        public HttpResponseMessage add(AdditionalService post, Int32 languageId = 0)
            // Check for errors
            if (post == null)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The post is null"));
            else if (Language.MasterPostExists(languageId) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The language does not exist"));
            else if (Unit.MasterPostExists(post.unit_id) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The unit does not exist"));
            else if (ValueAddedTax.MasterPostExists(post.value_added_tax_id) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The value added tax does not exist"));

            // Make sure that the data is valid
            post.product_code = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.product_code, 50);
            post.name         = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.name, 100);
            post.fee          = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.fee, 0, 9999999999.99M);
            post.account_code = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.account_code, 10);

            // Add the post
            Int64 insertId = AdditionalService.AddMasterPost(post);

            post.id = Convert.ToInt32(insertId);
            AdditionalService.AddLanguagePost(post, languageId);

            // Return the success response
            return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.OK, "The post has been added"));
        } // End of the add method
        public HttpResponseMessage update(ValueAddedTax post)
            // Check for errors
            if (post == null)
                return Request.CreateResponse<string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The post is null");

            // Make sure that the data is valid
            post.value = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.value, 0, 9.99999M);

            // Get the saved post
            ValueAddedTax savedPost = ValueAddedTax.GetOneById(post.id);

            // Check if the post exists
            if (savedPost == null)
                return Request.CreateResponse<string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The record does not exist");

            // Update the post

            // Return the success response
            return Request.CreateResponse<string>(HttpStatusCode.OK, "The update was successful");

        } // End of the update method
        public HttpResponseMessage update(ValueAddedTax post)
            // Check for errors
            if (post == null)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The post is null"));

            // Make sure that the data is valid
            post.value = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.value, 0, 9.99999M);

            // Get the saved post
            ValueAddedTax savedPost = ValueAddedTax.GetOneById(post.id);

            // Check if the post exists
            if (savedPost == null)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The record does not exist"));

            // Update the post

            // Return the success response
            return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.OK, "The update was successful"));
        } // End of the update method
    } // End of the Add method


    #region Update methods

    /// <summary>
    /// Update a value added tax post
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="post">A reference to a value added tax post</param>
    public static void Update(ValueAddedTax post)
        // Create the connection and the sql statement
        string connection = Tools.GetConnectionString();
        string sql = "UPDATE dbo.value_added_taxes SET value = @value WHERE id = @id;";

        // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there are an exception.
        using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connection))
            // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there are an exception.
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn))
                // Add parameters
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", post.id);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@value", post.value);

                // The Try/Catch/Finally statement is used to handle unusual exceptions in the code to
                // avoid having our application crash in such cases.
                    // Open the connection.

                    // Execute the update

                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;

    } // End of the Update method
    } // End of the GetAll method

    /// <summary>
    /// Get all value added taxes as a dictionary
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sortField">The field to sort on</param>
    /// <param name="sortOrder">The sort order</param>
    /// <returns>A dictionary with value added taxes</returns>
    public static Dictionary<Int32, ValueAddedTax> GetAllAsDictionary(string sortField, string sortOrder)
        // Make sure that sort variables are valid
        sortField = GetValidSortField(sortField);
        sortOrder = GetValidSortOrder(sortOrder);

        // Create the list to return
        Dictionary<Int32, ValueAddedTax> posts = new Dictionary<Int32, ValueAddedTax>(10);

        // Create the connection string and the sql statement
        string connection = Tools.GetConnectionString();
        string sql = "SELECT * FROM dbo.value_added_taxes ORDER BY " + sortField + " " + sortOrder + ";";

        // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there is a exception
        using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connection))
            // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there is a exception
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn))

                // Create a reader
                SqlDataReader reader = null;

                // The Try/Catch/Finally statement is used to handle unusual exceptions in the code to
                // avoid having our application crash in such cases
                    // Open the connection.

                    // Fill the reader with data from the select command.
                    reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    // Loop through the reader as long as there is something to read
                    while (reader.Read())
                        ValueAddedTax valueAddedTax = new ValueAddedTax(reader);
                        posts.Add(valueAddedTax.id, valueAddedTax);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;
                    // Call Close when done reading to avoid memory leakage.
                    if (reader != null)

        // Return the dictionary
        return posts;

    } // End of the GetAllAsDictionary method
        public HttpResponseMessage translate(Product post, Int32 languageId = 0)
            // Check for errors
            if (post == null)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The post is null"));
            else if (Language.MasterPostExists(languageId) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The language does not exist"));
            else if (Product.MasterPostExists(post.id) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The product does not exist"));
            else if (ValueAddedTax.MasterPostExists(post.value_added_tax_id) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The value added tax does not exist"));

            // Make sure that the data is valid
            post.title                 = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.title, 200);
            post.meta_description      = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.meta_description, 200);
            post.meta_keywords         = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.meta_keywords, 200);
            post.page_name             = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.page_name, 100);
            post.delivery_time         = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.delivery_time, 50);
            post.affiliate_link        = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.affiliate_link, 100);
            post.rating                = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.rating, 0, 999999.99M);
            post.toll_freight_addition = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.toll_freight_addition, 0, 9999999999.99M);
            post.account_code          = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.account_code, 10);
            post.google_category       = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.google_category, 300);
            post.availability_status   = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.availability_status, 50);
            post.availability_date     = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDateTime(post.availability_date);

            // Get a product on page name
            Product productOnPageName = Product.GetOneByPageName(post.page_name, languageId);

            // Check if the page name exists
            if (productOnPageName != null && post.id != productOnPageName.id)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The page name is not unique for the language"));

            // Get the post
            Product savedPost = Product.GetOneById(post.id, languageId);

            // Check if we should add or update the post
            if (savedPost == null)
                Product.AddLanguagePost(post, languageId);
                Product.UpdateLanguagePost(post, languageId);

            // Return the success response
            return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.OK, "The translate was successful"));
        } // End of the translate method
        public List <ValueAddedTax> get_all(string sortField = "", string sortOrder = "")
            // Create the list to return
            List <ValueAddedTax> posts = ValueAddedTax.GetAll(sortField, sortOrder);

            // Return the list
        } // End of the get_all method
        public ValueAddedTax get_by_id(Int32 id = 0)
            // Create the post to return
            ValueAddedTax post = ValueAddedTax.GetOneById(id);

            // Return the post
        } // End of the get_by_id method
        public Dictionary <Int32, ValueAddedTax> get_all_as_dictionary(string sortField = "", string sortOrder = "")
            // Create the list to return
            Dictionary <Int32, ValueAddedTax> posts = ValueAddedTax.GetAllAsDictionary(sortField, sortOrder);

            // Return the list
        } // End of the get_all_as_dictionary method
        public void CreateSaleItem()
            using (SimpleSaleDbContext _context = new SimpleSaleDbContext())
                //Handles product Qty
                int quantity = 1;
                if (txtgetItemQuantity.Text != null && txtgetItemQuantity.Text != "")
                    quantity = int.Parse(txtgetItemQuantity.Text);

                Product product = _context.Products
                                  .FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                  x.Barcode ==

                if (product == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid product barcode", "Error - No Value", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                    ValueAddedTax vat = _context.ValueAddedTaxes.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Id == 4);

