        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all movies from the Video Database
        /// </summary>
        internal static List <IMDBMovie> GetMovies()
            ArrayList myvideos = new ArrayList();

            VideoDatabase.GetMovies(ref myvideos);

            return((from IMDBMovie movie in myvideos select movie).ToList());
        public void Download()
            // get all movies in database
            ArrayList myvideos = new ArrayList();

            VideoDatabase.GetMovies(ref myvideos);

            var localMovies = (from IMDBMovie movie in myvideos select movie).ToList();

            FileLog.Info("{0} movies in My Videos database", localMovies.Count);

            // get locally cached trailers
            var cache = TrailerDownloader.LoadMovieList(MoviePluginSource.MyVideos);

            // process local movies
            var movieList = new List <Movie>();

            foreach (var movie in localMovies)
                // add to cache if it doesn't already exist
                if (!cache.Movies.Exists(m => m.IMDbID == movie.IMDBNumber && m.Title == movie.Title && m.Year == movie.Year.ToString()))
                    string fanart = string.Empty;
                    MediaPortal.Util.FanArt.GetFanArtfilename(movie.ID, 0, out fanart);

                    string poster = MediaPortal.Util.Utils.GetLargeCoverArtName(MediaPortal.Util.Thumbs.MovieTitle, movie.Title + "{" + movie.ID + "}");

                    FileLog.Info("Adding Title='{0}', Year='{1}', IMDb='{2}', TMDb='{3}' to movie trailer cache.", movie.Title, movie.Year, movie.IMDBNumber ?? "<empty>", "<empty>");

                    movieList.Add(new Movie
                        File      = movie.VideoFileName,
                        IMDbID    = movie.IMDBNumber,
                        Year      = movie.Year.ToString(),
                        Title     = movie.Title,
                        Cast      = Regex.Replace(movie.Cast, @"\n|\r", "|"),
                        Directors = movie.Director,
                        Writers   = movie.WritingCredits.Replace(" / ", "|"),
                        Genres    = movie.Genre.Replace(" / ", "|"),
                        Plot      = movie.Plot,
                        Fanart    = fanart,
                        Poster    = poster

            // remove any movies from cache that are no longer in local collection
            cache.Movies.RemoveAll(c => !localMovies.Exists(l => l.IMDBNumber == c.IMDbID && l.Title == c.Title && l.Year.ToString() == c.Year));

            // add any new local movies to cache since last time

            // process the movie cache and download trailers
            TrailerDownloader.ProcessAndDownloadTrailers(cache, MoviePluginSource.MyVideos);

        public static bool FindMovieID(string title, int year, string imdbid, ref IMDBMovie imdbMovie)
            // get all movies
            ArrayList myvideos = new ArrayList();

            VideoDatabase.GetMovies(ref myvideos);

            // get all movies in local database
            List <IMDBMovie> movies = (from IMDBMovie m in myvideos select m).ToList();

            // try find a match
            IMDBMovie movie = movies.Find(m => BasicHandler.GetProperMovieImdbId(m.IMDBNumber) == imdbid || (string.Compare(m.Title, title, true) == 0 && m.Year == year));

            if (movie == null)

            imdbMovie = movie;
        public void SyncLibrary()
            TraktLogger.Info("My Videos Starting Sync");

            if (TraktSettings.SyncLibrary)
                // get all movies
                ArrayList myvideos = new ArrayList();
                VideoDatabase.GetMovies(ref myvideos);

                List <IMDBMovie> MovieList = (from IMDBMovie movie in myvideos select movie).ToList();

                #region Remove Blocked Movies
                MovieList.RemoveAll(m => TraktSettings.BlockedFolders.Any(f => m.Path.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(f.ToLowerInvariant())));

                List <int> blockedMovieIds = new List <int>();
                foreach (string file in TraktSettings.BlockedFilenames)
                    int pathId  = 0;
                    int movieId = 0;

                    // get a list of ids for blocked filenames
                    // filename seems to always be empty for an IMDBMovie object!
                    if (VideoDatabase.GetFile(file, out pathId, out movieId, false) > 0)
                MovieList.RemoveAll(m => blockedMovieIds.Contains(m.ID));

