    /// <summary>
    /// Calculates the difference in two dialects. Also, seattle and portland
    /// just seemed like they'd be better names than villageA and villageB.
    /// </summary>
    public float CalcDiff(VillageCtrl seattle, VillageCtrl portland)
        float diffSq = 0f;

        foreach (Phoneme phone in phonemeOrder)
            float s = seattle.AvgPronunciation(phone) * 100f;
            float p = portland.AvgPronunciation(phone) * 100f;
            s = Mathf.Round(s);
            p = Mathf.Round(p);
            float diff = s - p;
            diffSq += (diff * diff) / 100f;
    public void DisplayVillageLanguage(VillageCtrl villageCtrl)
        AgentCtrl agent = villageCtrl.agents[0];
        string    s     = "";
        bool      odd   = true;

        foreach (Phoneme phone in agent.idiolect.Keys)
            float f = villageCtrl.AvgPronunciation(phone);

            s += string.Format("{0} : {1:0.00}\t\t", phone.glyph, f);

            odd = !odd;
            if (odd)
                s += "\n";

        langTxt.text = s;