void Start() { if (SKYMASTER_OBJ != null) { SUNMASTER = SKYMASTER_OBJ.GetComponent(typeof(SkyMasterManager)) as SkyMasterManager; } SPEED = SUNMASTER.SPEED; SUNMASTER.Seasonal_change_auto = false; //VOLUME CLOUDS //Sun_rotator = SUN.GetComponent(typeof(Circle_Around_ParticleSKYMASTER)) as Circle_Around_ParticleSKYMASTER; //Cam_rotator = Camera.main.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(Circle_Around_ParticleSKYMASTER)) as Circle_Around_ParticleSKYMASTER; //MouseLOOK = Camera.main.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(MouseLookSKYMASTER)) as MouseLookSKYMASTER; Cloud_instance = (GameObject)Instantiate(Clouds_top.gameObject, Clouds_top.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); Cloud_instance.SetActive(true); Clouds_ORIGIN = Clouds_top.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(VolumeClouds_SM)) as VolumeClouds_SM; //Emitter_ORIGIN = Clouds_top.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(ParticleEmitter)) as ParticleEmitter; Cloud_instance.SetActive(false); Cloud_instance.SetActive(true); if (Cloud_instance != null) { Clouds = Cloud_instance.GetComponent(typeof(VolumeClouds_SM)) as VolumeClouds_SM; } else { Debug.Log("AAA"); } }
void OnGUI() { SunLight = SUN.GetComponent <Light>(); float BOX_WIDTH = 100; float BOX_HEIGHT = 30; ///////////// COLORS float BASE_X = 0; float BASE1 = 10; float widthS = Screen.currentResolution.width; widthS = Camera.main.pixelWidth; //RESTART EFFECT !!!! if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT - 30, BOX_WIDTH + 20, 30), "Recreate")) { Destroy(Cloud_instance); //Object INSTA = Instantiate(Clouds_top); Clouds_ORIGIN.max_bed_corner = Cloud_bed_width; Clouds_ORIGIN.min_bed_corner = -Cloud_bed_width; Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_bed_heigh = Cloud_bed_height; Clouds_ORIGIN.divider = Cloud_divider; Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_max_scale = cloud_max_scale; //Emitter_ORIGIN.maxSize = cloud_max_particle_size; Cloud_instance = (GameObject)Instantiate(Clouds_top.gameObject); Cloud_instance.SetActive(true); Clouds = Cloud_instance.GetComponent(typeof(VolumeClouds_SM)) as VolumeClouds_SM; } //Destroy ( GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 - 30, 180, 30), "Cloud Centers = " + Clouds_ORIGIN.divider); Cloud_divider = (int)GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7, 100, 30), Clouds_ORIGIN.divider, 2, 45); GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 - 30 - 60, 180, 30), "Cloud Bed size = " + Clouds_ORIGIN.max_bed_corner); Cloud_bed_width = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 - 60, 100, 30), Clouds_ORIGIN.max_bed_corner, 300, 1500); GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 - 30 - 60 - 60, 180, 30), "Cloud Bed Height = " + Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_bed_heigh); Cloud_bed_height = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 - 60 - 60, 100, 30), Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_bed_heigh, 500, 1000); GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30, 180, 30), "Cloud Max size = " + Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_max_scale); cloud_max_scale = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30, 100, 30), Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_max_scale, 1, 4); //GUI.TextArea( new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X+11*15), 0*BASE1+(3.5f*40)+7+30+30+30, 180, 30),"Cloud Particle size = "+Emitter_ORIGIN.maxSize); //cloud_max_particle_size = (int)GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X+11*15), 0*BASE1+(3.5f*40)+7+30+30+30+30, 100, 30),Emitter_ORIGIN.maxSize,200,300); GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30, 170, 40), "Recreate button will renew the clouds"); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 40 + 60, 170, 40), "Rotate Clouds")) { if (Rot_clouds) { Rot_clouds = false; } else { Rot_clouds = true; } } Clouds_ORIGIN.max_bed_corner = Cloud_bed_width; Clouds_ORIGIN.min_bed_corner = -Cloud_bed_width; Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_bed_heigh = Cloud_bed_height; Clouds_ORIGIN.divider = Cloud_divider; Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_max_scale = cloud_max_scale; //Emitter_ORIGIN.maxSize = cloud_max_particle_size; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT - 0, BOX_WIDTH + 20, 30), "Rotate Camera")) { if (!Cam_rotator.enabled) { Cam_rotator.enabled = true; } else { Cam_rotator.enabled = false; } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT + 30, BOX_WIDTH + 20, 30), "Rotate Sun")) { if (!Sun_rotator.enabled) { Sun_rotator.enabled = true; } else { Sun_rotator.enabled = false; } } //CAMERA GUI.TextArea(new Rect(0 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, 2 * BOX_HEIGHT + 30, BOX_WIDTH + 10, 25), "Camera up/down"); Camera_up = GUI.VerticalSlider(new Rect(0 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, 2 * BOX_HEIGHT + 30 + 30, 30, BOX_WIDTH + 10), Camera.main.transform.position.y, -1300, 1360); Camera.main.transform.position = new Vector3(Camera.main.transform.position.x, Camera_up, Camera.main.transform.position.z); //SUN GUI.TextArea(new Rect(0 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, 7 * BOX_HEIGHT + 30, BOX_WIDTH + 10, 25), "Sun up/down"); Sun_up = GUI.VerticalSlider(new Rect(1 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, 2 * BOX_HEIGHT + 30 + 30, 30, BOX_WIDTH + 10), SUN.position.y, -1500, 1500); SUN.position = new Vector3(SUN.position.x, Sun_up, SUN.position.z); }// END OnGUI
void OnGUI() { float BOX_WIDTH = 100; float BOX_HEIGHT = 30; float BASE_X = -5; float BASE1 = 60; //VOLUME CLOUDS if (enable_controls) { SunLight = SUN.GetComponent <Light>(); float widthS = Screen.currentResolution.width; widthS = Camera.main.pixelWidth; //Destroy ( GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 1 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 - 30, 180, 30), "Cloud Centers = " + Clouds_ORIGIN.divider); Cloud_divider = (int)GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 1 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7, 100, 30), Clouds_ORIGIN.divider, 2, 45); GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 1 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 - 30 - 60, 180, 30), "Cloud Bed size = " + Clouds_ORIGIN.max_bed_corner); Cloud_bed_width = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 1 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 - 60, 100, 30), Clouds_ORIGIN.max_bed_corner, 300, 1500); GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 1 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 - 30 - 60 - 60, 180, 30), "Cloud Bed Height = " + Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_bed_heigh); Cloud_bed_height = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 1 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 - 60 - 60, 100, 30), Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_bed_heigh, 500, 1000); GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 1 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30, 180, 30), "Cloud Max size = " + Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_max_scale); cloud_max_scale = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 1 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30, 100, 30), Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_max_scale, 1, 4); // // GUI.TextArea( new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X+11*15), 1*BASE1+(3.5f*40)+7+30+30+30, 180, 30),"Cloud Particle size = "+Emitter_ORIGIN.maxSize); //cloud_max_particle_size = (int)GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X+11*15), 1*BASE1+(3.5f*40)+7+30+30+30+30, 100, 30),Emitter_ORIGIN.maxSize,200,300); GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 1 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30, 170, 40), "Recreate button will renew the