        public void TestVehicleInspections()
            List <VehicleInspection> vehicleInspections = AppDb.GetVehicleInspections().ToList();

            if (vehicleInspections.Any())
                VehicleInspection first = vehicleInspections.First();

                VehicleInspection response = AppDb.GetVehicleInspection(first.Id);
        protected void btnAddInspection_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Parse the dates
            int    ID          = Parsers.ParseInt(txtVehicleID.Value);
            string description = txtNewInspectionDescription.Text;

            DateTime inspectionEffectiveDate = DateTime.ParseExact(txtEffectiveDate.Text, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            DateTime inspectionExpires       = DateTime.ParseExact(txtExpiryDate.Text, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            VehicleInspectionRepository vir = new VehicleInspectionRepository();
            VehicleInspection           i   = vir.Add(ID, description, inspectionEffectiveDate, inspectionExpires);

            if (i != null)
 public IActionResult Put([FromBody] VehicleInspection vehicleInspection)
         if (ModelState.IsValid && _unitOfWork.VehicleInspection.Update(vehicleInspection))
             return(Ok(new { Message = "Solicitud de inspección del vehículo actualizados" }));
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(StatusCode(500, "Internal server error: " + ex.Message));
        TableRow addRow(VehicleInspection i)
            TableRow row = new TableRow();

            row.Cells.Add(new TableCell()
                Text = i.Description
            row.Cells.Add(new TableCell()
                Text = i.EffectiveDate.ToLongDateString()
            row.Cells.Add(new TableCell()
                Text = i.ExpiryDate.ToLongDateString()

        /// <summary>
        ///     Adds the yanche information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="caseId">The case identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="yancheInfo">The yanche information.</param>
        /// <param name="photos">The photos.</param>
        /// <returns>Task&lt;Case&gt;.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ApplicationException">
        ///     事项的状态不合法
        ///     or
        ///     未能加载验车信息
        ///     or
        ///     无法加载用户信息
        ///     or
        ///     无在岗查询师
        ///     or
        ///     查询师分配错误
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ApplicationException">
        ///     事项的状态不合法
        ///     or
        ///     未能加载验车信息
        /// </exception>
        public async Task<Case> AddYancheInfoAsync(int caseId, VehicleInspection yancheInfo, IEnumerable<int> photos)
            using (ChePingContext db = new ChePingContext())
                Case @case = await db.Cases.FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Id == caseId);

                if (@case == null || @case.State != State.Yanche)
                    throw new ApplicationException("事项的状态不合法");

                VehicleInspection inspection = await db.VehicleInspections.FirstOrDefaultAsync(i => i.Id == @case.VehicleInspecId);
                if (inspection == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("未能加载验车信息");

                inspection.VinCode = yancheInfo.VinCode;
                inspection.EngineCode = yancheInfo.EngineCode;
                inspection.InsuranceCode = yancheInfo.InsuranceCode;
                inspection.LicenseCode = yancheInfo.LicenseCode;

                @case.State = State.Chaxun;
                this.RecordTime(@case, State.Yanche);

                User user = await db.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.Id == @case.PurchaserId && u.JobTitle == JobTitle.Purchaser && u.Available);
                if (user == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("无法加载用户信息");

                int queryingId;

                List<User> queryings = await db.Users.Where(u => u.Available && u.JobTitle == JobTitle.Querying).ToListAsync();

                var workingQueryings = await db.Cases.Where(c => QueryingTodoStates.Contains(c.State) && c.QueryingId != null)
                    .GroupBy(c => c.QueryingId).Select(g => new { g.Key, Count = g.Count() }).ToListAsync();

                queryings.RemoveAll(v => workingQueryings.Select(i => i.Key).Contains(v.Id));

                if (queryings.Count > 0)
                    queryingId = queryings[0].Id;
                    if (workingQueryings.Count == 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException("无在岗查询师");

                    queryingId = workingQueryings.OrderBy(v => v.Count).Select(v => v.Key).First().GetValueOrDefault();

                    if (queryingId == 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException("查询师分配错误");

