public void Verify(string verification) { if (verification == VerificationCode.ToString().ToUpper()) { Verification = true; } }
public Task SendSmsAsync(string number, string message) { if (smtp.UsePickupFolder) { string path = $@"{smtp.PickupFolder}\{number}.txt"; if (!File.Exists(path)) { // Create a file to write to. using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path)) { sw.WriteLine($"{number}"); sw.WriteLine($"Verification code: {message}"); } } } else { SmsIrRestful.Token tk = new SmsIrRestful.Token(); string result = tk.GetToken("f102ae793839867ae1ee90f4", "d@k@nB2z1&2&3@VN@87134"); RestVerificationCode messageSendObject = new RestVerificationCode() { Code = message, MobileNumber = number }; RestVerificationCodeRespone restVerificationCodeRespone = new VerificationCode().Send(result, messageSendObject); } return(Task.FromResult(0)); }
private static VerificationCode ExtractInfo(string data) { if (data.Length < 6) { return(null); } else { VerificationCode verificationCode = new VerificationCode(); try { string[] slices = data.Split(new char[] { '┇' }, StringSplitOptions.None); string phoneNum = slices[1]; string code = string.Empty; Match match = Regex.Matches(slices[4], @"\d\d\d-\d\d\d")[0]; string result = match.Value.Replace("-", ""); verificationCode.Code = result; verificationCode.PhoneNum = phoneNum; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtils.Error($"{ex}"); } return(verificationCode); } }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,UserName,PassWord,Email,Phone,Status")] Account account) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var random = new Random(); account.Status = Account.AccountStatus.INACTICE; var newAccount = db.Accounts.Add(account); db.SaveChanges(); var code = new VerificationCode() { AccountId = newAccount.Id, Code = random.Next(100000, 999999).ToString() }; var newCode = db.VerificationCodes.Add(code); var accountSid = "AC6f7db6a784b209ec8a1a9b9da19c68ce"; var authToken = "[AuthToken]"; TwilioClient.Init(accountSid, authToken); var messageOptions = new CreateMessageOptions( new PhoneNumber(newAccount.Phone)); messageOptions.MessagingServiceSid = "MG1c7f4e78f0273088ca8993888a73d3e5"; messageOptions.Body = "Your Verification Code : " + newCode.Code; var message = MessageResource.Create(messageOptions); Console.WriteLine(message.Body); return(View("VerificationCode")); //return RedirectToAction("Index"); } return(View(account)); }
private async Task SendVerificationCode() { try { if (VerificationCode.HasValue()) { _validator = new VerificationCodeValidator(VerificationCodeEntered); if (ProcessValidationErrors(_validator.Validate(this))) { IsBusy = true; var clientFromRemote = await _userManager.GetContact(emailAddress, true); if (clientFromRemote != null) { await NavigateSuccess(clientFromRemote); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ProcessErrorReportingForRaygun(ex); } finally { IsBusy = false; } }
private static void HandleInfo(VerificationCode verificationCode) { Console.WriteLine($"手机号:{verificationCode.PhoneNum}, 验证码:{verificationCode.Code}"); try { var obj = new JObject() { { "tasktype", (int)TaskType.SendVerificationCode }, { "txtmsg", verificationCode.Code } }; var list = new JArray(); obj.Add("list", list); int vmIndex = VmManager.Instance.VmModels.Values.FirstOrDefault(vm => vm.PhoneNumber == verificationCode.PhoneNum).Index; TaskSch taskSch = new TaskSch() { Bodys = obj.ToString(Formatting.None), MobileIndex = vmIndex, TypeId = (int)TaskType.SendVerificationCode, Status = "waiting", }; TasksBLL.CreateTask(taskSch); ConfigVals.IsRunning = 1; TasksSchedule tasks = new TasksSchedule(); tasks.ProessTask(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtils.Error($"{ex}"); } }
