public void h_5_3() { GameObject playerShip = GameObject.Find("PlayerGO"); if (playerShip != null) { GameObject bullet1 = (GameObject)Instantiate(EnemyBulletGO); GameObject bullet2 = (GameObject)Instantiate(EnemyBulletGO); GameObject bullet3 = (GameObject)Instantiate(EnemyBulletGO); bullet1.transform.position = transform.position; bullet2.transform.position = transform.position; bullet3.transform.position = transform.position; Vector2 direction1 = playerShip.transform.position - bullet1.transform.position; Vector2 direction2 = Vector2Extension.Rotate(direction1, 30); Vector2 direction3 = Vector2Extension.Rotate(direction1, -30); bullet1.GetComponent <EnemyBullet>().SetDirection(direction1); bullet2.GetComponent <EnemyBullet>().SetDirection(direction2); bullet3.GetComponent <EnemyBullet>().SetDirection(direction3); } if (numFired < 4) { Invoke("h_5_3", 0.3f); numFired++; } else { numFired = 0; } }
private void Start() { forceVector = Sun.transform.position - transform.position; forceVector = Vector2Extension.Rotate(forceVector, 90); rb2d.velocity += forceVector.normalized * Mathf.Sqrt(Attractor.G * SunRb2d.mass / Vector2.Distance(Sun.transform.position, transform.position)); }
public virtual void LateUpdate() { Physics.Raycast(cameraT.position, cameraT.forward, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, layermasknum); HandleDamage(); HandleCooldownTimers(); attackingPrev = isAttacking; charInput.CollectInputs(); animator.speed = speedMult / Mathf.Pow(Vector2Extension.averageComponentLength(transform.localScale), 0.2f); Knockback(); if (flying) { fly(); } else { jump(); //if(knockback==0){ move(); //}else{ // KnockbackMove(); //} } attack(); if (gameObject.tag == "Player") { HandleTimeScale(timeSpeed); } launchAttack(); //Debug.DrawRay(transform.position,forceVelVec*100,; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { Transform ikBase = GetComponent <TentacleAnimation> ().IKBase; Transform IKTipOfTentacle = GetComponent <TentacleAnimation> ().IKTipOfTentacle; bool isArm = IKTipOfTentacle == null && ikBase != null; Vector3 mousePos = c.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, 13)); Vector3 orientation = ((Vector2)mousePos - (Vector2)this.transform.position).normalized; Vector3 targetDistanceVect = center.position + orientation * targetDistance; if (isArm) { // move arm Vector2 reference = Vector2.down; ikBase.localScale = * 16f; ikBase.localPosition = new Vector3(4, 0, -1); if (this.GetComponentInParent <MoveBehaviour> ().facingRight) { ikBase.localScale = new Vector2(-16f, 16f); ikBase.localPosition = new Vector3(-3.5f, 0, -1); // reference = Vector2.up; } ikBase.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Vector2.SignedAngle(reference, orientation)); } else { GetComponent <TentacleAnimation> ().IKBase.position = center.position + orientation * 3; Vector2 left = Vector2Extension.Rotate(orientation * targetDistance, 90); Vector2 right = Vector2Extension.Rotate(orientation * targetDistance, -90); Vector2 pos = left.y > right.y ? left : right; GetComponent <TentacleAnimation> ().IKTipOfTentacle.GetComponent <TargetJoint2D> ().target = (Vector2)targetDistanceVect + pos; } }
public void GenerateHandles(int i) { //Find a median angle float angle = Vector2Extension.SignedAngle( (points.Loop(i + 1).position - points[i].position).normalized, (points.Loop(i - 1).position - points[i].position).normalized ); if (angle > 0) { angle = -(360f - angle); } Vector2 median = ((points.Loop(i + 1).position - points[i].position).normalized).Rotate(angle / 2); if (!clockwise) { median *= -1; } //Check for sudden angle inversions when clockwise order didn't change if (points[i].clockwise == clockwise && Mathf.Abs(Vector2Extension.SignedAngle(points[i].median, median)) > 135) { median *= -1; } //Calculate bezier handles points[i].handleP = median.Rotate(90 * (clockwise?