    IEnumerator Move()
        if (orbitActive)
            for (i = 0; i < 606; i++)
                nextPosition = Calculations.CalculateOrbitalPosition
                nextPosition.x /= div;
                nextPosition.y /= div;
                nextPosition.z /= div;

                PositionText.text            = ("Position: " + nextPosition);
                DateText.text                = ("Date: " + teslaPositions[i].date);
                orbitingObject.localPosition = new Vector3((float)nextPosition.x, (float)nextPosition.y, (float)nextPosition.z);
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.01f));
文件: Region.cs 项目: Siccity/UnitySL
 public Vector3 GetLocalPosition(Vector3Double globalPosition)
     return(new Vector3(
                (float)(globalPosition.x - Handle.X),
                (float)(globalPosition.z - Handle.Y)));
    void Start()
        speed[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.blue;
        DateTime dt = DateTime.FromOADate(double.Parse(list.dataArray[x].Dateutc, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

        dt = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(dt, TimeZoneInfo.Local).ToLocalTime();
        string time = dt.ToString();

        dateNow.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = time;
        PosD = RG.OrbitalElements.Calculations.CalculateOrbitalPosition(double.Parse(list.dataArray[x].Semimajoraxisau, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                                        double.Parse(list.dataArray[x].Eccentricity, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                                        double.Parse(list.dataArray[x].Inclinationdegrees, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                                        double.Parse(list.dataArray[x].Longitudeofascnodedegrees, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                                        double.Parse(list.dataArray[x].Argumentofperiapsisdegrees, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                                        double.Parse(list.dataArray[x].Trueanomalydegrees, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
        Tesla.transform.position = new Vector3((float)PosD.x / AdD, (float)PosD.y / AdD, (float)PosD.z / AdD);
        values[0].GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = list.dataArray[x].Semimajoraxisau;
        values[1].GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = list.dataArray[x].Eccentricity;
        values[2].GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = list.dataArray[x].Inclinationdegrees;
        values[3].GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = list.dataArray[x].Longitudeofascnodedegrees;
        values[4].GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = list.dataArray[x].Argumentofperiapsisdegrees;
        values[5].GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = list.dataArray[x].Meananomalydegrees;
        values[6].GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = list.dataArray[x].Trueanomalydegrees;
        speed[0].GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => SetSpeed(speed[0], 1));
        speed[1].GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => SetSpeed(speed[1], 2));
        speed[2].GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => SetSpeed(speed[2], 4));
            public static Vector3Double SmoothDamp(Vector3Double current, Vector3Double target, ref Vector3Double currentVelocity,
                                                   double smoothTime, double maxSpeed)
                double deltaTime = (double)Time.deltaTime;

                return(Vector3Double.SmoothDamp(current, target, ref currentVelocity, smoothTime, maxSpeed, deltaTime));
        public QuadTreeNode(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, HeightProvider heightProvider, NodeType nodeType, QuadTreeNode parentNode, float edgeLengthFlat, Vector3Double originPositionFlat, Vector3 upDirectionFlat, Vector3 rightDirectionFlat, float radiusSphere)
            _graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice;

            _heightProvider = heightProvider;

            _nodeType = nodeType;

            _parentNode = parentNode;

            _edgeLengthFlat        = edgeLengthFlat;
            _halfEdgeLengthFlat    = _edgeLengthFlat / 2;
            _quarterEdgeLengthFlat = _edgeLengthFlat / 4;
            _originPositionFlat    = originPositionFlat;
            _upDirectionFlat       = upDirectionFlat;
            _rightDirectionFlat    = rightDirectionFlat;

            _radiusSphere = radiusSphere;

            Vector3       originPositionSphereNormal   = Vector3Double.Normalize(_originPositionFlat);
            Vector3Double originPositionSpherePosition = new Vector3Double(_radiusSphere * originPositionSphereNormal);

