static void Main(string[] args) { string outputFile = "test-output.wmv"; int width = 320; int height = 240; // create instance of video writer VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter(); // create new video file writer.Open("test.avi", width, height, 25, VideoCodec.MPEG4); // create a bitmap to save into the video file Bitmap image = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); // write 1000 video frames for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { image.SetPixel(i % width, i % height, Color.Red); writer.WriteVideoFrame(image); } writer.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Finished"); Console.ReadKey(); }
private void buttonCreateVideo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int width = 858; int height = 480; VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter(); writer.Open("sample-video.avi", width, height, 1, VideoCodec.MPEG4, 2500000); Bitmap image = new Bitmap(width, height); using (OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog()) { dlg.Title = "Open Image"; dlg.Filter = "bmp files (*.bmp)|*.bmp"; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { image = new Bitmap(dlg.FileName); } } for (int i = 0; i < 36000; i++) { writer.WriteVideoFrame(image); } writer.Close(); Application.Exit(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var paths = args[0].Split(';'); foreach (var path in paths.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))){ var files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.png"); var images = GetImages(files.ToArray()).GroupBy(s => Regex.Replace(s, @"([^\d]*)([\d]*)([^\d]*)", "$1$3", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)); foreach (var grouping in images){ Console.WriteLine("Creating Videos for " + path); var videoFileName = Path.Combine(path + "", grouping.Key + ".avi"); if (File.Exists(videoFileName)) File.Delete(videoFileName); var videoFileWriter = new VideoFileWriter(); const int frameRate = 4; using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(Path.Combine(path, grouping.First()+ImgExtentsion))){ videoFileWriter.Open(videoFileName, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, frameRate,VideoCodec.MPEG4); } WriteFranes(grouping, path, videoFileWriter, frameRate); videoFileWriter.Close(); videoFileWriter.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Video for " + grouping.Key + " created"); } } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void write_video_test() { var videoWriter = new VideoFileWriter(); int width = 800; int height = 600; int framerate = 24; string path = Path.GetFullPath("output.avi"); int videoBitRate = 1200 * 1000; //int audioBitRate = 320 * 1000; videoWriter.Open(path, width, height, framerate, VideoCodec.H264, videoBitRate); var m2i = new MatrixToImage(); Bitmap frame; for (byte i = 0; i < 255; i++) { byte[,] matrix = Matrix.Create(height, width, i); m2i.Convert(matrix, out frame); videoWriter.WriteVideoFrame(frame, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(i)); } videoWriter.Close(); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(path)); }
public static void CreateTimeLapse(string outputFilePath, int width, int height, int frameRate, bool orderByFileDate, string[] fileList) { try { using (var videoWriter = new VideoFileWriter()) { videoWriter.Open(outputFilePath, width, height, frameRate, VideoCodec.MPEG4, 1000000); // use for ordering by file date //System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(basePath); //System.IO.FileSystemInfo[] images = di.GetFileSystemInfos(); //var orderedImages = images.OrderBy(f => f.CreationTime); //foreach (FileSystemInfo imageFile in images) foreach (string file in fileList) { // Out of Memory errors are common for incomplete or corrupted images. Skip over them and continue. try { using (Bitmap image = Image.FromFile(file) as Bitmap) { if (image != null) { Bitmap bm = ResizeImage(image, width, height); videoWriter.WriteVideoFrame(bm); } } } catch { continue; } } videoWriter.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public override void Record(object o) { var r = (RecData)o; String outputFilePath = r.path; if (File.Exists(outputFilePath)) { File.Delete(outputFilePath); } rec = true; var vFWriter = new VideoFileWriter(); vFWriter.Open(outputFilePath, 800, 600, 5, VideoCodec.MPEG4); while (rec) { if (!pause) { Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch(); st.Start(); using (Bitmap bmpScreenCapture = new Bitmap(r.width, r.height)) { using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpScreenCapture)) { g.CopyFromScreen(r.pos, new Point(0, 0), bmpScreenCapture.Size, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy); Rectangle cursorBounds = new Rectangle(new Point(Cursor.Position.X - r.pos.X, Cursor.Position.Y - r.pos.Y), Cursors.Default.Size); Cursors.Default.Draw(g, cursorBounds); } vFWriter.WriteVideoFrame(ReduceBitmap(bmpScreenCapture, 800, 600)); st.Stop(); var t = st.ElapsedMilliseconds; if (200 - t > 0) Thread.Sleep((int)(200 - t)); } } } vFWriter.Close(); }
public void test() { int width = 320; int height = 240; // create instance of video writer VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter(); // create new video file writer.Open("test.avi", width, height, 25, VideoCodec.MPEG4); // create a bitmap to save into the video file Bitmap image = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); // write 1000 video frames for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { image.SetPixel(i % width, i % height, Color.Red); writer.WriteVideoFrame(image); } writer.Close(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 3) printHelp(); else { var dinfo = new DirectoryInfo(args[0]); var files = dinfo.GetFiles(args[1]).OrderBy(p => p.Name).ToArray(); if (files.Length > 0) { Bitmap image = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(files[0].FullName); var vFWriter = new VideoFileWriter(); vFWriter.Open(args[2], image.Width, image.Height, 50, VideoCodec.MPEG4); foreach (var file in files) { Console.WriteLine(file.FullName); image = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(file.FullName); vFWriter.WriteVideoFrame(image); } vFWriter.Close(); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var parserResults = Parser.Default.ParseArguments<Options>(args); if (parserResults.Tag == ParserResultType.NotParsed) { Console.WriteLine( new HelpText { AddDashesToOption = true } .AddPreOptionsLine("HeatMapVideoBuilder") .AddPreOptionsLine("") .AddOptions(parserResults).ToString()); return; } var options = (parserResults as Parsed<Options>).Value; bool hasArgumentErrors = false; Image backgroundImage = null; IList<Image> spriteImages = new List<Image>(); IList<SizeF> halfSpriteSize = new List<SizeF>(); Image residualSpriteImage = null; Point mapOrigin = Point.Empty; Size mapSize = Size.Empty; Point dataOrigin = Point.Empty; Size dataSize = Size.Empty; IList<HeatMapData> heatMapData = new List<HeatMapData>(); try { backgroundImage = Bitmap.FromFile(options.Background); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to load background image \"{0}\":\n\n{1}\n\n", options.Background, e); hasArgumentErrors = true; } try { mapOrigin = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.MapOrigin) ? Point.Empty : ParsePoint(options.MapOrigin); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to parse map origin \"{0}\":\n\n{1}\n\n", options.MapOrigin, e); hasArgumentErrors = true; } try { mapSize = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.MapSize) ? new Size(backgroundImage.Size.Width - mapOrigin.X, backgroundImage.Size.Height - mapOrigin.Y) : ParseSize(options.MapSize); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to parse map size \"{0}\":\n\n{1}\n\n", options.MapSize, e); hasArgumentErrors = true; } try { dataOrigin = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.DataOrigin) ? mapOrigin : ParsePoint(options.DataOrigin); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to parse data origin \"{0}\":\n\n{1}\n\n", options.DataOrigin, e); hasArgumentErrors = true; } try { dataSize = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.DataSize) ? mapSize : ParseSize(options.DataSize); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to parse data size \"{0}\":\n\n{1}\n\n", options.DataSize, e); hasArgumentErrors = true; } foreach (var spriteFile in options.SpriteFiles) { try { var sprite = Bitmap.FromFile(spriteFile); spriteImages.Add(sprite); halfSpriteSize.Add(new SizeF(sprite.Width / 2.0f, sprite.Height / 2.0f)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to load heat map sprite image \"{0}\":\n\n{1}\n\n", spriteFile, e); hasArgumentErrors = true; } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.ResidualSpriteFile)) { residualSpriteImage = spriteImages.First(); } else { try { residualSpriteImage = Bitmap.FromFile(options.ResidualSpriteFile); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to load heat map sprite image \"{0}\":\n\n{1}\n\n", options.ResidualSpriteFile, e); hasArgumentErrors = true; } } foreach (var inputFile in options.InputFile) { try { var json = File.ReadAllText(inputFile); var currentHeatMapData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<HeatMapData>(json); if ((currentHeatMapData.Timestamps == null)) { throw new Exception("Heat map data is missing a times array. This must be an array in a root object and contain time in milliseconds."); } if ((currentHeatMapData.X == null)) { throw new Exception("Heat map data is missing an x coordinate array. This must be an array in a root object."); } if ((currentHeatMapData.Y == null)) { throw new Exception("Heat map data is missing an y coordinate array. This must be an array in a root object."); } if ((currentHeatMapData.Timestamps.Count != currentHeatMapData.X.Count) || (currentHeatMapData.Timestamps.Count != currentHeatMapData.Y.Count)) { throw new Exception("Heat map data arrays are not equal length."); } heatMapData.Add(currentHeatMapData); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to load heat map data from \"{0}\":\n\n{1}\n\n", options.InputFile, e); hasArgumentErrors = true; } } if (hasArgumentErrors) { return; } var frameRate = 25; var scaledFrameRate = options.TimeScale / frameRate; var timeDelta = (int) (1000 * scaledFrameRate); var width = backgroundImage.Width; var height = backgroundImage.Height; var fullRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); var xScaling = mapSize.Width / (float) dataSize.Width; var yScaling = mapSize.Height / (float) dataSize.Height; var compositeImage = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); var compositeImageGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(compositeImage); compositeImageGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver; compositeImageGraphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed; var heatMapBuffer = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); var heatMapBufferGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(heatMapBuffer); heatMapBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver; heatMapBufferGraphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed; var residualBuffer = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); var residualBufferGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(residualBuffer); residualBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver; residualBufferGraphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed; var tempBuffer = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); var tempBufferGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(tempBuffer); tempBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver; tempBufferGraphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed; var currentTime = 0; var currentIndices = Enumerable.Repeat(0, heatMapData.Count).ToArray(); var heatMapDataDone = Enumerable.Repeat(false, heatMapData.Count).ToArray(); var outputDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(options.OutputFile); if (!Directory.Exists(outputDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDirectory); } var videoWriter = new VideoFileWriter(); if (options.BitRate == 0) { videoWriter.Open(options.OutputFile, width, height, frameRate, VideoCodec.MPEG4); } else { videoWriter.Open(options.OutputFile, width, height, frameRate, VideoCodec.MPEG4, options.BitRate); } compositeImageGraphics.DrawImage(backgroundImage, Point.Empty); compositeImageGraphics.Save(); videoWriter.WriteVideoFrame(compositeImage); var alphaFade = frameRate / options.Duration; var heatMapFadeMatrix = new ColorMatrix(); heatMapFadeMatrix.Matrix33 = 0.95f;// alphaFade; var heatMapFadeImageAttributes = new ImageAttributes(); heatMapFadeImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(heatMapFadeMatrix); var residualFadeMatrix = new ColorMatrix(); residualFadeMatrix.Matrix00 = 0.45f; residualFadeMatrix.Matrix01 = 0.45f; residualFadeMatrix.Matrix02 = 0.45f; residualFadeMatrix.Matrix10 = 0.45f; residualFadeMatrix.Matrix11 = 0.45f; residualFadeMatrix.Matrix12 = 0.45f; residualFadeMatrix.Matrix20 = 0.45f; residualFadeMatrix.Matrix21 = 0.45f; residualFadeMatrix.Matrix22 = 0.45f; var residualFadeImageAttributes = new ImageAttributes(); residualFadeImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(residualFadeMatrix); var lastTime = 0u; var endPadding = 8 * options.Duration * frameRate; var font = new Font("Consolas", 10.0f); var pens = new[] { new Pen(Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int) 0x080000FF))), new Pen(Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int) 0x08FF0000))) }; residualBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver; while ((heatMapDataDone.Any(isDone => !isDone)) || (currentTime < (lastTime + endPadding))) { // Process the accumulation buffer. //tempBufferGraphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, width, height); //tempBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy; //tempBufferGraphics.DrawImage(residualBuffer, fullRect, 0, 