        public void CropAroundRoom(Room room, View view) //This provides the required shape now how to combine with the offset and tie into wall thickness
            if (view != null)
                IList <IList <BoundarySegment> > segments = room.GetBoundarySegments(new SpatialElementBoundaryOptions());

                if (null != segments) //the room may not be bound
                    foreach (IList <BoundarySegment> segmentList in segments)
                        CurveLoop loop = new CurveLoop();
                        foreach (BoundarySegment boundarySegment in segmentList)
                            List <XYZ> points = boundarySegment.GetCurve().Tessellate().ToList();
                            for (int ip = 0; ip < points.Count - 1; ip++)
                                Line l = Line.CreateBound(points[ip], points[ip + 1]);
                        ViewCropRegionShapeManager vcrShapeMgr = view.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                        bool cropValid = vcrShapeMgr.IsCropRegionShapeValid(loop);
                        if (cropValid)
                            break; // if more than one set of boundary segments for room, crop around the first one
        /// <summary>
        /// 调整viewPlan的尺寸并贴合选中房间
        /// change a viewPlan to fix the selected room
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view"></param>
        /// <param name="tran"></param>
        /// <param name="viewOffseet"></param>
        public void ChangeViewFitRoom(ViewPlan view, Transaction tran, double viewOffseet)
            if (view == null)
                TaskDialog.Show("viewIsNull", "Can't find the type of View.");

            DocSet.uidoc.ActiveView = view;
            SpatialElementBoundaryOptions opt = new SpatialElementBoundaryOptions();

            opt.SpatialElementBoundaryLocation = SpatialElementBoundaryLocation.Center;//房间边界设定,能变更获取的边界位置
            IList <IList <BoundarySegment> > segments = DocSet.selRoom.GetBoundarySegments(opt);

            if (segments == null)
                TaskDialog.Show("segementsIsNull", "can't get the BoundarySegment of room");

            ViewCropRegionShapeManager vcrShanpMgr = view.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

            CurveLoop loop = new CurveLoop();

            foreach (IList <BoundarySegment> segmentList in segments)
                foreach (BoundarySegment segment in segmentList)
                    Curve curve = segment.GetCurve();

                bool cropValid = vcrShanpMgr.IsCropRegionShapeValid(loop);
                if (cropValid)
                    //TaskDialog.Show("cropValid", "the crop is shape Valid");
                    tran.Start("change the view crop region");
                    tran.Start("Remove Crop Region Shape");
                    //TaskDialog.Show("ChangeView", "ChangeViewdone");

            tran.Start("loop offset");
            //TaskDialog.Show("!!!", "changeloop!");
            loop = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(vcrShanpMgr.GetCropShape().First(), -1 * viewOffseet / 300, new XYZ(0, 0, 1));

            DocSet.uidoc.ActiveView = view;
        public static View ViewPlan(this Document document, Autodesk.Revit.DB.Level level, string viewName = null, CurveLoop cropBox = null, ElementId viewTemplateId = null, ViewDetailLevel viewDetailLevel = ViewDetailLevel.Coarse)
            View result = null;

            ViewFamilyType vft = Query.ViewFamilyType(document, ViewFamily.FloorPlan);

            result = Autodesk.Revit.DB.ViewPlan.Create(document, vft.Id, level.Id);

            Modify.SetViewDetailLevel(result, viewDetailLevel);

            if (cropBox != null)
                    ViewCropRegionShapeManager vcrShapeMgr = result.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                    result.CropBoxVisible = true;
                catch (Exception)
                    BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("Could not create the Floor Plan with the provided crop box. Check if the crop box is a valid geometry and if the view's designated template accepts it to change.");

            if (viewTemplateId != null)
                    result.ViewTemplateId = viewTemplateId;
                catch (Exception)
                    BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("Could not apply the View Template of Id " + viewTemplateId + "'." + ". Please check if it's a valid ElementId.");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewName))
#if (REVIT2018 || REVIT2019)
                    result.ViewName = viewName;
                    result.Name = viewName;
                    BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("There is already a view named '" + viewName + "'." + " It has been named '" + result.Name + "' instead.");

        public CurveLoop Get_CurveLoop(UIApplication uiapp, Document doc)
            CurveLoop cl = null;

                view_plan_name_data item = (view_plan_name_data)view_tem.SelectedItem;

                ViewPlan view_plan = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(ViewPlan)).Cast <ViewPlan>().First(x => x.Name == item.single_value);
                ViewCropRegionShapeManager vcrShapeMgr = view_plan.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                cl = vcrShapeMgr.GetCropShape()[0];
            catch (Exception ex)
        public void Apply_Crop(UIApplication uiapp, Document doc)
                view_plan_name_data item_TEM = (view_plan_name_data)view_tem.SelectedItem;
                view_plan_name_data item     = (view_plan_name_data)view_apply.SelectedItem;

                CurveLoop cl        = Get_CurveLoop(uiapp, doc);
                ViewPlan  view_plan = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(ViewPlan)).Cast <ViewPlan>().First(x => x.Name == item.single_value);
                ViewCropRegionShapeManager vcrShapeMgr = view_plan.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                if (vcrShapeMgr.CanHaveShape)

                view_plan.Scale = item_TEM.view_plan.Scale;
            catch (Exception ex)
        public void CropAroundRoomWithOffset(Room room, View view)
            List <XYZ> points = new List <XYZ>();

            if (view != null)
                IList <IList <BoundarySegment> > segments = room.GetBoundarySegments(new SpatialElementBoundaryOptions());

                if (null != segments)
                    foreach (IList <BoundarySegment> segmentList in segments)
                        CurveLoop loop = new CurveLoop();
                        foreach (BoundarySegment boundarySegment in segmentList)
                        CurveLoop  loop2  = new CurveLoop();
                        double     offset = 2.0;
                        XYZ        normal = new XYZ(0, 0, -1);
                        List <XYZ> pts    = OffsetPoints(points, offset, normal).ToList();
                        for (int ip = 0; ip < points.Count - 1; ip++)
                            Line l = Line.CreateBound(pts[ip], pts[ip + 1]);

                        ViewCropRegionShapeManager vcrShapeMgr = view.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                        bool cropValid = vcrShapeMgr.IsCropRegionShapeValid(loop);
                        if (cropValid)
        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            Document doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

            // Variables to store user input
            List <int>     selectedIntIds;
            Element        titleBlock;
            View           viewTemplate;
            ViewFamilyType viewFamilyType;
            double         sheetDrawingHeight;
            double         sheetDrawingWidth;

            // Prompt window to collect user input
            using (InteriorElevationsWindow customWindow = new InteriorElevationsWindow(commandData))
                selectedIntIds = customWindow.IntegerIds;
                titleBlock     = customWindow.SelectedComboItemTitleBlock.Tag as Element;
                viewTemplate   = customWindow.SelectedComboItemViewTemplate.Tag as View;
                viewFamilyType = customWindow.SelectedComboItemViewType.Tag as ViewFamilyType;

                #region Required elements for this tool

                // No required elements loaded
                if (titleBlock == null && viewTemplate == null && viewFamilyType == null)
                    TaskDialog.Show("Warning", "Please load a Elevation, a Title Block and create a View Template");
                // No title block and elevation loaded
                else if (titleBlock == null && viewFamilyType == null)
                    TaskDialog.Show("Warning", "Please load a Elevation and a Title Block");
                // No title block and view template
                else if (titleBlock == null && viewTemplate == null)
                    TaskDialog.Show("Warning", "Please load a Title Block and create a View Template");
                // No elevation and view template
                else if (viewFamilyType == null && viewTemplate == null)
                    TaskDialog.Show("Warning", "Please load an Elevation and create a View Template");
                // No elevation
                else if (viewFamilyType == null)
                    TaskDialog.Show("Warning", "Please load an Elevation");
                // No title block
                else if (titleBlock == null)
                    TaskDialog.Show("Warning", "Please load a Title Block");
                // No view template
                else if (titleBlock == null)
                    TaskDialog.Show("Warning", "Please create a view template");

                // Room selected
                else if (selectedIntIds != null)
                    // Select first plan view
                    FilteredElementCollector floorPlansCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Views);
                    View floorPlan = floorPlansCollector.Cast <View>().Where(v =>
                                                                             v.ViewType == ViewType.FloorPlan).Where(v => v.IsTemplate == false).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (floorPlan == null)
                        TaskDialog.Show("Warning", "Please create a floor plan");

                    // Store rooms with elevations created
                    List <string> roomsSucceeded = new List <string>();

                    // Collect rooms
                    foreach (int id in selectedIntIds)
                        Room room = doc.GetElement(new ElementId(id)) as Room;

                        // Retrieve boundaries
                        IList <IList <BoundarySegment> > boundaries = Helpers.Helpers.SpatialBoundaries(room);

