public async Task GetVideoGame_BasedOnId_WithNotExistingVideogame_ReturnNotFound() { //Arrange //use the mock to set up the test. we are basically telling here that whatever int id we pass to this method //it will always return null videogameController = new VideogameController(videoGameStub.Object); videoGameStub.Setup(service => service.GetVideogame(It.IsAny <int>())).ReturnsAsync(new NotFoundResult()); //Act var actionResult = await videogameController.GetVideogame(1); //Assert Assert.IsType <NotFoundResult>(actionResult.Result); }
public async Task GetVideoGame_BasedOnId_WithExistingVideogame_ReturnVideogame() { //Arrange //use the mock to set up the test. we are basically telling here that whatever int id we pass to this method //it will always return a new Videogame object videoGameStub.Setup(service => service.GetVideogame(It.IsAny <int>())).ReturnsAsync(sampleVideogame); videogameController = new VideogameController(videoGameStub.Object); //Act var actionResult = await videogameController.GetVideogame(1); //Assert Assert.IsType <Videogame>(actionResult.Value); var result = actionResult.Value; sampleVideogame.Should().BeEquivalentTo(result, options => options.ComparingByMembers <Videogame>()); }