0, width, height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, residualFadeImageAttributes); //tempBufferGraphics.Save(); //residualBufferGraphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Transparent, 0, 0, width, height); //residualBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy; //residualBufferGraphics.DrawImage(tempBuffer, Point.Empty); //residualBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver; // Process the accumulation buffer. tempBufferGraphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, width, height); tempBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy; tempBufferGraphics.DrawImage(heatMapBuffer, fullRect, 0, 0, width, height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, heatMapFadeImageAttributes); tempBufferGraphics.Save(); heatMapBufferGraphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Transparent, 0, 0, width, height); heatMapBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy; heatMapBufferGraphics.DrawImage(tempBuffer, Point.Empty); heatMapBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver; // Write the new heat map data into the heat map buffer. for (var i = 0; i < timeDelta; ++i) { ++currentTime; var heatMapIndex = 0; var spriteIndex = 0; foreach (var heatMapDataInstance in heatMapData) { var currentIndex = currentIndices[heatMapIndex]; while ((currentIndex < heatMapDataInstance.Timestamps.Count) && (heatMapDataInstance.Timestamps[currentIndex] < currentTime)) { lastTime = heatMapDataInstance.Timestamps[currentIndex]; var x = (heatMapDataInstance.X[currentIndex] - dataOrigin.X) * xScaling + mapOrigin.X; var y = (heatMapDataInstance.Y[currentIndex] - dataOrigin.Y) * yScaling + mapOrigin.Y; //residualBufferGraphics.DrawImage(residualSpriteImage, x, y); residualBufferGraphics.DrawRectangle(pens[heatMapIndex], x -1, y -1, 3, 3); x -= halfSpriteSize[spriteIndex].Width; y -= -halfSpriteSize[spriteIndex].Height; heatMapBufferGraphics.DrawImage(spriteImages[spriteIndex], x, y); ++currentIndex; } currentIndices[heatMapIndex] = currentIndex; if (currentIndex >= heatMapDataInstance.Timestamps.Count) { heatMapDataDone[heatMapIndex] = true; } if (spriteIndex < spriteImages.Count - 1) { ++spriteIndex; } ++heatMapIndex; } } residualBufferGraphics.Save(); heatMapBufferGraphics.Save(); compositeImageGraphics.DrawImage(backgroundImage, Point.Empty); compositeImageGraphics.DrawImage(residualBuffer, Point.Empty); //compositeImageGraphics.DrawImage(heatMapBuffer, Point.Empty); var text = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, currentTime).ToString(@"h\:mm\:ss"); for (var i = -1; i <= 1; ++i) { for (var j = -1; j <= 1; ++j) { compositeImageGraphics.DrawString(text, font, Brushes.Black, 2 + i, 2 + j); } } compositeImageGraphics.DrawString(text, font, Brushes.White, 2, 2); compositeImageGraphics.Save(); videoWriter.WriteVideoFrame(compositeImage); } videoWriter.Close(); }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int Tap = Int32.Parse(textBox3.Text); string Seed = textBox1.Text; Program.tap_vedio = Tap; Program.seed_len_vedio = Seed.Length; int seed = 0, Power = 1; int currunt = 0; for (int i = Seed.Length - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (Seed[i] == '1') { seed += Power; } Power *= 2; if (currunt < 63) { Program.seed1_vedio = seed; } if (currunt == 62) { Power = 1; seed = 0; } if (currunt >= 63) { Program.seed2_vedio = seed; } currunt++; } for (int i = 0; i < Program.index_vedio; i++) { string OpenedFilePath = Program.images_name[i]; Program.OriginalImage = ImageOperations.OpenImage(OpenedFilePath + ".bmp"); int Width, Height; Width = ImageOperations.GetWidth(Program.OriginalImage); Height = ImageOperations.GetHeight(Program.OriginalImage); Program.ApplyEncryptionOrDecryption1(); } VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter(); writer.Open(@"C:\Users\JOE\Desktop\Videos\mov2.avi", 320, 240, 25, VideoCodec.Default); // ... here you'll need to load your bitmaps for (int i = 0; i <= 1312; i++) { string s = Convert.ToString(i); Bitmap original_bm = new Bitmap(@"C:\Users\JOE\Desktop\[TEMPLATE] ImageEncryptCompress\Put Pictures/" + s + ".bmp"); writer.WriteVideoFrame(original_bm); } writer.Close(); /* var size = new Size(1600, 1200); // The desired size of the video * var fps = 25; // The desired frames-per-second * var codec = VideoCodec.MPEG4; // Which codec to use * var destinationfile = @"d:\myfile.avi"; // Output file * var srcdirectory = @"d:\foo\bar"; // Directory to scan for images * var pattern = "*.jpg"; // Files to look for in srcdirectory * var searchoption = SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly; // Search Top Directory Only or all subdirectories (recursively)? * * using (var writer = new VideoFileWriter()) // Initialize a VideoFileWriter * { * writer.Open(destinationfile, size.Width, size.Height, fps, codec); // Start output of video * foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(srcdirectory, pattern, searchoption)) // Iterate files * { * using (var original = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(file)) // Read bitmap * using (var resized = new Bitmap(original, size)) // Resize if necessary * writer.WriteVideoFrame(resized); // Write frame * } * writer.Close(); // Close VideoFileWriter * } */ }
public void interpolateFrames() { videoWriter = new VideoFileWriter(); videoWriter.Open("test.avi", getVideoWidth(), getVideoHeight(), 10, VideoCodec.MPEG4, 10000); Bitmap currentFrame; Bitmap nextFrame; Bitmap interpolatedFrame; currentFrame = videoReader.ReadVideoFrame(); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, getVideoWidth(), getVideoHeight()); Console.WriteLine(videoReader.FrameCount); foreach (var prop in videoReader.GetType().GetProperties()) { Console.WriteLine("{0}={1}", prop.Name, prop.GetValue(videoReader, null)); } for (int i = 0; i < videoReader.FrameCount - 1; i++) { interpolatedFrame = new Bitmap(getVideoWidth(), getVideoHeight()); //Get the current frame's bitmap data /* * BitmapData currentFrameBmpData = currentFrame.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, currentFrame.PixelFormat); * * IntPtr currentFramePtr = currentFrameBmpData.Scan0; * * int currentFrameBytes = Math.Abs(currentFrameBmpData.Stride) * currentFrame.Height; * * byte[] currentFrameRGB = new byte[currentFrameBytes]; * * System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(currentFramePtr, currentFrameRGB, 0, currentFrameBytes); * * //Unlock the bitmap data in memory after we're done with it * currentFrame.UnlockBits(currentFrameBmpData); */ /* * //Get the next frame's bitmap data * BitmapData nextFrameBmpData = nextFrame.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, nextFrame.PixelFormat); * * IntPtr nextFramePtr = nextFrameBmpData.Scan0; * * int nextFrameBytes = Math.Abs(nextFrameBmpData.Stride) * nextFrame.Height; * * byte[] nextFrameRGB = new byte[nextFrameBytes]; * * System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(nextFramePtr, nextFrameRGB, 0, nextFrameBytes); * * //Unlock the bitmap data * nextFrame.UnlockBits(nextFrameBmpData); * * * //byte[] interpolatedFrameRGB = currentFrameRGB.Zip(nextFrameRGB, (x, y) => (x + y)); */ nextFrame = videoReader.ReadVideoFrame(); for (int x = 0; x < getVideoWidth(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < getVideoHeight(); y++) { Color curFrameColor = currentFrame.GetPixel(x, y); Color nextFrameColor = nextFrame.GetPixel(x, y); Color averageColor = Color.FromArgb((curFrameColor.R + nextFrameColor.R) / 2, (curFrameColor.G + nextFrameColor.G) / 2, (curFrameColor.B + nextFrameColor.B) / 2); interpolatedFrame.SetPixel(x, y, averageColor); } } sender.updateCurrentFrameDisplay(i, (int)videoReader.FrameCount); currentFrame = nextFrame; videoWriter.WriteVideoFrame(currentFrame); sender.updatePreviewBox(currentFrame); videoWriter.WriteVideoFrame(interpolatedFrame); sender.updatePreviewBox(interpolatedFrame); //interpolatedFrame.Dispose(); } videoWriter.Close(); }
static public void Close() { writer.Close(); }
private void BtnStopRecording_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _isRecording = false; _writer.Close(); _writer.Dispose(); }
internal void StopRecord(bool ShowErr = true, bool CloseCamera = true) { try { if (CloseCamera && SettingHelp.Settings.摄像头)//摄像头关闭时调用该方法不需要再去关闭摄像头 { foreach (Window shower in Application.Current.Windows) { if (shower is CameraShow) { shower.Close(); break; } } } if (SettingHelp.Settings.桌面) { videoStreamer.Stop(); videoWriter.Close(); } if (SettingHelp.Settings.声音) { audioStreamer.StopRecording(); audioStreamer.Dispose(); } isRecording = false; HiddenTools(SettingHelp.Settings.自动隐藏); btParse.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btStop.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btSet.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; lbTime.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btClose.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btBegin.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; waitBar.Value = 0; barGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //Convert后的MP4体积更小但清晰度没什么影响,所以无论有无声音都进行一次转换处理 if (SettingHelp.Settings.桌面 || SettingHelp.Settings.摄像头)//没有视频则不转换 { System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { string tempVideo = curVideoName, tempAudio = curAudioName;//运行未完成转换再次开始录制,所以这里需要把当前转换中的文件名记录下来 var ffMpeg = new FFMpegConverter(); ffMpeg.ConvertProgress += FfMpeg_ConvertProgress; FFMpegInput[] input = SettingHelp.Settings.声音 ? new FFMpegInput[] { new FFMpegInput(tempVideo), new FFMpegInput(tempAudio) } : new FFMpegInput[] { new FFMpegInput(tempVideo) }; ffMpeg.ConvertMedia(input, MakeFilePath(SettingHelp.Settings.编码类型), SettingHelp.Settings.编码类型, new OutputSettings()); try { if (File.Exists(tempVideo) && !SettingHelp.Settings.保留视频) { File.Delete(tempVideo); } if (File.Exists(tempAudio) && !SettingHelp.Settings.保留音频) { File.Delete(tempAudio); //合成后移除音频文件 } } catch { }//防止文件被占用删除失败 Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { barGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }); }); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ShowErr) { Message(ex.Message); } } }
private void stop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { timer1.Stop(); vw.Close(); }
//停止录像 private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { videoWriter.Close(); videoWriter.Dispose(); video_flag = false; }
public bool MakeVedioOfProcessVedioDate() { string VideoName = ""; try { string day_str = Convert.ToString(this.ProcessVedioDate.Day); string month_str = Convert.ToString(this.ProcessVedioDate.Month); string year_str = Convert.ToString(this.ProcessVedioDate.Year); if (Convert.ToInt32(day_str) < 10) { day_str = "0" + day_str; } if (Convert.ToInt32(month_str) < 10) { month_str = "0" + month_str; } string ProcessVediodateStr = year_str + month_str + day_str; /* should so some work to frame it as 20170403 like that */ VideoName = ProcessVediodateStr + this.CameraIMSINumber; #if DEBUG var directory = new DirectoryInfo(Constants.ImagesDirectory_Debug); #else var directory = new DirectoryInfo(Constants.ImagesDirectory_Release); #endif FileInfo ImageFile = null; try { ImageFile = (from Image in directory.GetFiles(ProcessVediodateStr + "*" + this.CameraIMSINumber + Constants.ImageExtension, SearchOption.AllDirectories) orderby Image.LastWriteTime descending select Image).First(); } catch (Exception ex) { /* no Image File exists for ProcessVediodateStr with that Cam IMSI */ return(false); } if (ImageFile == null) { /* No Image Exists */ return(false); } else { /* Image Exists */ string ImageName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ImageFile.FullName); string DateTimeOfIMage = ImageName.Substring(0, 14); long DateTimeOfImage_long = Convert.ToInt64(DateTimeOfIMage); if (DateTimeOfImage_long > this.ProcessedImagetime) /* Recent Image is there we need to process it */ { Bitmap tmp_bitmap; using (VideoFileWriter VideoWriter_Ogg = new VideoFileWriter()) using (VideoFileWriter VideoWriter_Mp4 = new VideoFileWriter()) { VideoWriter_Ogg.VideoCodec = VideoCodec.Theora; VideoWriter_Ogg.Height = Constants.FrameHeight; VideoWriter_Ogg.Width = Constants.FrameWidth; VideoWriter_Ogg.FrameRate = Constants.FrameRate; VideoWriter_Mp4.VideoCodec = VideoCodec.H264; VideoWriter_Mp4.Height = Constants.FrameHeight; VideoWriter_Mp4.Width = Constants.FrameWidth; VideoWriter_Mp4.FrameRate = Constants.FrameRate; #if DEBUG VideoWriter_Ogg.Open(Constants.TempVedioDirecory_Debug + VideoName + Constants.VedioExtension_Ogg); // Opening VideoFIle VideoWriter_Mp4.Open(Constants.TempVedioDirecory_Debug + VideoName + Constants.VedioExtension_mp4); #else VideoWriter_Ogg.Open(Constants.TempVedioDirecory_Release + VideoName + Constants.VedioExtension_Ogg); // Opening VideoFIle VideoWriter_Mp4.Open(Constants.TempVedioDirecory_Release + VideoName + Constants.VedioExtension_mp4); #endif var AllFilesOfCamera = directory.GetFiles(ProcessVediodateStr + "*" + this.CameraIMSINumber + Constants.ImageExtension, SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (var file in AllFilesOfCamera) /*To Iterate through All Files of that Camera */ { string Imagefullpath = file.FullName; if (this.IsValidImage(Imagefullpath)) { try { string tmp_Imagename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Imagefullpath); string tmp_DateTimeOfIMage = tmp_Imagename.Substring(0, 14); long tmp_DateTimeOfImage_long = Convert.ToInt64(tmp_DateTimeOfIMage); this.ProcessedImagetime = tmp_DateTimeOfImage_long; string created_hourofImage_Str = tmp_Imagename.Substring(8, 2); short created_hourofImage_long = Convert.ToInt16(created_hourofImage_Str); if (created_hourofImage_long >= Constants.MinimumHourtoMakeVideo) { tmp_bitmap = ConvertToBitmap(Imagefullpath); VideoWriter_Ogg.WriteVideoFrame(tmp_bitmap); VideoWriter_Mp4.WriteVideoFrame(tmp_bitmap); } else { /* Don't need to make it in video */ } } catch (Exception ex) { Global.AppendTexttoFile(Constants.ExceptionFilePath, "Exception Occured While Writing Bitmap to Video frame " + ex.Message + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString()); } } } this.RecentlyCreatedVideoName_Ogg = VideoName + Constants.VedioExtension_Ogg; this.RecentlyCreatedVideoName_Mp4 = VideoName + Constants.VedioExtension_mp4; VideoWriter_Ogg.Close(); // TO CLose the VideoWriter After writing in to it.. VideoWriter_Mp4.Close(); this.ProcessedVedioDate = this.ProcessVedioDate; return(true); } } else { /* No need of processing & creating video */ return(false); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Global.AppendTexttoFile(Constants.ExceptionFilePath, "Exception Occured In Method MakeVedioOfProcessVedioDate() " + ex.Message + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString()); if (VideoName != "") { #if DEBUG this.DeleteCorruptedVideoOfProcessVideoDate(Constants.TempVedioDirecory_Debug + VideoName + Constants.VedioExtension_Ogg); this.DeleteCorruptedVideoOfProcessVideoDate(Constants.TempVedioDirecory_Debug + VideoName + Constants.VedioExtension_mp4); #else this.DeleteCorruptedVideoOfProcessVideoDate(Constants.TempVedioDirecory_Release + VideoName + Constants.VedioExtension_Ogg); this.DeleteCorruptedVideoOfProcessVideoDate(Constants.TempVedioDirecory_Release + VideoName + Constants.VedioExtension_mp4); #endif } return(false); } }