            OriginPositionSphere = originPositionSpherePosition + _heightProvider.GetHeight(originPositionSpherePosition) * originPositionSphereNormal;

            IndexBuffer = _indexBuffers[IndexBufferSelection.Base];
 public static void AddVector3(this JsonData target, string name, Vector3Double value)
     target[name]      = new JsonData();
     target[name]["x"] = value.x;
     target[name]["y"] = value.y;
     target[name]["z"] = value.z;
        /// <summary>
        /// Algorithme IGN : http://geodesie.ign.fr/contenu/fichiers/documentation/algorithmes/alg0063.pdf
        /// A partir d’un jeu de 7 paramètres (3 translations, 1 facteur d’échelle et
        /// 3 rotations) de passage du système(1) vers le système(2), et des coordonnées
        /// cartésiennes tridimensionnelles dans le système(2), calcul des coordonnées
        /// cartésiennes tridimensionnelles dans le système(1)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">Translation (de 1 vers 2)</param>
        /// <param name="d">facteur d'echelle (de 1 vers 2)</param>
        /// <param name="r">angle de rotation (de 1 vers 2)</param>
        /// <param name="v">vecteur de coordonnées cartésiennes tridimension-nelles dans le système(2)</param>
        /// <returns>vecteur de coordonnées cartésiennes tridimension-nelles dans le système(1)</returns>
        internal Vector3Double ALG0063(Vector3Double t, double d, Vector3Double r, Vector3Double v)
            var w = new Vector3Double();

            w.X = v.X - t.X;
            w.Y = v.Y - t.Y;
            w.Z = v.Z - t.Z;
            var e   = 1 + d;
            var det = e * (e * e + r.X * r.X + r.Y * r.Y + r.Z * r.Z);

            var e2Rx2 = e * e + r.X * r.X;
            var e2Ry2 = e * e + r.Y * r.Y;
            var e2Rz2 = e * e + r.Z * r.Z;
            var RxRy  = r.X * r.Y;
            var RyRz  = r.Y * r.Z;
            var RxRz  = r.Z * r.X;

            var result = new Vector3Double();

            result.X = e2Rx2 * w.X + (RxRy + e * r.Z) * w.Y + (RxRz - e * r.Y) * w.Z;
            result.Y = (RxRy - e * r.Z) * w.X + e2Ry2 * w.Y + (RyRz + e * r.X) * w.Z;
            result.Z = (RxRz + e * r.Y) * w.X + (RyRz - e * r.X) * w.Y + e2Rz2 * w.Z;

            result.X /= det;
            result.Y /= det;
            result.Z /= det;

            public static Vector3Double SmoothDamp(Vector3Double current, Vector3Double target, ref Vector3Double currentVelocity,
                                                   double smoothTime, double maxSpeed, double deltaTime)
                smoothTime = CGMath.Max(0.0001d, smoothTime);
                double num1 = 2d / smoothTime;
                double num2 = num1 * deltaTime;
                double num3 = (1.0d / (1.0d + num2 + 0.479999989271164d * num2 * num2 +
                                       0.234999999403954d * num2 * num2 * num2));
                Vector3Double vector    = current - target;
                Vector3Double vector3_1 = target;
                double        maxLength = maxSpeed * smoothTime;
                Vector3Double vector3_2 = Vector3Double.ClampMagnitude(vector, maxLength);

                target = current - vector3_2;
                Vector3Double vector3_3 = (currentVelocity + num1 * vector3_2) * deltaTime;

                currentVelocity = (currentVelocity - num1 * vector3_3) * num3;
                Vector3Double vector3_4 = target + (vector3_2 + vector3_3) * num3;

                if (!(Vector3Double.Dot(vector3_1 - current, vector3_4 - vector3_1) > 0.0))

                vector3_4       = vector3_1;
                currentVelocity = (vector3_4 - vector3_1) / deltaTime;

