        /// <summary>
        /// Json File Copy for AgentWorkflow Execute
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="resetSystem"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

         * public T FileCopyToVM<T>(string filepath)
         * {
         *  Collection<PSObject> result = null;
         *  T retValue = default(T);
         *  try
         *  {
         *      using (runSpace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace())
         *      {
         *          runSpace.Open();
         *          using (PowerShell pPs = PowerShell.Create())
         *          {
         *              pPs.Runspace = runSpace;
         *              CredCommands.Clear();
         *              CredCommands = CredCommands();
         *              foreach (var item in CredCommands)
         *              {
         *                  pPs.AddScript(item);
         *              }
         *              string[] scripts = new string[7];
         *              scripts[0] = "$retResetHVMachine=\"\" | select ErrorDescription";
         *              scripts[1] = "$Services = $connectviewserver.extensiondata";
         *              scripts[2] = string.Format("$Machinename='{0}'", resetSystem);
         *              scripts[3] = "$Machineid = (Get-HVMachine -Machinename $Machinename).id";
         *              scripts[4] = "$Machineservice = New-Object VMware.Hv.MachineService";
         *              scripts[5] = "$retResetHVMachine = $Machineservice.Machine_Reset($Services, $Machineid)";
         *              scripts[6] = "$retResetHVMachine";
         *              //Copy-VMGuestFile -Source D:\Temp\MyApp.war -Destination D:\Tomcat\webapps\MyApp.war -LocalToGuest -VM MYAPPWeb01 -GuestUser Administrator -GuestPassword xxxxxxxxxx -Force
         *              for (int i = 0; i < scripts.Length; i++)
         *              {
         *                  pPs.AddScript(scripts[i]);
         *              }
         *              result = pPs.Invoke();
         *              retValue = GetResult<T>(result);
         *          }
         *          runSpace.Close();
         *      }
         *  }
         *  catch (Exception ex)
         *  {
         *      throw new CliException(CliException.Reason.ResetMachine, "VMWare.HorizonView.ResetHVMachine Exception", ex);
         *  }
         *  finally
         *  {
         *      using (PowerShell pPs = PowerShell.Create())
         *      {
         *          pPs.AddScript(LogoutCommands());
         *          result = pPs.Invoke();
         *      }
         *  }
         *  return retValue;
         * }

        public T FileCopyToVM <T>(VMGuestFileModel copyFile)
            Collection <PSObject> result = null;
            T retValue = default(T);

                using (runSpace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace())
                    using (PowerShell pPs = PowerShell.Create())
                        pPs.Runspace = runSpace;

                        CredCommands = CenterCred();

                        foreach (var item in CredCommands)

                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                        // Try&Catch로 진행 >> Exception확인 // Debugging시 Result확인가능
                        sb.AppendFormat(@"try {{Copy-VMGuestFile -Source ""{0}"" -Destination ""{1}"" -LocalToGuest -VM ""{2}"" -GuestUser {3} -GuestPassword {4} -Force}}catch{{$retFileCopy.ErrorDescription=$_.Exception.Message}}", copyFile.Source, copyFile.Destination, copyFile.VMName, copyFile.GuestUser, copyFile.GuestPassword);

                        string[] scripts = new string[3];
                        scripts[0] = "$retFileCopy=\"\" | select ErrorDescription";
                        scripts[1] = sb.ToString();
                        scripts[2] = "$retFileCopy";

                        for (int i = 0; i < scripts.Length; i++)

                        result = pPs.Invoke();

                        if (result.Count == 0 || (result.Count > 0 && result[0] == null))
                            Trace.WriteLine("[CreatePool] VMWare.vCenter.FileCopy Failed");
                            throw new CliException(CliException.Reason.GetData);

                        retValue = GetResult <T>(result);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CliException(CliException.Reason.GetData, "VMWare.vCenter.FileCopy Exception", ex);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //TEST (지정VM, IP부여, 도메인조인, 사용자할당)

             * 1. Connection Server 연결
             * 2. Enter-Session
             * 3. Import-Module (PowerCLI, Hv.Helper, ViewBroker)
             * 4. 지정 VM, IP 부여 (DNS, Sub DNS)
             * 5. 도메인 조인
             * 6. 사용자 할당 (Session확인 > 강제LogOff & Restart > 사용자할당)