public async void RecordChat(float beginFramePerc, float endFramePerc) { if (CurrentChat == null) { return; } int chatPart = 0; uint minFps = 1; uint maxFps = 13; uint fps = maxFps; float speedMultiplier = 1.4f; bool firstMessageShown = false; int messageTimeChunk = 500; string recordedChatVideoFile = CurrentChat.FilePath + "-" + chatPart + ".mp4"; chatWriter = new VideoFileWriter(); chatWriter.Open(CurrentChat.FilePath + "-" + chatPart + "-" + beginFramePerc + "-" + endFramePerc + ".mp4", chatBoxWebControl.Width, chatBoxWebControl.Height, fps, VideoCodec.MPEG4, 100000000); Console.WriteLine("Starting Chat Recorder..."); Instance.Text = "Starting Chat Recorder... Please wait."; recordingChat = true; long totalTime = (long)chatLogLines[chatLogLines.Count - 1].Item1; long totalFrames = (totalTime * fps) / 1000; int beginFrame = (int)(totalFrames * beginFramePerc); int endFrame = (int)(totalFrames * endFramePerc); int recordCurrentChatLogLinesIndex = 0; int targetTime = ((int)((((float)beginFrame / fps) * 1000) / messageTimeChunk)) * messageTimeChunk; for (int i = 0; i < chatLogLines.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(chatLogLines[i].Item1 + " >= " + targetTime); if (chatLogLines[i].Item1 >= targetTime) { recordCurrentChatLogLinesIndex = Math.Max(0, i - 10); break; } } Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); int prevChatLogLineIndex = recordCurrentChatLogLinesIndex; TimeSpan estTimeRemaining = TimeSpan.Zero; int maxGifLines = 8; int gifPresentSinceLines = 0; await Task.Delay(500); ExecuteJavascriptCommand("clearChatBox()"); await Task.Delay(500); for (int i = beginFrame; i < endFrame; i++) { int messageTime = ((int)((((float)i / fps) * 1000) / messageTimeChunk)) * messageTimeChunk; if (recordCurrentChatLogLinesIndex < chatLogLines.Count && chatLogLines[recordCurrentChatLogLinesIndex].Item1 <= messageTime) { Console.WriteLine(chatLogLines[recordCurrentChatLogLinesIndex].Item1 + " <= " + i + " / " + fps); Func <string> parseChatLogLineFunction = new Func <string>(() => ParseChatLogLine(chatLogLines[recordCurrentChatLogLinesIndex++].Item2, currentChannelId, parseChatLogLineTokenSource.Token)); string chatLogLine = await Task.Run <string>(parseChatLogLineFunction); if (chatLogLine.Contains(".gif")) { gifPresentSinceLines = maxGifLines; } else { gifPresentSinceLines--; } if (chatLogLine != null && chatLogLine != "") { AddChatLine(chatLogLine); if (!firstMessageShown) { firstMessageShown = true; } } await Task.Delay(20); } else if (gifPresentSinceLines > 0) { await Task.Delay((int)(1000 / fps / speedMultiplier)); } using (Graphics controlGraphics = chatBoxWebControl.CreateGraphics()) { using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(chatBoxWebControl.Size.Width, chatBoxWebControl.Size.Height, controlGraphics)) { using (Graphics memoryGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { IntPtr dc = memoryGraphics.GetHdc(); PrintWindow(chatBoxWebControl.Handle, dc, 0); memoryGraphics.ReleaseHdc(dc); chatWriter.WriteVideoFrame(bitmap, (uint)(i)); } } } if (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 6000) { int framePerSec = (i - prevChatLogLineIndex) / 6; prevChatLogLineIndex = i; estTimeRemaining = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((totalFrames - i) / framePerSec); stopwatch.Restart(); } string percentage = (((float)i / endFrame) * 100.0f).ToString("0.0000"); Instance.Text = "Recording Chat... - " + (i + " Frames / " + endFrame + " Frames (" + percentage + "%)"); if (estTimeRemaining != TimeSpan.Zero) { Instance.Text += " - EST: " + (int)estTimeRemaining.TotalHours + " H " + (int)estTimeRemaining.Minutes + " M "; } if (gifPresentSinceLines > 0) { fps = maxFps; } else if (firstMessageShown) { fps = minFps; } } Console.WriteLine("Finishing Chat Recorder..."); ExecuteJavascriptCommand("clearChatBox()"); recordingChat = false; Instance.Text = "Chat has been recorded.<br><br>You can find the video file at " + recordedChatVideoFile; chatWriter.Close(); Instance.Text = "Chat"; }
private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { recording = false; writer.Close(); }
private static void getimagefromurl(int cctv_code, String url, String path, String tempname) { List <System.Drawing.Bitmap> ListBitmap = new List <System.Drawing.Bitmap>(); string filename = tempname + DateTime.Now.ToString("mmssfff") + ".mp4"; for (int i = 0; i < 250; i++) { try { System.Net.WebRequest request = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(url); request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("admin", "12345"); using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(responseStream); ListBitmap.Add(bitmap); } } } catch (Exception) { //Console.WriteLine("fail get image "+tempname); } Thread.Sleep(1000); } int width = 352; int height = 288; var framRate = 25; try { using (var vFWriter = new VideoFileWriter()) { vFWriter.Open(filename, width, height, framRate, VideoCodec.MPEG4); //loop throught all images in the collection foreach (var bitmap in ListBitmap) { //what's the current image data? var bmpReduced = ReduceBitmap(bitmap, width, height); vFWriter.WriteVideoFrame(bmpReduced); } vFWriter.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("failed create video"); } Console.WriteLine("Success Create Video " + filename); try { uploadtoftp(cctv_code, filename, path, tempname); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("failed upload to ftp " + filename); } try { string currentexedirectory = "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/atcsvideorecorder/"; File.SetAttributes(currentexedirectory + filename, FileAttributes.Normal); File.Delete(currentexedirectory + filename); Console.WriteLine("success delete " + @filename); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("failed delete file " + @filename); } try { uploadtodb(cctv_code, path, filename); Console.WriteLine("success upload to DB " + @filename); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("failed upload to DB " + @filename); } }
public void StopRecording() { m_startrecording = false; //wait 0.1 s FileWriter.Close(); }
public static void Command(string com) { if (com == "/help") { Console.WriteLine("----------"); Console.WriteLine("Commands List:"); Console.WriteLine("/load NN <file name> : Load Neural Network in floder NN"); Console.WriteLine("/make image <file name> : render image in floder \"Images\""); Console.WriteLine("/make video <file name> : render video in floder \"Videos\""); Console.WriteLine("/exit : exit from program"); Console.WriteLine("----------"); } else if (com == "/exit") { Environment.Exit(0); } else if (com.StartsWith("/make image")) { string fname = com.Replace("/make image", ""); if (fname.Replace(" ", "") == "") { Console.WriteLine("---------- Please select image num : ----------"); DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo("Images"); for (int i = 0; i < d.GetFiles().Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(i + " " + d.GetFiles()[i].Name); } Console.WriteLine("-1 exit"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); int n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); while (n < -1 || n > d.GetFiles().Length - 1) { Console.WriteLine("Please select correct num."); n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } if (n == -1) { return; } fname = d.GetFiles()[n].Name; } if (fname[0] == ' ') { fname = fname.Remove(0, 1); } if (File.Exists("Images/" + fname)) { remakeimg(fname); } else { Console.WriteLine("File \"" + fname + "\" not found"); } } else if (com.StartsWith("/make video")) { string fname = com.Replace("/make video", ""); if (fname.Replace(" ", "") == "") { Console.WriteLine("---------- Please select video num : ----------"); DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo("Videos"); for (int i = 0; i < d.GetFiles().Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(i + " " + d.GetFiles()[i].Name); } Console.WriteLine("-1 exit"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); int n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); while (n < -1 || n > d.GetFiles().Length - 1) { Console.WriteLine("Please select correct num."); n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } if (n == -1) { return; } fname = d.GetFiles()[n].Name; } if (fname[0] == ' ') { fname = fname.Remove(0, 1); } if (File.Exists("Videos/" + fname)) { Console.CursorVisible = false; Console.WriteLine("---------- " + fname + " rendering ----------"); VideoFileWriter w = new VideoFileWriter(); w.Open("New Videos/" + fname.Replace(".mp4", "") + ".avi", 1280, 720, 30, VideoCodec.MPEG4); VideoFileReader f = new VideoFileReader(); f.Open("Videos/" + fname); Console.WriteLine("Video loaded"); Console.WriteLine("Video frames Count :" + f.FrameCount); long all = f.Width * f.Height * f.FrameCount; Console.WriteLine("Rendering video : 0% "); Console.Write("Rendering frame 0/" + (f.FrameCount - 1) + " : 0% "); for (int i = 0; i < f.FrameCount; i++) { Bitmap b = f.ReadVideoFrame(); b = remakeimg(b, i, f.FrameCount); w.WriteVideoFrame(b); b.Dispose(); } f.Close(); w.Close(); Console.CursorVisible = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("File \"" + fname + "\" not found"); } } else if (com.StartsWith("/load NN")) { string fname = com.Replace("/load NN", ""); if (fname.Replace(" ", "") == "") { Console.WriteLine("---------- Please select Neural Network num : ----------"); DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo("NN"); for (int i = 0; i < d.GetFiles().Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(i + " " + d.GetFiles()[i].Name); } Console.WriteLine("-1 exit"); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------------"); int n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); while (n < -1 || n > d.GetFiles().Length - 1) { Console.WriteLine("Please select correct num."); n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } if (n == -1) { return; } fname = d.GetFiles()[n].Name; } if (fname[0] == ' ') { fname = fname.Remove(0, 1); } if (File.Exists("NN/" + fname)) { net = NeuralNetwork.Load("NN/" + fname); } else { Console.WriteLine("File \"" + fname + "\" not found"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Command not found"); } }
public void DoWork() { try { if (CaptureBuffer.fps > 0) { writer = new VideoFileWriter(); writer.Open(filePath, CaptureBuffer.width, CaptureBuffer.height, CaptureBuffer.fps, VideoCodec.MPEG4, 2000000); foreach (Bitmap bmp in frames) { writer.WriteVideoFrame(bmp); } // Close the writer writer.Close(); writer = null; foreach (Bitmap bmp in frames) { bmp.Dispose(); } frames = null; // Upload the file to the server. WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient(); NetworkCredential myCredentials = new NetworkCredential("snijhof", "MKD7529s09"); myWebClient.Credentials = myCredentials; byte[] responseArray = myWebClient.UploadFile("" + fileName, filePath); String temp = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(responseArray); // Decode and display the response. Console.WriteLine("\nResponse Received.The contents of the file uploaded are:\n{0}", System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(responseArray)); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Write(e.StackTrace); } }
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { int width = 640; int height = 480; VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter(); writer.Open(myFolderName + "\\" + "test_video.avi", width, height, 25, VideoCodec.MPEG4, 1000000); Bitmap image = new Bitmap(width, height); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image); g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 0, 0, width, height); Brush[] brushList = new Brush[] { Brushes.Green, Brushes.Red, Brushes.Yellow, Brushes.Pink, Brushes.LimeGreen }; Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 250; i++) { int rndTmp = rnd.Next(1, 3); Application.DoEvents(); g.FillRectangle(brushList[i % 5], (i % width) * 2, (i % height) * 0.5f, i % 30, i % 30); g.FillRectangle(brushList[i % 5], (i % width) * 2, (i % height) * 2, i % 30, i % 30); g.FillRectangle(brushList[i % 5], (i % width) * 0.5f, (i % height) * 2, i % 30, i % 30); g.Save(); writer.WriteVideoFrame(image); } g.DrawString("(c) 2016 - Test Video", new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 30), Brushes.White, 80, 240); g.Save(); for (int i = 0; i < 125; i++) { writer.WriteVideoFrame(image); } writer.Close(); }
