public TaskItemInfo(IVsTaskItem taskItem) { ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.Document(out Document)); ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.get_Text(out Message)); ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.Line(out Line)); ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.Column(out Column)); // TODO: get_Priority and Category are not implemented by VS LSC (returns E_FAIL) Priority = VSTASKPRIORITY.TP_HIGH; Category = VSTASKCATEGORY.CAT_CODESENSE; ErrorCategory = null; //var priority = new VSTASKPRIORITY[1]; //ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.get_Priority(priority)); //Priority = priority[0]; //var category = new VSTASKCATEGORY[1]; //ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.Category(category)); //Category = category[0]; //var errorItem = taskItem as IVsErrorItem; //if (errorItem != null) { // uint errorCategory; // try { // ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(errorItem.GetCategory(out errorCategory)); // ErrorCategory = (__VSERRORCATEGORY)errorCategory; // } catch (NotImplementedException) { // ErrorCategory = null; // } //} else { // ErrorCategory = null; //} }
internal TaskProviderItem FromDiagnostic( IServiceProvider site, Diagnostic diagnostic, VSTASKCATEGORY category, bool squiggle ) { var priority = VSTASKPRIORITY.TP_LOW; switch (diagnostic.severity) { case DiagnosticSeverity.Error: priority = VSTASKPRIORITY.TP_HIGH; break; case DiagnosticSeverity.Warning: priority = VSTASKPRIORITY.TP_NORMAL; break; } return(new TaskProviderItem( site, diagnostic.source, diagnostic.message, diagnostic.range, priority, category, squiggle, _spanTranslator, _fromVersion )); }
public TaskItemInfo(IVsTaskItem taskItem) { ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.Document(out Document)); ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.get_Text(out Message)); ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.Line(out Line)); ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.Column(out Column)); var priority = new VSTASKPRIORITY[1]; ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.get_Priority(priority)); Priority = priority[0]; var category = new VSTASKCATEGORY[1]; ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.Category(category)); Category = category[0]; var errorItem = taskItem as IVsErrorItem; if (errorItem != null) { uint errorCategory; try { ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(errorItem.GetCategory(out errorCategory)); ErrorCategory = (__VSERRORCATEGORY)errorCategory; } catch (NotImplementedException) { ErrorCategory = null; } } else { ErrorCategory = null; } }
internal TaskProviderItem( IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string message, SourceSpan rawSpan, VSTASKPRIORITY priority, VSTASKCATEGORY category, bool squiggle, ITextSnapshot snapshot, TaskLevel level, ErrorType errorType ) { _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; _message = message; _rawSpan = rawSpan; _snapshot = snapshot; _span = snapshot != null?CreateSpan(snapshot, rawSpan) : null; _rawSpan = rawSpan; _priority = priority; _category = category; _squiggle = squiggle; _level = level; _errorType = errorType; }
public TaskItemInfo(string document, int line, int column, VSTASKPRIORITY priority, VSTASKCATEGORY category, __VSERRORCATEGORY? errorCategory, string message) { Document = document; Line = line; Column = column; Priority = priority; Category = category; ErrorCategory = errorCategory; Message = message; }
public TaskItemInfo(string document, int line, int column, VSTASKPRIORITY priority, VSTASKCATEGORY category, __VSERRORCATEGORY?errorCategory, string message) { Document = document; Line = line; Column = column; Priority = priority; Category = category; ErrorCategory = errorCategory; Message = message; }
public TaskItem(ServiceProvider site, IVsTextLineMarker textLineMarker, string fileName, string text, bool readOnly, VSTASKCATEGORY cat, VSTASKPRIORITY pri, _vstaskbitmap bitmap, string helpKeyword) { = site; this.text = text; this.fileName = fileName; this.textLineMarker = textLineMarker; this.helpKeyword = helpKeyword; this.category = cat; this.priority = pri; this.bitmap = bitmap; this.readOnly = readOnly; }
