        public void EvalManagedConstantNetworkTest()
            string modelDefinition = @"precision = ""float""
                traceLevel = 1
                v1 = Constant(1)
                v2 = Constant(2, tag=""output"") 
                ol = Plus(v1, v2, tag=""output"")
                FeatureNodes = (v1)

            using (var model = new ModelEvaluationExtendedF())

                VariableSchema outputSchema = model.GetOutputSchema();

                model.StartForwardEvaluation(outputSchema.Select(s => s.Name).ToList <string>());

                var outputBuffer = outputSchema.CreateBuffers <float>();
                var inputBuffer  = new ValueBuffer <float> [0];

                // We can call the evaluate method and get back the results...
                model.ForwardPass(inputBuffer, outputBuffer);

                float[][] expected = { new float[] { 2 }, new float[] { 3 } };

                Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, outputBuffer.Length);
                for (int idx = 0; idx < expected.Length; idx++)
                    CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected[idx], outputBuffer[idx].Buffer);
文件: Program.cs 项目: zpbappi/CNTK
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates an extended network (without a model and without input) and obtains a single layer output
        /// </summary>
        private static void EvaluateExtendedNetworkSingleLayerNoInput()
            const string modelDefinition = @"precision = ""float"" 
                                     traceLevel = 1
                                     v1 = Constant(1)
                                     v2 = Constant(2, tag=""output"")
                                     ol = Plus(v1, v2, tag=""output"")
                                     FeatureNodes = (v1)

                // The examples assume the executable is running from the data folder
                // We switch the current directory to the data folder (assuming the executable is in the <CNTK>/x64/Debug|Release folder
                string workingDirectory = Path.Combine(initialDirectory, @"..\..\Examples\Other\Simple2d\Config");
                Environment.CurrentDirectory = initialDirectory;

                using (var model = new ModelEvaluationExtendedF())
                    // Create the network
                    // This network (AddOperatorConstantNoInput.cntk) is a simple network consisting of a single binary operator (Plus)
                    // operating over a two constants, therefore no input is necessary.

                    VariableSchema outputSchema = model.GetOutputSchema();

                    var outputNodeNames = outputSchema.Select(s => s.Name).ToList <string>();

                    var outputBuffer = outputSchema.CreateBuffers <float>();
                    var inputBuffer  = new ValueBuffer <float> [0];

                    // We can call the evaluate method and get back the results...
                    model.ForwardPass(inputBuffer, outputBuffer);

                    // We expect two outputs: the v2 constant, and the ol Plus result
                    var expected = new float[][] { new float[] { 2 }, new float[] { 3 } };

                    Console.WriteLine("Expected values: {0}", string.Join(" - ", expected.Select(b => string.Join(", ", b)).ToList <string>()));
                    Console.WriteLine("Actual Values  : {0}", string.Join(" - ", outputBuffer.Select(b => string.Join(", ", b.Buffer)).ToList <string>()));
            catch (CNTKException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}\nNative CallStack: {1}\n Inner Exception: {2}", ex.Message, ex.NativeCallStack, ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : "No Inner Exception");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}\nCallStack: {1}\n Inner Exception: {2}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : "No Inner Exception");
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets specified version of the schema for the variable describing its structure.
        /// </summary>
        public override VariableSchema GetSchema(SchemaVersion version)
            if (HasChanges)
                if (version == SchemaVersion.Committed)

                // Making a schema for proposed version of the variable

                string name = changes.Name == null ? this.name : changes.Name;
                ReadOnlyDimensionList roDims   = new ReadOnlyDimensionList(changes.Dimensions == null ? dims : changes.Dimensions);
                VariableMetadata      metadata = this.metadata.Clone();

                CoordinateSystemCollection cs        = changes.Cs == null ? csystems : changes.Cs;
                CoordinateSystemSchema[]   csSchemas = new CoordinateSystemSchema[cs.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < csSchemas.Length; i++)
                    csSchemas[i] = cs[i].GetSchema();

                VariableSchema schema = new VariableSchema(name,
                if (version == SchemaVersion.Proposed)
                    throw new Exception("Variable is commited and has no changes.");

                CoordinateSystemSchema[] csSchemas = new CoordinateSystemSchema[csystems.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < csSchemas.Length; i++)
                    csSchemas[i] = csystems[i].GetSchema();