private void captureLoop(object parameters) { dynamic p = parameters; //Precompute size parameters s.t. actual width/height are multiples of two and requested width/height are the window size Thickness borderThickness = p.BorderThickness; int bLeft = (int)borderThickness.Left; int bRight = (int)borderThickness.Right; int bTop = (int)borderThickness.Top; int bBottom = (int)borderThickness.Bottom; int requestedWidth = p.Width - bLeft - bRight; int requestedHeight = p.Height - bTop - bBottom; int actualWidth = requestedWidth + requestedWidth % 2; //Enforce multiple of two int actualHeight = requestedHeight + requestedHeight % 2; //Enforce multiple of two int left = p.Left; int top = p.Top; System.Drawing.Size requestedSize = new System.Drawing.Size(requestedWidth, requestedHeight); //Generate the render surfaces Bitmap requestedRenderBitmap = new Bitmap(requestedWidth, requestedHeight); Graphics requestedRenderGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(requestedRenderBitmap); Bitmap actualRenderBitmap = new Bitmap(actualWidth, actualHeight); Graphics actualRenderGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(actualRenderBitmap); //Create a timer for keeping loop time as consistent as possible Stopwatch loopTimer = new Stopwatch(); //Timer for timing each iteration of the loop (for convenience) Stopwatch fullCaptureTimer = new Stopwatch(); //Timer for timing the full capture int performanceCounter = 0; //Create a local variable for tracking performance in number of ms per loop interval missed int maxFrameRateDeviation = 0; //Create a local variable for tracking the maximum frame rate deviation int deviationCount = 0; //Count the number of frames which did not successfully meet their timing constraint int framesWritten = 0; //Count the number of frames which have been written to file //Create output stream VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter(); writer.Open(imageDirPath + outputFilename, actualWidth, actualHeight, frameRateScaleFactor / captureInterval, VideoCodec.MPEG4, bitRate); //Open mp4 file using multiple of two width and height //Start the full capture timer fullCaptureTimer.Start(); //Begin capturing int i; for (i = 0; i < maxCaptureLength; i++) { loopTimer.Restart(); //Restart the timer for loop speed regulating //Copy the screen requestedRenderGraphics.CopyFromScreen(left + bLeft, top + bTop, 0, 0, requestedSize); //Draw the cursor on the image CURSORINFO pci; pci.cbSize = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CURSORINFO)); if (GetCursorInfo(out pci)) { if (pci.flags == CURSOR_SHOWING) { DrawIconEx(requestedRenderGraphics.GetHdc(), pci.ptScreenPos.x - left - bLeft - cursorOffsetLeft, pci.ptScreenPos.y - top - bTop - cursorOffsetTop, pci.hCursor, 0, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, DI_MASK | DI_IMAGE | DI_COMPAT); requestedRenderGraphics.ReleaseHdc(); } } //Output to Video actualRenderGraphics.DrawImage(requestedRenderBitmap, 0, 0); //Render the graphics down to the output surface writer.WriteVideoFrame(actualRenderBitmap); //Write the frame to the output stream framesWritten++; p = this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new GetParameterUpdateCallback(GetParameterUpdate), null); //Update the system parameters (only position is used) if (p != null) { //Update the movement variables if they're valid left = p.Left; top = p.Top; } loopTimer.Stop(); //Stop the timer //If we've gone over time, increment the performance counter by the number of ms we missed by int deviation = (long)captureInterval < loopTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds ? (int)(loopTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds - (long)captureInterval) : 0; if (deviation > 0) deviationCount++; if (deviation > maxFrameRateDeviation) maxFrameRateDeviation = deviation; //Set the new max if appropriate performanceCounter += deviation; //Computer makeup frames and duplicate write as many times as is necessary int expectedFrames = (int)((double)fullCaptureTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds / (double)captureInterval); for (int frameCount = framesWritten; framesWritten<expectedFrames; framesWritten++) //For as many times as we can subtract the frame interval from the makeup counter (meaning how many frames we missed by taking too long) writer.WriteVideoFrame(actualRenderBitmap); //Write the frame to the output stream //Watch for shutdown condition if (requestThreadShutdown) { //Stop the full capture timer to see how well we did fullCaptureTimer.Stop(); //Exit the capture loop break; } //If we're under time, sleep until it's time to start again Thread.Sleep((long)captureInterval > loopTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds ? (int)((long)captureInterval - loopTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds) : 0); } //Close the output stream writer.Close(); //Reenable the form recordButton.Dispatcher.Invoke(new ReEnableFormCallback(ReEnableForm), null); //Show performance this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new ShowPopupCallback(ShowPopup), new object[] { "Finished with " + (performanceCounter / i) + "ms average framerate deviation, " + deviationCount + "/" + (i + 1) + " total missed frames, and " + maxFrameRateDeviation + "ms maximum frame deviation.\r\nFound "+framesWritten+" frames; expected "+(fullCaptureTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds/captureInterval)+".\r\n<Click to Close...>" }); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { myOutputName = Path.GetFileName(myFileName) + ((videoType == 0) ? ".mp4" : ".avi"); using (var videoWriter = new VideoFileWriter()) { int maxI = 1, progrB=0; progrB = maxI * secs * fps; progressBar1.Maximum = progrB; progressBar1.Step = 1; progressBar1.Value = 0; toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Running..."; /* Supported Formats: Raw Raw (uncompressed) video. MPEG2 MPEG-2 part 2. FLV1 Flash Video (FLV) / Sorenson Spark / Sorenson H.263. H263P H.263+ / H.263-1998 / H.263 version 2. MSMPEG4v3 MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 3. MSMPEG4v2 MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 2. WMV2 Windows Media Video 8. WMV1 Windows Media Video 7. MPEG4 MPEG-4 part 2. Default Default video codec, which FFmpeg library selects for the specified file format. missing : H264 */ videoWriter.Open(myFolderName + "\\" + myOutputName, width, height, fps, ((videoType == 0) ? VideoCodec.MPEG2 : VideoCodec.MPEG4)); //videoWriter.Open(myFolderName + "\\" + myOutputName, width, height, fps, ((videoType == 0) ? VideoCodec.H263P : VideoCodec.MPEG4)); //Files //for (int i =0;i < filesFound.Count;i++) for (int i = 0; i < maxI; i++) { //using (Bitmap image = Bitmap.FromFile(filesFound[i]) as Bitmap) using (Bitmap image = Bitmap.FromFile(myFileName) as Bitmap) { if (textBoxWaterMark.Text != null) myText = textBoxWaterMark.Text; else myText = ""; Bitmap imageResized = ResizeIt(image, width, height, myText); //Seconds for (int j = 0; j < secs; j++) { //Frames for (int k = 0; k < fps; k++) { videoWriter.WriteVideoFrame(imageResized); progressBar1.PerformStep(); } } } } videoWriter.Close(); //progressBar1.Value = 0; toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Done"; } }
private void StopRecording() { _recording = false; _writer.Close(); _writer.Dispose(); }
private void btnQuit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (rdp.Connected.ToString() == "1") { rdp.Disconnect(); timer1.Stop(); vf.Close(); // Move recording to blob storage var location = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Path.GetTempPath() + timeStamp + ".avi"); FileInfo f = new FileInfo(location.ToString()); string uploadfile = f.FullName; var client = new SftpClient("", 22, "root", "ChocolateBalls1"); client.Connect(); client.ChangeDirectory(@"/Recordings"); var fileStream = new FileStream(location.ToString(), FileMode.Open); client.BufferSize = 4 * 1024; client.UploadFile(fileStream, f.Name, null); client.Disconnect(); client.Dispose(); //using (var scp = new ScpClient("", "root", "toor")) //{ // scp.Connect(); // var location = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Path.GetTempPath() + timeStamp + ".avi"); // scp.Upload(location, "/recordings " + timeStamp + ".avi"); //} //ScpClient currentScp = new ScpClient("", "administrator", "test"); //currentScp.Connect(); //var location = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Path.GetTempPath() + timeStamp + ".avi"); //currentScp.Upload(location, "/recordings " + timeStamp + ".avi"); //currentScp.Disconnect(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error Disconnecting", "Error disconnecting from the seesion. Please try again!"); this.Close(); } // Ship recording // Ship the Log! current.SessionKey = information.Token; current.UserId = information.UserId; current.LogContentLocation = timeStamp + ".avi"; current.PermissionLevelId = 1; current.FinishTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"); current.UserNote = ""; current.ProtectedAccountId = 2; string json = ""; json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(current); json = "=" + json; string path = ""; path = information.URL + "/api/desktopLog"; string response = ApiConnector.SendToApi(path, json); this.Close(); }
private void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.timer1.Stop(); g.ClearListForSimpleCanvas(); bool ifWhite = true; for (int i = 0; i != width; i++) { if (i % barSize == 0) { ifWhite = !ifWhite; } if (ifWhite) { g.simpleCanvas[i] = 1; } else { g.simpleCanvas[i] = 0; } } progressBar1.Maximum = (int)(frameRate * time); progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Minimum = 0;//设置范围最小值 VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter(); writer.Open(savePath, width, height, frameRate, VideoCodec.MPEG4); for (int i = 0; i != (int)(frameRate * time); i++) { Application.DoEvents(); if (rbLeftToRight.Checked) { g.MoveRightForSimpleCanvas(step); } if (rbRightToLeft.Checked) { g.MoveLeftForSimpleCanvas(step); } g1.Clear(Color.White); for (int ii = 0; ii != width; ii++) { if (g.simpleCanvas[ii] == 1) { g1.DrawLine(Pens.Black, ii, 0, ii, height); } } this.progressBar1.Value = i; writer.WriteVideoFrame(image1); } writer.Close(); this.progressBar1.Value = (int)(frameRate * time); MessageBox.Show("Saved!!"); }
public static void OverAvi() { writer.Close(); writer.Dispose(); writer.Close(); }
public void ClassMovieMaker2(String fileName, ref StreamReader sr) { DateTime currentTime = new DateTime(); Dictionary <String, String[]> personPos = new Dictionary <string, string[]>(); double fileDur = 0; VideoFileWriter vFWriter = new VideoFileWriter(); var framRate = 40; try { String outputFileName = outDir + fileName + (rotate ? "" : "NO") + random + "ROTATE__fr_" + framRate + "_" + version + "_PART" + part + ".avi"; szfileNames = szfileNames + (szfileNames == "" ? "" : "|") + fileName + (rotate ? "" : "NO") + random + "ROTATE__fr_" + framRate + "_" + version + "_PART" + part + ".avi"; vFWriter.Open(outputFileName, width, height, framRate, VideoCodec.MPEG4); { linePos++; if (prevLine != null) { if (!personPos.ContainsKey(prevLine[0])) { personPos.Add(prevLine[0], prevLine); } prevLine = null; } while ((!sr.EndOfStream)) { String[] line = sr.ReadLine().Split(','); if (line.Length > 4) { DateTime lineTime = DateTime.Parse(line[1]); if (!started) { currentTime = lineTime; started = true; } if (lineTime.CompareTo(currentTime) != 0 || lineTime.Millisecond != currentTime.Millisecond) { if (line[icolColor].Trim() != "") { bool stop = true; } drawTriangles(personPos, ref vFWriter, currentTime); personPos = new Dictionary <string, string[]>(); if (fileDur > fileDurSecs) { fileDur = 0; vFWriter.Close(); part++; prevLine = line; break; } fileDur += .1; currentTime = lineTime; } if (!personPos.ContainsKey(line[0])) { personPos.Add(line[0], line); } } } ; } fileNames.Add(outputFileName); } catch (Exception e) {//24355 75000 6506 linePos = linePos; } }
public void ProcessVideo() { string basePath = Path.Combine(NUnit.Framework.TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "detector"); #region doc_video // Let's test the detector using a sample video from // the collection of test videos in the framework: TestVideos ds = new TestVideos(basePath); string fileName = ds["crowd.mp4"]; // In this example, we will be creating a cascade for a Face detector: var cascade = new Accord.Vision.Detection.Cascades.FaceHaarCascade(); // Now, create a new Haar object detector with the cascade: var detector = new HaarObjectDetector(cascade, minSize: 25, searchMode: ObjectDetectorSearchMode.Average, scalingMode: ObjectDetectorScalingMode.SmallerToGreater, scaleFactor: 1.1f) { Suppression = 5 // This should make sure we only report regions as faces if // they have been detected at least 5 times within different cascade scales. }; // Now, let's open the video using FFMPEG: var video = new VideoFileReader(); video.Open(fileName); // And then check the contents of one of the frames: Bitmap frame = video.ReadVideoFrame(frameIndex: 0); // Creating bitmaps and locking them is an expensive // operation. Instead, let's allocate once and reuse BitmapData bitmapData = frame.LockBits(ImageLockMode.ReadWrite); UnmanagedImage unmanagedImage = new UnmanagedImage(bitmapData); // We will create a color marker to show the faces var objectMarker = new RectanglesMarker(Color.Red); // This example is going to show two different ways to save results to disk. The // first is to save the results frame-by-frame, saving each individual frame as // a separate .png file. The second is to save them as a video in .mp4 format. // To save results as a movie clip in mp4 format, you can use: VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter(); writer.Open(Path.Combine(basePath, "detected_faces.mp4"), frame.Width, frame.Height); // Now, for each frame of the video for (int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < video.FrameCount; frameIndex++) { // Read the current frame into the bitmap data video.ReadVideoFrame(frameIndex, bitmapData); // Feed the frame to the tracker Rectangle[] faces = detector.ProcessFrame(unmanagedImage); // Mark the location of the tracker object in red color objectMarker.Rectangles = faces; objectMarker.ApplyInPlace(unmanagedImage); // overwrite the frame // Save it to disk: first saving each frame separately: frame.Save(Path.Combine(basePath, "frame_{0}.png".Format(frameIndex))); // And then, saving as a .mp4 file: writer.WriteVideoFrame(bitmapData); } // The generated video can be seen at!AoiTwBxoR4OAoLJhPozzixD25XcbiQ video.Close(); writer.Close(); #endregion }
