public static void Run()
            //ExStart: LimitPrecisionWhenWritingGeometries
            var options = new GeoJsonOptions
                // write only 3 fractional digits of X and Y coordinates.
                XYPrecisionModel = PrecisionModel.Rounding(3),

                // write all fractional digits of Z coordinate (the default, you don't have to specify it)
                ZPrecisionModel = PrecisionModel.Exact

            var path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "LimitPrecisionWhenWritingGeometries_out.json";

            using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Create(path, Drivers.GeoJson, options))
                var point = new Point();
                point.X = 1.8888888;
                point.Y = 1.00123;
                point.Z = 1.123456789;

                Feature feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
                feature.Geometry = point;

            using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(path, Drivers.GeoJson))
                var point = (IPoint)layer[0].Geometry;

                // 1.889, 1.001, 1.123456789
                Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}", point.X, point.Y, point.Z);
            //ExEnd: LimitPrecisionWhenWritingGeometries
        public static void IterateFilteredFeatures()
            var citiesPath = DataDir + "points.geojson";

            //ExStart: IterateFilteredFeatures
            using (var layer = VectorLayer.Open(citiesPath, Drivers.GeoJson))
                // Use attribute index to speed up search by 'population' attribute.
                // Aspose.GIS builds a new index if it doesn't exist, otherwise existing index is reused.
                // Any path can be used.
                var attributeIndexPath = Path.ChangeExtension(citiesPath, "population_out.ix");
                layer.UseAttributesIndex(attributeIndexPath, "population");

                // Select features based on values of the attribute. Since we use attribute index it is not necessary to
                // test all features of the layer and filtering time is reduced significantly.
                var towns = layer.WhereGreaterOrEqual("population", 2000).WhereSmaller("population", 5000);

                // Print results.
                Console.WriteLine("Cities where population >= 2000 and population < 5000:");
                foreach (var town in towns)
                    var name       = town.GetValue <string>("name");
                    var population = town.GetValue <int>("population");
                    Console.WriteLine(name + ", " + population);
            //ExEnd: IterateFilteredFeatures
        public static void LinesLabelingCurvedWithOffset()
            //ExStart: LinesLabelingCurvedWithOffset
            using (var map = new Map(1000, 634))
                var symbolizer = new SimpleLine {
                    Width = 1.5, Color = Color.FromArgb(0xAE, 0xD9, 0xFD)

                var labeling = new SimpleLabeling(labelAttribute: "name")
                    HaloSize  = 1,
                    Placement = new LineLabelPlacement
                        Alignment = LineLabelAlignment.Curved,
                        Offset    = 5,

                map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "lines.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer, labeling);
                map.Padding = 50;
                map.Render(dataDir + "lines_labeling_curved_offset_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
            //ExEnd: LinesLabelingCurvedWithOffset
        public static void Run()
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir();

            //ExStart: GetValueOfAFeatureAttribute
            using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "InputShapeFile.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
                for (int i = 0; i < layer.Count; i++)
                    Feature feature = layer[i];
                    Console.WriteLine("Entry {0} information\n ========================", i);

                    // case 1
                    string nameValue = feature.GetValue <string>("name"); // attribute name is case-sensitive
                    int    ageValue  = feature.GetValue <int>("age");
                    string dobValue  = feature.GetValue <DateTime>("dob").ToString();
                    Console.WriteLine("Attribute value for feature #{0} is: {1}, {2}", nameValue, ageValue, dobValue);

                    // case 2
                    var objName = feature.GetValue("name"); // attribute name is case-sensitive
                    var objAge  = feature.GetValue("age");
                    var objDob  = feature.GetValue("dob");
                    Console.WriteLine("Attribute object for feature #{0} is: {1}, {2}", objName, objAge, objDob);
            //ExEnd: GetValueOfAFeatureAttribute
        public static void Run()
            //ExStart: LimitPrecisionWhenReadingGeometries
            string path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "LimitPrecisionWhenReadingGeometries_out.shp";

            using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Create(path, Drivers.Shapefile))
                var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
                feature.Geometry = new Point(1.10234, 2.09743);

            var options = new ShapefileOptions();

