public override bool Build(ref CodeNode _this, int expressionDepth, Dictionary <string, VariableDescriptor> variables, CodeContext codeContext, InternalCompilerMessageCallback message, FunctionInfo stats, Options opts) { _codeContext = codeContext; VariableDescriptor desc = null; if (!variables.TryGetValue(_variableName, out desc) || desc == null) { desc = new VariableDescriptor(this, 1) { isDefined = false }; variables[_variableName] = this.Descriptor; } else { if (!desc.references.Contains(this)) { desc.references.Add(this); } _descriptor = desc; } if (_variableName == "this") { stats.ContainsThis = true; desc.definitionScopeLevel = -1; } else if (((codeContext & CodeContext.InWith) != 0) || (stats.ContainsEval && !desc.isDefined)) { ScopeLevel = -Math.Abs(ScopeLevel); desc.definitionScopeLevel = -Math.Abs(desc.definitionScopeLevel); } _forceThrow |= desc.lexicalScope; if (expressionDepth >= 0 && expressionDepth < 2 && desc.IsDefined && !desc.lexicalScope && (opts & Options.SuppressUselessExpressionsElimination) == 0) { _this = null; Eliminated = true; if (message != null) { message(MessageLevel.Warning, Position, Length, "Unused getting of defined variable was removed. Maybe something missing."); } } else if (_variableName == "arguments" && (codeContext & CodeContext.InFunction) != 0) { if (stats != null) { stats.ContainsArguments = true; } _this = new GetArgumentsExpression(ScopeLevel) { _descriptor = _descriptor }; } return(false); }
public override void RebuildScope(FunctionInfo functionInfo, Dictionary <string, VariableDescriptor> transferedVariables, int scopeBias) { body.RebuildScope(functionInfo, transferedVariables, scopeBias); if (catchBody != null) { VariableDescriptor variableToRestore = null; if (transferedVariables != null) { transferedVariables.TryGetValue(, out variableToRestore); transferedVariables[] = catchVariableDesc; } catchBody.RebuildScope(functionInfo, transferedVariables, scopeBias); if (transferedVariables != null) { if (variableToRestore != null) { transferedVariables[] = variableToRestore; } else { transferedVariables.Remove(; } } } finallyBody?.RebuildScope(functionInfo, transferedVariables, scopeBias); }
public override bool Build(ref CodeNode _this, int expressionDepth, Dictionary <string, VariableDescriptor> variables, CodeContext codeContext, InternalCompilerMessageCallback message, FunctionInfo stats, Options opts) { if (stats != null) { stats.UseCall = true; } this._codeContext = codeContext; var super = _left as Super; if (super != null) { super.ctorMode = true; _callMode = CallMode.Super; } for (var i = 0; i < _arguments.Length; i++) { Parser.Build(ref _arguments[i], expressionDepth + 1, variables, codeContext | CodeContext.InExpression, message, stats, opts); } base.Build(ref _this, expressionDepth, variables, codeContext, message, stats, opts); if (_left is Variable) { var name = _left.ToString(); if (name == "eval" && stats != null) { stats.ContainsEval = true; foreach (var variable in variables) { variable.Value.captured = true; } } VariableDescriptor f = null; if (variables.TryGetValue(name, out f)) { var func = f.initializer as FunctionDefinition; if (func != null) { for (var i = 0; i < func.parameters.Length; i++) { if (i >= _arguments.Length) { break; } if (func.parameters[i].lastPredictedType == PredictedType.Unknown) { func.parameters[i].lastPredictedType = _arguments[i].ResultType; } else if (Tools.CompareWithMask(func.parameters[i].lastPredictedType, _arguments[i].ResultType, PredictedType.Group) != 0) { func.parameters[i].lastPredictedType = PredictedType.Ambiguous; } } } } } return(false); }
public static void ProccessDataSet(IDataSet <int, int> data_set) { //DataSetHybridFloat32 data_set = ReadSer(); IDataContext data_context = data_set.DataContext; // 1. Prediction Classical : // 1.1 Check single feature predictors for label for (int feature_0_index = 0; feature_0_index < data_context.FeatureCount; feature_0_index++) { VariableDescriptor feature_descriptor = data_context.GetFeatureDescriptor(feature_0_index); //data_set_labeled.GetFeatureData(feature_0_index); } // 1.2 Check double feature predictors for label // 1.3 split the data in a test and training set Tuple <IDataSet <int, int>, IDataSet <int, int> > split = data_set.Split(); IDataSet <int, int> training_set = split.Item1; IDataSet <int, int> test_set = split.Item2; // 1.4 Check greedy joint predictors for label // 2. Prediction Advanced // 2.1 Naive bayes (bag of words like) Report ROC, Best Feature space // 2.2 For each level build random forests Report ROC, Best Feature space //ROCReport random_forest_report = BuildAndEvaluate(); // 3. Clustering Classical // 3.1 Correlation clustering shortest link, complete link. Report cluster typing at point // 4. Clustering Advance // 4.1 Correlation clustering shortest link, complete link. Report cluster typing at point }
public ModelFeatureInterval(VariableDescriptor feature_descriptor) { if (feature_descriptor.DataLevel != DataLevel.INTERVAL) { throw new Exception("Not a interval feature"); } this.feature_descriptor = feature_descriptor; this.Name = feature_descriptor.Name; }
