private GridMap(VertexMap vertexMap) { VertexMap = vertexMap; GridSizeX = VertexMap.SizeX - 1; GridSizeZ = VertexMap.SizeZ - 1; Cells = new Cell[GridSizeX, GridSizeZ]; }
public static GridMap GenerateGrid(VertexMap vertexMap) { var gridMap = new GridMap(vertexMap); for (var x = 0; x < gridMap.GridSizeX; x++) { for (var z = 0; z < gridMap.GridSizeZ; z++) { var i = x * gridMap.VertexMap.SizeX + z; if (x < gridMap.GridSizeX && z < gridMap.GridSizeZ) { gridMap.Cells[x, z] = new Cell( gridMap, new [] { i, i + 1, i + gridMap.VertexMap.SizeX + 1, i + gridMap.VertexMap.SizeX } ); } } } return(gridMap); }
public MeshData(VertexMap vertexMap) { m_VertexMap = vertexMap; m_Triangles = GenerateTriangles(m_VertexMap); m_Mesh = new Mesh { vertices = m_VertexMap.Vertices, triangles = m_Triangles }; m_Mesh.RecalculateNormals(); }
private int[] GenerateTriangles(VertexMap vertexMap) { var cellCount = (vertexMap.SizeX - 1) * (vertexMap.SizeZ - 1); var triangles = new int[cellCount * 6]; for (var i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) { //var vertexIndex = cell.VertexIndex; //AddTriangle(vertexIndex[0], vertexIndex[2], vertexIndex[3]); //AddTriangle(vertexIndex[0], vertexIndex[1], vertexIndex[2]); } return(triangles); }
public static VertexMap GenerateVertexMap(int sizeX, int sizeZ) { var vertexMap = new VertexMap(sizeX, sizeZ); for (var x = 0; x < vertexMap.SizeX; x++) { for (var z = 0; z < vertexMap.SizeZ; z++) { vertexMap.Vertices[x * sizeX + z] = new Vector3(x, 0, z); } } return(vertexMap); }
/// <summary> /// Extract vertex maps for all MCS conten, or only selected folders if useSelection == true. /// </summary> public static void ExtractVertexMaps(bool useSelection) { List <GameObject> content = GetContent(useSelection); if (content.Count == 0) { return; } _activeProcess = new ContentProcessor("Extract", content, true); _activeProcess.Process = delegate() { GameObject obj = _activeProcess.GetObject(); if (obj == null) { return; } CoreMesh[] meshes = obj.GetComponentsInChildren <CoreMesh>(); foreach (CoreMesh mesh in meshes) { string collection = GetCollectionName(mesh.runtimeMorphPath); //_activeProcess.status = collection + ":" +; SkinnedMeshRenderer smr = mesh.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); if (smr != null) { string collectionConversionMapPath = _conversionMapPath + ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(collection) ? "" : "/" + collection)); Directory.CreateDirectory(collectionConversionMapPath); VertexMap vertexMap = new VertexMap(smr.sharedMesh.vertices); vertexMap.WriteToDisk(collectionConversionMapPath + "/" + + ".json"); } } if (_activeProcess.isLast) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Complete!", "Extracted vertex maps were saved in Assets/MCS/ConversionMaps.\nYou can copy the files to your new Unity project.", "Show in Explorer", "Close")) { EditorUtility.RevealInFinder(_conversionMapPath); } } }; }
public List <T> BellmanFord(T startValue, T endValue) { Vertex <T> startingVertex = Find(startValue); Vertex <T> endingVertex = Find(endValue); List <T> returnList = new List <T>(); if (startingVertex == null || endingVertex == null) { return(returnList); } Dictionary <Vertex <T>, (int distance, Vertex <T> parent, bool wasVisited)> VertexMap = new Dictionary <Vertex <T>, (int distance, Vertex <T> parent, bool wasVisited)>(); foreach (Vertex <T> vertex in vertices) { VertexMap.Add(vertex, (int.MaxValue, null, false)); } ChangeMap(VertexMap, startingVertex, 