                VariableSchema schema = new VariableSchema(
                    name, TypeOfData,
                    new ReadOnlyDimensionList(dimensions),

        public void EvalManagedSparseTimesTest()
            string modelDefinition = @"deviceId = -1 
                precision = ""float"" traceLevel = 1
                i1 = SparseInput(3)
                o1 = Times(Constant(2, rows=1, cols=3), i1, tag=""output"") 
                FeatureNodes = (i1)

            using (var model = new ModelEvaluationExtendedF())

                VariableSchema outputSchema = model.GetOutputSchema();
                model.StartForwardEvaluation(outputSchema.Select(s => s.Name).ToList <string>());

                var outputBuffer = new []
                    new ValueBuffer <float>()
                        Buffer = new float[3],
                        Size   = 3

                var inputBuffer = new []
                    new ValueBuffer <float>()
                        Buffer     = new float[] { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 },
                        Indices    = new [] { 0, 2, 2, 1, 2 },
                        ColIndices = new [] { 0, 2, 2, 5 },
                        Size       = 4

                // We can call the evaluate method and get back the results...
                model.ForwardPass(inputBuffer, outputBuffer);

                float[][] expected = { new float[] { 6, 0, 28 } };

                Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, outputBuffer.Length);
                for (int idx = 0; idx < expected.Length; idx++)
                    CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected[idx], outputBuffer[idx].Buffer);
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates an extended network (without a model and without input) and obtains a single layer output
        /// </summary>
        private static void EvaluateExtendedNetworkSingleLayerNoInput()
            const string modelDefinition = @"precision = ""float"" 
                                     traceLevel = 1
                                     v1 = Constant(1)
                                     v2 = Constant(2, tag=""output"")
                                     ol = Plus(v1, v2, tag=""output"")
                                     FeatureNodes = (v1)

                using (var model = new ModelEvaluationExtendedF())
                    // Create the network

                    VariableSchema outputSchema = model.GetOutputSchema();

                    var outputNodeNames = outputSchema.Select(s => s.Name).ToList <string>();

                    var outputBuffer = outputSchema.CreateBuffers <float>();
                    var inputBuffer  = new ValueBuffer <float> [0];

                    // We can call the evaluate method and get back the results...
                    model.ForwardPass(inputBuffer, outputBuffer);

                    // We expect two outputs: the v2 constant, and the ol Plus result
                    var expected = new float[][] { new float[] { 2 }, new float[] { 3 } };

                    Console.WriteLine("Expected values: {0}", string.Join(" - ", expected.Select(b => string.Join(", ", b)).ToList <string>()));
                    Console.WriteLine("Actual Values  : {0}", string.Join(" - ", outputBuffer.Select(b => string.Join(", ", b.Buffer)).ToList <string>()));
            catch (CNTKException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}\nNative CallStack: {1}\n Inner Exception: {2}", ex.Message, ex.NativeCallStack, ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : "No Inner Exception");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}\nCallStack: {1}\n Inner Exception: {2}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : "No Inner Exception");
        void OnEnable()
            _schema = target as VariableSchema;
            _proxy  = new DefinitionsProxy {
                Schema = _schema
            _definitions = serializedObject.FindProperty("_definitions._items");

            _createPopup.Setup(_addDefinitionLabel, PopupCreate, PopupValidate);

            .MakeRemovable(_removeDefinitionButton, RemoveDefinition)
            .MakeHeaderButton(_addDefinitionButton, _createPopup, Color.white)
        public void EvalManagedScalarTimesDualOutputTest()
            string modelDefinition = @"deviceId = -1 
                precision = ""float""
                traceLevel = 1
                i1 = Input(1)
                i2 = Input(1)
                o1 = Times(Constant(3), i1, tag=""output"")
                o2 = Times(Constant(5), i1, tag=""output"")
                FeatureNodes = (i1)

            using (var model = new ModelEvaluationExtendedF())

                VariableSchema outputSchema = model.GetOutputSchema();
                VariableSchema inputSchema  = model.GetInputSchema();

                model.StartForwardEvaluation(outputSchema.Select(s => s.Name).ToList <string>());

                var outputBuffer = outputSchema.CreateBuffers <float>();
                var inputBuffer  = inputSchema.CreateBuffers <float>();
                inputBuffer[0].Buffer[0] = 2;