public override bool Build(ref CodeNode _this, int expressionDepth, Dictionary <string, VariableDescriptor> variables, CodeContext codeContext, InternalCompilerMessageCallback message, FunctionInfo stats, Options opts) { if (Built) { return(false); } Built = true; _codeContext = codeContext; if ((codeContext & CodeContext.InExpression) == 0) { stats.WithLexicalEnvironment = true; } VariableDescriptor descriptorToRestore = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { variables.TryGetValue(Name, out descriptorToRestore); variables[Name] = Reference._descriptor; } Parser.Build(ref _constructor, expressionDepth, variables, codeContext | CodeContext.InClassDefenition | CodeContext.InClassConstructor, message, stats, opts); Parser.Build(ref _baseClass, expressionDepth, variables, codeContext, message, stats, opts); foreach (var member in _members) { Parser.Build ( ref member._value, expressionDepth, variables, codeContext | CodeContext.InClassDefenition | (member._static ? CodeContext.InStaticMember : 0), message, stats, opts ); } foreach (var prop in computedProperties) { Parser.Build(ref prop._name, 2, variables, codeContext | CodeContext.InExpression, message, stats, opts); Parser.Build(ref prop._value, 2, variables, codeContext | CodeContext.InExpression, message, stats, opts); } if (descriptorToRestore != null) { variables[] = descriptorToRestore; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { variables.Remove(Name); } return(false); }
public EntityReference(EntityDefinition entityDefinition) { ScopeLevel = 1; _descriptor = new VariableDescriptor(entityDefinition.Name, 1) { lexicalScope = !entityDefinition.Hoist, initializer = entityDefinition }; }
public override bool Build(ref CodeNode _this, int expressionDepth, Dictionary <string, VariableDescriptor> variables, CodeContext codeContext, InternalCompilerMessageCallback message, FunctionInfo stats, Options opts) { if (stats != null) { stats.ContainsTry = true; } Parser.Build(ref body, expressionDepth, variables, codeContext | CodeContext.Conditional, message, stats, opts); var catchPosition = Position; if (catchBody != null) { _catch = true; catchVariableDesc.owner = this; VariableDescriptor oldVarDesc = null; variables.TryGetValue(, out oldVarDesc); variables[] = catchVariableDesc; catchPosition = catchBody.Position; Parser.Build(ref catchBody, expressionDepth, variables, codeContext | CodeContext.Conditional, message, stats, opts); if (oldVarDesc != null) { variables[] = oldVarDesc; } else { variables.Remove(; } } var finallyPosition = 0; if (finallyBody != null) { finallyPosition = finallyBody.Position; Parser.Build(ref finallyBody, expressionDepth, variables, codeContext, message, stats, opts); } if (body == null || (body is Empty)) { message?.Invoke(MessageLevel.Warning, Position, Length, "Empty (or reduced to empty) try" + (catchBody != null ? "..catch" : "") + (finallyBody != null ? "..finally" : "") + " block. Maybe, something missing."); _this = finallyBody; } if (_catch && (catchBody == null || (catchBody is Empty))) { message?.Invoke(MessageLevel.Warning, catchPosition, (catchBody ?? this).Length, "Empty (or reduced to empty) catch block. Do not ignore exceptions."); } if (finallyPosition != 0 && (finallyBody == null || (finallyBody is Empty))) { message?.Invoke(MessageLevel.Warning, catchPosition, (catchBody ?? this).Length, "Empty (or reduced to empty) finally block."); } return(false); }
private static void makeAndSaveProblemDefinition() { var pd = new ProblemDefinition(); /* Add a design space descriptor so that optimizatoin * methods for discrete variables can be used. Here we * make a very generous discretization, which amounts * to 2 million steps in each of the 2 design variables. */ var dsd = new DesignSpaceDescription(2); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { dsd[i] = new VariableDescriptor(-5000, 5000, 100.0); } pd.Add(dsd); /* Add three convergence criteria */ pd.Add(new DeltaXConvergence(0.0001)); pd.Add(new MaxAgeConvergence(100, 0.000000001)); pd.Add(new MaxFnEvalsConvergence(50000)); pd.Add(new MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence(1)); /* setting the number of convergence criteria needed is not necessary * since we will be using the default value of 1. Interesting to un- * comment the next line and see how it affects the process. */ //pd.NumConvergeCriteriaNeeded = 2; /* Add the objective function. */ var objfn = new polynomialObjFn(); objfn.Add("x1^2"); objfn.Add("x2^2"); objfn.Add("-2*x1"); objfn.Add("-10*x2"); objfn.Add("26"); /* this is a simple parabola center at {1, 5} */ pd.Add(objfn); var g1 = new polynomialInequality(); g1.Add("-x1"); g1.Add("x2"); /* this inequality translates to x2 - x1 < 0 * of simply x1 > x2. */ pd.Add(g1); pd.Add(new double[] { 1500.0, 700.0 }); var stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create); pd.SaveProbToXml(stream); }
internal static VariableDescriptor[] extractVariables(ParseInfo state, int oldVariablesCount) { VariableDescriptor[] variables = emptyVariables; var count = 0; for (var i = oldVariablesCount; i < state.Variables.Count; i++) { if (state.Variables[i].definitionScopeLevel == state.lexicalScopeLevel) { count++; } } if (count > 0) { variables = new VariableDescriptor[count]; HashSet <string> declaredVariables = null; if (state.lexicalScopeLevel != state.functionScopeLevel) { declaredVariables = new HashSet <string>(); } for (int i = oldVariablesCount, targetIndex = 0; i < state.Variables.Count; i++) { if (state.Variables[i].definitionScopeLevel == state.lexicalScopeLevel) { variables[targetIndex] = state.Variables[i]; if (declaredVariables != null) { if (declaredVariables.Contains(variables[targetIndex].name) && variables[targetIndex].lexicalScope) { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError("Variable \"" + variables[targetIndex].name + "\" already has been defined", state.Code, i); } declaredVariables.Add(variables[targetIndex].name); } targetIndex++; } else if (targetIndex != 0) { state.Variables[i - targetIndex] = state.Variables[i]; } } state.Variables.RemoveRange(state.Variables.Count - count, count); } return(variables); }