            // read data as-is.
            options.XYPrecisionModel = PrecisionModel.Exact;

            using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(path, Drivers.Shapefile, options))
                var point = (IPoint)layer[0].Geometry;
                // 1.10234, 2.09743
                Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", point.X, point.Y);

            // truncate all X and Y, so only two fractional digits are left.
            options.XYPrecisionModel = PrecisionModel.Rounding(2);

            using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(path, Drivers.Shapefile, options))
                var point = (IPoint)layer[0].Geometry;
                // 1.1, 2.1
                Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", point.X, point.Y);
            //ExEnd: LimitPrecisionWhenReadingGeometries
        public static void AddMapLayersAndStyles()
            //ExStart: AddMapLayersAndStyles
            using (var map = new Map(800, 476))
                var baseMapSymbolizer = new SimpleFill {
                    FillColor = Color.Salmon, StrokeWidth = 0.75
                map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "basemap.shp", Drivers.Shapefile), baseMapSymbolizer);

                var citiesSymbolizer = new SimpleMarker()
                    FillColor = Color.LightBlue
                citiesSymbolizer.FeatureBasedConfiguration = (feature, symbolizer) =>
                    var population = feature.GetValue <int>("population");
                    symbolizer.Size = 10 * population / 1000;
                    if (population < 2500)
                        symbolizer.FillColor = Color.GreenYellow;
                map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), citiesSymbolizer);

                map.Render(dataDir + "cities_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
            //ExEnd: AddMapLayersAndStyles
        public static void GeometryGenerator()
            //ExStart: GeometryGenerator
            using (var map = new Map(500, 200))
                var symbol = new GeometryGenerator
                    Expression = f =>

                    Symbolizer = new SimpleFill
                        FillColor   = Color.LightBlue,
                        StrokeColor = Color.Blue,

                map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbol);
                map.Padding = 20;
                map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.WebMercator;
                map.Render(dataDir + "geometry_generator_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
            //ExEnd: GeometryGenerator
        public static void PointsLabelingPlaced()
            //ExStart: PointsLabelingPlaced
            using (var map = new Map(500, 200))
                var symbol = new SimpleMarker
                    FillColor   = Color.LightGray,
                    StrokeStyle = StrokeStyle.None

                var labeling = new SimpleLabeling(labelAttribute: "name")
                    HaloSize  = 1,
                    Placement = new PointLabelPlacement
                        VerticalAnchorPoint   = VerticalAnchor.Bottom,
                        HorizontalAnchorPoint = HorizontalAnchor.Left,
                        HorizontalOffset      = 2,
                        VerticalOffset        = 2,
                        Rotation = 10,

                map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbol, labeling);
                map.Padding = 50;
                map.Render(dataDir + "points_labeling_placed_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
            //ExEnd: PointsLabelingPlaced
        public static void PointsLabelingStyled()
            //ExStart: PointsLabelingStyled
            using (var map = new Map(500, 200))
                var symbol = new SimpleMarker
                    FillColor   = Color.LightGray,
                    StrokeStyle = StrokeStyle.None

                var labeling = new SimpleLabeling(labelAttribute: "name")
                    HaloSize  = 2,
                    HaloColor = Color.LightGray,
                    FontSize  = 15,
                    FontStyle = FontStyle.Italic,

                map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbol, labeling);
                map.Padding = 50;
                map.Render(dataDir + "points_labeling_styled_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
            //ExEnd: PointsLabelingStyled
        public static void Run()
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir();

            //ExStart: GetValuesOfAFeatureAttribute
            using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "InputShapeFile.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
                foreach (var feature in layer)
                    // reads all the attributes into an array.
                    object[] all = new object[3];
                    Console.WriteLine("all    : {0}, {1}, {2}", all);

                    // reads several the attributes into an array.
                    object[] several = new object[2];
                    Console.WriteLine("several: {0}, {1}", several);

                    // reads the attributes as dump of objects.
                    var dump = feature.GetValuesDump();
                    Console.WriteLine("dump   : {0}, {1}, {2}", dump);

