        public override void LoadSettings(VisualStudio.IProjectSettings settings)
            // TODO - Right now this class inherits from the view scaffolder model, so we need to call into the
            // base class to read those settings as well. We want to remove this inheritance at some point
            // and this method will have to change when we do.

            bool value;

            if (IsViewGenerationSupported)
                if (settings.TryGetBool(SavedSettingsKeys.IsViewGenerationSelectedKey, out value))
                    IsViewGenerationSelected = value;
                    // default to true if views are supported and we have no saved state
                    IsViewGenerationSelected = true;

            if (IsAsyncSupported)
                if (settings.TryGetBool(SavedSettingsKeys.IsAsyncSelectedKey, out value))
                    IsAsyncSelected = value;
        public void SaveSettings(VisualStudio.IProjectSettings settings)
            // TODO - Right now this class inherits from the view scaffolder model, so we need to call into the
            // base class to save those settings as well. We want to remove this inheritance at some point
            // and this method will have to change when we do.

            if (DataContextType != null)
                settings[SavedSettingsKeys.DbContextTypeFullNameKey] = DataContextType.TypeName;

            if (ConfigType != null)
                settings[SavedSettingsKeys.ConfigTypeFullNameKey] = ConfigType.TypeName;
        public void LoadSettings(VisualStudio.IProjectSettings settings)
            // TODO - Right now this class inherits from the view scaffolder model, so we need to call into the
            // base class to read those settings as well. We want to remove this inheritance at some point
            // and this method will have to change when we do.
            Contract.Assert(settings != null);

            string stringValue;

            if (settings.TryGetString(SavedSettingsKeys.DbContextTypeFullNameKey, out stringValue))
                DataContextType = DataContextTypes.Where(t => String.Equals(t.TypeName, stringValue, StringComparison.Ordinal)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (settings.TryGetString(SavedSettingsKeys.ConfigTypeFullNameKey, out stringValue))
                ConfigType = ConfigTypes.Where(t => String.Equals(t.TypeName, stringValue, StringComparison.Ordinal)).FirstOrDefault();
        public override void SaveSettings(VisualStudio.IProjectSettings settings)
            // TODO - Right now this class inherits from the view scaffolder model, so we need to call into the
            // base class to save those settings as well. We want to remove this inheritance at some point
            // and this method will have to change when we do.

            // We only want to save this value if this scaffolder uses views.
            // Ex: Using the 'empty controller' scaffolder and then going back to 'Controller + EF + Views' should
            // not uncheck the box for you.
            if (IsViewGenerationSupported)
                settings.SetBool(SavedSettingsKeys.IsViewGenerationSelectedKey, IsViewGenerationSelected);

            if (IsAsyncSupported)
                settings.SetBool(SavedSettingsKeys.IsAsyncSelectedKey, IsAsyncSelected);