private void ActionMoveLerp(ActorRoot actor, uint nDelta, bool bReset) { if ((actor != null) && !this.stopCondtion) { VInt3 location = actor.location; VInt3 num2 = this.destPosition - location; int newMagn = (int)((this.velocity * nDelta) / 0x3e8); Vector3 position = actor.gameObject.transform.position; if (this.gravity < 0) { VInt num4; num2.y = 0; position += (Vector3)num2.NormalizeTo(newMagn); position.y += ((float)this.gravityControler.GetMotionLerpDistance((int)nDelta)) / 1000f; if (PathfindingUtility.GetGroundY((VInt3)position, out num4) && (position.y < ((float)num4))) { position.y = (float)num4; } } else { position += (Vector3)num2.NormalizeTo(newMagn); } actor.gameObject.transform.position = position; } }
private void ActionMoveLerp(ActorRoot actor, uint nDelta, bool bReset) { if (actor == null || this.stopCondtion) { return; } VInt3 location = actor.location; VInt3 vInt = this.destPosition - location; int num = this.velocity * (int)nDelta / 1000; Vector3 vector = actor.myTransform.position; if (this.gravity < 0) { vInt.y = 0; vector += (Vector3)vInt.NormalizeTo(num); vector.y += (float)this.gravityControler.GetMotionLerpDistance((int)nDelta) / 1000f; VInt vInt2; if (PathfindingUtility.GetGroundY((VInt3)vector, out vInt2) && vector.y < (float)vInt2) { vector.y = (float)vInt2; } } else { vector += (Vector3)vInt.NormalizeTo(num); } actor.myTransform.position = vector; }
public void UseSkillCacheLerpMove(PoolObjHandle <ActorRoot> _actorRoot, int _deltaTime, int _moveSpeed) { if ((_actorRoot != 0) && (((this.cacheMoveCommand != null) && !this.cacheMoveExpire) && (this.cacheMoveCommand.cmdType == 2))) { FrameCommand <MoveDirectionCommand> cacheMoveCommand = (FrameCommand <MoveDirectionCommand>) this.cacheMoveCommand; if (!_actorRoot.handle.ActorControl.GetNoAbilityFlag(ObjAbilityType.ObjAbility_Move)) { VInt3 num = VInt3.right.RotateY(cacheMoveCommand.cmdData.Degree); Vector3 position = _actorRoot.handle.gameObject.transform.position; VInt3 delta = num.NormalizeTo((_moveSpeed * _deltaTime) / 0x3e8); VInt groundY = 0; delta = PathfindingUtility.MoveLerp((ActorRoot)_actorRoot, (VInt3)position, delta, out groundY); if (_actorRoot.handle.MovementComponent.isFlying) { float y = position.y; Transform transform = _actorRoot.handle.gameObject.transform; transform.position += (Vector3)delta; Vector3 vector2 = _actorRoot.handle.gameObject.transform.position; vector2.y = y; _actorRoot.handle.gameObject.transform.position = vector2; } else { Transform transform2 = _actorRoot.handle.gameObject.transform; transform2.position += (Vector3)delta; } } } }
public void UseSkillCacheLerpMove(PoolObjHandle <ActorRoot> _actorRoot, int _deltaTime, int _moveSpeed) { if (!_actorRoot) { return; } if (this.cacheMoveCommand != null && !this.cacheMoveExpire && this.cacheMoveCommand.cmdType == 131) { FrameCommand <MoveDirectionCommand> frameCommand = (FrameCommand <MoveDirectionCommand>) this.cacheMoveCommand; if (!_actorRoot.handle.ActorControl.GetNoAbilityFlag(ObjAbilityType.ObjAbility_Move)) { VInt3 vInt = VInt3.right.RotateY((int)frameCommand.cmdData.Degree); Vector3 position = _actorRoot.handle.myTransform.position; VInt3 vInt2 = vInt.NormalizeTo(_moveSpeed * _deltaTime / 1000); VInt vInt3 = 0; vInt2 = PathfindingUtility.MoveLerp(_actorRoot, (VInt3)position, vInt2, out vInt3); if (_actorRoot.handle.MovementComponent.isFlying) { float y = position.y; _actorRoot.handle.myTransform.position += (Vector3)vInt2; Vector3 position2 = _actorRoot.handle.myTransform.position; position2.y = y; _actorRoot.handle.myTransform.position = position2; } else { _actorRoot.handle.myTransform.position += (Vector3)vInt2; } } } }