clouds"); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 1 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 40 + 60, 170, 40), "Rotate Clouds")) { if (Rot_clouds) { Rot_clouds = false; } else { Rot_clouds = true; } } //RESTART EFFECT !!!! if (GUI.Button(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 40 + 1 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 40 + 60, 170, 40), "Recreate Clouds")) { Destroy(Cloud_instance); //Object INSTA = Instantiate(Clouds_top); Clouds_ORIGIN.max_bed_corner = Cloud_bed_width; Clouds_ORIGIN.min_bed_corner = -Cloud_bed_width; Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_bed_heigh = Cloud_bed_height; Clouds_ORIGIN.divider = Cloud_divider; Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_max_scale = cloud_max_scale; //Emitter_ORIGIN.maxSize = cloud_max_particle_size; Cloud_instance = (GameObject)Instantiate(Clouds_top.gameObject, Clouds_top.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); Cloud_instance.SetActive(true); Clouds = Cloud_instance.GetComponent(typeof(VolumeClouds_SM)) as VolumeClouds_SM; } Clouds_ORIGIN.max_bed_corner = Cloud_bed_width; Clouds_ORIGIN.min_bed_corner = -Cloud_bed_width; Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_bed_heigh = Cloud_bed_height; Clouds_ORIGIN.divider = Cloud_divider; Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_max_scale = cloud_max_scale; //Emitter_ORIGIN.maxSize = cloud_max_particle_size; } // END VOLUME CLOUDS if (SUNMASTER.Current_Time != Sun_time_start & !set_sun_start) { //SUNMASTER.Current_Time=Sun_time_start; set_sun_start = true; } if (SUNMASTER.Season == 1) { if (!Butterflies.activeInHierarchy) { Butterflies.SetActive(true); } } else { if (Butterflies.activeInHierarchy) { Butterflies.SetActive(false); } } GI_controls_on = false; if (GI_controls_on) { //let GI controller take over GUI } else { if (!enable_controls) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT + 60 + 30 + 30, BOX_WIDTH, 30), "Cycle Seasons")) { if (!Auto_Season_Cycle) { Auto_Season_Cycle = true; SUNMASTER.SPEED = 2431.818f; SUNMASTER.Seasonal_change_auto = true; } else { Auto_Season_Cycle = false; SUNMASTER.SPEED = 35; SUNMASTER.Seasonal_change_auto = false; } } } if (Auto_Season_Cycle) { Cycle_speed = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(5 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT + 80 + 30, BOX_WIDTH, 30), Cycle_speed, 50, 2431.818f); SUNMASTER.SPEED = Cycle_speed; } //Auto_Season_Cycle=false; if (!Auto_Season_Cycle) { if (!enable_controls) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT + 60 + 30, BOX_WIDTH, 30), "Sunny")) { SUNMASTER.Weather = SkyMasterManager.Weather_types.Sunny; SUNMASTER.On_demand = true; } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(2 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT - 0, BOX_WIDTH, 30), "Cloudy")) { SUNMASTER.Weather = SkyMasterManager.Weather_types.Cloudy; SUNMASTER.On_demand = true; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(2 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT + 30, BOX_WIDTH, 30), "Heavy Rain")) { SUNMASTER.Weather = SkyMasterManager.Weather_types.FlatClouds; SUNMASTER.On_demand = true; } string Season_current = "Spring"; if (SUNMASTER.Season == 2) { Season_current = "Summer"; } if (SUNMASTER.Season == 3) { Season_current = "Autumn"; } if (SUNMASTER.Season == 4) { Season_current = "Winter"; } GUI.TextArea(new Rect(2 * BOX_WIDTH + 10 - (0 / 2), BOX_HEIGHT + 60 + 30, BOX_WIDTH / 1, 25), Season_current); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(2 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT + 60, BOX_WIDTH, 30), "Cycle Season")) { if (SUNMASTER.Season == 0) { SUNMASTER.Season = 2; } else { SUNMASTER.Season = SUNMASTER.Season + 1; } if (SUNMASTER.Season > 4) { SUNMASTER.Season = 1; } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(2 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT + 60 + 30 + 30, BOX_WIDTH, 30), "Foggy")) { SUNMASTER.Weather = SkyMasterManager.Weather_types.HeavyFog; SUNMASTER.On_demand = true; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(3 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT - 0, BOX_WIDTH, 30), "Snow storm")) { SUNMASTER.Weather = SkyMasterManager.Weather_types.FreezeStorm; SUNMASTER.On_demand = true; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(2 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT - 30, BOX_WIDTH, 30), "Heavy Storm")) { SUNMASTER.Weather = SkyMasterManager.Weather_types.HeavyStorm; SUNMASTER.On_demand = true; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(3 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT - 30, BOX_WIDTH, 30), "Dark Storm")) { SUNMASTER.Weather = SkyMasterManager.Weather_types.HeavyStormDark; SUNMASTER.On_demand = true; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(4 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT - 30, BOX_WIDTH, 30), "Lightning")) { SUNMASTER.Weather = SkyMasterManager.Weather_types.LightningStorm; SUNMASTER.On_demand = true; } if (!enable_controls) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT - 30, BOX_WIDTH, 30), "Volume Fog")) { SUNMASTER.Weather = SkyMasterManager.Weather_types.RollingFog; SUNMASTER.On_demand = true; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT + 0, BOX_WIDTH + 0, 30), "Tornado")) { SUNMASTER.Weather = SkyMasterManager.Weather_types.Tornado; SUNMASTER.On_demand = true; } } // if (GUI.Button(new Rect(6*BOX_WIDTH+10, BOX_HEIGHT+0, BOX_WIDTH+10, 30), "Volcano Erupt")){ // SUNMASTER.Weather = SkyMasterManager.Weather_types.VolcanoErupt; // SUNMASTER.On_demand = true; // } //DOME CONTROL if (!enable_controls) { GUI.TextArea(new Rect(1 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT + 30, BOX_WIDTH + 0, 25), "SkyDome rot"); Dome_rot = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(1 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT + 30 + 30, BOX_WIDTH + 0, 30), Dome_rot, 0, 10); SUNMASTER.Horizontal_factor = Dome_rot; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 0 * BOX_HEIGHT, BOX_WIDTH + 5, 30), "Enable Controls")) { if (enable_controls) { enable_controls = false; SUNMASTER.Auto_Cycle_Sky = true; } else { enable_controls = true; SUNMASTER.Auto_Cycle_Sky = false; } } BOX_HEIGHT = BOX_HEIGHT + 20; float BOX_offset = 50; GUI.TextArea(new Rect(5, 5 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset, 100, 20), "Sun Speed"); SPEED = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(10, 5 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset + 30, 100, 30), SPEED, 0.01f, 70f); SUNMASTER.SPEED = SPEED; if (enable_controls) { GUI.TextArea(new Rect(5, 0 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset, 150, 20), "Increase HDR brightness"); HDR = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(10, 0 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset + 30, 150, 30), HDR, 0.05f, 3f); SUNMASTER.m_fExposure = HDR; GUI.TextArea(new Rect(5, 1 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset, 150, 20), "Esun"); Esun = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(10, 1 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset + 30, 150, 30), Esun, 0.9f, 80f); SUNMASTER.m_ESun = Esun; GUI.TextArea(new Rect(5, 2 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset, 150, 20), "Kr - White to Red factor"); Kr = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(10, 2 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset + 30, 150, 30), Kr, 0.0001f, 0.014f); SUNMASTER.m_Kr = Kr; GUI.TextArea(new Rect(5, 3 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset, 150, 20), "Km - Vertical effect factor"); Km = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(10, 3 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset + 30, 150, 30), Km, 0.0003f, 0.1195f); SUNMASTER.m_Km = Km; GUI.TextArea(new Rect(5, 4 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset, 150, 20), "G - Focus factor"); GE = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(10, 