    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        steeringBasics = GetComponent <SteeringBasics>();
        wander         = GetComponent <Wander2>();
        cohesion       = GetComponent <Cohesion>();
        separation     = GetComponent <Separation>();
        velocityMatch  = GetComponent <VelocityMatch>();

        sensor = transform.Find("Sensor").GetComponent <NearSensor>();
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     separation = this.GetComponent <Separation>();
     arrive     = this.GetComponent <Arrive>();
     //align = this.GetComponent<Align>();
     velocityMatching = this.GetComponent <VelocityMatch>();
     velocityOutput   = new SteeringOutput();
     avoidance        = this.GetComponent <ObstacleAvoidance>();
     //m_droneGO.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(new Vector3(Random.Range(0,50), Random.Range(0, 50), Random.Range(0, 50)),ForceMode.VelocityChange);
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        steeringBasics = GetComponent<SteeringBasics>();
        wander = GetComponent<Wander2>();
        cohesion = GetComponent<Cohesion>();
        separation = GetComponent<Separation>();
        velocityMatch = GetComponent<VelocityMatch>();

        sensor = transform.Find("Sensor").GetComponent<NearSensor>();
    void Start()
        //Inicializamos las estructuras necesarias de otros componentes
        enemy         = GameObject.Find(enemyName).GetComponent <static_data>();
        kineticsEnemy = enemy.kineticsAgent;

        kineticsAgent = agent.kineticsAgent;
        steeringAgent = agent.steeringAgent;

        //Inicializamos movimientos
        velMatch = new VelocityMatch(kineticsAgent, kineticsEnemy, MaxAcceleration, timeTotarget);
    public override SteeringOutput getSteering()
        SteeringOutput steering = new SteeringOutput();
        //Direction to target
        Vector3 direction = target - character.position;
        float   distance  = direction.magnitude;

        //Check if we are there
        if (distance < targetRadius)
            VelocityMatch getToZero = new VelocityMatch(this.character, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 5.0f);
            steering = getToZero.getSteering();

        //If we are outside the slow radius, go max speed
        float targetSpeed;

        if (distance > slowRadius)
            targetSpeed = maxSpeed;
            //Otherwise calculate scaled speed
            targetSpeed = maxSpeed * distance / slowRadius;

        //Target velocity combines speed & direction
        Vector3 targetVelocity = direction.normalized * targetSpeed;

        //Acceleration tries to match target velocity
        steering.linear  = targetVelocity - character.velocity;
        steering.linear /= timeToTarget;
        //Clamp acceleration
        if (steering.linear.magnitude > maxAcceleration)
            steering.linear = steering.linear.normalized * maxAcceleration;

        //Return steering data
    Steering getDefaultSteering2(Entry e)
        e.bird.maxSpeed = 30f;

        (e.bird as Starling).transform.Find("Sphere").gameObject.SetActive(false);

        var separation = new Separation(e.bird, flock, 5f, -0.5f);
        var cohesion = new Cohesion(e.bird, flock, 30f, -0.5f);
        var velMatch = new VelocityMatch(e.bird, flock, 20f, -0.5f);

        var seek = new Cohesion(e.bird, anchorFlock, float.MaxValue, -1f); // move towards the anchor
        var flee = new Separation(e.bird, anchorFlock, 10f, -1f); // move towards the anchor

        separation.aknnApproxVal = 1.0;
        cohesion.aknnApproxVal = 1.0;
        velMatch.aknnApproxVal = 25.0;

        separation.maxNeighborhoodSize = 5;
        cohesion.maxNeighborhoodSize = 10;
        velMatch.maxNeighborhoodSize = 5;

        var obstacleAvoidance = new ObstacleAvoidance(e.bird, 20f, new string[]{"Ground"});

        var blended = new BlendedSteering[2];

        blended[0] = new BlendedSteering(e.bird, new BehaviorAndWeight(obstacleAvoidance, 1f));
        blended[1] = new BlendedSteering(e.bird, new BehaviorAndWeight(separation, 2f), // 0
                                         new BehaviorAndWeight(cohesion, 1f), // 1
                                         new BehaviorAndWeight(velMatch, 0.5f), // 2
                                         new BehaviorAndWeight(seek, 1.25f), // 3
                                         new BehaviorAndWeight(flee, 2f)

        return new PrioritySteering(1f, blended);
    Steering getDefaultSteering(Entry e)
        e.bird.maxSpeed = 7.5f;