protected void CalcPosDir(out VInt3 outPos, out VInt3 outDir) { outPos = (VInt3)base.gameObject.transform.position; outDir = (VInt3)base.gameObject.transform.forward; if (this.RandomPos) { int num = 0; int num2 = (int)FrameRandom.Random(2001u); if (num2 > 1000) { num2 -= 1000; num2 = -num2; } int num3 = (int)FrameRandom.Random(2001u); if (num3 > 1000) { num3 -= 1000; num3 = -num3; } VInt3 vInt = new VInt3(num2, num, num3); Vector3 a = (Vector3)vInt; a.Normalize(); int num4 = 0; if (this.RandomPosRadiusOuter - this.RandomPosRadiusInner > 0) { num4 = (int)FrameRandom.Random((uint)(this.RandomPosRadiusOuter - this.RandomPosRadiusInner)) + this.RandomPosRadiusInner; } float d = (float)num4 * 0.001f; Vector3 vector = (Vector3)outPos + a * d; outPos = (VInt3)vector; outDir = vInt.NormalizeTo(1000); } }
public VFactor GetCosineAngle(VInt3 dest, MoveDirectionState state, out int edgeIndex) { VInt3 vInt = this.v1 - this.v0; VInt3 vInt2 = this.v2 - this.v0; VInt3 vInt3 = dest - this.v0; vInt3.NormalizeTo(1000); vInt.NormalizeTo(1000); vInt2.NormalizeTo(1000); long num = VInt3.DotXZLong(ref vInt3, ref vInt); long num2 = VInt3.DotXZLong(ref vInt3, ref vInt2); VFactor result = default(VFactor); result.den = 1000000L; if (num > num2) { edgeIndex =; result.nom = num; } else { edgeIndex = ( + 2) % 3; result.nom = num2; } return(result); }
public VFactor GetCosineAngle(VInt3 dest, MoveDirectionState state, out int edgeIndex) { VInt3 rhs = this.v1 - this.v0; VInt3 num2 = this.v2 - this.v0; VInt3 lhs = dest - this.v0; lhs.NormalizeTo(0x3e8); rhs.NormalizeTo(0x3e8); num2.NormalizeTo(0x3e8); long num4 = VInt3.DotXZLong(ref lhs, ref rhs); long num5 = VInt3.DotXZLong(ref lhs, ref num2); VFactor factor = new VFactor { den = 0xf4240L }; if (num4 > num5) { edgeIndex =; factor.nom = num4; return(factor); } edgeIndex = ( + 2) % 3; factor.nom = num5; return(factor); }
protected void CalcPosDir(out VInt3 outPos, out VInt3 outDir) { outPos = (VInt3)base.gameObject.transform.position; outDir = (VInt3)base.gameObject.transform.forward; if (this.RandomPos) { int num = 0; int num2 = FrameRandom.Random(0x7d1); if (num2 > 0x3e8) { num2 -= 0x3e8; num2 = -num2; } int num3 = FrameRandom.Random(0x7d1); if (num3 > 0x3e8) { num3 -= 0x3e8; num3 = -num3; } VInt3 num4 = new VInt3(num2, num, num3); Vector3 vector = (Vector3)num4; vector.Normalize(); int num5 = 0; if ((this.RandomPosRadiusOuter - this.RandomPosRadiusInner) > 0) { num5 = FrameRandom.Random((uint)(this.RandomPosRadiusOuter - this.RandomPosRadiusInner)) + this.RandomPosRadiusInner; } float num6 = num5 * 0.001f; Vector3 vector2 = ((Vector3)outPos) + ((Vector3)(vector * num6)); outPos = (VInt3)vector2; outDir = num4.NormalizeTo(0x3e8); } }
