public void Post([FromBody] VehicleDetail vehicleDetail)
            VehicleDetailData vehicleDetailData = new VehicleDetailData(configuration.GetConnectionString("MechanicalContext").ToString());

 internal VehicleDetailsModel(VehicleDetailData data)
     Data = data;
        // We have to lock api.ActionsSemaphore before the first continuation (await)
        // to make sure API calls are executed one after the other
        public async void Execute(JSONNode args)
            var sim = SimulatorManager.Instance;
            var api = ApiManager.Instance;

            // instead of relying on ApiMAnager's exception handling,
            // we wrap the whole method since we are async
                if (sim == null)
                    throw new Exception("SimulatorManager not found! Is scene loaded?");

                var name             = args["name"].Value;
                var type             = args["type"].AsInt;
                var position         = args["state"]["transform"]["position"].ReadVector3();
                var rotation         = args["state"]["transform"]["rotation"].ReadVector3();
                var velocity         = args["state"]["velocity"].ReadVector3();
                var angular_velocity = args["state"]["angular_velocity"].ReadVector3();

                string uid;
                var    argsUid = args["uid"];
                if (argsUid == null)
                    uid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    // Add uid key to arguments, as it will be distributed to the clients' simulations
                    if (Loader.Instance.Network.IsMaster)
                        args.Add("uid", uid);
                    uid = argsUid.Value;

                if (type == (int)AgentType.Ego)
                    var        agents  = SimulatorManager.Instance.AgentManager;
                    GameObject agentGO = null;

                    VehicleDetailData vehicleData = await ConnectionManager.API.GetByIdOrName <VehicleDetailData>(name);

                    var config = new AgentConfig(vehicleData.ToVehicleData());

                    if (ApiManager.Instance.CachedVehicles.ContainsKey(vehicleData.Name))
                        config.Prefab = ApiManager.Instance.CachedVehicles[vehicleData.Name];
                        var progressUpdate = new Progress <Tuple <string, float> > (p => { ConnectionUI.instance.UpdateDownloadProgress(p.Item1, p.Item2); });
                        var assetModel     = await DownloadManager.GetAsset(BundleConfig.BundleTypes.Vehicle, vehicleData.AssetGuid, vehicleData.Name, progressUpdate);

                        config.Prefab = Loader.LoadVehicleBundle(assetModel.LocalPath);

                    if (config.Prefab == null)
                        throw new Exception($"failed to acquire ego prefab");

                    var downloads = new List <Task>();
                    List <SensorData> sensorsToDownload = new List <SensorData>();
                    ConcurrentDictionary <Task, string> assetDownloads = new ConcurrentDictionary <Task, string>();

                    if (config.Sensors != null)
                        foreach (var plugin in config.Sensors)
                            if (plugin.Plugin.AssetGuid != null && sensorsToDownload.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Plugin.AssetGuid == plugin.Plugin.AssetGuid) == null)

                    foreach (var sensor in sensorsToDownload)
                        var pluginProgress = ConnectionUI.instance != null ?
                                             new Progress <Tuple <string, float> >(p => ConnectionUI.instance.UpdateDownloadProgress(p.Item1, p.Item2))
                        : new Progress <Tuple <string, float> >(p => Debug.Log($"Download: {p.Item1}: {p.Item2}"));

                        var pluginTask = DownloadManager.GetAsset(BundleConfig.BundleTypes.Sensor, sensor.Plugin.AssetGuid,
                                                                  sensor.Name, pluginProgress);
                        assetDownloads.TryAdd(pluginTask, sensor.Type);

                    await Task.WhenAll(downloads);

                    foreach (var download in downloads)
                        assetDownloads.TryRemove(download, out _);

                    agentGO = agents.SpawnAgent(config);
                    agentGO.transform.position = position;
                    agentGO.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation);

                    if (agents.ActiveAgents.Count == 1)

                    var rb = agentGO.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                    if (rb != null)
                        rb.velocity        = velocity;
                        rb.angularVelocity = angular_velocity;

                    Debug.Assert(agentGO != null);
                    api.Agents.Add(uid, agentGO);
                    api.AgentUID.Add(agentGO, uid);

                    var sensors = agentGO.GetComponentsInChildren <SensorBase>(true);

                    foreach (var sensor in sensors)
                        var sensorUid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        if (SimulatorManager.InstanceAvailable)
                            SimulatorManager.Instance.Sensors.AppendUid(sensor, sensorUid);

                    api.SendResult(this, new JSONString(uid));
                else if (type == (int)AgentType.Npc)
                    var colorData = args["color"].ReadVector3();
                    var template  = sim.NPCManager.NPCVehicles.Find(obj => == name);
                    if (template.Prefab == null)
                        throw new Exception($"Unknown '{name}' NPC name");

                    var spawnData = new NPCManager.NPCSpawnData
                        Active   = true,
                        GenId    = uid,
                        Template = template,
                        Position = position,
                        Rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation),
                        Color    = colorData == new Vector3(-1, -1, -1) ? sim.NPCManager.GetWeightedRandomColor(template.NPCType) : new Color(colorData.x, colorData.y, colorData.z),
                        Seed     = sim.NPCManager.NPCSeedGenerator.Next(),

                    var npcController = SimulatorManager.Instance.NPCManager.SpawnNPC(spawnData);
                    npcController.IsUserSpecified = true;
                    npcController.SetBehaviour <NPCManualBehaviour>();

                    var body = npcController.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                    body.velocity        = velocity;
                    body.angularVelocity = angular_velocity;

                    uid =;
                    api.Agents.Add(uid, npcController.gameObject);
                    api.AgentUID.Add(npcController.gameObject, uid);
                    api.SendResult(this, new JSONString(uid));

                    // Override the color argument as NPCController may change the NPC color
                    if (Loader.Instance.Network.IsMaster)
                        var colorVector = new Vector3(npcController.NPCColor.r, npcController.NPCColor.g, npcController.NPCColor.b);
                else if (type == (int)AgentType.Pedestrian)
                    var pedManager = SimulatorManager.Instance.PedestrianManager;
                    if (!pedManager.gameObject.activeSelf)
                        var sceneName = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name;
                        throw new Exception($"{sceneName} is missing Pedestrian NavMesh");

                    var model = sim.PedestrianManager.PedestrianData.Find(obj => obj.Name == name).Prefab;
                    if (model == null)
                        throw new Exception($"Unknown '{name}' pedestrian name");

                    var spawnData = new PedestrianManager.PedSpawnData
                        Active   = true,
                        API      = true,
                        GenId    = uid,
                        Model    = model,
                        Position = position,
                        Rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation),
                        Seed     = sim.PedestrianManager.PEDSeedGenerator.Next(),

                    var pedController = pedManager.SpawnPedestrian(spawnData);
                    if (pedController == null)
                        throw new Exception($"Pedestrian controller error for '{name}'");

                    api.Agents.Add(uid, pedController.gameObject);
                    api.AgentUID.Add(pedController.gameObject, uid);
                    api.SendResult(this, new JSONString(uid));
                    throw new Exception($"Unsupported '{args["type"]}' type");
            catch (Exception e)
                api.SendError(this, e.Message);
 public VehicleDetailsModel()
     Data = new VehicleDetailData();