        /// <summary>
        /// Adjust the rigOrientation to put the camera within the screen bounds.
        /// If deltaTime >= 0 then damping will be applied.
        /// Assumes that currentOrientation fwd is such that input rigOrientation's
        /// local up is NEVER NEVER NEVER pointing downwards, relative to
        /// state.ReferenceUp.  If this condition is violated
        /// then you will see crazy spinning.  That's the symptom.
        /// </summary>
        private void RotateToScreenBounds(
            ref CameraState state, Rect screenRect, Vector3 trackedPoint,
            ref Quaternion rigOrientation, float fov, float fovH, float deltaTime)
            Vector3 targetDir = trackedPoint - state.CorrectedPosition;
            Vector2 rotToRect = rigOrientation.GetCameraRotationToTarget(targetDir, state.ReferenceUp);

            // Bring it to the edge of screenRect, if outside.  Leave it alone if inside.
            ClampVerticalBounds(ref screenRect, targetDir, state.ReferenceUp, fov);
            float min = (screenRect.yMin - 0.5f) * fov;
            float max = (screenRect.yMax - 0.5f) * fov;

            if (rotToRect.x < min)
                rotToRect.x -= min;
            else if (rotToRect.x > max)
                rotToRect.x -= max;
                rotToRect.x = 0;

            min = (screenRect.xMin - 0.5f) * fovH;
            max = (screenRect.xMax - 0.5f) * fovH;
            if (rotToRect.y < min)
                rotToRect.y -= min;
            else if (rotToRect.y > max)
                rotToRect.y -= max;
                rotToRect.y = 0;

            // Apply damping
            if (deltaTime >= 0 && VirtualCamera.PreviousStateIsValid)
                rotToRect.x = VirtualCamera.DetachedLookAtTargetDamp(
                    rotToRect.x, m_VerticalDamping, deltaTime);
                rotToRect.y = VirtualCamera.DetachedLookAtTargetDamp(
                    rotToRect.y, m_HorizontalDamping, deltaTime);

            // Rotate
            rigOrientation = rigOrientation.ApplyCameraRotation(rotToRect, state.ReferenceUp);
        /// <summary>Callback to preform the zoom adjustment</summary>
        protected override void PostPipelineStageCallback(
            CinemachineVirtualCameraBase vcam,
            CinemachineCore.Stage stage, ref CameraState state, float deltaTime)
            VcamExtraState extra = GetExtraState <VcamExtraState>(vcam);

            if (deltaTime < 0 || !VirtualCamera.PreviousStateIsValid)
                extra.m_previousFrameZoom = state.Lens.FieldOfView;

            // Set the zoom after the body has been positioned, but before the aim,
            // so that composer can compose using the updated fov.
            if (stage == CinemachineCore.Stage.Body)
                // Try to reproduce the target width
                float targetWidth = Mathf.Max(m_Width, 0);
                float fov         = 179f;
                float d           = Vector3.Distance(state.CorrectedPosition, state.ReferenceLookAt);
                if (d > UnityVectorExtensions.Epsilon)
                    // Clamp targetWidth to FOV min/max
                    float minW = d * 2f * Mathf.Tan(m_MinFOV * Mathf.Deg2Rad / 2f);
                    float maxW = d * 2f * Mathf.Tan(m_MaxFOV * Mathf.Deg2Rad / 2f);
                    targetWidth = Mathf.Clamp(targetWidth, minW, maxW);

                    // Apply damping
                    if (deltaTime >= 0 && m_Damping > 0 && VirtualCamera.PreviousStateIsValid)
                        float currentWidth = d * 2f * Mathf.Tan(extra.m_previousFrameZoom * Mathf.Deg2Rad / 2f);
                        float delta        = targetWidth - currentWidth;
                        delta       = VirtualCamera.DetachedLookAtTargetDamp(delta, m_Damping, deltaTime);
                        targetWidth = currentWidth + delta;
                    fov = 2f * Mathf.Atan(targetWidth / (2 * d)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
                LensSettings lens = state.Lens;
                lens.FieldOfView = extra.m_previousFrameZoom = Mathf.Clamp(fov, m_MinFOV, m_MaxFOV);
                state.Lens       = lens;
        /// <summary>Applies the composer rules and orients the camera accordingly</summary>
        /// <param name="curState">The current camera state</param>
        /// <param name="deltaTime">Used for calculating damping.  If less than
        /// zero, then target will snap to the center of the dead zone.</param>
        public override void MutateCameraState(ref CameraState curState, float deltaTime)
            // Can't do anything without a group to look at
            ICinemachineTargetGroup group = AbstractLookAtTargetGroup;

            if (group == null)
                base.MutateCameraState(ref curState, deltaTime);

            if (!IsValid || !curState.HasLookAt)
                m_prevFramingDistance = 0;
                m_prevFOV             = 0;

            bool isOrthographic = curState.Lens.Orthographic;
            bool canMoveCamera  = !isOrthographic && m_AdjustmentMode != AdjustmentMode.ZoomOnly;