public void Move(out VInt3 targetDir, int dt) { targetDir = VInt3.forward; if (!this.targetReached && this.canMove) { ActorRoot handle =; VInt3 location = handle.location; VInt3 num2 = this.CaculateDir(location); if ((this.targetDirection.x != 0) || (this.targetDirection.z != 0)) { targetDir = this.targetDirection; targetDir.NormalizeTo(0x3e8); } else { targetDir = handle.forward; } VInt3 targetPos = handle.location; VInt3 delta = num2; delta *= (this.speed * dt) / 0x3e8; delta = (VInt3)(delta / 1000f); bool flag = (this.rvo != null) && this.rvo.enabled; bool collided = false; if (this.checkNavNode && !flag) { VInt num5; delta = PathfindingUtility.Move((ActorRoot), delta, out num5, out collided); handle.groundY = num5; } VInt3 num7 = handle.location - this.targetPos; if (num7.sqrMagnitudeLong2D <= delta.sqrMagnitudeLong2D) { if (this.checkNavNode && !this.targetPosIsValid) { targetPos = handle.location + delta; } else { targetPos = this.targetPos; } this.targetReached = true; this.OnTargetReached(); } else { targetPos = handle.location + delta; } if (flag) { VInt3 a = targetPos - handle.location; a = IntMath.Divide(a, 0x3e8L, (long)dt); this.rvo.Move(a); } else { handle.location = targetPos; handle.hasReachedNavEdge = collided; } } }
protected void CalcPosDir(out VInt3 outPos, out VInt3 outDir) { outPos = (VInt3)base.gameObject.transform.position; outDir = (VInt3)base.gameObject.transform.forward; if (this.RandomPos) { int y = 0; int num = (int)FrameRandom.Random(2001u); if (num > 1000) { num -= 1000; num = -num; } int num2 = (int)FrameRandom.Random(2001u); if (num2 > 1000) { num2 -= 1000; num2 = -num2; } VInt3 ob = new VInt3(num, y, num2); Vector3 a = (Vector3)ob; a.Normalize(); int num3 = 0; if (this.RandomPosRadiusOuter - this.RandomPosRadiusInner > 0) { num3 = (int)FrameRandom.Random((uint)(this.RandomPosRadiusOuter - this.RandomPosRadiusInner)) + this.RandomPosRadiusInner; } float d = (float)num3 * 0.001f; Vector3 ob2 = (Vector3)outPos + a * d; outPos = (VInt3)ob2; outDir = ob.NormalizeTo(1000); } }
public void Update(ActorRoot _parent) { if (!this.childActorRoot) { return; } VInt3 vInt = _parent.location + this.translation; if (this.translation.x != 0 || this.translation.z != 0) { VInt3 forward = VInt3.forward; VFactor vFactor = VInt3.AngleInt(_parent.forward, forward); int num = _parent.forward.x * forward.z - forward.x * _parent.forward.z; if (num < 0) { vFactor = VFactor.twoPi - vFactor; } VInt3 vInt2 = this.translation.RotateY(ref vFactor); vInt = _parent.location + vInt2.NormalizeTo(this.distance.i); vInt.y += this.translation.y; } this.childActorRoot.get_handle().location = vInt; this.childActorRoot.get_handle().forward = _parent.forward; this.UpdateMoveDelta(vInt); }
public override void Process(Action _action, Track _track, int _localTime) { base.Process(_action, _track, _localTime); if (!this.triggerActor || !this.targetActor || (this.moveSpeed == 0 && this.acceleration == 0)) { return; } if (this.done_) { return; } VInt3 location = this.triggerActor.handle.location; VInt3 vInt = this.targetActor.handle.location; int num = _localTime - this.lastTime_; this.lastTime_ = _localTime; VInt3 vInt2 = vInt - location; long num2 = (long)this.curSpeed * (long)num + (long)this.acceleration * (long)num * (long)num / 2L / 1000L; this.curSpeed = Mathf.Min(this.curSpeed + this.acceleration * num / 1000, this.maxMoveSpeed); this.curLerpSpeed = this.curSpeed; num2 /= 1000L; if (num2 >= (long)(vInt2.magnitude - this.lastDistance)) { num2 = (long)Mathf.Max(vInt2.magnitude - this.lastDistance, 0); this.done_ = true; vInt = location + vInt2.NormalizeTo((int)num2); if (!PathfindingUtility.IsValidTarget(this.triggerActor.handle, vInt)) { bool flag = false; VInt3 vInt3 = PathfindingUtility.FindValidTarget(this.triggerActor.handle, vInt, this.triggerActor.handle.location, 10000, out flag); VInt vInt4 = 0; PathfindingUtility.GetGroundY(vInt3, out vInt4); vInt3.y = vInt4.i; vInt = vInt3; vInt2 = vInt - this.triggerActor.handle.location; num2 = (long)vInt2.magnitude; } } this.dir = vInt2; if (vInt2 != { this.triggerActor.handle.MovementComponent.SetRotate(this.dir, true); this.triggerActor.handle.