                @case.QueryingId = queryingId;

                foreach (int photo in photos)
                    Photo photoModel = await db.Photos.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == photo);

                    if (photoModel != null)
                        photoModel.CaseId = caseId;

                await db.ExecuteSaveChangesAsync();

                await this.smsService.SendNoticeMessage(@case.QueryingId.GetValueOrDefault());

                return @case;
        /// <summary>
        ///     add value information as an asynchronous operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="caseId">The case identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="valueInfo">The value information.</param>
        /// <param name="price">The price.</param>
        /// <returns>Task&lt;Case&gt;.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ApplicationException">
        ///     事项的状态不合法
        ///     or
        ///     未能加载验车信息
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ApplicationException">
        ///     事项的状态不合法
        ///     or
        ///     未能加载验车信息
        /// </exception>
        public async Task<Case> AddValueInfoAsync(int caseId, VehicleInspection valueInfo, int price)
            using (ChePingContext db = new ChePingContext())
                Case @case = await db.Cases.FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Id == caseId);

                if (@case == null || @case.State != State.Pinggu)
                    throw new ApplicationException("事项的状态不合法");

                VehicleInspection inspection = await db.VehicleInspections.FirstOrDefaultAsync(i => i.Id == @case.VehicleInspecId);
                if (inspection == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("未能加载验车信息");

                inspection.PreferentialPrice = valueInfo.PreferentialPrice;
                inspection.MaxMileage = valueInfo.MaxMileage;
                inspection.MinMileage = valueInfo.MinMileage;
                inspection.SaleGrade = valueInfo.SaleGrade;
                inspection.WebAveragePrice = valueInfo.WebAveragePrice;
                inspection.WebPrice = valueInfo.WebPrice;
                inspection.FloorPrice = valueInfo.FloorPrice;

                this.RecordTime(@case, State.Pinggu);

                //alloc directorId
                User user = await db.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.Id == @case.PurchaserId && u.JobTitle == JobTitle.Purchaser && u.Available);
                if (user == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("无法加载用户信息");

                List<User> directors = await db.Users.Where(u => u.Available && u.OutletId == user.OutletId && u.JobTitle == JobTitle.Director).ToListAsync();

                if (directors.Count == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException("无在岗地区总监");

                int caseCount = await db.Cases.CountAsync(c => c.OutletId == user.OutletId && DirectorTodoStates.Contains(c.State) && c.DirectorId != null);
                int index = caseCount % directors.Count;

                int directorId = directors[index].Id;

                @case.State = State.Shenhe;
                @case.PurchasePrice = price;
                @case.DirectorId = directorId;

                await db.ExecuteSaveChangesAsync();

                return @case;
        /// <summary>
        ///     add qiatan information as an asynchronous operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="caseId">The case identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="qiatanInfo">The qiatan information.</param>
        /// <returns>Task&lt;Case&gt;.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ApplicationException">
        ///     事项的状态不合法
        ///     or
        ///     未能加载验车信息
        /// </exception>
        public async Task<Case> AddQiatanInfoAsync(int caseId, VehicleInspection qiatanInfo)
            using (ChePingContext db = new ChePingContext())
                Case @case = await db.Cases.FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Id == caseId);

                if (@case == null || @case.State != State.Qiatan)
                    throw new ApplicationException("事项的状态不合法");

                VehicleInspection inspection = await db.VehicleInspections.FirstOrDefaultAsync(i => i.Id == @case.VehicleInspecId);
                if (inspection == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("未能加载验车信息");

                inspection.VehicleOwner = qiatanInfo.VehicleOwner;
                inspection.VehicleOwnerCellphone = qiatanInfo.VehicleOwnerCellphone;
                inspection.VehicleOwnerBank = qiatanInfo.VehicleOwnerBank;
                inspection.VehicleOwnerBankCardNo = qiatanInfo.VehicleOwnerBankCardNo;
                inspection.VehicleOwnerIdNo = qiatanInfo.VehicleOwnerIdNo;

                @case.State = State.ShenqingDakuan;
                this.RecordTime(@case, State.Qiatan);

                await db.ExecuteSaveChangesAsync();

                await this.smsService.SendNoticeMessage(@case.DirectorId.GetValueOrDefault());

                return @case;
        /// <summary>
        ///     add chaxun information as an asynchronous operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="caseId">The case identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="chaxunInfo">The chaxun information.</param>
        /// <returns>Task&lt;Case&gt;.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ApplicationException">
        ///     事项的状态不合法
        ///     or
        ///     未能加载验车信息
        /// </exception>
        public async Task<Case> AddChaxunInfoAsync(int caseId, VehicleInspection chaxunInfo)
            using (ChePingContext db = new ChePingContext())
                Case @case = await db.Cases.FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Id == caseId);

                if (@case == null || @case.State != State.Chaxun)
                    throw new ApplicationException("事项的状态不合法");