                    DiscountProduct discountOnProduct = _context.DiscountOnProducts.FirstOrDefault(z => z.ProductId == product.Id);
                    Discount        discount          = new Discount();

                    if (discountOnProduct == null)
                        discount.DiscountName  = "No Discount";
                        discount.DiscountValue = 0;
                        discount = _context.Discounts.FirstOrDefault(z => z.Id == discountOnProduct.DiscountId);

                    SaleItem saleItem = new SaleItem();

                    saleItem.ProductId       = product.Id;
                    saleItem.ValueAddedTaxId = vat.Id;
                    saleItem.DiscountId      = discount.Id;
                    saleItem.Item            = product.ProductName;
                    saleItem.Barcode         = product.Barcode;
                    saleItem.Quantity        = quantity;
                    saleItem.UnitPrice       = product.SellingPrice;
                    saleItem.Discount        = (saleItem.UnitPrice * saleItem.Quantity) * (discount.DiscountValue / 100);
                    saleItem.PriceVat        = saleItem.UnitPrice + (saleItem.UnitPrice * vat.VATValue / 100);

                    saleItem.ItemsPrice = (saleItem.Quantity * saleItem.PriceVat) - saleItem.Discount;

        public void TestStrategyValueAddedTax()
            IProductTax  productTax = new ValueAddedTax();
            Product      product    = new Product(productTax);
            const int    price      = 100;
            const double taxRate    = 5;

            //Get Price with Value Added Tax
            Assert.AreEqual(product.GetTax(price), ((taxRate / 100) * price));
        public void Init()
            numberA = "98";

            var legalForm = new LegalForm("ООО", EconomicAgentType.JuridicalPerson);

            juridicalPersonA = new JuridicalPerson(legalForm);
            juridicalPersonB = new JuridicalPerson(legalForm);
            juridicalPersonC = new JuridicalPerson(legalForm);
            juridicalPersonD = new JuridicalPerson(legalForm);

            senderOrganizationA   = new AccountOrganization("Тестовое юридическое лицо A", "Тестовое юридическое лицо A", juridicalPersonA);
            senderOrganizationB   = new AccountOrganization("Тестовое юридическое лицо B", "Тестовое юридическое лицо B", juridicalPersonB);
            receiverOrganizationC = new AccountOrganization("Тестовое юридическое лицо C", "Тестовое юридическое лицо C", juridicalPersonC);
            receiverOrganizationD = new AccountOrganization("Тестовое юридическое лицо D", "Тестовое юридическое лицо D", juridicalPersonD);

            storageA = new Storage("Тестовое хранилище A", StorageType.DistributionCenter)
                Id = 1
            storageB = new Storage("Тестовое хранилище B", StorageType.TradePoint)
                Id = 2

            articleGroup = new ArticleGroup("Тестовая группа", "Тестовая группа");
            measureUnit  = new MeasureUnit("шт.", "Штука", "123", 0)
                Id = 1
            articleA      = new Article("Тестовый товар A", articleGroup, measureUnit, true);
            articleB      = new Article("Тестовый товар B", articleGroup, measureUnit, true);
            articleC      = new Article("Тестовый товар C", articleGroup, measureUnit, true);
            valueAddedTax = new ValueAddedTax("18%", 18);

            receiptWaybillRowA1 = new ReceiptWaybillRow(articleA, 300, 3000, new ValueAddedTax("18%", 18));
            receiptWaybillRowA2 = new ReceiptWaybillRow(articleA, 400, 4000, new ValueAddedTax("18%", 18));
            receiptWaybillRowB  = new ReceiptWaybillRow(articleB, 20, 250, new ValueAddedTax("18%", 18));
            receiptWaybillRowC  = new ReceiptWaybillRow(articleC, 20, 250, new ValueAddedTax("18%", 18));

            rowA1_1 = new MovementWaybillRow(receiptWaybillRowA1, 60, valueAddedTax);
            rowA1_2 = new MovementWaybillRow(receiptWaybillRowA1, 22, valueAddedTax);
            rowA2_1 = new MovementWaybillRow(receiptWaybillRowA2, 40, valueAddedTax);
            rowA2_2 = new MovementWaybillRow(receiptWaybillRowA2, 55, valueAddedTax);
            rowB    = new MovementWaybillRow(receiptWaybillRowB, 15, valueAddedTax);
            rowC    = new MovementWaybillRow(receiptWaybillRowC, 18, valueAddedTax);

            priceLists = new List <ArticleAccountingPrice>()
                new ArticleAccountingPrice(articleA, 100), new ArticleAccountingPrice(articleB, 200),
                new ArticleAccountingPrice(articleC, 300)

            user = new User(new Employee("Иван", "Иванов", "Иванович", new EmployeePost("Менеджер"), null), "Иванов Иван", "ivanov", "pa$$w0rd", new Team("Тестовая команда", null), null);
    } // End of the MasterPostExists method

    /// <summary>
    /// Get one value added tax based on id
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="id">The id for the post</param>
    /// <returns>A reference to a value added tax post</returns>
    public static ValueAddedTax GetOneById(Int32 id)
        // Create the post to return
        ValueAddedTax post = null;

        // Create the connection and the sql statement
        string connection = Tools.GetConnectionString();
        string sql = "SELECT * FROM dbo.value_added_taxes WHERE id = @id;";

        // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there are an exception.
        using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connection))
            // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there are an exception.
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn))
                // Add parameters
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id);

                // Create a reader
                SqlDataReader reader = null;

                // The Try/Catch/Finally statement is used to handle unusual exceptions in the code to
                // avoid having our application crash in such cases.
                    // Open the connection.

                    // Fill the reader with one row of data.
                    reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    // Loop through the reader as long as there is something to read and add values
                    while (reader.Read())
                        post = new ValueAddedTax(reader);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;
                    // Call Close when done reading to avoid memory leakage.
                    if (reader != null)

        // Return the post
        return post;

    } // End of the GetOneById method
        public void AddNewVat()
            using (SimpleSaleDbContext _context = new SimpleSaleDbContext())
                ValueAddedTax vat = new ValueAddedTax();

                vat.VATName  = txtVatName.Text.ToString();
                vat.VATValue = Convert.ToDecimal(txtVatValue.Text.ToString());

                MessageBox.Show("VAT Successfully Added To Table", "VAT");
        public ActionResult delete(Int32 id = 0, string returnUrl = "")
            // Get the current domain
            Domain currentDomain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();
            ViewBag.CurrentDomain = currentDomain;

            // Get query parameters
            ViewBag.QueryParams = new QueryParams(returnUrl);

            // Check if the administrator is authorized
            if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(new string[] { "Administrator" }) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
            else if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(Administrator.GetAllAdminRoles()) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
                ViewBag.AdminErrorCode = 1;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                return View("index");
                // Redirect the user to the start page
                return RedirectToAction("index", "admin_login");

            // Create an error code variable
            Int32 errorCode = 0;

            // Delete the value added tax post and all the connected posts (CASCADE)
            errorCode = ValueAddedTax.DeleteOnId(id);

            // Check if there is an error
            if (errorCode != 0)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
                ViewBag.AdminErrorCode = errorCode;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                return View("index");

            // Redirect the user to the list
            return Redirect("/admin_value_added_taxes" + returnUrl);

        } // End of the delete method
        public ActionResult edit(Int32 id = 0, string returnUrl = "")
            // Get the current domain
            Domain currentDomain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();
            ViewBag.CurrentDomain = currentDomain;

