public bool RetrieveAccountVault(out VaultView vaultView, out string message, out HttpStatusCode code)
            message   = ErrorCode.CONNECTION_FAILED;
            vaultView = null;

            Api().CreateAuthenticated("api/account/vault", "get")
            .Execute(out HttpWebResponse response);

            if (response.TryGetStatusCode(out code) && code == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                ValidatedView <VaultView> validatedView = response.GetReponseString()
                                                          .DeserializeJsonSafe <ValidatedView <VaultView> >();
                if (validatedView == null)
                    message = ErrorCode.ERROR_WHILE_READING_RESULT;
                    vaultView = validatedView.Object;
                    message   = validatedView.Message;

        protected internal void Equipment(Ship ship)
            if (!EquipmentDashboardVisible)
                Loading  = true;
                Selected = ship;

                if (!HangarService.RetrieveHangarDetailView(ship.ID, out HangarDetailView hangarDetailView, out string message))
                    NotificationService.ShowError(message, "Failed to load equipment!");
                    if (!AccountService.RetrieveAccountVault(out VaultView vaultView, out message, out _))
                        NotificationService.ShowError(message, "Failed to load vault!");
                        Hangar = hangarDetailView;
                        Vault  = vaultView;
                        EquipmentDashboardVisible = true;

                Loading = false;
        private void CheckShip(IGameLogger logger, int accountId, VaultView vault, Ship ship)
            // check ship
            if (!vault.Ships.Contains(ship.ID))
                throw logger.LogError(new Exception($"Check for player {accountId} on hangar with ship {ship.ID} resulted in a assigned ship which is not even owned!"));

            // check amount of items packed into the ship
            if (Weapons.Count > ship.WeaponSlots)
                Weapons = Weapons.Take(ship.WeaponSlots).ToList();

            if (Generators.Count + Shields.Count > ship.GeneratorSlots)
                int diff = Math.Abs((Generators.Count + Shields.Count) - ship.GeneratorSlots);

                int generatorsToRemove = Math.Min(diff, Generators.Count);
                int shieldsToRemove    = Math.Min(diff - generatorsToRemove, Shields.Count);

                Generators = Generators.Take(Generators.Count - generatorsToRemove).ToList();
                Shields    = Shields.Take(Shields.Count - shieldsToRemove).ToList();

                if (diff != 0)
                    logger.LogWarning($"Check for player {accountId} on hangar with ship {ship.ID} resulted with a problematic difference of {diff}");
        private void CheckAvailableGenerators(IGameLogger logger, int accountId, VaultView vault, Ship ship)
            if (Generators == null)
                Generators = new List <int>();

            var tempGeneratorsGroup = Generators.GroupBy(x => x).ToList();

            foreach (var grouping in tempGeneratorsGroup)
                if (!vault.Generators.ContainsKey(grouping.Key))
                    logger.LogWarning($"Check for player {accountId} on hangar with ship {ship.ID} resulted with equipped generators id:{grouping.Key} which are not owned!");
                    Generators.RemoveAll(x => x == grouping.Key);
                else if (grouping.Count() > vault.Generators[grouping.Key])
                    int diff = grouping.Count() - vault.Generators[grouping.Key];

                    Generators.RemoveAll(x => x == grouping.Key && diff-- > 0);

                    if (diff != 0)
                        logger.LogWarning($"Check for player {accountId} on hangar with ship {ship.ID} resulted with a problematic difference of {diff} (generator check)");
 public void Check(IGameLogger logger, int accountId, VaultView vault, Ship ship)
     CheckShip(logger, accountId, vault, ship);
     CheckDrones(logger, accountId, vault, ship);
     CheckAvailableWeapons(logger, accountId, vault, ship);
     CheckAvailableShields(logger, accountId, vault, ship);
     CheckAvailableGenerators(logger, accountId, vault, ship);
        public static async Task <ValidatedView> UpdateVault(int accountId, VaultView vault)
            try {
                ReplaceOneResult result = await Model <AccountVaultModel> .AsCollection()
                                          .ReplaceOneAsync(x => x.AccountID == accountId, Mapper <VaultView>
                                                           .Map(vault, new AccountVaultModel {
                    AccountID = accountId

                if (result.IsModifiedCountAvailable && result.ModifiedCount == 1)
            } catch (Exception e) {
 public VaultViewModel(VaultView view)
     _view                          = view;
     _autoLockTimer                 = new System.Timers.Timer(1000);
     _autoLockTimer.Elapsed        += _autoLockTimer_Elapsed;
     _searchRefresh                 = new System.Timers.Timer(1000);
     _searchRefresh.Elapsed        += _searchRefresh_Elapsed;
     _duplicateCredentialCommand    = new Command(new Action <Object>(DuplicateCredentialCommandAction));
     _editCredentialCommand         = new Command(new Action <Object>(EditCredentialCommandAction));
     _removeCredentialCommand       = new Command(new Action <Object>(RemoveCredentialCommandAction));
     _credentialSelectedCommand     = new Command(new Action <Object>(CredentialSelectedCommandAction));
     _viewCredentialAuditLogCommand = new Command(new Action <Object>(ViewCredentialAuditLogCommandAction));
     _searchTextChangedCommand      = new Command(new Action <Object>(SearchTextChangedCommandAction));
     _searchCompletedCommand        = new Command(new Action <Object>(SearchCompletedCommandAction));
     _clipboardFieldCopyCommand     = new Command(new Action <Object>(ClipboardFieldCopyCommandAction));
     _clipboardFieldRevealCommand   = new Command(new Action <Object>(ClipboardFieldRevealCommandAction));
     _openInBrowserCommand          = new Command(new Action <Object>(OpenInBrowserCommandAction));
     _closeCredentialListTipCommand = new Command(new Action <Object>(CloseCredentialListTipCommandAction));
        private void CheckAvailableShields(IGameLogger logger, int accountId, VaultView vault, Ship ship)
            if (Shields == null)
                Shields = new List <int>();