                #region Skipped Movies Check
                // Remove Skipped Movies from previous Sync
                if (TraktSettings.SkippedMovies != null)
                    // allow movies to re-sync again after 7-days in the case user has addressed issue ie. edited movie or added to themoviedb.org
                    if (TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.LastSkippedSync.FromEpoch() > DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0)))
                        if (TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.Movies != null && TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.Movies.Count > 0)
                            TraktLogger.Info("Skipping {0} movies due to invalid data or movies don't exist on http://themoviedb.org. Next check will be {1}.", TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.Movies.Count, TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.LastSkippedSync.FromEpoch().Add(new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0)));
                            foreach (var movie in TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.Movies)
                                TraktLogger.Info("Skipping movie, Title: {0}, Year: {1}, IMDb: {2}", movie.Title, movie.Year, movie.IMDBID);
                                MovieList.RemoveAll(m => (m.Title == movie.Title) && (m.Year.ToString() == movie.Year) && (m.IMDBNumber == movie.IMDBID));
                        if (TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.Movies != null)
                        TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.LastSkippedSync = DateTime.UtcNow.ToEpoch();

                #region Already Exists Movie Check
                // Remove Already-Exists Movies, these are typically movies that are using aka names and no IMDb/TMDb set
                // When we compare our local collection with trakt collection we have english only titles, so if no imdb/tmdb exists
                // we need to fallback to title matching. When we sync aka names are sometimes accepted if defined on themoviedb.org so we need to
                // do this to revent syncing these movies every sync interval.
                if (TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies != null && TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies != null && TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies.Count > 0)
                    TraktLogger.Debug("Skipping {0} movies as they already exist in trakt library but failed local match previously.", TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies.Count.ToString());
                    var movies = new List <TraktMovieSync.Movie>(TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies);
                    foreach (var movie in movies)
                        Predicate <IMDBMovie> criteria = m => (m.Title == movie.Title) && (m.Year.ToString() == movie.Year) && (m.IMDBNumber == movie.IMDBID);
                        if (MovieList.Exists(criteria))
                            TraktLogger.Debug("Skipping movie, Title: {0}, Year: {1}, IMDb: {2}", movie.Title, movie.Year, movie.IMDBID);
                            // remove as we have now removed from our local collection or updated movie signature
                            if (TraktSettings.MoviePluginCount == 1)
                                TraktLogger.Debug("Removing 'AlreadyExists' movie, Title: {0}, Year: {1}, IMDb: {2}", movie.Title, movie.Year, movie.IMDBID);

                TraktLogger.Info("{0} movies available to sync in My Videos database", MovieList.Count.ToString());

                // get the movies that we have watched
                List <IMDBMovie> SeenList = MovieList.Where(m => m.Watched > 0).ToList();

                TraktLogger.Info("{0} watched movies available to sync in My Videos database", SeenList.Count.ToString());

                // get the movies that we have yet to watch
                TraktLogger.Info("Getting user {0}'s movies from trakt", TraktSettings.Username);
                IEnumerable <TraktLibraryMovies> traktMoviesAll = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.GetAllMoviesForUser(TraktSettings.Username);
                if (traktMoviesAll == null)
                    TraktLogger.Error("Error getting movies from trakt server, cancelling sync.");
                TraktLogger.Info("{0} movies in trakt library", traktMoviesAll.Count().ToString());

                #region Movies to Sync to Collection
                List <IMDBMovie>          moviesToSync            = new List <IMDBMovie>(MovieList);
                List <TraktLibraryMovies> NoLongerInOurCollection = new List <TraktLibraryMovies>();
                //Filter out a list of movies we have already sync'd in our collection
                foreach (TraktLibraryMovies tlm in traktMoviesAll)
                    bool notInLocalCollection = true;
                    // if it is in both libraries
                    foreach (IMDBMovie libraryMovie in MovieList.Where(m => MovieMatch(m, tlm)))
                        // If the users IMDb Id is empty/invalid and we have matched one then set it
                        if (BasicHandler.IsValidImdb(tlm.IMDBID) && !BasicHandler.IsValidImdb(libraryMovie.IMDBNumber))
                            TraktLogger.Info("Movie '{0}' inserted IMDb Id '{1}'", libraryMovie.Title, tlm.IMDBID);
                            libraryMovie.IMDBNumber = tlm.IMDBID;
                            IMDBMovie details = libraryMovie;
                            VideoDatabase.SetMovieInfoById(libraryMovie.ID, ref details);