            // Get query parameters
            ViewBag.QueryParams = new QueryParams(returnUrl);

            // Check if the administrator is authorized
            if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(new string[] { "Administrator", "Editor" }) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
            else if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(Administrator.GetAllAdminRoles()) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
                ViewBag.AdminErrorCode = 1;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                return View("index");
                // Redirect the user to the start page
                return RedirectToAction("index", "admin_login");

            // Get the default admin language
            Int32 adminLanguageId = currentDomain.back_end_language;

            // Add data to the view
            ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(adminLanguageId, "id", "ASC");
            ViewBag.ValueAddedTax = ValueAddedTax.GetOneById(id);
            ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

            // Create a new empty value added tax post if the value added taxt post does not exist
            if (ViewBag.ValueAddedTax == null)
                // Add data to the view
                ViewBag.ValueAddedTax = new ValueAddedTax();

            // Return the edit view
            return View("edit");

        } // End of the edit method
        public HttpResponseMessage delete(Int32 id = 0)
            // Create an error code variable
            Int32 errorCode = 0;

            // Delete the post
            errorCode = ValueAddedTax.DeleteOnId(id);

            // Check if there is an error
            if (errorCode != 0)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, "Foreign key constraint"));

            // Return the success response
            return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.OK, "The delete was successful"));
        } // End of the delete method
        public HttpResponseMessage add(ValueAddedTax post)
            // Check for errors
            if (post == null)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The post is null"));

            // Make sure that the data is valid
            post.value = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.value, 0, 9.99999M);

            // Add the post

            // Return the success response
            return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.OK, "The post has been added"));
        } // End of the add method
        public Int32 get_count_by_search(string keywords = "")
            // Create the string array
            string[] wordArray = new string[] { "" };

            // Recreate the array if keywords is different from null
            if (keywords != null)
                wordArray = keywords.Split(' ');

            // Get the count
            Int32 count = ValueAddedTax.GetCountBySearch(wordArray);

            // Return the count
        } // End of the get_count_by_search method
        public HttpResponseMessage add(ValueAddedTax post)
            // Check for errors
            if (post == null)
                return Request.CreateResponse<string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The post is null");

            // Make sure that the data is valid
            post.value = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.value, 0, 9.99999M);

            // Add the post

            // Return the success response
            return Request.CreateResponse<string>(HttpStatusCode.OK, "The post has been added");

        } // End of the add method
        public List <ValueAddedTax> get_by_search(string keywords  = "", Int32 pageSize   = 0, Int32 pageNumber = 0,
                                                  string sortField = "", string sortOrder = "")
            // Create the string array
            string[] wordArray = new string[] { "" };

            // Recreate the array if keywords is different from null
            if (keywords != null)
                wordArray = keywords.Split(' ');

            // Create the list to return
            List <ValueAddedTax> posts = ValueAddedTax.GetBySearch(wordArray, pageSize, pageNumber, sortField, sortOrder);

            // Return the list
        } // End of the get_by_search method
        public HttpResponseMessage update(PaymentOption post, Int32 languageId = 0)
            // Check for errors
            if (post == null)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The post is null"));
            else if (Language.MasterPostExists(languageId) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The language does not exist"));
            else if (Unit.MasterPostExists(post.unit_id) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The unit does not exist"));
            else if (ValueAddedTax.MasterPostExists(post.value_added_tax_id) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The value added tax does not exist"));

            // Make sure that the data is valid
            post.product_code      = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.product_code, 50);
            post.name              = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.name, 100);
            post.payment_term_code = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.payment_term_code, 10);
            post.fee          = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.fee, 0, 9999999999.99M);
            post.account_code = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.account_code, 10);

            // Get the saved post
            PaymentOption savedPost = PaymentOption.GetOneById(post.id, languageId);

            // Check if the post exists
            if (savedPost == null)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The record does not exist"));

            // Update the post
            PaymentOption.UpdateLanguagePost(post, languageId);

            // Return the success response
            return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.OK, "The update was successful"));
        } // End of the update method
        public HttpResponseMessage translate(AdditionalService post, Int32 languageId = 0)
            // Check for errors
            if (post == null)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The post is null"));
            else if (Language.MasterPostExists(languageId) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The language does not exist"));
            else if (AdditionalService.MasterPostExists(post.id) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The additional service does not exist"));
            else if (ValueAddedTax.MasterPostExists(post.value_added_tax_id) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The value added tax does not exist"));

            // Make sure that the data is valid
            post.product_code = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.product_code, 50);
            post.name         = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.name, 100);
            post.fee          = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.fee, 0, 9999999999.99M);
            post.account_code = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.account_code, 10);

            // Get the saved post
            AdditionalService savedPost = AdditionalService.GetOneById(post.id, languageId);

            // Check if we should add or update the post
            if (savedPost == null)
                AdditionalService.AddLanguagePost(post, languageId);
                AdditionalService.UpdateLanguagePost(post, languageId);

            // Return the success response
            return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.OK, "The translation was successful"));
        } // End of the translate method
        public void Init()
            creationDate        = DateTime.Now;
            currentDate         = DateTime.Now;
            storage             = new Storage("qwe", StorageType.ExtraStorage);
            deal                = new Mock <Deal>();
            quota               = new DealQuota("asd", 10, 45, 15000);
            user                = new Mock <User>();
            createdBy           = new Mock <User>();
            team                = new Mock <Team>();
            contract            = new Mock <ClientContract>();
            accountOrganization = new Mock <AccountOrganization>();
            valueAddedTax       = new ValueAddedTax("18%", 18);
            ag     = new ArticleGroup("Группа товаров", "Группа товаров");
            art1   = new Article("Товар 1", ag, new MeasureUnit("шт.", "штуки", "123", 1), false);
            art2   = new Article("Товар 2", ag, new MeasureUnit("шт.", "штуки", "123", 1), false);
            art3   = new Article("Товар 3", ag, new MeasureUnit("шт.", "штуки", "123", 1), false);
            prices = new List <ArticleAccountingPrice>();
            prices.Add(new ArticleAccountingPrice(art1, 10M));
            prices.Add(new ArticleAccountingPrice(art2, 13M));
            prices.Add(new ArticleAccountingPrice(art3, 15M));
            receiptWaybillRow = new ReceiptWaybillRow(art1, 150, valueAddedTax, 75);

            user.Setup(x => x.Id).Returns(43);
            createdBy.Setup(x => x.Id).Returns(1);
            team.Setup(x => x.Id).Returns(1);
            deal.Setup(x => x.IsActive).Returns(true);
            deal.Setup(x => x.IsClosed).Returns(false);
            deal.Setup(x => x.Quotas).Returns(new List <DealQuota> {
            deal.Setup(x => x.Contract).Returns(contract.Object);
            deal.Setup(x => x.Id).Returns(2);
            accountOrganization.Setup(x => x.Storages).Returns(new List <Storage> {
            contract.Setup(x => x.AccountOrganization).Returns(accountOrganization.Object);

            waybill    = new ExpenditureWaybill("123", currentDate, storage, deal.Object, team.Object, quota, false, user.Object, DeliveryAddressType.CustomAddress, "qwerty", creationDate, createdBy.Object);
            waybillRow = new ExpenditureWaybillRow(receiptWaybillRow, 10, valueAddedTax);
    } // End of the constructor