            //ExEnd: GetValuesOfAFeatureAttribute
        public static void ChangeMarkerStyleFeatureBased()
            //ExStart: ChangeMarkerStyleFeatureBased
            using (var map = new Map(500, 200))
                var symbol = new SimpleMarker()
                    FillColor = Color.LightBlue
                symbol.FeatureBasedConfiguration = (feature, symbolizer) =>
                    // retirieve city population (in thousands) from a feature attribute
                    var population = feature.GetValue <int>("population");

                    // let's increase circle radius by 5 pixels for each million people
                    symbolizer.Size = 5 * population / 1000;

                    // and let's draw cities with less than 2.5M people in green
                    if (population < 2500)
                        symbolizer.FillColor = Color.GreenYellow;

                map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbol);
                map.Padding = 20;
                map.Render(dataDir + "points_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
            //ExEnd: ChangeMarkerStyleFeatureBased
        public static void FindFeaturesWithinExtent()
            var path = DataDir + "points.geojson";

            //ExStart: FindFeaturesWithinExtent
            using (var layer = VectorLayer.Open(path, Drivers.GeoJson))
                // Use spatial index to speed up 'WhereIntersects'.
                var spatialIndexPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".spatial_out.ix");

                var polygon      = Geometry.FromText("Polygon((12.30 50.33, 22.49 54.87, 21.92 42.53, 12.30 50.33))");
                var intersecting = layer.WhereIntersects(polygon);

                Console.WriteLine("Cities within " + polygon.AsText() + ":");
                foreach (var feature in intersecting)
                    var name     = feature.GetValue <string>("name");
                    var location = (IPoint)feature.Geometry;
                    Console.WriteLine($"{name} at ({location.X}, {location.Y})");
            //ExEnd: FindFeaturesWithinExtent
        public static void Run()
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir();

            //ExStart: ExtractFeaturesFromShapeFileToGeoJSON
            using (VectorLayer inputLayer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "InputShapeFile.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
                using (VectorLayer outputLayer = VectorLayer.Create(dataDir + "ExtractFeaturesFromShapeFileToGeoJSON_out.json", Drivers.GeoJson))
                    foreach (Feature inputFeature in inputLayer)
                        DateTime?date = inputFeature.GetValue <DateTime?>("dob");
                        if (date == null || date < new DateTime(1982, 1, 1))

                        //Construct a new feature
                        Feature outputFeature = outputLayer.ConstructFeature();
                        outputFeature.Geometry = inputFeature.Geometry;
            //ExEnd: ExtractFeaturesFromShapeFileToGeoJSON
        private static void ModifyFeaturesInSingleLayer()
            //ExStart: ModifyFeaturesInSingleLayer
            string sourcePath = Path.Combine(dataDir, "InputShapeFile.shp");
            string resultPath = Path.Combine(dataDir, "modified_out.shp");

            using (var source = VectorLayer.Open(sourcePath, Drivers.Shapefile))
                using (var result = VectorLayer.Create(resultPath,

                    foreach (var feature in source)
                        // modify the geometry
                        var modifiedGeometry = feature.Geometry.GetBuffer(2.0);
                        feature.Geometry = modifiedGeometry;

                        // modify a feature attribute
                        var attributeValue         = feature.GetValue <string>("name");
                        var modifiedAttributeValue = attributeValue.ToUpper();
                        feature.SetValue("name", modifiedAttributeValue);


            //ExEnd: ModifyFeaturesInSingleLayer
 public static void RenderWithDefaultSettings()
     //ExStart: RenderWithDefaultSettings
     using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
         map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "land.shp", Drivers.Shapefile));
         map.Render(dataDir + "land_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
     //ExEnd: RenderWithDefaultSettings
 public static void RenderToSpecificProjection()
     //ExStart: RenderToSpecificProjection
     using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
         map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "land.shp", Drivers.Shapefile));
         map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(54024); // World Bonne
         map.Render(dataDir + "land_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
     //ExEnd: RenderToSpecificProjection
        public static void Run()
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir();

