private static void ResetView(UIDocument uiDocument, View3D view) { using var trans = new Transaction(uiDocument.Document); if (trans.Start($"Reset view '{view.Name}'") != TransactionStatus.Started) { return; } Log.Information("Removing current selection ..."); uiDocument.Selection.SetElementIds(new List <ElementId>()); view.DisableTemporaryViewMode(TemporaryViewMode.TemporaryHideIsolate); view.DisableTemporaryViewMode(TemporaryViewMode.RevealHiddenElements); view.IsSectionBoxActive = false; var currentlyHiddenElements = uiDocument.Document.GetHiddenElementsOfView(view).ToList(); if (currentlyHiddenElements.Any()) { Log.Information("Unhide {n} currently hidden elements ...", currentlyHiddenElements.Count); view.UnhideElements(currentlyHiddenElements); } trans.Commit(); }
public static void IntegrateEnergyResults(UIDocument uidoc, Document doc, IDFFile.Building Bui, string massName, Dictionary <string, double[]> resultsDF, Dictionary <string, Element> masses) { Bui.AssociateProbabilisticEnergyPlusResults(resultsDF); View3D v1 = (new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(View3D)).Cast <View3D>()).First(v => v.Name.Contains("Op - " + massName)); using (Transaction tx = new Transaction(doc, "Simplified EP")) { uidoc.ActiveView = v1; tx.Start(); View3D v2 = View3D.CreateIsometric(doc, v1.GetTypeId()); v2.Name = "SimplifiedEP-" + massName; IEnumerable <Element> allElements = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).WhereElementIsNotElementType().OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Mass); allElements = allElements.Concat(new FilteredElementCollector(doc).WherePasses(new ElementClassFilter(typeof(CurveElement)))); v2.HideElements(allElements.Select(e => e.Id).ToList()); v2.UnhideElements(new List <ElementId>() { masses[massName].Id }); tx.Commit(); uidoc.ActiveView = v2; } }
public override Value Evaluate(FSharpList <Value> args) { View3D view = null; var eye = (XYZ)((Value.Container)args[0]).Item; var target = (XYZ)((Value.Container)args[1]).Item; var name = ((Value.String)args[2]).Item; var extents = ((Value.Container)args[3]).Item; var isolate = Convert.ToBoolean(((Value.Number)args[4]).Item); var globalUp = XYZ.BasisZ; var direction = target.Subtract(eye); var up = direction.CrossProduct(globalUp).CrossProduct(direction); var orient = new ViewOrientation3D(eye, up, direction); if (this.Elements.Any()) { if (dynUtils.TryGetElement(this.Elements[0], out view)) { if (!view.ViewDirection.IsAlmostEqualTo(direction) || !view.Origin.IsAlmostEqualTo(eye)) { view.Unlock(); view.SetOrientation(orient); view.SaveOrientationAndLock(); } if (!view.Name.Equals(name)) { view.Name = ViewBase.CreateUniqueViewName(name); } } else { //create a new view view = ViewBase.Create3DView(orient, name, isPerspective); Elements[0] = view.Id; } } else { view = Create3DView(orient, name, isPerspective); Elements.Add(view.Id); } var fec = dynRevitUtils.SetupFilters(dynRevitSettings.Doc.Document); if (isolate) { view.CropBoxActive = true; var element = extents as Element; if (element != null) { var e = element; var all = fec.ToElements(); var toHide = fec.ToElements().Where(x => !x.IsHidden(view) && x.CanBeHidden(view) && x.Id != e.Id).Select(x => x.Id).ToList(); if (toHide.Count > 0) { view.HideElements(toHide); } dynRevitSettings.Doc.Document.Regenerate(); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Eye:{0},Origin{1}, BBox_Origin{2}, Element{3}", eye.ToString(), view.Origin.ToString(), view.CropBox.Transform.Origin.ToString(), (element.Location as LocationPoint).Point.ToString())); // if (isPerspective) { var farClip = view.get_Parameter("Far Clip Active"); farClip.Set(0); } else { // var pts = new List <XYZ>(); ParseElementGeometry(element, pts); var bounding = view.CropBox; var transInverse = bounding.Transform.Inverse; var transPts = pts.Select(transInverse.OfPoint).ToList(); //ingore the Z coordindates