    #region Insert methods

    /// <summary>
    /// Add one value added tax post
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="post">A reference to a value added tax post</param>
    public static long Add(ValueAddedTax post)
        // Create the long to return
        long idOfInsert = 0;

        // Create the connection and the sql statement
        string connection = Tools.GetConnectionString();
        string sql = "INSERT INTO dbo.value_added_taxes (value) VALUES (@value);SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();";

        // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there is a exception.
        using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connection))
            // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there is a exception.
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn))
                // Add parameters
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@value", post.value);

                // The Try/Catch/Finally statement is used to handle unusual exceptions in the code to
                // avoid having our application crash in such cases
                    // Open the connection

                    /// Execute the insert
                    idOfInsert = Convert.ToInt64(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;

        // Return the id of the inserted item
        return idOfInsert;

    } // End of the Add method
    } // End of the constructor


    #region Insert methods

    /// <summary>
    /// Add one value added tax post
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="post">A reference to a value added tax post</param>
    public static long Add(ValueAddedTax post)
        // Create the long to return
        long idOfInsert = 0;

        // Create the connection and the sql statement
        string connection = Tools.GetConnectionString();
        string sql = "INSERT INTO dbo.value_added_taxes (value) VALUES (@value);SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();";

        // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there is a exception.
        using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connection))
            // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there is a exception.
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn))
                // Add parameters
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@value", post.value);

                // The Try/Catch/Finally statement is used to handle unusual exceptions in the code to
                // avoid having our application crash in such cases
                    // Open the connection

                    /// Execute the insert
                    idOfInsert = Convert.ToInt64(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;

        // Return the id of the inserted item
        return idOfInsert;

    } // End of the Add method
        public ActionResult ZeroReturn(ZerroReturnViewModel zerroReturnViewModel)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var data = new ValueAddedTax
                    Date                  = zerroReturnViewModel.DateTime,
                    ZeroReturns           = true,
                    Percentage            = 0,
                    TaxableGoodsSalePrice = 0,
                    Bank                  = "null",
                    Branch                = "null",
                    DateTime              = DateTime.Today,
                    InstitutionInfoId     = zerroReturnViewModel.InstuteId

                DateTime now       = zerroReturnViewModel.DateTime;
                var      startDate = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, 1);
                var      endDate   = startDate.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);

                var confirmation =
                    _context.ValueAddedTaxs.Where(c => c.InstitutionInfoId == zerroReturnViewModel.InstuteId && c.Date <= endDate && c.Date >= startDate);

                if (confirmation.Any())


                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Instution"));
        public void Init()
            // инициализация IoC

            setting = new Setting()
                UseReadyToAcceptStateForReturnFromClientWaybill = false
            settingRepository = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <ISettingRepository>());
            settingRepository.Setup(x => x.Get()).Returns(setting);

            storage = new Storage("qwe", StorageType.ExtraStorage)
                Id = 42
            accOrgSender = new Mock <AccountOrganization>();
            accOrgSender.Setup(x => x.Id).Returns(1);
            accOrgRecipient = new Mock <AccountOrganization>();
            accOrgRecipient.Setup(x => x.Id).Returns(2);

            valueAddedTax = new ValueAddedTax();
            user          = new Mock <User>();
            user.Setup(x => x.GetPermissionDistributionType(It.IsAny <Permission>())).Returns(PermissionDistributionType.All);
            createdBy = new Mock <User>();
            createdBy.Setup(x => x.GetPermissionDistributionType(It.IsAny <Permission>())).Returns(PermissionDistributionType.All);
            acceptedBy = new Mock <User>();
            acceptedBy.Setup(x => x.GetPermissionDistributionType(It.IsAny <Permission>())).Returns(PermissionDistributionType.All);
            receiptedBy = new Mock <User>();
            receiptedBy.Setup(x => x.GetPermissionDistributionType(It.IsAny <Permission>())).Returns(PermissionDistributionType.All);

            var articleGroup = new ArticleGroup("Тестовая группа", "Тестовая группа");
            var measureUnit  = new MeasureUnit("шт.", "Штука", "123", 0)
                Id = 1

            articleA = new Article("Тестовый товар A", articleGroup, measureUnit, true)
                Id = 1
            articleB = new Article("Тестовый товар Б", articleGroup, measureUnit, true)
                Id = 2

            receiptWaybillRow1 = new Mock <ReceiptWaybillRow>();
            receiptWaybillRow1.Setup(x => x.Article).Returns(articleA);

            receiptWaybillRow2 = new Mock <ReceiptWaybillRow>();
            receiptWaybillRow2.Setup(x => x.Article).Returns(articleB);

            articleAccountingPrice = new List <ArticleAccountingPrice>()
                new ArticleAccountingPrice(articleA, 100)

            returnFromClientWaybillRepository = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IReturnFromClientWaybillRepository>());

            articlePriceService = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IArticlePriceService>());
            articlePriceService.Setup(x => x.GetArticleAccountingPrices(It.Is <short>(y => y == storage.Id), It.IsAny <IEnumerable <int> >())).Returns(articleAccountingPrice);
            articlePriceService.Setup(x => x.GetArticleAccountingPrices(It.Is <short>(y => y == storage.Id), It.IsAny <ISubQuery>(), It.IsAny <DateTime>())).Returns(articleAccountingPrice);
            returnFromClientWaybillRepository = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IReturnFromClientWaybillRepository>());

            expenditureWaybillIndicatorService = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IExpenditureWaybillIndicatorService>());
            articleAvailabilityService         = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IArticleAvailabilityService>());

            returnFromClientWaybillService = new ReturnFromClientWaybillService(
                IoCContainer.Resolve <ISettingRepository>(),
                IoCContainer.Resolve <ITeamRepository>(),
                IoCContainer.Resolve <IDealRepository>(),
                IoCContainer.Resolve <IStorageRepository>(),
                IoCContainer.Resolve <IUserRepository>(),
                IoCContainer.Resolve <IArticlePriceService>(),
                IoCContainer.Resolve <IAcceptedSaleIndicatorService>(),
                IoCContainer.Resolve <IReturnFromClientService>(),
                IoCContainer.Resolve <IFactualFinancialArticleMovementService>(),
                IoCContainer.Resolve <IArticleMovementOperationCountService>(),
                IoCContainer.Resolve <IArticleMovementService>(),
                IoCContainer.Resolve <IDealPaymentDocumentDistributionService>(),
                IoCContainer.Resolve <IDealIndicatorService>(),
                IoCContainer.Resolve <IArticleRevaluationService>(),

            deal  = new Mock <Deal>();
            quota = new DealQuota("asd", 10, 45, 15000);
            team  = new Team("Тестовая команда", It.IsAny <User>())
                Id = 1

            contract = new Mock <ClientContract>();
            var economicAgent = new Mock <EconomicAgent>();

            accountOrganization = new AccountOrganization("asd", "asd", economicAgent.Object);

            deal.Setup(x => x.IsActive).Returns(true);
            deal.Setup(x => x.IsClosed).Returns(false);
            deal.Setup(x => x.Quotas).Returns(new List <DealQuota> {
            deal.Setup(x => x.Contract).Returns(contract.Object);

            contract.Setup(x => x.AccountOrganization).Returns(accountOrganization);

            returnFromClientWaybill = new ReturnFromClientWaybill("123", DateTime.Now, accountOrganization, deal.Object, team, storage, new ReturnFromClientReason(), user.Object, createdBy.Object, DateTime.Now);

            sale = new Mock <ExpenditureWaybill>();
            sale.Setup(x => x.Sender).Returns(accountOrganization);
            sale.Setup(x => x.Team).Returns(team);
            sale.Setup(x => x.Is <ExpenditureWaybill>()).Returns(true);
            sale.Setup(x => x.As <ExpenditureWaybill>()).Returns(sale.Object);