                // We can call the evaluate method and get back the results...
                model.ForwardPass(inputBuffer, outputBuffer);

                float[][] expected = { new float[] { 6 }, new float[] { 10 } };

                Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, outputBuffer.Length);
                for (int idx = 0; idx < expected.Length; idx++)
                    CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected[idx], outputBuffer[idx].Buffer);
        public void EvalManagedVariableSchemaTest()
            VariableSchema sc      = new VariableSchema();
            var            buffers = sc.CreateBuffers <float>();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, buffers.Length);

            sc.Add(new VariableLayout()
                DataType = DataType.Float32, Name = "A", NumElements = 5, StorageType = StorageType.Dense
            buffers = sc.CreateBuffers <float>();
            Assert.AreEqual(5, buffers[0].Buffer.Length);

            sc.Add(new VariableLayout()
                DataType = DataType.Float32, Name = "B", NumElements = 10, StorageType = StorageType.Sparse
            buffers = sc.CreateBuffers <float>();
            Assert.AreEqual(10, buffers[1].Buffer.Length);
            // Although sparse, the Indices and ColIndices are not allocated
            Assert.AreEqual(null, buffers[1].Indices);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, buffers[1].ColIndices);
        public void EvalManagedRNNTest()
            string modelDefinition = @"deviceId = -1
                precision = ""float""
                traceLevel = 1 
                NDLNetworkBuilder = [
                LSTMComponent(inputDim, outputDim, cellDim, inputx, cellDimX2, cellDimX3, cellDimX4) = [
                    wx = Parameter(cellDimX4, 0, init = ""uniform"", initValueScale = 1);
                    b = Parameter(cellDimX4, 1, init = ""fixedValue"", value = 0.0);
                    Wh = Parameter(cellDimX4, 0, init = ""uniform"", initValueScale = 1);

                    Wci = Parameter(cellDim, init = ""uniform"", initValueScale = 1);
                    Wcf = Parameter(cellDim, init = ""uniform"", initValueScale = 1);
                    Wco = Parameter(cellDim, init = ""uniform"", initValueScale = 1);

                    dh = PastValue(outputDim, output, timeStep = 1);
                    dc = PastValue(cellDim, ct, timeStep = 1);

                    wxx = Times(wx, inputx);
                    wxxpb = Plus(wxx, b);

                    whh = Times(wh, dh);

                    wxxpbpwhh = Plus(wxxpb, whh)

                    G1 = RowSlice(0, cellDim, wxxpbpwhh)
                    G2 = RowSlice(cellDim, cellDim, wxxpbpwhh)
                    G3 = RowSlice(cellDimX2, cellDim, wxxpbpwhh);
                    G4 = RowSlice(cellDimX3, cellDim, wxxpbpwhh);

                    Wcidc = DiagTimes(Wci, dc);
                    it = Sigmoid(Plus(G1, Wcidc));

                    bit = ElementTimes(it, Tanh(G2));

                    Wcfdc = DiagTimes(Wcf, dc);
                    ft = Sigmoid(Plus(G3, Wcfdc));

                    bft = ElementTimes(ft, dc);

                    ct = Plus(bft, bit);

                    Wcoct = DiagTimes(Wco, ct);
                    ot = Sigmoid(Plus(G4, Wcoct));

                    mt = ElementTimes(ot, Tanh(ct));

                    Wmr = Parameter(outputDim, cellDim, init = ""uniform"", initValueScale = 1);
                    output = Times(Wmr, mt);

                i1 = Input(4)
                    o1 = LSTMComponent(4, 4, 1, i1, 2, 3, 4)
                    FeatureNodes = (i1)
                    outputNodes = (o1)

            using (var model = new ModelEvaluationExtendedF())
                int featDim  = 4;
                int labelDim = 4;


                VariableSchema inputSchema  = model.GetInputSchema();
                VariableSchema outputSchema = model.GetOutputSchema();
                model.StartForwardEvaluation(outputSchema.Select(s => s.Name).ToList <string>());

