        private void sprsax(VecDoub sa, VecLong ija, VecDoub x, VecDoub b, int n)
            if (ija[1] != n + 2)
                new Exception("sprsax: mismatched vector and matrix");
            int  i;
            long k;

            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                b[i] = sa[i] * x[i];                          //Diagonal entries
                for (k = ija[i]; k <= ija[i + 1] - 1; k++)    //TODO: Verify this.
                    b[i] += sa[(int)k] * x[(int)ija[(int)k]]; //Off diagonal entries. Multiply the entry of the matrix by the x of the corresponding column.
                //TODO: Find out how to reference arrays in C# with some thing that could be > 2 billion (max value of integer).
        private void sprstx(VecDoub sa, VecLong ija, VecDoub x, VecDoub b, int n)
            int  i, j;
            long k;

            if (ija[1] != n + 2)
                new Exception("mismatched vector and matrix in sprstx");
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                b[i] = sa[i] * x[i]; //First come the diagonal terms
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            {//Now loop over the off diagonal terms.
                for (k = ija[i]; k <= ija[i + 1] - 1; k++)
                    j     = (int)ija[(int)k];
                    b[j] += sa[(int)k] * x[i]; //Because this is multiplication by the transpose, the indices of b and x interchange.
        public Sprsin(MatDoub a)//TODO: make a VecULong type to further save on space.
            *  Converts a square matrix a[1..n][1..n] into row-indexed sparse storage mode.
            *  Only elements of a with magnitude ≥thresh are retained. Output is in two linear arrays
            *  with dimension nmax (an input parameter): sa[1..] contains array values, indexed by ija[1..].
            *  The number of elements filled of sa and ija on output are both ija[ija[1]-1]-1
            sa  = new VecDoub(new double[nmax]);
            ija = new VecLong(18, new long[nmax], 0);
            n   = a.nrows();

            int i, j, k;

            for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
                sa[j] = a[j][j]; //Store the diagonal elements.
            ija[0] = n + 1;      //Index to the first off diagonal element if any.
            k      = n;

            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    if (Math.Abs(a[i][j]) >= thresh && i != j)
                        if (++k > (int)nmax)
                            throw new Exception("sprsin: nmax too small");
                        sa[k]  = a[i][j]; //Store off diagonal elements.
                        ija[k] = j;       //And their column indices.
                ija[i + 1] = k + 1; //As each row is completed, store index to next
            this.numelements = k + 1;