                        // Check boundaries list is not empty
                        if (boundaries != null)
                            // Retrieve doc annotation categories
                            var annoCategories = Helpers.Helpers.AnnoCatIds(doc);

                            #region Rectangular rooms without interior boundaries
                            if (boundaries[0].Count == 4 && boundaries.Count == 1 && Helpers.Helpers.IsRectangle(boundaries[0]))
                                // Transaction
                                Transaction t = new Transaction(doc, "Create Single Marker Interior Elevations");

                                List <XYZ> points   = Helpers.Helpers.BoundaPoints(boundaries);
                                XYZ        centroid = Helpers.Helpers.Centroid(points);

                                // Create sheet
                                ViewSheet sheet = Helpers.HelpersView.CreateSheet(doc,
                                                                                  room.Number + "-" + "INTERIOR ELEVATIONS");

                                // Retrieve title block
                                FamilyInstance tBlock = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, sheet.Id)
                                                        .FirstElement() as FamilyInstance;

                                // Retrieve title block size
                                double sheetHeight = tBlock.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.SHEET_HEIGHT).AsDouble();
                                double sheetWidth  = tBlock.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.SHEET_WIDTH).AsDouble();

                                // Center of title block
                                XYZ centerTitleBlock = new XYZ(sheetWidth / 2, sheetHeight / 2, 0);

                                // Create elevation marker
                                ElevationMarker marker = ElevationMarker.CreateElevationMarker(doc, viewFamilyType.Id, centroid, viewTemplate.Scale);

                                // Place views on sheet
                                var viewports = new List <Viewport>();

                                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                                    // Create elevation
                                    View view = Helpers.HelpersView.CreateViewElevation(doc, marker, floorPlan, i, viewTemplate,
                                    Helpers.HelpersView.CreateViewport(doc, sheet, ref viewports, view);

                                // Dictionary to store viewport dimensions
                                var viewportDims = Helpers.HelpersView.ViewportDimensions(viewports);

                                // Retrieve overall dimensions
                                List <double> firstRowX = new List <double>();
                                List <double> firstRowY = new List <double>();

                                List <double> secondRowX = new List <double>();
                                List <double> secondRowY = new List <double>();

                                foreach (KeyValuePair <Viewport, double[]> entry in viewportDims)
                                    Viewport vp           = entry.Key;
                                    string   detailNumber = vp.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_DETAIL_NUMBER).AsString();

                                    if (detailNumber == "1" || detailNumber == "2")

                                // Calculate X spacing
                                double spacingViewX = Helpers.Helpers.MillimetersToFeet(30);
                                double overallX     = spacingViewX;

                                if (firstRowX.Sum() > secondRowX.Sum())
                                    overallX += firstRowX.Sum();
                                    overallX += secondRowX.Sum();

                                // Calculate Y spacing
                                double spacingViewY = Helpers.Helpers.MillimetersToFeet(30);
                                double overallY     = spacingViewY;

                                if (firstRowY.Sum() > secondRowY.Sum())
                                    overallY += firstRowY.Sum();
                                    overallY += secondRowY.Sum();

                                // Closest and furthest X points
                                double centerTitleBlockX = centerTitleBlock.X;
                                double furthestX         = overallX / 2 + centerTitleBlockX;
                                double closestX          = centerTitleBlockX - overallX / 2;

                                // Closest and furthest Y points
                                double centerTitleBlockY = centerTitleBlock.Y;
                                double furthestY         = overallY / 2 + centerTitleBlockY;
                                double closestY          = centerTitleBlockY - overallY / 2;

                                // Points boundary
                                XYZ lowestRight    = new XYZ(furthestX, closestY, 0);
                                XYZ lowestLeft     = new XYZ(closestX, closestY, 0);
                                XYZ heightestLeft  = new XYZ(closestX, furthestY, 0);
                                XYZ heightestRight = new XYZ(furthestX, furthestY, 0);

                                // Move viewports
                                foreach (Viewport vp in viewports)
                                    Outline vpOut    = vp.GetBoxOutline();
                                    Outline labelOut = vp.GetLabelOutline();

                                    // Viewport dimensions
                                    XYZ maxPoint = vpOut.MaximumPoint;
                                    XYZ minPoint = vpOut.MinimumPoint;

                                    string detailNumber = vp.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_DETAIL_NUMBER).AsString();

                                    if (detailNumber == "4")
                                        XYZ lowRightPoint = new XYZ(maxPoint.X, minPoint.Y, 0);
                                        XYZ moveVec       = lowestRight - lowRightPoint;

                                        ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement(doc, vp.Id, moveVec);
                                    else if (detailNumber == "3")
                                        XYZ lowLeftPoint = new XYZ(minPoint.X, minPoint.Y, 0);
                                        XYZ moveVec      = lowestLeft - lowLeftPoint;

                                        ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement(doc, vp.Id, moveVec);
                                    else if (detailNumber == "2")
                                        XYZ highRightPoint = new XYZ(maxPoint.X, maxPoint.Y, 0);
                                        XYZ moveVec        = heightestRight - highRightPoint;

                                        ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement(doc, vp.Id, moveVec);
                                    else if (detailNumber == "1")
                                        XYZ highLeftPoint = new XYZ(minPoint.X, maxPoint.Y, 0);
                                        XYZ moveVec       = heightestLeft - highLeftPoint;

                                        ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement(doc, vp.Id, moveVec);

                                // Append room number to success list

                                // Commit transaction

                            #region Rest of rooms
                            // When room has more or less than 4 sides
                                // Offset distanceof the elevation marker
                                double offsetElevation = Helpers.Helpers.MillimetersToFeet(-1000);
                                // Vector Z
                                XYZ zAxis = new XYZ(0, 0, 1);

                                // Transaction to create single elevations
                                Transaction t2 = new Transaction(doc, "Create single elevations");

                                // Create sheet
                                ViewSheet sheet = Helpers.HelpersView.CreateSheet(doc,
                                                                                  room.Number + "-" + "INTERIOR ELEVATIONS");

                                // Retrieve title block
                                FamilyInstance tBlock = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, sheet.Id)
                                                        .FirstElement() as FamilyInstance;

                                // Retrieve title block size
                                double sheetHeight = tBlock.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.SHEET_HEIGHT).AsDouble();
                                double sheetWidth  = tBlock.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.SHEET_WIDTH).AsDouble();

                                // Store viewports on sheet
                                var viewports = new List <Viewport>();

                                // Loop through each boundary
                                foreach (var boundary in boundaries[0])
                                    Curve originalCurve = boundary.GetCurve();
                                    Curve offsetCurve   = originalCurve.CreateOffset(offsetElevation, zAxis);

                                    // Curve centers
                                    XYZ origCenter   = (originalCurve.GetEndPoint(0) + originalCurve.GetEndPoint(1)) / 2;
                                    XYZ offsetCenter = (offsetCurve.GetEndPoint(0) + offsetCurve.GetEndPoint(1)) / 2;

                                    // Vector marker to center of original boundary
                                    XYZ vec = origCenter - offsetCenter;

                                    // Create elevation marker
                                    ElevationMarker marker = ElevationMarker.CreateElevationMarker(doc, viewFamilyType.Id, offsetCenter, viewTemplate.Scale);

                                    // Calculate rotation angle
                                    double angle = Helpers.Helpers.AngleTwoVectors(new XYZ(0, 100, 0), vec);

                                    // Check the component X of the translated vector to new origin is positive
                                    // this means angle to rotate clockwise
                                    if (angle != 0 && vec.X > 0)
                                        angle = angle * -1;
                                    else if (angle != 0 && origCenter.X < offsetCenter.X && origCenter.X > 0)
                                        // Angle remains the same
                                    // Check if rotation needs to be 180 degrees
                                    else if (angle == 0 && origCenter.Y < offsetCenter.Y)
                                        angle = Math.PI;
                                    // Line along z axis
                                    Line zLine = Line.CreateBound(new XYZ(offsetCenter.X, offsetCenter.Y, offsetCenter.Z), new XYZ(offsetCenter.X, offsetCenter.Y, offsetCenter.Z + 10));

                                    // Create Elevation View as marker needs to have at least one elevation to rotate
                                    View view = Helpers.HelpersView.CreateViewElevation(doc, marker, floorPlan, 1, viewTemplate, annoCategories);

                                    // Rotate in increments as Revit API adds 180 degrees to certain positive angles
                                    if (angle > 0)
                                        double angleRemainder = angle;
                                        while (angleRemainder > 0)
                                            double rotAngle = 0;
                                            if (angleRemainder > 0.6)
                                                rotAngle = 0.6;
                                                rotAngle = angleRemainder;

                                            ElementTransformUtils.RotateElement(doc, marker.Id, zLine, rotAngle);

                                            angleRemainder -= rotAngle;
                                    // Rotate normally
                                        ElementTransformUtils.RotateElement(doc, marker.Id, zLine, angle);