0); HeapTree <Vertex <T> > PriorityQueue = new HeapTree <Vertex <T> >(Comparer <Vertex <T> > .Create((a, b) => VertexMap[a].distance.CompareTo(VertexMap[b].distance))); PriorityQueue.Add(startingVertex); Dijkstra(PriorityQueue, VertexMap, endingVertex); Vertex <T> currentVertex = endingVertex; while (VertexMap[currentVertex].parent != null) { returnList.Add(currentVertex.Value); currentVertex = VertexMap[currentVertex].parent; } if (returnList.Count != 0) { returnList.Add(startingVertex.Value); } return(returnList); }
public List <T> Dijkstra(T startValue, T endValue) { Vertex <T> startingVertex = Find(startValue); Vertex <T> endingVertex = Find(endValue); List <T> returnList = new List <T>(); if (startingVertex == null || endingVertex == null) { return(returnList); } Dictionary <Vertex <T>, (int distance, Vertex <T> parentVertex, bool wasVisited)> VertexMap = new Dictionary <Vertex <T>, (int, Vertex <T>, bool)>(); foreach (Vertex <T> vertex in Vertices) { VertexMap.Add(vertex, (int.MaxValue, null, false)); } VertexMap[startingVertex] = (0, null, false); var PriorityQueue = new HeapTree <Vertex <T> >(Comparer <Vertex <T> > .Create((a, b) => VertexMap[a].distance.CompareTo(VertexMap[b].distance))); PriorityQueue.Add(startingVertex); Dijkstra(PriorityQueue, VertexMap, endingVertex); Vertex <T> currentVertex = endingVertex; while (VertexMap[currentVertex].Item2 != null) { returnList.Add(currentVertex.Value); currentVertex = VertexMap[currentVertex].Item2; } returnList.Add(startingVertex.Value); return(returnList); }
public VertexMap Cut(double move) { this.vertexMap = new VertexMap(this.mesh); this.edgeQueue = new Queue<VertexPair>(); this.move = move; foreach (var edge in this.mesh.Edges) { if (edge.Traits.SelectedFlag != 0) { this.edgeQueue.Enqueue(new VertexPair(edge.Vertex0, edge.Vertex1)); } } bool boundary = false; foreach (var edge in this.edgeQueue) { if (edge.Src.OnBoundary || edge.Dst.OnBoundary) { boundary = true; break; } } if (!boundary) { this.CutStart(); } int count = 1; while (this.edgeQueue.Count != 0 && count < this.edgeQueue.Count) { VertexPair pair = this.edgeQueue.Dequeue(); TriMesh.Edge edge = pair.Src.FindEdgeTo(pair.Dst); if (edge != null) { if (this.Cut(edge)) { count = 0; } else { this.edgeQueue.Enqueue(pair); count++; } } else { TriMesh.Vertex[] map1 = this.vertexMap.GetOther(pair.Src, false); TriMesh.Vertex[] map2 = this.vertexMap.GetOther(pair.Dst, false); for (int m = 0; m < map1.Length; m++) { this.edgeQueue.Enqueue(new VertexPair(map1[m], pair.Dst)); } for (int n = 0; n < map2.Length; n++) { this.edgeQueue.Enqueue(new VertexPair(pair.Src, map2[n])); } for (int m = 0; m < map1.Length; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < map2.Length; n++) { this.edgeQueue.Enqueue(new VertexPair(map1[m], map2[n])); } } count = 0; } } TriMeshUtil.FixIndex(mesh); return this.vertexMap; }
private static ImportedMesh ImportMeshList(List <MqoObject> mqoObjects, List <string> mqoMaterials) { ImportedMesh meshList = new ImportedMesh(); meshList.Name = mqoObjects[0].name; float scale = 1f; if (!mqoObjects[0].worldCoords) { int startPos = meshList.Name.IndexOf("(Scale="); if (startPos > 0) { int endPos = meshList.Name.IndexOf(')'); scale = 1f / Single.Parse(meshList.Name.Substring(startPos + 7, endPos - startPos - 7)); } } meshList.BoneList = new List <ImportedBone>(0); meshList.SubmeshList = new List <ImportedSubmesh>(mqoObjects.Count); int vertIdx = 0; foreach (MqoObject