            //private static readonly string knoxUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["KNOX_URL"];
            string IPAddress       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["horizonIP"];
            string LoginID         = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["horizonID"];
            string LoginPassword   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["horizonPW"];
            string Protocol        = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["horizonProtocol"];
            string hUser           = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["horizonUser"];
            string SessionID       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SessionID"];
            string Domain          = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["horizonDomain"];
            string vCenterIP       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["vCenterIP"];
            string vCenterID       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["vCenterID"];
            string vCenterPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["vCenterPW"];

            List <string> Commands = new List <string>();

                #region GetPool & SetPool

                 * ViewPool vPool = new ViewPool(IPAddress, LoginID, LoginPassword);
                 * UserEntitlement userEnt = new UserEntitlement(IPAddress, LoginID, LoginPassword);
                 * // SET Pool 확인
                 * List<PoolModel> poollist = new List<PoolModel>();
                 * ViewResult result = null;
                 * //string poolName = "AutoFloat01";
                 * string poolName = "Win10Pro-StaticIP";
                 * string VM = "Win10Pro-SIP002";
                 * // Horizon Server All Pool Information
                 * //poollist = vPool.GetPool<List<PoolModel>>(poolName);
                 * //poollist = new ViewPool(IPAddress, LoginID, LoginPassword).GetPool<List<PoolModel>>();
                 * //poollist = vPool.GetPool<List<PoolModel>>(IPAddress, LoginID, LoginPassword, Protocol);
                 * string userName = "******";
                 * string userType = "User";
                 * //poollist = userEnt.PoolUserAssignment<List<PoolModel>>(userName, poolName, userType);
                 * // Pool User Assign
                 * //result = userEnt.PoolUserAssignment<ViewResult>(userName, poolName, userType);
                 * // VM User Assign
                 * //result = userEnt.SystemUserAssignment<ViewResult>(userName, VM);
                 * // VM User UnAssign
                 * result = userEnt.SystemUserUnAssignment<ViewResult>(VM);
                 * //ViewPool vPool2 = new ViewPool(IPAddress, LoginID, LoginPassword);
                 * //foreach (var item in poollist)
                 * //{
                 * //    vPool2.SetPool<PoolModel>(item.Name, true, true);
                 * //}

                #region System(VM삭제)

                 * ViewPool vPool = new ViewPool(IPAddress, LoginID, LoginPassword);
                 * ViewResult result = null;
                 * CreatePoolModel createPool = new CreatePoolModel();
                 * createPool.PoolName = "FullCloneTEST";
                 * createPool.PoolDisplayName = "TestPool1";
                 * createPool.Description = "VMtoPoolTEST";
                 * string removeVM = "FCTest0003";
                 * // Horizon 프로비저닝된 VM(리소스>시스템)은 삭제시 재생성 되므로 프로비저닝 중지
                 * createPool.EnableProvisioning = true;
                 * // Horizon Pool 사용안함 처리
                 * createPool.enabled = true;
                 * //result = vPool.RemovePoolSystem<ViewResult>(createPool, removeVM);
                 * result = vPool.ResetPoolSystem<ViewResult>(removeVM);


                #region Menual Dedicate 풀

                 * // Menual Dedicate 풀 생성 (vCenter내 VM 을 가지고 풀 만들어 사용자 지정)
                 * ViewPool vPool = new ViewPool(IPAddress, LoginID, LoginPassword);
                 * // 선처리 (요청VM Name Count) (ex : PoolTest1, PoolTest2)
                 * string[] vmlist = { "PoolTest1", "PoolTest2" };
                 * // 1. 풀생성을 위한 요청VM정보를 Count
                 * int PoolCnt = vmlist.Count();
                 * // Create Manual Dedicate Clone Pool
                 * CreatePoolModel createPool = new CreatePoolModel();
                 * createPool.PoolName = "ProvTestPool1";
                 * createPool.PoolDisplayName = "TestPool1";
                 * createPool.Description = "VMtoPoolTEST";
                 * string[] poolCreateVM = new string[PoolCnt];
                 * for (int i = 0; i < PoolCnt; i++)
                 * {
                 *  poolCreateVM[i] = vmlist[i];
                 * }
                 * createPool.VM = poolCreateVM;
                 * createPool.enableHTMLAccess = true;
                 * createPool.PoolType = "Manual";
                 * createPool.UserAssignment = "DEDICATED";        // Dedi or Floating
                 * vPool.NewPool<CreatePoolModel>(createPool);


