        public VentataOrder Update(VentataOrder order)
            VentataOrder orderWithId = RestHelper.CallResource(
                "PUT", String.Format("{0}?ApiKey={1}",
                                     storeApiKey), order.ToJSON() //we are going to PUT to Orders with the new order information
                ).FromJSON <VentataOrder>();                      //then we convert it the JSON to a Ventata Order

        public VentataOrder Get(Guid VentataOrderId)
            VentataOrder orderWithId = RestHelper.CallResource(
                "GET", String.Format("{0}/{1}?ApiKey={2}",
                                     storeApiKey) //we are going to GET from Orders by hitting order/{id}
                ).FromJSON <VentataOrder>();      //then we convert it the JSON to a Ventata Order

        /// <summary>
        /// Converts your internal Order into a Ventata Order
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order">An instance of your internal Order object</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static VentataOrder ConvertOrder(Order order)
            VentataOrder orderToReturn = new VentataOrder();

            //Map internal Order to Ventata Order
            orderToReturn.DateCreated  = order.DateOrdered;
            orderToReturn.ShippingCost = order.Shipping;
            orderToReturn.SubTotal     = order.SubTotal;
            orderToReturn.Taxes        = order.Taxes;
            orderToReturn.TotalPrice   = order.Total;
            orderToReturn.OrderDetails = new List <VentataOrderDetail>();

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //1.  Create a store
            VentataStore vStore = new VentataStore()
                Name         = "My Awesome First Store",
                CurrencyCode = "USD",
                ExternalId   = "1",
                URL          = "http://kateCoolToyStore.com/",
                StoreType    = new StoreType()
                    Id   = 1006,
                    Name = "Custom"

            Stores ventataStoreAPI = new Stores(CompanyAPIKey);

            VentataStore newlyCreatedStore = ventataStoreAPI.Create(vStore);

            //You might want to store this Id and the API Key in your database so you can make GET/PUT calls to it
            Guid newStoreId  = newlyCreatedStore.Id;
            Guid storeApiKey = newlyCreatedStore.ApiKey;

            //such as getting the store back out..
            newlyCreatedStore = ventataStoreAPI.Get(newStoreId);

            //or updating the store...
            newlyCreatedStore.Name = "My (Still Very) Awesome Second Store";
            newlyCreatedStore      = ventataStoreAPI.Update(newlyCreatedStore);

            //2.  Now that we've created a store we can add our internal products to that store

            //We'll first start by creating a Product API with that store's security API Key
            Products ventataProductAPI = new Products(storeApiKey);

            //"Product" object is an internal product object, you'll need to edit this class
            //so that it looks like your Product object and also update the Mapper function in Domain
            //but for an example...

            Product prod = new Product()
                Id             = 12345,
                Name           = "New test product",
                Cost           = 4.5m,
                Supply         = 100,
                MAP            = 5,
                DescrLong      = "The most amazing Nirvana t-shirt anyone will ever own",
                DescrShort     = "A Nirvana Shirt",
                ManufacturerNo = "TSHIRT120",
                DateCreated    = DateTime.UtcNow,
                SKU            = "SHIRT-1",
                Price          = 10

            //Use the mapper and pick your pricing strategy:

            VentataProduct vProduct = VentataMapper.ConvertProduct(prod, "UnlimitedSupply");

            //Send product to Ventata
            vProduct = ventataProductAPI.Create(vProduct);

            //Store this Id in your database so you can make other calls to it
            Guid newlyCreatedProductId = vProduct.Id;

            //such as updating the product information...
            vProduct.MaxPrice = 50;
            vProduct.Cost     = 4.0m;
            vProduct          = ventataProductAPI.Update(vProduct);

            //3.  Now that we've created a product let's make 10 fake orders to associate with that product
            //We first create a ventata order api with the store api key
            Orders ventataOrderAPI = new Orders(storeApiKey);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                //"Order" object is an internal order object, you'll need to edit this class
                //so that it looks like your Order object and also update the Mapper function in Domain
                //but for an example...

                Order o = new Order()
                    Id            = i,
                    DateOrdered   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    PaymentMethod = "CC",
                    Shipping      = 7,
                    SubTotal      = 80,
                    Taxes         = 0,
                    Total         = 87,
                    OrderDetails  = new List <OrderDetail>()

                //add line items to your internal order object
                o.OrderDetails.Add(new OrderDetail()
                    Cost      = 4,
                    Price     = 10,
                    OrderId   = o.Id,
                    ProductId = prod.Id,
                    Quantity  = 4

                //Convert to a VentataOrder
                VentataOrder vOrder = VentataMapper.ConvertOrder(o);

                //Convert VentataOrderDetails (line items)
                foreach (OrderDetail detail in o.OrderDetails)
                    VentataOrderDetail vDetail = VentataMapper.ConvertOrderDetails(detail);

                    //set the product id to the ventata product id
                    //You could do this more elegantly in your own system
                    //but you can use our API to reconcile the two products Id's with the following call:
                    vDetail.ProductId = ventataProductAPI.GetProductByStoreCode(detail.ProductId.ToString()).Id;

                    //add it to the order

                //send it off to Ventata
                vOrder = ventataOrderAPI.Create(vOrder);

                //You can store this Id in your system to make future calls to this resources
                Guid newlyCreatedOrderId = vOrder.Id;

            //4. Call for a new price!
            decimal newPrice = ventataProductAPI.GetNewPrice(newlyCreatedProductId).Price;