                                    // Retrieve crop shape
                                    ViewCropRegionShapeManager cropShapeManag = view.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                                    IList <CurveLoop>          cropCurves     = cropShapeManag.GetCropShape();

                                    // Retrieve max and min height
                                    double minHeight = 0;
                                    double maxHeight = 0;

                                    foreach (Curve curve in cropCurves[0])
                                        XYZ    point  = curve.GetEndPoint(0);
                                        double height = point.Z;

                                        if (height > maxHeight)
                                            maxHeight = height;
                                        else if (height < minHeight)
                                            minHeight = height;

                                    // Crop region offset
                                    double topOffset = Helpers.Helpers.MillimetersToFeet(25);

                                    // Create curves for crop region
                                    XYZ bottomStartPoint = offsetCurve.GetEndPoint(0);
                                    XYZ bottomEndPoint   = offsetCurve.GetEndPoint(1);

                                    XYZ startBase = new XYZ(bottomStartPoint.X, bottomStartPoint.Y, bottomStartPoint.Z + minHeight);
                                    XYZ endBase   = new XYZ(bottomEndPoint.X, bottomEndPoint.Y, bottomEndPoint.Z + minHeight);

                                    XYZ startTop = new XYZ(bottomStartPoint.X, bottomStartPoint.Y, bottomStartPoint.Z + maxHeight + topOffset);
                                    XYZ endTop   = new XYZ(bottomEndPoint.X, bottomEndPoint.Y, bottomEndPoint.Z + maxHeight + topOffset);

                                    // Create CurveLoop for new crop shape
                                    List <Curve> curvesNewCrop = new List <Curve>();

                                    // Create contiguous lines
                                    Line sideOne  = Line.CreateBound(startBase, startTop);
                                    Line sideTwo  = Line.CreateBound(endTop, endBase);
                                    Line top      = Line.CreateBound(startTop, endTop);
                                    Line baseLine = Line.CreateBound(endBase, startBase);

                                    // Add the curves in order to the CurveLoop list

                                    // Apply new crop shape
                                    // Update document to reflect new crop shape when placing viewports

                                    // Create viewports
                                    Helpers.HelpersView.CreateViewport(doc, sheet, ref viewports, view);

                                // Final viewport translation coordinates
                                sheetDrawingHeight = Helpers.Helpers.MillimetersToFeet(customWindow.SheetDrawingHeight);
                                sheetDrawingWidth  = Helpers.Helpers.MillimetersToFeet(customWindow.SheetDrawingWidth);

                                var viewportDims = Helpers.HelpersView.ViewportDimensions(viewports);
                                var coordinates  = Helpers.HelpersView.ViewportRowsColumns(viewportDims, sheetDrawingWidth, sheetDrawingHeight);

                                for (int i = 0; i < viewports.Count; i++)
                                    ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement(doc, viewports[i].Id, coordinates[i]);

                                // Append room number to success list

                                // Commit transaction

                    #region Display results to user
                    // Display results to user
                    if (roomsSucceeded.Count > 0)
                        string messageSuccess = string.Join("\n", roomsSucceeded.ToArray());
                        TaskDialog.Show("Success", "The following room elevations have been created: " + "\n" + messageSuccess);
                        TaskDialog.Show("Error", "No room elevations have been created");

        private static bool GetCalloutCornerPoints(Document doc, ElementId calloutId, out XYZ firstPoint, out XYZ secondPoint)
            bool result = false;

            firstPoint  = new XYZ(0, 0, 0);
            secondPoint = new XYZ(0, 0, 0);
                double minX = double.MaxValue;
                double minY = double.MaxValue;
                double minZ = double.MaxValue;
                double maxX = double.MinValue;
                double maxY = double.MinValue;
                double maxZ = double.MinValue;

                ViewCropRegionShapeManager cropRegion = View.GetCropRegionShapeManagerForReferenceCallout(doc, calloutId);
#if RELEASE2016 || RELEASE2017
                IList <CurveLoop> curveLoops = cropRegion.GetCropShape();
                foreach (CurveLoop cLoop in curveLoops)
                    foreach (Curve curve in cLoop)
                        XYZ point = curve.GetEndPoint(0);
                        if (point.X < minX)
                            minX = point.X;
                        if (point.Y < minY)
                            minY = point.Y;
                        if (point.Z < minZ)
                            minZ = point.Z;
                        if (point.X > maxX)
                            maxX = point.X;
                        if (point.Y > maxY)
                            maxY = point.Y;
                        if (point.Z > maxZ)
                            maxZ = point.Z;

                if (curveLoops.Count() > 0)
                    firstPoint  = new XYZ(minX, minY, minZ);
                    secondPoint = new XYZ(maxX, maxY, maxZ);
                    result      = true;
                CurveLoop curveLoop = cropRegion.GetCropRegionShape();
                foreach (Curve curve in curveLoop)
                    XYZ point = curve.GetEndPoint(0);
                    if (point.X < minX)
                        minX = point.X;
                    if (point.Y < minY)
                        minY = point.Y;
                    if (point.Z < minZ)
                        minZ = point.Z;
                    if (point.X > maxX)
                        maxX = point.X;
                    if (point.Y > maxY)
                        maxY = point.Y;
                    if (point.Z > maxZ)
                        maxZ = point.Z;

                if (curveLoop.Count() > 0)
                    firstPoint  = new XYZ(minX, minY, minZ);
                    secondPoint = new XYZ(maxX, maxY, maxZ);
                    result      = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                errorMessage.AppendLine("Failed to get corner points of callout.\n" + ex.Message);
                //MessageBox.Show("Failed to get corner points of callout\n" + ex.Message, "Get Corner Points of Callout", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
        public static void AlignViews(Document doc, List <ExportSheet> selectedSheets, ExportSheet selectedSheet)
            var viewPorts = selectedSheet.Sheet.GetAllViewports();

            if (viewPorts.Count != 1)

            /// Save template view crops

            var  firstViewportId         = viewPorts.First();
            var  firstViewport           = doc.GetElement(firstViewportId) as Autodesk.Revit.DB.Viewport;
            var  templateView            = doc.GetElement(firstViewport.ViewId) as Autodesk.Revit.DB.View;
            bool templateViewCropEnabled = templateView.CropBox.Enabled;

            if (!templateViewCropEnabled)
                templateView.CropBox.Enabled = true;
                templateView.CropBox         = templateView.get_BoundingBox(templateView);

            var templateViewOriginalBoxOutline = firstViewport.GetBoxOutline();
            var templateViewOriginalCenter     = firstViewport.GetBoxCenter();
            var templateViewOriginaCrop        = templateView.CropBox;

            var  templateViewScopeBoxParam = templateView.LookupParameter("Scope Box");
            var  templateViewScopeBoxID    = templateViewScopeBoxParam.AsElementId();
            bool templateViewHasScopeBox   = templateViewScopeBoxID != ElementId.InvalidElementId;

            if (!templateViewCropEnabled)
                templateView.CropBox.Enabled = false;

            using (var transaction = new Transaction(doc))
                if (transaction.Start("Align Views") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                    foreach (var sheet in selectedSheets)
                        // Don't align template sheet views
                        if (sheet != selectedSheet)
                            var vps = sheet.Sheet.GetAllViewports();
                            if (vps.Count == 1)
                                var  destViewport           = doc.GetElement(vps.First()) as Autodesk.Revit.DB.Viewport;
                                var  destView               = doc.GetElement(destViewport.ViewId) as Autodesk.Revit.DB.View;
                                var  desteViewScopeBoxParam = destView.LookupParameter("Scope Box");
                                var  destViewScopeBoxID     = desteViewScopeBoxParam.AsElementId();
                                bool destViewHasScopeBox    = destViewScopeBoxID != ElementId.InvalidElementId;
                                var  ob = destViewport.GetBoxOutline();

                                // try to remove the scope box temporarily
                                if (!desteViewScopeBoxParam.IsReadOnly)

                                // set the crop to match the template view
                                bool destViewHasCropShape                      = false;
                                IList <CurveLoop>          oldShape            = null;
                                ViewCropRegionShapeManager destViewCropManager = null;
                                if (destView.ViewType != ViewType.Elevation && destView.ViewType != ViewType.Section)
                                    destViewCropManager  = destView.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                                    destViewHasCropShape = destViewCropManager.ShapeSet;
                                    oldShape             = destViewCropManager.GetCropShape();

                                if (destView.ViewType == ViewType.Elevation || destView.ViewType == ViewType.Section)
                                    var newCrop = new BoundingBoxXYZ();
                                    newCrop.Min              = new XYZ(destView.CropBox.Min.X, destView.CropBox.Min.Y, templateView.CropBox.Min.Z);
                                    newCrop.Max              = new XYZ(destView.CropBox.Max.X, destView.CropBox.Max.Y, templateView.CropBox.Max.Z);
                                    destView.CropBox         = newCrop;
                                    destView.CropBox.Enabled = true;
                                    destView.CropBox         = templateViewOriginaCrop;
                                    destView.CropBox.Enabled = true;