 private void CreatePositionsList()
     for (int i = 0; i < AllRawData.Count; i++)
         Vector3Double tempVector = Calc.CalculateOrbitalPosition(AllRawData[i].semimajorAxis, AllRawData[i].eccentricity, AllRawData[i].inclination, AllRawData[i].longitudeOfAscendingNode, AllRawData[i].periapsisArgument, AllRawData[i].trueAnomaly);
            public static Vector3Double RotateTowards(Vector3Double current, Vector3Double target, double maxRadiansDelta,
                                                      double maxMagnitudeDelta)
                Vector3 v3 = Vector3.RotateTowards((Vector3)current, (Vector3)target, (float)maxRadiansDelta,

                return(new Vector3Double(v3));
    Vector3 VectorForUnity(DataRow row)
        Vector3Double vec = OrbitHelper.OrbitalStateVectors(GetDouble(row[2]), GetDouble(row[3]), GetDouble(row[4]), GetDouble(row[5]), GetDouble(row[6]), GetDouble(row[8]));//Calculations.CalculateOrbitalPosition(GetDouble(row[2]), GetDouble(row[3]), GetDouble(row[4]), GetDouble(row[5]), GetDouble(row[6]), GetDouble(row[8]));

        Vector3 v = (vec / div).ToFLoat();

 public static GeodeticCoord DatabaseToGeodetic(Vector3Double database)
     return(new GeodeticCoord(
                (database.Z * 180.0) / (flat_earth_radius * PI) + _refLatLon.Lat,
                (database.X * 180.0) / (flat_earth_radius * PI * Cos(DegreesToRadians(_refLatLon.Lat))) + _refLatLon.Lon,
 public static Vector3Double ClampMagnitude(Vector3Double vector, double maxLength)
     if (vector.sqrMagnitude > maxLength * maxLength)
         return(vector.normalized * maxLength);
            public static Vector3Double Project(Vector3Double vector, Vector3Double onNormal)
                double num = Vector3Double.Dot(onNormal, onNormal);

                if (num < 1.40129846432482E-45d)
                return(onNormal * Vector3Double.Dot(vector, onNormal) / num);
            public static Vector3Double Normalize(Vector3Double value)
                double num = Vector3Double.Magnitude(value);

                if (num > 9.99999974737875E-06)
                    return(value / num);
            public static Vector3Double MoveTowards(Vector3Double current, Vector3Double target, double maxDistanceDelta)
                Vector3Double vector3   = target - current;
                double        magnitude = vector3.magnitude;

                if (magnitude <= maxDistanceDelta || magnitude == 0.0d)
                return(current + vector3 / magnitude * maxDistanceDelta);
            public static void OrthoNormalize(ref Vector3Double normal, ref Vector3Double tangent)
                Vector3 v3normal  = new Vector3();
                Vector3 v3tangent = new Vector3();

                v3normal  = (Vector3)normal;
                v3tangent = (Vector3)tangent;
                Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref v3normal, ref v3tangent);
                normal  = new Vector3Double(v3normal);
                tangent = new Vector3Double(v3tangent);
        /// <summary>
        /// Algorithme IGN : http://geodesie.ign.fr/contenu/fichiers/documentation/algorithmes/notice/NTG_80.pdf
        /// A partir d’un jeu de 7 paramètres (3 translations, 1 facteur d’échelle et
        /// 3 rotations) de passage du système(1) vers le système(2), et des coordonnées
        /// cartésiennes tridimensionnelles dans le système(1), calcul des coordonnées
        /// cartésiennes tridimensionnelles dans le système(2)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">Translation (de 1 vers 2)</param>
        /// <param name="d">facteur d'echelle (de 1 vers 2)</param>
        /// <param name="r">angle de rotation (de 1 vers 2)</param>
        /// <param name="u">vecteur de coordonnées cartésiennes tridimension-nellesdans le système(1)</param>
        /// <returns>vecteur de coordonnées cartésiennes tridimension-nelles dans le système(2)</returns>
        internal Vector3Double ALG0013(Vector3Double t, double d, Vector3Double r, Vector3Double u)
            var dp1 = 1 + d;