and find //the max X ,Y and Min X, Y in 3d view. double dMaxX = 0, dMaxY = 0, dMinX = 0, dMinY = 0; //geom.XYZ ptMaxX, ptMaxY, ptMinX,ptMInY; //coorresponding point. bool bFirstPt = true; foreach (var pt1 in transPts) { if (true == bFirstPt) { dMaxX = pt1.X; dMaxY = pt1.Y; dMinX = pt1.X; dMinY = pt1.Y; bFirstPt = false; } else { if (dMaxX < pt1.X) { dMaxX = pt1.X; } if (dMaxY < pt1.Y) { dMaxY = pt1.Y; } if (dMinX > pt1.X) { dMinX = pt1.X; } if (dMinY > pt1.Y) { dMinY = pt1.Y; } } } bounding.Max = new XYZ(dMaxX, dMaxY, bounding.Max.Z); bounding.Min = new XYZ(dMinX, dMinY, bounding.Min.Z); view.CropBox = bounding; } } else { var xyz = extents as BoundingBoxXYZ; if (xyz != null) { view.CropBox = xyz; } } view.CropBoxVisible = false; } else { view.UnhideElements(fec.ToElementIds()); view.CropBoxActive = false; } return(Value.NewContainer(view)); }
/// <summary> /// 视图逻辑处理 /// 支持(隐藏,淡显,红显)和(反隐藏,淡显,红显) /// </summary> /// <param name="showDialogType"></param> /// <param name="needHide"></param> /// <param name="getElementIds"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool DetailWithView(ShowDialogType showDialogType, bool needHide, Func <Document, List <ElementId> > getElementIds) { ListForm.ShowDialogType = showDialogType; string viewName = ListForm.ShowDialogType.GetViewName(); var doc = UI_Doc.Document; View3D view = null; var transactionName = nameof(SubsidenceMonitor) + nameof(btn_ViewSelection_Click); bool isSuccess = DealWithTransaction(viewName, doc, transactionName, () => { view = Revit_Document_Helper.GetElementByNameAs <View3D>(UI_Doc.Document, viewName); if (view == null) { view = Revit_Document_Helper.Create3DView(doc, viewName); } if (needHide) { //渲染_所有 隐藏 IList <Element> allElements = GetAllElements(doc); List <ElementId> elementIdsToHid = new List <ElementId>(); foreach (var element in allElements) { if (element.CanBeHidden(view) && element.Id != view.Id) { elementIdsToHid.Add(element.Id); } } if (elementIdsToHid.Count > 0) { view.HideElements(elementIdsToHid); } //渲染_测点 淡显 var nodesElementIds = Model.GetAllNodesElementIdsByTNode(doc); if (nodesElementIds.Count > 0) { view.UnhideElements(nodesElementIds); } var defaultOverrideGraphicSettings = CPSettings.GetTingledOverrideGraphicSettings(doc); foreach (var elementId in nodesElementIds) { view.SetElementOverrides(elementId, defaultOverrideGraphicSettings); } } else { ////渲染_所有 反隐藏 //IList<Element> allElements = GetAllElements(doc); //List<ElementId> elementIdsToHid = new List<ElementId>(); //foreach (var element in allElements) // if (element.CanBeHidden(view) && element.Id != view.Id) // elementIdsToHid.Add(element.Id); //view.UnhideElements(elementIdsToHid); //渲染_所有 淡显 var allElementIds = GetAllElements(doc); var defaultOverrideGraphicSettings = CPSettings.GetTingledOverrideGraphicSettings(doc); foreach (var elementId in allElementIds) { view.SetElementOverrides(elementId.Id, defaultOverrideGraphicSettings); } } //渲染_选中 红显 var overrideGraphicSettings = Revit_Helper.GetOverrideGraphicSettings(ColorForSelectedElements, CPSettings.GetDefaultFillPatternId(doc), 0); var selectedElementIds = getElementIds(doc); foreach (var elementId in selectedElementIds) { view.SetElementOverrides(elementId, overrideGraphicSettings); } }); if (view != null) { UI_Doc.ActiveView = view; } return(isSuccess); }