                                // regenerate just in case

                                var destViewportBoxOutline         = destViewport.GetBoxOutline();
                                var destViewportOriginalBoxOutline = destViewport.GetBoxOutline();

                                if (destView.ViewType == ViewType.Elevation || destView.ViewType == ViewType.Section)
                                    var min    = templateViewOriginalBoxOutline.MinimumPoint;
                                    var max    = templateViewOriginalBoxOutline.MaximumPoint;
                                    var newMin = new XYZ(
                                    var newMax = new XYZ(
                                    Outline ol = new Outline(newMin, newMax);
                                    destViewportBoxOutline = ol;
                                    destViewportBoxOutline = templateViewOriginalBoxOutline;

                                if (destView.ViewType == ViewType.Elevation || destView.ViewType == ViewType.Section)
                                    var newCenter = new XYZ(

                                // reset crop and scope
                                if (!desteViewScopeBoxParam.IsReadOnly)

                                if (destView.ViewType != ViewType.Elevation && destView.ViewType != ViewType.Section)
                                    destViewportBoxOutline = destViewportOriginalBoxOutline;
                                    if (destViewHasCropShape)
        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication  uiapp                  = commandData.Application;
            UIDocument     uidoc                  = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
            Application    app                    = uiapp.Application;
            Document       doc                    = uidoc.Document;
            IList <double> wallthicknessList      = new List <double>();
            XYZ            normal                 = new XYZ(0, 0, 1);
            string         previous               = null;
            double         previousWidth          = 0;
            SpatialElementBoundaryOptions seb_opt = new SpatialElementBoundaryOptions();
            FilteredElementCollector      levels  = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(Level));

            using (Transaction tx = new Transaction(doc))
                tx.Start("Create cropped views for each room");
                string date_iso = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                foreach (Level level in levels)
                    ElementId          id_view = level.FindAssociatedPlanViewId();
                    ViewPlan           view    = doc.GetElement(id_view) as ViewPlan;
                    IEnumerable <Room> rooms   = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, id_view).OfClass(typeof(SpatialElement)).Where <Element>(e => e is Room).Cast <Room>();
                    foreach (Room room in rooms)
                        string view_name = string.Format("{0}_cropped_to_room_{1}_date_{2}", view.Name, room.Name, date_iso);
                        id_view = view.Duplicate(ViewDuplicateOption.AsDependent);
                        View view_cropped = doc.GetElement(id_view) as View;
                        view_cropped.Name = view_name;
                        IList <IList <BoundarySegment> > sloops = room.GetBoundarySegments(seb_opt);
                        if (null == sloops)  // the room may not be bound
                        CurveLoop loop = null;
                        foreach (IList <BoundarySegment> sloop in sloops)
                            loop = new CurveLoop();
                            foreach (BoundarySegment s in sloop)
                                ElementType type = doc.GetElement(s.ElementId) as ElementType;
                                Element     elem = doc.GetElement(s.ElementId);
                                //Error when wall width varies across length
                                //if (elem is Wall)
                                //    Wall wall = elem as Wall;
                                //    wallthicknessList.Add(wall.Width*1.1);
                                //    //Room separator
                                //    //Any other exceptions to walls need including??
                                //    wallthicknessList.Add(0);
                                if (elem != null)//The elem == null is due to room separators. Are there going to be any others?
                                    if (firstPass)
                                        if ((BuiltInCategory)elem.Category.Id.IntegerValue == BuiltInCategory.OST_Walls)
                                            Wall wall = elem as Wall;
                                            //Is there a better way of identifying Orientation (predominantly horizontal or Vertical) What if walls at 45 deg?
                                            if (Math.Abs(Math.Round(wall.Orientation.Y, 0)) == 1)
                                                previous = "Y";
                                                previous = "X";
                                            firstPass = false;
                                            wallthicknessList.Add(wall.Width + 0.1);
                                            previousWidth = wall.Width + 0.1;
                                        //Are there any other situations need taking account off?
                                        else if ((BuiltInCategory)elem.Category.Id.IntegerValue == BuiltInCategory.OST_RoomSeparationLines)
                                            //Room separator
                                            Autodesk.Revit.DB.Options         opt      = new Options();
                                            Autodesk.Revit.DB.GeometryElement geomElem = elem.get_Geometry(opt);
                                            foreach (GeometryObject geomObj in geomElem)
                                                Line line = geomObj as Line;
                                                //Is there a better way of identifying Orientation (predominantly horizontal or Vertical) What if walls at 45 deg?
                                                if (0 - line.GetEndPoint(1).X - line.GetEndPoint(0).X > 0 - line.GetEndPoint(1).Y - line.GetEndPoint(0).Y)
                                                    previous = "Y";
                                                    previous = "X";
                                                firstPass = false;
                                                previousWidth = 0.1;
                                        if ((BuiltInCategory)elem.Category.Id.IntegerValue == BuiltInCategory.OST_Walls)
                                            Wall wall = elem as Wall;
                                            if (Math.Abs(Math.Round(wall.Orientation.Y, 0)) == 1 && previous == "Y")
                                                if (wall.Width > previousWidth)
                                                    //This would appear to avoid the Cannot properly trim error
                                                    //How to allow for more than two wall thickness changes within the same length?
                                                    //How to not require this and just offset wall widths?
                                                    wallthicknessList[wallthicknessList.Count - 1] = wall.Width + 0.1;
                                                wallthicknessList.Add(wall.Width + 0.1);
                                                previousWidth = wall.Width + 0.1;
                                                previous      = "Y";
                                            else if (Math.Abs(Math.Round(wall.Orientation.X, 0)) == 1 && previous == "X")
                                                if (wall.Width > previousWidth)
                                                    //This would appear to avoid the Cannot properly trim error
                                                    //How to allow for more than two wall thickness changes within the same length?
                                                    //How to not require this and just offset wall widths?
                                                    wallthicknessList[wallthicknessList.Count - 1] = wall.Width + 0.1;
                                                wallthicknessList.Add(wall.Width + 0.1);
                                                previousWidth = wall.Width + 0.1;
                                                previous      = "X";
                                                if (Math.Abs(Math.Round(wall.Orientation.Y, 0)) == 1)
                                                    previous = "Y";
                                                else if (Math.Abs(Math.Round(wall.Orientation.X, 0)) == 1)
                                                    previous = "X";
                                                wallthicknessList.Add(wall.Width + 0.1);
                                                previousWidth = wall.Width + 0.1;
                                        else if ((BuiltInCategory)elem.Category.Id.IntegerValue == BuiltInCategory.OST_RoomSeparationLines)//Any other situations need taking account of?
                                            //Room separator
                                            Autodesk.Revit.DB.Options         opt      = new Options();
                                            Autodesk.Revit.DB.GeometryElement geomElem = elem.get_Geometry(opt);
                                            foreach (GeometryObject geomObj in geomElem)
                                                Line line = geomObj as Line;
                                                //Is there a better way of identifying Orientation (predominantly horizontal or Vertical) What if walls at 45 deg?
                                                if (0 - line.GetEndPoint(1).X - line.GetEndPoint(0).X > 0 - line.GetEndPoint(1).Y - line.GetEndPoint(0).Y)
                                                    previous = "Y";
                                                    previous = "X";
                                                //Error "cannot trim"
                                                previousWidth = 0.1;
                            // Skip out after first sloop - ignore
                            // rooms with holes and disjunct parts

