        public virtual PartialViewResult GetMemberDiscussions(Guid id)
            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                var loggedOnUser = User.Identity.IsAuthenticated
                    ? MembershipService.GetUser(User.Identity.Name, true)
                    : null;
                var usersRole = loggedOnUser == null
                    ? RoleService.GetRole(Constants.GuestRoleName, true)
                    : loggedOnUser.Roles.FirstOrDefault();

                var allowedGroups = _groupService.GetAllowedGroups(usersRole, loggedOnUser.Id).ToList();

                // Get the user discussions, only grab 100 posts
                var posts = _postService.GetByMember(id, 100, allowedGroups);

                // Get the distinct topics
                var topics = posts.Select(x => x.Topic).Distinct().Take(6)
                             .OrderByDescending(x => x.LastPost.DateCreated).ToList();

                // Get the Topic View Models
                var topicViewModels = ViewModelMapping.CreateTopicViewModels(topics, RoleService, usersRole,
                                                                             loggedOnUser, allowedGroups, SettingsService.GetSettings(), _postService,
                                                                             _notificationService, _pollService, _voteService, _favouriteService);

                // create the view model
                var viewModel = new ViewMemberDiscussionsViewModel
                    Topics = topicViewModels

        public PartialViewResult GetMemberDiscussions(int id)
            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                using (UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork())
                    // Get the user discussions, only grab 100 posts
                    var posts = ServiceFactory.PostService.GetByMember(id, 100);

                    // Get the distinct topics
                    var topics = posts.Select(x => x.Topic).Where(x => x.Pending != true).Distinct().Take(6).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastPost.DateCreated).ToList();

                    // Get all the categories for this topic collection
                    var categories = topics.Select(x => x.Category).Distinct();

                    // create the view model
                    var viewModel = new ViewMemberDiscussionsViewModel
                        Topics            = topics,
                        AllPermissionSets = new Dictionary <Category, PermissionSet>(),
                        CurrentUser       = CurrentMember

                    // loop through the categories and get the permissions
                    foreach (var category in categories)
                        var permissionSet = ServiceFactory.PermissionService.GetPermissions(category, _membersGroup);
                        viewModel.AllPermissionSets.Add(category, permissionSet);

                    return(PartialView(PathHelper.GetThemePartialViewPath("GetMemberDiscussions"), viewModel));
        public PartialViewResult GetMemberDiscussions(Guid id)
            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                using (UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork())
                    var allowedCategories = _categoryService.GetAllowedCategories(UsersRole).ToList();

                    // Get the user discussions, only grab 100 posts
                    var posts = _postService.GetByMember(id, 100, allowedCategories);

                    // Get the distinct topics
                    var topics = posts.Select(x => x.Topic).Distinct().Take(6).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastPost.DateCreated).ToList();

                    // Get the Topic View Models
                    var topicViewModels = ViewModelMapping.CreateTopicViewModels(topics, RoleService, UsersRole, LoggedOnReadOnlyUser, allowedCategories, SettingsService.GetSettings());

                    // create the view model
                    var viewModel = new ViewMemberDiscussionsViewModel
                        Topics = topicViewModels

                    return PartialView(viewModel);
            return null;