/// <summary> /// Creates new task item in the task list /// </summary> public void WriteTaskItem(string text, VSTASKPRIORITY priority, VSTASKCATEGORY category, string subcategory, int bitmap, string filename, uint linenum, string taskItemText, string lookupKwd) { if (pane == null) { return; } int hr = pane.OutputTaskItemStringEx(text, priority, category, subcategory, bitmap, filename, linenum, taskItemText, lookupKwd); Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); }
public CommentTaskProvider(MainPackage package) : base(package.ServiceProvider) { this.ServiceProvider = package.ServiceProvider; package.Options.Applied += this.Options_Applied; // In some cases the task list may not be available (e.g., during devenv.exe /build). IVsTaskList taskList = this.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsTaskList)) as IVsTaskList; if (taskList == null) { this.disposed = true; } else { // Register a custom category so Visual Studio will invoke our IVsTaskListEvents callbacks. VSTASKCATEGORY[] assignedCategory = new VSTASKCATEGORY[1]; int hr = this.VsTaskList.RegisterCustomCategory(CategoryId, (uint)TaskCategory.Comments + 1, assignedCategory); ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(hr); this.CustomCategory = (TaskCategory)assignedCategory[0]; // The TaskProvider.ProviderGuid Property help says: // "The task list groups all tasks from multiple providers with the same GUID into a single list." // So the ProviderGuid is really just the group we're providing tasks for and not unique to us. this.ProviderGuid = ProviderId; this.ProviderName = "Tasks (" + MainPackage.Title + ")"; // Hide this provider since we're using our own Tasks tool window. this.AlwaysVisible = false; this.DisableAutoRoute = false; this.MaintainInitialTaskOrder = false; this.foregroundTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); this.foregroundTimer.Interval = (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1).TotalMilliseconds; this.foregroundTimer.Tick += this.ForegroundTimer_Tick; this.ScanDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2); this.CacheCommentTokens(); this.solutionMonitor = new SolutionMonitor(this); this.documentMonitor = new DocumentMonitor(this); this.fileMonitor = new FileMonitor(this); this.manager = new FileItemManager(this, this.fileMonitor, package.Options); // Enable the timers last. The BackgroundTimerCallback will fire after ScanDelay (on a worker thread), // so we have to ensure that everything is initialized before its first callback. this.foregroundTimer.Enabled = true; this.backgroundTimer = new System.Threading.Timer(this.BackgroundTimerCallback, null, this.ScanDelay, this.ScanDelay); } }
internal TaskProviderItem( IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string message, SourceSpan rawSpan, VSTASKPRIORITY priority, VSTASKCATEGORY category, bool squiggle, LocationTracker spanTranslator ) { _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; _message = message; _rawSpan = rawSpan; _spanTranslator = spanTranslator; _rawSpan = rawSpan; _priority = priority; _category = category; _squiggle = squiggle; }
public MyTaskItem(IVsTaskProvider3 provider, string document = "", int line = 0, int column = 0, string text = "", VSTASKCATEGORY category = VSTASKCATEGORY.CAT_USER, __VSERRORCATEGORY errorCategory = __VSERRORCATEGORY.EC_ERROR, IEnumerable <string> customColumnText = null, bool canDelete = false, bool isChecked = false, bool isReadOnly = false, bool hasHelp = false, bool customColumnsReadOnly = false, int imageListIndex = 0, int subcategoryIndex = 0, VSTASKPRIORITY priority = VSTASKPRIORITY.TP_NORMAL) { if (provider == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("provider"); } this.Provider = provider; _document = document; _line = line; _column = column; _text = text; _category = category; _errorCategory = errorCategory; if (customColumnText != null) { uint index = 0; foreach (var s in customColumnText) { _customColumnText.Add(index++, s); } } _canDelete = canDelete; _isChecked = isChecked; _isReadOnly = isReadOnly; _hasHelp = hasHelp; _customColumnsReadOnly = customColumnsReadOnly; _imageListIndex = imageListIndex; _subcategoryIndex = subcategoryIndex; _priority = priority; }
