public override Stream <CompilationMessage> VisitVariable(VariableElement parameter, Void ignored) { Name annotation = parameter.getAnnotation(typeof(Name)); if (annotation == null) { //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The .NET Type.FullName property will not always yield results identical to the Java Class.getName method: return(Stream.of(new ParameterMissingAnnotationError(parameter, AnnotationMirror(parameter.AnnotationMirrors), "@%s usage error: missing on parameter <%s>", typeof(Name).FullName, NameOf(parameter)))); } if (!_parameterTypeVisitor.visit(parameter.asType())) { Element method = parameter.EnclosingElement; return(Stream.of(new ParameterTypeError(parameter, "Unsupported parameter type <%s> of " + "procedure|function" + " %s#%s", parameter.asType().ToString(), method.EnclosingElement.SimpleName, method.SimpleName))); } return(Stream.empty()); }
private Stream <CompilationMessage> ValidateInjectedTypes(VariableElement field) { TypeMirror fieldType = field.asType(); if (InjectsAllowedType(fieldType)) { return(Stream.empty()); } if (InjectsRestrictedType(fieldType)) { if (_ignoresWarnings) { return(Stream.empty()); } //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The .NET Type.FullName property will not always yield results identical to the Java Class.getName method: return(Stream.of(new ContextFieldWarning(field, "@%s usage warning: found unsupported restricted type <%s> on %s.\n" + "The procedure will not load unless declared via the configuration option ''.\n" + "You can ignore this warning by passing the option -A%s to the Java compiler", typeof(Context).FullName, fieldType.ToString(), FieldFullName(field), IGNORE_CONTEXT_WARNINGS_OPTION))); } //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The .NET Type.FullName property will not always yield results identical to the Java Class.getName method: return(Stream.of(new ContextFieldError(field, "@%s usage error: found unknown type <%s> on field %s, expected one of: %s", typeof(Context).FullName, fieldType.ToString(), FieldFullName(field), JoinTypes(_supportedTypes)))); }