log(S._("This computer has had System Restore or Volume Shadow Copies " + "enabled. This may allow copies of files stored on the disk to be recovered " + "and pose a security concern.", Drive), LogLevel.Warning); } //If the user is under disk quotas, log a warning message if (VolumeInfo.FromMountPoint(Drive).HasQuota) { Logger.Log(S._("The drive {0} has disk quotas active. This will prevent the " + "complete erasure of unused space and may pose a security concern.", Drive), LogLevel.Warning); } //Get the erasure method if the user specified he wants the default. IErasureMethod method = EffectiveMethod; //Make a folder to dump our temporary files in DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(Drive); VolumeInfo volInfo = VolumeInfo.FromMountPoint(Drive); IFileSystem fsManager = Host.Instance.FileSystems[volInfo]; //Start sampling the speed of the task. Progress = new SteppedProgressManager(); //Erase the cluster tips of every file on the drive. if (EraseClusterTips) { //Define the callback handlers ProgressManager tipSearch = new ProgressManager(); tipSearch.MarkIndeterminate(); Progress.Steps.Add(new SteppedProgressManagerStep(tipSearch, 0.0f, S._("Searching for files' cluster tips..."))); ClusterTipsSearchProgress searchProgress = delegate(string path) { if (Task.Canceled) { throw new OperationCanceledException(S._("The task was cancelled.")); } tipSearch.Tag = path; }; ProgressManager tipProgress = new ProgressManager(); Progress.Steps.Add(new SteppedProgressManagerStep(tipProgress, 0.1f, S._("Erasing cluster tips..."))); ClusterTipsEraseProgress eraseProgress = delegate(int currentFile, int totalFiles, string currentFilePath) { tipSearch.MarkComplete(); tipProgress.Total = totalFiles; tipProgress.Completed = currentFile; tipProgress.Tag = currentFilePath; if (Task.Canceled) { throw new OperationCanceledException(S._("The task was cancelled.")); } }; //Start counting statistics fsManager.EraseClusterTips(VolumeInfo.FromMountPoint(Drive), method, searchProgress, eraseProgress); tipProgress.MarkComplete(); } bool lowDiskSpaceNotifications = Shell.LowDiskSpaceNotificationsEnabled; info = info.CreateSubdirectory(Path.GetFileName( FileSystemBase.GenerateRandomFileName(info, 18))); try { //Set the folder's compression flag off since we want to use as much //space as possible if (info.IsCompressed()) { info.Uncompress(); } //Disable the low disk space notifications Shell.LowDiskSpaceNotificationsEnabled = false; //Fill the disk EraseUnusedSpace(volInfo, info, fsManager, method); //Erase old resident file system table files ProgressManager residentProgress = new ProgressManager(); Progress.Steps.Add(new SteppedProgressManagerStep(residentProgress, 0.05f, S._("Old resident file system table files"))); fsManager.EraseOldFileSystemResidentFiles(volInfo, info, method, delegate(int currentFile, int totalFiles) { residentProgress.Completed = currentFile; residentProgress.Total = totalFiles; if (Task.Canceled) { throw new OperationCanceledException(S._("The task was cancelled.")); } } ); residentProgress.MarkComplete(); } finally { //Remove the folder holding all our temporary files. ProgressManager tempFiles = new ProgressManager(); Progress.Steps.Add(new SteppedProgressManagerStep(tempFiles, 0.0f, S._("Removing temporary files..."))); fsManager.DeleteFolder(info, true); tempFiles.MarkComplete(); //Reset the low disk space notifications Shell.LowDiskSpaceNotificationsEnabled = lowDiskSpaceNotifications; } //Then clean the old file system entries ProgressManager structureProgress = new ProgressManager(); Progress.Steps.Add(new SteppedProgressManagerStep(structureProgress, 0.05f, S._("Erasing unused directory structures..."))); fsManager.EraseDirectoryStructures(volInfo, delegate(int currentFile, int totalFiles) { if (Task.Canceled) { throw new OperationCanceledException(S._("The task was cancelled.")); } //Compute the progress structureProgress.Total = totalFiles; structureProgress.Completed = currentFile; } ); structureProgress.MarkComplete(); Progress = null; }
/// <summary> /// The logic for detecting file systems. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">The stream to inspect.</param> /// <param name="volumeInfo">Optionally, information about the volume</param> /// <returns>A list of file systems detected (may be empty)</returns> public abstract FileSystemInfo[] Detect(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volumeInfo);
protected override void OnTouchDown(TouchEventArgs e) #endif { int x = 0; int y = 0; #if MF_FRAMEWORK_VERSION_V3_0 x = e.X; y = e.Y; #else e.GetPosition(this, 0, out x, out y); #endif try { // Figure out which section of the screen was clicked. if (y <= cy1) { // The button area was clicked. if (x <= cx1) { // The New File button was clicked. if (Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() == "\\") { Debug.Print("Cannot create a file at \\"); return; } // Get the next file name, by looping until the file // doesn't exist. int index = 0; string name = "File_0.txt"; while (File.Exists(name)) { name = "File_" + (++index).ToString() + ".txt"; } // Create the file using the standard .NET FileStream. FileStream file = new FileStream(name, FileMode.Create); // Write some dummy data to the file. for (int i = 0; i < (index + 5) * 2; i++) { file.WriteByte((byte)i); } // Close the file. file.Close(); // Refresh the list and invalidate. myApplication.mainWindow.RefreshList(); Invalidate(); } else if (x <= cx2) { // The New Directory button was clicked. if (Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() == "\\") { Debug.Print("Cannot create a directory at \\"); return; } // Get the next directory name, by looping until the // directory doesn't exist. int index = 0; string name = "Directory_0"; while (Directory.Exists(name)) { name = "Directory_" + (++index).ToString(); } // Create the directory. Directory.CreateDirectory(name); // Refresh the list, then re-draw the list. myApplication.mainWindow.RefreshList(); Invalidate(); } else if (x <= cx3) { // The Move button was clicked. if (Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() == "\\") { Debug.Print("Cannot move to or from \\"); return; } // If an item is selected, "move" it. if (_selectedItem != null) { // Get the sub-item that has the name. ListViewSubItem subItem = (ListViewSubItem)_selectedItem.SubItems[0]; if (subItem != null) { // If the name starts with [ and ends with ] // then it is a directory. This is only because // we put the [ and ] on our directory names. // There is nothing in the file system that // requires the [ and ]. if (subItem.Text[0] == '[' && subItem.Text[subItem.Text.Length - 1] == ']') { // Remove the [ and ] characters. string name = subItem.Text.Substring(1, subItem.Text.Length - 2); // Make sure the directory exists. if (Directory.Exists(name)) { // Move the directory to the same name + // .moved. Directory.Move(name, name + ".moved"); // Update the local name variable. name += ".moved"; // Update the name text. ((ListViewSubItem)_selectedItem.SubItems[0]).Text = '[' + name + ']'; // Get the index in Items of the // selected list view item. int index = Items.IndexOf(_selectedItem); // Remove the item, and then