                VehicleInspection inspection = await db.VehicleInspections.FirstOrDefaultAsync(i => i.Id == @case.VehicleInspecId);
                if (inspection == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("未能加载验车信息");

                inspection.RealMileage = chaxunInfo.RealMileage;
                inspection.LastConservationTime = chaxunInfo.LastConservationTime;
                inspection.ConservationState = chaxunInfo.ConservationState;
                inspection.ConservationNote = chaxunInfo.ConservationNote;
                inspection.ClaimState = chaxunInfo.ClaimState;
                inspection.ClaimNote = chaxunInfo.ClaimNote;
                inspection.BondsState = chaxunInfo.BondsState;
                inspection.BondsNote = chaxunInfo.BondsNote;
                inspection.ViolationState = chaxunInfo.ViolationState;
                inspection.ViolationNote = chaxunInfo.ViolationNote;

                @case.State = State.Baojia;
                this.RecordTime(@case, State.Chaxun);

                await db.ExecuteSaveChangesAsync();

                return @case;
        /// <summary>
        ///     add special case as an asynchronous operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="case">The case.</param>
        /// <param name="info">The information.</param>
        /// <param name="photos">The photos.</param>
        /// <returns>Task&lt;CaseDto&gt;.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ApplicationException">无法加载用户信息</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ApplicationException">无法加载用户信息</exception>
        private async Task<Case> AddSpecialCaseAsync(Case @case, VehicleInfo info, IEnumerable<int> photos)
            Case newCase = new Case
                Abandon = false,
                AbandonReason = "",
                CaseType = @case.CaseType,
                DirectorId = null, // need update
                ManagerId = null,
                OutletId = 0, // need update
                PurchasePrice = 0,
                PurchaserId = @case.PurchaserId,
                QueryingId = null,
                SerialId = @case.SerialId,
                State = State.Shenhe,
                ValuerId = null,
                VehicleInfoId = 0, // need update
                VehicleInspecId = 0, // need update
                CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8)

            VehicleInfo newInfo = new VehicleInfo
                BrandName = info.BrandName,
                CooperationMethod = info.CooperationMethod,
                DisplayMileage = info.DisplayMileage,
                ExpectedPrice = info.ExpectedPrice,
                FactoryTime = info.FactoryTime,
                InnerColor = info.InnerColor,
                InnerColorName = info.InnerColorName,
                LicenseLocation = info.LicenseLocation,
                LicenseTime = info.LicenseTime,
                ModelId = info.ModelId,
                ModelName = info.ModelName,
                ModifiedContent = info.ModifiedContent,
                OuterColor = info.OuterColor,
                OuterColorName = info.OuterColorName,
                SeriesName = info.SeriesName,
                VehicleLocation = info.VehicleLocation

            VehicleInspection newVehicleInspection = new VehicleInspection();

            int purchaserId = @case.PurchaserId;
            using (ChePingContext db = new ChePingContext())
                await db.SaveAsync(newInfo);

                await db.SaveAsync(newVehicleInspection);

                User user = await db.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.Id == purchaserId && u.JobTitle == JobTitle.Purchaser && u.Available);
                if (user == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("无法加载用户信息");

                List<User> directors = await db.Users.Where(u => u.Available && u.OutletId == user.OutletId && u.JobTitle == JobTitle.Director).ToListAsync();

                int caseCount = await db.Cases.CountAsync(c => c.OutletId == user.OutletId && DirectorTodoStates.Contains(c.State) && c.DirectorId != null);
                int index = caseCount % directors.Count;

                int directorId = directors[index].Id;

                newCase.DirectorId = directorId;
                newCase.OutletId = user.OutletId;
                newCase.VehicleInfoId = newInfo.Id;
                newCase.VehicleInspecId = newVehicleInspection.Id;

                await db.SaveAsync(newCase);

                foreach (int photo in photos)
                    Photo photoModel = await db.Photos.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == photo);

                    if (photoModel != null)
                        photoModel.CaseId = newCase.Id;

                await db.ExecuteSaveChangesAsync();

            return newCase;
        /// <summary>
        ///     add general case as an asynchronous operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="case">The case.</param>
        /// <param name="info">The information.</param>
        /// <param name="photos">The photos.</param>
        /// <returns>System.Threading.Tasks.Task&lt;ChepingServer.Models.Case&gt;.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ApplicationException">
        ///     无法加载用户信息
        ///     or
        ///     无在岗评估师,事项添加失败
        ///     or
        ///     评估师分配错误,事项添加失败
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ApplicationException">
        ///     无法加载车型信息
        ///     or
        ///     无法加载用户信息
        ///     or
        ///     无在岗评估师,事项添加失败
        ///     or
        ///     评估师分配错误,事项添加失败
        /// </exception>
        private async Task<Case> AddGeneralCaseAsync(Case @case, VehicleInfo info, IEnumerable<int> photos)
            Case newCase = new Case
                Abandon = false,
                AbandonReason = "",
                CaseType = @case.CaseType,
                DirectorId = null,
                ManagerId = null,
                OutletId = 0, // need update
                PurchasePrice = 0,
                PurchaserId = @case.PurchaserId,
                QueryingId = null,
                SerialId = @case.SerialId,
                State = State.Pinggu,
                ValuerId = null, // need update
                VehicleInfoId = 0, // need update
                VehicleInspecId = 0, // need update
                CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8),
                Times = null