4 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset + 30, 150, 30), GE, -0.69f, -0.9999f); SUNMASTER.m_g = GE; GUI.TextArea(new Rect(5, 6 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset, 100, 20), "Sun Ring factor"); Ring_factor = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(10, 6 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset + 30, 100, 30), Ring_factor, 0f, 0.15f); SUNMASTER.Sun_ring_factor = Ring_factor; GUI.TextArea(new Rect(5, 7 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset, 150, 20), "Samples"); fSamples = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(10, 7 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset + 30, 150, 30), fSamples, 1, 4); SUNMASTER.m_fSamples = fSamples; GUI.TextArea(new Rect(5, 8 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset, 150, 20), "Scale depth"); fScaleDepth = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(10, 8 * BOX_HEIGHT + BOX_offset + 30, 150, 30), fScaleDepth, 0.1f, 2); SUNMASTER.m_fRayleighScaleDepth = fScaleDepth; ///////////// COLORS GUI.TextArea(new Rect(BASE_X + 130, BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) - 20 + 70, 180, 20), "Tint: " + CURRENT_Force_color); SUNMASTER.m_fWaveLength.x = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(BASE_X + 130, BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 70, 100, 30), SUNMASTER.m_fWaveLength.x, 0, 1); CURRENT_Force_color.x = SUNMASTER.m_fWaveLength.x; SUNMASTER.m_fWaveLength.y = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(BASE_X + 130, BASE1 + (4.3f * 40) + 70, 100, 30), SUNMASTER.m_fWaveLength.y, 0, 1); CURRENT_Force_color.y = SUNMASTER.m_fWaveLength.y; SUNMASTER.m_fWaveLength.z = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(BASE_X + 130, BASE1 + (5.1f * 40) + 70, 100, 30), SUNMASTER.m_fWaveLength.z, 0, 1); CURRENT_Force_color.z = SUNMASTER.m_fWaveLength.z; BASE_X = 50; BASE1 = 50 + 100; GUI.TextArea(new Rect(BASE_X + 130, BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) - 20 + 70, 180, 20), "Global tint: " + TintColor); SUNMASTER.m_TintColor.r = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(BASE_X + 130, BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 70, 100, 30), SUNMASTER.m_TintColor.r, 0, 1); TintColor.x = SUNMASTER.m_TintColor.r; SUNMASTER.m_TintColor.g = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(BASE_X + 130, BASE1 + (4.3f * 40) + 70, 100, 30), SUNMASTER.m_TintColor.g, 0, 1); TintColor.y = SUNMASTER.m_TintColor.g; SUNMASTER.m_TintColor.b = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(BASE_X + 130, BASE1 + (5.1f * 40) + 70, 100, 30), SUNMASTER.m_TintColor.b, 0, 1); TintColor.z = SUNMASTER.m_TintColor.b; // GUI.TextArea(new Rect(BASE_X+130, BASE1+(5.1f*40)+70+30, 100, 30),"Coloration"); // Coloration = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(BASE_X+130, BASE1+(5.1f*40)+70+30+30, 100, 30),Coloration,0.1f,2); // SUNMASTER.m_Coloration = Coloration; } } else // IF AUTO SEASON CYCLE { string Season_current1 = "Spring"; if (SUNMASTER.Season == 2) { Season_current1 = "Summer"; } if (SUNMASTER.Season == 3) { Season_current1 = "Autumn"; } if (SUNMASTER.Season == 4) { Season_current1 = "Winter"; } GUI.TextArea(new Rect(5 * BOX_WIDTH + 10, BOX_HEIGHT + 30 + 30, BOX_WIDTH, 30), Season_current1); } } //END GI CHECK }// END OnGUI
void OnGUI() { //SunLight = SUN.light; //float BOX_WIDTH = 100;float BOX_HEIGHT = 30; ///////////// COLORS float BASE_X = 0; float BASE1 = 10; float widthS = Screen.currentResolution.width; widthS = Camera.main.pixelWidth; //Choose cloud preset GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15) - 0, -20 + 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 40 + 60 + 40, 120, 20), "Cloud Type: " + (count_presets + 1).ToString() + "/" + CloudPresets.Count.ToString()); //if (GUI.Button(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X+11*15)-20, 0*BASE1+(3.5f*40)+7+30+30+30+40+60+40, 20, 20), "+")){ if (GUI.Button(new Rect(125 + widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15) - 0, -20 + 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 40 + 60 + 40, 20, 20), "+")) { count_presets++; if (count_presets > CloudPresets.Count - 1) { count_presets = 0; } if (CloudPresets[count_presets] != Clouds_top) { Clouds_top = CloudPresets[count_presets]; Clouds_ORIGIN = Clouds_top.