                #region LinkedClone

                 * ViewPool vPool = new ViewPool(IPAddress, LoginID, LoginPassword);
                 * CreatePoolModel createPool = new CreatePoolModel();
                #region LinkedClone Paremeter
                //New-HVPool -LinkedClone
                //-PoolName                       'vmwarepool'
                //-UserAssignment                 FLOATING
                //-ParentVM                       'Agent_vmware'
                //-SnapshotVM                     'kb-hotfix'
                //-VmFolder                       'vmware'
                //-HostOrCluster                  'CS-1'
                //-ResourcePool                   'CS-1'
                //-Datastores                     'datastore1'
                //-NamingMethod                   PATTERN
                //-PoolDisplayName                'vmware linkedclone pool'
                //-Description                    'created linkedclone pool from ps'
                //-EnableProvisioning             $true
                //-StopProvisioningOnError        $false
                //-NamingPattern                  "vmware2"
                //-MinReady                       0
                //-MaximumCount                   1
                //-SpareCount                     1
                //-ProvisioningTime               UP_FRONT
                //-SysPrepName                    vmwarecust
                //-CustType                       SYS_PREP
                //-NetBiosName                    adviewdev
                //-DomainAdmin                    root

                #region DataStore 경고
                //데스크톱 풀이 단일 ESXi 호스트 또는 단일 ESXi 호스트가 포함된 클러스터에 구성될 경우 이 사항은 무시하십시오.
                //그러한 경우에는 연결된 클론을 제약 없이 로컬 데이터스토어에 저장할 수 있습니다.
                //또 다른 경우, 연결된 클론을 로컬 데이터스토어에 저장하면 다음과 같은 제약이 발생합니다.
                //1) VMotion, VMware High Availability 및 vSphere DRS(Distributed Resource Scheduler)가 지원되지 않습니다.
                //2) 복제가 로컬 데이터스토어에 있는 경우, View Composer 복제와 연결된 클론을 서로 다른 데이터스토어에 저장할 수 없습니다.
                //3) 호스트가 여러 개인 ESXi 클러스터의 경우, 한 호스트에 연결된 로컬 데이터스토어는 기본적으로 해당 클러스터의 다른 호스트에서 액세스할 수 없습니다.
                //데이터 동기화를 사용하기 위한 다른 메커니즘이 없는 상태에서, 다중 호스트 클러스터에 있는 로컬 데이터스토어에 복제본, 연결된 클론 또는 영구 디스크를 저장하면
                //View Composer 작업(영구 디스크 프로비저닝, 재구성, 재조정 또는 관리)이 실패할 수 있습니다.

                 * createPool.PoolType = "LinkedClone";
                 #region BASE Param
                 * createPool.PoolName = "LinkedCloneTEST";
                 * createPool.UserAssignment = "FLOATING";        // "DEDICATED" or "FLOATING"
                 * createPool.PoolDisplayName = "PoolDisplayName";
                 * createPool.Description = "Description";
                 * createPool.enableHTMLAccess = true;
                 * createPool.ParentVM = "Windows10Pro-x64";
                 * createPool.SnapshotVM = "Win10Pro_Snap1";
                 * createPool.VmFolder = "/Datacenter/vm/TestVM";
                 * createPool.HostOrCluster = "/Datacenter/host/NM_VMWC";
                 * createPool.ResourcePool = "/Datacenter/host/NM_VMWC/Resources";
                 * string[] dslist = { "DataStore15", "DataStore16" };
                 * string[] datastores = new string[2];
                 * for (int i = 0; i < datastores.Length; i++)
                 * {
                 *  datastores[i] = dslist[i];
                 * }
                 * createPool.Datastores = datastores;
                 * createPool.NamingMethod = "PATTERN";
                 * createPool.EnableProvisioning = true;
                 * createPool.StopProvisioningOnError = true;
                 * createPool.NamingPattern = "LCTest{n:fixed=4}";
                 * createPool.MinReady = 0;                        // default : 0
                 * createPool.MaximumCount = 1;                    // default : 1
                 * createPool.SpareCount = 1;                      // default : 1
                 * createPool.ProvisioningTime = "UP_FRONT";       // 프로비저닝 시기 결정(ON_DEMAND / UP_FRONT)
                 * createPool.SysPrepName = "";
                 * createPool.CustType = "QUICK_PREP";             // 사용자정의유형 ('CLONE_PREP','QUICK_PREP','SYS_PREP','NONE')
                 * createPool.NetBiosName = "NAMURND";
                 * createPool.DomainAdmin = "administrator";
                 * // 1차 Error Message : Failed to create Pool with error: No parent VM found with Name: [/Datacenter/vm/Windows10Pro-x64]
                 * // >> 수정1. /Datacenter/vm/Windows10Pro-x64 >> Windows10Pro-x64 / 수정2. /Win10Pro_Snap1 > Win10Pro_Snap1
                 * // 2차 Error Message : Redirect Windows profile must be false for linked clone floating desktops
                 * // LinkedClone FLOATING >> FRedirectWindowsProfile >> False 이어야 한다.
                 * createPool.RedirectWindowsProfile = false;
                 * vPool.NewPool<CreatePoolModel>(createPool);