public TaskItemInfo(IVsTaskItem taskItem) { ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.Document(out Document)); ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.get_Text(out Message)); ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.Line(out Line)); ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.Column(out Column)); var priority = new VSTASKPRIORITY[1]; ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.get_Priority(priority)); Priority = priority[0]; var category = new VSTASKCATEGORY[1]; ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(taskItem.Category(category)); Category = category[0]; var errorItem = taskItem as IVsErrorItem; if (errorItem != null) { uint errorCategory; ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(errorItem.GetCategory(out errorCategory)); ErrorCategory = (__VSERRORCATEGORY)errorCategory; } else { ErrorCategory = null; } }
int IVsOutputWindowPane.OutputTaskItemStringEx(string pszOutputString, VSTASKPRIORITY nPriority, VSTASKCATEGORY nCategory, string pszSubcategory, int nBitmap, string pszFilename, uint nLineNum, string pszTaskItemText, string pszLookupKwd) { return(m_pane.Value.OutputTaskItemStringEx(pszOutputString, nPriority, nCategory, pszSubcategory, nBitmap, pszFilename, nLineNum, pszTaskItemText, pszLookupKwd)); }
/// <include file='doc\Task.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="Task.IVsTaskItem.Category"]/*' /> /// <internalonly/> int IVsTaskItem.Category(VSTASKCATEGORY[] cat) { if (cat != null) { cat[0] = (VSTASKCATEGORY)(uint)Category; } return NativeMethods.S_OK; }
public int Category(VSTASKCATEGORY[] pCat) { return VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL; }
/// <summary> /// The auto filter. /// </summary> /// <param name="cat"> /// The cat. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The auto filter. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="Exception"> /// </exception> public int AutoFilter(VSTASKCATEGORY cat) { throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); }
public TaskProviderItem FromErrorResult(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, AP.Error result, VSTASKPRIORITY priority, VSTASKCATEGORY category) { return(new TaskProviderItem( serviceProvider, result.message, GetSpan (result), priority, category, true, _spanTranslator )); }
public int OutputTaskItemStringEx(string pszOutputString, VSTASKPRIORITY nPriority, VSTASKCATEGORY nCategory, string pszSubcategory, int nBitmap, string pszFilename, uint nLineNum, string pszTaskItemText, string pszLookupKwd) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public int OutputTaskItemString(string pszOutputString, VSTASKPRIORITY nPriority, VSTASKCATEGORY nCategory, string pszSubcategory, int nBitmap, string pszFilename, uint nLineNum, string pszTaskItemText) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
int IVsOutputWindowPane.OutputTaskItemString(string pszOutputString, VSTASKPRIORITY nPriority, VSTASKCATEGORY nCategory, string pszSubcategory, int nBitmap, string pszFilename, uint nLineNum, string pszTaskItemText) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public int OutputTaskItemStringEx(string pszOutputString, VSTASKPRIORITY nPriority, VSTASKCATEGORY nCategory, string pszSubcategory, int nBitmap, string pszFilename, uint nLineNum, string pszTaskItemText, string pszLookupKwd) { return(VSConstants.S_OK); }
/// <summary> /// The unregister custom category. /// </summary> /// <param name="catAssigned"> /// The cat assigned. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The unregister custom category. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="Exception"> /// </exception> public int UnregisterCustomCategory(VSTASKCATEGORY catAssigned) { throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); }
