private void OnDrawParameter(Rect rect, int index, bool active, bool focused) { var parameter = TreeAsset.Parameters[index]; rect.height = VariantUtils.FieldHeight; rect.y += 2; VariantUtils.DrawParameter(rect, parameter.Value); }
private void GenericParameterDrawer(Rect rect, SerializedProperty element, GUIContent label, int index, bool selected, bool focused) { var param = element.GetAs <Variant>(); if (param != null) { VariantUtils.DrawParameter(rect, param); } else { GUI.Label(rect, "Unable to render as Variant!"); } }
private void ParameterDraw(Rect rect, SerializedProperty element, GUIContent label, int index, bool selected, bool focused) { var param = element.GetAs <Framework.Parameter>(); if (param != null) { VariantUtils.DrawParameter(rect, param.Value); } else { GUI.Label(rect, "Unable to render as Parameter!"); } }
void HandleBindValue(Rect rect, ParamBinding binding) { if (binding == null) { return; } var fieldRect = rect; fieldRect.y += 2; fieldRect.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; VariantUtils.DrawParameter(fieldRect, binding.DefaultValue, false); }
private void OnDrawParameter(Rect rect, int index, bool active, bool focused) { var parameter = Node.Inputs[index]; if (index == 0) { FirstPos = rect.y; } Positions[index] = rect.y - FirstPos; rect.height = VariantUtils.FieldHeight; rect.y += 2; VariantUtils.DrawParameter(rect, parameter.Input); }
private void OnDrawParameter(Rect rect, int index, bool active, bool focused) { var parameter = Parameters[index]; if (index == 0) { FirstPos = rect.y; } Positions.Resize(index + 1); Positions[index] = rect.y - FirstPos; rect.height = VariantUtils.FieldHeight; rect.y += 2; VariantUtils.DrawParameter(rect, parameter.Value); }
protected override void DrawContent() { if (Node.Anim) { GUI.Box(drawRect, GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.helpBox); var controller = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <AnimatorController>(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Node.Anim)); if (controller == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("AnimatorController must not be null."); return; } int index = -1; var paramList = controller.parameters.ToList(); var param = paramList.FirstOrDefault(p => == Node.AnimParam.Name); if (param != null) { index = paramList.IndexOf(param); } drawRect.x += ContentMargin; drawRect.width = drawRect.width - ContentMargin * 2; drawRect.height = VariantUtils.FieldHeight; int newIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(drawRect, index, paramList.Select(p =>; if (newIndex != index) { SetNewParam(paramList[newIndex]); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Node.AnimParam?.HoldType?.Metadata)) { drawRect.y += drawRect.height; VariantUtils.DrawParameter(drawRect, Node.AnimParam, false); } } else { EditorGUI.HelpBox(drawRect, "AnimController is required!", MessageType.Error); } }
public void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label, SerializedType fieldType, PropertyAttribute attribute, bool displayLock = true) { SetContentForParameters(); int index = -1; bool wasConstant = AsParametrized.IsParameterConstant(; var setParam = AsParametrized.GetParameter(, fieldType); var param = setParam?.Get(DataProvider); if (param != null) { index = Parameters.FindIndex(p => p.Name.Equals(param.Name) && p.GetHoldType().Equals(param.GetHoldType())); } DrawBackground(position, index != -1 || wasConstant); label = EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property); { position.y += BoxBackgroundHeight * 0.5f; position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, new GUIContent(property.displayName)); EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); { var fieldRect = position; if (displayLock) { var lockRect = new Rect(fieldRect.x + fieldRect.width - LockSize, fieldRect.y + 2, LockSize, fieldRect.height); bool isConstant = EditorGUI.Toggle(lockRect, wasConstant, SpaceEditorStyles.LockButton); fieldRect.width -= LockSize; if (isConstant) { Variant value = wasConstant ? AsParametrized.GetVariant(, fieldType) : new Variant(fieldType); VariantUtils.DrawParameter(fieldRect, value, false); AsParametrized.SetParameterConst(, value); } else { DrawParamField(ref fieldRect, ref index, property, wasConstant != isConstant); } } else { DrawParamField(ref fieldRect, ref index, property); } } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(Target); } } EditorGUI.EndProperty(); }