-1:1)) + points[i].position; points[i].handleN = median.Rotate(90 * (clockwise?1:-1)) + points[i].position; //Multiply points by half of the distance to neighboring point points[i].handleP = ((points[i].handleP - points[i].position) * (Vector2.Distance(points.Loop(i - 1).position, points[i].position) * points[i].curve)) + points[i].position; points[i].handleN = ((points[i].handleN - points[i].position) * (Vector2.Distance(points.Loop(i + 1).position, points[i].position) * points[i].curve)) + points[i].position; //Store the cofiguration points[i].median = median; points[i].clockwise = clockwise; }
public bool IsValidGridPosition(Transform obj) { Vector2 v = Vector2Extension.roundVec2(obj.position); if (!InsideBorder(v)) { return(false); } if (gameGridcol[(int)v.x].row[(int)v.y] != null) { if (obj.gameObject.tag.Equals("Snake")) { if (gameGridcol[(int)v.x].row[(int)v.y].gameObject.tag.Equals("Food")) { Managers.Audio.PlayEatSound(); Managers.Game.snake.AddTail(); Managers.Score.OnScore(1); Destroy(gameGridcol[(int)v.x].row[(int)v.y].gameObject); } else { return(false); } } else { return(false); } } return(true); }
public void UpdateGrid(Transform obj) { for (int y = 0; y < 27; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < 49; ++x) { if (gameGridcol[x].row[y] != null) { gameGridcol[x].row[y] = null; } } } foreach (Transform child in Managers.Game.snakeHolder) { Vector2 v = Vector2Extension.roundVec2(child.position); gameGridcol[(int)v.x].row[(int)v.y] = child; } foreach (Transform child in Managers.Game.foodHolder) { Vector2 v = Vector2Extension.roundVec2(child.position); gameGridcol[(int)v.x].row[(int)v.y] = child; } }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { if (other.CompareTag("NPC") || other.CompareTag("Player") || other.CompareTag("Ragdoll")) { float angle = Vector2Extension.DirectionAngle(other.transform.position - transform.position); if (angle > 180 && angle < 270) { float amountOver = angle - 180; angle -= 2 * amountOver; } else if (angle >= 270) { float amountUnder360 = 360 - angle; angle = amountUnder360; } if (other.CompareTag("Ragdoll")) { DixieRagdoll ragdoll = other.GetComponent <DixieRagdoll>(); if (ragdoll != null) { ragdoll.SetForceDirection(power, angle); } } else { HealthSystem healthSystem = other.GetComponent <HealthSystem>(); healthSystem.TakeDamage(25, angle); } } }
public void UpdateGrid(Transform obj) { for (int y = 0; y < 20; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { if (gameGridcol[x].row[y] != null) { if (gameGridcol[x].row[y].parent == obj) { gameGridcol[x].row[y] = null; } } } } foreach (Transform child in obj) { if (child.gameObject.tag.Equals("Block")) { Vector2 v = Vector2Extension.roundVec2(child.position); gameGridcol[(int)v.x].row[(int)v.y] = child; } } }
private void PlayerMovementUpdate() { currentPlayerMovementImpulse += movementInpulseIncreaseSpeed * Time.deltaTime; if (isActivePlayerCharacter) { Vector2 mousePointingDirection = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition) - transform.position; Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, mousePointingDirection.normalized); float mouseAngle = Mathf.Clamp(Vector2.SignedAngle(playerMovementForwardDirection, mousePointingDirection), -90f, 90f); //Debug.LogFormat("Mouse angle = {0}", mouseAngle); float turnAngleImpulseRatio = Mathf.Abs(mouseAngle / 90f); Vector2 turnForceDirection = Vector2Extension.Rotate(playerMovementForwardDirection, mouseAngle); Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, turnForceDirection.normalized * currentPlayerMovementImpulse * Time.deltaTime,; playerRigidBody.AddForce(turnForceDirection.normalized * turnAngleImpulseRatio * currentPlayerMovementImpulse * Time.deltaTime); playerMovementForwardDirection = playerRigidBody.velocity.normalized; Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, playerMovementForwardDirection); float leftOverForwardImpulse = currentPlayerMovementImpulse * (1 - turnAngleImpulseRatio); playerRigidBody.AddForce(playerMovementForwardDirection.normalized * leftOverForwardImpulse * currentPlayerMovementImpulse * Time.deltaTime); Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, playerMovementForwardDirection.normalized * leftOverForwardImpulse * currentPlayerMovementImpulse * Time.deltaTime,; } else { playerRigidBody.AddForce(playerMovementForwardDirection.normalized * currentPlayerMovementImpulse * Time.deltaTime); Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, playerMovementForwardDirection.normalized * currentPlayerMovementImpulse * Time.deltaTime,; } }
public bool IsValidGridPosition(Transform obj) { foreach (Transform child in obj) { if (child.gameObject.tag.Equals("Block")) { Vector2 v = Vector2Extension.roundVec2(child.position); if (!InsideBorder(v)) { return(false); } if (gameGridcol[(int)v.x].row[(int)v.y] != null && !gameGridcol[(int)v.x].row[(int)v.y].gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { return(false); } // Block in grid cell (and not part of same group)? if (gameGridcol[(int)v.x].row[(int)v.y] != null && gameGridcol[(int)v.x].row[(int)v.y].parent != obj) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
void LateUpdate() { _direction = Vector2Extension.RotateTowards(_direction, _targetDirection, 2f).normalized; // _direction = Vector3.RotateTowards(_direction, _targetDirection, 0.1f, 0).normalized; _transform.position += (_unit.GetShipSpeed() * Time.deltaTime) * _direction * 2; float angle = Mathf.Atan2(_direction.y, _direction.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg - 90f; _transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, angle); }
/// <summary> /// Draws debug information using gizmos. /// </summary> protected virtual void OnDrawGizmos() { Vector2 ray = transform.right * sensorRadius; Gizmos.color = Color.yellow; Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(transform.position, sensorRadius); Gizmos.color = Color.magenta; Gizmos.DrawRay(transform.position, Vector2Extension.Rotate(ray, -sensorAngle)); Gizmos.DrawRay(transform.position, Vector2Extension.Rotate(ray, sensorAngle)); }
public void DeployAttack(SpecialAttack attack) { var direction = Vector2Extension.AngleToVector2(Rotation); attack.Position = Position + direction * Size / 2; attack.ApplyForce(direction * attack.MaxSpeed, instantaneous: true); ApplyForce(-direction * attack.Mass, instantaneous: true); Level.AddEntity(attack); }
Vector2 rotate_transform_robot(Vector2 curr_dir, float angle_deg) { Vector2 cur_dir_result; _rigidbody2D.MoveRotation(_rigidbody2D.rotation + angle_deg); cur_dir_result = Vector2Extension.Rotate(curr_dir, angle_deg); if (_rigidbody2D.rotation > 360.0f || _rigidbody2D.rotation < -360.0f) { _rigidbody2D.SetRotation(_rigidbody2D.rotation % 360.0f); } return(cur_dir_result); }
public bool IsValidGridPosition(Transform obj) { foreach (Transform child in obj) { if (child.gameObject.tag.Equals("Block")) { Vector2 v = Vector2Extension.roundVec2(child.position); bool insideX = InsideBorderX(v); bool insideY = InsideBorderY(v); if (!insideX) { Debug.Log("Block hit side."); return(false); } if (!insideY) { Debug.Log("Block hit bottom."); PostLandingChores(obj.gameObject); return(false); } //if (!InsideBorderX(v)) //{ // if (obj.transform.position.y != -1) // { // Debug.Log("Block hit side."); // return false; // } // Debug.Log("Block hit bottom."); // PostLandingChores(obj.gameObject); // return false; //} // Block in grid cell (and not part of same group)? if (gameGridcol[(int)v.x].row[(int)v.y] != null && gameGridcol[(int)v.x].row[(int)v.y].parent != obj) { Debug.Log("Block hit another block."); PostLandingChores(obj.gameObject); return(false); } } } return(true); }