                // Allocate the output values layer
                var outputBuffer = outputSchema.CreateBuffers <float>();
                var inputBuffer  = inputSchema.CreateBuffers <float>();

                for (var i = 0; i < featDim; i++)
                    inputBuffer[0].Buffer[i] = (float)i;

                int   scaler   = 100000;
                var   result   = new int[labelDim];
                int[] expected = { 50, 10, 54, 55 };

                // the first pass with reset
                model.ForwardPass(inputBuffer, outputBuffer);

                for (var i = 0; i < labelDim; i++)
                    result[i] = (int)(outputBuffer[0].Buffer[i] * scaler);
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, result);

                // the second pass with reset
                model.ForwardPass(inputBuffer, outputBuffer);

                for (var i = 0; i < labelDim; i++)
                    result[i] = (int)(outputBuffer[0].Buffer[i] * scaler);
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, result);

                // another pass with reset
                model.ForwardPass(inputBuffer, outputBuffer, true);

                for (var i = 0; i < labelDim; i++)
                    result[i] = (int)(outputBuffer[0].Buffer[i] * scaler);
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, result);

                // pass w/o reset
                model.ForwardPass(inputBuffer, outputBuffer, false);
                for (var i = 0; i < labelDim; i++)
                    result[i] = (int)(outputBuffer[0].Buffer[i] * scaler);

                expected = new int[] { 13, 2, 14, 14 };
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, result);

                // another pass w/o reset
                model.ForwardPass(inputBuffer, outputBuffer, false);
                for (var i = 0; i < labelDim; i++)
                    result[i] = (int)(outputBuffer[0].Buffer[i] * scaler);

                expected = new int[] { -4, 0, -4, -4 };
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, result);
        public static DataSet Clone(DataSet src, DataSetUri dstUri)
            if (src == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("src");

            // Maximum memory capacity in bytes
            int N = 200 * 1024 * 1024;
            // Estimated size of a single string in bytes
            int sizeofString = 100 * 1024;

            * Preparing output
            DataSet dst = DataSet.Open(dstUri);

            if (dst.IsReadOnly)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Output DataSet is read-only");
            dst.IsAutocommitEnabled = false;

            DataSetSchema         srcSchema = src.GetSchema();
            Dictionary <int, int> IDs       = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            // Creating empty variables and copying global metadata and scalar variables
            Console.Out.Write("\n\nCreating structure and copying global metadata and scalar variables... ");
            foreach (VariableSchema v in srcSchema.Variables)
                if (v.ID == DataSet.GlobalMetadataVariableID)
                    // Copying global metadata
                    var dstGlobalMetadata = dst.Metadata;
                    foreach (var attr in v.Metadata)
                        dstGlobalMetadata[attr.Key] = attr.Value;

                Variable t = dst.AddVariable(v.TypeOfData, v.Name, null, v.Dimensions.AsNamesArray());
                IDs.Add(v.ID, t.ID);

                foreach (var attr in v.Metadata)
                    t.Metadata[attr.Key] = attr.Value;

                if (t.Rank == 0) // scalar

            * Adjusting dimensions deltas
            Dimension[] srcDims             = srcSchema.GetDimensions();
            Dictionary <string, int> deltas = new Dictionary <string, int>(srcDims.Length);

            foreach (var d in srcDims)
                deltas[d.Name] = d.Length;

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Total memory capacity: " + (N / 1024.0 / 1024.0).ToString("F2") + " Mb");
            int totalSize;

                totalSize = 0;
                foreach (var var in srcSchema.Variables)
                    if (var.Rank == 0)
                        continue;                // scalar
                    int typeSize = SizeOf(var.TypeOfData, sizeofString);

                    int count = 0;
                    foreach (var vdim in var.Dimensions)
                        int dimDelta = deltas[vdim.Name];
                        if (count == 0)
                            count = dimDelta;
                            count *= dimDelta;
                    totalSize += typeSize * count;
                if (totalSize > N)
                    string maxDim = null;
                    int    max    = int.MinValue;
                    foreach (var dim in deltas)
                        if (dim.Value > max)
                            max    = dim.Value;
                            maxDim = dim.Key;
                    if (maxDim == null || max <= 1)
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot copy the DataSet: it is too large to be copied entirely by the utility for the provided memory capacity");
                    deltas[maxDim] = max >> 1;
            } while (totalSize > N);