            //ExStart: GetFeatureCountInLayer
            using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "InputShapeFile.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
                Console.WriteLine("Total Features in this file: " + layer.Count);
            //ExEnd: GetFeatureCountInLayer
        public static void DefaultFillStyle()
            //ExStart: DefaultFillStyle
            using (var map = new Map(500, 450))
                var symbolizer = new SimpleFill();

                map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "polygons.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer);
                map.Render(dataDir + "polygons_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
            //ExEnd: DefaultFillStyle
        public static void DefaultMarkerStyle()
            //ExStart: DefaultMarkerStyle
            using (var map = new Map(500, 200))
                var symbol = new SimpleMarker();

                map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbol);
                map.Padding = 20;
                map.Render(dataDir + "points_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
            //ExEnd: DefaultMarkerStyle
        public static void ChangeLineStyle()
            //ExStart: ChangeLineStyle
            using (var map = new Map(500, 317))
                var symbolizer = new SimpleLine {
                    Width = 1.5, Color = Color.FromArgb(0xAE, 0xD9, 0xFD)

                map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "lines.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer);
                map.Render(dataDir + "lines_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
            //ExEnd: ChangeLineStyle
        public static void ChangeFillStyle()
            //ExStart: ChangeFillStyle
            using (var map = new Map(500, 450))
                var symbolizer = new SimpleFill {
                    FillColor = Color.Azure, StrokeColor = Color.Brown

                map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "polygons.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer);
                map.Render(dataDir + "polygons_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
            //ExEnd: ChangeFillStyle
        public static void Run()
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir();

            //ExStart: IterateOverFeaturesInLayer
            using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "InputShapeFile.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
                foreach (Feature feature in layer)
            //ExEnd: IterateOverFeaturesInLayer
        public static void Run()
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir();

            //ExStart: FilterFeaturesByAttributeValue
            using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "InputShapeFile.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
                // all features with the date value in the attribute "dob" later than 1982-01-01.
                foreach (Feature feature in layer.WhereGreater("dob", new DateTime(1982, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)))
                    Console.WriteLine(feature.GetValue <DateTime>("dob").ToShortDateString());
            //ExEnd: FilterFeaturesByAttributeValue
        public static void OpenFileGdbAsLayer()
            //FileGDB can still be opened as a single layer. In this case, the opened layer will merge all layers inside FileGDB.
            using (var layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "ThreeLayers.gdb", Drivers.FileGdb))
                Console.WriteLine("All layers in FileGDB has {0} features", layer.Count);
                foreach (var feature in layer)

            //ExEnd: OpenFileGdbAsLayer
        public static void LinesLabelingFeatureBased()
            //ExStart: LinesLabelingFeatureBased
            using (var map = new Map(1000, 634))
                var lineSymbolizer = new SimpleLine {
                    Width = 1.5, Color = Color.FromArgb(0xae, 0xd9, 0xfd)
                lineSymbolizer.FeatureBasedConfiguration = (feature, symbolizer) =>
                    if (feature.GetValue <string>("NAM") == "UNK")
                        symbolizer.Width = 1;
                        symbolizer.Style = StrokeStyle.Dash;

                var lineLabeling = new SimpleLabeling(labelAttribute: "name")
                    HaloSize  = 1,
                    Placement = new LineLabelPlacement
                        Alignment = LineLabelAlignment.Parallel,
                    FontSize = 20,
                    FeatureBasedConfiguration = (feature, labeling) =>
                        if (feature.GetValue <string>("NAM") == "UNK")
                            // change labeling properties for some features.
                            labeling.FontStyle = FontStyle.Italic;
                            labeling.FontSize  = 10;
                            labeling.Priority  = -1;

                            var placement = (LineLabelPlacement)labeling.Placement;
                            placement.Alignment = LineLabelAlignment.Curved;
                            placement.Offset    = 5;

                map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "lines.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), lineSymbolizer, lineLabeling);
                map.Padding = 50;
                map.Render(dataDir + "lines_labeling_feature_based_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
            //ExEnd: LinesLabelingFeatureBased
        public static void Run()
            //ExStart: ConvertGeoJsonLayerToLayerInFileGdbDataset
            var geoJsonPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "ConvertGeoJsonLayerToLayerInFileGdbDataset_out.json";

            using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Create(geoJsonPath, Drivers.GeoJson))
                layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("name", AttributeDataType.String));
                layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("age", AttributeDataType.Integer));

                Feature firstFeature = layer.ConstructFeature();
                firstFeature.Geometry = new Point(33.97, -118.25);
                firstFeature.SetValue("name", "John");
                firstFeature.SetValue("age", 23);