add the // item back in. Items.Remove(_selectedItem); Items.Insert(index, _selectedItem); // Re-draw the list. Invalidate(); } } else if (File.Exists(subItem.Text)) { // Without the [ and ] it is a file. // Move the file to the same name + .moved. File.Move(subItem.Text, subItem.Text + ".moved"); // Update the subitem text. subItem.Text += ".moved"; // Get the index in Items of the selected // list view item. int index = Items.IndexOf(_selectedItem); // Remove the item, then add the item back // in. Items.Remove(_selectedItem); Items.Insert(index, _selectedItem); // Re-draw the list. Invalidate(); } } } } else if (x <= cx4) { // The Delete button was clicked. if (Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() == "\\") { Debug.Print("Cannot delete from \\"); return; } // If an item is selected, delete the item. if (_selectedItem != null) { // Get the sub-item that has the name. ListViewSubItem subItem = (ListViewSubItem)_selectedItem.SubItems[0]; if (subItem != null) { // If the name starts with [ and ends with ], // then it is a directory. This is only because // we put the [ and ] on our directory names. // There is nothing in the file system that // requires the [ and ]. if (subItem.Text[0] == '[' && subItem.Text[subItem.Text.Length - 1] == ']') { // Remove the [ and ]. string name = subItem.Text.Substring(1, subItem.Text.Length - 2); // Make sure the directory exists. if (Directory.Exists(name)) { // Delete the directory. Directory.Delete(name); // Remove it from the list view. Items.Remove(_selectedItem); // Reset the selected item member. _selectedItem = null; } } else if (File.Exists(subItem.Text)) { // Without the [ and ], it is a file. // Delete the file. File.Delete(subItem.Text); // Remove it from the list view. Items.Remove(_selectedItem); // Reset the selected item member. _selectedItem = null; } // Re-draw the list view. Invalidate(); } } } else if (x <= cx5) { // The Format button was clicked. // Always go back to the root directory before // formatting. if (_selectedItem != null) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory("\\"); string volume = ((ListViewSubItem)_selectedItem.SubItems[0]).Text; volume = volume.Trim('[', ']', '\\'); // Format the volume and call it ROOT. Microsoft.SPOT.IO.VolumeInfo volInfo = new VolumeInfo(volume); if (volInfo.FileSystem == null) { #if MF_FRAMEWORK_VERSION_V3_0 || MF_FRAMEWORK_VERSION_V4_0 || MF_FRAMEWORK_VERSION_V4_1 volInfo.Format("FAT", 0, true); #else volInfo.Format("FAT", 0, volume + "FS", true); #endif } else { volInfo.Format(0); } // Refresh the list, then re-draw the list. myApplication.mainWindow.RefreshList(); Invalidate(); } } } else if (y <= cy2) { // Column. } else if (y >= cy3) { // The horizontal scrollbar was clicked. OnHorizontalScrollStylusDown(x); } else { if (x >= cx5) { // Vertical Scroll OnVerticalScrollStylusDown(y); } else { // Main section. // Calculate which item was clicked. int itemNumber = ((y - _columnHeaderHeight) + _sy) / _itemHeight; // If an item was clicked... if (itemNumber >= 0 && itemNumber < Items.Count) { // See if this item is already selected. if (_selectedItem == (ListViewItem)Items[itemNumber]) { // See if this is a directory. if (_selectedItem.SubItems.Count > 0) { string directoryName = ((ListViewSubItem)_selectedItem.SubItems[0]).Text; directoryName = directoryName.Substring(1, directoryName.Length - 2); // Check for special ".." name if (directoryName == "..") { directoryName = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(directoryName); // directoryName.Substring(0, directoryName.LastIndexOf('\\')); } // If the directory exists... if (Directory.Exists(directoryName)) { // Set the current directory. Directory.SetCurrentDirectory( directoryName); // Refresh the list. myApplication.mainWindow.RefreshList(); } } } else { // No item is selected, so select this one. _selectedItem = (ListViewItem)Items[itemNumber]; } } else { // No item is selected and we didn't click on one // either. _selectedItem = null; } // Refresh the list view Invalidate(); } } } catch (IOException ex) { Debug.Print(ex.ToString()); } }
private static string RedirectISO(string filename) { string _result = null; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename) && File.Exists(filename)) { List <string> _candidates = new List <string>(); // open the ISO file VolumeManager volMgr = new VolumeManager(); volMgr.AddDisk(VirtualDisk.OpenDisk(filename, FileAccess.Read)); VolumeInfo volInfo = null; volInfo = volMgr.GetLogicalVolumes()[0]; DiscUtils.FileSystemInfo fsInfo = FileSystemManager.DetectDefaultFileSystems(volInfo)[0]; using (DiscFileSystem _dfs = fsInfo.Open(volInfo)) { foreach (string _fname in _dfs.GetFiles("", "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { string _fileExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(_fname).ToLowerInvariant(); if (_fileExt == ".ifo" || _fileExt == ".mpls") { _candidates.Add(_fname); } } double _biggestDuration = 0d; string _tmpBRResult = ""; // select from the candidates the one that has the longest duration (if mpls skip files bigger than 10K) foreach (string _cpath in _candidates) { string _cext = Path.GetExtension(_cpath).ToLowerInvariant(); string _tmp = Helpers.GetUniqueFilename(_cext); using (FileStream _fs = new FileStream(_tmp, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { using (Stream source = _dfs.OpenFile(_cpath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { source.CopyTo(_fs); } } // if it is a DVD iso if (_cext == ".ifo") { if (string.Compare(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_cpath), "video_ts", true) == 0) { File.Delete(_tmp); // skip the menu continue; } // use first ifo that is not the menu FileManager.AddToGarbageFiles(_tmp); _result = _tmp; break; } // if it is a BLURAY iso (choose biggest mpls file) if (_cext == ".mpls") { long _length = new FileInfo(_tmp).Length; if (Path.GetExtension(_cpath).ToLowerInvariant() == ".mpls" && _length > 10 * 1024) { File.Delete(_tmp); continue; // take next one, this is too big and mediainfo will hang } if (GetDurationMilliseconds(_tmp) > _biggestDuration) { // important.. add it to the garbage files //FileManager.AddToGarbageFiles(_tmp); //_result = _tmp; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_tmpBRResult)) { File.Delete(_tmpBRResult); // remove previous winner and remember the current one } _tmpBRResult = _tmp; } else { File.Delete(_tmp); } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_result) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_tmpBRResult)) { FileManager.AddToGarbageFiles(_tmpBRResult); _result = _tmpBRResult; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Loggy.Logger.DebugException("ISO Processing", ex); } return(_result); }