/// <summary> /// The register custom category. /// </summary> /// <param name="guidCat"> /// The guid cat. /// </param> /// <param name="dwSortOrder"> /// The dw sort order. /// </param> /// <param name="pCat"> /// The p cat. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The register custom category. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="Exception"> /// </exception> public int RegisterCustomCategory(ref Guid guidCat, uint dwSortOrder, VSTASKCATEGORY[] pCat) { throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); }
/// <summary> /// The dump output. /// </summary> /// <param name="dwReserved"> /// The dw reserved. /// </param> /// <param name="cat"> /// The cat. /// </param> /// <param name="pstmOutput"> /// The pstm output. /// </param> /// <param name="pfOutputWritten"> /// The pf output written. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The dump output. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="Exception"> /// </exception> public int DumpOutput(uint dwReserved, VSTASKCATEGORY cat, IStream pstmOutput, out int pfOutputWritten) { throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); }
public virtual void Category(VSTASKCATEGORY[] pCat){ pCat[0] = this.category; }
public int DumpOutput(uint dwReserved, VSTASKCATEGORY cat, Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IStream pstmOutput, out int pfOutputWritten) { throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); }
int IVsOutputWindowPane.OutputTaskItemString(string pszOutputString, VSTASKPRIORITY priority, VSTASKCATEGORY category, string pszSubcategory, int bitmap, string pszFilename, uint lineNum, string pszTaskItemText) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public int OutputTaskItemStringEx(string pszOutputString, VSTASKPRIORITY nPriority, VSTASKCATEGORY nCategory, string pszSubcategory, int nBitmap, string pszFilename, uint nLineNum, string pszTaskItemText, string pszLookupKwd) { return VSConstants.S_OK; }
public TaskProviderItem FromErrorResult(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ErrorResult result, VSTASKPRIORITY priority, VSTASKCATEGORY category) { return(new TaskProviderItem( serviceProvider, result.Message, result.Span, priority, category, true, _snapshot )); }
protected VisualStudioTaskItemBase(VSTASKCATEGORY category, T taskItem) { this.ItemCategory = category; this.Info = taskItem; }
public int OutputTaskItemStringEx(string pszOutputString, VSTASKPRIORITY nPriority, VSTASKCATEGORY nCategory, string pszSubcategory, int nBitmap, string pszFilename, uint nLineNum, string pszTaskItemText, string pszLookupKwd) { var result = target.OutputTaskItemStringEx(pszOutputString, nPriority, nCategory, pszSubcategory, nBitmap, pszFilename, nLineNum, pszTaskItemText, pszLookupKwd); if (ErrorHandler.Failed(result)) { throw new Win32Exception(result); } return(result); }
public int Category(VSTASKCATEGORY[] pCat) { // Common.Trace("Task.Category"); if (pCat != null) { switch (category) { case TaskCategory.Comment: pCat[0] = VSTASKCATEGORY.CAT_COMMENTS; break; case TaskCategory.User: pCat[0] = VSTASKCATEGORY.CAT_USER; break; case TaskCategory.Other: pCat[0] = VSTASKCATEGORY.CAT_MISC; break; case TaskCategory.Shortcut: pCat[0] = VSTASKCATEGORY.CAT_SHORTCUTS; break; default: { if (markerType == TaskMarker.CodeSense) pCat[0] = VSTASKCATEGORY.CAT_CODESENSE; else pCat[0] = VSTASKCATEGORY.CAT_BUILDCOMPILE; break; } } } return 0; }
int IVsOutputWindowPane.OutputTaskItemStringEx(string pszOutputString, VSTASKPRIORITY priority, VSTASKCATEGORY category, string pszSubcategory, int bitmap, string pszFilename, uint lineNum, string pszTaskItemText, string pszLookupKwd) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
int IVsOutputWindowPane.OutputTaskItemStringEx(string pszOutputString, VSTASKPRIORITY nPriority, VSTASKCATEGORY nCategory, string pszSubcategory, int nBitmap, string pszFilename, uint nLineNum, string pszTaskItemText, string pszLookupKwd) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public virtual int Category(VSTASKCATEGORY[] pCat){ pCat[0] = this.category; return 0; }