                        CurveLoop loop2   = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(loop, wallthicknessList, normal);
                        CurveLoop newloop = new CurveLoop();
                        foreach (Curve curve in loop2)
                            List <XYZ> points = curve.Tessellate().ToList();
                            for (int ip = 0; ip < points.Count - 1; ip++)
                                Line l = Line.CreateBound(points[ip], points[ip + 1]);
                        ViewCropRegionShapeManager vcrs_mgr = view_cropped.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                        bool valid = vcrs_mgr.IsCropRegionShapeValid(newloop);
                        if (valid)
                            view_cropped.CropBoxVisible = true;
                            view_cropped.CropBoxActive  = true;
        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication  uiapp                  = commandData.Application;
            UIDocument     uidoc                  = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
            Application    app                    = uiapp.Application;
            Document       doc                    = uidoc.Document;
            IList <double> wallthicknessList      = new List <double>();
            XYZ            normal                 = new XYZ(0, 0, 1);
            SpatialElementBoundaryOptions seb_opt = new SpatialElementBoundaryOptions();
            FilteredElementCollector      levels  = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(Level));

            using (Transaction tx = new Transaction(doc))
                tx.Start("Create cropped views for each room");
                string date_iso = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                foreach (Level level in levels)
                    ElementId          id_view = level.FindAssociatedPlanViewId();
                    ViewPlan           view    = doc.GetElement(id_view) as ViewPlan;
                    IEnumerable <Room> rooms   = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, id_view).OfClass(typeof(SpatialElement)).Where <Element>(e => e is Room).Cast <Room>();
                    foreach (Room room in rooms)
                        string view_name = string.Format("{0}_cropped_to_room_{1}_date_{2}", view.Name, room.Name, date_iso);
                        id_view = view.Duplicate(ViewDuplicateOption.AsDependent);
                        View view_cropped = doc.GetElement(id_view) as View;
                        view_cropped.Name = view_name;
                        IList <IList <BoundarySegment> > sloops = room.GetBoundarySegments(seb_opt);
                        if (null == sloops) // the room may not be bound
                        CurveLoop loop = null;
                        foreach (IList <BoundarySegment> sloop in sloops)
                            loop = new CurveLoop();
                            foreach (BoundarySegment s in sloop)
                                ElementType type = doc.GetElement(s.ElementId) as ElementType;
                                Element     elem = doc.GetElement(s.ElementId);
                                if (elem is Wall)
                                    Wall wall = elem as Wall;
                                    //Room separator
                                    //Any other exceptions to walls need including??
                            // Skip out after first sloop - ignore
                            // rooms with holes and disjunct parts

                        CurveLoop loop2   = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(loop, wallthicknessList, normal);
                        CurveLoop newloop = new CurveLoop();
                        foreach (Curve curve in loop2)
                            List <XYZ> points = curve.Tessellate().ToList();
                            for (int ip = 0; ip < points.Count - 1; ip++)
                                Line l = Line.CreateBound(points[ip], points[ip + 1]);
                        ViewCropRegionShapeManager vcrs_mgr = view_cropped.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                        bool valid = vcrs_mgr.IsCropRegionShapeValid(newloop);
                        if (valid)
                            view_cropped.CropBoxVisible = true;
                            view_cropped.CropBoxActive  = true;
        public ViewsCEPRRequest(UIApplication uiApp, String text)
            MainUI     uiForm = BARevitTools.Application.thisApp.newMainUi;
            UIDocument uidoc  = uiApp.ActiveUIDocument;

            //Collect the ViewTypes in the project
            FilteredElementCollector viewTypesCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(uidoc.Document);
            ICollection <Element>    viewTypes          = viewTypesCollector.OfClass(typeof(ViewFamilyType)).ToElements();
            ElementId viewTypeId = null;

            //Cycle through the ViewType elements to find the one with a type name equal to the one selected in the MainUI's combobox
            foreach (ViewFamilyType viewType in viewTypes)
                if (viewType.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ALL_MODEL_TYPE_NAME).AsString() == uiForm.viewsCEPRElevationComboBox.Text)
                    viewTypeId = viewType.Id;

            //If the ViewType was found, and the active view is a plan view, continue
            if (viewTypeId != null && uidoc.ActiveView.GetType().ToString() == "Autodesk.Revit.DB.ViewPlan")
                //Invoke a room selection
                List <Room> selectedRoomElements = RVTOperations.SelectRoomElements(uiApp);

                //If the user selected rooms, continue
                if (selectedRoomElements != null)
                        //Cycle through each selected room
                        foreach (Room room in selectedRoomElements)
                            //First, get the room number for use in generating the elevation view names
                            string roomNumber = room.Number;
                            string roomName   = room.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ROOM_NAME).AsString().ToUpper();
                            //Get the geometry of the room
                            Options geomOptions = new Options();
                            geomOptions.IncludeNonVisibleObjects = true;
                            GeometryElement geomElements = room.get_Geometry(geomOptions);
                            //Get the location point of the room as a point for where to place the elevation marker
                            LocationPoint roomLocation = room.Location as LocationPoint;
                            XYZ           point        = roomLocation.Point;

                            //Start a transaction
                            Transaction t1 = new Transaction(uidoc.Document, "Create Elevations Per Room");
                                //Make a new ElevationMarker that uses the ViewType earlier, the location point of the room, and has a view scale of 1/8"
                                ElevationMarker newMarker = ElevationMarker.CreateElevationMarker(uidoc.Document, viewTypeId, point, 96);
                                //Start making views going around the elevation marker where the indexes start on the west side and go clockwise
                                ViewSection view0 = newMarker.CreateElevation(uidoc.Document, uidoc.ActiveView.Id, 0);
                                //Set the view name equal to the room number + room name + plus orientation
                                view0.Name          = roomNumber + " " + roomName + " WEST";
                                view0.CropBoxActive = true;
                                //Repeat for the other view directions at their appropriate index
                                ViewSection view1 = newMarker.CreateElevation(uidoc.Document, uidoc.ActiveView.Id, 1);
                                view1.Name          = roomNumber + " " + roomName + " NORTH";
                                view1.CropBoxActive = true;
                                ViewSection view2 = newMarker.CreateElevation(uidoc.Document, uidoc.ActiveView.Id, 2);
                                view2.Name          = roomNumber + " " + roomName + " EAST";
                                view2.CropBoxActive = true;
                                ViewSection view3 = newMarker.CreateElevation(uidoc.Document, uidoc.ActiveView.Id, 3);
                                view3.Name          = roomNumber + " " + roomName + " SOUTH";
                                view3.CropBoxActive = true;

                                //Make a Solid object for assignment
                                Solid roomSolid = null;
                                //The following section is dedicated to cropping the elevation views to the cross-section of the room geometry
                                if (uiForm.viewsCEPRCropCheckBox.Checked == true)
                                    //Cycle through the geometry elements associated with the room geometry until the solid is found
                                    foreach (GeometryObject geom in geomElements)
                                        if (geom.GetType().ToString() == "Autodesk.Revit.DB.Solid")
                                            roomSolid = geom as Solid;

                                    //Generate 4 planes at the room point that will correspond to each elevation view's cross section of the room geometry
                                    // Each plane's normal vector is in the direction their view is facing
                                    Plane westPlane  = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(new XYZ(-1, 0, 0), point); //-X vector for West
                                    Plane northPlane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(new XYZ(0, 1, 0), point);  //+Y vector for North
                                    Plane eastPlane  = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(new XYZ(1, 0, 0), point);  //+X vector for East
                                    Plane southPlane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(new XYZ(0, -1, 0), point); //-Y vector for South

                                    //Use the room section's perimeter as the crop boundary if the first index of the MainUI combobox is selected
                                    if (uiForm.viewsCEPRCropMethodComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0)
                                            //Generate some CurveLoop lists for use later
                                            IList <CurveLoop> westCurveLoopsFitted  = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> northCurveLoopsFitted = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> southCurveLoopsFitted = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> eastCurveLoopsFitted  = null;

                                            //Slice the room solid with the westPlane object made earlier. This will result in a solid boolean result to the west of the plane because the positive side of the plane faces west
                                            Solid westBooleanSolid = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolid, westPlane);
                                            //Grab the faces of the solid that resulted from the boolean
                                            FaceArray westBoolSolidFaces = westBooleanSolid.Faces;
                                            //Cycle through each face and get the normal vector
                                            foreach (PlanarFace westFace in westBoolSolidFaces)
                                                //For the west elevation face to use as the crop boundary, we need the face that has a vector going east, or the +X vector
                                                XYZ westFaceNormal = westFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (westFaceNormal.X == 1)
                                                    //Get the edges as a CurveLoops once the face is found, then jump out of the loop thorugh the faces
                                                    westCurveLoopsFitted = westFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the north elevation
                                            Solid     northBooleanSolid   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolid, northPlane);
                                            FaceArray northBoolSolidFaces = northBooleanSolid.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace northFace in northBoolSolidFaces)
                                                XYZ northFaceNormal = northFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (northFaceNormal.Y == -1)
                                                    northCurveLoopsFitted = northFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the east elevation
                                            Solid     eastBooleanSolid   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolid, eastPlane);
                                            FaceArray eastBoolSolidFaces = eastBooleanSolid.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace eastFace in eastBoolSolidFaces)
                                                XYZ eastFaceNormal = eastFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (eastFaceNormal.X == -1)
                                                    eastCurveLoopsFitted = eastFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the south elevation
                                            Solid     southBooleanSolid   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolid, southPlane);
                                            FaceArray southBoolSolidFaces = southBooleanSolid.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace southFace in southBoolSolidFaces)
                                                XYZ southFaceNormal = southFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (southFaceNormal.Y == 1)
                                                    southCurveLoopsFitted = southFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //To get the CurveLoop fitted 0.5" offset to the boundary of the face retrieved, create a CurveLoop via an offset
                                            //Now, the original curve loop was drawn on a plane with a +X axis vector normal, so the offset must be made in the positive X axis plane as well
                                            CurveLoop offsetWestCurveLoopFitted = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(westCurveLoopsFitted[0], (0.5d / 12), XYZ.BasisX);
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager westCropRegionShapeManager = view0.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            //Repeat for the north CurveLoop
                                            //Note that because the plane has a -Y vector, the offset needs to be negative too
                                            CurveLoop offsetNorthCurveLoopFitted = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(northCurveLoopsFitted[0], -(0.5d / 12), XYZ.BasisY);;
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager northCropRegionShapeManager = view1.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            //Repeat for the east CurveLoop
                                            CurveLoop offsetEastCurveLoopFitted = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(eastCurveLoopsFitted[0], -(0.5d / 12), XYZ.BasisX);;
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager eastCropRegionShapeManager = view2.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            //Repeat for the south CurveLoop
                                            CurveLoop offsetSouthCurveLoopFitted = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(southCurveLoopsFitted[0], (0.5d / 12), XYZ.BasisY);;
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager southCropRegionShapeManager = view3.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                                        catch (Exception e)