            var tempShieldsGroup = Shields.Union(Drones.SelectMany(x => x.ShieldItems)).GroupBy(x => x).ToList();

            foreach (var grouping in tempShieldsGroup)
                if (!vault.Shields.ContainsKey(grouping.Key))
                    logger.LogWarning($"Check for player {accountId} on hangar with ship {ship.ID} resulted with equipped shields id:{grouping.Key} which are not owned!");
                    Shields.RemoveAll(x => x == grouping.Key);
                else if (grouping.Count() > vault.Shields[grouping.Key])
                    int diff = grouping.Count() - vault.Shields[grouping.Key];

                    Shields.RemoveAll(x => x == grouping.Key && diff-- > 0);
                    foreach (var drone in Drones)
                        if (diff <= 0)

                        drone.ShieldItems.RemoveAll(x => x == grouping.Key && diff-- > 0);

                    if (diff != 0)
                        logger.LogWarning($"Check for player {accountId} on hangar with ship {ship.ID} resulted with a problematic difference of {diff} (shield check)");
 public bool RetrieveAccountVault(out VaultView vaultView, out string message)
     return(RetrieveAccountVault(out vaultView, out message, out _));
        private void CheckDrones(IGameLogger logger, int accountId, VaultView vault, Ship ship)
            if (Drones == null)
                Drones = new List <DroneView>();

            // check drones, items and upgrades
            List <DroneView> tempDrones = Drones.ToList();

            foreach (var dronePair in Drones)
                int newDroneId = vault.Drones[dronePair.Position];
                if (!vault.Drones.ContainsKey(dronePair.Position))
                    logger.LogInformation($"Check for player {accountId} on hangar with ship {ship.ID} resulted with a drone [Position: {dronePair.Position}, ID: {dronePair.DroneID}] equipped which is not even owned!");
                    tempDrones.RemoveAll(x => x.Position == dronePair.Position);
                else if (newDroneId != dronePair.DroneID)
                    int index = tempDrones.FindIndex(x => x.Position == dronePair.Position);
                    if ((dronePair.DroneID / 10) == (newDroneId / 10))   // check same class, if true -> Drone lvl changed!
                        tempDrones[index] = new DroneView(newDroneId, dronePair.StatsDesignID, dronePair.VisualDesignID, dronePair.Position, dronePair.WeaponItems, dronePair.ShieldItems);
                        if (ItemsExtension <Drone> .Lookup(newDroneId).Slots < ItemsExtension <Drone> .Lookup(dronePair.DroneID).Slots)
                            int diff = Math.Abs(dronePair.ShieldItems.Count + dronePair.WeaponItems.Count - ItemsExtension <Drone> .Lookup(newDroneId).Slots);

                            int weaponsToRemove = Math.Min(diff, dronePair.WeaponItems.Count);
                            int shieldsToRemove = Math.Min(diff - weaponsToRemove, dronePair.ShieldItems.Count);

                            tempDrones[index] = new DroneView(newDroneId, dronePair.StatsDesignID, dronePair.VisualDesignID, dronePair.Position,
                                                              dronePair.WeaponItems.Take(dronePair.WeaponItems.Count - weaponsToRemove).ToList(),
                                                              dronePair.ShieldItems.Take(dronePair.ShieldItems.Count - shieldsToRemove).ToList());
                            tempDrones[index] = new DroneView(newDroneId, dronePair.StatsDesignID, dronePair.VisualDesignID, dronePair.Position, dronePair.WeaponItems, dronePair.ShieldItems);

            // add new drones, which are not present in the hangar
            if (tempDrones.Count < vault.Drones.Count)
                foreach (var drone in vault.Drones)
                    int count = tempDrones.Count(x => x.Position == drone.Key);
                    if (count > 1)   // saftiges problem
                        logger.LogWarning($"Check for player {accountId} on hangar with ship {ship.ID} resulted with multiple drones at the same position {drone.Key}!");

                    if (count <= 0)
                        tempDrones.Add(new DroneView(drone.Value, DroneDesign.NONE.ID, 0, drone.Key, new List <int>(), new List <int>()));

            // Check designs
            foreach (var design in tempDrones.GroupBy(x => x.StatsDesignID))
                if (design.Key != 0 && (!vault.DroneDesigns.TryGetValue(design.Key, out int count) || count < design.Count()))
                    int toRemove = design.Count() - count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < tempDrones.Count; i++)
                        if (tempDrones[i].StatsDesignID == design.Key)
                            if (toRemove-- == 0)

                            var tempDrone = tempDrones[i];

                            tempDrones[i] = new DroneView(tempDrone.DroneID, DroneDesign.NONE.ID, tempDrone.VisualDesignID,
                                                          tempDrone.Position, tempDrone.WeaponItems, tempDrone.ShieldItems);

            Drones = tempDrones;