private async Task<Host> GetEc2Instance(string id) { var instance = await ec2.DescribeInstanceAsync(id).ConfigureAwait(false); var host = new Host { Type = HostType.VirtualInstance, RefId = instance.InstanceId, Addresses = new List<IPAddress>() { IPAddress.Parse(instance.IpAddress), IPAddress.Parse(instance.PrivateIpAddress) }, Details = new JsonObject { { "availabilityZone", instance.Placement.AvailabilityZone }, { "instanceType", instance.InstanceType }, { "hypervisor", instance.Hypervisor }, { "vpcId", instance.VpcId } }, Provider = PlatformProviderId.Amazon, Status = GetStatus(instance.InstanceState), Modified = DateTime.UtcNow, Created = instance.LaunchTime }; // "imageId": "ami-1647537c", if (instance.ImageId != null) { // Images may be shared var image = (await db.Images.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync(Eq("refId", instance.ImageId))); if (image == null) { image = new Image { RefId = instance.ImageId, // Architecture = instance.Architecture, Created = DateTime.UtcNow }; await db.Images.InsertAsync(image).ConfigureAwait(false); host.ImageId = image.Id; } } await db.Hosts.InsertAsync(host); foreach (var v in instance.BlockDeviceMappings) { if (v.Ebs != null) { var vv = await ec2.DescribeVolumeAsync(v.Ebs.VolumeId).ConfigureAwait(false); var vol = new VolumeInfo { RefId = v.Ebs.VolumeId, Provider = PlatformProviderId.Amazon, Status = VolumeStatus.Online, Size = (long)vv.Size * 1073741824, HostId = host.Id, Created = vv.CreateTime }; await db.Volumes.InsertAsync(vol).ConfigureAwait(false); } } foreach (var ni in instance.NetworkInterfaces) { var networkInterface = new NetworkInterfaceInfo { MacAddress = ni.MacAddress, Provider = PlatformProviderId.Amazon, RefId = ni.NetworkInterfaceId, HostId = host.Id, Details = new JsonObject { { "subnetId", ni.SubnetId }, { "vpcId", ni.VpcId } }, Created = DateTime.UtcNow }; /* if (ni.Groups != null) { var list = new XList<string>(ni.Groups.Select(ni ); foreach (var group in ni.Groups) { } } */ // ? IP addresses // ? Security groups await db.NetworkInterfaces.InsertAsync(networkInterface).ConfigureAwait(false); } return host; }
private DiscFileSystem OpenIso(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volumeInfo, FileSystemParameters parameters) { return(new CDReader(stream, true, true)); }
private void EraseUnusedSpace(VolumeInfo volInfo, DirectoryInfo info, IFileSystem fsInfo, IErasureMethod method) { ProgressManager mainProgress = new ProgressManager(); Progress.Steps.Add(new SteppedProgressManagerStep(mainProgress, EraseClusterTips ? 0.8f : 0.9f, S._("Erasing unused space..."))); //Continue creating files while there is free space. while (volInfo.AvailableFreeSpace > 0) { //Generate a non-existant file name string currFile = FileSystemBase.GenerateRandomFileName(info, 18); //Create the stream FileStream stream = new FileStream(currFile, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 8, FileOptions.WriteThrough); try { //Set the length of the file to be the amount of free space left //or the maximum size of one of these dumps. mainProgress.Total = mainProgress.Completed + method.CalculateEraseDataSize(null, volInfo.AvailableFreeSpace); long streamLength = Math.Min(PassBasedErasureMethod.FreeSpaceFileUnit, volInfo.AvailableFreeSpace); //Handle IO exceptions gracefully, because the filesystem //may require more space than demanded by us for file allocation. while (true) { try { stream.SetLength(streamLength); break; } catch (IOException) { if (streamLength > volInfo.ClusterSize) { streamLength -= volInfo.ClusterSize; } else { throw; } } } //Then run the erase task method.Erase(stream, long.MaxValue, Host.Instance.Prngs.ActivePrng, delegate(long lastWritten, long totalData, int currentPass) { mainProgress.Completed += lastWritten; mainProgress.Tag = new int[] { currentPass, method.Passes }; if (Task.Canceled) { throw new OperationCanceledException(S._("The task was cancelled.")); } } ); } finally { stream.Close(); fsInfo.ResetFileTimes(new FileInfo(currFile)); } } //Mark the main bulk of the progress as complete mainProgress.MarkComplete(); }
private static void CreateDefaultPostProcessingVolume(GameObject postProcessingWrapper, VolumeInfo volumeInfo) { var gameObject = new GameObject { name = $"PostProcessVolume ({})", layer = 8 }; // Assign Post Processing var postProcessVolume = gameObject.AddComponent <PostProcessVolume>(); gameObject.transform.parent = postProcessingWrapper.transform; postProcessVolume.isGlobal = true; postProcessVolume.sharedProfile = GetDefaultPostProcessingProfile(volumeInfo.type); postProcessVolume.profile = GetDefaultPostProcessingProfile(volumeInfo.type); postProcessVolume.weight = volumeInfo.weight; postProcessVolume.priority = volumeInfo.priority; if (volumeInfo.type != VolumeType.Default) { return; } var effectorVolume = gameObject.AddComponent <ConfigEffectorVolume>(); effectorVolume.postProcessVolume = postProcessVolume; var reflectionProbe = Object.FindObjectOfType <ReflectionProbe>(); if (reflectionProbe != null) { effectorVolume.rp = reflectionProbe; } }
private DiscFileSystem OpenIso(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volumeInfo) { return new CDReader(stream, true, true); }
// Note: A constructor summary is auto-generated by the doc builder. /// <summary></summary> /// <param name="volumeInfo">The volume information for this storage device.</param> public StorageDevice(VolumeInfo volumeInfo) { Volume = volumeInfo; RootDirectory = Volume.RootDirectory; }
private DiscFileSystem GetFileSystem(VolumeInfo volInfo, out bool dispose) { if (DriveInfo != null) { dispose = false; return DriveInfo.GetFileSystem(volInfo); } else { // TODO: proper file system detection if (volInfo.BiosType == 7) { dispose = true; return new NtfsFileSystem(volInfo.Open()); } } dispose = false; return null; }
void Init() { LED = new OutputPort(launcherSettings.LEDPin, false); #region Settings var sd = GetRootDirectory(); var settings = Settings.Init(sd != null ? sd + @"\imBMW.ini" : null); if (settingsOverride != null) { settingsOverride(settings); } var log = settings.Log || settings.LogToSD; #if DEBUG log = true; settings.LogMessageToASCII = true; #else // already inited in debug mode if (settings.Log) { Logger.Logged += Logger_Logged; Logger.Info("Logger inited"); } #endif if (settings.LogToSD && sd != null) { FileLogger.Init(sd + @"\Logs", () => { VolumeInfo.GetVolumes()[0].FlushAll(); }); } Logger.Info(version); Localization.SetCurrent(settings.Language); Comfort.AutoLockDoors = settings.AutoLockDoors; Comfort.AutoUnlockDoors = settings.AutoUnlockDoors; Comfort.AutoCloseWindows = settings.AutoCloseWindows; Comfort.AutoCloseSunroof = settings.AutoCloseSunroof; Logger.Info("Preferences inited"); SettingsScreen.Instance.Status = version.Length > 11 ? version.Replace(" ", "") : version; #endregion #region iBus Manager // Create serial port to work with Melexis TH3122 //ISerialPort iBusPort = new SerialPortEcho(); ISerialPort iBusPort = new SerialPortTH3122(launcherSettings.iBusPort, launcherSettings.iBusBusyPin); Logger.Info("TH3122 serial port inited"); /*InputPort jumper = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin)FEZ_Pin.Digital.An7, false, Port.ResistorMode.PullUp); * if (!jumper.Read()) * { * Logger.Info("Jumper installed. Starting virtual COM port"); * * // Init hub between iBus port and virtual USB COM port * ISerialPort cdc = new SerialPortCDC(USBClientController.StandardDevices.StartCDC_WithDebugging(), 0, iBus.Message.PacketLengthMax); * iBusPort = new SerialPortHub(iBusPort, cdc); * Logger.Info("Serial port hub started"); * }*/ Manager.Init(iBusPort); Logger.Info("iBus