private void buttonStopRecording_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { toWrite.Close(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { int width = 512; int height = width; int[] framerates = {60, 120, 180}; double preamblePostamble = 0.5; // seconds double movieLength = 60.0; // seconds foreach (var framerate in framerates) { VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter(); VideoCodec codec = VideoCodec.WMV2; string fname = "test." + codec.ToString() + "." + framerate.ToString("000") + "Hz." + movieLength.ToString() + "sec." + width.ToString() + "." + height.ToString() + ".avi"; writer.Open(fname, width, height, framerate, codec); RectangleF rectText = new RectangleF(width / 2, 0, width / 2, height); RectangleF rectBlock = new RectangleF(0, 0, width / 2, height); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); SolidBrush brushWhite = new SolidBrush(Color.White); SolidBrush brushBlack = new SolidBrush(Color.Black); var font = new Font("Tahoma", width <= 64 ? 8 : width <= 128 ? 12 : width <=256 ? 16 : 20); // Preamble for (int i = 0; i < (int)(framerate * preamblePostamble); i++) { using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) { g.Clear(Color.Black); g.Flush(); } writer.WriteVideoFrame(bmp); } for (int i = 0; i < (int)(framerate * movieLength); i++) { bmp.SetPixel(i % width, i % height, Color.Blue); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) { g.Clear(Color.Black); g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality; g.DrawString(i.ToString(), font, Brushes.White, rectText); g.FillRectangle(((i & 1) == 0) ? brushWhite : brushBlack, rectBlock); g.Flush(); } writer.WriteVideoFrame(bmp); } // Postamble for (int i = 0; i < (int)(framerate * preamblePostamble); i++) { using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) { g.Clear(Color.Black); g.Flush(); } writer.WriteVideoFrame(bmp); } writer.Close(); } }
//Sự kiện nhất nút Rec private void Quay() { //Tên video ban đầu NameVideo = NameApp + "-Video-" + DateTime.Now.Day + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Hour + "-" + DateTime.Now.Minute + "-" + DateTime.Now.Second + "-" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond + @".mp4"; string filename = AdrVideo + @"\" + NameVideo; if (flagQuay == false) // Nếu chưa quay thì bắt đầu quay { if (Directory.Exists(AdrVideo)) //Kiểm tra thư mục lưu file tồn tại không { if (File.Exists(filename)) //File không tồn tại thì thêm mới { MessageBox.Show("File đã tồn tại mời đổi tên khác trong phần Setting!"); } else { if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename)) { System.IO.File.Delete(filename); } ptrRec.Visible = false; //Ẩn nút rec ptrStop.Visible = true; //Hiện nút stop picPause.Visible = true; //Hiện nút pause flagQuay = true; //đang quay AddVideoXml(AdrVideo, NameVideo); // thêm video vào danh sách writer.Open(filename, s.Width, s.Height, FPS, VideoCodec.MPEG4, 5000000); timer1.Interval = 90; timer1.Start(); //ghi timer3.Start(); //đếm } } else { MessageBox.Show("Thư mục lưu video không tồn tại, mời chọn thư mục khác!"); } } else // nếu đang quay thì xử lý dừng { lbTime.Text = "00:00:00"; ptrRec.Visible = true; //Hiện nút rec ptrStop.Visible = false; //Ẩn nút stop flagQuay = flag; //dừng quay //đóng quay video writer.Close(); picPause.Visible = false; //ẩn nút pause timer1.Stop(); //ghi timer3.Stop(); //đếm loadXml(true); //load lại ds video //cập nhật thông số đếm i = 0; j = 0; k = 0; m = 0; n = 0; l = 0; labe1 = "0"; labe2 = "0"; labe3 = "0"; labe4 = "0"; labe5 = "0"; labe6 = "0"; DialogResult rs = MessageBox.Show("Đã lưu video, mở xem ngay?", "VietCam", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (rs == DialogResult.Yes) { OpenFile(lvVideo.Items[lvVideo.Items.Count - 1].SubItems[1].Text + "\\" + lvVideo.Items[lvVideo.Items.Count - 1].Text); } } }
public void CloseVidFile() { vfw?.Close(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Wrote total of {frameIdx} frames"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var parserResults = Parser.Default.ParseArguments <Options>(args); if (parserResults.Tag == ParserResultType.NotParsed) { Console.WriteLine( new HelpText { AddDashesToOption = true } .AddPreOptionsLine("HeatMapVideoBuilder") .AddPreOptionsLine("") .AddOptions(parserResults).ToString()); return; } var options = (parserResults as Parsed <Options>).Value; bool hasArgumentErrors = false; Image backgroundImage = null; IList <Image> spriteImages = new List <Image>(); IList <SizeF> halfSpriteSize = new List <SizeF>(); Image residualSpriteImage = null; Point mapOrigin = Point.Empty; Size mapSize = Size.Empty; Point dataOrigin = Point.Empty; Size dataSize = Size.Empty; IList <HeatMapData> heatMapData = new List <HeatMapData>(); try { backgroundImage = Bitmap.FromFile(options.Background); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to load background image \"{0}\":\n\n{1}\n\n", options.Background, e); hasArgumentErrors = true; } try { mapOrigin = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.MapOrigin) ? Point.Empty : ParsePoint(options.MapOrigin); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to parse map origin \"{0}\":\n\n{1}\n\n", options.MapOrigin, e); hasArgumentErrors = true; } try { mapSize = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.MapSize) ? new Size(backgroundImage.Size.Width - mapOrigin.X, backgroundImage.Size.Height - mapOrigin.Y) : ParseSize(options.MapSize); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to parse map size \"{0}\":\n\n{1}\n\n", options.MapSize, e); hasArgumentErrors = true; } try { dataOrigin = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.DataOrigin) ? mapOrigin : ParsePoint(options.DataOrigin); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to parse data origin \"{0}\":\n\n{1}\n\n", options.DataOrigin, e); hasArgumentErrors = true; } try { dataSize = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.DataSize) ? mapSize : ParseSize(options.DataSize); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to parse data size \"{0}\":\n\n{1}\n\n", options.DataSize, e); hasArgumentErrors = true; } foreach (var spriteFile in options.SpriteFiles) { try { var sprite = Bitmap.FromFile(spriteFile); spriteImages.Add(sprite); halfSpriteSize.Add(new SizeF(sprite.Width / 2.0f, sprite.Height / 2.0f)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to load heat map sprite image \"{0}\":\n\n{1}\n\n", spriteFile, e); hasArgumentErrors = true; } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.ResidualSpriteFile)) { residualSpriteImage = spriteImages.First(); } else { try { residualSpriteImage = Bitmap.FromFile(options.ResidualSpriteFile); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to load heat map sprite image \"{0}\":\n\n{1}\n\n", options.ResidualSpriteFile, e); hasArgumentErrors = true; } } foreach (var inputFile in options.InputFile) { try { var json = File.ReadAllText(inputFile); var currentHeatMapData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <HeatMapData>(json); if ((currentHeatMapData.Timestamps == null)) { throw new Exception("Heat map data is missing a times array. This must be an array in a root object and contain time in milliseconds."); } if ((currentHeatMapData.X == null)) { throw new Exception("Heat map data is missing an x coordinate array. This must be an array in a root object."); } if ((currentHeatMapData.Y == null)) { throw new Exception("Heat map data is missing an y coordinate array. This must be an array in a root object."); } if ((currentHeatMapData.Timestamps.Count != currentHeatMapData.X.Count) || (currentHeatMapData.Timestamps.Count != currentHeatMapData.Y.Count)) { throw new Exception("Heat map data arrays are not equal length."); } heatMapData.Add(currentHeatMapData); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to load heat map data from \"{0}\":\n\n{1}\n\n", options.InputFile, e); hasArgumentErrors = true; } } if (hasArgumentErrors) { return; } var frameRate = 25; var scaledFrameRate = options.TimeScale / frameRate; var timeDelta = (int)(1000 * scaledFrameRate); var width = backgroundImage.Width; var height = backgroundImage.Height; var fullRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); var xScaling = mapSize.Width / (float)dataSize.Width; var yScaling = mapSize.Height / (float)dataSize.Height; var compositeImage = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); var compositeImageGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(compositeImage); compositeImageGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver; compositeImageGraphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed; var heatMapBuffer = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); var heatMapBufferGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(heatMapBuffer); heatMapBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver; heatMapBufferGraphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed; var residualBuffer = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); var residualBufferGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(residualBuffer); residualBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver; residualBufferGraphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed; var tempBuffer = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); var tempBufferGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(tempBuffer); tempBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver; tempBufferGraphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed; var currentTime = 0; var currentIndices = Enumerable.Repeat(0, heatMapData.Count).ToArray(); var heatMapDataDone = Enumerable.Repeat(false, heatMapData.Count).ToArray(); var outputDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(options.OutputFile); if (!Directory.Exists(outputDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDirectory); } var videoWriter = new VideoFileWriter(); if (options.BitRate == 0) { videoWriter.Open(options.OutputFile, width, height, frameRate, VideoCodec.MPEG4); } else { videoWriter.Open(options.OutputFile, width, height, frameRate, VideoCodec.MPEG4, options.BitRate); } compositeImageGraphics.DrawImage(backgroundImage, Point.Empty); compositeImageGraphics.Save(); videoWriter.WriteVideoFrame(compositeImage); var alphaFade = frameRate / options.Duration; var heatMapFadeMatrix = new ColorMatrix(); heatMapFadeMatrix.Matrix33 = 0.95f;// alphaFade; var heatMapFadeImageAttributes = new ImageAttributes(); heatMapFadeImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(heatMapFadeMatrix); var residualFadeMatrix = new ColorMatrix(); residualFadeMatrix.Matrix00 = 0.45f; residualFadeMatrix.Matrix01 = 0.45f; residualFadeMatrix.Matrix02 = 0.45f; residualFadeMatrix.Matrix10 = 0.45f; residualFadeMatrix.Matrix11 = 0.45f; residualFadeMatrix.Matrix12 = 0.45f; residualFadeMatrix.Matrix20 = 0.45f; residualFadeMatrix.Matrix21 = 0.45f; residualFadeMatrix.Matrix22 = 0.45f; var residualFadeImageAttributes = new ImageAttributes(); residualFadeImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(residualFadeMatrix); var lastTime = 0u; var endPadding = 8 * options.Duration * frameRate; var font = new Font("Consolas", 10.0f); var pens = new[] { new Pen(Color.FromArgb(unchecked ((int)0x080000FF))), new Pen(Color.FromArgb(unchecked ((int)0x08FF0000))) }; residualBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver; while ((heatMapDataDone.Any(isDone => !isDone)) || (currentTime < (lastTime + endPadding))) { // Process the accumulation buffer. //tempBufferGraphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, width, height); //tempBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy; //tempBufferGraphics.DrawImage(residualBuffer, fullRect, 0, 0, width, height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, residualFadeImageAttributes); //tempBufferGraphics.Save(); //residualBufferGraphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Transparent, 0, 0, width, height); //residualBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy; //residualBufferGraphics.DrawImage(tempBuffer, Point.Empty); //residualBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver; // Process the accumulation buffer. tempBufferGraphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, width, height); tempBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy; tempBufferGraphics.DrawImage(heatMapBuffer, fullRect, 0, 0, width, height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, heatMapFadeImageAttributes); tempBufferGraphics.Save(); heatMapBufferGraphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Transparent, 0, 0, width, height); heatMapBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy; heatMapBufferGraphics.DrawImage(tempBuffer, Point.Empty); heatMapBufferGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver; // Write the new heat map data into the heat map buffer. for (var i = 0; i < timeDelta; ++i) { ++currentTime; var heatMapIndex = 0; var spriteIndex = 0; foreach (var heatMapDataInstance in heatMapData) { var currentIndex = currentIndices[heatMapIndex]; while ((currentIndex < heatMapDataInstance.Timestamps.Count) && (heatMapDataInstance.Timestamps[currentIndex] < currentTime)) { lastTime = heatMapDataInstance.Timestamps[currentIndex]; var x = (heatMapDataInstance.X[currentIndex] - dataOrigin.X) * xScaling + mapOrigin.X; var y = (heatMapDataInstance.Y[currentIndex] - dataOrigin.Y) * yScaling + mapOrigin.Y; //residualBufferGraphics.DrawImage(residualSpriteImage, x, y); residualBufferGraphics.DrawRectangle(pens[heatMapIndex], x - 1, y - 1, 3, 3); x -= halfSpriteSize[spriteIndex].Width; y -= -halfSpriteSize[spriteIndex].Height; heatMapBufferGraphics.DrawImage(spriteImages[spriteIndex], x, y); ++currentIndex; } currentIndices[heatMapIndex] = currentIndex; if (currentIndex >= heatMapDataInstance.Timestamps.Count) { heatMapDataDone[heatMapIndex] = true; } if (spriteIndex < spriteImages.Count - 1) { ++spriteIndex; } ++heatMapIndex; } } residualBufferGraphics.Save(); heatMapBufferGraphics.Save(); compositeImageGraphics.DrawImage(backgroundImage, Point.Empty); compositeImageGraphics.DrawImage(residualBuffer, Point.Empty); //compositeImageGraphics.DrawImage(heatMapBuffer, Point.Empty); var text = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, currentTime).ToString(@"h\:mm\:ss"); for (var i = -1; i <= 1; ++i) { for (var j = -1; j <= 1; ++j) { compositeImageGraphics.DrawString(text, font, Brushes.Black, 2 + i, 2 + j); } } compositeImageGraphics.DrawString(text, font, Brushes.White, 2, 2); compositeImageGraphics.Save(); videoWriter.WriteVideoFrame(compositeImage); } videoWriter.Close(); }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog sfVideoKaydet = new SaveFileDialog(); if (sfVideoKaydet.ShowDialog() != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { MessageBox.Show("Kayit Yeri Seçilmedi"); return; } int width = 100; int height = 100; Image ImgOrnek = (Image.FromFile("C:\\Users\\Halil\\Desktop\\newframes\\image0.jpg") as Bitmap).Clone() as Image; width = ImgOrnek.Width; height = ImgOrnek.Height; ImgOrnek.Dispose(); VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter(); writer.Open(sfVideoKaydet.FileName, width, height, this.Videofps, VideoCodec.MPEG4); yol = sfVideoKaydet.FileName; Bitmap image = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(fbdFramePath.SelectedPath + "\\"); int FrameSayisi = dir.GetFiles().Length; for (int i = 0; i < FrameSayisi - 3; i++) { image = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile("C:\\Users\\Halil\\Desktop\\newframes\\image" + i + ".jpg"); writer.WriteVideoFrame(image); } writer.Close(); writer.Dispose(); MessageBox.Show("Video Olusturuldu"); btnGonder.Enabled = true; }