            #region Создание позиции 1

            saleRow1 = new Mock <ExpenditureWaybillRow>();
            saleRow1.Setup(x => x.ExpenditureWaybill).Returns(sale.Object);
            saleRow1.Setup(x => x.SaleWaybill).Returns(sale.Object);
            saleRow1.Setup(x => x.Id).Returns(Guid.NewGuid());
            saleRow1.Setup(x => x.SellingCount).Returns(100);
            saleRow1.Setup(x => x.As <ExpenditureWaybillRow>()).Returns(saleRow1.Object);
            saleRow1.Setup(x => x.Is <ExpenditureWaybillRow>()).Returns(true);
            saleRow1.Setup(x => x.Article).Returns(articleA);
            saleRow1.Setup(x => x.SalePrice).Returns(128);
            saleRow1.Setup(x => x.ReceiptWaybillRow).Returns(receiptWaybillRow1.Object);


            #region Создание позиции 2

            saleRow2 = new Mock <ExpenditureWaybillRow>();
            saleRow2.Setup(x => x.ExpenditureWaybill).Returns(sale.Object);
            saleRow2.Setup(x => x.SaleWaybill).Returns(sale.Object);
            saleRow2.Setup(x => x.Id).Returns(Guid.NewGuid());
            saleRow2.Setup(x => x.SellingCount).Returns(100);
            saleRow2.Setup(x => x.As <ExpenditureWaybillRow>()).Returns(saleRow2.Object);
            saleRow2.Setup(x => x.Is <ExpenditureWaybillRow>()).Returns(true);
            saleRow2.Setup(x => x.Article).Returns(articleA);
            saleRow2.Setup(x => x.SalePrice).Returns(128);
            saleRow2.Setup(x => x.ReceiptWaybillRow).Returns(receiptWaybillRow2.Object);


            ReturnFromClientWaybillRow row = new ReturnFromClientWaybillRow(saleRow1.Object, 1);

            articleMovementService = new Mock <IArticleMovementService>();

            articleMovementService.Setup(x => x.CancelArticleAcceptance(It.IsAny <WriteoffWaybill>()))
            .Returns(new List <OutgoingWaybillRowSourceReservationInfo>()
                new OutgoingWaybillRowSourceReservationInfo(row.Id, 1, 1)
            articleMovementService.Setup(x => x.AcceptArticles(It.IsAny <WriteoffWaybill>()))
            .Returns(new List <OutgoingWaybillRowSourceReservationInfo>()
                new OutgoingWaybillRowSourceReservationInfo(row.Id, 1, 1)
        public void Init()
            // инициализация IoC

            setting = new Setting()
                UseReadyToAcceptStateForWriteOffWaybill = false
            settingRepository = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <ISettingRepository>());
            settingRepository.Setup(x => x.Get()).Returns(setting);

            storage = new Storage("qwe", StorageType.ExtraStorage)
                Id = 42
            accOrgSender = new Mock <AccountOrganization>();
            accOrgSender.Setup(x => x.Id).Returns(1);
            accOrgRecipient = new Mock <AccountOrganization>();
            accOrgRecipient.Setup(x => x.Id).Returns(2);

            valueAddedTax = new ValueAddedTax();
            user          = new Mock <User>();
            user.Setup(x => x.GetPermissionDistributionType(It.IsAny <Permission>())).Returns(PermissionDistributionType.All);
            createdBy = new Mock <User>();
            createdBy.Setup(x => x.GetPermissionDistributionType(It.IsAny <Permission>())).Returns(PermissionDistributionType.All);
            acceptedBy = new Mock <User>();
            acceptedBy.Setup(x => x.GetPermissionDistributionType(It.IsAny <Permission>())).Returns(PermissionDistributionType.All);

            var articleGroup = new ArticleGroup("Тестовая группа", "Тестовая группа");
            var measureUnit  = new MeasureUnit("шт.", "Штука", "123", 0)
                Id = 1

            articleA = new Article("Тестовый товар A", articleGroup, measureUnit, true)
                Id = 1

            receiptWaybillRow = new Mock <ReceiptWaybillRow>();
            receiptWaybillRow.Setup(x => x.Article).Returns(articleA);

            articleAccountingPrice = new List <ArticleAccountingPrice>()
                new ArticleAccountingPrice(articleA, 100)

            writeoffWaybillRepository = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IWriteoffWaybillRepository>());
            articleRepository         = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IArticleRepository>());
            articlePriceService       = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IArticlePriceService>());
            articlePriceService.Setup(x => x.GetArticleAccountingPrices(It.Is <short>(y => y == storage.Id), It.IsAny <IEnumerable <int> >())).Returns(articleAccountingPrice);
            articlePriceService.Setup(x => x.GetArticleAccountingPrices(It.Is <short>(y => y == storage.Id), It.IsAny <ISubQuery>(), It.IsAny <DateTime>())).Returns(articleAccountingPrice);

            articleAvailabilityService = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IArticleAvailabilityService>());

            articleMovementService = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IArticleMovementService>());

            receiptWaybillService = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IReceiptWaybillService>());

            articleRevaluationService = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IArticleRevaluationService>());

            factualFinancialArticleMovementService = new Mock <IFactualFinancialArticleMovementService>();

            articleMovementOperationCountService = new Mock <IArticleMovementOperationCountService>();

            storageRepository = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IStorageRepository>());

            userRepository = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IUserRepository>());

            writeoffWaybillService = new WriteoffWaybillService(settingRepository.Object, writeoffWaybillRepository.Object,
                                                                storageRepository.Object, userRepository.Object,
                                                                factualFinancialArticleMovementService.Object, articleMovementOperationCountService.Object, articleAvailabilityService.Object,
                                                                receiptWaybillService.Object, articleRevaluationService.Object);

            waybill = new WriteoffWaybill("123", DateTime.Now, storage, accOrgSender.Object,
                                          new WriteoffReason(), user.Object, createdBy.Object, DateTime.Now);