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation((Vector3)vInt2); } this.triggerActor.handle.location += vInt2.NormalizeTo((int)num2); }
public void ProcessInner(Action _action, Track _track, int delta) { VInt3 location = this.moveActor.handle.location; if ((this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Target) && (this.tarActor != 0)) { this.destPosition = this.tarActor.handle.location; if ((this.tarActor != 0) && (this.tarActor.handle.CharInfo != null)) { CActorInfo charInfo = this.tarActor.handle.CharInfo; this.hitHeight = charInfo.iBulletHeight; VInt3 a = this.moveActor.handle.location - this.destPosition; a.y = 0; a = a.NormalizeTo(0x3e8); this.destPosition += IntMath.Divide(a, (long)charInfo.iCollisionSize.x, 0x3e8L); } this.destPosition.y += this.hitHeight; } this.moveDirection = this.destPosition - location; this.lerpDirection = this.moveDirection; if (this.bMoveRotate) { this.RotateMoveBullet(this.moveDirection); } int newMagn = (this.velocity * delta) / 0x3e8; if ((newMagn * newMagn) >= this.moveDirection.sqrMagnitudeLong2D) { this.moveActor.handle.location = this.destPosition; this.stopCondtion = true; } else { VInt3 num4; if (this.gravity < 0) { VInt num5; this.moveDirection.y = 0; num4 = location + this.moveDirection.NormalizeTo(newMagn); num4.y += this.gravityControler.GetMotionDeltaDistance(delta); if (PathfindingUtility.GetGroundY(this.destPosition, out num5) && (num4.y < num5.i)) { num4.y = num5.i; } } else { num4 = location + this.moveDirection.NormalizeTo(newMagn); } this.moveActor.handle.location = num4; } SkillUseContext refParamObject = _action.refParams.GetRefParamObject <SkillUseContext>("SkillContext"); if (refParamObject != null) { refParamObject.EffectPos = this.moveActor.handle.location; refParamObject.EffectDir = this.moveDirection; } }
private void ActionMoveLerp(ActorRoot actor, uint nDelta, bool bReset) { if (actor != null) { if (this.done_ || this.teleport) { actor.gameObject.transform.position = (Vector3)actor.location; } else { VInt3 num3; VInt groundY = 0; VInt3 dir = this.dir; if (!this.shouldUseAcceleration) { num3 = dir.NormalizeTo((int)((this.moveSpeed * nDelta) / 0x3e8)); } else { long num4 = (this.lastLerpMoveSpeed * nDelta) + ((long)((((this.acceleration * nDelta) * nDelta) / ((ulong)2L)) / ((ulong)0x3e8L))); num4 /= 0x3e8L; num3 = dir.NormalizeTo((int)num4); this.lastLerpMoveSpeed += ((int)(this.acceleration * nDelta)) / 0x3e8; } Vector3 position = actor.gameObject.transform.position; if (!this.IgnoreCollision) { num3 = PathfindingUtility.MoveLerp(actor, (VInt3)position, num3, out groundY); } if (actor.MovementComponent.isFlying) { float y = position.y; Transform transform = actor.gameObject.transform; transform.position += (Vector3)num3; Vector3 vector2 = actor.gameObject.transform.position; vector2.y = y; actor.gameObject.transform.position = vector2; } else { Transform transform2 = actor.gameObject.transform; transform2.position += (Vector3)num3; } } } }