        (e.bird as Starling).transform.Find("Sphere").gameObject.SetActive(true);

        var obstacleAvoidance = new ObstacleAvoidance(e.bird, 20f, new string[]{"Ground"});
        var separation = new Separation(e.bird, flock, 5f, 0f);
        var cohesion = new Cohesion(e.bird, flock, 75f, 0f); cohesion.aknnApproxVal = 25f; cohesion.maxNeighborhoodSize = 15;
        var velMatch = new VelocityMatch(e.bird, flock, 20f, 0.0f); velMatch.aknnApproxVal = 50f;

        var bbox = new Bounds(new Vector3(1162, 113, 770), new Vector3(500, 150, 500));
        var wander = new SteeringBehaviors.Wander(e.bird, e.bird.maxSpeed, 30f, 50f, bbox);
        wander.theta = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 360f);

        var blended = new BlendedSteering[3];

        blended[0] = new BlendedSteering(e.bird, new BehaviorAndWeight(obstacleAvoidance, 1f));
        blended[1] = new BlendedSteering(e.bird,
                                         new BehaviorAndWeight(separation, 1f));
        blended[2] = new BlendedSteering(e.bird, new BehaviorAndWeight(wander, 0.85f), // 0
                                                 new BehaviorAndWeight(cohesion, 0.90f),
                                                 new BehaviorAndWeight(velMatch, 0.50f));

        return new PrioritySteering(1f, blended);
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        kineticsAgent = agent.kineticsAgent;
        steeringAgent = agent.steeringAgent;


        //buscamos a todos los pokemones
        GameObject[] allPokemons = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Pokemon");
        //vamos a usar solo los pokemones que participan en flock
        GameObject[] pokemons = Array.FindAll(allPokemons, c => c.GetComponent <static_data>().flocker);

        //Inicializamos las estructuras necesarias de otros componentes
        for (int i = 0; i < pokemons.Length; i++)
            if (pokemons[i].name != name) //solo me interesan los pokemones que no son yo
                targets_kin_sepa.Add(pokemons[i].GetComponent <static_data>().kineticsAgent);

        Kinetics[] targets_sep = targets_kin_sepa.ToArray();
        separation = new Separation(kineticsAgent, targets_sep, threshold, maxAccelSep);

        separation.weigth = 3f;


        enemyVel         = GameObject.Find(enemyNameVel).GetComponent <static_data>();
        kineticsEnemyVel = enemyVel.kineticsAgent;

        velMatch = new VelocityMatch(kineticsAgent, kineticsEnemyVel, MaxAccelVel, timeTotargetVel);

        velMatch.weigth = 1f;


        //Inicializamos las estructuras necesarias de otros componentes
        for (int i = 0; i < pokemons.Length; i++)

        Transform[] targets_cohe = targets_trans_cohe.ToArray();

        maxSpeedCohe = agent.maxspeed;
        cohesion     = new Cohesion(kineticsAgent, targets_cohe, maxAccelCohe, maxSpeedCohe, targetRadiusCohe, slowRadiusCohe, timeToTargetCohe);

        cohesion.weigth = 1.5f;

        //mezclamos nuestros comportamientos para crear fllock
        behaviors[0] = separation;
        behaviors[1] = velMatch;
        behaviors[2] = cohesion;

        blendFlock = new BlendedSteering(behaviors, maxAccelBlend, maxAngularBlend);
    Steering getDefaultSteering(Entry e, Flock flock)
        var separation = new Separation(e.bird, flock, _separationDistance, -0.5f);
        var cohesion = new Cohesion(e.bird, flock, _cohesionDistance, -0.5f);
        var velMatch = new VelocityMatch(e.bird, flock, _velocityMatchDistance, -0.5f);

        var anchorCohesion = new Cohesion(e.bird, anchorFlock, float.MaxValue, -1f); // move towards the anchor
        var anchorSeparation = new Separation(e.bird, anchorFlock, 25f, -1f);
        var anchorVelocityMatch = new VelocityMatch(e.bird, anchorFlock, float.MaxValue, -1f);

        separation.aknnApproxVal = _separationAknnVal;
        cohesion.aknnApproxVal = _cohesionAknnVal;
        velMatch.aknnApproxVal = _velocityMatchAknnVal;

        separation.maxNeighborhoodSize = separationK;
        cohesion.maxNeighborhoodSize = cohesionK;
        velMatch.maxNeighborhoodSize = velocityMatchK;

        var obstacleAvoidance = new ObstacleAvoidance(e.bird, 20f, new string[]{"Ground"});

        var blended = new BlendedSteering[2];

        blended[0] = new BlendedSteering(e.bird, new BehaviorAndWeight(obstacleAvoidance, 1f));
        blended[1] = new BlendedSteering(e.bird, new BehaviorAndWeight(separation, _separationWeight), // 0
                                                 new BehaviorAndWeight(cohesion, _cohesionWeight), // 1
                                                 new BehaviorAndWeight(velMatch, _velocityMatchWeight), // 2
                                                 new BehaviorAndWeight(anchorCohesion, _cohesionToAnchorWeight), // 3
                                                 new BehaviorAndWeight(anchorSeparation, _separationFromAnchorWeight), // 4
                                                 new BehaviorAndWeight(anchorVelocityMatch, _velMatchToAnchorWeight) // 5

        return new PrioritySteering(1f, blended);
 public void CreateBehaviors()
     Locomotion    = new Locomotion(_context, _entity, _controllerData);
     VelocityMatch = new VelocityMatch(_context, _entity, _controllerData);
     Aim           = new Aim(_context, _entity, _controllerData);