internal Merker GetMerker(VariableDescriptor v) { Merker m = null; m = cur.memory.FirstOrDefault(z => z.vd == v); if (m == null) { m = global.memory.FirstOrDefault(z => z.vd == v); } if (m == null) { m = LoadNativeFunctions(v); } return(m); }
private void AddDependences(AnnotationInstance ci) { VariableCollector vc = new VariableCollector(); vc.VisitExpr(ci.Expr); foreach (var v in vc.usedVars.Where(Item => varDepAnalyser.VariableRelevantToAnalysis(Item, ci.Proc))) { VariableDescriptor vd = varDepAnalyser.MakeDescriptor(ci.Proc, v); if (!variableDirectlyReferredToByAnnotations.ContainsKey(vd)) { variableDirectlyReferredToByAnnotations[vd] = new HashSet <string>(); } variableDirectlyReferredToByAnnotations[vd].Add(ci.AnnotationIdentifier); foreach (var w in varDepAnalyser.DependsOn(vd)) { annotationDependsOn[ci.AnnotationIdentifier].Add(w); } } }
public ModelFeatureNominal(VariableDescriptor feature_descriptor) { if (feature_descriptor.DataLevel != DataLevel.NOMINAL) { throw new Exception("Not a nominal feature"); } this.feature_descriptor = feature_descriptor; this.Name = feature_descriptor.Name; if (feature_descriptor.ValueCount < 20) { this.FeatureValueTypes = feature_descriptor.ValueStrings; } else { IList <string> all_value_types = feature_descriptor.ValueStrings; IList <string> selected_value_types = new List <string>(); for (int index = 0; index < 20; index++) { selected_value_types.Add(all_value_types[index]); } selected_value_types.Add("And many others"); this.FeatureValueTypes = selected_value_types; } }
internal static Expression Parse(ParseInfo state, ref int index, FunctionKind kind) { string code = state.Code; int position = index; switch (kind) { case FunctionKind.AsyncAnonymousFunction: case FunctionKind.AnonymousFunction: case FunctionKind.AnonymousGenerator: { break; } case FunctionKind.Function: { if (!Parser.Validate(code, "function", ref position)) { return(null); } if (code[position] == '*') { kind = FunctionKind.Generator; position++; } else if ((code[position] != '(') && (!Tools.IsWhiteSpace(code[position]))) { return(null); } break; } case FunctionKind.Getter: { if (!Parser.Validate(code, "get ", ref position)) { return(null); } break; } case FunctionKind.Setter: { if (!Parser.Validate(code, "set ", ref position)) { return(null); } break; } case FunctionKind.MethodGenerator: case FunctionKind.Method: { if (Parser.Validate(code, "async", ref position)) { kind = FunctionKind.AsyncMethod; } if (code[position] == '*') { kind = FunctionKind.MethodGenerator; position++; } else if (kind == FunctionKind.MethodGenerator) { throw new ArgumentException("mode"); } break; } case FunctionKind.AsyncArrow: { if (!Parser.Validate(code, "async", ref position)) { return(null); } break; } case FunctionKind.Arrow: { break; } case FunctionKind.AsyncFunction: { if (!Parser.Validate(code, "async", ref position)) { return(null); } Tools.SkipSpaces(code, ref position); if (!Parser.Validate(code, "function", ref position)) { return(null); } break; } default: throw new NotImplementedException(kind.ToString()); } Tools.SkipSpaces(state.Code, ref position); var parameters = new List <ParameterDescriptor>(); CodeBlock body = null; string name = null; bool arrowWithSinglePrm = false; int nameStartPos = 0; bool containsDestructuringPrms = false; if (kind != FunctionKind.Arrow) { if (code[position] != '(') { nameStartPos = position; if (Parser.ValidateName(code, ref position, false, true, state.strict)) { name = Tools.Unescape(code.Substring(nameStartPos, position - nameStartPos), state.strict); } else if ((kind == FunctionKind.Getter || kind == FunctionKind.Setter) && Parser.ValidateString(code, ref position, false)) { name = Tools.Unescape(code.Substring(nameStartPos + 1, position - nameStartPos - 2), state.strict); } else if ((kind == FunctionKind.Getter || kind == FunctionKind.Setter) && Parser.ValidateNumber(code, ref position)) { name = Tools.Unescape(code.Substring(nameStartPos, position - nameStartPos), state.strict); } else { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError("Invalid function name", code, nameStartPos, position - nameStartPos); } Tools.SkipSpaces(code, ref position); if (code[position] != '(') { ExceptionHelper.ThrowUnknownToken(code, position); } } else if (kind == FunctionKind.Getter || kind == FunctionKind.Setter) { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError("Getter and Setter must have name", code, index); } else if (kind == FunctionKind.Method || kind == FunctionKind.MethodGenerator || kind == FunctionKind.AsyncMethod) { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError("Method must has name", code, index); } position++; } else if (code[position] != '(') { arrowWithSinglePrm = true; } else { position++; } Tools.SkipSpaces(code, ref position); if (code[position] == ',') { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError(Strings.UnexpectedToken, code, position); } while (code[position] != ')') { if (parameters.Count == 255 || (kind == FunctionKind.Setter && parameters.Count == 1) || kind == FunctionKind.Getter) { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError(string.Format(Strings.TooManyArgumentsForFunction, name), code, index); } bool rest = Parser.Validate(code, "...", ref position); Expression destructor = null; int n = position; if (!Parser.ValidateName(code, ref position, state.strict)) { if (code[position] == '{') { destructor = (Expression)ObjectDefinition.Parse(state, ref position); } else if (code[position] == '[') { destructor = (Expression)ArrayDefinition.Parse(state, ref position); } if (destructor == null) { ExceptionHelper.ThrowUnknownToken(code, nameStartPos); } containsDestructuringPrms = true; } var pname = Tools.Unescape(code.Substring(n, position - n), state.strict); var reference = new ParameterReference(pname, rest, state.lexicalScopeLevel + 1) { Position = n, Length = position - n }; var desc = reference.Descriptor as ParameterDescriptor; if (destructor != null) { desc.Destructor = new ObjectDesctructor(destructor); } parameters.Add(desc); Tools.SkipSpaces(state.Code, ref position); if (arrowWithSinglePrm) { position--; break; } if (code[position] == '=') { if (rest) { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError("Rest parameters can not have an initializer", code, position); } do { position++; }while (Tools.IsWhiteSpace(code[position])); desc.initializer = ExpressionTree.Parse(state, ref position, false, false) as Expression; } if (code[position] == ',') { if (rest) { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError("Rest parameters must be the last in parameters list", code, position); } do { position++; }while (Tools.IsWhiteSpace(code[position])); } } if (kind == FunctionKind.Setter) { if (parameters.Count != 1) { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError("Setter must has only one argument", code, index); } } position++; Tools.SkipSpaces(code, ref position); if (kind == FunctionKind.Arrow || kind == FunctionKind.AsyncArrow) { if (!Parser.Validate(code, "=>", ref position)) { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError("Expected \"=>\"", code, position); } Tools.SkipSpaces(code, ref position); } if (code[position] != '{') { var oldFunctionScopeLevel = state.functionScopeLevel; state.functionScopeLevel = ++state.lexicalScopeLevel; try { if (kind == FunctionKind.Arrow || kind == FunctionKind.AsyncArrow) { body = new CodeBlock(new CodeNode[] { new Return(ExpressionTree.Parse(state, ref position, processComma: false) as Expression) }) { _variables = new VariableDescriptor[0] }; body.Position = body._lines[0].Position; body.Length = body._lines[0].Length; } else { ExceptionHelper.ThrowUnknownToken(code, position); } } finally { state.functionScopeLevel = oldFunctionScopeLevel; state.lexicalScopeLevel--; } } else { var oldCodeContext = state.CodeContext; state.CodeContext &= ~(CodeContext.InExpression | CodeContext.Conditional | CodeContext.InEval); if (kind == FunctionKind.Generator || kind == FunctionKind.MethodGenerator || kind == FunctionKind.AnonymousGenerator) { state.CodeContext |= CodeContext.InGenerator; } else if (kind == FunctionKind.AsyncFunction || kind == FunctionKind.AsyncMethod || kind == FunctionKind.AsyncAnonymousFunction || kind == FunctionKind.AsyncArrow) { state.CodeContext |= CodeContext.InAsync; } state.CodeContext |= CodeContext.InFunction; var labels = state.Labels; state.Labels = new List <string>(); state.AllowReturn++; try { state.AllowBreak.Push(false); state.AllowContinue.Push(false); state.AllowDirectives = true; body = CodeBlock.Parse(state, ref position) as CodeBlock; if (containsDestructuringPrms) { var destructuringTargets = new List <VariableDescriptor>(); var assignments = new List <Expression>(); for (var i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++) { if (parameters[i].Destructor != null) { var targets = parameters[i].Destructor.GetTargetVariables(); for (var j = 0; j < targets.Count; j++) { destructuringTargets.Add(new VariableDescriptor(targets[j].Name, state.functionScopeLevel)); } assignments.Add(new Assignment(parameters[i].Destructor, parameters[i].references[0])); } } var newLines = new CodeNode[body._lines.Length + 1]; System.Array.Copy(body._lines, 0, newLines, 1, body._lines.Length); newLines[0] = new VariableDefinition(destructuringTargets.ToArray(), assignments.ToArray(), VariableKind.AutoGeneratedParameters); body._lines = newLines; } } finally { state.CodeContext = oldCodeContext; state.AllowBreak.Pop(); state.AllowContinue.Pop(); state.AllowDirectives = false; state.Labels = labels; state.AllowReturn--; } if (kind == FunctionKind.Function && string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { kind = FunctionKind.AnonymousFunction; } } if (body._strict || (parameters.Count > 0 && parameters[parameters.Count - 1].IsRest) || kind == FunctionKind.Arrow) { for (var j = parameters.Count; j-- > 1;) { for (var k = j; k-- > 0;) { if (parameters[j].Name == parameters[k].Name) { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError("Duplicate names of function parameters not allowed in strict mode", code, index); } } } if (name == "arguments" || name == "eval") { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError("Functions name can not be \"arguments\" or \"eval\" in strict mode at", code, index); } for (int j = parameters.Count; j-- > 0;) { if (parameters[j].Name == "arguments" || parameters[j].Name == "eval") { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError("Parameters name cannot be \"arguments\" or \"eval\" in strict mode at", code, parameters[j].references[0].Position, parameters[j].references[0].Length); } } } var func = new FunctionDefinition(name) { parameters = parameters.ToArray(), _body = body, kind = kind, Position = index, Length = position - index, #if DEBUG trace = body.directives != null?body.directives.Contains("debug trace") : false #endif }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { func.Reference.ScopeLevel = state.lexicalScopeLevel; func.Reference.Position = nameStartPos; func.Reference.Length = name.Length; func.reference._descriptor.definitionScopeLevel = func.reference.ScopeLevel; } if (parameters.Count != 0) { var newVariablesCount = body._variables.Length + parameters.Count; for (var j = 0; j < body._variables.Length; j++) { for (var k = 0; k < parameters.Count; k++) { if (body._variables[j].name == parameters[k].name) { newVariablesCount--; break; } } } var newVariables = new VariableDescriptor[newVariablesCount]; for (var j = 0; j < parameters.Count; j++) { newVariables[j] = parameters[parameters.Count - j - 1]; // порядок определяет приоритет for (var k = 0; k < body._variables.Length; k++) { if (body._variables[k] != null && body._variables[k].name == parameters[j].name) { if (body._variables[k].initializer != null) { newVariables[j] = body._variables[k]; } else { body._variables[k].lexicalScope = false; } body._variables[k] = null; break; } } } for (int j = 0, k = parameters.Count; j < body._variables.Length; j++) { if (body._variables[j] != null) { newVariables[k++] = body._variables[j]; } } body._variables = newVariables; } if ((state.CodeContext & CodeContext.InExpression) == 0 && kind == FunctionKind.Function) // Позволяет делать вызов сразу при объявлении функции // (в таком случае функция не добавляется в контекст). // Если убрать проверку, то в тех сулчаях, // когда определение и вызов стоят внутри выражения, // будет выдано исключение, потому, // что тогда это уже не определение и вызов функции, // а часть выражения, которые не могут начинаться со слова "function". // За красивыми словами "может/не может" кроется другая хрень: если бы это было выражение, // то прямо тут надо было бы разбирать тот оператор, который стоит после определения функции, // что не разумно { var tindex = position; while (position < code.Length && Tools.IsWhiteSpace(code[position]) && !Tools.IsLineTerminator(code[position])) { position++; } if (position < code.Length && code[position] == '(') { var args = new List <Expression>(); position++; for (; ;) { while (Tools.IsWhiteSpace(code[position])) { position++; } if (code[position] == ')') { break; } else if (code[position] == ',') { do { position++; }while (Tools.IsWhiteSpace(code[position])); } args.Add(ExpressionTree.Parse(state, ref position, false, false)); } position++; index = position; while (position < code.Length && Tools.IsWhiteSpace(code[position])) { position++; } if (position < code.Length && code[position] == ';') { ExceptionHelper.Throw((new SyntaxError("Expression can not start with word \"function\""))); } return(new Call(func, args.ToArray())); } else { position = tindex; } } if ((state.CodeContext & CodeContext.InExpression) == 0 && (kind != FunctionKind.Arrow || (state.CodeContext & CodeContext.InEval) == 0)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError("Function must has name", state.Code, index); } state.Variables.Add(func.reference._descriptor); } index = position; return(func); }
public override bool Build(ref CodeNode _this, int expressionDepth, Dictionary <string, VariableDescriptor> variables, CodeContext codeContext, InternalCompilerMessageCallback message, FunctionInfo stats, Options opts) { if (_body.built) { return(false); } if (stats != null) { stats.ContainsInnerEntities = true; } _codeContext = codeContext; if ((codeContext & CodeContext.InLoop) != 0 && message != null) { message(MessageLevel.Warning, Position, EndPosition - Position, Strings.FunctionInLoop); } /* * Если переменная за время построения функции получит хоть одну ссылку плюсом, * значит её следует пометить захваченной. Для этого необходимо запомнить количество * ссылок для всех пеменных */ var numbersOfReferences = new Dictionary <string, int>(); foreach (var variable in variables) { numbersOfReferences[variable.Key] = variable.Value.references.Count; } VariableDescriptor descriptorToRestore = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_name)) { variables.TryGetValue(_name, out descriptorToRestore); variables[_name] = reference._descriptor; } _functionInfo.ContainsRestParameters = parameters.Length > 0 && parameters[parameters.Length - 1].IsRest; var bodyCode = _body as CodeNode; bodyCode.Build( ref bodyCode, 0, variables, codeContext & ~(CodeContext.Conditional | CodeContext.InExpression | CodeContext.InEval) | CodeContext.InFunction, message, _functionInfo, opts); _body = bodyCode as CodeBlock; if (message != null) { for (var i = parameters.Length; i-- > 0;) { if (parameters[i].ReferenceCount == 1) { message(MessageLevel.Recomendation, parameters[i].references[0].Position, 0, "Unused parameter \"" + parameters[i].name + "\""); } else { break; } } } _body._suppressScopeIsolation = SuppressScopeIsolationMode.Suppress; checkUsings(); if (stats != null) { stats.ContainsDebugger |= _functionInfo.ContainsDebugger; stats.ContainsEval |= _functionInfo.ContainsEval; stats.ContainsInnerEntities = true; stats.ContainsTry |= _functionInfo.ContainsTry; stats.ContainsWith |= _functionInfo.ContainsWith; stats.NeedDecompose |= _functionInfo.NeedDecompose; stats.UseCall |= _functionInfo.UseCall; stats.UseGetMember |= _functionInfo.UseGetMember; stats.ContainsThis |= _functionInfo.ContainsThis; } if (descriptorToRestore != null) { variables[] = descriptorToRestore; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_name)) { variables.Remove(_name); } foreach (var variable in variables) { int count = 0; if (!numbersOfReferences.TryGetValue(variable.Key, out count) || count != variable.Value.references.Count) { variable.Value.captured = true; if ((codeContext & CodeContext.InWith) != 0) { for (var i = count; i < variable.Value.references.Count; i++) { variable.Value.references[i].ScopeLevel = -System.Math.Abs(variable.Value.references[i].ScopeLevel); } } } } return(false); }
private Merker LoadNativeFunctions(VariableDescriptor v) { Merker m; switch (v.Name) { case "TwiControl": m = new Merker() { type = EP_Type.API, Addr = 1, vd = v, pIn = 1 }; break; case "TwiStatus": m = new Merker() { type = EP_Type.API, Addr = 2, vd = v, pOut = 1 }; break; case "TwiPutByte": m = new Merker() { type = EP_Type.API, Addr = 3, vd = v, pIn = 1 }; break; case "TwiGetByte": m = new Merker() { type = EP_Type.API, Addr = 4, vd = v, pOut = 1 }; break; case "NodeStatus": m = new Merker() { type = EP_Type.API, Addr = 5, vd = v, pOut = 1 }; break; case "getMilliseconds": m = new Merker() { type = EP_Type.API, Addr = 6, vd = v, pOut = 1 }; break; case "getSeconds": m = new Merker() { type = EP_Type.API, Addr = 7, vd = v, pOut = 1 }; break; case "Random": m = new Merker() { type = EP_Type.API, Addr = 8, vd = v, pOut = 1 }; break; case "NowSeconds": // total seconds since 0:00:00 m = new Merker() { type = EP_Type.API, Addr = 9, vd = v, pOut = 1 }; break; case "Today": // (year[0..99]<<24) | (month[1..12]<<16) | (day[1..31]<<8) | (dayOfWeek[1-Monday..7-Sunday]) m = new Merker() { type = EP_Type.API, Addr = 10, vd = v, pOut = 1 }; break; case "UartInit": // void UartInit(port, speed) m = new Merker() { type = EP_Type.API, Addr = 20, vd = v, pIn = 2 }; break; case "UartBytesToRead": // int UartBytesToRead(port) m = new Merker() { type = EP_Type.API, Addr = 21, vd = v, pOut = 1, pIn = 1 }; break; case "UartGetByte": // int UartGetByte(port) m = new Merker() { type = EP_Type.API, Addr = 22, vd = v, pOut = 1, pIn = 1 }; break; case "UartPutByte": // bool UartPutByte(port, data) m = new Merker() { type = EP_Type.API, Addr = 23, vd = v, pOut = 1, pIn = 2 }; break; default: return(null); } global.memory.Add(m); return(m); }
// This is the set of valid AGMA gear pitches (in unit of inch^-1). private static void Main() { //var opty = new GradientBasedOptimization(); //var opty = new HillClimbing(); var opty = new GeneticAlgorithm(100); var numGears = 2 * NumGearPairs; /* here is the Dependent Analysis. Take a look at the file/class ForceVelocityPositionAnalysis.cs * and notice that it inherits from IDependent Analysis. By adding this to the optimization method * (line 122), we are ensuring that it is called for any new decision variables found in the process.*/ var FVPAnalysis = new ForceVelocityPositionAnalysis(numGears, outputTorque, inputSpeed, inputPosition); opty.Add(FVPAnalysis); /* here is the objective function, minimize mass. Note that it will hold a reference to the * ForceVelocityPositionAnalysis so that it can reference it for exact values of diamter. */ opty.Add(new massObjective(FVPAnalysis, gearDensity)); /* here is an inequality constraint for fitting within the box described above. Again, it * needs to position and diameter information stored in ForceVelocityPositionAnalysis */ opty.Add(new boundingboxConstraint(FVPAnalysis, boxMinX, boxMaxX, boxMinY, boxMaxY, boxMinZ, boxMaxZ)); /* on and on: stress inequality, output Location, output Speed equalities. Details can be found in * */ opty.Add(new stressConstraint(FVPAnalysis, Nf, SFB, SFC)); opty.Add(new outputLocationConstraint(FVPAnalysis, locationTol, outputX, outputY, outputZ)); opty.Add(new outputSpeedConstraint(FVPAnalysis, speedTol, outputSpeed)); for (var i = 0; i < NumGearPairs - 1; i++) { // each mating gear pair must have the same pitch. opty.Add(new samePitch(i * 4 + 1, (i + 1) * 4 + 1)); } /******** Set up Design Space *************/ /* for the GA and the Hill Climbing, a compete discrete space is needed. Face width and * location parameters should be continuous though. Consider removing the 800's below * when using a mixed optimization method. */ var dsd = new DesignSpaceDescription(numGears * 4); for (var i = 0; i < numGears; i++) { dsd[4 * i] = new VariableDescriptor(5, 1000, 1.0); // number of teeth: integers between 5 and 1000 dsd[4 * i + 1] = new VariableDescriptor(ValidPitches); // pitches from AGMA standard dsd[4 * i + 2] = new VariableDescriptor(0, 50, 800); // face width is between 0 and 50 inches dsd[4 * i + 3] = new VariableDescriptor(0, 500, 800); //location is either an angle or a length // a max of 500 inches is generous } opty.Add(dsd); /******** Set up Optimization *************/ /* the following mish-mash is similiar to previous project - just trying to find a * combination of methods that'll lead to the optimial optimization algorithm. */ //abstractSearchDirection searchDirMethod = new SteepestDescent(); //opty.Add(searchDirMethod); //abstractLineSearch lineSearchMethod = new ArithmeticMean(0.0001, 1, 100); //opty.Add(lineSearchMethod); opty.Add(new LatinHyperCube(dsd, VariablesInScope.BothDiscreteAndReal)); opty.Add(new GACrossoverBitString(dsd)); opty.Add(new GAMutationBitString(dsd)); opty.Add(new PNormProportionalSelection(optimize.minimize, true, 0.7)); //opty.Add(new RandomNeighborGenerator(dsd,3000)); //opty.Add(new KeepSingleBest(optimize.minimize)); opty.