                                    //Use the room section's rectangular extents as the crop boundary if the second index was selected for the MainUI combobox
                                    if (uiForm.viewsCEPRCropMethodComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1)
                                            //Create some CurveLoop lists to use later
                                            IList <CurveLoop> westCurveLoopsRectangular  = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> northCurveLoopsRectangular = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> southCurveLoopsRectangular = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> eastCurveLoopsRectangular  = null;

                                            //To get a rectangular cross section of a non-rectangular room cross section, we need to generate a bounding box for the room, then make a solid from the bounding box
                                            //Get the bounding box of the room
                                            BoundingBoxXYZ roomBBox = roomSolid.GetBoundingBox();
                                            //Use the minimum and maximum points of the bounding box to get the 4 points along the bottom of the bounding box
                                            XYZ pt0 = new XYZ(roomBBox.Min.X, roomBBox.Min.Y, roomBBox.Min.Z);
                                            XYZ pt1 = new XYZ(roomBBox.Max.X, roomBBox.Min.Y, roomBBox.Min.Z);
                                            XYZ pt2 = new XYZ(roomBBox.Max.X, roomBBox.Max.Y, roomBBox.Min.Z);
                                            XYZ pt3 = new XYZ(roomBBox.Min.X, roomBBox.Max.Y, roomBBox.Min.Z);
                                            //Generate perimeter lines for the bottom of the bounding box points
                                            Line edge0 = Line.CreateBound(pt0, pt1);
                                            Line edge1 = Line.CreateBound(pt1, pt2);
                                            Line edge2 = Line.CreateBound(pt2, pt3);
                                            Line edge3 = Line.CreateBound(pt3, pt0);
                                            //Make a list of curves out of the edges
                                            List <Curve> edges = new List <Curve>();
                                            //Use the curves to make a CurveLoop list
                                            List <CurveLoop> loops = new List <CurveLoop>();
                                            //Generate a solid from an extrusion that uses the CurveLoops extruded upward a height equal to the the height of the bounding box
                                            Solid initialSolidBBox = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateExtrusionGeometry(loops, XYZ.BasisZ, (roomBBox.Max.Z - roomBBox.Min.Z));
                                            //Create a transformed solid box from the previously created box moved to where the room bounding box is located
                                            Solid roomSolidBBox = SolidUtils.CreateTransformed(initialSolidBBox, roomBBox.Transform);

                                            //Cut the solid box with the west plane created earlier and get the faces
                                            Solid     westBooleanSolidBBox   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolidBBox, westPlane);
                                            FaceArray westBoolSolidFacesBBox = westBooleanSolidBBox.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace westFace in westBoolSolidFacesBBox)
                                                //As with the earlier code for a fitted crop, get the face with a positive X normal
                                                XYZ westFaceNormal = westFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (westFaceNormal.X == 1)
                                                    //Obtain the edges of the face
                                                    westCurveLoopsRectangular = westFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the north face
                                            Solid     northBooleanSolidBBox   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolidBBox, northPlane);
                                            FaceArray northBoolSolidFacesBBox = northBooleanSolidBBox.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace northFace in northBoolSolidFacesBBox)
                                                XYZ northFaceNormal = northFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (northFaceNormal.Y == -1)
                                                    northCurveLoopsRectangular = northFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the east face
                                            Solid     eastBooleanSolidBBox   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolidBBox, eastPlane);
                                            FaceArray eastBoolSolidFacesBBox = eastBooleanSolidBBox.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace eastFace in eastBoolSolidFacesBBox)
                                                XYZ eastFaceNormal = eastFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (eastFaceNormal.X == -1)
                                                    eastCurveLoopsRectangular = eastFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the south face
                                            Solid     southBooleanSolidBBox   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolidBBox, southPlane);
                                            FaceArray southBoolSolidFacesBBox = southBooleanSolidBBox.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace southFace in southBoolSolidFacesBBox)
                                                XYZ southFaceNormal = southFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (southFaceNormal.Y == 1)
                                                    southCurveLoopsRectangular = southFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //As before, get the offset curve from the original curve, but offset by 1'
                                            CurveLoop offsetWestCurveLoopRectangular = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(westCurveLoopsRectangular[0], 1, XYZ.BasisX);
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager westCropRegionShapeManager = view0.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            //As with the fitted offset curve, the offset for a curve in a plane with a negative vector must also be negative
                                            CurveLoop offsetNorthCurveLoopRectangular = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(northCurveLoopsRectangular[0], -1, XYZ.BasisY);
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager northCropRegionShapeManager = view1.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            CurveLoop offsetEastCurveLoopRectangular = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(eastCurveLoopsRectangular[0], -1, XYZ.BasisX);
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager eastCropRegionShapeManager = view2.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            CurveLoop offsetSouthCurveLoopRectangular = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(southCurveLoopsRectangular[0], 1, XYZ.BasisY);
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager southCropRegionShapeManager = view3.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                                        catch (Exception e)

                                    //If the user opted to override the crop boundary of the elevations, continue as follows
                                    if (uiForm.viewsCEPROverrideCheckBox.Checked == true)
                                        //Make a new OverrideGraphicsSetting to use in the boundary override
                                        OverrideGraphicSettings orgs = new OverrideGraphicSettings();
                                        //Use the solid line pattern
                                        //Set the line weight to the properties value

                                        //Grab all of the viewers, which are the viewport windows, and cycle through them
                                        var viewers = new FilteredElementCollector(uidoc.Document).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Viewers);
                                        foreach (Element viewer in viewers)
                                            //Get the parameters for the viewer
                                            ParameterSet parameters = viewer.Parameters;
                                            foreach (Parameter parameter in parameters)
                                                //Get the View Name parameter
                                                if (parameter.Definition.Name.ToString() == "View Name")
                                                    string viewName = parameter.AsString();
                                                    //If the view's view name is the same as the west elvation, continue
                                                    if (viewName == view0.Name)
                                                        //Set the view's override setting using the viewer and the OverrideGraphicsSettings
                                                        Autodesk.Revit.DB.View viewtouse = view0 as Autodesk.Revit.DB.View;
                                                        viewtouse.SetElementOverrides(viewer.Id, orgs);
                                                    //Continue to evaluate for the other view names
                                                    else if (viewName == view1.Name)
                                                        Autodesk.Revit.DB.View viewtouse = view1 as Autodesk.Revit.DB.View;
                                                        viewtouse.SetElementOverrides(viewer.Id, orgs);
                                                    else if (viewName == view2.Name)
                                                        Autodesk.Revit.DB.View viewtouse = view2 as Autodesk.Revit.DB.View;
                                                        viewtouse.SetElementOverrides(viewer.Id, orgs);
                                                    else if (viewName == view3.Name)
                                                        Autodesk.Revit.DB.View viewtouse = view3 as Autodesk.Revit.DB.View;
                                                        viewtouse.SetElementOverrides(viewer.Id, orgs);
                                                        //If the view's name is not one of the create elevation views, skip it
                            catch (Exception e)
                        //If the user did not select any room tags or room elements, then report that
                        MessageBox.Show("No rooms were selected");
            else if (uidoc.ActiveView.GetType().ToString() != "Autodesk.Revit.DB.ViewPlan")
                //If the user tried to run this outside a plan view, report it
                MessageBox.Show("Please run from a plan view");
                //If the user did not select an elevation type, report it
                MessageBox.Show("No elevation type selected");
 public ViewCropRegionShapeManagerGetSplitRegionOffsets(string label, ViewCropRegionShapeManager viewCropRegionShapeManager) : base(label)
     _viewCropRegionShapeManager = viewCropRegionShapeManager;
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
            UIDocument    uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
            Application   app   = uiapp.Application;
            Document      doc   = uidoc.Document;