            return(new Vector3Double
                X = t.X + u.X * dp1 + u.Z * r.Y - u.Y * r.Z,
                Y = t.Y + u.Y * dp1 + u.X * r.Z - u.Z * r.X,
                Z = t.Z + u.Z * dp1 + u.Y * r.X - u.X * r.Y
            public void Normalize()
                double num = Vector3Double.Magnitude(this);

                if (num > 9.99999974737875E-06)
                    this = this / num;
                    this = Vector3Double.zero;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>true if we did NOT update the texture</returns>
    public bool UpdateTexture()
        if (SurfaceTextureUpdate == false)

        float metersPerGrid     = Surface.MetersPerGrid;
        float gridsPerPatchEdge = (float)Surface.GridsPerPatchEdge;

        if (GetNeighbourPatch(DirectionIndex.East) == null && !GetNeighbourPatch(DirectionIndex.East).HasReceivedData ||
            GetNeighbourPatch(DirectionIndex.West) == null && !GetNeighbourPatch(DirectionIndex.West).HasReceivedData ||
            GetNeighbourPatch(DirectionIndex.South) == null && !GetNeighbourPatch(DirectionIndex.South).HasReceivedData ||
            GetNeighbourPatch(DirectionIndex.North) == null && !GetNeighbourPatch(DirectionIndex.North).HasReceivedData)

        Region        region       = Surface.Region;
        Vector3Double originRegion = OriginGlobal.Subtract(Surface.OriginGlobal);

        // Have to figure out a better way to deal with these edge conditions...

        //if (HeightsGenerated == true)
        //    return false;

        float patchSize = metersPerGrid * (gridsPerPatchEdge + 1);

        //TODO: VLComposition comp = region.Composition;
        // TODO: if (comp.GenerateHeights ((float) originRegion.x, (float) originRegion.y, patchSize, patchSize) == false)  // TODO: Should y be z?
        //    return false;

        HeightsGenerated = true;

        // TODO: if (comp.GenerateComposition())
        //    if (VObjp)
        //    {
        //        VObjp->dirtyGeom();
        //        Pipeline.markGLRebuild(mVObjp);
        //        return true;
        //    }

        public static double Turbulence(Vector3Double v, double freq)
            double        t;
            Vector3Double vec;

            for (t = 0.0f; freq >= 1.0f; freq /= 2)
                vec.x = freq * v[0];
                vec.y = freq * v[1];
                vec.z = freq * v[2];
                t    += Math.Abs(Generate(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z)) / freq;
            public override bool Equals(object other)
                if (!(other is Vector3Double))
                Vector3Double vector3Double = (Vector3Double)other;

                if (this.x.Equals(vector3Double.x) && this.y.Equals(vector3Double.y))
        public Vector3 GetNormalFromFiniteOffset(Vector3Double location)
            Vector3 normalisedLocation  = Vector3Double.Normalize(location);
            Vector3 arbitraryUnitVector = Math.Abs(normalisedLocation.Y) > Math.Abs(normalisedLocation.X) ? Vector3.UnitX : Vector3.UnitY;
            Vector3 tangentVector1      = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(arbitraryUnitVector, normalisedLocation));
            Vector3 tangentVector2      = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(tangentVector1, normalisedLocation));

            float hL = GetHeight(location - tangentVector1 * NormalSampleOffset);
            float hR = GetHeight(location + tangentVector1 * NormalSampleOffset);
            float hD = GetHeight(location - tangentVector2 * NormalSampleOffset);
            float hU = GetHeight(location + tangentVector2 * NormalSampleOffset);

            return(Vector3.Normalize(2 * normalisedLocation + (hL - hR) * tangentVector1 + (hD - hU) * tangentVector2));
        public void Demonstrate()
            Console.WriteLine("[SENDER - INFO] Started sending example");
            double lat = 53.3889139;
            double lon = 6.263677777777778;

