private void OnLogInternal(IntPtr data, VlcLogLevel level, IntPtr ctx, string format, IntPtr args)
            if (this._log != null)
                // Original source for va_list handling:
                var byteLength = Win32Interops._vscprintf(format, args) + 1;
                var utf8Buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(byteLength);

                string formattedDecodedMessage;
                try {
                    Win32Interops.vsprintf(utf8Buffer, format, args);

                    //Yeah, ok the message is formatted, but it's an UTF-8 string treated as ASCII inside an UTF-16 string. Do the conversion
                    var sbDecoded = new StringBuilder(Win32Interops.MultiByteToWideChar(Win32Interops.CP_UTF8, 0, utf8Buffer, byteLength, null, 0));
                    Win32Interops.MultiByteToWideChar(Win32Interops.CP_UTF8, 0, utf8Buffer, byteLength, sbDecoded, sbDecoded.Capacity);
                    formattedDecodedMessage = sbDecoded.ToString();

                string module;
                string file;
                uint?  line;
                this.Manager.GetLogContext(ctx, out module, out file, out line);

                // Do the notification on another thread, so that VLC is not interrupted by the logging
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(eventArgs =>
                    this._log(this.myMediaPlayerInstance, (VlcMediaPlayerLogEventArgs)eventArgs);
                }, new VlcMediaPlayerLogEventArgs(level, formattedDecodedMessage, module, file, line));
        private void OnLogInternal(IntPtr data, VlcLogLevel level, IntPtr ctx, string format, IntPtr args)
            if (this._log != null)
                // Original source for va_list handling:
                var byteLength = Win32Interops._vscprintf(format, args) + 1;
                var utf8Buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(byteLength);

                string formattedDecodedMessage;
                try {
                    Win32Interops.vsprintf(utf8Buffer, format, args);

                    formattedDecodedMessage = Utf8InteropStringConverter.Utf8InteropToString(utf8Buffer);

                string module;
                string file;
                uint?  line;
                this.Manager.GetLogContext(ctx, out module, out file, out line);

                // Do the notification on another thread, so that VLC is not interrupted by the logging
                Task.Run(() => this._log(this.myMediaPlayerInstance, new VlcMediaPlayerLogEventArgs(level, formattedDecodedMessage, module, file, line)));
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(eventArgs =>
                    this._log(this.myMediaPlayerInstance, (VlcMediaPlayerLogEventArgs)eventArgs);
                }, new VlcMediaPlayerLogEventArgs(level, formattedDecodedMessage, module, file, line));
 public VlcMediaPlayerLogEventArgs(VlcLogLevel level, string message, string module, string sourceFile, uint?sourceLine)
     this.Level      = level;
     this.Message    = message;
     this.Module     = module;
     this.SourceFile = sourceFile;
     this.SourceLine = sourceLine;