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(opty, 10)); opty.Add(new MaxAgeConvergence(40, 0.001)); opty.Add(new MaxFnEvalsConvergence(10000)); opty.Add(new MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence(15)); double[] xStar; Parameters.Verbosity = VerbosityLevels.AboveNormal; // this next line is to set the Debug statements from OOOT to the Console. Debug.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out)); var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var fStar = opty.Run(out xStar, numGears * 4); printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer); Console.ReadKey(); }
internal Merker DefineMerker(VariableDescriptor v, EP_Type type = EP_Type.NONE) { Merker m = null; uint addr; m = cur.memory.FirstOrDefault(z => z.vd == v); if (m == null) { m = global.memory.FirstOrDefault(z => z.vd == v); } if (m == null) { addr = uint.MaxValue; var nt = Periphery.MsDevice.NTTable.FirstOrDefault(z => v.Name.StartsWith(z.Item1)); if (nt != null && v.Name.Length > 2 && UInt32.TryParse(v.Name.Substring(2), out addr)) { addr = (uint)((uint)(((byte)v.Name[0]) << 24) | (uint)(((byte)v.Name[1]) << 16) | addr & 0xFFFF); type = (nt.Item2 & Periphery.MsDevice.DType.Output) != 0?EP_Type.OUTPUT:EP_Type.INPUT; } else if (type == EP_Type.NONE) { if (v.Initializer != null && v.Initializer is FunctionDefinition) { type = EP_Type.FUNCTION; } else if (v.LexicalScope) { type = EP_Type.LOCAL; addr = (uint)cur.memory.Where(z => z.type == EP_Type.LOCAL).Count(); if (addr > 15) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Too many local variables: " + v.Name + == null ? string.Empty : ("in " +; } } else { type = EP_Type.SINT32; addr = uint.MaxValue; } } m = new Merker() { type = type, vd = v, pName = v.Name, Addr = addr, init = v.Initializer }; if (type == EP_Type.API || type == EP_Type.INPUT || type == EP_Type.OUTPUT) { global.memory.Add(m); m.fName = v.Name; } else { cur.memory.Add(m); m.fName = (cur == global ? v.Name : + ( == EP_Type.FUNCTION ? "+" : ".") + v.Name); } } else if (m.type != type && m.type == EP_Type.NONE) { m.type = type; } return(m); }
public void IsOfKindReturnsTrueForEqualKind() { var descriptor = new VariableDescriptor("test1", NotZero.Instance); Assert.IsTrue(descriptor.IsOfKind <NotZero>()); }
public override bool Build(ref CodeNode _this, int expressionDepth, Dictionary <string, VariableDescriptor> variables, CodeContext codeContext, InternalCompilerMessageCallback message, FunctionInfo stats, Options opts) { if (built) { return(false); } built = true; List <VariableDescriptor> variablesToRestore = null; if (_variables != null && _variables.Length != 0) { for (var i = 0; i < _variables.Length; i++) { VariableDescriptor desc = null; if (variables.TryGetValue(_variables[i].name, out desc) && desc.definitionScopeLevel < _variables[i].definitionScopeLevel) { if (variablesToRestore == null) { variablesToRestore = new List <VariableDescriptor>(); } variablesToRestore.Add(desc); } variables[_variables[i].name] = _variables[i]; _variables[i].owner = this; } for (var i = 0; i < _variables.Length; i++) { Parser.Build( ref _variables[i].initializer, System.Math.Max(2, expressionDepth), variables, codeContext | (this._strict ? CodeContext.Strict : CodeContext.None), message, stats, opts); } } for (var i = 0; i < _lines.Length; i++) { var ed = _lines[i] as EntityDefinition; if (ed != null && ed.Hoist) { _lines[i] = null; } } bool unreachable = false; for (int i = 0; i < _lines.Length; i++) { if (_lines[i] != null) { if (_lines[i] is Empty) { _lines[i] = null; } else { if (unreachable && message != null) { message(MessageLevel.CriticalWarning, _lines[i].Position, _lines[i].Length, "Unreachable code detected."); } var cn = _lines[i]; Parser.Build(ref cn, (codeContext & CodeContext.InEval) != 0 ? 2 : System.Math.Max(1, expressionDepth), variables, codeContext | (this._strict ? CodeContext.Strict : CodeContext.None), message, stats, opts); if (cn is Empty) { _lines[i] = null; } else { _lines[i] = cn; } unreachable |= cn is Return || cn is Break || cn is Continue || cn is Throw; } } } int f = _lines.Length, t = _lines.Length - 1; for (; f-- > 0;) { if (_lines[f] != null && _lines[t] == null) { _lines[t] = _lines[f]; _lines[f] = null; } if (_lines[t] != null) { t--; } } if (expressionDepth > 0 && (_variables == null || _variables.Length == 0)) { if (_lines.Length == 0) { _this = Empty.Instance; } } else { if (message != null) { for (var i = 0; i < _variables.Length; i++) { if (_variables[i].ReferenceCount == 1) { message( MessageLevel.Recomendation, _variables[i].references[0].Position, 0, "Unused variable \"" + _variables[i].name + "\""); } else { break; } } } #if (NET40 || INLINE) && JIT compiledVersion = JITHelpers.compile(this, depth >= 0); #endif } if (t >= 0 && this == _this) { var newBody = new CodeNode[_lines.Length - t - 1]; f = 0; while (++t < _lines.Length) { newBody[f++] = _lines[t]; } _lines = newBody; } if (_variables != null && _variables.Length != 0) { for (var i = 0; i < _variables.Length; i++) { variables.Remove(_variables[i].name); } } if (variablesToRestore != null) { for (var i = 0; i < variablesToRestore.Count; i++) { variables[variablesToRestore[i].name] = variablesToRestore[i]; } } return(false); }
