static void CSharpSyntaxRewriterDemo3()
            var tree = CS.CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(@"
class Program
    static void Main()
        if (true)
            Console.WriteLine(""It was true!"");
        if (false)
            Console.WriteLine(""OMG Why not?"");

            var root = tree.GetRoot();

            DisplayHeader("Root Node");


            var rewriter = new VNC.CodeAnalysis.SyntaxRewriters.CS.MyRewriter();

            // The CSharpSyntaxRewriter does a depth first pass
            // it builds trees up from the bottom and glues them together
            // and covers both if statements

            var newRoot = rewriter.Visit(root);

            DisplayHeader("Rewritten Root Node");

        static void CSharpSyntaxRewriterDemo1()
            var tree = CS.CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(@"
class Program
    static void Main()
        if (true)
            Console.WriteLine(""It was true!"");
            var root = tree.GetRoot();

            DisplayHeader("Root Node");


            var rewriter = new VNC.CodeAnalysis.SyntaxRewriters.CS.MyRewriter();

            // Pass in node you want to visit.  We will start with root.

            var newRoot = rewriter.Visit(root);

            DisplayHeader("Rewritten Root Node");