private void ActionMoveLerp(ActorRoot actor, uint nDelta, bool bReset) { if (actor == null) { return; } if (this.done_ || this.teleport) { actor.myTransform.position = (Vector3)actor.location; } else { VInt vInt = 0; VInt3 vInt2 = this.dir; VInt3 vInt3; if (!this.shouldUseAcceleration) { vInt3 = vInt2.NormalizeTo(this.moveSpeed * (int)nDelta / 1000); } else { long num = (long)this.lastLerpMoveSpeed * (long)((ulong)nDelta) + (long)this.acceleration * (long)((ulong)nDelta) * (long)((ulong)nDelta) / 2L / 1000L; num /= 1000L; vInt3 = vInt2.NormalizeTo((int)num); this.lastLerpMoveSpeed += (int)((long)this.acceleration * (long)((ulong)nDelta)) / 1000; } Vector3 position = actor.myTransform.position; if (!this.IgnoreCollision) { vInt3 = PathfindingUtility.MoveLerp(actor, (VInt3)position, vInt3, out vInt); } if (actor.MovementComponent.isFlying) { float y = position.y; actor.myTransform.position += (Vector3)vInt3; Vector3 position2 = actor.myTransform.position; position2.y = y; actor.myTransform.position = position2; } else { actor.myTransform.position += (Vector3)vInt3; } } }
private void RotateMoveBullet(VInt3 _dir) { if (_dir != { this.moveActor.handle.forward = _dir.NormalizeTo(0x3e8); Quaternion identity = Quaternion.identity; identity = Quaternion.LookRotation((Vector3)_dir); this.moveActor.handle.rotation = identity; } }
private void RotateMoveBullet(VInt3 _dir) { if (((this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Target) || (this.MoveType == ActorMoveType.Directional)) && (_dir != { this.moveActor.handle.forward = _dir.NormalizeTo(0x3e8); Quaternion identity = Quaternion.identity; identity = Quaternion.LookRotation((Vector3)_dir); this.moveActor.handle.rotation = identity; } }
private void RotateMoveBullet(VInt3 _dir) { if (_dir == { return; } this.moveActor.get_handle().forward = _dir.NormalizeTo(1000); Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity; rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation((Vector3)_dir); this.moveActor.get_handle().rotation = rotation; }
public static VInt3 MoveTowards(VInt3 from, VInt3 to, int dt) { VInt3 num2 = to - from; if (num2.sqrMagnitudeLong <= (dt * dt)) { return(to); } VInt3 num = to - from; return(from + num.NormalizeTo(dt)); }
public override void SetRotate(VInt3 InDirection, bool bInRotateImmediately) { if ((InDirection != && ! { InDirection = InDirection.NormalizeTo(0x3e8); = InDirection;, -1); = Quaternion.LookRotation((Vector3)InDirection); this.bRotateImmediately = bInRotateImmediately; this.bRotatingLock = true; } }
protected VInt3 CaculateDir(VInt3 currentPosition) { if (this.path == null || this.path.vectorPath == null || this.path.vectorPath.get_Count() == 0) { return(; } List <VInt3> vectorPath = this.path.vectorPath; if (vectorPath.get_Count() == 1) { vectorPath.Insert(0, currentPosition); } if (this.currentWaypointIndex >= vectorPath.get_Count()) { this.currentWaypointIndex = vectorPath.get_Count() - 1; } if (this.currentWaypointIndex <= 1) { this.currentWaypointIndex = 1; } while (this.currentWaypointIndex < vectorPath.get_Count() - 1) { long num = vectorPath.get_Item(this.currentWaypointIndex).XZSqrMagnitude(currentPosition); if (num == 0L) { this.lastFoundWaypointPosition = currentPosition; this.lastFoundWaypointTime = Time.time; this.currentWaypointIndex++; } else { if (num >= (long)(this.pickNextWaypointDist * this.pickNextWaypointDist)) { break; } VInt3 rhs = vectorPath.get_Item(this.currentWaypointIndex - 1); VInt3 lhs = vectorPath.get_Item(this.currentWaypointIndex); VInt3 vInt = lhs - rhs; long num2 = (long)vInt.magnitude2D; if (VInt3.DotXZLong(currentPosition - rhs, vInt.NormalizeTo(1000)) < num2 * 1000L) { break; } this.lastFoundWaypointPosition = currentPosition; this.lastFoundWaypointTime = Time.time; this.currentWaypointIndex++; } } this.targetPoint = this.CalculateTargetPoint(currentPosition, vectorPath.get_Item(this.currentWaypointIndex - 1), vectorPath.get_Item(this.currentWaypointIndex)); this.targetDirection = this.targetPoint - currentPosition; this.targetDirection.y = 0; return(this.targetDirection.NormalizeTo(1000)); }
public override VInt3 SelectTargetDir(SkillSlot UseSlot) { ActorRoot target = SelectTargetHelper.GetTarget(UseSlot); if (target != null) { VInt3 num = target.location - UseSlot.Actor.handle.location; num.y = 0; return(num.NormalizeTo(0x3e8)); } return(UseSlot.Actor.handle.forward); }
public override VInt3 SelectTargetDir(SkillSlot UseSlot) { ActorRoot nextSkillTarget = this.GetNextSkillTarget(UseSlot); if (nextSkillTarget != null) { VInt3 vInt = nextSkillTarget.location - UseSlot.Actor.get_handle().location; vInt.y = 0; return(vInt.NormalizeTo(1000)); } return(UseSlot.Actor.get_handle().forward); }
public override void UpdateShape(VInt3 location, VInt3 forward, int moveDelta) { this.axis[2] = forward; this.axis[0] = VInt3.Cross(ref this.axis[1], ref this.axis[2]); location -= forward.NormalizeTo(moveDelta >> 1); this.worldPos = IntMath.Transform(ref this.localPos, ref this.axis[0], ref this.axis[1], ref this.axis[2], ref location); this.worldExtends.x = this.size.x >> 1; this.worldExtends.y = this.size.y >> 1; this.worldExtends.z = this.size.z + moveDelta >> 1; this.worldRadius = Mathf.Max(this.worldExtends.x, Mathf.Max(this.worldExtends.y, this.worldExtends.z)); this.dirty = false; }
public override VInt3 SelectTargetDir(SkillSlot UseSlot) { ActorRoot lowestHpTarget = Singleton <TargetSearcher> .GetInstance().GetLowestHpTarget(UseSlot.Actor.get_handle(), UseSlot.SkillObj.GetMaxSearchDistance(UseSlot.GetSkillLevel()), TargetPriority.TargetPriority_Hero, UseSlot.SkillObj.cfgData.dwSkillTargetFilter, false, true); if (lowestHpTarget != null) { VInt3 vInt = lowestHpTarget.location - UseSlot.Actor.get_handle().location; vInt.y = 0; return(vInt.NormalizeTo(1000)); } return(UseSlot.Actor.get_handle().forward); }
public override VInt3 SelectTargetDir(SkillSlot UseSlot) { ActorRoot root = Singleton <TargetSearcher> .GetInstance().GetLowestHpTarget(UseSlot.Actor.handle, UseSlot.SkillObj.cfgData.iMaxSearchDistance, TargetPriority.TargetPriority_Hero, UseSlot.SkillObj.cfgData.dwSkillTargetFilter, false, true); if (root != null) { VInt3 num = root.location - UseSlot.Actor.handle.location; num.y = 0; return(num.NormalizeTo(0x3e8)); } return(UseSlot.Actor.handle.forward); }
protected VInt3 CaculateDir(VInt3 currentPosition) { if (this.path == null || this.path.vectorPath == null || this.path.vectorPath.get_Count() == 0) { return(; } List <VInt3> vectorPath = this.path.vectorPath; if (vectorPath.get_Count() == 1) { vectorPath.Insert(0, currentPosition); } if (this.currentWaypointIndex >= vectorPath.get_Count()) { this.currentWaypointIndex = vectorPath.get_Count() - 1; } if (this.currentWaypointIndex <= 1) { this.currentWaypointIndex = 1; } while (this.currentWaypointIndex < vectorPath.get_Count() - 1) { long num = vectorPath.get_Item(this.currentWaypointIndex).XZSqrMagnitude(currentPosition); if (num != 0L) { if (num < (long)this.pickNextWaypointDist * (long)this.pickNextWaypointDist) { VInt3 vInt = vectorPath.get_Item(this.currentWaypointIndex - 1); VInt3 vInt2 = vectorPath.get_Item(this.currentWaypointIndex); VInt3 vInt3 = vInt2 - vInt; long num2 = (long)vInt3.get_magnitude2D(); long num3 = VInt3.DotXZLong(currentPosition - vInt, vInt3.NormalizeTo(1000)); if (num3 >= num2 * 1000L) { this.lastFoundWaypointPosition = currentPosition; this.lastFoundWaypointTime = Time.time; this.currentWaypointIndex++; continue; } } IL_184: this.targetPoint = this.CalculateTargetPoint(currentPosition, vectorPath.get_Item(this.currentWaypointIndex - 1), vectorPath.get_Item(this.currentWaypointIndex)); this.targetDirection = this.targetPoint - currentPosition; this.targetDirection.y = 0; return(this.targetDirection.NormalizeTo(1000)); } this.lastFoundWaypointPosition = currentPosition; this.lastFoundWaypointTime = Time.time; this.currentWaypointIndex++; } goto IL_184; }
protected VInt3 CaculateDir(VInt3 currentPosition) { if (((this.path == null) || (this.path.vectorPath == null)) || (this.path.vectorPath.Count == 0)) { return(; } List <VInt3> vectorPath = this.path.vectorPath; if (vectorPath.Count == 1) { vectorPath.Insert(0, currentPosition); } if (this.currentWaypointIndex >= vectorPath.Count) { this.currentWaypointIndex = vectorPath.Count - 1; } if (this.currentWaypointIndex <= 1) { this.currentWaypointIndex = 1; } Label_0088: if (this.currentWaypointIndex < (vectorPath.Count - 1)) { long num = vectorPath[this.currentWaypointIndex].XZSqrMagnitude(currentPosition); if (num == 0) { this.lastFoundWaypointPosition = currentPosition; this.lastFoundWaypointTime = Time.time; this.currentWaypointIndex++; goto Label_0088; } if (num < (this.pickNextWaypointDist * this.pickNextWaypointDist)) { VInt3 num2 = vectorPath[this.currentWaypointIndex - 1]; VInt3 num3 = vectorPath[this.currentWaypointIndex]; VInt3 num4 = num3 - num2; long num5 = num4.magnitude2D; if (VInt3.DotXZLong(currentPosition - num2, num4.NormalizeTo(0x3e8)) >= (num5 * 0x3e8L)) { this.lastFoundWaypointPosition = currentPosition; this.lastFoundWaypointTime = Time.time; this.currentWaypointIndex++; goto Label_0088; } } } this.targetPoint = this.CalculateTargetPoint(currentPosition, vectorPath[this.currentWaypointIndex - 1], vectorPath[this.currentWaypointIndex]); this.targetDirection = this.targetPoint - currentPosition; this.targetDirection.y = 0; return(this.targetDirection.NormalizeTo(0x3e8)); }
public static VInt3 FindValidTarget(ActorRoot actor, VInt3 start, VInt3 end, int radius, out bool bResult) { long num = (long)radius * (long)radius; long num2 = start.XZSqrMagnitude(ref end); if (num2 < num) { return(PathfindingUtility.FindValidTarget(actor, start, end, out bResult)); } VInt3 vInt = end - start; VInt3 end2 = start + vInt.NormalizeTo(radius); return(PathfindingUtility.FindValidTarget(actor, start, end2, out bResult)); }
private void RotateMoveActor(VInt3 _dir) { if (this.MoveToRealTimePosition) { if (_dir == { return; } this.actor_.handle.forward = _dir.NormalizeTo(1000); Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity; rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation((Vector3)_dir); this.actor_.handle.rotation = rotation; } }