manager inited"); #endregion #region iBus IO logging Message sent1 = null, sent2 = null; // light "buffer" for last 2 messages bool isSent1 = false; Manager.BeforeMessageReceived += (e) => { LED.Write(Busy(true, 1)); }; Manager.AfterMessageReceived += (e) => { LED.Write(Busy(false, 1)); if (!log) { return; } var logIco = "< "; if (e.Message.ReceiverDescription == null) { if (sent1 != null && sent1.Data.Compare(e.Message.Data)) { e.Message.ReceiverDescription = sent1.ReceiverDescription; logIco = "<E"; } else if (sent2 != null && sent2.Data.Compare(e.Message.Data)) { e.Message.ReceiverDescription = sent2.ReceiverDescription; logIco = "<E"; } } if (settings.LogMessageToASCII && e.Message.ReceiverDescription == null) { Logger.Info(e.Message.ToPrettyString(true, true), logIco); } else { Logger.Info(e.Message, logIco); } }; Manager.BeforeMessageSent += (e) => { LED.Write(Busy(true, 2)); }; Manager.AfterMessageSent += (e) => { LED.Write(Busy(false, 2)); if (!log) { return; } Logger.Info(e.Message, " >"); if (isSent1) { sent1 = e.Message; } else { sent2 = e.Message; } isSent1 = !isSent1; }; Logger.Info("iBus manager events subscribed"); #endregion #region Features #if DEBUG InstrumentClusterElectronics.RequestDateTimeAndSetLocal(false); #endif #endregion #region CAN BUS if (launcherSettings.CanBus != 0) { var speed = CanAdapterSettings.CanSpeed.Kbps100; CanAdapter.Current = new CanNativeAdapter(launcherSettings.CanBus, speed); //var canInterrupt = Cpu.Pin.GPIO_NONE; //var canInterrupt = Pin.Di2; //CanAdapter.Current = new CanMCP2515Adapter(Pin.SPI, Pin.SPI_ChipSelect, canInterrupt, speed, CanMCP2515AdapterSettings.AdapterFrequency.Mhz8); if (log) { CanAdapter.Current.MessageReceived += Can_MessageReceived; CanAdapter.Current.MessageSent += Can_MessageSent; CanAdapter.Current.Error += Can_ErrorReceived; } CanAdapter.Current.IsEnabled = true; if (launcherSettings.E65Seats) { //HardwareButton.Toggle(Pin.Di2, pressed => { if (pressed) E65Seats.EmulatorPaused = true; else E65Seats.EmulatorPaused = false; }); E65Seats.Init(); E65Seats.AutoHeater = true; E65Seats.AutoVentilation = true; HomeScreen.Instance.SeatsScreen = E65SeatsScreen.Instance; } Logger.Info("CAN BUS inited"); } #endregion #region Set iPod or Bluetooth as AUX or CDC-emulator for Bordmonitor or Radio BluetoothWT32 wt32; if (settings.MediaShield == "WT32") { wt32 = new BluetoothWT32(launcherSettings.MediaShieldPort, Settings.Instance.BluetoothPin); player = wt32; InternalCommunications.Register(wt32); //byte gain = 0; //HardwareButton.OnPress(Pin.Di14, () => wt32.SetMicGain((byte)(++gain % 16))); } else { player = new BluetoothOVC3860(launcherSettings.MediaShieldPort, sd != null ? sd + @"\contacts.vcf" : null); } MediaEmulator emulator; if (settings.MenuMode == MenuMode.BordmonitorAUX || settings.MenuMode == MenuMode.BordmonitorCDC || Manager.FindDevice(DeviceAddress.OnBoardMonitor)) { if (player is BluetoothWT32) { ((BluetoothWT32)player).NowPlayingTagsSeparatedRows = true; } if (settings.MenuMode == MenuMode.BordmonitorCDC) { emulator = new CDChanger(player, true); if (settings.NaviVersion == NaviVersion.MK2) { Localization.Current = new RadioLocalization(); SettingsScreen.Instance.CanChangeLanguage = false; } } else { emulator = new BordmonitorAUX(player); } Bordmonitor.NaviVersion = settings.NaviVersion; BordmonitorMenu.FastMenuDrawing = settings.NaviVersion == NaviVersion.MK4; //MenuScreen.MaxItemsCount = 6; BordmonitorMenu.Init(emulator); Logger.Info("Bordmonitor menu inited"); } else { Localization.Current = new RadioLocalization(); SettingsScreen.Instance.CanChangeLanguage = false; MultiFunctionSteeringWheel.EmulatePhone = true; if (settings.MenuMode == MenuMode.MIDAUX) { Radio.HasMID = true; emulator = new MIDAUX(player); } else { Radio.HasMID = Manager.FindDevice(DeviceAddress.MultiInfoDisplay); emulator = new CDChanger(player); } var menu = RadioMenu.Init(emulator); menu.IsDuplicateOnIKEEnabled = true; menu.TelephoneModeForNavigation = settings.MenuMFLControl; Logger.Info("Radio menu inited" + (Radio.HasMID ? " with MID" : "")); } player.IsShowStatusOnIKEEnabled = true; ShieldLED = new OutputPort(launcherSettings.MediaShieldLED, false); player.IsPlayingChanged += (p, e) => { ShieldLED.Write(e.IsPlaying); RefreshLEDs(); }; player.StatusChanged += (p, e) => { if (e.Event == PlayerEvent.IncomingCall && !p.IsEnabled) { InstrumentClusterElectronics.Gong1(); } }; Logger.Info("Player events subscribed"); #endregion RefreshLEDs(); LED.Write(true); Thread.Sleep(50); LED.Write(false); Logger.Info("LED blinked - inited"); }
public void RemplirParametreLivre(SqlCommand command, VolumeInfo volumeInfo) { var codeIsnb10 = ""; var codeIsnb13 = ""; var auteur = ""; var anneeEdition = ""; if (volumeInfo.PublishedDate != "") { anneeEdition = volumeInfo.PublishedDate.Substring(0, 4); } if (volumeInfo.IndustryIdentifiers != null) { foreach (var code in volumeInfo.IndustryIdentifiers.ToList()) { if (code.Type == "ISBN_10") { codeIsnb10 = code.Identifier; } if (code.Type == "ISBN_13") { codeIsnb13 = code.Identifier; } } } if (volumeInfo.Authors != null) { foreach (var aut in volumeInfo.Authors.ToList()) { if (auteur != "") { auteur += " ; "; } auteur += aut; } } //Configuration des paramètres var paramCodeIsbn10 = new SqlParameter("@CodeIsbn_10", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = codeIsnb10 }; command.Parameters.Add(paramCodeIsbn10); var paramCodeIsbn13 = new SqlParameter("@CodeIsbn_13", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = codeIsnb13 }; command.Parameters.Add(paramCodeIsbn13); var paramNom = new SqlParameter("@Nom", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = volumeInfo.Title }; command.Parameters.Add(paramNom); var paramSousTitre = new SqlParameter("@SousTitre", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = volumeInfo.SubTitle ?? "" }; command.Parameters.Add(paramSousTitre); var paramImage = new SqlParameter("@Image", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = volumeInfo.ImageLinks != null?volumeInfo.ImageLinks.SmallThumbnail : "" }; command.Parameters.Add(paramImage); var paramImage2 = new SqlParameter("@Image2", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = volumeInfo.ImageLinks != null ? volumeInfo.ImageLinks.Thumbnail : "" }; command.Parameters.Add(paramImage2); var paramAuteur = new SqlParameter("@Auteur", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = auteur }; command.Parameters.Add(paramAuteur); var paramAnneeEdition = new SqlParameter("@AnneeEdition", SqlDbType.Int) { Value = anneeEdition }; command.Parameters.Add(paramAnneeEdition); command.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; }