            EntityStatePdu espdu = new EntityStatePdu();

            espdu.ExerciseID = 1;

            EntityID eid = espdu.EntityID;

            eid.Site        = 0;
            eid.Application = 1;
            eid.Entity      = 2;

            EntityType entityType = espdu.EntityType;

            entityType.Country     = (ushort)Country.Netherlands; // NL
            entityType.EntityKind  = (byte)EntityKind.LifeForm;   // Life form (vs platform, munition, sensor, etc.)
            entityType.Domain      = (byte)Platform.Land;         // Land (vs air, surface, subsurface, space)
            entityType.Category    = 0;                           //empty
            entityType.Subcategory = 1;                           // Dismounted
            entityType.Specific    = 5;                           //carrying an assault rifle
            entityType.Extra       = 1;                           //Moving alone

            while (true)
                lat += (1d / 11132000);
                lon += (1d / 40075) * Math.Cos(lat) / 360d;
                double[] disCoordinates = CoordinateConversions.getXYZfromLatLonDegrees(lat, lon, 0.0);

                Console.WriteLine("[SENDER - INFO] Entity is now at (lat:{0}, long:{1}", lat, lon);

                Vector3Double location = espdu.EntityLocation;
                location.X      = disCoordinates[0];
                location.Y      = disCoordinates[1];
                location.Z      = disCoordinates[2];
                espdu.Timestamp = DisTime.DisRelativeTimestamp;

                //send the constructed PDU to the specified multicast group
                _connector.sendPDU(espdu, MulticastGroup.Parse(""));
                Console.WriteLine("[SENDER - INFO] PDU broadcasted");

 void Update()
     Earth.transform.position   = RotatePointAroundPivot(Earth.transform.position + new Vector3(5, 0, 10f), Sun.transform.position, Quaternion.Euler(0, 50f * 0.00033f * rotationSpeed, 0));
     Mercury.transform.position = RotatePointAroundPivot(Mercury.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, 5f), Sun.transform.position, Quaternion.Euler(0, 50f * 0.0018f * rotationSpeed, 0));
     Venus.transform.position   = RotatePointAroundPivot(Venus.transform.position + new Vector3(5, 0, 5f), Sun.transform.position, Quaternion.Euler(0, 50f * 0.00125f * rotationSpeed, 0));
     if (IsAble)
         cur = Tesla.transform.position;
         DateTime dt = DateTime.FromOADate(double.Parse(list.dataArray[x].Dateutc, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
         dt = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(dt, TimeZoneInfo.Local).ToLocalTime();
         string time = dt.ToString();
         dateNow.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = time;
         PosD = RG.OrbitalElements.Calculations.CalculateOrbitalPosition(double.Parse(list.dataArray[x].Semimajoraxisau, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                                         double.Parse(list.dataArray[x].Eccentricity, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                                         double.Parse(list.dataArray[x].Inclinationdegrees, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                                         double.Parse(list.dataArray[x].Longitudeofascnodedegrees, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                                         double.Parse(list.dataArray[x].Argumentofperiapsisdegrees, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                                         double.Parse(list.dataArray[x].Trueanomalydegrees, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
         values[0].GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = list.dataArray[x].Semimajoraxisau;
         values[1].GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = list.dataArray[x].Eccentricity;
         values[2].GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = list.dataArray[x].Inclinationdegrees;
         values[3].GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = list.dataArray[x].Longitudeofascnodedegrees;
         values[4].GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = list.dataArray[x].Argumentofperiapsisdegrees;
         values[5].GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = list.dataArray[x].Meananomalydegrees;
         values[6].GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = list.dataArray[x].Trueanomalydegrees;
         PosF               = new Vector3((float)PosD.x / AdD, (float)PosD.y / AdD, (float)PosD.z / AdD);
         x++; IsAble        = false;
         RotationPercentage = 1f;
     else if (!IsAble)
         RotationPercentage      -= 0.01f * rotationSpeed;
         Tesla.transform.position = Vector3.Slerp(PosF, cur, RotationPercentage);
         if (RotationPercentage <= 0.45f)
             IsAble = true;
     if (x == 606)
         Debug.Log("We reached final destination!");
         x = 49;
    }                                             // Patch whose coordinate system this surface is using.