                #region FullClone
                //ViewPool vPool = new ViewPool(IPAddress, LoginID, LoginPassword);
                //CreatePoolModel createPool = new CreatePoolModel();

                 * // New-HVPool -FullClone
                 * -PoolName           "FullClone"
                 * -PoolDisplayName    "FullClonePra"
                 * -Description        "create full clone"
                 * -UserAssignment     DEDICATED
                 * -Template           'powerCLI-VM-TEMPLATE'
                 * -VmFolder           'vmware'
                 * -HostOrCluster      'CS-1'
                 * -ResourcePool       'CS-1'
                 * -Datastores         'datastore1'
                 * -NamingMethod       PATTERN
                 * -NamingPattern      'FullCln1'
                 * -SysPrepName        vmwarecust
                 * -CustType           SYS_PREP
                 * -NetBiosName        adviewdev
                 * -DomainAdmin        root
                 * createPool.PoolType = "FullClone";
                 #region BASE Param
                 * createPool.PoolName = "FullCloneTEST";
                 * createPool.PoolDisplayName = "PoolDisplayName";
                 * createPool.Description = "Description";
                 * createPool.UserAssignment = "DEDICATED";             // "DEDICATED" or "FLOATING"
                 * createPool.enableHTMLAccess = true;
                 * createPool.Template = "Windows 10 Home";
                 * createPool.VmFolder = "/Datacenter/vm/TestVM";
                 * createPool.HostOrCluster = "/Datacenter/host/NM_VMWC";
                 * createPool.ResourcePool = "/Datacenter/host/NM_VMWC/Resources";
                 * //createPool.SnapshotVM = "Win10Pro_Snap1";
                 * string[] dslist = { "DataStore15", "DataStore16" };
                 * string[] datastores = new string[2];
                 * for (int i = 0; i < datastores.Length; i++)
                 * {
                 *  datastores[i] = dslist[i];
                 * }
                 * createPool.Datastores = datastores;
                 * createPool.NamingMethod = "PATTERN";
                 * createPool.NamingPattern = "FCTest{n:fixed=4}";
                 * createPool.SysPrepName = "";
                 * createPool.CustType = "NONE";             // 사용자정의유형 ('CLONE_PREP','QUICK_PREP'(X),'SYS_PREP','NONE')
                 * createPool.NetBiosName = "NAMURND";
                 * createPool.DomainAdmin = "administrator";
                 * //createPool.EnableProvisioning = true;
                 * //createPool.StopProvisioningOnError = true;
                 * //createPool.MinReady = 0;                        // default : 0
                 * //createPool.MaximumCount = 1;                    // default : 1
                 * //createPool.SpareCount = 1;                      // default : 1
                 * //createPool.ProvisioningTime = "UP_FRONT";       // 프로비저닝 시기 결정(ON_DEMAND / UP_FRONT)
                 * vPool.NewPool<CreatePoolModel>(createPool);

                #region AgentSetting
                SystemSetting vmset  = new SystemSetting(IPAddress, LoginID, LoginPassword);
                SystemSetting vmset2 = new SystemSetting(vCenterIP, vCenterID, vCenterPassword);
                //string ProvisioningType = "";
                string DomainNetbios  = "namurnd";
                string DomainFQDN     = "namurnd.io";
                string DomainAdminID  = LoginID;
                string DomainAdminPW  = LoginPassword;
                string Domain_User_ID = hUser;
                string DomainOUDC     = "OU=Computer,DC=namurnd,DC=io";

                string SetIPAddress = "";
                string SubnetMask   = "";
                string GateWay      = "";
                string DNS1         = "";
                string DNS2         = "";
                string StateCallBack_IPAddressPort_IPPORT = ",9081/,9081";
                int    StateCallBack_CREATE_ID            = 160;

                string VMName = "LCTest002";
                //bool createOnly = false;

                string ReturnValue = string.Empty;
                string JsonText    = string.Empty;

