 /// <summary>
 /// Verifies eIDAS alias with an eIDAS certificate, containing auth number equal to the value
 /// of the alias.Before making this call make sure that:<ul>
 ///     <li>The member is under the realm of a bank(the one tpp tries to gain access to)</li>
 ///     <li>An eIDAS-type alias with the value equal to auth number of the TPP is added
 ///     to the member</li>
 ///     <li>The realmId of the alias is equal to the member's realmId</li>
 /// </ul>
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>The eidas.</returns>
 /// <param name="payload">payload payload containing the member id and the certificate in PEM format.</param>
 /// <param name="signature">signature the payload signed with a private key corresponding to the certificate.</param>
 /// <returns>a result of the verification process</returns>
 public Task <VerifyEidasResponse> VerifyEidas(
     VerifyEidasPayload payload,
     string signature)
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies eIDAS certificate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The eidas.</returns>
        /// <param name="payload">payload payload containing member id and the certificate.</param>
        /// <param name="signature">signature payload signed with the private key corresponding to the certificate.</param>
        public Task VerifyEidas(
            VerifyEidasPayload payload,
            string signature)
            var request = new VerifyEidasRequest
                Payload   = payload,
                Signature = signature

        /// <summary>
        /// Recovers a TPP member and verifies its EIDAS alias using eIDAS certificate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">token client</param>
        /// <param name="memberId">id of the member to be recovered</param>
        /// <param name="tppAuthNumber">authNumber of the TPP</param>
        /// <param name="certificate">base64 encoded eIDAS certificate</param>
        /// <param name="certificatePrivateKey">private key corresponding to the public key in the certificate</param>
        /// <returns>verified business member</returns>
        public static Member RecoverEidas(
            Tokenio.Tpp.TokenClient client,
            string memberId,
            string tppAuthNumber,
            string certificate,
            byte[] certificatePrivateKey)
            // create a signer using the certificate private key
            Algorithm signingAlgorithm = Algorithm.Rs256;
            ISigner   payloadSigner    = new Rs256Signer("eidas", certificatePrivateKey);

            // generate a new privileged key to add to the member
            ICryptoEngine cryptoEngine = new TokenCryptoEngine(memberId, new InMemoryKeyStore());
            Key           newKey       = cryptoEngine.GenerateKey(Level.Privileged);

            // construct a payload with all the required data
            EidasRecoveryPayload payload = new EidasRecoveryPayload
                MemberId    = memberId,
                Certificate = certificate,
                Algorithm   = signingAlgorithm,
                Key         = newKey

            Tokenio.Tpp.Member recoveredMember = client
                                                 .RecoverEidasMember(payload, payloadSigner.Sign(payload), cryptoEngine)

            // the eidas alias becomes unverified after the recovery, so we need to verify it again
            Alias eidasAlias = new Alias
                Value   = tppAuthNumber.Trim(),
                RealmId = recoveredMember.RealmId(),
                Type    = Alias.Types.Type.Eidas

            VerifyEidasPayload verifyPayload = new VerifyEidasPayload
                MemberId    = memberId,
                Alias       = eidasAlias,
                Certificate = certificate,
                Algorithm   = signingAlgorithm

            VerifyEidasResponse response = recoveredMember
                                           .VerifyEidas(verifyPayload, payloadSigner.Sign(verifyPayload))

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a TPP member and verifies it using eIDAS certificate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">token client</param>
        /// <param name="tppAuthNumber">authNumber of the TPP</param>
        /// <param name="certificate">base64 encoded eIDAS certificate</param>
        /// <param name="bankId">id of the bank the TPP trying to get access to</param>
        /// <param name="privateKey">private key corresponding to the public key in the certificate</param>
        /// <returns>verified business member</returns>
        public static Member VerifyEidas(
            Tokenio.Tpp.TokenClient client,
            string tppAuthNumber,
            string certificate,
            string bankId,
            byte[] privateKey)
            Algorithm signingAlgorithm = Algorithm.Rs256;
            ISigner   signer           = new Rs256Signer("eidas", privateKey);

            // resolve memberId of the bank TPP is trying to get access to
            string bankMemberId = client
                                  .ResolveAliasBlocking(new Alias {
                Value = bankId, Type = Alias.Types.Type.Bank
            // create an eIDAS alias under realm of the target bank
            Alias eidasAlias = new Alias
                Value   = tppAuthNumber.Trim(),
                RealmId = bankMemberId,
                Type    = Alias.Types.Type.Eidas

            // create a member under realm of the bank with eIDAS alias
            Tokenio.Tpp.Member tpp = client.CreateMember(eidasAlias, null, bankMemberId).Result;
            // construct a payload with all the required data
            VerifyEidasPayload payload = new VerifyEidasPayload
                Algorithm   = signingAlgorithm,
                Alias       = eidasAlias,
                Certificate = certificate,
                MemberId    = tpp.MemberId()

            // verify eIDAS
            VerifyEidasResponse response = tpp
                                           .VerifyEidas(payload, signer.Sign(payload))