            VehicleInfo newInfo = new VehicleInfo
                BrandName = info.BrandName,
                CooperationMethod = info.CooperationMethod,
                DisplayMileage = info.DisplayMileage,
                ExpectedPrice = info.ExpectedPrice,
                FactoryTime = info.FactoryTime,
                InnerColor = info.InnerColor,
                InnerColorName = info.InnerColorName,
                LicenseLocation = info.LicenseLocation,
                LicenseTime = info.LicenseTime,
                ModelId = info.ModelId,
                ModelName = info.ModelName,
                ModifiedContent = info.ModifiedContent,
                OuterColor = info.OuterColor,
                OuterColorName = info.OuterColorName,
                SeriesName = info.SeriesName,
                VehicleLocation = info.VehicleLocation

            VehicleInspection newVehicleInspection = new VehicleInspection();

            int purchaserId = @case.PurchaserId;
            using (ChePingContext db = new ChePingContext())
                await db.SaveAsync(newInfo);

                await db.SaveAsync(newVehicleInspection);

                User user = await db.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.Id == purchaserId && u.JobTitle == JobTitle.Purchaser && u.Available);
                if (user == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("无法加载用户信息");

                int valuerId;
                List<User> valuers = await db.Users.Where(u => u.Available && !u.HangOn && u.JobTitle == JobTitle.Valuer && u.ValuerGroup.Contains(((int)newCase.CaseType).ToString())).ToListAsync();

                var workingValuers = await db.Cases.Where(c => ValuerTodoStates.Contains(c.State) && c.ValuerId != null)
                    .GroupBy(c => c.ValuerId).Select(g => new { g.Key, Count = g.Count() }).ToListAsync();

                valuers.RemoveAll(v => workingValuers.Select(i => i.Key).Contains(v.Id));

                if (valuers.Count > 0)
                    valuerId = valuers[0].Id;
                    if (workingValuers.Count == 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException("无在岗评估师,事项添加失败");

                    valuerId = workingValuers.OrderBy(v => v.Count).Select(v => v.Key).First().GetValueOrDefault();

                    if (valuerId == 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException("评估师分配错误,事项添加失败");

                newCase.ValuerId = valuerId;
                newCase.OutletId = user.OutletId;
                newCase.VehicleInfoId = newInfo.Id;
                newCase.VehicleInspecId = newVehicleInspection.Id;

                await db.SaveAsync(newCase);

                foreach (int photo in photos)
                    Photo photoModel = await db.Photos.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == photo);

                    if (photoModel != null)
                        photoModel.CaseId = newCase.Id;

                await db.ExecuteSaveChangesAsync();

                await this.smsService.SendNoticeMessage(newCase.ValuerId.GetValueOrDefault());

            return newCase;
        public async Task<IHttpActionResult> AddYancheInfo(AddYancheInfoRequest request)
            Case @case = await this.caseService.GetAsync(request.CaseId);
            if (@case == null)
                return this.BadRequest("无法加载事项信息");

            if (@case.PurchaserId != this.CurrentUser.Id)
                return this.BadRequest("操作未授权");

            if (@case.State != State.Yanche)
                return this.BadRequest("事项状态错误");

            VehicleInspection inspection = new VehicleInspection
                VinCode = request.VinCode,
                EngineCode = request.EngineCode,
                InsuranceCode = request.InsuranceCode,
                LicenseCode = request.LicenseCode

            @case = await this.caseService.AddYancheInfoAsync(@case.Id, inspection, request.PhotoIds);

            return this.Ok(@case.ToDto());
        public async Task<IHttpActionResult> AddValueInfo(AddValueInfoRequest request)
            Case @case = await this.caseService.GetAsync(request.CaseId);
            if (@case == null)
                return this.BadRequest("无法加载事项信息");

            if (@case.ValuerId.GetValueOrDefault(-100) != this.CurrentUser.Id)
                return this.BadRequest("操作未授权");

            if (@case.State != State.Pinggu)
                return this.BadRequest("事项状态错误");