public void IsNotOfKindReturnsFalseForEqualKind() { var descriptor = new VariableDescriptor("test2", new Definition(new FlowNode(new Label()))); Assert.IsFalse(descriptor.IsNotOfKind <Definition>()); }
protected void GenerateLocalVar(StringBuilder sb, VariableDescriptor varDescr) { string typeName = GetCsTypeName(varDescr.VarType); sb.AppendFormat("{0} {1} = ({0})context[\"{1}\"];", typeName, varDescr.Name); }
public void IsNotOfKindReturnsTrueForUnequalKind() { var descriptor = new VariableDescriptor("test2", Positive.Instance); Assert.IsTrue(descriptor.IsNotOfKind <NotZero>()); }
internal static CodeNode Parse(ParseInfo state, ref int index, bool forForLoop) { int position = index; Tools.SkipSpaces(state.Code, ref position); VariableKind mode; if (Parser.Validate(state.Code, "var ", ref position)) { mode = VariableKind.FunctionScope; } else if (Parser.Validate(state.Code, "let ", ref position)) { mode = VariableKind.LexicalScope; } else if (Parser.Validate(state.Code, "const ", ref position)) { mode = VariableKind.ConstantInLexicalScope; } else { return(null); } var level = mode <= VariableKind.FunctionScope ? state.FunctionScopeLevel : state.LexicalScopeLevel; var initializers = new List <Expression>(); var names = new List <string>(); int s = position; while ((state.Code[position] != ';') && (state.Code[position] != '}') && !Tools.IsLineTerminator(state.Code[position])) { Tools.SkipSpaces(state.Code, ref position); if (state.Code[position] != '[' && state.Code[position] != '{' && !Parser.ValidateName(state.Code, position, state.Strict)) { if (Parser.ValidateName(state.Code, ref position, false, true, state.Strict)) { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError('\"' + Tools.Unescape(state.Code.Substring(s, position - s), state.Strict) + "\" is a reserved word, but used as a variable. " + CodeCoordinates.FromTextPosition(state.Code, s, position - s)); } ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError("Invalid variable definition at " + CodeCoordinates.FromTextPosition(state.Code, s, position - s)); } var expression = ExpressionTree.Parse(state, ref position, processComma: false, forForLoop: forForLoop); if (expression is VariableReference) { var name = expression.ToString(); if (state.Strict) { if (name == "arguments" || name == "eval") { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError("Varible name cannot be \"arguments\" or \"eval\" in strict mode", state.Code, s, position - s); } } names.Add(name); initializers.Add(expression); } else { var valid = false; var expr = expression as ExpressionTree; if (expr != null) { if (expr.Type == OperationType.None && expr._right == null) { expr = expr._left as ExpressionTree; } valid |= expr != null && expr.Type == OperationType.Assignment; if (valid) { if (expr._left is ObjectDesctructor) { var expressions = (expr._left as ObjectDesctructor).GetTargetVariables(); for (var i = 0; i < expressions.Count; i++) { names.Add(expressions[i].ToString()); initializers.Add(expressions[i]); } initializers.Add(expr); } else { names.Add(expr._left.ToString()); initializers.Add(expression); } } } else { var cnst = expression as Constant; valid = cnst != null && cnst.value == JSValue.undefined; if (valid) { initializers.Add(expression); names.Add(cnst.value.ToString()); } } if (!valid) { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError("Invalid variable initializer", state.Code, position); } } s = position; if (position >= state.Code.Length) { break; } Tools.SkipSpaces(state.Code, ref s); if (s >= state.Code.Length) { break; } if (state.Code[s] == ',') { position = s + 1; Tools.SkipSpaces(state.Code, ref position); } else { break; } } if (names.Count == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("code (" + position + ")"); } if (!forForLoop && position < state.Code.Length && state.Code[position] == ';') { position++; } else { position = s; } var variables = new VariableDescriptor[names.Count]; for (int i = 0, skiped = 0; i < names.Count; i++) { bool skip = false; for (var j = 0; j < state.Variables.Count - i + skiped; j++) { if (state.Variables[j].name == names[i] && state.Variables[j].definitionScopeLevel >= level) { if (state.Variables[j].lexicalScope || mode > VariableKind.FunctionScope) { ExceptionHelper.ThrowSyntaxError(string.Format(Strings.IdentifierAlreadyDeclared, names[i]), state.Code, index); } skip = true; variables[i] = state.Variables[j]; skiped++; break; } } if (skip) { continue; } variables[i] = new VariableDescriptor(names[i], level) { lexicalScope = mode > VariableKind.FunctionScope, isReadOnly = mode == VariableKind.ConstantInLexicalScope }; state.Variables.Add(variables[i]); } var pos = index; index = position; return(new VariableDefinition(variables, initializers.ToArray(), mode) { Position = pos, Length = index - pos }); }