public void Providing_correct_code_after_three_incorrect_attempts(string validCode, HttpResponseMessage verificationRequestResponse, string invalidCode, HttpResponseMessage verificationSubmissionResponse) { "Given I have a user with a verified email and unverified phone number".x(async() => { await this.smsDriver.RegisterUser(emailVerified: true, phoneVerified: false); }); "And I can login as the user".x(async() => { await this.smsDriver.Login(); }); "When I request a code to be sent via SMS to verify my phone number".x(async() => { verificationRequestResponse = await this.smsDriver.RequestSMSCode(); }); "And the request is accepted".x(() => verificationRequestResponse.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.Accepted)); "And I wait for the email confirmation code".x(async() => { validCode = await this.smsDriver.WaitForSMS(); }); "And I have an invalid code".x(() => { invalidCode = VerificationCode.Generate().ToString(); }); "And I send the invalid code".x(async() => verificationSubmissionResponse = await this.smsDriver.SubmitVerificationCode(invalidCode)); "Then the code is rejected".x(() => verificationSubmissionResponse.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); "And When I submit the invalid code again".x(async() => verificationSubmissionResponse = await this.smsDriver.SubmitVerificationCode(invalidCode)); "Then the code is rejected".x(() => verificationSubmissionResponse.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); "And When I submit the invalid code a third time".x(async() => verificationSubmissionResponse = await this.smsDriver.SubmitVerificationCode(invalidCode)); "Then the code is rejected".x(() => verificationSubmissionResponse.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); "And when I submit the valid code".x(async() => verificationSubmissionResponse = await this.smsDriver.SubmitVerificationCode(validCode)); "Then the code is rejected".x(() => verificationSubmissionResponse.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); }
public static VerificationCode GetVerificationCodeByUid(int sellerId, int userId) { var cmdText = @"select * from VerificationCode where SellerId=?SellerId and UserId =?UserId and ExpiredTime>?ExpiredTime limit 1;"; List <MySqlParameter> parameters = new List <MySqlParameter>(); parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("?SellerId", sellerId)); parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("?UserId", userId)); parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("?ExpiredTime", DateTime.Now)); try { using (var conn = Utility.ObtainConn(Utility._gameDbConn)) { MySqlDataReader reader = MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(conn, CommandType.Text, cmdText, parameters.ToArray()); if (reader.HasRows) { if (reader.Read()) { VerificationCode verificationCode = new VerificationCode(); verificationCode.Id = reader.GetInt32(0); verificationCode.SellerId = (int)reader["SellerId"]; verificationCode.Phone = reader["Phone"].ToString(); verificationCode.Code = reader["Code"].ToString(); verificationCode.ExpiredTime = (DateTime)reader["ExpiredTime"]; return(verificationCode); } } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { throw; } return(null); }
public async Task SendConfirmEmailCodeAsync(string email, string captcha) { _captchaManager.CheckCaptcha(captcha); var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(email); if (user == null) { throw new UserFriendlyException("找不到此邮箱关联的用户"); } if (user.IsActive && user.IsEmailConfirmed) { throw new UserFriendlyException("您的邮箱已处于激活状态,直接登录即可"); } string code = VerificationCode.GetRandomCode(); _cacheManager.GetCache("EmailCode").Set(email, code, new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0)); var secretkey = user.Id + "|" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") + "|" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); secretkey = secretkey.EncryptQueryString(); var url = await SettingManager.GetSettingValueAsync(AppSettingNames.SiteUrl) + $"/#/confirm?key={secretkey}"; var subject = "验证码"; var body = $"您好,您的验证码为:{code}"; await _emailSender.SendAsync(email, subject, body); }
public IActionResult VerificationCode() { var codeGenerator = new VerificationCode(); var code = codeGenerator.GenerateCode(); return(File(codeGenerator.CreateCode(code), @"image/Gif")); }
public void Send() { var token = GetToken(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(token)) { throw new Exception($@"{nameof(token) } is null"); } var restVerificationCode = new RestVerificationCode() { Code = "1234567890", MobileNumber = "09353429089" }; RestVerificationCodeRespone restVerificationCodeRespone = new VerificationCode().Send(token, restVerificationCode); if (restVerificationCodeRespone == null) { throw new Exception($@"{nameof(restVerificationCodeRespone) } is null"); } if (restVerificationCodeRespone.IsSuccessful) { } else { } }