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(VolumeClouds_SM)) as VolumeClouds_SM; Cloud_bed_width = Clouds_ORIGIN.max_bed_corner; Cloud_bed_height = Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_bed_heigh; Cloud_divider = Clouds_ORIGIN.divider; cloud_max_scale = Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_max_scale; //cloud_max_particle_size = (int)Emitter_ORIGIN.maxSize; } Plus_hit = true; } //if (GUI.Button(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X+11*15)-20, 0*BASE1+(3.5f*40)+7+30+30+30+40+60+40 +20, 20, 20), "-")){ if (GUI.Button(new Rect(20 + 125 + widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15) - 0, -20 + 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 40 + 60 + 40, 20, 20), "-")) { count_presets--; if (count_presets < 0) { count_presets = CloudPresets.Count - 1; } if (CloudPresets[count_presets] != Clouds_top) { Clouds_top = CloudPresets[count_presets]; Clouds_ORIGIN = Clouds_top.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(VolumeClouds_SM)) as VolumeClouds_SM; Cloud_bed_width = Clouds_ORIGIN.max_bed_corner; Cloud_bed_height = Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_bed_heigh; Cloud_divider = Clouds_ORIGIN.divider; cloud_max_scale = Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_max_scale; //cloud_max_particle_size = (int)Emitter_ORIGIN.maxSize; } Plus_hit = true; } //v1.7 GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 10 + 20, 50, 20), "Clear"); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15) + 50, 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 10 + 20, 50, 20), "Clouds")) { Destroy(Cloud_instance); } GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 10, 50, 20), "Toggle"); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15) + 50, 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 10, 50, 20), "Haze")) { if (Fog.enabled) { Fog.enabled = false; } else { Fog.enabled = true; } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15) + 50 + 50, 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 10, 50, 20), "Shafts")) { if (Shafts.enabled) { Shafts.enabled = false; } else { Shafts.enabled = true; } } //RESTART EFFECT !!!! if (GUI.Button(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 40 + 60 + 40, 170, 40), "Recreate Clouds") | Plus_hit) { Destroy(Cloud_instance); //Object INSTA = Instantiate(Clouds_top); Plus_hit = false; Clouds_ORIGIN = Clouds_top.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(VolumeClouds_SM)) as VolumeClouds_SM; //Clouds_ORIGIN.divider = Cloud_divider; //Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_max_scale = cloud_max_scale; Clouds_ORIGIN.max_bed_corner = Cloud_bed_width; Clouds_ORIGIN.min_bed_corner = 0; Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_bed_heigh = Cloud_bed_height; Clouds_ORIGIN.divider = Cloud_divider; Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_max_scale = cloud_max_scale; //Emitter_ORIGIN.maxSize = cloud_max_particle_size; Cloud_instance = (GameObject)Instantiate(Clouds_top.gameObject, Clouds_top.