public void Synchronize()
            // Check permissions.
            using var _ = File.Open(IndexFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

            Task.Run(async() =>
                    if (Interlocked.Read(ref _workerCount) >= 2)

                    Interlocked.Increment(ref _workerCount);
                    while (Interlocked.Read(ref _workerCount) != 1)
                        await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (IsStopping)

                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref _serviceStatus, Running);

                        while (IsRunning)
                                SyncInfo syncInfo = await GetSyncInfoAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                                uint currentHeight;
                                uint256?currentHash = null;
                                using (await IndexLock.LockAsync())
                                    if (Index.Count != 0)
                                        var lastIndex = Index[^ 1];
                                        currentHeight = lastIndex.Header.Height;
                                        currentHash   = lastIndex.Header.BlockHash;
                                        currentHash = StartingHeight == 0
                                                                                        ? uint256.Zero
                                                                                        : await RpcClient.GetBlockHashAsync((int)StartingHeight - 1).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                        currentHeight = StartingHeight - 1;

                                var coreNotSynced   = !syncInfo.IsCoreSynchronized;
                                var tipReached      = syncInfo.BlockCount == currentHeight;
                                var isTimeToRefresh = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - syncInfo.BlockchainInfoUpdated > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
                                if (coreNotSynced || tipReached || isTimeToRefresh)
                                    syncInfo = await GetSyncInfoAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                                // If wasabi filter height is the same as core we may be done.
                                if (syncInfo.BlockCount == currentHeight)
                                    // Check that core is fully synced
                                    if (syncInfo.IsCoreSynchronized && !syncInfo.InitialBlockDownload)
                                        // Mark the process notstarted, so it can be started again
                                        // and finally block can mark it as stopped.
                                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref _serviceStatus, NotStarted);
                                        // Knots is catching up give it a 10 seconds
                                        await Task.Delay(10000).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                uint nextHeight        = currentHeight + 1;
                                uint256 blockHash      = await RpcClient.GetBlockHashAsync((int)nextHeight).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                VerboseBlockInfo block = await RpcClient.GetVerboseBlockAsync(blockHash).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                // Check if we are still on the best chain,
                                // if not rewind filters till we find the fork.
                                if (currentHash != block.PrevBlockHash)
                                    Logger.LogWarning("Reorg observed on the network.");

                                    await ReorgOneAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                                    // Skip the current block.

                                var filter = BuildFilterForBlock(block);

                                var smartHeader = new SmartHeader(block.Hash, block.PrevBlockHash, nextHeight, block.BlockTime);
                                var filterModel = new FilterModel(smartHeader, filter);

                                await File.AppendAllLinesAsync(IndexFilePath, new[] { filterModel.ToLine() }).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                using (await IndexLock.LockAsync())

                                // If not close to the tip, just log debug.
                                if (syncInfo.BlockCount - nextHeight <= 3 || nextHeight % 100 == 0)
                                    Logger.LogInfo($"Created filter for block: {nextHeight}.");
                                    Logger.LogDebug($"Created filter for block: {nextHeight}.");
                                LastFilterBuildTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
        public void Synchronize()
            Task.Run(async() =>
                    if (Interlocked.Read(ref _workerCount) >= 2)

                    Interlocked.Increment(ref _workerCount);
                    while (Interlocked.Read(ref _workerCount) != 1)
                        await Task.Delay(100);

                    if (IsStopping)

                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref _serviceStatus, Running);

                        SyncInfo syncInfo = null;
                        while (IsRunning)
                                // If we did not yet initialized syncInfo, do so.
                                if (syncInfo is null)
                                    syncInfo = await GetSyncInfoAsync();

                                uint currentHeight  = 0;
                                uint256 currentHash = null;
                                using (await IndexLock.LockAsync())
                                    if (Index.Count != 0)
                                        var lastIndex = Index[^ 1];
                                        currentHeight = lastIndex.Header.Height;
                                        currentHash   = lastIndex.Header.BlockHash;
                                        currentHash = StartingHeight == 0
                                                                                        ? uint256.Zero
                                                                                        : await RpcClient.GetBlockHashAsync((int)StartingHeight - 1);
                                        currentHeight = StartingHeight - 1;

                                var coreNotSynced   = !syncInfo.IsCoreSynchornized;
                                var tipReached      = syncInfo.BlockCount == currentHeight;
                                var isTimeToRefresh = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - syncInfo.BlockchainInfoUpdated > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
                                if (coreNotSynced || tipReached || isTimeToRefresh)
                                    syncInfo = await GetSyncInfoAsync();

                                // If wasabi filter height is the same as core we may be done.
                                if (syncInfo.BlockCount == currentHeight)
                                    // Check that core is fully synced
                                    if (syncInfo.IsCoreSynchornized && !syncInfo.InitialBlockDownload)
                                        // Mark the process notstarted, so it can be started again
                                        // and finally block can mark it as stopped.
                                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref _serviceStatus, NotStarted);
                                        // Knots is catching up give it a 10 seconds
                                        await Task.Delay(10000);

                                uint nextHeight        = currentHeight + 1;
                                uint256 blockHash      = await RpcClient.GetBlockHashAsync((int)nextHeight);
                                VerboseBlockInfo block = await RpcClient.GetVerboseBlockAsync(blockHash);

                                // Check if we are still on the best chain,
                                // if not rewind filters till we find the fork.
                                if (currentHash != block.PrevBlockHash)
                                    Logger.LogWarning("Reorg observed on the network.");

                                    await ReorgOneAsync();

                                    // Skip the current block.

                                var scripts = FetchScripts(block);

                                GolombRiceFilter filter;
                                if (scripts.Any())
                                    filter = new GolombRiceFilterBuilder()
                                             .SetM(1 << 20)
                                             .AddEntries(scripts.Select(x => x.ToCompressedBytes()))
                                    // We cannot have empty filters, because there was a bug in GolombRiceFilterBuilder that evaluates empty filters to true.
                                    // And this must be fixed in a backwards compatible way, so we create a fake filter with a random scp instead.
                                    filter = CreateDummyEmptyFilter(block.Hash);

                                var smartHeader = new SmartHeader(block.Hash, block.PrevBlockHash, nextHeight, block.BlockTime);
                                var filterModel = new FilterModel(smartHeader, filter);

                                await File.AppendAllLinesAsync(IndexFilePath, new[] { filterModel.ToLine() });

                                using (await IndexLock.LockAsync())

                                // If not close to the tip, just log debug.
                                if (syncInfo.BlockCount - nextHeight <= 3 || nextHeight % 100 == 0)
                                    Logger.LogInfo($"Created filter for block: {nextHeight}.");
                                    Logger.LogDebug($"Created filter for block: {nextHeight}.");