            VehicleInspection inspection = new VehicleInspection
                PreferentialPrice = request.PreferentialPrice,
                MaxMileage = request.MaxMileage,
                MinMileage = request.MinMileage,
                SaleGrade = request.SaleGrade,
                WebAveragePrice = request.WebAveragePrice,
                WebPrice = request.WebPrice,
                FloorPrice = request.FloorPrice

            @case = await this.caseService.AddValueInfoAsync(@case.Id, inspection, request.Price);

            return this.Ok(@case.ToDto());
        public async Task<IHttpActionResult> AddQiatanInfo(AddQiatanInfoRequest request)
            Case @case = await this.caseService.GetAsync(request.CaseId);
            if (@case == null)
                return this.BadRequest("无法加载事项信息");

            if (@case.PurchaserId != this.CurrentUser.Id)
                return this.BadRequest("操作未授权");

            if (@case.State != State.Qiatan)
                return this.BadRequest("事项状态错误");

            VehicleInspection inspection = new VehicleInspection
                VehicleOwner = request.VehicleOwner,
                VehicleOwnerCellphone = request.VehicleOwnerCellphone,
                VehicleOwnerBank = request.VehicleOwnerBank,
                VehicleOwnerBankCardNo = request.VehicleOwnerBankCardNo,
                VehicleOwnerIdNo = request.VehicleOwnerIdNo

            @case = await this.caseService.AddQiatanInfoAsync(@case.Id, inspection);

            return this.Ok(@case.ToDto());
        public async Task<IHttpActionResult> AddChaxunInfo(AddChaxunInfoRequest request)
            Case @case = await this.caseService.GetAsync(request.CaseId);
            if (@case == null)
                return this.BadRequest("无法加载事项信息");

            if (@case.QueryingId.GetValueOrDefault(-100) != this.CurrentUser.Id)
                return this.BadRequest("操作未授权");

            if (@case.State != State.Chaxun)
                return this.BadRequest("事项状态错误");

            VehicleInspection inspection = new VehicleInspection
                RealMileage = request.RealMileage,
                LastConservationTime = request.LastConservationTime,
                ConservationState = request.ConservationState,
                ConservationNote = request.ConservationNote,
                ClaimState = request.ClaimState,
                ClaimNote = request.ClaimNote,
                BondsState = request.BondsState,
                BondsNote = request.BondsNote,
                ViolationState = request.ViolationState,
                ViolationNote = request.ViolationNote

            @case = await this.caseService.AddChaxunInfoAsync(@case.Id, inspection);

            return this.Ok(@case.ToDto());
        public VehicleInspection SaveInspection(VehicleInspection inspection, int userId, List <int> checkedList, bool apiCall = false)
            if (inspection.Id > 0)
                var m = _currentDbContext.VehicleInspections.First(x => x.Id == inspection.Id);
                m.DriverSignature = inspection.DriverSignature;
                m.FleetNumber     = inspection.FleetNumber;

                if (apiCall == true)
                    m.VehicleDriverId = _userService.GetResourceIdByUserId(inspection.VehicleDriverId);

                m.MileageReading    = inspection.MileageReading;
                m.NilDefect         = inspection.NilDefect;
                m.RectifiedUserId   = inspection.RectifiedUserId;
                m.RectifiedDateTime = inspection.RectifiedDateTime;
                m.ReportedToUserId  = inspection.ReportedToUserId;
                m.Notes             = inspection.Notes;
                m.CreatedBy   = m.CreatedBy;
                m.DateCreated = m.DateCreated;

                var deletedList = m.ConfirmedChecklists.Where(s => !checkedList.Contains(s.VehicleInspectionCheckListId)).ToList();
                foreach (var item in deletedList)
                    _currentDbContext.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Deleted;

                var newItems = checkedList.Where(c => !m.ConfirmedChecklists.Select(s => s.VehicleInspectionCheckListId).Contains(c));
                foreach (var item in newItems)
                    _currentDbContext.VehicleInspectionConfirmedLists.Add(new VehicleInspectionConfirmedList()
                        VehicleInspectionCheckListId = item,
                        VehicleInspection            = m
                inspection.InspectionDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (apiCall == true)
                    inspection.VehicleDriverId = _userService.GetResourceIdByUserId(inspection.VehicleDriverId);

                foreach (var item in checkedList)
                    inspection.ConfirmedChecklists.Add(new VehicleInspectionConfirmedList()
                        VehicleInspectionCheckListId = item,
                        VehicleInspection            = inspection

                _currentDbContext.Entry(inspection).State = EntityState.Added;