IEnumerator BeakerBurst(float cooldown) { if (_beaker != null && _player != null) { Vector3 targetDirection1 = _playerTrans.position - transform.position; Instantiate(_beaker, transform.position, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.right, targetDirection1)); if (_health <= _startHealth / 2) { Debug.Log("Dog phase 2"); Vector3 targetDirection2 = new Vector3(targetDirection1.x, targetDirection1.y, 0); Vector2Extension.Rotate((Vector2)targetDirection2, 15); Instantiate(_beaker, transform.position, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.right, targetDirection2)); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(cooldown)); _canAttack = true; } }
public FloorNode InstantiateFloorNode(Vector2 u, Vector2 v) { // get direction/angle // get midpoint along vector // instantiate nice WalkNodes with dimensions that will stick out the proper amount (height should be 3) Vector3 midpoint = new Vector3((u.x + v.x) / 2 + transform.position.x, (u.y + v.y) / 2 + transform.position.y, 0); //I'm not sure if this is correct. Assume u is the tail float angle = Vector2Extension.DirectionAngle(v - u); float width = Vector2.Distance(u, v); GameObject floorNodePrefab = Resources.Load("Prefabs/FloorNodePrefab") as GameObject; GameObject walkNodeGameObject = Instantiate <GameObject>(floorNodePrefab); walkNodeGameObject.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(midpoint, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angle)); walkNodeGameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(width, 2, 1); return(walkNodeGameObject.AddComponent <FloorNode>()); }
protected override void Destroy() { hitsCount--; if (collisionNormal != { float angle = 2 * Vector3.Angle(direction, collisionNormal) - 180; if (Vector3.Cross(direction, collisionNormal).z < 0) { angle = -angle; } direction = Vector2Extension.Rotate(direction, angle); collisionNormal =; } if (hitsCount <= 0) { base.Destroy(); } }
public override void CollectInputs() { inputDir =; vecToPlayerPrev = vecToPlayer; leftMouseDownPrev = leftMouseDown; leftMouseDown = false; walking = false; switchAttackModePrev = switchAttackMode; switchAttackMode = false; vecToPlayer = playerScript.centerPoint.position - centerPoint.transform.position; if (!!!controllerScript.dead) { cameraT.forward = vecToPlayer; } if (controllerScript.attackMode && !controllerScript.dead) { if (controllerScript.hit.distance != 0 && hitLayerIsEnemy(controllerScript.hit.collider.gameObject.layer)) { leftMouseDown = true; } Debug.DrawRay(centerPoint.transform.position, vecToPlayer * 10000); //Vector3 projectedInputDir = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(vecToPlayer,Vector3.up); if (Vector2Extension.XzPlaneMagnitude(vecToPlayer) > minPlayerRadius + 0.5f) { inputDir = Vector2.up; } else { inputDir = Vector2.Lerp(Vector2.down,, Vector2Extension.XzPlaneMagnitude(vecToPlayer) / minPlayerRadius); } //Vector2Extension.Rotate(new Vector2(projectedInputDir.x,projectedInputDir.z),cameraT.eulerAngles.y); } if (Vector2Extension.XzPlaneMagnitude(vecToPlayer) < 0.5 * sightRadius) { walking = true; } if (vecToPlayer.magnitude < sightRadius) { controllerScript.attackMode = true; } }
void UpdateFOVPoints() { Vector2 direction; if ((Vector2)agent.velocity.normalized == { direction = direction_tmp; } else { direction = agent.velocity.normalized; direction_tmp = direction; } Vector2[] points = new Vector2[6]; points[0] =; points[1] = Vector2Extension.Rotate(direction, (angle) / 2) * range; points[2] = Vector2Extension.Rotate(direction, (angle) / 4) * range; points[3] = direction * range; points[4] = Vector2Extension.Rotate(direction, (-angle) / 4) * range; points[5] = Vector2Extension.Rotate(direction, (-angle) / 2) * range; polygoncoll.SetPath(0, points); }