public void TwoInstanceHaveTheSameHashCodeWhenTheirValuesAreEqual() { var sut = VerificationCode.Generate(); var other = VerificationCode.Generate(); Assert.False(sut.GetHashCode().Equals(other.GetHashCode())); }
public List <object> HrLogin(string user, string pwd, string yzm, string systemYzm) { List <object> result = new List <object>(); if (VerificationCode.ComparisonVerCode(yzm, systemYzm)) { List <admin> admins = base.Search(d => d.admin_Username == user && d.admin_Password == pwd && d.admin_IsDel == false && d.admin_Power == 2); if (admins.Count != 0) { result.Add(1); result.Add(admins[0].admin_Id); } else { result.Add(0); result.Add("用户名或密码错误!"); } } else { result.Add(0); result.Add("验证码错误!"); } return(result); }
public void ShouldBeActiveIfConfirmed() { var code = VerificationCode.Generate(); var failedRequest = new VerificationRequest("userId", VerificationType.SMS, VerificationRequestStatus.Confirmed, DateTime.MaxValue, code, 2); failedRequest.IsActive().Should().BeTrue(); }
public void TwoInstanceAreNotEqualWhenTheirValuesAreNotEqual() { var sut = VerificationCode.Generate(); var other = VerificationCode.Generate(); Assert.False(sut.Equals(other)); }
public ActionResult VerCode() { VerificationCode vc = new VerificationCode(); Session["ver"] = vc.GetVerCode(); return(File(vc.StreamVerCod(), @"image/jpeg")); }
public void Providing_incorrect_code_three_times(string invalidCode, HttpResponseMessage verificationRequestResponse, HttpResponseMessage verificationSubmissionResponse) { "Given I have a user with a verified email and unverified phone number".x(async() => { await this.smsDriver.RegisterUser(emailVerified: true, phoneVerified: false); }); "And I can login as the user".x(async() => { await this.smsDriver.Login(); }); "When I request a code to be sent via SMS to verify my phone number".x(async() => { verificationRequestResponse = await this.smsDriver.RequestSMSCode(); }); "And the request is accepted".x(() => verificationRequestResponse.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.Accepted)); "And I have an invalid code".x(() => { invalidCode = VerificationCode.Generate().ToString(); }); "And I submit the invalid confirmation code to be verified".x(async() => { verificationSubmissionResponse = await this.smsDriver.SubmitVerificationCode(invalidCode); }); "Then the confirmation response is rejected".x(() => verificationSubmissionResponse.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); // todo problem+json parsing KYC-36 "And I submit the invalid confirmation code to be verified a second time".x(async() => { verificationSubmissionResponse = await this.smsDriver.SubmitVerificationCode(invalidCode); }); "Then the confirmation response is rejected".x(() => verificationSubmissionResponse.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); // todo problem+json parsing "And I submit the invalid confirmation code to be verified a third time".x(async() => { verificationSubmissionResponse = await this.smsDriver.SubmitVerificationCode(invalidCode); }); "Then the confirmation response is rejected with a different error".x(() => verificationSubmissionResponse.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); // todo problem+json parsing }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); var token = new Token().GetToken("apiKey", "secretKey"); var restVerificationCode = new RestVerificationCode() { Code = "1234567890", MobileNumber = "09120000001" }; var restVerificationCodeRespone = new VerificationCode().Send(token, restVerificationCode); Console.WriteLine(restVerificationCodeRespone.Message); if (restVerificationCodeRespone.IsSuccessful) { } else { } Console.ReadLine(); }
private bool ValidateInternal(string columnName) { switch (columnName) { case nameof(UserEmail): if (!UserEmail.IsValidEmail()) { ValidationError = (int)ViewModel.ValidationError.InvalidEmail; return(false); } return(true); case nameof(PasswordText): return(ValidatePassphrasePolicy(PasswordText)); case nameof(Verification): return(String.Compare(PasswordText, Verification, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0); case nameof(VerificationCode): return(VerificationCode.Length == 6 && VerificationCode.ToCharArray().All(c => Char.IsDigit(c))); case nameof(ErrorMessage): return(ErrorMessage.Length == 0); default: return(true); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="param"></param> /// <returns></returns> private VerificationCode