            // Printing deltas
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Deltas for the dimensions adjusted (max iteration capacity: " + (totalSize / 1024.0 / 1024.0).ToString("F2") + " Mb):");
            foreach (var delta in deltas)
                Console.Out.WriteLine(" Dimension " + delta.Key + ": " + delta.Value);

            * Copying data
            Dictionary <int, int[]> origins  = new Dictionary <int, int[]>(srcSchema.Variables.Length);
            Dictionary <int, int[]> shapes   = new Dictionary <int, int[]>(srcSchema.Variables.Length);
            List <VariableSchema>   copyVars = srcSchema.Variables.Where(vs =>
                                                                         (vs.Rank > 0 && vs.ID != DataSet.GlobalMetadataVariableID)).ToList();

            Dictionary <string, int> dimOrigin = new Dictionary <string, int>(srcDims.Length);

            foreach (var d in srcDims)
                dimOrigin[d.Name] = 0;

            Array.Sort(srcDims, (d1, d2) => d1.Length - d2.Length);
            int totalDims = srcDims.Length;

                // for each variable:
                for (int varIndex = copyVars.Count; --varIndex >= 0;)
                    VariableSchema var        = copyVars[varIndex];
                    bool           hasChanged = false;
                    // Getting its origin
                    int[] origin;
                    if (!origins.TryGetValue(var.ID, out origin))
                        origin          = new int[var.Rank];
                        origins[var.ID] = origin;
                        hasChanged      = true;
                    // Getting its shape
                    int[] shape;
                    if (!shapes.TryGetValue(var.ID, out shape))
                        shape = new int[var.Rank];
                        for (int i = 0; i < var.Dimensions.Count; i++)
                            shape[i] = deltas[var.Dimensions[i].Name];
                        shapes.Add(var.ID, shape);

                    // Updating origin for the variable:
                    if (!hasChanged)
                        for (int i = 0; i < shape.Length; i++)
                            int o = dimOrigin[var.Dimensions[i].Name];
                            if (origin[i] != o)
                                hasChanged = true;
                                origin[i]  = o;
                    if (!hasChanged) // this block is already copied

                    bool doCopy       = false;
                    bool shapeUpdated = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < shape.Length; i++)
                        int s   = origin[i] + shape[i];
                        int len = var.Dimensions[i].Length;
                        if (s > len)
                            if (!shapeUpdated)
                                shapeUpdated = true;
                                shape        = (int[])shape.Clone();
                            shape[i] = len - origin[i];
                        if (shape[i] > 0)
                            doCopy = true;

                    if (doCopy)
                        Array data = src.Variables.GetByID(var.ID).GetData(origin, shape);
                        // Compute real size here for strings
                        dst.Variables.GetByID(IDs[var.ID]).PutData(origin, data);
                    else // variable is copied

                // Updating dimensions origin
                bool isOver = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < totalDims; i++)
                    Dimension dim    = srcDims[i];
                    int       origin = dimOrigin[dim.Name] + deltas[dim.Name];
                    if (origin < dim.Length)
                        dimOrigin[dim.Name] = origin;
                        isOver = false;
                        // Progress indicator
                        if (i == totalDims - 1)
                            double perc = (double)origin / dim.Length * 100.0;
                    dimOrigin[dim.Name] = 0;
                if (isOver)
            } while (copyVars.Count > 0);


 public ConstrainedStore(VariableSchema schema)
     Schema = schema;
        public void EvalManagedVariableSchemaTest()
            VariableSchema sc = new VariableSchema();
            var buffers  = sc.CreateBuffers<float>();
            Assert.AreEqual(0, buffers.Length);

            sc.Add(new VariableLayout(){DataType=DataType.Float32, Name="A", NumElements=5, StorageType = StorageType.Dense});
            buffers = sc.CreateBuffers<float>();
            Assert.AreEqual(5, buffers[0].Buffer.Length);

            sc.Add(new VariableLayout() { DataType = DataType.Float32, Name = "B", NumElements = 10, StorageType = StorageType.Sparse});
            buffers = sc.CreateBuffers<float>();
            Assert.AreEqual(10, buffers[1].Buffer.Length);
            // Although sparse, the Indices and ColIndices are not allocated
            Assert.AreEqual(null, buffers[1].Indices);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, buffers[1].ColIndices);