public void finalize() { encoder.Close(); }
private async Task audio2spectrum_saveVideoAsync(string path) { var progressHandler = new Progress <string>(value => { status_txt.Text = value; }); var progress = progressHandler as IProgress <string>; await Task.Run(() => { long frameCount; try { double samplesPerFrame = ((double)audio2spectrum_sampleRate) * frameRate.Denominator / frameRate.Numerator; double totalFrameCount = Math.Ceiling(audio2spectrum_samples.Length / samplesPerFrame); int roundedSamplesPerFrame = (int)Math.Ceiling(samplesPerFrame); int outputWidth = 50; int outputHeight = 50; double samplesPerPixel = samplesPerFrame / outputWidth; // Now find closest fft size (take next highest) int fftSize = (int)Math.Pow(2, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(samplesPerPixel, 2.0))); progress.Report("Audio2Spectrum: Loading spectrogram library"); Spectrogram.Spectrogram spec = new Spectrogram.Spectrogram(audio2spectrum_sampleRate, fftSize: 2048, stepSize: 50); spec.SetFixedWidth(outputWidth); //outputWidth = spec.Width; progress.Report("Audio2Spectrum: Initializing video writer"); VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter(); writer.Open(path, outputWidth, outputHeight, frameRate, VideoCodec.FFV1); /* * Console.WriteLine("width: " + reader.Width); * Console.WriteLine("height: " + reader.Height); * Console.WriteLine("fps: " + reader.FrameRate); * Console.WriteLine("codec: " + reader.CodecName); * Console.WriteLine("length: " + reader.FrameCount); */ frameCount = (long)totalFrameCount; // Enlarge the array to make sure we don't end up accessing nonexisting samples. We make it a tiny bit bigger than maybe necessary, just to be safe. (To be honest, I am just too lazy to calculate the precise number we need) /*if((long)Math.Ceiling(frameCount * samplesPerFrame) > audio2spectrum_samples.Length) * { * progress.Report("Audio2Spectrum: Resizing array"); * Array.Resize<double>(ref audio2spectrum_samples, (int)Math.Ceiling(frameCount * samplesPerFrame)); * }*/ double[] frameSampleBuffer = new double[roundedSamplesPerFrame]; int currentFrame = 0; long currentStartSample = 0; progress.Report("Audio2Spectrum: Starting video generation"); Bitmap tmp; for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) { currentStartSample = (long)Math.Floor(i *samplesPerFrame); // Doing this branching here now because the resizing the array first was just way way too slow and memory hungry if (currentStartSample >= audio2spectrum_samples.Length) // Even the first sample is already outside the bounds, just make empty array. { frameSampleBuffer = new double[roundedSamplesPerFrame]; } else if ((currentStartSample + (roundedSamplesPerFrame - 1)) > (audio2spectrum_samples.Length - 1)) // Copy as many samples as possible { long difference = (currentStartSample + (roundedSamplesPerFrame - 1)) - (audio2spectrum_samples.Length - 1); frameSampleBuffer = new double[roundedSamplesPerFrame]; Array.Copy(audio2spectrum_samples, currentStartSample, frameSampleBuffer, 0, roundedSamplesPerFrame - difference); } else { Array.Copy(audio2spectrum_samples, currentStartSample, frameSampleBuffer, 0, roundedSamplesPerFrame); } spec.Add(frameSampleBuffer); tmp = spec.GetBitmapMel(dB: true, melBinCount: outputHeight); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine(tmp.Width + "x" + tmp.Height); #endif writer.WriteVideoFrame(tmp); if (currentFrame % 1000 == 0) { progress.Report("Audio2Spectrum: Saving video: " + i + "/" + frameCount + " frames"); } } writer.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } }); status_txt.Text = "Audio2Spectrum: Completed saving video."; videoIsLoaded = true; }
public void StopRecording() { recording = false; videoWriter.Close(); }
void bgWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; string destinationPath = _saveFolder + @"\" + _subjectName + "_Process.avi"; #region ReadProcessWriteVideo //Read video VideoFileReader _videoFileReader = new VideoFileReader(); _videoFileReader.Open(_sourceVideoPath); if (_videoFileReader.IsOpen) { //Get Total Frames int totalFrames = (int)_videoFileReader.FrameCount; //DB Open DBExport _dbExport = new DBExport(_mainDir, _projectName, _subjectName); _dbExport.DBConnect(); List <int> trackStartFrameID = _dbExport.GetAllPartTrackStartFrameID(); //Delete File if (File.Exists(destinationPath)) { File.Delete(destinationPath); } //Intit Video Writer VideoFileWriter _videoFileWriter = new VideoFileWriter(); _videoFileWriter.Open(destinationPath, _videoFileReader.Width, _videoFileReader.Height, _videoFileReader.FrameRate, (VideoCodec)_videoCodec, _videoFileReader.BitRate); int frameid = 0; while (true) { Bitmap bitmap = _videoFileReader.ReadVideoFrame(); frameid++; if (bitmap == null) { break; } Image <Bgra, Byte> frame = new Image <Bgra, Byte>(bitmap); //Get Data int startFrameID = _dbExport.CheckPartTrackStartFrameID(trackStartFrameID, frameid); List <ExportTrackInfo> trackinfolist = _dbExport.GetPartTrackFromDBWithFrameID(startFrameID, frameid); ExportData trackInfoScroll = _dbExport.CheckPartTrackScrollEvent(trackinfolist, _MexportVideoInfo.TrackType, _GexportVideoInfo.TrackType, _MexportVideoInfo.FixationRate, _GexportVideoInfo.FixationRate, _MexportVideoInfo.BrowserToolbarHeight, _GexportVideoInfo.BrowserToolbarHeight); //Process Frames #region Mouse if (trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks != null) { if (trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count >= 2 && _MexportVideoInfo.isTrackVisible) { //Track frame.DrawPolyline(trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.ToArray(), false, new Bgra(_MexportVideoInfo.TrackPenColor.B, _MexportVideoInfo.TrackPenColor.G, _MexportVideoInfo.TrackPenColor.R, _MexportVideoInfo.TrackPenColor.A), _MexportVideoInfo.TrackPenWidth); } } if (_MexportVideoInfo.isFixationVisible && trackInfoScroll.mouseFixations != null) { if (trackInfoScroll.mouseFixations.Count > 0) { List <System.Drawing.Point> scanpath = new List <System.Drawing.Point>(); for (int i = 0; i < trackInfoScroll.mouseFixations.Count; i++) { //Fixation frame.Draw(new CircleF(trackInfoScroll.mouseFixations[i].fixation, trackInfoScroll.mouseFixations[i].fsize), new Bgra(_MexportVideoInfo.FixationPenColor.B, _MexportVideoInfo.FixationPenColor.G, _MexportVideoInfo.FixationPenColor.R, _MexportVideoInfo.FixationPenColor.A), _MexportVideoInfo.FixationPenWidth); scanpath.Add(trackInfoScroll.mouseFixations[i].fixation); if (i >= 1 && _MexportVideoInfo.isPathVisible) { //Path frame.DrawPolyline(scanpath.ToArray(), false, new Bgra(_MexportVideoInfo.PathPenColor.B, _MexportVideoInfo.PathPenColor.G, _MexportVideoInfo.PathPenColor.R, _MexportVideoInfo.PathPenColor.A), _MexportVideoInfo.PathPenWidth); } //Fixation ID if (_MexportVideoInfo.isFixationIDVisible) { drawText(frame, (i + 1).ToString(), trackInfoScroll.mouseFixations[i].fixation, _MexportVideoInfo.FixationIDPenColor); } } } } #endregion #region Gaze if (trackInfoScroll.gazeTracks != null) { if (trackInfoScroll.gazeTracks.Count >= 2 && _GexportVideoInfo.isTrackVisible) { //Track frame.DrawPolyline(trackInfoScroll.gazeTracks.ToArray(), false, new Bgra(_GexportVideoInfo.TrackPenColor.B, _GexportVideoInfo.TrackPenColor.G, _GexportVideoInfo.TrackPenColor.R, _GexportVideoInfo.TrackPenColor.A), _GexportVideoInfo.TrackPenWidth); } } if (_GexportVideoInfo.isFixationVisible && trackInfoScroll.gazeFixations != null) { if (trackInfoScroll.gazeFixations.Count > 0) { List <System.Drawing.Point> scanpath = new List <System.Drawing.Point>(); for (int i = 0; i < trackInfoScroll.gazeFixations.Count; i++) { //Fixation frame.Draw(new CircleF(trackInfoScroll.gazeFixations[i].fixation, trackInfoScroll.gazeFixations[i].fsize), new Bgra(_GexportVideoInfo.FixationPenColor.B, _GexportVideoInfo.FixationPenColor.G, _GexportVideoInfo.FixationPenColor.R, _GexportVideoInfo.FixationPenColor.A), _GexportVideoInfo.FixationPenWidth); scanpath.Add(trackInfoScroll.gazeFixations[i].fixation); if (i >= 1 && _GexportVideoInfo.isPathVisible) { //Path frame.DrawPolyline(scanpath.ToArray(), false, new Bgra(_GexportVideoInfo.PathPenColor.B, _GexportVideoInfo.PathPenColor.G, _GexportVideoInfo.PathPenColor.R, _GexportVideoInfo.PathPenColor.A), _GexportVideoInfo.PathPenWidth); } //Fixation ID if (_GexportVideoInfo.isFixationIDVisible) { drawText(frame, (i + 1).ToString(), trackInfoScroll.gazeFixations[i].fixation, _GexportVideoInfo.FixationIDPenColor); } } } } #endregion #region Cursor if (trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks != null && trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count > 0 && _MexportVideoInfo.isCircleVisible) { //Circle frame.Draw(new CircleF(trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1], 50), new Bgra(_MexportVideoInfo.CirclePenColor.B, _MexportVideoInfo.CirclePenColor.G, _MexportVideoInfo.CirclePenColor.R, _MexportVideoInfo.CirclePenColor.A), _MexportVideoInfo.CirclePenWidth); } if (trackInfoScroll.gazeTracks != null && trackInfoScroll.gazeTracks.Count > 0 && _GexportVideoInfo.isCircleVisible) { //Circle frame.Draw(new CircleF(trackInfoScroll.gazeTracks[trackInfoScroll.gazeTracks.Count - 1], 50), new Bgra(_GexportVideoInfo.CirclePenColor.B, _GexportVideoInfo.CirclePenColor.G, _GexportVideoInfo.CirclePenColor.R, _GexportVideoInfo.CirclePenColor.A), _GexportVideoInfo.CirclePenWidth); } if (trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks != null && trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count > 0 && _MexportVideoInfo.isCursorVisible) { System.Drawing.Point[] p = new System.Drawing.Point[7]; System.Drawing.Point[] p2 = new System.Drawing.Point[6]; p[0] = new System.Drawing.Point(0 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].X, 0 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].Y); p[1] = new System.Drawing.Point(0 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].X, 23 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].Y); p[2] = new System.Drawing.Point(5 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].X, 19 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].Y); p[3] = new System.Drawing.Point(8 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].X, 26 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].Y); p[4] = new System.Drawing.Point(13 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].X, 24 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].Y); p[5] = new System.Drawing.Point(10 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].X, 18 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].Y); p[6] = new System.Drawing.Point(17 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].X, 18 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].Y); p2[0] = new System.Drawing.Point(3 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].X, 7 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].Y); p2[1] = new System.Drawing.Point(2 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].X, 18 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].Y); p2[2] = new System.Drawing.Point(6 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].X, 15 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].Y); p2[3] = new System.Drawing.Point(10 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].X, 23 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].Y); p2[4] = new System.Drawing.Point(6 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].X, 15 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].Y); p2[5] = new System.Drawing.Point(12 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].X, 16 + trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks[trackInfoScroll.mouseTracks.Count - 1].Y); frame.DrawPolyline(p2, true, new Bgra(255, 255, 255, 255), 3); frame.DrawPolyline(p, true, new Bgra(0, 0, 0, 255), 2); } if (trackInfoScroll.gazeTracks != null && trackInfoScroll.gazeTracks.Count > 0 && _GexportVideoInfo.isCursorVisible) { frame.Draw(new CircleF(trackInfoScroll.gazeTracks[trackInfoScroll.gazeTracks.Count - 1], 12), new Bgra(255, 255, 255, 255), -1); frame.Draw(new CircleF(trackInfoScroll.gazeTracks[trackInfoScroll.gazeTracks.Count - 1], 12), new Bgra(0, 0, 0, 255), 2); frame.Draw(new CircleF(trackInfoScroll.gazeTracks[trackInfoScroll.gazeTracks.Count - 1], 5), new Bgra(0, 0, 0, 255), -1); } #endregion //Write Video _videoFileWriter.WriteVideoFrame(frame.ToBitmap()); //clear bitmap.Dispose(); bitmap = null; frame.Dispose(); frame = null; //Updata Processbar if (worker.CancellationPending || _closePending) { //clear if (_videoFileWriter != null) { _videoFileWriter.Close(); _videoFileWriter.Dispose(); _videoFileWriter = null; } if (_videoFileReader != null) { _videoFileReader.Close(); _videoFileReader.Dispose(); _videoFileReader = null; } if (_dbExport != null) { _dbExport.DBDisconnect(); _dbExport = null; } if (bitmap != null) { bitmap.Dispose(); bitmap = null; } if (frame != null) { frame.Dispose(); frame = null; } e.Cancel = true; break; } else { worker.ReportProgress(100 * frameid / totalFrames); //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); } } //clear if (_videoFileWriter != null) { _videoFileWriter.Close(); _videoFileWriter.Dispose(); _videoFileWriter = null; } if (_videoFileReader != null) { _videoFileReader.Close(); _videoFileReader.Dispose(); _videoFileReader = null; } if (_dbExport != null) { _dbExport.DBDisconnect(); _dbExport = null; } } #endregion }