            WriteoffWaybillRow row = new WriteoffWaybillRow(receiptWaybillRow.Object, 10);


            articleMovementService.Setup(x => x.CancelArticleAcceptance(It.IsAny <WriteoffWaybill>()))
            .Returns(new List <OutgoingWaybillRowSourceReservationInfo>()
                new OutgoingWaybillRowSourceReservationInfo(row.Id, 1, 1)
            articleMovementService.Setup(x => x.AcceptArticles(It.IsAny <WriteoffWaybill>()))
            .Returns(new List <OutgoingWaybillRowSourceReservationInfo>()
                new OutgoingWaybillRowSourceReservationInfo(row.Id, 1, 1)
        public void Init()
            // инициализация IoC

            receiptWaybillRepository            = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IReceiptWaybillRepository>());
            articleRepository                   = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IArticleRepository>());
            storageRepository                   = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IStorageRepository>());
            movementWaybillRepository           = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IMovementWaybillRepository>());
            changeOwnerWaybillRepository        = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IChangeOwnerWaybillRepository>());
            writeoffWaybillRepository           = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IWriteoffWaybillRepository>());
            expenditureWaybillRepository        = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IExpenditureWaybillRepository>());
            returnFromClientWaybillRepository   = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IReturnFromClientWaybillRepository>());
            waybillRowArticleMovementRepository = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IWaybillRowArticleMovementRepository>());

            var incomingWaybillRowService = new IncomingWaybillRowService(receiptWaybillRepository.Object, movementWaybillRepository.Object,
                                                                          changeOwnerWaybillRepository.Object, returnFromClientWaybillRepository.Object);

            var outgoingWaybillRowService = new OutgoingWaybillRowService(movementWaybillRepository.Object, IoCContainer.Resolve <IWriteoffWaybillRepository>(),
                                                                          IoCContainer.Resolve <IExpenditureWaybillRepository>(), changeOwnerWaybillRepository.Object, waybillRowArticleMovementRepository.Object);

            var articleMovementService = new ArticleMovementService(waybillRowArticleMovementRepository.Object, receiptWaybillRepository.Object,
                                                                    movementWaybillRepository.Object, changeOwnerWaybillRepository.Object, returnFromClientWaybillRepository.Object,
                                                                    Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IWriteoffWaybillRepository>()).Object, Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IExpenditureWaybillRepository>()).Object,
                                                                    incomingWaybillRowService, outgoingWaybillRowService);

            articleAvailabilityService = new ArticleAvailabilityService(receiptWaybillRepository.Object,
                                                                        IoCContainer.Resolve <IIncomingAcceptedArticleAvailabilityIndicatorService>(),
                                                                        IoCContainer.Resolve <IOutgoingAcceptedFromExactArticleAvailabilityIndicatorService>(),
                                                                        IoCContainer.Resolve <IOutgoingAcceptedFromIncomingAcceptedArticleAvailabilityIndicatorService>(),
                                                                        IoCContainer.Resolve <IExactArticleAvailabilityIndicatorService>(),

            var juridicalLegalForm = new LegalForm("ООО", EconomicAgentType.JuridicalPerson);
            var physicalLegalForm  = new LegalForm("ИП", EconomicAgentType.PhysicalPerson);

            juridicalPerson = new JuridicalPerson(juridicalLegalForm)
                Id = 1
            physicalPerson = new PhysicalPerson(physicalLegalForm)
                Id = 2

            accountOrganization = new AccountOrganization("Тестовое юридическое лицо", "Тестовое юридическое лицо", juridicalPerson)
                Id = 1
            providerOrganization = new ProviderOrganization("Тестовое физическое лицо", "Тестовое физическое лицо", physicalPerson)
                Id = 2

            provider = new Provider("Тестовый поставщик", new ProviderType("Тестовый тип поставщика"), ProviderReliability.Medium, 5);

            providerContract = new ProviderContract(accountOrganization, providerOrganization, "ABC", "123", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Today);

            articleGroup = new ArticleGroup("Тестовая группа", "Тестовая группа");
            measureUnit  = new MeasureUnit("шт.", "Штука", "123", 0)
                Id = 1

            storageG = new Storage("G", StorageType.DistributionCenter)
                Id = 1
            storageM = new Storage("M", StorageType.DistributionCenter)
                Id = 2
            storageN = new Storage("N", StorageType.DistributionCenter)
                Id = 3

            articleA = new Article("A", articleGroup, measureUnit, false)
                Id = 101
            articleB = new Article("B", articleGroup, measureUnit, false)
                Id = 102
            articleC = new Article("C", articleGroup, measureUnit, false)
                Id = 103

            valueAddedTax = new ValueAddedTax("18%", 18);

            priceLists = new List <ArticleAccountingPrice>()
                new ArticleAccountingPrice(articleA, 100), new ArticleAccountingPrice(articleB, 200),
                new ArticleAccountingPrice(articleC, 300)
        public HttpResponseMessage add(Product post, Int32 languageId = 0)
            // Check for errors
            if (post == null)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The post is null"));
            else if (Language.MasterPostExists(languageId) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The language does not exist"));
            else if (Category.MasterPostExists(post.category_id) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The category does not exist"));
            else if (Unit.MasterPostExists(post.unit_id) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The unit does not exist"));
            else if (ValueAddedTax.MasterPostExists(post.value_added_tax_id) == false)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The value added tax does not exist"));

            // Make sure that the data is valid
            post.product_code      = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.product_code, 20);
            post.manufacturer_code = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.manufacturer_code, 20);
            post.gtin                    = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.gtin, 20);
            post.unit_price              = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.unit_price, 0, 9999999999.99M);
            post.unit_freight            = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.unit_freight, 0, 9999999999.99M);
            post.mount_time_hours        = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.mount_time_hours, 0, 9999.99M);
            post.brand                   = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.brand, 50);
            post.supplier_erp_id         = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.supplier_erp_id, 20);
            post.meta_robots             = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.meta_robots, 20);
            post.buys                    = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.buys, 0, 9999999999.99M);
            post.condition               = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.condition, 20);
            post.variant_image_filename  = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.variant_image_filename, 50);
            post.availability_status     = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.availability_status, 50);
            post.availability_date       = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDateTime(post.availability_date);
            post.gender                  = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.gender, 20);
            post.age_group               = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.age_group, 20);
            post.title                   = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.title, 200);
            post.meta_description        = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.meta_description, 200);
            post.meta_keywords           = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.meta_keywords, 200);
            post.page_name               = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.page_name, 100);
            post.delivery_time           = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.delivery_time, 50);
            post.affiliate_link          = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.affiliate_link, 100);
            post.rating                  = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.rating, 0, 999999.99M);
            post.toll_freight_addition   = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.toll_freight_addition, 0, 9999999999.99M);
            post.account_code            = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.account_code, 10);
            post.google_category         = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.google_category, 300);
            post.unit_pricing_measure    = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.unit_pricing_measure, 0, 99999.99999M);
            post.size_type               = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.size_type, 20);
            post.size_system             = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.size_system, 10);
            post.energy_efficiency_class = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(post.energy_efficiency_class, 10);
            post.date_added              = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDateTime(post.date_added);
            post.discount                = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateDecimal(post.discount, 0, 9.999M);

            // Get a product on page name
            Product productOnPageName = Product.GetOneByPageName(post.page_name, languageId);

            // Check if the page name exists
            if (productOnPageName != null && post.id != productOnPageName.id)
                return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The page name is not unique for the language"));

            // Add the post
            Int64 insertId = Product.AddMasterPost(post);

            post.id = Convert.ToInt32(insertId);
            Product.AddLanguagePost(post, languageId);

            // Return the success response
            return(Request.CreateResponse <string>(HttpStatusCode.OK, "The post has been added"));
        } // End of the add method
    } // End of the Add method


    #region Update methods

    /// <summary>
    /// Update a value added tax post
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="post">A reference to a value added tax post</param>
    public static void Update(ValueAddedTax post)
        // Create the connection and the sql statement
        string connection = Tools.GetConnectionString();
        string sql = "UPDATE dbo.value_added_taxes SET value = @value WHERE id = @id;";

        // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there are an exception.
        using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connection))
            // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there are an exception.
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn))
                // Add parameters
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", post.id);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@value", post.value);

                // The Try/Catch/Finally statement is used to handle unusual exceptions in the code to
                // avoid having our application crash in such cases.
                    // Open the connection.