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); Cloud_instance.SetActive(true); Clouds = Cloud_instance.GetComponent(typeof(VolumeClouds_SM)) as VolumeClouds_SM; if (Alt_color) { Clouds.Override_init_color = true; } } //Destroy ( GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 - 30 - 15 - 15, 180, 25), "Cloud Centers = " + Clouds_ORIGIN.divider); Cloud_divider = (int)GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 - 15 - 15, 100, 30), Clouds_ORIGIN.divider, 2, 85); GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 - 30 - 60 - 15, 180, 25), "Cloud Bed size = " + Clouds_ORIGIN.max_bed_corner); Cloud_bed_width = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 - 60 - 15, 100, 30), Clouds_ORIGIN.max_bed_corner, 300, 8900); GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 - 30 - 60 - 60, 180, 25), "Cloud Bed Height = " + Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_bed_heigh); Cloud_bed_height = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 - 60 - 60 - 0, 100, 30), Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_bed_heigh, 50, 1000); GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 - 15 - 15 - 15, 180, 25), "Cloud Max size = " + Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_max_scale); cloud_max_scale = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 - 15 - 15 - 15, 100, 30), Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_max_scale, 1, 8); // GUI.TextArea( new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X+11*15), 0*BASE1+(3.5f*40)+7+30+30+30-15-15-15-15, 180, 25),"Cloud Particle size = "+Emitter_ORIGIN.maxSize); // cloud_max_particle_size = (int)GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X+11*15), 0*BASE1+(3.5f*40)+7+30+30+30+30-15-15-15-15, 100, 30),Emitter_ORIGIN.maxSize,200,300); GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 - 15 - 15 - 15 - 15 + 20 + 22, 180, 22), "Cloud speed"); cloud_X_speed = (int)GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 - 15 - 15 - 15 - 15 + 35 + 2, 100, 20), Clouds.wind.x, -70, 70); Clouds.wind.x = cloud_X_speed; cloud_Z_speed = (int)GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 - 15 - 15 - 15 - 15 + 25 + 35, 100, 20), Clouds.wind.z, -70, 70); Clouds.wind.z = cloud_Z_speed; GUI.TextArea(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 20, 170, 20), "Recreate renews the clouds"); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 0 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 40 + 60, 170, 20), "Rotate Clouds")) { if (Rot_clouds) { Rot_clouds = false; } else { Rot_clouds = true; } } //v1.7 - Alternate base color string Alt_color1 = "Alt color"; if (Alt_color) { Alt_color1 = "Prev color"; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(widthS - (BASE_X + 11 * 15), 8 * BASE1 + (3.5f * 40) + 7 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 40 + 60, 170, 40), Alt_color1)) { if (Alt_color) { Alt_color = false; } else { Alt_color = true; } } Clouds_ORIGIN.max_bed_corner = Cloud_bed_width; Clouds_ORIGIN.min_bed_corner = -Cloud_bed_width; Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_bed_heigh = Cloud_bed_height; Clouds_ORIGIN.divider = Cloud_divider; Clouds_ORIGIN.cloud_max_scale = cloud_max_scale; // Emitter_ORIGIN.maxSize = cloud_max_particle_size; // if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0*BOX_WIDTH+10, BOX_HEIGHT-0, BOX_WIDTH+20, 30), "Rotate Camera")){ // if(!Cam_rotator.enabled){ // Cam_rotator.enabled = true; // }else{ // Cam_rotator.enabled = false; // } // } // // if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0*BOX_WIDTH+10, BOX_HEIGHT+30, BOX_WIDTH+20, 30), "Rotate Sun")){ // if(!Sun_rotator.enabled){ // Sun_rotator.enabled = true; // }else{ // Sun_rotator.enabled = false; // } // } // //CAMERA // GUI.TextArea( new Rect(3*BOX_WIDTH+10, 2*BOX_HEIGHT+30, BOX_WIDTH+10, 25),"Camera up/down"); // // Camera_up = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(3*BOX_WIDTH+10, 2*BOX_HEIGHT+30+30, BOX_WIDTH+10, 30 ),Camera.main.transform.position.y ,100,1560); // // Camera.main.transform.position = new Vector3(Camera.main.transform.position.x,Camera_up,Camera.main.transform.position.z); // // //SUN // GUI.TextArea( new Rect(0*BOX_WIDTH+10, 7*BOX_HEIGHT+30, BOX_WIDTH+10, 25),"Sun up/down"); // Sun_up = GUI.VerticalSlider(new Rect(1*BOX_WIDTH+10, 2*BOX_HEIGHT+30+30, 30, BOX_WIDTH+10 ),SUN.position.y ,-1500,1500); // SUN.position = new Vector3(SUN.position.x,Sun_up,SUN.position.z); }// END OnGUI