public async Task <bool> FireLaser(CancellationToken cancellation) { if (MainWeaponAmmo.IsEmpty) { return(false); } var direction = Vector2Extension.AngleToVector2(Rotation); var laser = new Laser(this, Momentum, Position, direction); laser.ApplyAcceleration(direction * laser.MaxSpeed, instantaneous: true); ApplyForce(-direction * laser.Mass, instantaneous: true); MainWeaponAmmo.Quantity--; SoundManager.PlaySound("Shoot01"); Level.AddEntity(laser); await UpdateContext.Delay(MainWeaponDelay); return(true); }
public bool IsValidGridPosition(Transform obj) { foreach (Transform child in obj) { if (child.gameObject.tag.Equals("Block")) { Vector2 v = Vector2Extension.roundVec2(child.position); if (!InsideBorder(v)) { return(false); } if (gameGridcol[(int)v.x].row[(int)v.y] != null && gameGridcol[(int)v.x].row[(int)v.y].parent != obj) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
public void Accelerate(GameTime gameTime, float thrust) { #if DEBUG if (Math.Abs(thrust) > 1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("thrust", "Thrust must be between -1 and 1."); } #endif _accelerating = 0; if (Math.Abs(thrust) < 0.1f) { return; } var fuelNeeded = (int)(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds * Math.Abs(thrust)); if (Fuel.Quantity > fuelNeeded) { _accelerating = thrust; Fuel.Quantity -= fuelNeeded; ApplyForce(Vector2Extension.AngleToVector2(Rotation) * thrust * ThrotleForce); } }
private void UpdateMovement() { if (target != null) { var direction = (target.transform.position - transform.position); moveAroundTimer += 0.1; if (moveAroundTimer > 40) { direction = Vector2Extension.Rotate(target.GetVelocityVector(), 90); if (moveAroundTimer > 60) { moveAroundTimer = 0; } } if (transform.position.magnitude > 8) { direction += -transform.position; } direction.z = 0; acceleration = (direction).normalized * maxAcceleration / 100; } speed += 4 * acceleration * Engine.GameLoop.NormalizedDeltaTime; speed = speed.normalized * Mathf.Min(speed.magnitude, maxSpeed); transform.localPosition += speed * 4 * Engine.GameLoop.NormalizedDeltaTime; float angle = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.up, acceleration); if (acceleration.x > 0) { angle = 360 - angle; } transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angle); }
private void UpdateCollider() { col = GetComponent <Collider2D>(); mcol = GetComponent <MeshCollider>(); if (col != null || mcol != null) { //Create points for a collider cpoints.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++) { if (points[i].curve > 0f || points.Loop(i + 1).curve > 0f) { for (int j = 0; j < curveIterations; j++) { cpoints.Add(new PS2DColliderPoint((Vector2)CalculateBezierPoint( (float)j / (float)curveIterations, points[i].position, points[i].handleN, points.Loop(i + 1).handleP, points.Loop(i + 1).position ))); cpoints[cpoints.Count - 1].wPosition = transform.TransformPoint(cpoints[cpoints.Count - 1].position); } } else { cpoints.Add(new PS2DColliderPoint((Vector2)points[i].position)); cpoints[cpoints.Count - 1].wPosition = transform.TransformPoint(cpoints[cpoints.Count - 1].position); } } //Create normals and directions for every point for (int i = 0; i < cpoints.Count; i++) { //Setting normal cpoints[i].normal = cpoints[i].wPosition - cpoints.Loop(i + 1).wPosition; cpoints[i].normal = new Vector2(cpoints[i].normal.y, -cpoints[i].normal.x).normalized; if (!clockwise) { cpoints[i].normal *= -1; } //Deciding direction cpoints[i].signedAngle = Vector2Extension.SignedAngle(Vector2.up, cpoints[i].normal); if (Mathf.Abs(cpoints[i].signedAngle) <= colliderTopAngle / 2) { cpoints[i].direction = PS2DDirection.Up; } else if (cpoints[i].signedAngle > (colliderTopAngle / 2) && cpoints[i].signedAngle < 135) { cpoints[i].direction = PS2DDirection.Left; } else if (cpoints[i].signedAngle <-(colliderTopAngle / 2) && cpoints[i].signedAngle> -135) { cpoints[i].direction = PS2DDirection.Right; } else if (Mathf.Abs(cpoints[i].signedAngle) >= 135) { cpoints[i].direction = PS2DDirection.Down; } } //Create array of points for collider if (col != null) { //Polygon collider if (col.GetType() == typeof(UnityEngine.PolygonCollider2D)) { cpointsFinal = new Vector2[cpoints.