            SpatialElementBoundaryOptions seb_opt
                = new SpatialElementBoundaryOptions();

            FilteredElementCollector levels
                = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)

            using (Transaction tx = new Transaction(doc))
                tx.Start("Create cropped views for each room");

                string date_iso = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                foreach (Level level in levels)

                    ElementId id_view = level.FindAssociatedPlanViewId();
                    ViewPlan  view    = doc.GetElement(id_view) as ViewPlan;

                    IEnumerable <Room> rooms
                        = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, id_view)
                          .Where <Element>(e => e is Room)
                          .Cast <Room>();

                    foreach (Room room in rooms)
                        string view_name = string.Format(
                            view.Name, room.Name, date_iso);

                        id_view = view.Duplicate(

                        View view_cropped = doc.GetElement(id_view)
                                            as View;

                        view_cropped.Name = view_name;

                        IList <IList <BoundarySegment> > sloops
                            = room.GetBoundarySegments(seb_opt);

                        if (null == sloops) // the room may not be bound

                        CurveLoop loop = null;

                        foreach (IList <BoundarySegment> sloop in sloops)
                            loop = new CurveLoop();

                            foreach (BoundarySegment s in sloop)

                            // Skip out after first sloop - ignore
                            // rooms with holes and disjunct parts


                        ViewCropRegionShapeManager vcrs_mgr
                            = view_cropped.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                        bool valid = vcrs_mgr

                        //loop = cre
                        if (valid)
                            view_cropped.CropBoxVisible = true;
                            view_cropped.CropBoxActive  = true;

        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            //Goal: convert the Viewport centre coordinates on a Sheet to Project Base Point (and then Survey Point) coordinates.
            //Solution: Find the Viewport's view centre point which is in PBP coordinates.
            //Problem: the Vieport centre does not always match the View centre. Annotations, Matchlines and Grids can affect the extent of the viewport.
            //Solution: hide all these categories and find the Viewport centre that matches the View centre. Then find the View centre point in PBP coordinates and translate it
            //by the vector from Viewport original centre and the centre of the Viewport with the categories hidden.

            UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
            UIDocument    uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
            Application   app   = uiapp.Application;
            Document      doc   = uidoc.Document;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine($"Sheet Number,View Centre WCS-X,View Centre WCS-Y,View Centre WCS-Z,Angle to North,Viewport Centre-X,Viewport Centre-Y,Viewport Centre-Z,Viewport Width,Viewport Height,Xref name,Group");

            string outputFile = "summary.csv";

            ProjectLocation pl           = doc.ActiveProjectLocation;
            Transform       ttr          = pl.GetTotalTransform().Inverse;
            ProjectPosition projPosition = doc.ActiveProjectLocation.GetProjectPosition(new XYZ(0, 0, 0)); //rotation

            IEnumerable <ViewSheet> allSheets = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Sheets)
                                                .WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements().Cast <ViewSheet>();

            IList <string> dWGExportOptions = DWGExportOptions.GetPredefinedSetupNames(doc);

            //List<ViewScheduleOption> viewScheduleOptions = Helpers.GetViewScheduleOptions(doc);

            //find all the sheet list
            List <ViewSchedule> viewSchedule = Helpers.SheetList(doc);

            int counter = 0;

                using (var form = new Form1())
                    form.CboxExportSettingsDataSource = dWGExportOptions;
                    //set the form sheets
                    form.CboxSheetDataSource = viewSchedule;
                    //set the form title
                    form.Text = "Mx CADD Export Xrefs";

                    //use ShowDialog to show the form as a modal dialog box.

                    //if the user hits cancel just drop out of macro
                    if (form.DialogResult == winForm.DialogResult.Cancel)

                    string destinationFolder = form.TBoxDestinationFolder;

                    //string[] sheetNumbers = form.tboxSelectedSheets.Split(' ');
                    //selected Sheet List
                    ViewSchedule selectedSheetList = form.selectedViewSchedule;

                    //Sheets in selected sheet list
                    var selectedSheets = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, selectedSheetList.Id).OfClass(typeof(ViewSheet)).ToElements().Cast <ViewSheet>();

                    string exportSettings = form.TBoxExportSettings;

                    int    n       = selectedSheets.Count();
                    string s       = "{0} of " + n.ToString() + " plans exported...";
                    string caption = "Export xrefs";

                    string sheetWithoutArchOrEngViewports = "";

                    var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

                    using (ProgressForm pf = new ProgressForm(caption, s, n))
                        foreach (ViewSheet vs in selectedSheets)
                            if (pf.abortFlag)

                                //Collect all the viewports on the sheet
                                ICollection <ElementId> viewportIds = vs.GetAllViewports();

                                //Collect all views on the sheet
                                ISet <ElementId> placedViewsIds = vs.GetAllPlacedViews();

                                //Filter the views that are plans (Floor,Ceiling,Engineering or Area) and exclude Keyplans. I need the
                                //viewport associate with the view so I cannot reuse this filter
                                List <View> planViews = Helpers.FilterPlanViewport(doc, placedViewsIds);

                                //Collect the viewports that shows a Floor Plan (Architecture) or Structural Plan (Engineering).
                                Dictionary <Viewport, View> viewportViewDict = new Dictionary <Viewport, View>();

                                //if the sheet does not contain FloorPlan, EngineeringPlan or CeilingPlan, do not export it
                                int hasArchOrStrViewports = 0;

                                foreach (ElementId eid in viewportIds)
                                    Viewport vport    = doc.GetElement(eid) as Viewport;
                                    View     planView = doc.GetElement(vport.ViewId) as View;

                                    //Filter the views that are plans (Floor,Ceiling,Engineering or Area)
                                    if (planView.ViewType == ViewType.FloorPlan || planView.ViewType == ViewType.EngineeringPlan || planView.ViewType == ViewType.CeilingPlan || planView.ViewType == ViewType.AreaPlan)
                                        //if planview is not a keyplan do not export it
                                        if (Helpers.IsNotKeyplan(planView))
                                            viewportViewDict.Add(vport, planView);
                                            hasArchOrStrViewports += 1;

                                if (hasArchOrStrViewports != 0)
                                    //if the parameter does not exists use the SheetNumber
                                    string CAADparameter = vs.LookupParameter("CADD File Name").AsString() ?? vs.SheetNumber;

                                    //remove white spaces from the name
                                    string fileName = Helpers.RemoveWhitespace(CAADparameter);

                                    foreach (Viewport vp in viewportViewDict.Keys)
                                        View vpPlan = viewportViewDict[vp];
                                        //Get the current Viewport Centre for Autocad Viewport
                                        XYZ unchangedVPcenter = vp.GetBoxCenter();
                                        //Set its Z value to 0
                                        XYZ flattenVPcenter = new XYZ(unchangedVPcenter.X, unchangedVPcenter.Y, 0);
                                        //The current Viewport Centre does not match the view center. Hide all the elements in the view and set the annotation crop to the minimum (3mm). Now the
                                        //Viewport centre will match the View centre. We can then use the unchangedCenter to changedCenter vector to move the view centerpoint to the original
                                        //viewport centre.

                                        //Instead of hiding categories, we can isolate an empty one. Check that this category (OST_Loads) exists in the model or it will throw an error
                                        ICollection <ElementId> categoryToIsolate = new List <ElementId>();
                                        Categories groups = doc.Settings.Categories;

                                        //This is the new Viewport centre, aligned with the View centre
                                        XYZ changedVPcenter = null;

                                        // This is the View centre
                                        XYZ centroid = null;

                                        double scale = 304.8;

                                        using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc, "Hide categories"))


                                            //Use the annotation crop region to find the view centroid
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager vcr = vpPlan.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                                            //Set the annotation offset to the minimum (3mm)
                                            vcr.BottomAnnotationCropOffset = 3 / scale;
                                            vcr.TopAnnotationCropOffset    = 3 / scale;
                                            vcr.LeftAnnotationCropOffset   = 3 / scale;
                                            vcr.RightAnnotationCropOffset  = 3 / scale;
                                            //Get the Viewport Center. This will match the View centroid
                                            changedVPcenter = vp.GetBoxCenter();

                                            //Find the view centroid using the annotation crop shape (it should always be a rectangle, while the cropbox shape can be a polygon).
                                            CurveLoop  cloop = vcr.GetAnnotationCropShape();
                                            List <XYZ> pts   = new List <XYZ>();

                                            foreach (Curve crv in cloop)

                                            //View centroid with elements hidden
                                            centroid = Helpers.GetCentroid(pts, pts.Count);


                                        //Set ChangedVP center Z value to 0
                                        XYZ flattenChangedVPcenter = new XYZ(changedVPcenter.X, changedVPcenter.Y, 0);

                                        //This is the vector from the Viewport original centre to Viewport centre with all the elements hidden and the cropbox set to 3mm evenly
                                        XYZ viewPointsVector = (flattenVPcenter - flattenChangedVPcenter) * vpPlan.Scale;