                    // Execute the update

                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;

    } // End of the Update method
        public ActionResult edit(FormCollection collection)
            // Get the current domain
            Domain currentDomain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();
            ViewBag.CurrentDomain = currentDomain;

            // Get query parameters
            string returnUrl = collection["returnUrl"];
            ViewBag.QueryParams = new QueryParams(returnUrl);

            // Check if the administrator is authorized
            if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(new string[] { "Administrator", "Editor" }) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
            else if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(Administrator.GetAllAdminRoles()) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
                ViewBag.AdminErrorCode = 1;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                return View("index");
                // Redirect the user to the start page
                return RedirectToAction("index", "admin_login");

            // Get all the form values
            Int32 id = Convert.ToInt32(collection["txtId"]);
            decimal percent = 0;
            decimal.TryParse(collection["txtPercent"].Replace(",", "."), NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out percent);

            // Get the default admin language id
            Int32 adminLanguageId = currentDomain.back_end_language;

            // Get translated texts
            KeyStringList tt = StaticText.GetAll(adminLanguageId, "id", "ASC");

            // Get the value added tax
            ValueAddedTax valueAddedTax = ValueAddedTax.GetOneById(id);
            bool postExists = true;

            // Check if the value added tax exists
            if (valueAddedTax == null)
                // Create an empty value added tax
                valueAddedTax = new ValueAddedTax();
                postExists = false;

            // Update values
            valueAddedTax.value = percent;

            // Create a error message
            string errorMessage = string.Empty;

            // Check for errors in the value added tax
            if (valueAddedTax.value < 0 || valueAddedTax.value > 9.99999M)
                errorMessage += "&#149; " + String.Format(tt.Get("error_field_range"), tt.Get("percent"), "9.99999") + "<br/>";

            // Check if there is errors
            if (errorMessage == string.Empty)
                // Check if we should add or update the static text
                if (postExists == false)
                    // Add the value added tax
                    // Update the value added tax

                // Redirect the user to the list
                return Redirect("/admin_value_added_taxes" + returnUrl);
                // Set form values
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = errorMessage;
                ViewBag.ValueAddedTax = valueAddedTax;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = tt;
                ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

                // Return the edit view
                return View("edit");

        } // End of the edit method
    } // End of the Create method

    /// <summary>
    /// Write one product item to the file
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="writer">A reference to an stream writer</param>
    /// <param name="domain">A reference to a domain</param>
    /// <param name="country">A referende to a country</param>
    /// <param name="product">A reference to a product</param>
    /// <param name="currency">A reference to a currency</param>
    /// <param name="decimalMultiplier">The decimal multiplier</param>
    private static void WriteProductItem(StreamWriter writer, Domain domain, Country country, Product product, Currency currency,
        Int32 decimalMultiplier)
        // Get the value added tax
        ValueAddedTax valueAddedTax = ValueAddedTax.GetOneById(product.value_added_tax_id);

        // Get the unit
        Unit unit = Unit.GetOneById(product.unit_id, domain.front_end_language);

        // Get the category
        Category category = Category.GetOneById(product.category_id, domain.front_end_language);

        // Get a chain of parent categories
        List<Category> parentCategoryChain = Category.GetParentCategoryChain(category, domain.front_end_language);

        // Create the category string
        string categoryString = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < parentCategoryChain.Count; i++)
            categoryString += parentCategoryChain[i].title;

            if (i < parentCategoryChain.Count - 1)
                categoryString += " > ";

        // Remove html from the title and the main content
        string title = StringHtmlExtensions.StripHtml(product.title);
        title = title.Replace("|", "");
        string main_content = Regex.Replace(product.main_content, @"(<br\s*[\/]>)+", " ");
        main_content = StringHtmlExtensions.StripHtml(main_content);
        main_content = Regex.Replace(main_content, @"\r\n?|\n", "");
        main_content = main_content.Replace("|", "");
        main_content = AnnytabDataValidation.TruncateString(main_content, 5000);
        // Calculate the price
        decimal basePrice = product.unit_price * (currency.currency_base / currency.conversion_rate);
        decimal regularPrice = Math.Round(basePrice * decimalMultiplier, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / decimalMultiplier;
        decimal salePrice = Math.Round(basePrice * (1 - product.discount) * decimalMultiplier, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / decimalMultiplier;

        // Get the country code as upper case letters
        string countryCodeUpperCase = country.country_code.ToUpper();

        // Add value added tax to the price
        if (countryCodeUpperCase != "US" && countryCodeUpperCase != "CA" && countryCodeUpperCase != "IN")
            regularPrice += Math.Round(regularPrice * valueAddedTax.value * decimalMultiplier, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / decimalMultiplier;
            salePrice += Math.Round(salePrice * valueAddedTax.value * decimalMultiplier, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / decimalMultiplier;

        // Calculate the freight
        decimal freight = (product.unit_freight + product.toll_freight_addition) * (currency.currency_base / currency.conversion_rate);
        freight = Math.Round(freight * decimalMultiplier, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / decimalMultiplier;

        // Add value added tax to the freight
        if (countryCodeUpperCase != "US" && countryCodeUpperCase != "CA" && countryCodeUpperCase != "IN")
            freight += Math.Round(freight * valueAddedTax.value * decimalMultiplier, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / decimalMultiplier;

        // Create the line to write to
        // Category|Product name|SKU|Price|Shipping Cost|Product URL|Manufacturer SKU|Manufacturer|EAN or UPC|Description|Image URL|Stock Status|Delivery time|Product state|ISBN
        string line = "";

        // Category
        line += categoryString + "|";

        // Product name
        line += title + "|";

        // SKU
        line += product.product_code + "|";

        // Price
        line += salePrice.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "|";

        // Shipping Cost
        line += freight.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "|";

        // Product URL
        line += domain.web_address + "/home/product/" + product.page_name + "|";

        // Manufacturer SKU
        line += product.manufacturer_code + "|";

        // Manufacturer
        line += product.brand + "|";

        // EAN or UPC
        line += product.gtin + "|";

        // Description
        line += main_content + "|";

        // Image URL
        line += domain.web_address + Tools.GetProductMainImageUrl(product.id, domain.front_end_language, product.variant_image_filename, product.use_local_images) + "|";

        // Stock Status
        line += GetAvailabilityStatus(product.availability_status) + "|";

        // Delivery time
        line += product.delivery_time + "|";

        // Product state
        line += product.condition != "" ? product.condition + "|" : "new|";

        // ISBN
        line += product.gtin;

        // Write the line to the file

    } // End of the WriteProductItem method
    } // End of the GetAll method

    /// <summary>
    /// Get all value added taxes as a dictionary
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sortField">The field to sort on</param>
    /// <param name="sortOrder">The sort order</param>
    /// <returns>A dictionary with value added taxes</returns>
    public static Dictionary<Int32, ValueAddedTax> GetAllAsDictionary(string sortField, string sortOrder)
        // Make sure that sort variables are valid
        sortField = GetValidSortField(sortField);
        sortOrder = GetValidSortOrder(sortOrder);

        // Create the list to return
        Dictionary<Int32, ValueAddedTax> posts = new Dictionary<Int32, ValueAddedTax>(10);

        // Create the connection string and the sql statement
        string connection = Tools.GetConnectionString();
        string sql = "SELECT * FROM dbo.value_added_taxes ORDER BY " + sortField + " " + sortOrder + ";";

        // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there is a exception
        using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connection))
            // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there is a exception
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn))

                // Create a reader
                SqlDataReader reader = null;

                // The Try/Catch/Finally statement is used to handle unusual exceptions in the code to
                // avoid having our application crash in such cases
                    // Open the connection.