                Feature secondFeature = layer.ConstructFeature();
                secondFeature.Geometry = new Point(35.81, -96.28);
                secondFeature.SetValue("name", "Mary");
                secondFeature.SetValue("age", 54);

            // --

            // -- copy test dataset, to avoid modification of test data.

            var sourceFile      = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "ThreeLayers.gdb";
            var destinationFile = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "ThreeLayersCopy_out.gdb";

            RunExamples.CopyDirectory(sourceFile, destinationFile);

            // --

            using (var geoJsonLayer = VectorLayer.Open(geoJsonPath, Drivers.GeoJson))
                using (var fileGdbDataset = Dataset.Open(destinationFile, Drivers.FileGdb))
                    using (var fileGdbLayer = fileGdbDataset.CreateLayer("new_layer", SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
                        foreach (var feature in geoJsonLayer)
            //ExEnd: ConvertGeoJsonLayerToLayerInFileGdbDataset
        public static void ChangeMarkerStyle()
            //ExStart: ChangeMarkerStyle
            using (var map = new Map(500, 200))
                var symbol = new SimpleMarker()
                    Size = 7, StrokeWidth = 1, FillColor = Color.Red

                map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbol);
                map.Padding = 20;
                map.Render(dataDir + "points_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
            //ExEnd: ChangeMarkerStyle
        public static void Run()
            //ExStart: ReadGeoJsonFromStream
            const string geoJson = @"{""type"":""FeatureCollection"",""features"":[
                {""type"":""Feature"",""geometry"":{""type"":""Point"",""coordinates"":[0, 1]},""properties"":{""name"":""John""}},
                {""type"":""Feature"",""geometry"":{""type"":""Point"",""coordinates"":[2, 3]},""properties"":{""name"":""Mary""}}

            using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(geoJson)))
                using (var layer = VectorLayer.Open(AbstractPath.FromStream(memoryStream), Drivers.GeoJson))
                    Console.WriteLine(layer.Count);                        // 2
                    Console.WriteLine(layer[1].GetValue <string>("name")); // Mary
            //ExEnd: ReadGeoJsonFromStream
        public static void Run()
            //ExStart: AccessFeaturesInTopoJson
            string        sampleTopoJsonPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "sample.topojson";
            StringBuilder builder            = new StringBuilder();

            using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(sampleTopoJsonPath, Drivers.TopoJson))
                foreach (Feature feature in layer)
                    // get id property
                    int id = feature.GetValue <int>("id");

                    // get name of the object that contains this feature
                    string objectName = feature.GetValue <string>("topojson_object_name");

                    // get name attribute property, located inside 'properties' object
                    string name = feature.GetValue <string>("name");

                    // get geometry of the feature.
                    string geometry = feature.Geometry.AsText();

                    builder.AppendFormat("Feature with ID {0}:\n", id);
                    builder.AppendFormat("Object Name = {0}\n", objectName);
                    builder.AppendFormat("Name        = {0}\n", name);
                    builder.AppendFormat("Geometry    = {0}\n", geometry);


            // Output:
            // Feature with ID 0:
            // Object Name = named_object_1
            // Name        = point_feature
            // Geometry    = POINT (102 0.5)
            // Feature with ID 1:
            // Object Name = named_object_1
            // Name        = line_feature
            // Geometry    = LINESTRING (102 0, 103 1, 104 0, 105 1)
            // Feature with ID 2:
            // Object Name = named_object_2
            // Name        = polygon_feature
            // Geometry    = POLYGON ((100 0, 100 1, 101 1, 101 0, 100 0))
            //ExEnd: AccessFeaturesInTopoJson
 public static void Run()
     //ExStart: ImportSLD
     using (var map = new Map(500, 320))
         // open a layer containing the data
         var layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "lines.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson);
         // create a map layer (a styled representation of the data)
         var mapLayer = new VectorMapLayer(layer);
         // import a style from an SLD document
         mapLayer.ImportSld(dataDir + "lines.sld");
         // add the styled layer to the map and render it
         map.Render(dataDir + "lines_sld_style_out.png", Renderers.Png);
     //ExEnd: ImportSLD