                                        //View center adjusted to Viewport original centre (the one to be used in Autocad)
                                        XYZ translatedCentroid = centroid + viewPointsVector;

                                        //View center per Survey Point coordinates
                                        XYZ viewCentreWCS = ttr.OfPoint(translatedCentroid);

                                        XYZ viewCentreWCSZ = new XYZ(viewCentreWCS.X, viewCentreWCS.Y, vpPlan.get_BoundingBox(vpPlan).Transform.Origin.Z);

                                        //Viewport outline width and height to be used to update the autocad viewport
                                        XYZ maxPt  = vp.GetBoxOutline().MaximumPoint;
                                        XYZ minPt  = vp.GetBoxOutline().MinimumPoint;
                                        int width  = Convert.ToInt32((maxPt.X - minPt.X) * 304.8);
                                        int height = Convert.ToInt32((maxPt.Y - minPt.Y) * 304.8);

                                        //string xrefName = $"{vs.SheetNumber}-{vp.Id}-xref";

                                        //Set the file name to CAAD parameter
                                        string xrefName = $"{fileName}-{vp.Id}-xref";

                                        if (!Helpers.ExportDWG(doc, vpPlan, exportSettings, xrefName, destinationFolder))
                                            TaskDialog.Show("Error", "Check that the destination folder exists");
                                            counter += 1;

                                        //Check if views are overlapping. If they are, xref should not be bind
                                        string group = "";

                                        // TBC dictionary values are working. Seems to work more accurately than planViews. TBC2 they seem to
                                        // give the same output
                                        //if (Helpers.CheckSingleViewOverlaps(doc, vpPlan, planViews))
                                        if (Helpers.CheckSingleViewOverlaps(doc, vpPlan, viewportViewDict.Values.ToList()))
                                            group = "xref";
                                            group = "bind";

                                        sb.AppendLine($"{ fileName}," +
                                                      $"{ Helpers.PointToString(viewCentreWCSZ)}," +
                                                      $"{projPosition.Angle * 180 / Math.PI}," +
                                                      $"{Helpers.PointToString(flattenVPcenter)}," +
                                                      $"{width.ToString()},{height.ToString()}," +
                                                      $"{xrefName}," +
                                    } //close foreach
                                }     //close if sheet has viewports to export
                                    sheetWithoutArchOrEngViewports += $"{vs.SheetNumber}\n";

                            catch (Exception ex)
                                sheetWithoutArchOrEngViewports += $"{vs.SheetNumber}: {ex.Message}\n";
                                //TaskDialog.Show("r", vs.SheetNumber);
                        File.WriteAllText($"{destinationFolder}\\{outputFile}", sb.ToString());
                    }//close form
                    var elapsedMinutes = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000 / 60;

                    TaskDialog.Show("Done", $"{counter} plans have been exported and the csv has been created in {elapsedMinutes} min.\nNot exported:\n{sheetWithoutArchOrEngViewports}");
                }//close form
            catch (Exception ex)
                TaskDialog.Show("Error", ex.Message);
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
            UIDocument    uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
            Application   app   = uiapp.Application;
            Document      doc   = uidoc.Document;

            ICollection <ElementId> selectedElementsId = uidoc.Selection.GetElementIds();

            List <View> selectedViews = new List <View>();

            foreach (ElementId eid in selectedElementsId)
                View current = doc.GetElement(eid) as View;

            int    count = 0;
            string error = "";

            var form = new Forms.FormPickFromDropDown();

            using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc, "Resize viewport"))
                if (selectedViews.Count > 1)
                    form.ViewSectionList = new ObservableCollection <View>(selectedViews.OrderBy(x => x.Name));

                    TaskDialog.Show("Error", "Please select some Section Views first.");

                if (form.DialogResult == false)

                View sourceView = form.SelectedViewSection;

                BoundingBoxXYZ sourceViewBB = sourceView.CropBox;

                ViewCropRegionShapeManager vcrSource = sourceView.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                CurveLoop sourceLoop = vcrSource.GetCropShape()[0];

                foreach (ElementId eid in selectedElementsId)
                    View destinationView = doc.GetElement(eid) as View;
                        //The origin of the cropbox (from Transform) is not the same for different Sections. Use CropRegionShapeManager instead

                        //destinationView.CropBox.Transform.Origin = sourceViewBB.Transform.Origin;
                        //destinationView.CropBox = sourceViewBB;
                        ViewCropRegionShapeManager destinationVcr = destinationView.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                        //if the crop is rectangular
                        if (sourceLoop.Count() == 4)
                            destinationVcr.RemoveCropRegionShape();                             //Reset Crop after it has been set
                        error += $"Error processing view: {destinationView.Name}\n";


            TaskDialog.Show("Result", $"{count}/{selectedElementsId.Count} viewport updated. \n{error}");

        /// <summary>
        /// 在房间X的中心创建四个方向的立面
        /// Create four Elevations on the center of the "X" of the selRoom
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elevationOffset"></param>
        /// <param name="FloorThickness"></param>
        public void CreateElevations(double elevationOffset, double FloorThickness)
            int i = 0;//循环用

            //获取立面的familytype     Get the familyType of Elevation
            FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(DocSet.doc);


            var viewFamilyTypes = from elem in collector
                                  let type = elem as ViewFamilyType
                                             where type.ViewFamily == ViewFamily.Elevation
                                             select type;

            ElementId viewTypeId;

            if (viewFamilyTypes.Count() > 0)
                viewTypeId = viewFamilyTypes.First().Id;

            using (Transaction tran = new Transaction(DocSet.doc))
                LocationPoint pt = DocSet.selRoom.Location as LocationPoint;

                ElevationMarker marker = ElevationMarker.CreateElevationMarker(DocSet.doc, viewTypeId, pt.Point, 50);
                for (; i < 4; i++)
                    ViewSection sv = marker.CreateElevation(DocSet.doc, DocSet.doc.ActiveView.Id, i);

                    //设定立面的 远剪裁偏移

                    XYZ    normal        = null;//法向量
                    string elevationName = "ELE -";
                    switch (i)
                    case 0:
                        elevationName += " West " + _SoANumber;
                        normal         = new XYZ(-1, 0, 0);
                        sv.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEW_DESCRIPTION).Set("ELEVATION WEST");

                    case 1:
                        elevationName += " North" + _SoANumber;
                        normal         = new XYZ(0, 1, 0);
                        sv.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEW_DESCRIPTION).Set("ELEVATION NORTH");

                    case 2:
                        elevationName += " East" + _SoANumber;
                        normal         = new XYZ(1, 0, 0);
                        sv.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEW_DESCRIPTION).Set("ELEVATION EAST");

                    case 3:
                        elevationName += " South" + _SoANumber;
                        normal         = new XYZ(0, -1, 0);
                        sv.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEW_DESCRIPTION).Set("ELEVATION SOUTH");
                    sv.ViewName = elevationName;

                    //不能删 必须先保存修改才能获取上面的元素
                    tran.Start("change elevation crop shape");

                    if (cbSpRoom.IsChecked == true)
                        if (i == 1 || i == 2)
                            normal = -normal;
                        spRoomElevationChange(sv, elevationOffset, normal, FloorThickness);
                        XYZ pt1 = null;
                        XYZ pt2 = null;
                        XYZ pt3 = null;
                        XYZ pt4 = null;
                        sv.CropBoxActive = true;
                        ViewCropRegionShapeManager vcrShanpMgr = sv.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                        CurveLoop         loop     = vcrShanpMgr.GetCropShape().First();
                        CurveLoopIterator iterator = loop.GetCurveLoopIterator();

                        while (iterator.MoveNext())
                            Curve curve = iterator.Current;
                            XYZ   pt0   = curve.GetEndPoint(0);
                            if (-1 < pt0.Z - pt.Point.Z && pt0.Z - pt.Point.Z < 1)
                                if (pt1 == null)
                                    pt1 = pt0;
                                    pt2 = pt0;

                                if (pt3 == null)
                                    pt3 = pt0;
                                    pt4 = pt0;

                        //TaskDialog.Show("1", pt1.ToString() + "\n" + pt2.ToString() + "\n" + pt3.ToString() + "\n" + pt4.ToString());
                        pt1 = new XYZ(pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt1.Z + FloorThickness / 300);
                        pt2 = new XYZ(pt2.X, pt2.Y, pt1.Z);

                        Line lineBottom = Line.CreateBound(pt1, pt2);
                        Line lineRight  = Line.CreateBound(pt2, pt4);
                        Line lineTop    = Line.CreateBound(pt4, pt3);
                        Line lineLeft   = Line.CreateBound(pt3, pt1);

                        CurveLoop profile = new CurveLoop();

                        profile = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(profile, elevationOffset / 300, -normal);