// Token: 0x060000B6 RID: 182 RVA: 0x0000C1E0 File Offset: 0x0000A3E0 private void buttonShowPatterns_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.m_AllViews.FindPatterns = true; Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application application = this.p_commandData.Application.Application; Document document = this.p_commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document; FilteredElementCollector filteredElementCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(document); ICollection <Element> collection = filteredElementCollector.OfClass(typeof(View3D)).ToElements(); View3D view3D = null; FilteredElementCollector filteredElementCollector2 = new FilteredElementCollector(document); ICollection <Element> collection2 = filteredElementCollector2.OfClass(typeof(View3D)).ToElements(); FilteredElementCollector filteredElementCollector3 = new FilteredElementCollector(document); ICollection <Element> collection3 = filteredElementCollector3.OfClass(typeof(FamilySymbol)).ToElements(); FilteredElementCollector filteredElementCollector4 = new FilteredElementCollector(document); ICollection <Element> collection4 = filteredElementCollector4.OfClass(typeof(FamilySymbol)).ToElements(); FilteredElementCollector filteredElementCollector5 = new FilteredElementCollector(document); ICollection <Element> collection5 = filteredElementCollector5.OfClass(typeof(FamilyInstance)).ToElements(); List <string> list = new List <string>(); MessageBoxIcon icon = MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation; MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK; string caption = "ef | Export To Unity"; int num = 1; bool @checked = this.radioButtonSingleObject.Checked; if (@checked) { num = 1; } bool checked2 = this.radioButtonByTypes.Checked; if (checked2) { num = 5; } bool checked3 = this.radioButtonMaterialsFast.Checked; if (checked3) { num = 6; } bool flag = false; bool flag2 = document.ActiveView.ViewType != ViewType.ThreeD; if (flag2) { MessageBox.Show("The active view must be a 3D view type."); base.Close(); } bool flag3 = document.ActiveView.ViewType == ViewType.ThreeD & document.ActiveView.IsTemplate; if (flag3) { MessageBox.Show("The active view is a template view and is not exportable."); flag = true; base.Close(); } bool flag4 = document.ActiveView.ViewType == ViewType.ThreeD & !document.ActiveView.IsTemplate; if (flag4) { view3D = (document.ActiveView as View3D); } bool checked4 = this.checkBoxStartVU.Checked; if (checked4) { } Transaction transaction = new Transaction(document); transaction.Start("HideAnnotations"); foreach (object obj in document.Settings.Categories) { Category category = (Category)obj; bool flag5 = category.get_AllowsVisibilityControl(view3D); if (flag5) { bool flag6 = category.CategoryType != CategoryType.Model; if (flag6) { view3D.SetCategoryHidden(category.Id, true); } } } transaction.Commit(); int num2 = 500000; int num3 = 2000000; int num4 = num3 * 2; bool flag7 = !this.checkBoxMaxVertices.Checked; if (flag7) { bool flag8 = !flag; if (flag8) { bool flag9 = view3D != null; if (flag9) { CheckExportContext checkExportContext = new CheckExportContext(document, this.m_AllViews); new CustomExporter(document, checkExportContext) { IncludeGeometricObjects = false, ShouldStopOnError = false }.Export(view3D); this.m_AllViews.GroupingOptions = 0; bool checked5 = this.radioButtonSingleObject.Checked; if (checked5) { this.m_AllViews.GroupingOptions = 3; } bool checked6 = this.radioButtonByTypes.Checked; if (checked6) { this.m_AllViews.GroupingOptions = 5; } bool checked7 = this.radioButtonMaterialsFast.Checked; if (checked7) { this.m_AllViews.GroupingOptions = 6; } bool flag10 = checkExportContext.TotalNBofPoints > num2; if (flag10) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Cette vue contient " + checkExportContext.TotalNBofPoints.ToString() + " vertices.\nVoulez-vous vraiment continuer?", "Avertissement", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); bool flag11 = dialogResult == DialogResult.No; if (flag11) { flag = true; } } bool flag12 = checkExportContext.TotalNBofPoints > num4; if (flag12) { MessageBox.Show(string.Concat(new string[] { "This 3D View contains ", checkExportContext.TotalNBofPoints.ToString(), " Vertices.