    public Surface(SurfaceType surfaceType, Region region)
        SurfaceType = surfaceType;
        Region      = region;

        GridsPerEdge       = 0;
        OOGridsPerEdge     = 0f;
        PatchesPerEdge     = 0;
        NumberOfPatches    = 0;
        DetailTextureScale = 0f;
        OriginGlobal       = new Vector3Double(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        GridsPerPatchEdge = 0;
        MetersPerGrid     = 1.0f;
        MetersPerEdge     = 1.0f;

        // Surface data
        SurfaceZ = null;
        Norm     = null;

        // Patch data
        PatchList = null;

        // One of each for each camera
        VisiblePatchCount = 0;

        HasZData = false;
        // "uninitialized" min/max z
        MinZ = 10000f;
        MaxZ = -10000f;

        //WaterObj = NULL;

        // In here temporarily.
        SurfacePatchUpdateCount = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            Neighbours[i] = null;
        public void Update(Vector3Double cameraPosition)
            // Absorb queues and update root nodes
            if (_rootNodeUpdateThread == null || !_rootNodeUpdateThread.IsAlive)
                foreach (List <QuadTreeNode> newRenderQueue in _newRenderQueues)
                RenderQueue.ForEach(node => node.FixCracks());

                foreach (List <QuadTreeNode> newDisposalQueue in _newDisposalQueues)
                    newDisposalQueue.ForEach(node => node.Dispose());

                _rootNodeUpdateThread = new Thread(UpdateRootNodes);
    /// <summary>
    /// Assumes that arguments are powers of 2, and that
    /// gridsPerEdge / gridsPerPatchEdge = power of 2
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="gridsPerRegionEdge"></param>
    /// <param name="gridsPerPatchEdge"></param>
    /// <param name="originGlobal"></param>
    /// <param name="width">in metres</param>
    public void Create(UInt32 gridsPerEdge, UInt32 gridsPerPatchEdge, Vector3Double originGlobal, float width)
        // Initialize various constants for the surface
        GridsPerEdge      = gridsPerEdge + 1; // Add 1 for the east and north buffer
        OOGridsPerEdge    = 1f / GridsPerEdge;
        GridsPerPatchEdge = gridsPerPatchEdge;
        PatchesPerEdge    = ((GridsPerEdge - 1) / GridsPerPatchEdge);
        NumberOfPatches   = PatchesPerEdge * PatchesPerEdge;
        MetersPerGrid     = width / (GridsPerEdge - 1);
        MetersPerEdge     = MetersPerGrid * (GridsPerEdge - 1);

        OriginGlobal = originGlobal;

        //TODO: PVArray.create(GridsPerEdge, GridsPerPatchEdge, LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionScale());

        UInt32 nGrids = GridsPerEdge * GridsPerEdge;

        // Initialize data arrays for surface
        SurfaceZ = new float[nGrids];
        Norm     = new Vector3[nGrids];

        // Reset the surface to be a flat square grid
        for (int i = 0; i < nGrids; i++)
            // Surface is flat and zero
            // Normals all point up
            SurfaceZ[i] = 0.0f;
            Norm[i]     = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f);

        VisiblePatchCount = 0;


        // Has to be done after texture initialization
 public static Vector3Double Max(Vector3Double lhs, Vector3Double rhs)
     return(new Vector3Double(CGMath.Max(lhs.x, rhs.x), CGMath.Max(lhs.y, rhs.y), CGMath.Max(lhs.z, rhs.z)));
 public static double SqrMagnitude(Vector3Double a)
     return(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y + a.z * a.z);