InnerCreate(VerificationCodeCreateParam param) { if (param == null) { return(null); } VerificationCode result = new VerificationCode(); result.Key = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); switch (param.Type) { case CodeCharacterTypeEnum.Character: result.Code = RandomCodeCreator.CreatRandomChar(param.CharacterCount); break; case CodeCharacterTypeEnum.Number: result.Code = RandomCodeCreator.CreatRandomNum(param.CharacterCount); break; case CodeCharacterTypeEnum.NumberAndCharacter: result.Code = RandomCodeCreator.CreatRandomNumAndChar(param.CharacterCount); break; } result.Image = RandomCodeImageCreator.Create(result.Code, param.FontSize); return(result); }
public static async Task <Result <UiMessage> > ConfirmEmail <TUser>( this IIdentityService <TUser> identity, TUser user, VerificationCode code) where TUser : class, IUserKey, IUserEmail { Guard.Null(nameof(identity), identity); Guard.Null(nameof(user), user); Guard.Null(nameof(code), code); var key = user.Key(); if (key is null) { throw new ArgumentException( paramName: nameof(user), message: $"The {nameof(user)} argument's {nameof(user.Key)}() method cannot return null."); } var tokenValid = await identity.Helper.ValidateEmailVerificationCode(key, code).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!tokenValid) { return(identity.Helper.InvalidEmailVerificationCode); } await identity.Helper.ConfirmEmail(user).ConfigureAwait(false); await identity.Update(user).ConfigureAwait(false); return(new Result <UiMessage>()); }
public void ShouldBeActiveIfPendingAndExpiryGreaterThanNow() { var code = VerificationCode.Generate(); var failedRequest = new VerificationRequest("userId", VerificationType.SMS, VerificationRequestStatus.Pending, DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(1), code, 2); failedRequest.IsActive().Should().BeTrue(); }
private async Task SendVerificationCode() { if (VerificationCode.HasValue()) { _validator = new VerificationCodeValidator(VerificationCodeEntered); if (ProcessValidationErrors(_validator.Validate(this), true)) { try { IsBusy = true; var clientFromRemote = await _userManager.GetContact(emailAddress, "", true); if (clientFromRemote != null) { GetLogonDetailsFromRemoteDBResult(clientFromRemote); } else { await GetLogonDetailsFromRemoteDBWrongResult(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ProcessErrorReportingForHockeyApp(ex); } } } }
private async Task <Response> GetRegistCodeAsync() { var exist = await _verificationCodeService.ExistAvailableRegistCodeByClientIpAsync(ClientIP).ConfigureAwait(false); if (exist) { return(Ok(new { code = await _verificationCodeService.GetAvailableRegistCodeByClientIpAsync(ClientIP).ConfigureAwait(false) })); } else { var help = VerifyCodeHelper.GetSingleObj(); var code = help.CreateVerifyCode(VerifyCodeHelper.VerifyCodeType.MixVerifyCode); var entity = new VerificationCode { Code = code, Type = CodeType.Regist, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, IsDisabled = false, ClientIp = ClientIP }; await _verificationCodeService.NewVerificationCodeAsync(entity).ConfigureAwait(false); return(Ok(new { code = code })); } }
public void TwoInstanceAreEqualWhenTheirValuesAreEqual() { var sut = VerificationCode.Generate(); var other = new VerificationCode(sut.ToString()); Assert.True(sut.Equals(other)); }
//验证码 public ActionResult ValidateCode() { string code = VerificationCode.GetCheckCode(5); Session["ValidateCode"] = code.ToUpper(); byte[] bytes = VerificationCode.CreateImage(code); return(File(bytes, @"image/png")); }
public async Task <VerificationCode> AddCodeAsync(string email, string referer, string returnUrl, string cid, string traffic) { var code = new VerificationCode(email, referer, returnUrl, cid, traffic); await AddCacheAsync(code); return(code); }
/// <summary> /// 触发验证码事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="e"></param> public virtual string OnVerificationCode(OnVerificationCodeEventArgs e) { if (VerificationCode != null) { return(VerificationCode.Invoke(this, e)); } return(string.Empty); }
public FileContentResult GetVerificationCode() { VerificationCode code = new VerificationCode(); code.GetVerificationCode(6); Session["VerificationCode"] = code.Code; return(File(code.CodeBuffer, @"image/jpeg")); }
public bool IsCodeMatch(string code) { if (code == VerificationCode.ToString()) { return(true); } return(false); }