//sets the vip for the agent.
    VIPScript PickVIP(List <GameObject> VIPs)
        int       i         = Random.Range(0, VIPs.Count);
        VIPScript chosenVip = VIPs[i].GetComponent <VIPScript>();

        Controller.Agent_Clearance = chosenVip.gameObject.GetComponent <AgentControl>().Agent_Clearance;
    IEnumerator VIP_Track(float delay)
        if (Protect_Client == null)
            Protect_Client = PickVIP(GameController.GameManager.Target_Agents);

        while (true)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay));

    //The bodyguards role is to remain within the nearby vicinity of their allocated VIP or to safely escort the VIP around the map/protect them from the player.
    //Bodyguards must also be able to designate safe spaces to hide the vip or attempt to escort the vip out of the map.

    //currently, vip's are just normal civillians and will wonder around the map and go to specific locations on chance. VIP's also have master level access and can go anywhere.
    //in the case a VIP doesnt have access to the entire map, we make sure the bodyguards clearance matches that of their VIP.

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        Controller = GetComponent <AgentControl>();
        //pick a vip.
        if (GameController.GameManager.Target_Agents.Count > 0)
            Protect_Client = PickVIP(GameController.GameManager.Target_Agents);
        min_Dist = Random.Range(2, 4);
        max_Dist = Random.Range(5, 7);

        //under normal circumstances, the bodyguard should update their knowledge of the vips whereabouts every so often.