                        // if it is watched in Trakt but not My Videos update
                        // skip if movie is watched but user wishes to have synced as unseen locally
                        if (tlm.Plays > 0 && !tlm.UnSeen && libraryMovie.Watched == 0)
                            TraktLogger.Info("Movie '{0}' is watched on Trakt updating Database", libraryMovie.Title);
                            libraryMovie.Watched = 1;
                            if (libraryMovie.DateWatched == "0001-01-01 00:00:00")
                                libraryMovie.DateWatched = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                            IMDBMovie details = libraryMovie;
                            VideoDatabase.SetMovieInfoById(libraryMovie.ID, ref details);

                            if (libraryMovie.WatchedCount == 0)
                                VideoDatabase.SetMovieWatchedCount(libraryMovie.ID, tlm.Plays);
                                VideoDatabase.SetMovieWatchedStatus(libraryMovie.ID, true, 0);

                        // mark movies as unseen if watched locally
                        if (tlm.UnSeen && libraryMovie.Watched > 0)
                            TraktLogger.Info("Movie '{0}' is unseen on Trakt, updating database", libraryMovie.Title);
                            libraryMovie.Watched = 0;
                            IMDBMovie details = libraryMovie;
                            VideoDatabase.SetMovieInfoById(libraryMovie.ID, ref details);
                            VideoDatabase.SetMovieWatchedStatus(libraryMovie.ID, false, 0);

                        notInLocalCollection = false;

                        //filter out if its already in collection
                        if (tlm.InCollection)
                            moviesToSync.RemoveAll(m => MovieMatch(m, tlm));

                    if (notInLocalCollection && tlm.InCollection)

                #region Movies to Sync to Seen Collection
                // filter out a list of movies already marked as watched on trakt
                // also filter out movie marked as unseen so we dont reset the unseen cache online
                List <IMDBMovie> watchedMoviesToSync = new List <IMDBMovie>(SeenList);
                foreach (TraktLibraryMovies tlm in traktMoviesAll.Where(t => t.Plays > 0 || t.UnSeen))
                    foreach (IMDBMovie watchedMovie in SeenList.Where(m => MovieMatch(m, tlm)))
                        //filter out

                #region Sync Collection to trakt
                //Send Library/Collection
                TraktLogger.Info("{0} movies need to be added to Library", moviesToSync.Count.ToString());
                foreach (IMDBMovie m in moviesToSync)
                    TraktLogger.Info("Sending movie to trakt library, Title: {0}, Year: {1}, IMDb: {2}", m.Title, m.Year.ToString(), m.IMDBNumber);

                if (moviesToSync.Count > 0)
                    TraktSyncResponse response = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.SyncMovieLibrary(CreateSyncData(moviesToSync), TraktSyncModes.library);

                #region Sync Seen to trakt
                //Send Seen
                TraktLogger.Info("{0} movies need to be added to SeenList", watchedMoviesToSync.Count.ToString());
                foreach (IMDBMovie m in watchedMoviesToSync)
                    TraktLogger.Info("Sending movie to trakt as seen, Title: {0}, Year: {1}, IMDb: {2}", m.Title, m.Year.ToString(), m.IMDBNumber);

                if (watchedMoviesToSync.Count > 0)
                    TraktSyncResponse response = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.SyncMovieLibrary(CreateSyncData(watchedMoviesToSync), TraktSyncModes.seen);

                #region Clean Library
                //Dont clean library if more than one movie plugin installed
                if (TraktSettings.KeepTraktLibraryClean && TraktSettings.MoviePluginCount == 1)
                    //Remove movies we no longer have in our local database from Trakt
                    foreach (var m in NoLongerInOurCollection)
                        TraktLogger.Info("Removing from Trakt Collection {0}", m.Title);

                    TraktLogger.Info("{0} movies need to be removed from Trakt Collection", NoLongerInOurCollection.Count.ToString());

                    if (NoLongerInOurCollection.Count > 0)
                        if (TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies != null && TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies != null && TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies.Count > 0)
                            TraktLogger.Warning("DISABLING CLEAN LIBRARY!!!, there are trakt library movies that can't be determined to be local in collection.");
                            TraktLogger.Warning("To fix this, check the 'already exist' entries in log, then check movies in local collection against this list and ensure IMDb id is set then run sync again.");
                            //Then remove from library
                            TraktSyncResponse response = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.SyncMovieLibrary(BasicHandler.CreateMovieSyncData(NoLongerInOurCollection), TraktSyncModes.unlibrary);

            TraktLogger.Info("My Videos Sync Completed");