static void Init() { LED = new OutputPort(FEZPin.PA8, false); var sd = GetRootDirectory(); var settings = Settings.Init(sd != null ? sd + @"\imBMW.ini" : null); var log = settings.Log || settings.LogToSD; Localization.SetCurrent(settings.Language); Features.Comfort.AutoLockDoors = settings.AutoLockDoors; Features.Comfort.AutoUnlockDoors = settings.AutoUnlockDoors; Features.Comfort.AutoCloseWindows = settings.AutoCloseWindows; Features.Comfort.AutoCloseSunroof = settings.AutoCloseSunroof; Logger.Info("Preferences inited"); #if DEBUG log = true; #else // already inited in debug mode if (settings.Log) { Logger.Logged += Logger_Logged; Logger.Info("Logger inited"); } #endif if (settings.LogToSD && sd != null) { FileLogger.Init(sd + @"\Logs", () => { VolumeInfo.GetVolumes()[0].FlushAll(); }); } Logger.Info(version); SettingsScreen.Instance.Status = version; // Create serial port to work with Melexis TH3122 ISerialPort iBusPort = new SerialPortTH3122(Serial.COM3, FEZPin.PC2, true); Logger.Info("TH3122 serial port inited"); /*InputPort jumper = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin)FEZ_Pin.Digital.An7, false, Port.ResistorMode.PullUp); * if (!jumper.Read()) * { * Logger.Info("Jumper installed. Starting virtual COM port"); * * // Init hub between iBus port and virtual USB COM port * ISerialPort cdc = new SerialPortCDC(USBClientController.StandardDevices.StartCDC_WithDebugging(), 0, iBus.Message.PacketLengthMax); * iBusPort = new SerialPortHub(iBusPort, cdc); * Logger.Info("Serial port hub started"); * }*/ // Enable iBus Manager iBus.Manager.Init(iBusPort); Logger.Info("iBus manager inited"); Message sent1 = null, sent2 = null; // light "buffer" for last 2 messages bool isSent1 = false; iBus.Manager.BeforeMessageReceived += (e) => { LED.Write(Busy(true, 1)); }; iBus.Manager.AfterMessageReceived += (e) => { LED.Write(Busy(false, 1)); if (!log) { return; } // Show only messages which are described if (e.Message.Describe() == null) { return; } // Filter CDC emulator messages echoed by iBus //if (e.Message.SourceDevice == iBus.DeviceAddress.CDChanger) { return; } if (e.Message.SourceDevice != DeviceAddress.Radio && e.Message.DestinationDevice != DeviceAddress.Radio && e.Message.SourceDevice != DeviceAddress.GraphicsNavigationDriver && e.Message.SourceDevice != DeviceAddress.Diagnostic && e.Message.DestinationDevice != DeviceAddress.Diagnostic) { //return; } var logIco = "< "; if (e.Message.ReceiverDescription == null) { if (sent1 != null && sent1.Data.Compare(e.Message.Data)) { e.Message.ReceiverDescription = sent1.ReceiverDescription; logIco = "<E"; } else if (sent2 != null && sent2.Data.Compare(e.Message.Data)) { e.Message.ReceiverDescription = sent2.ReceiverDescription; logIco = "<E"; } } if (settings.LogMessageToASCII) { Logger.Info(e.Message.ToPrettyString(true, true), logIco); } else { Logger.Info(e.Message, logIco); } /*if (e.Message.ReceiverDescription == null) * { * Logger.Info(ASCIIEncoding.GetString(e.Message.Data)); * }*/ //Logger.Info(e.Message.PacketDump); }; iBus.Manager.BeforeMessageSent += (e) => { LED.Write(Busy(true, 2)); }; iBus.Manager.AfterMessageSent += (e) => { LED.Write(Busy(false, 2)); if (!log) { return; } Logger.Info(e.Message, " >"); if (isSent1) { sent1 = e.Message; } else { sent2 = e.Message; } isSent1 = !isSent1; }; Logger.Info("iBus manager events subscribed"); // Set iPod or Bluetooth as AUX or CDC-emulator for Bordmonitor or Radio player = new BluetoothOVC3860(Serial.COM2, sd != null ? sd + @"\contacts.vcf" : null); //player = new iPodViaHeadset(Pin.PC2); if (settings.MenuMode != Tools.MenuMode.RadioCDC || Manager.FindDevice(DeviceAddress.OnBoardMonitor)) { MediaEmulator emulator; if (settings.MenuMode == Tools.MenuMode.BordmonitorCDC) { emulator = new CDChanger(player); if (settings.MenuModeMK2) { Bordmonitor.MK2Mode = true; Localization.Current = new RadioLocalization(); SettingsScreen.Instance.CanChangeLanguage = false; } } else { emulator = new BordmonitorAUX(player); } //MenuScreen.MaxItemsCount = 6; BordmonitorMenu.Init(emulator); Logger.Info("Bordmonitor menu inited"); } else { Localization.Current = new RadioLocalization(); SettingsScreen.Instance.CanChangeLanguage = false; MultiFunctionSteeringWheel.EmulatePhone = true; Radio.HasMID = Manager.FindDevice(DeviceAddress.MultiInfoDisplay); var menu = RadioMenu.Init(new CDChanger(player)); menu.TelephoneModeForNavigation = settings.MenuMFLControl; Logger.Info("Radio menu inited" + (Radio.HasMID ? " with MID" : "")); } ShieldLED = new OutputPort(Pin.Di10, false); player.IsPlayingChanged += (p, s) => { ShieldLED.Write(s); RefreshLEDs(); }; player.StatusChanged += (p, s, e) => { if (e == PlayerEvent.IncomingCall && !p.IsEnabled) { InstrumentClusterElectronics.Gong1(); } }; Logger.Info("Player events subscribed"); //SampleFeatures.Init(); //Logger.Info("Sample features inited"); /*blinkerTimer = new Timer((s) => * { * if (InstrumentClusterElectronics.CurrentIgnitionState == IgnitionState.Off && !blinkerOn) * { * return; * } * blinkerOn = !blinkerOn; * RefreshLEDs(); * }, null, 0, 3000);*/ LED.Write(true); Thread.Sleep(50); LED.Write(false); Logger.Info("LED blinked - inited"); }
private DiscFileSystem Open(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volumeInfo, FileSystemParameters parameters) { return(new FatFileSystem(stream, Ownership.None, parameters)); }
/// <summary> /// The logic for detecting file systems. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">The stream to inspect.</param> /// <param name="volumeInfo">Optionally, information about the volume</param> /// <returns>A list of file systems detected (may be empty)</returns> public abstract KDM.FileSystemInfo[] Detect(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volumeInfo);
private DiscFileSystem Open(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volumeInfo, FileSystemParameters parameters) { return(new HfsPlusFileSystem(stream)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the volume information. /// </summary> /// <param name="VolumeInfo"> /// Receives the volume information. /// </param> /// <returns>STATUS_SUCCESS or error code.</returns> public virtual Int32 GetVolumeInfo( out VolumeInfo VolumeInfo) { VolumeInfo = default(VolumeInfo); return(STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST); }
public StorageDevice(VolumeInfo volumeInfo) { this.Volume = volumeInfo; this.RootDirectory = this.Volume.RootDirectory; }
/// <summary> /// The logic for detecting file systems. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">The stream to inspect.</param> /// <param name="volumeInfo">Optionally, information about the volume</param> /// <returns>A list of file systems detected (may be empty)</returns> public abstract DiscUtils.FileSystemInfo[] Detect(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volumeInfo);
/// <summary> /// Opens a volume using the file system. /// </summary> /// <param name="volume">The volume to access</param> /// <param name="parameters">Parameters for the file system</param> /// <returns>A file system instance</returns> public override DiscFileSystem Open(VolumeInfo volume, FileSystemParameters parameters) { return(_openDelegate(volume.Open(), volume, parameters)); }
/// <summary> /// Opens a volume using the file system. /// </summary> /// <param name="volume">The volume to access</param> /// <returns>A file system instance</returns> public override DiscFileSystem Open(VolumeInfo volume) { return _openDelegate(volume.Open(), volume); }
private DiscFileSystem Open(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volInfo, FileSystemParameters parameters) { return(new MyFileSystem()); }
