private void AddVIFRow(VIF vif) { var row = new VifRow(vif); XenAPI.Network network = m_selectedConnection.Resolve(; bool isGuestInstallerNetwork = network != null && network.IsGuestInstallerNetwork; ToStringWrapper <XenAPI.Network> comboBoxEntry = FindComboBoxEntryForNetwork(network); // CA-66962: Don't choose disallowed networks: choose a better one instead. // CA-79930/CA-73056: Except for the guest installer network, which we let // through for now, but hide it below. if (comboBoxEntry == null && !isGuestInstallerNetwork) { network = GetDefaultNetwork(); comboBoxEntry = FindComboBoxEntryForNetwork(network); = new XenRef <XenAPI.Network>(network.opaque_ref); } row.CreateCells(m_networkGridView, String.Format(Messages.NETWORKPICKER_INTERFACE, vif.device), vif.MAC, comboBoxEntry); row.Cells[0].ReadOnly = true; // CA-73056: A row for the guest installer network shouldn't show up. But we still need // it present but invisible, otherwise the corresponding VIF doesn't get created at all. // CA-218956 - Expose HIMN when showing hidden objects if (isGuestInstallerNetwork && !XenAdmin.Properties.Settings.Default.ShowHiddenVMs) { row.Visible = false; } m_networkGridView.Rows.Add(row); }
private void m_buttonAddNetwork_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_networkGridView.Rows.Count >= m_vm.MaxVIFsAllowed) { new ThreeButtonDialog(new ThreeButtonDialog.Details( SystemIcons.Error, FriendlyErrorNames.VIFS_MAX_ALLOWED, FriendlyErrorNames.VIFS_MAX_ALLOWED_TITLE)).ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow); return; } VIF vif = new VIF { Connection = m_selectedConnection }; int i = 0; while (true) { bool exists = false; foreach (DataGridViewRow row in m_networkGridView.Rows) { VifRow vifRow = row as VifRow; if (vifRow == null) { continue; } VIF v = vifRow.Vif; if (v == null) { continue; } if (int.Parse(v.device) == i) { exists = true; } } if (exists) { i++; } else { break; } } vif.device = i.ToString(); vif.MAC = Messages.MAC_AUTOGENERATE; if (GetDefaultNetwork() != null) { = new XenRef <XenAPI.Network>(GetDefaultNetwork().opaque_ref); } AddVIFRow(vif); }
private void m_networkGridView_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { VifRow row = m_networkGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex] as VifRow; if (row == null) { return; } VIF vif = row.Vif; if (vif == null) { return; } if (e.ColumnIndex == MACAddressNetworkColumn.Index) { row.HasValidMac = true; string mac = (string)row.Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value; if (mac == null || mac.Trim().Length == 0) { // We take it that zero-length mac means the user wants to auto-generate row.Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value = Messages.MAC_AUTOGENERATE; } else if (mac.Trim() == Messages.MAC_AUTOGENERATE) { row.Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value = Messages.MAC_AUTOGENERATE; vif.MAC = Messages.MAC_AUTOGENERATE; } else if (Helpers.IsValidMAC(mac)) { vif.MAC = mac; } else { row.HasValidMac = false; } UpdateControlsEnabledState(AllMacAddressesValid()); } else if (e.ColumnIndex == NetworkNetworkColumn.Index) { object enteredValue = row.Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value; var entry = enteredValue as ToStringWrapper <XenAPI.Network>; XenAPI.Network network = (entry == null) ? (XenAPI.Network)enteredValue : entry.item; if (network != null) { = new XenRef <XenAPI.Network>(network.opaque_ref); } } }
private void AddVIFRow(VIF vif) { var row = new VifRow(vif); XenAPI.Network network = m_selectedConnection.Resolve(; bool isGuestInstallerNetwork = network != null && network.IsGuestInstallerNetwork; ToStringWrapper<XenAPI.Network> comboBoxEntry = FindComboBoxEntryForNetwork(network); // CA-66962: Don't choose disallowed networks: choose a better one instead. // CA-79930/CA-73056: Except for the guest installer network, which we let // through for now, but hide it below. if (comboBoxEntry == null && !isGuestInstallerNetwork) { network = GetDefaultNetwork(); comboBoxEntry = FindComboBoxEntryForNetwork(network); = new XenRef<XenAPI.Network>(network.opaque_ref); } row.CreateCells(m_networkGridView, String.Format(Messages.NETWORKPICKER_INTERFACE, vif.device), vif.MAC, comboBoxEntry); row.Cells[0].ReadOnly = true; // CA-73056: A row for the guest installer network shouldn't show up. But we still need // it present but invisible, otherwise the corresponding VIF doesn't get created at all. // CA-218956 - Expose HIMN when showing hidden objects if (isGuestInstallerNetwork && !XenAdmin.Properties.Settings.Default.ShowHiddenVMs) row.Visible = false; m_networkGridView.Rows.Add(row); }