private void saveshot() { string str = Url; string[] sAry = str.Split('.'); Url2 = sAry[0]; VideoFileReader reader = new VideoFileReader(); reader.Open(textBox1.Text); int co = 0; int end = int.Parse(reader.FrameCount.ToString()); int countFrameCut = 0; VideoFileWriter writerShort = new VideoFileWriter(); name = "..\\..\\..\\VideoName\\" + Url2 + "_" + Convert.ToString(countFrameCut) + ".avi"; videoname = Url2 + "_" + countFrameCut + ".avi"; writerShort.Open(name, reader.Width, reader.Height, reader.FrameRate, VideoCodec.MPEG4, 1000000); for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { Bitmap videoFrame = reader.ReadVideoFrame(); writerShort.WriteVideoFrame(videoFrame); videoFrame.Dispose(); if (i == Savei[countFrameCut]) { // cut short writerShort.Close(); keyFrame(); if (countCutFrame != countFrameCut) { name = "..\\..\\..\\VideoName\\" + Url2 + "_" + Convert.ToString(countFrameCut) + ".avi"; videoname = Url2 + "_" + countFrameCut + ".avi"; writerShort.Open(name, reader.Width, reader.Height, reader.FrameRate, VideoCodec.MPEG4, 1000000); } countFrameCut++; } } writerShort.Close(); reader.Close(); /* for (int i = 0; i < Savei.Length; i++) { if (Savei[i] == 0) { if (co == 0) { Savei[i] = end; co = 1; } else { break; } } VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter(); try { name = "..\\..\\..\\VideoName\\" + Url2 + "_" + Convert.ToString(i) + ".avi"; videoname = Url2 + "_" + i + ".avi"; writer.Open(name, reader.Width, reader.Height, reader.FrameRate, VideoCodec.MPEG4, 1000000); for (int j = 0; j < end; j++) { if (Savei[i] == j) { writer.Close(); break; } Bitmap videoFrame = reader.ReadVideoFrame(); writer.WriteVideoFrame(videoFrame); videoFrame.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception exception) { writer.Close(); } if (i == 0) { end = end - Savei[i]; } else { end = end - Math.Abs(Savei[i] - Savei[i - 1]); } keyFrame(); //string constr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Db"].ConnectionString; //SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr); //con.Open(); //SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT into CollectionShot (No,VideoName,PathVideoName,KeyFrame,HistrogrameVecter) " + // " VALUES ( (Select count(*) from CollectionShot ),'" + videoname + "','" + name + "' , '" + keyF + "','" + Vechist + "')", con); //cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //con.Close(); } reader.Close(); */ }
private void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.timer1.Stop(); sector = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >(); for (int i = 0; i != sectorNumber; i++) { sector.Add(i, new List <int>()); for (int j = 0; j != sectorWidth; j++) { if (rbOffToOn.Checked) { sector[i].Add(0); } else if (rbOnToOff.Checked) { sector[i].Add(1); } } } progressBar1.Maximum = (int)(frameRate * time); progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Minimum = 0;//设置范围最小值 VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter(); writer.Open(savePath, width, height, frameRate, VideoCodec.MPEG4); int index = 0; int reIndex = sectorWidth - 1; for (int jj = 0; jj != (int)(frameRate * time); jj++) { Application.DoEvents(); if (rbLeftToRight.Checked) { if (rbOnToOff.Checked) { for (int i = 0; i != step; i++) { for (int ii = 0; ii != sector.Count; ii++) { //this.label1.Text = index.ToString(); try { sector[ii][index] = 0; } catch { this.timer1.Stop(); } } index++; if (index == sectorWidth) { setOne(sector); index = 0; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i != step; i++) { for (int ii = 0; ii != sector.Count; ii++) { //this.label1.Text = index.ToString(); try { sector[ii][index] = 1; } catch { this.timer1.Stop(); } } index++; if (index == sectorWidth) { setZero(sector); index = 0; } } } } if (rbRightToLeft.Checked) { if (rbOnToOff.Checked) { for (int i = 0; i != step; i++) { for (int ii = 0; ii != sector.Count; ii++) { //this.label1.Text = index.ToString(); try { sector[ii][reIndex] = 0; } catch { this.timer1.Stop(); } } reIndex--; if (reIndex == 0) { setOne(sector); reIndex = sectorWidth - 1; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i != step; i++) { for (int ii = 0; ii != sector.Count; ii++) { //this.label1.Text = index.ToString(); try { sector[ii][reIndex] = 1; } catch { this.timer1.Stop(); } } reIndex--; if (reIndex == 0) { setZero(sector); reIndex = sectorWidth - 1; } } } } g1.Clear(Color.White); for (int i = 0; i != sector.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j != sector[i].Count; j++) { if (sector[i][j] == 0) { g1.DrawLine(new Pen(Off), sectorWidth * i + j, 0, sectorWidth * i + j, height); } else { g1.DrawLine(new Pen(On), sectorWidth * i + j, 0, sectorWidth * i + j, height); } } } writer.WriteVideoFrame(image1); this.progressBar1.Value = jj; } writer.Close(); this.progressBar1.Value = (int)(frameRate * time); MessageBox.Show("Saved!!"); }
private void btn_encode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (oform != null && File.Exists(oform.FileName)) { //has a filestream been opened? hScrollBar1.Enabled = false; checkBox1.Enabled = false; btn_encode.Enabled = false; // create instance of video reader VideoFileReader reader = new VideoFileReader(); VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter(); reader.Open(oform.FileName); if (checkBox1.Checked) { //Is the user requesting a AVI? writer.Open(apath + "output.wmv", 320, 200, reader.FrameRate, VideoCodec.WMV2); } // print some of its attributes logbox.Text += "Width: " + reader.Width + "px" + Environment.NewLine; logbox.Text += ("Height: " + reader.Height + "px" + Environment.NewLine); logbox.Text += ("Fps: " + reader.FrameRate + "fps"+ Environment.NewLine); logbox.Text += ("Codec: " + reader.CodecName + Environment.NewLine); logbox.Text += ("Frames: " + reader.FrameCount + Environment.NewLine); //start encoding classes TMVVideo tvid = new TMVVideo(); TMVEncoder tmv = new TMVEncoder(); //tmvframe.Threshold = hScrollBar1.Value; Bitmap videoFrame = new Bitmap(320,200); logbox.Text += "Conversion started @ " + DateTime.Now.ToString(); string logtxt = logbox.Text; logbox.Text += "Current Frame: 0"; TMVFont renderfont = new TMVFont(apath + "font.bin"); TMVFrame tframe; for (int i = 0; i < reader.FrameCount; i++) { videoFrame = resize_image(reader.ReadVideoFrame()); tframe = tmv.encode(videoFrame); tvid.addFrame(tframe); obox.Image = tframe.renderFrame(renderfont); pbar.Value = (int)((i * 100) / (reader.FrameCount-1)); logbox.Text = logtxt + Environment.NewLine + "Current Frame: " + i + "/" + (reader.FrameCount-1); if (checkBox1.Checked) { //Is the user requesting a AVI? writer.WriteVideoFrame((Bitmap)obox.Image); } if (closing) { return; } fbox.Image = videoFrame; Application.DoEvents(); } logbox.Text += Environment.NewLine + "All frames converted, attempting to interleave audio."; if (File.Exists(apath + "temp.wav")) { //remove any previous streams File.Delete(apath + "temp.wav"); } AviManager aviManager = new AviManager(oform.FileName, true); try { //try to read the stream AudioStream waveStream = aviManager.GetWaveStream(); logbox.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Audio stream found:"; logbox.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Sample Rate: " + waveStream.CountSamplesPerSecond.ToString(); logbox.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Bits:" + waveStream.CountBitsPerSample.ToString(); logbox.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Number of Channels: " + waveStream.CountChannels.ToString(); File.Delete(apath + "temp.wav"); waveStream.ExportStream(apath+"temp.wav"); waveStream.Close(); aviManager.Close(); byte[] audio_data = readWav(apath + "temp.wav"); if (reader.FrameRate > 99) { //sometimes frame rate is stored fixed point CRUDE tvid.setFPS((decimal)(reader.FrameRate / 10.0)); tvid.loadAudio(audio_data);; } else { tvid.setFPS(reader.FrameRate); tvid.loadAudio(audio_data);; } } catch { //error somewhere here, continue silent. logbox.Text += Environment.NewLine+"Error, source video does not have WAV audio, video will be silent."; if (reader.FrameRate > 99) { //sometimes frame rate is stored fixed point CRUDE tvid.setFPS((decimal)(reader.FrameRate / 10.0)); tvid.loadAudio(new Byte[reader.FrameCount]);; } else { tvid.setFPS(reader.FrameRate); tvid.loadAudio(new Byte[reader.FrameCount]);; } } logbox.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Conversion finished @ " + DateTime.Now.ToString(); writer.Close(); reader.Close(); hScrollBar1.Enabled = true; checkBox1.Enabled = true; btn_encode.Enabled = true; } else { logbox.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Error: Select a file (Using File -> Open) before attempting to encode."; } }
/// <summary> /// 停止录制 /// </summary> /// <param name="ShowErr">当发生异常时是否显示错误提示</param> /// <param name="CloseCamera">是否关闭摄像头窗口</param> /// <param name="SaveFile">是否保留输出文件:可以放弃录制</param> internal void StopRecord(bool ShowErr = true, bool CloseCamera = true, bool SaveFile = true) { try { IsRecording = false; if (CloseCamera && SettingHelp.Settings.摄像头) //摄像头关闭时调用该方法不需要再去关闭摄像头 { CarmeraShowWin?.Close(); //如果摄像头窗口不为空则调用关闭方法关闭窗口 } if (SettingHelp.Settings.桌面) { try { VideoStreamer.Stop();//.Net Core时该方法异常,统一都加一个异常捕获 } catch { } VideoWriter.Close(); } if (SettingHelp.Settings.声音) { AudioStreamer.StopRecording(); AudioStreamer.Dispose(); AudioWriter.Close(); } HiddenTools(SettingHelp.Settings.自动隐藏); btParse.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //暂停按钮隐藏 btStop.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //停止按钮隐藏 btSet.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //恢复设置按钮显示 lbTime.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //视频时长隐藏 btClose.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //关闭按钮隐藏 btBegin.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //录制按钮显示 if (SaveFile) //保留输出文件 { waitBar.Value = 0; barGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //有视频有声音的时候再进行ffmpeg合成 if ((SettingHelp.Settings.桌面 || SettingHelp.Settings.摄像头) && SettingHelp.Settings.声音) { System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { try { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { waitBar.Value = i; }); } catch { break; } Thread.Sleep(1000); } });//起一个线程让进度条动起来 System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { //CurrentVideoPath为全局的,防止在转码的过程中又开始了新的录制使CurrentVideoPath导致转码完删错文件 string tempVideo = CurrentVideoPath; string tempAudio = SettingHelp.Settings.声音 ? $"-i \"{CurrentAudioPath}\"" : ""; string outfile = MakeFilePath(SettingHelp.Settings.编码类型); Functions.CMD($"ffmpeg -i {tempVideo} {tempAudio} -acodec copy {outfile} -crf 12"); DeleteFile(tempVideo, tempAudio, !SettingHelp.Settings.保留视频, !SettingHelp.Settings.保留音频); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { btClose.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //转码完恢复关闭按钮显示 barGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //隐藏转码进度条 }); }); } else { btClose.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //转码完恢复关闭按钮显示 barGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //隐藏转码进度条 } } else//不保留输出则简单的将录制的原始音视频文件删除即算完成 { DeleteFile(CurrentVideoPath, CurrentAudioPath, !SettingHelp.Settings.保留视频, !SettingHelp.Settings.保留音频); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ShowErr) { Functions.Message(ex.Message); } } }
public string RecordingPath = "recording"; // default recording path private void DoRecord() { //// we set our VideoFileWriter as well as the file name, resolution and fps VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter(); string filename = String.Format("{0}\\{1}_{2:dd-MM-yyyy_hh-mm-ss}.avi", RecordingPath, cameraName, DateTime.Now); string logStr = ""; int afr =0; if (cam.VideoResolution.FrameSize.Width * cam.VideoResolution.FrameSize.Height >= 1024 * 768) { afr = 10; // minimum framerate is 10? } else afr = cam.VideoResolution.AverageFrameRate; writer.Open(filename, cam.VideoResolution.FrameSize.Width, cam.VideoResolution.FrameSize.Height, afr, VideoCodec.MPEG4); // (int)(cam.VideoResolution.AverageFrameRate / 3) logStr = String.Format("DoRecord({0}) with ({1},{2}) x {3}", filename, cam.VideoResolution.FrameSize.Width, cam.VideoResolution.FrameSize.Height, afr);; // as long as we're recording // we dequeue the BitMaps waiting in the Queue and write them to the file while (IsRecording) { if (frames.Count > 0) { Bitmap bmp = frames.Dequeue(); writer.WriteVideoFrame(bmp); bmp.Dispose(); } } writer.Close(); }