private DiscFileSystem OpenIso(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volumeInfo, FileSystemParameters parameters) { return new CDReader(stream, true, true); }
/* // 构造表达一个册所在的当年期号、总期号、卷号的字符串 public static string BuildItemVolumeString(string strIssue, string strZong, string strVolume) { string strResult = ""; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strIssue) == false) strResult += "no." + strIssue; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strZong) == false) { if (strResult != "") strResult += ", "; strResult += "总." + strZong; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strVolume) == false) { if (strResult != "") strResult += ", "; strResult += "v." + strVolume; } return strResult; } * */ // 解析no.序列 public static int ExpandNoString(string strText, string strDefaultYear, out List<VolumeInfo> infos, out string strError) { strError = ""; infos = new List<VolumeInfo>(); string strCurrentYear = strDefaultYear; string[] no_parts = strText.Split(new char[] { ',', ':', ';', ',',':',';' }); // ':' ';' 是为了兼容某个阶段的临时用法 2001:no.1-2;2002:no.1-12 for (int i = 0; i < no_parts.Length; i++) { string strPart = no_parts[i].Trim(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strPart) == true) continue; if (StringUtil.IsNumber(strPart) == true && strPart.Length == 4) { strCurrentYear = strPart; continue; } // 去掉"no."部分 if (StringUtil.HasHead(strPart, "no.") == true) { strPart = strPart.Substring(3).Trim(); } // TODO: 没有"no."开头的,是否警告? if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strPart) == true) continue; List<string> nos = null; try { nos = ExpandSequence(strPart); } catch (Exception ex) { strError = "序列 '" + strPart + "' 格式错误:" + ex.Message; return -1; } for (int j = 0; j < nos.Count; j++) { string strNo = nos[j]; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strCurrentYear) == true) { strError = "当遇到 '" + strNo + "' 的时候,没有必要的年份信息,无法解析no.序列信息"; return -1; } VolumeInfo info = new VolumeInfo(); info.IssueNo = strNo; info.Year = strCurrentYear; infos.Add(info); } } return 0; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new NTFS file system. /// </summary> /// <param name="volume">The volume to format.</param> /// <param name="label">The label for the new file system.</param> /// <returns>The newly-initialized file system.</returns> public static NtfsFileSystem Format( VolumeInfo volume, string label) { NtfsFormatter formatter = new NtfsFormatter(); formatter.Label = label; formatter.DiskGeometry = volume.BiosGeometry ?? Geometry.Null; formatter.FirstSector = volume.PhysicalStartSector; formatter.SectorCount = volume.Length / Sizes.Sector; return formatter.Format(volume.Open()); }
private DiscFileSystem Open(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volumeInfo, FileSystemParameters parameters) { return new SquashFileSystemReader(stream); }
private DiscFileSystem Open(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volumeInfo) { return(new FatFileSystem(stream)); }
/** @param delay_return [out] (0 < delay_return) w1 is delayed by delay samples * (delay_return < 0) w2 is delayed by delay samples * @param w1w2VolumeRatio_return [out] >1: w1 volume is larger than w2, <1: w1 volume is smaller than w2 */ private bool SampleDelay(WavData w1, WavData w2, out int delay_return, out double w1w2VolumeRatio_return) { float ACCUMULATE_SECONDS_MAX = (float)AccumulateSecondsMax; float DELAY_SECONDS_MAX = (float)DelaySecondsMax; delay_return = 0; SortedDictionary<long, VolumeInfo> delayValueAndPos = new SortedDictionary<long, VolumeInfo>(); int samplesPerSecond = w1.SampleRate; /* assume w1 is delayed (0 < delay) */ for (int delay=0; delay < samplesPerSecond * DELAY_SECONDS_MAX; ++delay) { VolumeInfo vi = new VolumeInfo(); vi.delay = delay; for (int pos=0; pos < samplesPerSecond * ACCUMULATE_SECONDS_MAX; ++pos) { int w1Value = Math.Abs(w1.Sample16Get(0, pos)); int w2Value = Math.Abs(w2.Sample16Get(0, pos + delay)); vi.w1Volume += w1Value; vi.w2Volume += w2Value; vi.accumulatedDiff += Math.Abs(w1Value - w2Value); } // Console.Write("[{0} {1}]", delay, acc); if (!delayValueAndPos.ContainsKey(vi.accumulatedDiff)) { delayValueAndPos[vi.accumulatedDiff] = vi; } backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(delay * 50 / (int)(samplesPerSecond * DELAY_SECONDS_MAX)); } /* assume w2 is delayed (delay < 0) */ for (int delay=1; delay < samplesPerSecond * DELAY_SECONDS_MAX; ++delay) { VolumeInfo vi = new VolumeInfo(); vi.delay = -delay; for (int pos=0; pos < samplesPerSecond * ACCUMULATE_SECONDS_MAX; ++pos) { int w1Value = Math.Abs(w1.Sample16Get(0, pos + delay)); int w2Value = Math.Abs(w2.Sample16Get(0, pos)); vi.w1Volume += w1Value; vi.w2Volume += w2Value; vi.accumulatedDiff += Math.Abs(w1Value - w2Value); } // Console.Write("[{0} {1}]", -delay, acc); if (!delayValueAndPos.ContainsKey(vi.accumulatedDiff)) { delayValueAndPos[vi.accumulatedDiff] = vi; } backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(50 + delay * 50 / (int)(samplesPerSecond * DELAY_SECONDS_MAX)); } SortedDictionary<long, VolumeInfo>.Enumerator e = delayValueAndPos.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext(); w1w2VolumeRatio_return = (double)e.Current.Value.w1Volume / e.Current.Value.w2Volume; delay_return = e.Current.Value.delay; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(rm.GetString("SampleDelaySummary"), delay_return, (double)delay_return / samplesPerSecond, (double)e.Current.Key / (samplesPerSecond * DELAY_SECONDS_MAX), w1w2VolumeRatio_return); if (w1w2VolumeRatio_return < 0.5 || 2.0 < w1w2VolumeRatio_return) { return false; } return true; }
public static void Launch(LaunchMode launchMode = LaunchMode.MicroFramework) { try { Comfort.Init(); IntegratedHeatingAndAirConditioning.Init(); _resetCause = GHI.Processor.Watchdog.LastResetCause; blueLed = new OutputPort(FEZPandaIII.Gpio.Led1, false); greenLed = new OutputPort(FEZPandaIII.Gpio.Led2, false); orangeLed = new OutputPort(FEZPandaIII.Gpio.Led3, _resetCause == GHI.Processor.Watchdog.ResetCause.Watchdog); redLed = new OutputPort(FEZPandaIII.Gpio.Led4, false); #if (NETMF && RELEASE) || (OnBoardMonitorEmulator && !DebugOnRealDeviceOverFTDI) _useWatchdog = true; #endif if (_useWatchdog) { GHI.Processor.Watchdog.Enable(watchDogTimeoutInMilliseconds); } settings = Settings.Instance; FileLogger.Create(); InitManagers(); InstrumentClusterElectronics.DateTimeChanged += DateTimeChanged; Logger.Debug("Watchdog.ResetCause: " + (_resetCause == GHI.Processor.Watchdog.ResetCause.Normal ? "Normal" : "Watchdog")); if (_useWatchdog) { Logger.Debug("Watchdog enabled with timeout: " + watchDogTimeoutInMilliseconds); } //SettingsScreen.Instance.Status = version.Length > 11 ? version.Replace(" ", "") : version; //Localization.SetCurrent(RussianLocalization.SystemName); //Localization.SetCurrent(settings.Language); //Comfort.AutoLockDoors = settings.AutoLockDoors; //Comfort.AutoUnlockDoors = settings.AutoUnlockDoors; //Comfort.AutoCloseWindows = settings.AutoCloseWindows; //Comfort.AutoCloseSunroof = settings.AutoCloseSunroof; #region MassStorage //Controller.DeviceConnectFailed += (sss, eee) => //{ // Logger.Error("DeviceConnectFailed!"); // LedBlinkingQueueThreadWorker.Enqueue(new LedBlinkingItem(redLed, 1, 100)); // ControllerState = UsbMountState.DeviceConnectFailed; // _removableMediaInsertedSync.Set(); //}; //Controller.UnknownDeviceConnected += (ss, ee) => //{ // Logger.Error("UnknownDeviceConnected!"); // LedBlinkingQueueThreadWorker.Enqueue(new LedBlinkingItem(redLed, 2, 100)); // ControllerState = UsbMountState.UnknownDeviceConnected; // _removableMediaInsertedSync.Set(); //}; //Controller.MassStorageConnected += (sender, massStorage) => //{ // Logger.Debug("Controller MassStorageConnected!"); // LedBlinkingQueueThreadWorker.Enqueue(new LedBlinkingItem(orangeLed, 2, 100)); // ControllerState = UsbMountState.MassStorageConnected; RemovableMedia.Insert += (s, e) => { LedBlinkingQueueThreadWorker.Enqueue(new LedBlinkingItem(orangeLed, 3, 100)); string rootDirectory = VolumeInfo.GetVolumes()[0].RootDirectory; settings = Settings.Init(rootDirectory + "\\imBMW.ini"); FileLogger.Init(rootDirectory + "\\logs", () => VolumeInfo.GetVolumes()[0].FlushAll()); Logger.Debug("Logger initialized."); MassStorageMountState = MassStorageMountState.Mounted; _removableMediaInsertedSync.Set(); }; RemovableMedia.Eject += (s, e) => { FileLogger.Eject(); Logger.Print("RemovableMedia Ejected!"); LedBlinkingQueueThreadWorker.Enqueue(new LedBlinkingItem(greenLed, 3, 100)); MassStorageMountState = MassStorageMountState.Unmounted; }; //_massStorage = massStorage; _massStorage = new SDCard(SDCard.SDInterface.SPI); _massStorage.Mount(); //}; #if RELEASE //Controller.Start(); #else #if NETMF // WARNING! Be aware, without this line you can get 'Controller -> DeviceConnectFailed' each time when you start debugging... if (Debugger.IsAttached) #endif { //Controller.Start(); } #endif #endregion LedBlinkingQueueThreadWorker.Enqueue(new LedBlinkingItem(orangeLed, 1, 200)); bool isSignalled = _removableMediaInsertedSync.WaitOne(Debugger.IsAttached ? 10000 : 10000, true); if (!isSignalled) // No Storage inserted { InstrumentClusterElectronics.ShowNormalTextWithGong(MassStorageMountState.ToStringValue()); FrontDisplay.RefreshLEDs(LedType.RedBlinking, append: true); LedBlinkingQueueThreadWorker.Enqueue(new LedBlinkingItem(redLed, 3, 100)); } else { if (MassStorageMountState == MassStorageMountState.DeviceConnectFailed || MassStorageMountState == MassStorageMountState.UnknownDeviceConnected) { InstrumentClusterElectronics.ShowNormalTextWithGong(MassStorageMountState.ToStringValue()); FrontDisplay.RefreshLEDs(LedType.Red, append: true); LedBlinkingQueueThreadWorker.Enqueue(new LedBlinkingItem(redLed, 4, 100)); ResetBoard(); } } Logger.Debug("MassStorage state: " + MassStorageMountState.ToStringValue()); InstrumentClusterElectronics.RequestDateTime(); Init(); Logger.Debug("Started!"); BordmonitorMenu.MenuButtonHold += () => { FrontDisplay.RefreshLEDs(LedType.Empty); if (Emulator.IsEnabled) { Emulator.PlayerIsPlayingChanged += (s, isPlayingChangedValue) => { if (!isPlayingChangedValue) { ResetBoard(); } }; Radio.PressOnOffToggle(); //Emulator.IsEnabled = false; } else { ResetBoard(); } }; BordmonitorMenu.PhoneButtonHold += () => { VolumioRestApiPlayer.Reboot(); Logger.Warning("Reboot request sent."); }; BordmonitorMenu.EjectButtonHold += () => { UnmountMassStorage(); _massStorage = null; Logger.Warning("UNMOUNTED!"); }; Manager.Instance.AddMessageReceiverForSourceDevice(DeviceAddress.InstrumentClusterElectronics, m => { if (m.Data[0] == 0x11 && m.Data.Length == 2) // Ignition status { GHI.Processor.Watchdog.ResetCounter(); } }); requestIgnitionStateTimer = new Timer(RequestIgnitionStateTimerHandler, null, 0, requestIgnitionStateTimerPeriod); imBMWTest(); Logger.Debug("Actions inited!"); if (launchMode == LaunchMode.MicroFramework) { Thread.Sleep(Timeout.Infinite); } } catch (Exception ex) { LedBlinking(new LedBlinkingItem(redLed, 5, 200)); Thread.Sleep(200); redLed.Write(true); Logger.Error(ex, "while modules initialization"); ResetBoard(); } }
private DiscFileSystem Open(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volumeInfo, FileSystemParameters parameters) { return new NtfsFileSystem(stream); }
private object FindItemByPath(string path, bool preferFs, bool readOnly) { FileAccess fileAccess = readOnly ? FileAccess.Read : FileAccess.ReadWrite; string diskPath; string relPath; int mountSepIdx = path.IndexOf('!'); if (mountSepIdx < 0) { diskPath = path; relPath = ""; } else { diskPath = path.Substring(0, mountSepIdx); relPath = path.Substring(mountSepIdx + 1); } VirtualDisk disk = Disk; if (disk == null) { OnDemandVirtualDisk odvd = new OnDemandVirtualDisk(Utilities.DenormalizePath(diskPath), fileAccess); if (odvd.IsValid) { disk = odvd; ShowSlowDiskWarning(); } else { return(null); } } List <string> pathElems = new List <string>(relPath.Split(new string[] { @"\" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); if (pathElems.Count == 0) { return(disk); } VolumeInfo volInfo = null; VolumeManager volMgr = DriveInfo != null ? DriveInfo.VolumeManager : new VolumeManager(disk); LogicalVolumeInfo[] volumes = volMgr.GetLogicalVolumes(); string volNumStr = pathElems[0].StartsWith("Volume", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? pathElems[0].Substring(6) : null; int volNum; if (int.TryParse(volNumStr, out volNum) || volNum < 0 || volNum >= volumes.Length) { volInfo = volumes[volNum]; } else { volInfo = volMgr.GetVolume(Utilities.DenormalizePath(pathElems[0])); } pathElems.RemoveAt(0); if (volInfo == null || (pathElems.Count == 0 && !preferFs)) { return(volInfo); } bool disposeFs; DiscFileSystem fs = GetFileSystem(volInfo, out disposeFs); try { if (fs == null) { return(null); } // Special marker in the path - disambiguates the root folder from the volume // containing it. By this point it's done it's job (we didn't return volInfo), // so we just remove it. if (pathElems.Count > 0 && pathElems[0] == "$Root") { pathElems.RemoveAt(0); } string fsPath = string.Join(@"\", pathElems.ToArray()); if (fs.DirectoryExists(fsPath)) { return(fs.GetDirectoryInfo(fsPath)); } else if (fs.FileExists(fsPath)) { return(fs.GetFileInfo(fsPath)); } } finally { if (disposeFs && fs != null) { fs.Dispose(); } } return(null); }
public abstract void EraseClusterTips(VolumeInfo info, IErasureMethod method, ClusterTipsSearchProgress searchCallback, ClusterTipsEraseProgress eraseCallback);
/// <summary> /// The logic for detecting file systems. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">The stream to inspect.</param> /// <param name="volumeInfo">Optionally, information about the volume.</param> /// <returns>A list of file systems detected (may be empty).</returns> public abstract DiscUtils.FileSystemInfo[] Detect(Stream stream, VolumeInfo volumeInfo);
public abstract void EraseDirectoryStructures(VolumeInfo info, FileSystemEntriesEraseProgress callback);