            // Get the bounding box from camera's POV in view space
            Vector3        up          = curState.ReferenceUp;
            var            cameraPos   = curState.RawPosition;
            BoundingSphere s           = group.Sphere;
            Vector3        groupCenter = s.position;
            Vector3        fwd         = groupCenter - cameraPos;
            float          d           = fwd.magnitude;

            if (d < Epsilon)
                return;  // navel-gazing, get outa here
            // Approximate looking at the group center
            fwd /= d;
            LastBoundsMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(
                cameraPos, Quaternion.LookRotation(fwd, up), Vector3.one);

            // Correction for the actual center
            Bounds b;

            if (isOrthographic)
                b                = group.GetViewSpaceBoundingBox(LastBoundsMatrix);
                groupCenter      = LastBoundsMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(b.center);
                fwd              = (groupCenter - cameraPos).normalized;
                LastBoundsMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(cameraPos, Quaternion.LookRotation(fwd, up), Vector3.one);
                b                = group.GetViewSpaceBoundingBox(LastBoundsMatrix);
                LastBounds       = b;
                b = GetScreenSpaceGroupBoundingBox(group, LastBoundsMatrix, out fwd);
                LastBoundsMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(cameraPos, Quaternion.LookRotation(fwd, up), Vector3.one);
                LastBounds       = b;
                groupCenter      = cameraPos + fwd * b.center.z;

            // Adjust bounds for framing size, and get target height
            float boundsDepth  = b.extents.z;
            float targetHeight = GetTargetHeight(b.size / m_GroupFramingSize);

            if (isOrthographic)
                targetHeight = Mathf.Clamp(targetHeight / 2, m_MinimumOrthoSize, m_MaximumOrthoSize);

                // ApplyDamping
                if (deltaTime >= 0 && VirtualCamera.PreviousStateIsValid)
                    targetHeight = m_prevFOV + VirtualCamera.DetachedLookAtTargetDamp(
                        targetHeight - m_prevFOV, m_FrameDamping, deltaTime);
                m_prevFOV = targetHeight;

                LensSettings lens = curState.Lens;
                lens.OrthographicSize = Mathf.Clamp(targetHeight, m_MinimumOrthoSize, m_MaximumOrthoSize);
                curState.Lens         = lens;
                // Adjust height for perspective - we want the height at the near surface
                float z = b.center.z;
                if (z > boundsDepth)
                    targetHeight = Mathf.Lerp(0, targetHeight, (z - boundsDepth) / z);

                // Move the camera
                if (canMoveCamera)
                    // What distance from near edge would be needed to get the adjusted
                    // target height, at the current FOV
                    float targetDistance = boundsDepth
                                           + targetHeight / (2f * Mathf.Tan(curState.Lens.FieldOfView * Mathf.Deg2Rad / 2f));

                    // Clamp to respect min/max distance settings to the near surface of the bounds
                    targetDistance = Mathf.Clamp(
                        targetDistance, boundsDepth + m_MinimumDistance, boundsDepth + m_MaximumDistance);

                    // Clamp to respect min/max camera movement
                    float targetDelta = targetDistance - Vector3.Distance(curState.RawPosition, groupCenter);
                    targetDelta = Mathf.Clamp(targetDelta, -m_MaxDollyIn, m_MaxDollyOut);

                    // ApplyDamping
                    if (deltaTime >= 0 && VirtualCamera.PreviousStateIsValid)
                        float delta = targetDelta - m_prevFramingDistance;
                        delta       = VirtualCamera.DetachedLookAtTargetDamp(delta, m_FrameDamping, deltaTime);
                        targetDelta = m_prevFramingDistance + delta;
                    m_prevFramingDistance        = targetDelta;
                    curState.PositionCorrection -= fwd * targetDelta;
                    cameraPos -= fwd * targetDelta;

                // Apply zoom
                if (m_AdjustmentMode != AdjustmentMode.DollyOnly)
                    float nearBoundsDistance = (groupCenter - cameraPos).magnitude - boundsDepth;
                    float targetFOV          = 179;
                    if (nearBoundsDistance > Epsilon)
                        targetFOV = 2f * Mathf.Atan(targetHeight / (2 * nearBoundsDistance)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
                    targetFOV = Mathf.Clamp(targetFOV, m_MinimumFOV, m_MaximumFOV);

                    // ApplyDamping
                    if (deltaTime >= 0 && m_prevFOV != 0 && VirtualCamera.PreviousStateIsValid)
                        targetFOV = m_prevFOV + VirtualCamera.DetachedLookAtTargetDamp(
                            targetFOV - m_prevFOV, m_FrameDamping, deltaTime);
                    m_prevFOV = targetFOV;

                    LensSettings lens = curState.Lens;
                    lens.FieldOfView = targetFOV;
                    curState.Lens    = lens;
            // Now compose normally
            curState.ReferenceLookAt = GetLookAtPointAndSetTrackedPoint(
                groupCenter, curState.ReferenceUp, deltaTime);
            base.MutateCameraState(ref curState, deltaTime);