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < cpoints.Count; i++) { cpointsFinal[i] = cpoints[i].position; if (cpoints[i].direction == PS2DDirection.Up || cpoints.Loop(i - 1).direction == PS2DDirection.Up) { cpointsFinal[i] += (Vector2.up * colliderOffsetTop); } } GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>().points = cpointsFinal; //Full edge collider } else if (col.GetType() == typeof(UnityEngine.EdgeCollider2D) && colliderType == PS2DColliderType.Edge) { cpointsFinal = new Vector2[cpoints.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < cpoints.Count; i++) { cpointsFinal[i] = cpoints[i].position; if (cpoints[i].direction == PS2DDirection.Up || cpoints.Loop(i - 1).direction == PS2DDirection.Up) { cpointsFinal[i] += (Vector2.up * colliderOffsetTop); } } GetComponent <EdgeCollider2D>().points = cpointsFinal; //Top edge collider } else if (col.GetType() == typeof(UnityEngine.EdgeCollider2D) && colliderType == PS2DColliderType.TopEdge) { int lowestWPoint = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cpoints.Count; i++) { if (i == 0 || cpoints[i].wPosition.y < cpoints[lowestWPoint].wPosition.y) { lowestWPoint = i; } } int edgeStartPoint = -1; for (int i = lowestWPoint; i < lowestWPoint + cpoints.Count; i++) { if (cpoints.Loop(i).direction == PS2DDirection.Up) { edgeStartPoint = cpoints.LoopID(i); break; } } int edgeEndPoint = -1; for (int i = lowestWPoint; i > lowestWPoint - cpoints.Count; i--) { if (cpoints.Loop(i).direction == PS2DDirection.Up) { edgeEndPoint = cpoints.LoopID(i + 1); break; } } if (edgeStartPoint >= 0 && edgeEndPoint >= 0) { //Find number of collider points int countPoints = 1; for (int i = edgeStartPoint; i != edgeEndPoint; i = cpoints.LoopID(i + 1)) { countPoints++; } if (countPoints > 1) { //Create collider points cpointsFinal = new Vector2[countPoints]; for (int i = 0; i < countPoints; i++) { cpointsFinal[i] = cpoints.Loop(edgeStartPoint + i).position + (Vector2.up * colliderOffsetTop); } //Set collider points GetComponent <EdgeCollider2D>().enabled = true; GetComponent <EdgeCollider2D>().points = cpointsFinal; } else { GetComponent <EdgeCollider2D>().enabled = false; } } else { GetComponent <EdgeCollider2D>().enabled = false; } } } if (mcol != null) { //Create two sets of vertices for the mesh collier Vector3[] mVertices = new Vector3[mf.sharedMesh.vertices.Length * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < mf.sharedMesh.vertices.Length; i++) { mVertices[i] = mf.sharedMesh.vertices[i]; mVertices[i].z -= cMeshDepth / 2f; } for (int i = mf.sharedMesh.vertices.Length; i < mf.sharedMesh.vertices.Length * 2; i++) { mVertices[i] = mf.sharedMesh.vertices[i - mf.sharedMesh.vertices.Length]; mVertices[i].z += cMeshDepth / 2f; } //Create triangles for mesh collider int[] mTriangles = new int[mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length * 2 + ((mf.sharedMesh.vertices.Length * 2) * 3)]; for (int i = 0; i < mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length; i++) { mTriangles[i] = mf.sharedMesh.triangles[i]; } for (int i = mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length * 2 - 1; i >= mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length; i--) { mTriangles[(mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length * 2) + mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length - 1 - i] = mf.sharedMesh.triangles[i - mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length] + mf.sharedMesh.vertices.Length; } //Stich