                //int AD_SYNC_WAIT_RUN2_SECONDS = 0;
                //int AD_SYNC_WAIT_FINISH_SECONDS = 0;
                int AD_SYNC_WAIT_FINISH_SECONDS = 5;

                bool rtnValue = vmset.SetAgentDataNew_VMWare(DomainNetbios, DomainFQDN, DomainAdminID, DomainAdminPW, Domain_User_ID, DomainOUDC, SetIPAddress, SubnetMask, GateWay, DNS1, DNS2, StateCallBack_IPAddressPort_IPPORT, StateCallBack_CREATE_ID, VMName, AD_SYNC_WAIT_FINISH_SECONDS);

                ViewResult result = null;

                if (rtnValue)
                    //SetCopyVMGuestFile copyFile = new SetCopyVMGuestFile();
                    VMGuestFileModel copyFile = new VMGuestFileModel();
                    copyFile.Source        = string.Format("D:\\Temp\\{0}.json", VMName);
                    copyFile.Destination   = "${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\\Namutech\\ProvisioningAgent\\AgentWorkFlow.json";
                    copyFile.GuestUser     = "******";
                    copyFile.GuestPassword = "******";
                    copyFile.VMName        = VMName;

                    result = vmset2.FileCopyToVM <ViewResult>(copyFile);

                    //new vmwareapi.vmware.vcenter.VM.VMManager(vCenterIP, vCenterID, vCenterPassword).SetCopyGuestFile(copyFile);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CliException(CliException.Reason.Connection, "VMWare.HorizonView.Connection Exception", ex);

            #region 참고 주석 : PSSession, ViewBroker

             * // Enter-PSSession
             * Session sess = new Session(IPAddress, SessionID, LoginPassword, Protocol);
             * Commands.Clear();
             * Commands = sess.NewSessionCommands();
             * //Commands = sess.SessionCommands();
             * //Commands = sess.ExitSessionCommands();
             * Collection<PSObject> result2 = null;
             * Collection<PSObject> result3 = null;
             * try
             * {
             *  using (runSpace2 = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace())
             *  {
             *      runSpace2.Open();
             *      using (PowerShell pPs2 = PowerShell.Create())
             *      {
             *          pPs2.Runspace = runSpace2;
             *          foreach (var item in Commands)
             *          {
             *              pPs2.AddScript(item);
             *              //result2 = pPs2.Invoke();
             *          }
             *          result2 = pPs2.Invoke();
             *          if (result2.Count == 0 || (result2.Count > 0 && result2[0] == null))
             *          {
             *              Trace.WriteLine("[Session] HorizonView.EnterSession Failed");
             *              throw new CliException(CliException.Reason.Session);
             *          }
             *          ViewBroker broker = new ViewBroker(IPAddress, hUser, LoginPassword, Domain);
             *          Commands.Clear();
             *          Commands = broker.BrokerCommands();
             *          foreach (var item in Commands)
             *          {
             *              pPs2.AddScript(item);
             *              result3 = pPs2.Invoke();
             *              if (result3.Count == 0 || (result3.Count > 0 && result3[0] == null))
             *              {
             *                  Trace.WriteLine("[Broker] HorizonView.ViewBroker Failed");
             *                  throw new CliException(CliException.Reason.ViewBroker);
             *              }
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
             * catch (Exception ex)
             * {
             *  throw new CliException(CliException.Reason.Session, "Horizon EnterSession Exception", ex);
             * }
             * ViewBroker broker = new ViewBroker(IPAddress, hUser, LoginPassword, Domain);
             * Commands.Clear();
             * Commands = broker.BrokerCommands();
             * Collection<PSObject> result3 = null;
             * try
             * {
             *  using (runSpace3 = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace())
             *  {
             *      runSpace3.Open();
             *      using (PowerShell pPs3 = PowerShell.Create())
             *      {
             *          foreach (var item in Commands)
             *          {
             *              pPs3.Runspace = runSpace3;
             *              pPs3.AddScript(item);
             *              result3 = pPs3.Invoke();
             *              if (result3.Count == 0 || (result3.Count > 0 && result3[0] == null))
             *              {
             *                  Trace.WriteLine("[Broker] HorizonView.ViewBroker Failed");
             *                  throw new CliException(CliException.Reason.ViewBroker);
             *              }
             *          }
             *          broker.BrokerSnapIn();
             *      }
             *  }
             *  //Commands.Clear();
             *  // ViewBroker Snapin
             * }
             * catch (Exception)
             * {
             *  throw;
             * }