mqoObject in mqoObjects) { List <VertexMap>[] vertexMapList = new List <VertexMap> [mqoMaterials.Count + 1]; Dictionary <int, VertexMap>[] vertexMapDic = new Dictionary <int, VertexMap> [mqoMaterials.Count + 1]; List <VertexMap[]>[] faceMap = new List <VertexMap[]> [mqoMaterials.Count + 1]; foreach (MqoFace mqoFace in mqoObject.faces) { int mqoFaceMatIdxOffset = mqoFace.materialIndex + 1; if (vertexMapList[mqoFaceMatIdxOffset] == null) { vertexMapList[mqoFaceMatIdxOffset] = new List <VertexMap>(mqoObject.vertices.Length); vertexMapDic[mqoFaceMatIdxOffset] = new Dictionary <int, VertexMap>(); faceMap[mqoFaceMatIdxOffset] = new List <VertexMap[]>(mqoObject.faces.Length); } VertexMap[] faceMapArray = new VertexMap[mqoFace.vertexIndices.Length]; faceMap[mqoFaceMatIdxOffset].Add(faceMapArray); for (int i = 0; i < mqoFace.vertexIndices.Length; i++) { VertexMap vertMap; if (!vertexMapDic[mqoFaceMatIdxOffset].TryGetValue(mqoFace.vertexIndices[i], out vertMap)) { ImportedVertex vert; MqoVertex mqoVert = mqoObject.vertices[mqoFace.vertexIndices[i]]; if (mqoVert is MqoVertexWithColour) { vert = new ImportedVertexWithColour(); ((ImportedVertexWithColour)vert).Colour = ((MqoVertexWithColour)mqoVert).colour; } else { vert = new ImportedVertex(); } vert.BoneIndices = new byte[4]; vert.Weights = new float[4]; vert.Normal = new Vector3(); vert.UV = mqoFace.UVs[i]; vert.Position = mqoVert.coords * scale; vertMap = new VertexMap { mqoIdx = mqoFace.vertexIndices[i], vert = vert }; vertexMapDic[mqoFaceMatIdxOffset].Add(mqoFace.vertexIndices[i], vertMap); vertMap.uvDic.Add(mqoFace.UVs[i], vertMap); vertexMapList[mqoFaceMatIdxOffset].Add(vertMap); } VertexMap uvVertMap; if (!vertMap.uvDic.TryGetValue(mqoFace.UVs[i], out uvVertMap)) { ImportedVertex vert = new ImportedVertex(); vert.BoneIndices = new byte[4]; vert.Weights = new float[4]; vert.Normal = new Vector3(); vert.UV = mqoFace.UVs[i]; vert.Position = mqoObject.vertices[mqoFace.vertexIndices[i]].coords; uvVertMap = new VertexMap { mqoIdx = Int32.MaxValue, vert = vert }; vertMap.uvDic.Add(mqoFace.UVs[i], uvVertMap); vertexMapList[mqoFaceMatIdxOffset].Add(uvVertMap); } faceMapArray[i] = uvVertMap; } } for (int i = 0; i < vertexMapList.Length; i++) { if (vertexMapList[i] != null) { ImportedSubmesh mesh = new ImportedSubmesh(); mesh.VertexList = new List <ImportedVertex>(vertexMapList[i].Count); mesh.FaceList = new List <ImportedFace>(faceMap[i].Count); mesh.Index = mqoObject.baseIdx; mesh.WorldCoords = mqoObject.worldCoords; mesh.Visible = mqoObject.visible; int matIdx = i - 1; if ((matIdx >= 0) && (matIdx < mqoMaterials.Count)) { mesh.Material = mqoMaterials[matIdx]; } meshList.SubmeshList.Add(mesh); vertexMapList[i].Sort(); for (int j = 0; j < vertexMapList[i].Count; j++) { vertexMapList[i][j].wsMeshIdx = j; mesh.VertexList.Add(vertexMapList[i][j].vert); vertIdx++; } for (int j = 0; j < faceMap[i].Count; j++) { ImportedFace face = new ImportedFace(); face.VertexIndices = new int[] { faceMap[i][j][0].wsMeshIdx, faceMap[i][j][2].wsMeshIdx, faceMap[i][j][1].wsMeshIdx }; mesh.FaceList.Add(face); } } } } return(meshList); }
private void Start() { vertexMap = VertexMap.GenerateVertexMap(width, length); gridMap = GridMap.GenerateGrid(vertexMap); meshData = new MeshData(vertexMap); }