the two sides together for (int i = 0; i < mf.sharedMesh.vertices.Length; i++) { mTriangles[mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length * 2 + (i * 6) + 0] = i; mTriangles[mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length * 2 + (i * 6) + 1] = mf.sharedMesh.vertices.Length + i; mTriangles[mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length * 2 + (i * 6) + 2] = mf.sharedMesh.vertices.Length + i + 1 - (i == mf.sharedMesh.vertices.Length - 1?mf.sharedMesh.vertices.Length:0); mTriangles[mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length * 2 + (i * 6) + 3] = i; mTriangles[mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length * 2 + (i * 6) + 4] = mf.sharedMesh.vertices.Length + i + 1 - (i == mf.sharedMesh.vertices.Length - 1?mf.sharedMesh.vertices.Length:0); mTriangles[mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length * 2 + (i * 6) + 5] = i + 1 - (i == mf.sharedMesh.vertices.Length - 1?mf.sharedMesh.vertices.Length:0); } cMesh = new Mesh(); cMesh.SetVertices(new List <Vector3>(mVertices)); cMesh.SetTriangles(mTriangles, 0); //cMesh.RecalculateBounds(); //cMesh.RecalculateNormals(); =; mcol.sharedMesh = null; mcol.sharedMesh = cMesh; } } }
public virtual void move() { //walking speedMult = Mathf.SmoothDamp(speedMult, 1, ref speedMultDamp, 15f); if (knockback == 0 && !dead) { Vector2 input = charInput.inputDir; inputDir = Vector2.SmoothDamp(inputDir, input.normalized, ref inputSmoothDamp, !controller.isGrounded?turnSmoothTime:turnSmoothTime * 1f * ((currentSpeed < 5?5:currentSpeed) / runSpeed)); if (inputDir != || animator.GetInteger("attack") == 2 || attackMode) { float targetRotation = Mathf.Atan2(inputDir.x * (((attackMode && charInput.inputDir.y < 0)?-1:1)), (attackMode)?Mathf.Abs(inputDir.y):inputDir.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg + cameraT.eulerAngles.y; if ((input.magnitude == 0 && controller.isGrounded && attackMode) || drawPad) { targetRotation = cameraT.eulerAngles.y; } transform.eulerAngles = Vector3.up * Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(transform.eulerAngles.y, targetRotation, ref turnSmoothVelocity, (controller.isGrounded?turnSmoothTime:turnSmoothTime * 1f * ((currentSpeed < 5?5:currentSpeed) / runSpeed))); } walking = charInput.walking; targetSpeed = ((walking) ? walkSpeed : runSpeed) * inputDir.magnitude; currentSpeed = Mathf.SmoothDamp(currentSpeed, targetSpeed, ref speedSmoothVelocity, controller.isGrounded?speedSmoothTime:5f); } if (controller.isGrounded) { moveVec = speedMult * ((((attackMode && !outFly)?(Quaternion.AngleAxis(cameraT.eulerAngles.y, Vector3.up) * new Vector3(inputDir.x, 0, inputDir.y)):transform.forward) * currentSpeed)) + (transform.up * moveVec.y) + forceVelVec / Vector2Extension.averageComponentLength(transform.localScale); } //movement handling accelVec.y = -gravity; moveVec += accelVec * Time.deltaTime; if (controller.isGrounded && moveVec.y < -30f) { moveVec.y = -30f; } controller.Move((moveVec) * Time.deltaTime); forceVelVec = Vector3.Lerp(forceVelVec,, 5 * Time.deltaTime); float animationSpeedPercent = ((!walking) ? currentSpeed / runSpeed : currentSpeed / walkSpeed * .5f); float targetMoveMode = attackMode?1:0; moveMode = Mathf.SmoothDamp(moveMode, targetMoveMode, ref moveModeVelocity, 0.1f); animator.SetInteger("knockback", knockback); animator.SetFloat("moveMode", moveMode); animator.SetFloat("movespeed", animationSpeedPercent); animator.SetFloat("moveX", inputDir.x * animationSpeedPercent); animator.SetFloat("moveY", inputDir.y * animationSpeedPercent); //Debug.DrawRay(transform.position+(3*Vector3.up),(new Vector3(moveVec.x,0,moveVec.z))*100,; }
public void Reset() { Position = _startingPosition.Clone(); Direction = Vector2Extension.RandomStartingVector(); }