                    // Fill the reader with data from the select command.
                    reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    // Loop through the reader as long as there is something to read
                    while (reader.Read())
                        ValueAddedTax valueAddedTax = new ValueAddedTax(reader);
                        posts.Add(valueAddedTax.id, valueAddedTax);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;
                    // Call Close when done reading to avoid memory leakage.
                    if (reader != null)

        // Return the dictionary
        return posts;

    } // End of the GetAllAsDictionary method
        public ActionResult AddTaxInfo(ValueAddedTax valueAddedTax)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                if (valueAddedTax.InstitutionInfoId != 0)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "ValueAddedTax", new { id = valueAddedTax.InstitutionInfoId }));

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Instution"));

            // Check Value exist or not
            DateTime now       = valueAddedTax.Date.GetValueOrDefault();
            var      startDate = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, 1);
            var      endDate   = startDate.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);

            var confirmation =
                _context.ValueAddedTaxs.Where(c => c.InstitutionInfoId == valueAddedTax.InstitutionInfoId && c.Date <= endDate && c.Date >= startDate).ToList();

            if (confirmation.Any())
            // End Section

            // Assagin Data
            double taxableGoodsSalePrice         = valueAddedTax.TaxableGoodsSalePrice.GetValueOrDefault();
            double taxableGoodsSupplementaryDuty = valueAddedTax.TaxableGoodsSupplementaryDuty.GetValueOrDefault();
            double taxableGoodsValueAddedTax     = valueAddedTax.TaxableGoodsValueAddedTax.GetValueOrDefault();
            double zeroRatedSalePrice            = valueAddedTax.ZeroRatedSalePrice.GetValueOrDefault();
            double zeroRatedSupplementaryDuty    = valueAddedTax.ZeroRatedSupplementaryDuty.GetValueOrDefault();
            double zeroRatedValueAddedTax        = valueAddedTax.ZeroRatedValueAddedTax.GetValueOrDefault();
            double exemptSalePrice         = valueAddedTax.ExemptSalePrice.GetValueOrDefault();
            double exemptSupplementaryDuty = valueAddedTax.ExemptSupplementaryDuty.GetValueOrDefault();
            double exemptValueAddedTax     = valueAddedTax.ExemptValueAddedTax.GetValueOrDefault();
            double otherConsolidation      = valueAddedTax.OtherConsolidation.GetValueOrDefault();
            double totalTaxPayable         = valueAddedTax.TotalTaxPayable.GetValueOrDefault();
            double totalPayable            = valueAddedTax.TotalPayable.GetValueOrDefault();

            double sourceCut  = valueAddedTax.SourceCut.GetValueOrDefault();
            double owing      = valueAddedTax.Owing.GetValueOrDefault();
            double amercement = valueAddedTax.Amercement.GetValueOrDefault();
            double fine       = valueAddedTax.Fine.GetValueOrDefault();
            double rentSppace = valueAddedTax.RentSppace.GetValueOrDefault();

            if (valueAddedTax.Percentage != null && valueAddedTax.Percentage == 15)
                //For number 1
                taxableGoodsValueAddedTax =
                    (taxableGoodsSalePrice + taxableGoodsSupplementaryDuty) * 15 / 100;

                //For number 4
                totalTaxPayable = taxableGoodsSupplementaryDuty + zeroRatedSupplementaryDuty +
                                  exemptSupplementaryDuty + taxableGoodsValueAddedTax + zeroRatedValueAddedTax +

                //For number 5
                otherConsolidation = sourceCut + owing + amercement + fine + rentSppace;

                //For number 6
                totalPayable = totalTaxPayable + otherConsolidation;
            else if (valueAddedTax.Percentage != null && valueAddedTax.Percentage == 4)
                //For number 1
                taxableGoodsValueAddedTax =
                    (taxableGoodsSalePrice + taxableGoodsSupplementaryDuty) * 4 / 100;

                //For number 4
                totalTaxPayable = taxableGoodsSupplementaryDuty + zeroRatedSupplementaryDuty +
                                  exemptSupplementaryDuty + taxableGoodsValueAddedTax + zeroRatedValueAddedTax +

                //For number 5
                otherConsolidation = sourceCut + owing + amercement + fine + rentSppace;

                //For number 6
                totalPayable = totalTaxPayable + otherConsolidation;

            var data = new ValueAddedTax
                Id                            = valueAddedTax.Id,
                Date                          = valueAddedTax.Date,
                ZeroReturns                   = false,
                Percentage                    = valueAddedTax.Percentage,
                TaxableGoodsSalePrice         = taxableGoodsSalePrice,
                TaxableGoodsSupplementaryDuty = taxableGoodsSupplementaryDuty,
                TaxableGoodsValueAddedTax     = taxableGoodsValueAddedTax,
                ZeroRatedSalePrice            = zeroRatedSalePrice,
                ZeroRatedSupplementaryDuty    = zeroRatedSupplementaryDuty,
                ZeroRatedValueAddedTax        = zeroRatedValueAddedTax,
                ExemptSalePrice               = exemptSalePrice,
                ExemptSupplementaryDuty       = exemptSupplementaryDuty,
                ExemptValueAddedTax           = exemptValueAddedTax,
                TotalTaxPayable               = totalTaxPayable,
                SourceCut                     = sourceCut,
                Owing                         = owing,
                Amercement                    = amercement,
                Fine                          = fine,
                RentSppace                    = rentSppace,
                OtherConsolidation            = otherConsolidation,
                TotalPayable                  = totalPayable,
                DateTime                      = valueAddedTax.DateTime,
                InstitutionInfoId             = valueAddedTax.InstitutionInfoId,
                Branch                        = valueAddedTax.Branch,
                Bank                          = valueAddedTax.Bank

            Session["ValueAddedTax"] = data;

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "LocalLvlTaxes", new { id = valueAddedTax.InstitutionInfoId }));
    } // End of the MasterPostExists method

    /// <summary>
    /// Get one value added tax based on id
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="id">The id for the post</param>
    /// <returns>A reference to a value added tax post</returns>
    public static ValueAddedTax GetOneById(Int32 id)
        // Create the post to return
        ValueAddedTax post = null;

        // Create the connection and the sql statement
        string connection = Tools.GetConnectionString();
        string sql = "SELECT * FROM dbo.value_added_taxes WHERE id = @id;";

        // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there are an exception.
        using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connection))
            // The using block is used to call dispose automatically even if there are an exception.
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn))
                // Add parameters
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id);

                // Create a reader
                SqlDataReader reader = null;

                // The Try/Catch/Finally statement is used to handle unusual exceptions in the code to
                // avoid having our application crash in such cases.
                    // Open the connection.

                    // Fill the reader with one row of data.
                    reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    // Loop through the reader as long as there is something to read and add values
                    while (reader.Read())
                        post = new ValueAddedTax(reader);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;
                    // Call Close when done reading to avoid memory leakage.
                    if (reader != null)

        // Return the post
        return post;

    } // End of the GetOneById method