// this method writes some files in the ROOT and WINFS volumes of the standard emulator // there will be a "special" directory that will be associated with the main program loop handler private static void SetupFiles() { // Format VolumeInfo[] vis = VolumeInfo.GetVolumes(); if (vis.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Cannot run this sample because this emulator does not support a file system"); } for (int i = 0; i < vis.Length; i++) { if (vis[i].Name.ToLower() == "root") { if (!vis[i].IsFormatted) { vis[i].Format(0); } break; } else if (vis[i].Name.ToLower() == "winfs") { if (!vis[i].IsFormatted) { vis[i].Format(0); } break; } } // Create some files in each volume // we will prefix files with the volume name to make them recognizable Hashtable files = new Hashtable(); files.Add("SampleReadme.txt", "In this directory you will find the very source of this program."); files.Add("SampleCode.cs", "Check for the actual (open) sources!"); for (int volIdx = 0; volIdx < vis.Length; ++volIdx) { // all files go into the data directory, duplicated in each volume Directory.CreateDirectory(vis[volIdx].Name + @"\" + "data"); // the same file will also be duplicated inside a special directory in each volume Directory.CreateDirectory(vis[volIdx].Name + @"\" + "special"); foreach (string fileName in files.Keys) { // string path = @"\" + vis[volIdx].Name + @"\special\" + vis[volIdx].Name + "_special_" + fileName; using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create))) { sw.Write((string)files[fileName]); } } foreach (string fileName in files.Keys) { string path = @"\" + vis[volIdx].Name + @"\data\" + vis[volIdx].Name + "_" + fileName; using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create))) { sw.Write((string)files[fileName]); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Opens a volume using the file system. /// </summary> /// <param name="volume">The volume to access.</param> /// <param name="parameters">Parameters for the file system.</param> /// <returns>A file system instance.</returns> public override DiscFileSystem Open(VolumeInfo volume, FileSystemParameters parameters) { return _openDelegate(volume.Open(), volume, parameters); }
public static void Main() { PageCollection finalPageCollection = null; var persistentStorage = new PersistentStorage("SD"); persistentStorage.MountFileSystem(); foreach (var volumeInfo in VolumeInfo.GetVolumes()) { foreach (var filename in Directory.GetFiles(volumeInfo.RootDirectory)) { var extension = Path.GetExtension(filename); var basename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); int address = Constants.UserStartAddress; switch (basename.ToLower()) { case "bootloader": address = Constants.BootloaderStartAddress; break; case "bootlader": address = Constants.BootloaderStartAddress; break; default: address = Constants.UserStartAddress; break; } switch (extension.ToLower()) { case ".bit": finalPageCollection = new BitFilePageCollection( new FixedBufferReadStream( new FileStream( filename, FileMode.Open ), 256 ), address ); Debug.Print(((BitFilePageCollection)finalPageCollection).Header.FileName); break; case ".bin": finalPageCollection = new BinFilePageCollection( new FixedBufferReadStream( new FileStream( filename, FileMode.Open ), 256 ), address ); break; } if (finalPageCollection != null) { break; } } if (finalPageCollection != null) { break; } } Uploader.Upload(finalPageCollection); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new NTFS file system. /// </summary> /// <param name="volume">The volume to format.</param> /// <param name="label">The label for the new file system.</param> /// <param name="options">The formatting options.</param> /// <returns>The newly-initialized file system.</returns> public static NtfsFileSystem Format( VolumeInfo volume, string label, NtfsFormatOptions options) { NtfsFormatter formatter = new NtfsFormatter(); formatter.Label = label; formatter.DiskGeometry = volume.BiosGeometry ?? Geometry.Null; formatter.FirstSector = volume.PhysicalStartSector; formatter.SectorCount = volume.Length / Sizes.Sector; formatter.BootCode = options.BootCode; formatter.ComputerAccount = options.ComputerAccount; return formatter.Format(volume.Open()); }
// ReSharper disable once UnusedMethodReturnValue.Local // ReSharper disable once UnusedParameter.Local //TODO: check why param extensions is not in use private static string CreateDialog(string title, Font titleFont, Font bodyFont, string startDirectory, string[] extentions) { IContainer prv = Core.ActiveContainer; lock (Core.Screen) { var frmModal = new Form("modalAlertForm", Colors.Ghost); _inputResult = string.Empty; Core.Screen.SetClippingRectangle(0, 0, frmModal.Width, frmModal.Height); Core.Screen.DrawRectangle(0, 0, 4, 4, frmModal.Width - 8, frmModal.Height - 8, 0, 0, Colors.Ghost, 0, 0, Colors.Ghost, 0, 0, 256); Core.ShadowRegion(4, 4, frmModal.Width - 8, frmModal.Height - 8); Core.Screen.DrawTextInRect(title, 8, 8, frmModal.Width - 16, titleFont.Height, Bitmap.DT_TrimmingCharacterEllipsis, Colors.Charcoal, titleFont); var tv1 = new Treeview("tv1", bodyFont, 8, 16 + titleFont.Height, 120, frmModal.Height - 45 - bodyFont.Height - titleFont.Height); VolumeInfo[] vi = VolumeInfo.GetVolumes(); for (int i = 0; i < vi.Length; i++) { var viNode = new TreeviewNode(vi[i].RootDirectory) { Tag = vi[i].RootDirectory }; if (vi[i].IsFormatted) { if (Directory.GetDirectories(vi[i].RootDirectory).Length > 0) { var ni = new TreeviewNode(string.Empty) { Tag = null }; viNode.AddNode(ni); } } tv1.AddNode(viNode); } tv1.NodeExpanded += tv1_NodeExpanded; frmModal.AddChild(tv1); var fb1 = new Filebox("fb1", null, bodyFont, 132, tv1.Y, frmModal.Width - 141, tv1.Height); frmModal.AddChild(fb1); Color cR1 = ColorUtility.ColorFromRGB(226, 92, 79); Color cR2 = ColorUtility.ColorFromRGB(202, 48, 53); var btnCancel = new Button("btnCancel", "Cancel", bodyFont, 8, frmModal.Height - 26 - bodyFont.Height, Colors.White, Colors.White, Colors.DarkRed, Colors.DarkRed) { NormalColorTop = cR1, NormalColorBottom = cR2, PressedColorTop = cR2, PressedColorBottom = cR1 }; btnCancel.Height += 4; btnCancel.Tap += (sender, e) => _activeBlock.Set(); var btnSelect = new Button("btnSel", (_isSave) ? "Save File" : "Open File", bodyFont, 8, frmModal.Height - 26 - bodyFont.Height) { BorderColor = ColorUtility.ColorFromRGB(13, 86, 124), NormalColorTop = Colors.LightBlue, NormalColorBottom = ColorUtility.ColorFromRGB(26, 129, 182), PressedColorBottom = Colors.LightBlue }; btnSelect.PressedColorTop = btnSelect.NormalColorBottom; btnSelect.NormalTextColor = Colors.White; btnSelect.PressedTextColor = Colors.White; btnSelect.X = frmModal.Width - btnSelect.Width - 8; btnSelect.Height += 4; btnSelect.Enabled = false; frmModal.AddChild(btnSelect); frmModal.AddChild(btnCancel); var txt1 = new Textbox("txt1", string.Empty, bodyFont, Colors.Charcoal, btnCancel.X + btnCancel.Width + 4, btnCancel.Y, frmModal.Width - 28 - btnCancel.Width - btnSelect.Width, btnSelect.Height, ' ', !_isSave); frmModal.AddChild(txt1); Core.SilentlyActivate(frmModal); frmModal.Render(new rect(4, 12 + titleFont.Height, frmModal.Width - 8, frmModal.Height - 20 - titleFont.Height)); Core.Screen.Flush(); tv1.NodeTapped += (node, e) => tv1_NodeTapped(node, fb1); fb1.PathChanged += (sender, value) => SetTvPath(value, tv1, fb1); fb1.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, value) => FbIndexChange(fb1, txt1); txt1.TextChanged += (sender, value) => btnSelect.Enabled = txt1.Text != string.Empty; SetTvPath(startDirectory, tv1, fb1); btnSelect.Tap += (sender, e) => ReturnSelection(tv1, txt1); } ModalBlock(); Core.ActiveContainer = prv; return(_inputResult); }