/// <summary> /// Remaps morph data for all MCS content, or only selected folders if useSelection == true. /// </summary> public static void ConvertMorphData(bool useSelection) { if (!useSelection) { if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Warning", "This will attempt to convert all MCS morph data in your project. This process is nonreversible.\nAre you sure?", "Yes", "Cancel")) { return; } } List <GameObject> content = GetContent(useSelection); if (content.Count == 0) { return; } // Load common conversion tools and data _conversionData = new ConversionData(); _activeProcess = new ContentProcessor("Convert", content, true); _activeProcess.Process = delegate() { GameObject obj = _activeProcess.GetObject(); if (obj == null) { return; } CoreMesh[] meshes = obj.GetComponentsInChildren <CoreMesh>(); foreach (CoreMesh mesh in meshes) { //_activeProcess.status = + " : Checking..."; _conversionData.CreateReport(; // Check if already converted if (_conversionData.GetMorphData(mesh.runtimeMorphPath, "_2019compatible") != null) { _conversionData.CloseReport("Skipped (already converted)"); continue; } // Check smr SkinnedMeshRenderer smr = mesh.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); if (smr == null) { _conversionData.CloseReport("Skipped (no SkinnedMeshRenderer found)"); continue; } // Check for original vertex map string vmPath = ""; foreach (string path in _conversionData.vertexMaps) { if (path.Contains( + ".json")) { vmPath = path; break; } } if (vmPath == "") { _conversionData.CloseReport("Skipped (no vertex map found)"); continue; } // Create temp directory for generated .morph files string morphPath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, mesh.runtimeMorphPath); Directory.CreateDirectory(morphPath); // Run process try { // Read vertex map string mapData = File.ReadAllText(vmPath); VertexMap vertexMap = JsonUtility.FromJson <VertexMap>(mapData); // Generate retarget map //_activeProcess.status = + " : Generating Target Map..."; Dictionary <int, int> ttsMap = _conversionData.projectionMeshMap.GenerateTargetToSourceMap(vertexMap.vertices, smr.sharedMesh.vertices); // Get manifest var manifest = _conversionData.GetManifestForCoreMesh(mesh, _manifestSelectionMethod); // Process morphs int n = 0; int total = manifest.names.Length; List <string> morphNames = new List <string>(manifest.names); morphNames.Add("base"); // Add "base" morph that's not in the manifest but is required for clothing and hair foreach (string morph in morphNames) { //_activeProcess.status = string.Format("{0} : Processing Morph {1}/{2}",, n, total); n++; MorphData source = _conversionData.GetMorphData(morphPath, morph); // Not all assets will have all morphs if (source != null) { // Retarget morphs MorphData target = RemapMorphData(smr, source, ttsMap); // Save new .morph file MCS_Utilities.MorphExtraction.MorphExtraction.WriteMorphDataToFile(target, morphPath + "/" + + ".morph", false, false); } } // Inject evidence of conversion so we don't accidentally remap again. MorphData note = new MorphData(); = "_2019compatible"; MCS_Utilities.MorphExtraction.MorphExtraction.WriteMorphDataToFile(note, morphPath + "/" + + ".morph", false, false); // Repack morphs into file _activeProcess.status = + " : Repacking Morphs..."; RepackMorphs(morphPath); _conversionData.CloseReport("Success"); } catch { _conversionData.CloseReport("Failed"); } finally { MCS_Utilities.Paths.TryDirectoryDelete(morphPath); } } if (_activeProcess.isLast) { _conversionData.PrintSummary(); } }; }
public PartialRelationGraph() { prMap = new VertexMap <TValue>(); pprMap = new EdgeMap(); }
public EdgeMap() { map = new VertexMap <object>(); }