\nMax Vertices per Export: ", num4.ToString(), "." }), caption, buttons, icon); flag = true; } } } } bool flag13 = flag; if (flag13) { base.Close(); } bool flag14 = application.VersionNumber.Contains("2019") | application.VersionNumber.Contains("2020"); if (flag14) { bool flag15 = !this.checkBoxMaxVertices.Checked; if (flag15) { bool flag16 = view3D != null & !flag; if (flag16) { this.context = new CheckExportContext(document, this.m_AllViews); CustomExporter customExporter = new CustomExporter(document, this.context); customExporter.IncludeGeometricObjects = false; customExporter.ShouldStopOnError = false; try { this.m_AllViews.ExportSubCategories = false; bool flag17 = num == 1 | num == 5 | num == 6; if (flag17) { int num5 = 1000; FilteredElementCollector filteredElementCollector6 = new FilteredElementCollector(document, view3D.Id); ICollection <ElementId> collection6 = filteredElementCollector6.ToElementIds(); ICollection <ElementId> collection7 = filteredElementCollector6.ToElementIds(); collection7.Clear(); List <int> list2 = new List <int>(); List <int> list3 = new List <int>(); List <int> list4 = new List <int>(); bool flag18 = false; foreach (ElementId elementId in collection6) { bool flag19 = false; Element element = document.GetElement(elementId); bool flag20 = element != null; if (flag20) { bool flag21 = element.Category != null; if (flag21) { bool flag22 = element.Category.CategoryType == CategoryType.Model; if (flag22) { flag19 = true; } bool flag23 = element.Category.Id.IntegerValue == -2001340; if (flag23) { flag18 = true; } bool flag24 = element.Category.Id.IntegerValue == -2001352; if (flag24) { flag18 = true; } } bool flag25 = element.GetTypeId() != null; if (flag25) { int integerValue = element.GetTypeId().IntegerValue; bool flag26 = flag19 & !flag18; if (flag26) { GeometryElement geometryElement = element.get_Geometry(new Options { ComputeReferences = true }); bool flag27 = geometryElement != null; if (flag27) { foreach (GeometryObject geometryObject in geometryElement) { bool flag28 = geometryObject is Solid; if (flag28) { Solid solid = geometryObject as Solid; bool flag29 = null != solid; if (flag29) { bool flag30 = solid.Faces.Size > 0; if (flag30) { flag18 = true; break; } } } GeometryInstance geometryInstance = geometryObject as GeometryInstance; bool flag31 = null != geometryInstance; if (flag31) { foreach (GeometryObject geometryObject2 in geometryInstance.SymbolGeometry) { Solid solid2 = geometryObject2 as Solid; bool flag32 = null != solid2; if (flag32) { bool flag33 = solid2.Faces.Size > 0; if (flag33) { flag18 = true; break; } } } } } } } bool flag34 = !list2.Contains(integerValue) && flag18; if (flag34) { list2.Add(integerValue); } } } flag18 = false; } for (int i = 0; i < list2.Count; i++) { int item = list2[i]; int num6 = 0; bool flag35 = num6 <= num5; if (flag35) { list4.Add(item); } bool flag36 = num6 > num5; if (flag36) { list3.Add(item); } } bool flag37 = list4.Count > 0; if (flag37) { bool flag38 = false; foreach (ElementId elementId2 in collection6) { Element element2 = document.GetElement(elementId2); bool flag39 = element2 != null; if (flag39) { int integerValue2 = element2.GetTypeId().IntegerValue; bool flag40 = !list4.Contains(integerValue2); if (flag40) { bool flag41 = element2.Category != null; if (flag41) { bool flag42 = element2.Category.Id.IntegerValue == -2001340; if (flag42) { flag38 = true; } } bool flag43 = !flag18; if (flag43) { GeometryElement geometryElement2 = element2.get_Geometry(new Options { ComputeReferences = true }); bool flag44 = geometryElement2 != null; if (flag44) { foreach (GeometryObject geometryObject3 in geometryElement2) { bool flag45 = geometryObject3 is Solid; if (flag45) { Solid solid3 = geometryObject3 as Solid; bool flag46 = null != solid3; if (flag46) { bool flag47 = solid3.Faces.Size > 0; if (flag47) { flag38 = true; break; } } } GeometryInstance geometryInstance2 = geometryObject3 as GeometryInstance; bool flag48 = null != geometryInstance2; if (flag48) { foreach (GeometryObject geometryObject4 in geometryInstance2.SymbolGeometry) { Solid solid4 = geometryObject4 as Solid; bool flag49 = null != solid4; if (flag49) { bool flag50 = solid4.Faces.Size > 0; if (flag50) { flag38 = true; break; } } } } } } } bool flag51 = flag38; if (flag51) { bool flag52 = element2.CanBeHidden(view3D); if (flag52) { collection7.Add(elementId2); } } } } flag38 = false; } Transaction transaction2 = new Transaction(document); transaction2.Start("TempHideType"); bool flag53 = collection7.Count > 0; if (flag53) { view3D.HideElements(collection7); } transaction2.Commit(); customExporter.Export(view3D); Transaction transaction3 = new Transaction(document); transaction3.Start("TempUnhideType"); bool flag54 = collection7.Count > 0; if (flag54) { view3D.UnhideElements(collection7); } transaction3.Commit(); collection7.Clear(); } bool flag55 = list3.Count > 0; if (flag55) { foreach (int num7 in list3) { bool flag56 = false; bool flag57 = num7 != -1; if (flag57) { foreach (ElementId elementId3 in collection6) { Element element3 = document.GetElement(elementId3); bool flag58 = element3 != null; if (flag58) { int integerValue3 = element3.GetTypeId().IntegerValue; bool flag59 = num7 != integerValue3; if (flag59) { bool flag60 = element3.Category != null; if (flag60) { bool flag61 = element3.Category.Id.IntegerValue == -2001340; if (flag61) { flag56 = true; } } bool flag62 = !flag56; if (flag62) { GeometryElement geometryElement3 = element3.get_Geometry(new Options { ComputeReferences = true }); bool flag63 = geometryElement3 != null; if (flag63) { foreach (GeometryObject geometryObject5 in geometryElement3) { bool flag64 = geometryObject5 is Solid; if (flag64) { Solid solid5 = geometryObject5 as Solid; bool flag65 = null != solid5; if (flag65) { bool flag66 = solid5.Faces.Size > 0; if (flag66) { flag56 = true; break; } } } GeometryInstance geometryInstance3 = geometryObject5 as GeometryInstance; bool flag67 = null != geometryInstance3; if (flag67) { foreach (GeometryObject geometryObject6 in geometryInstance3.SymbolGeometry) { Solid solid6 = geometryObject6 as Solid; bool flag68 = null != solid6; if (flag68) { bool flag69 = solid6.Faces.Size > 0; if (flag69) { flag56 = true; break; } } } } } } } bool flag70 = flag56; if (flag70) { bool flag71 = element3.CanBeHidden(view3D); if (flag71) { collection7.Add(elementId3); } } } } flag56 = false; } Transaction transaction4 = new Transaction(document); transaction4.Start("TempHideType"); bool flag72 = collection7.Count > 0; if (flag72) { view3D.HideElements(collection7); } transaction4.Commit(); customExporter.Export(view3D); Transaction transaction5 = new Transaction(document); transaction5.Start("TempUnhideType"); bool flag73 = collection7.Count > 0; if (flag73) { view3D.UnhideElements(collection7); } transaction5.Commit(); collection7.Clear(); } } } } } catch (ExternalApplicationException ex) { Debug.Print("ExternalApplicationException " + ex.Message); } bool flag74 = !flag; if (flag74) { foreach (int num8 in this.context.ListMaterialID) { bool flag75 = num8 != ElementId.InvalidElementId.IntegerValue & !num8.ToString().Contains("-") & num8.ToString() != "-1"; if (flag75) { ElementId elementId4 = new ElementId(num8); Material material = document.GetElement(elementId4) as Material; bool flag76 = material != null; if (flag76) { FillPatternElement fillPatternElement = document.GetElement(material.SurfaceForegroundPatternId) as FillPatternElement; bool flag77 = fillPatternElement != null; if (flag77) { bool flag78 = !list.Contains(fillPatternElement.Name); if (flag78) { list.Add(fillPatternElement.Name); this.h_MatIDPatID.Add(material.Id.IntegerValue, fillPatternElement.Id.IntegerValue); this.key_MatIDPatID = this.h_MatIDPatID.Keys; } } } } } bool flag79 = list != null; if (flag79) { bool flag80 = list.Count > 0; if (flag80) { this.listBoxPatterns.DataSource = list; } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex2) { MessageBox.Show(ex2.Message); } }