private void Record_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //If recording if (!IsRecording) { //Set Directory Path //string myPath = Path.Combine("D:\\Kinect Data"); //string myPath = Path.Combine("C:\\Airway_Resistance_2015\\Airway_Data_2015\\Kinect Data"); //string myPath = Path.Combine("C:\\Users\\AC lab\\Desktop\\Kinect Apps\\RecorderFinal\\Sample Kinect Data"); string myPath = SaveDirectory.Text; // Make sure directory exists if (!Directory.Exists(myPath)) { MessageBox.Show("Recording directory doesn't exist"); return; } // Create directory for files string time = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'-'hh'-'mm'-'ss", CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.DateTimeFormat); myPath = Path.Combine(myPath, String.Format("Kinect_{0}_{1}", Sub.Text, time)); Directory.CreateDirectory(myPath); Properties.Settings.Default["Filename"] = Sub.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); initTimers(); //Format file name //Time gzWriter = null; colorWriter = null; timeWriter = null; // Create Time Writer string tfname = Path.Combine(myPath, "times.bin"); FileStream tfs = File.Open(tfname, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); timeWriter = new BinaryWriter(tfs); //Append depth and color to file name, if depth file checked lastFrame = null; if (depthCheckBox.IsChecked.Value == true) { string fname = Path.Combine(myPath, "depth.bin.gz"); FileStream fileStream = File.Open(fname, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); gzWriter = new GZipStream(fileStream, CompressionLevel.Fastest); } if (rgbCheckBox.IsChecked.Value == true) { string fname = Path.Combine(myPath, "rgb.avi"); colorWriter = new VideoFileWriter(); colorWriter.Open(fname, this.colorFrameDescription.Width, this.colorFrameDescription.Height, 30, VideoCodec.MPEG4); recordTimer.Restart(); } //Create file path, file, and writer //Disable choose file type when start recording depthCheckBox.IsEnabled = false; rgbCheckBox.IsEnabled = false; //Disable sampling frequency and file name when recording Sub.IsEnabled = false; ChangeDirectory.IsEnabled = false; //Toggle recording IsRecording = !IsRecording; //Change button text Record.Content = IsRecording ? "Stop" : "Record"; } else { //Close writer and enable file type boxes if (timeWriter != null) { timeWriter.Close(); } if (gzWriter != null) { gzWriter.Close(); } if (colorWriter != null) { colorWriter.Close(); } timeWriter = null; gzWriter = null; colorWriter = null; depthCheckBox.IsEnabled = true; rgbCheckBox.IsEnabled = true; //Re-enable sampling frequency and file name boxes Sub.IsEnabled = true; ChangeDirectory.IsEnabled = true; //Toggle recording IsRecording = !IsRecording; //Change button text Record.Content = IsRecording ? "Stop" : "Record"; } }
private void Record() { _stopWrite = false; MainForm.RecordingThreads++; string previewImage = ""; DateTime recordingStart = DateTime.MinValue; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Camobject.recorder.trigger) && TopLevelControl != null) { string[] tid = Camobject.recorder.trigger.Split(','); switch (tid[0]) { case "1": VolumeLevel vl = ((MainForm)TopLevelControl).GetVolumeLevel(Convert.ToInt32(tid[1])); if (vl != null) vl.RecordSwitch(true); break; case "2": CameraWindow cw = ((MainForm)TopLevelControl).GetCameraWindow(Convert.ToInt32(tid[1])); if (cw != null) cw.RecordSwitch(true); break; } } try { if (_writerBuffer != null) _writerBuffer.Clear(); _writerBuffer = new QueueWithEvents<FrameAction>(); _writerBuffer.Changed += WriterBufferChanged; DateTime date = DateTime.Now; string filename = String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}_{3}-{4}-{5}", date.Year, Helper.ZeroPad(date.Month), Helper.ZeroPad(date.Day), Helper.ZeroPad(date.Hour), Helper.ZeroPad(date.Minute), Helper.ZeroPad(date.Second)); var vc = VolumeControl; if (vc != null && { vc.ForcedRecording = ForcedRecording; vc.StartSaving(); } VideoFileName = + "_" + filename; string folder = MainForm.Conf.MediaDirectory + "video\\" + + "\\"; string avifilename = folder + VideoFileName + CodecExtension; bool error = false; double maxAlarm = 0; try { int w, h; GetVideoSize(out w, out h); Program.WriterMutex.WaitOne(); try { Writer = new VideoFileWriter(); if (vc == null || vc.AudioSource==null) Writer.Open(avifilename, w, h, Camobject.recorder.crf, Codec, CalcBitRate(Camobject.recorder.quality), CodecFramerate); else { Writer.Open(avifilename, w, h, Camobject.recorder.crf, Codec, CalcBitRate(Camobject.recorder.quality), CodecAudio, CodecFramerate, vc.AudioSource.RecordingFormat.BitsPerSample * vc.AudioSource.RecordingFormat.SampleRate * vc.AudioSource.RecordingFormat.Channels, vc.AudioSource.RecordingFormat.SampleRate, vc.AudioSource.RecordingFormat.Channels); } } catch { ForcedRecording = false; if (vc != null) { vc.ForcedRecording = false; vc.StopSaving(); } throw; } finally { Program.WriterMutex.ReleaseMutex(); } FrameAction? peakFrame = null; foreach(FrameAction fa in _videoBuffer.OrderBy(p=>p.Timestamp)) { try { using (var ms = new MemoryStream(fa.Frame)) { using (var bmp = (Bitmap)Image.FromStream(ms)) { if (recordingStart == DateTime.MinValue) { recordingStart = fa.Timestamp; } Writer.WriteVideoFrame(ResizeBitmap(bmp), fa.Timestamp - recordingStart); } if (fa.MotionLevel > maxAlarm || peakFrame == null) { maxAlarm = fa.MotionLevel; peakFrame = fa; } _motionData.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.000}", Math.Min(fa.MotionLevel*1000, 100))); _motionData.Append(","); ms.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("",ex);//MainForm.LogExceptionToFile(ex); } } _videoBuffer.Clear(); if (vc != null && vc.AudioBuffer != null) { foreach (VolumeLevel.AudioAction aa in vc.AudioBuffer.OrderBy(p=>p.TimeStamp)) { unsafe { fixed (byte* p = aa.Decoded) { if ((aa.TimeStamp - recordingStart).TotalMilliseconds>=0) Writer.WriteAudio(p, aa.Decoded.Length); } } } vc.AudioBuffer.Clear(); } if (recordingStart == DateTime.MinValue) recordingStart = DateTime.Now; while (!_stopWrite) { while (_writerBuffer.Count > 0) { var fa = _writerBuffer.Dequeue(); try { using (var ms = new MemoryStream(fa.Frame)) { var bmp = (Bitmap) Image.FromStream(ms); Writer.WriteVideoFrame(ResizeBitmap(bmp), fa.Timestamp - recordingStart); bmp.Dispose(); bmp = null; if (fa.MotionLevel > maxAlarm || peakFrame == null) { maxAlarm = fa.MotionLevel; peakFrame = fa; } _motionData.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.000}", Math.Min(fa.MotionLevel*1000, 100))); _motionData.Append(","); ms.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("",ex);//MainForm.LogExceptionToFile(ex); } if (vc != null && vc.WriterBuffer != null) { try { while (vc.WriterBuffer.Count > 0) { var b = vc.WriterBuffer.Dequeue(); unsafe { fixed (byte* p = b.Decoded) { Writer.WriteAudio(p, b.Decoded.Length); } } } } catch { //can fail if the control is switched off/removed whilst recording } } } _newRecordingFrame.WaitOne(200); } if (!Directory.Exists(folder + @"thumbs\")) Directory.CreateDirectory(folder + @"thumbs\"); if (peakFrame != null) { using (var ms = new MemoryStream(peakFrame.Value.Frame)) { using (var bmp = (Bitmap)Image.FromStream(ms)) { bmp.Save(folder + @"thumbs\" + VideoFileName + "_large.jpg", MainForm.Encoder, MainForm.EncoderParams); Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort myCallback = ThumbnailCallback; using (var myThumbnail = bmp.GetThumbnailImage(96, 72, myCallback, IntPtr.Zero)) { myThumbnail.Save(folder + @"thumbs\" + VideoFileName + ".jpg", MainForm.Encoder, MainForm.EncoderParams); } } previewImage = folder + @"thumbs\" + VideoFileName + ".jpg"; ms.Close(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; Log.Error("Camera " +, ex); } finally { _stopWrite = false; if (Writer != null) { Program.WriterMutex.WaitOne(); try { Writer.Close(); Writer.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("",ex);//MainForm.LogExceptionToFile(ex); } finally { Program.WriterMutex.ReleaseMutex(); } Writer = null; } try { _writerBuffer.Clear(); } catch { } _writerBuffer = null; _recordingTime = 0; if (vc != null && VolumeControl.StopSaving(); } if (error) { try { FileOperations.Delete(filename + CodecExtension); } catch { } MainForm.RecordingThreads--; return; } string path = MainForm.Conf.MediaDirectory + "video\\" + + "\\" + VideoFileName; bool yt = && MainForm.Conf.Subscribed; string[] fnpath = (path + CodecExtension).Split('\\'); string fn = fnpath[fnpath.Length - 1]; var fpath = MainForm.Conf.MediaDirectory + "video\\" + + "\\thumbs\\"; var fi = new FileInfo(path + CodecExtension); var dSeconds = Convert.ToInt32((DateTime.Now - recordingStart).TotalSeconds); FilesFile ff = FileList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Filename.EndsWith(fn)); bool newfile = false; if (ff == null) { ff = new FilesFile(); newfile = true; } ff.CreatedDateTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks; ff.Filename = fn; ff.MaxAlarm = Math.Min(maxAlarm * 1000, 100); ff.SizeBytes = fi.Length; ff.DurationSeconds = dSeconds; ff.IsTimelapse = false; ff.AlertData = Helper.GetMotionDataPoints(_motionData); _motionData.Clear(); ff.TriggerLevel = (100-Camobject.detector.minsensitivity); //adjusted if (newfile) { FileList.Insert(0, ff); if (!MainForm.MasterFileList.Any(p => p.Filename.EndsWith(fn))) { MainForm.MasterFileList.Add(new FilePreview(fn, dSeconds,, DateTime.Now.Ticks, 2,, ff.MaxAlarm)); if (TopLevelControl != null) { string thumb = fpath + fn.Replace(CodecExtension, ".jpg"); ((MainForm)TopLevelControl).AddPreviewControl(thumb, path + CodecExtension, dSeconds, DateTime.Now, true); } } if (yt) { if (CodecExtension!=".mp4") Log.Info("Skipped youtube upload (only upload mp4 files)."); else { try { YouTubeUploader.AddUpload(, fn,, "", ""); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("",ex);//MainForm.LogExceptionToFile(ex); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("",ex);//MainForm.LogExceptionToFile(ex); } MainForm.RecordingThreads--; Camobject.newrecordingcount++; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Camobject.recorder.trigger) && TopLevelControl != null) { string[] tid = Camobject.recorder.trigger.Split(','); switch (tid[0]) { case "1": VolumeLevel vl = ((MainForm)TopLevelControl).GetVolumeLevel(Convert.ToInt32(tid[1])); if (vl != null) vl.RecordSwitch(false); break; case "2": CameraWindow cw = ((MainForm)TopLevelControl).GetCameraWindow(Convert.ToInt32(tid[1])); if (cw != null) cw.RecordSwitch(false); break; } } if (Notification != null) Notification(this, new NotificationType("NewRecording",, previewImage)); }
private void CreateVideo() { // Start a new video file VideoFileWriter vfw = new VideoFileWriter(); vfw.Open("Test.avi", mat.Width, mat.Height, 30, VideoCodec.Default); // create an image that we are going to use for the buffering of the next frame Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(mat.Width, mat.Height); FxMaths.Images.FxImages nextFrameImage = FxMaths.Images.FxTools.FxImages_safe_constructors(bitmap); // Start the simulation simulation.Start(); var imTarget = imPerson * 0.1f + 0.5f; for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { // Set to zero value mat.DrawMatrix(shopPlan, new FxVector2f(0, 0), new FxVector2f(mat.Width, mat.Height), FxMatrixF.DrawInterpolationMethod.Linear); //mat.SetValue(1); // white // Draw the target points if(true) foreach(var t in targetList) { var size = new FxVector2f(20 * resize.x, 20 * resize.y); var center = size / 2; // Draw a circle per person mat.DrawMatrix(imTarget, imPersonMask, t - center, size, FxMatrixF.DrawInterpolationMethod.Linear); } lock (shop) { var size = new FxVector2f(50 * resize.x, 50 * resize.y); var center = size / 2; // move the blobs in random directions foreach (var person in shop.personList) { // Draw a circle per person mat.DrawMatrix(imPerson, imPersonMask, person.Position - center, size, FxMatrixF.DrawInterpolationMethod.Linear); } } // Update the bitmap that we write to image nextFrameImage.Load(mat, new FxMaths.Images.ColorMap(FxMaths.Images.ColorMapDefaults.Gray)); vfw.WriteVideoFrame(bitmap); // Update showing image im.UpdateInternalImage(mat, new FxMaths.Images.ColorMap(FxMaths.Images.ColorMapDefaults.Gray)); canvas1.ReDraw(); if (i % 10 == 0) Console.WriteLine("Write Frame:" + i.ToString()); } // Stop the simulation simulation.Stop(); vfw.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Method for rendering and saving the video to a new file. All settings are set in the ProjectSettings class. /// </summary> // TODO add sound, use constructor with parameters in a factory patern public static void RenderVideo() { ProjectSettings settings = ProjectSettings.GetSettings(); // TODO moove to Widget if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.GPXPath)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("No track file was selected!"); } new GPXFileLoader().LoadPoints(settings.GPXPath); List<Widget> activeWidgets = UpdateActiveWidgets(); VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter(); // open video file reader.Open(settings.VideoInputPath); VideoDimensions = new Size(reader.Width, reader.Height); float framerate = reader.FrameRate; // create new AVI file and open it var encoding = (VideoCodec)Enum.Parse(typeof(VideoCodec), settings.Format.ToString()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.VideoOutputPath)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("No output video file was specified!"); } writer.Open(settings.VideoOutputPath, reader.Width, reader.Height, reader.FrameRate, encoding, settings.VideoQuality * 1000000); videoEnd = (int)(settings.VideoEnd * reader.FrameRate); videoStart = (int)(settings.VideoStart * reader.FrameRate); if (videoEnd == 0 || videoEnd > reader.FrameCount) { videoEnd = reader.FrameCount; } int speed = settings.VideoSpeed; for (long currentFrameNumber = 0; currentFrameNumber < videoEnd - speed; currentFrameNumber++) { Bitmap videoFrame = GetFrame(reader, speed, ref currentFrameNumber); RenderFrame(currentFrameNumber / framerate, videoFrame, activeWidgets); writer.WriteVideoFrame(videoFrame); videoFrame.Dispose(); ////string progress = string.Format("{0} {1}", (int)(100 * n / videoEnd), '%'); } reader.Close(); writer.Close(); }